83_FR_7423 83 FR 7388 - Streamlining the Office of Inspector General's Freedom of Information Act Regulations and Implementing the FOIA Improvement Act of 2016

83 FR 7388 - Streamlining the Office of Inspector General's Freedom of Information Act Regulations and Implementing the FOIA Improvement Act of 2016


Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 35 (February 21, 2018)

Page Range7388-7394
FR Document2018-03400

This final rule amends the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) regulations for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Office of Inspector General (OIG) to align with HUD's FOIA regulations, to implement the FOIA Improvement Act of 2016, and to explain current OIG policies and practices with respect to FOIA.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 35 (Wednesday, February 21, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 35 (Wednesday, February 21, 2018)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 7388-7394]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-03400]



24 CFR Part 2002

[Docket No. FR-6048-F-01]

Streamlining the Office of Inspector General's Freedom of 
Information Act Regulations and Implementing the FOIA Improvement Act 
of 2016

AGENCY: Office of Inspector General, HUD.

ACTION: Final rule.


SUMMARY: This final rule amends the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) 
regulations for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development 
(HUD) Office of Inspector General (OIG) to align with HUD's FOIA 
regulations, to implement the FOIA Improvement Act of 2016, and to 
explain current OIG policies and practices with respect to FOIA.

DATES: Effective: March 23, 2018.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Maura Malone; Deputy Counsel to the 
Inspector General; Department of Housing and Urban Development; 451 
Seventh Street SW, Room 8260, Washington, DC 20410; 202-708-1613 (this 
is not a toll-free number). Persons with hearing or speech impairments 
may access this number through TTY by calling the Federal Relay Service 
at 800-877-8339 (this is a toll-free number).


I. Background

    In July 1967, HUD issued regulations at 24 CFR part 15 containing 
the policies and procedures governing public access to HUD records 
under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) (5 U.S.C. 552) (Pub. L. 89-
487, approved July 4, 1966). The Inspector General Act of 1978 (5 
U.S.C. App. 3) was enacted to ``create independent and objective 
units'' to perform investigative and monitoring functions within 
Executive agencies of the Federal Government, including HUD. HUD's 
regulations regarding public access to HUD records under the FOIA are 
at 24 CFR part 15. To further its independence, OIG officials, as 
opposed to HUD officials, make determinations concerning the release of 
OIG records. In 1984, the HUD OIG published 24 CFR part 2002, which 
explains the procedures for requesting information from the OIG under 
the FOIA. Part 2002 cross referenced several of HUD's regulations at 24 
CFR part 15. The OIG last amended its FOIA regulations in July 2002 (67 
FR 47216). Subsequently, HUD made several changes to its FOIA 
regulation, which has affected some of the regulations referenced in 
part 2002 (80 FR 49140).
    On June 30, 2016, the President signed into law the FOIA 
Improvement Act of 2016 (2016 Act) (Pub. L. 114-185). The 2016 Act 
addresses a range of procedural issues, including requirements that 
agencies establish a minimum of 90 days for requesters to file an 
administrative appeal and that agencies provide dispute resolution 
services at various times throughout the FOIA process. The 2016 Act 
also codifies a ``foreseeable harm'' standard, amends a FOIA disclosure 
exemption, creates a new Chief FOIA Officer Council within the 
Executive Branch, and adds two new elements to agency Annual FOIA 
Reports. The amendments apply to any request made after the date of 
enactment. The 2016 Act also requires agencies to review and issue 
updated regulations on procedures for the disclosure of records under 
FOIA, in accordance with the amendments made by the 2016 Act. On 
January 12, 2017, HUD issued a direct final rule amending its FOIA 
regulation to reflect the 2016 Act amendments (82 FR 3619).

II. Changes Made in This Final Rule

    In this final rule, the HUD OIG seeks to amend its FOIA regulations 
to address the 2016 Act changes, conform its regulations with HUD's, 
and simplify its regulations to make the process clearer to the 
requesting public. The following is an overview of nontechnical changes 
made in this final rule:

Section 2002.3 OIG's Overall Policy Concerning Disclosable Records

    The OIG adds the title and contact information for the FOIA Public 
Liaison that is available to answer questions for FOIA requesters, as 
required by the 2016 Act.

Section 2002.5 How To Make a Request for OIG Records; Records Produced

    This section is updated to provide for requests to be made in 
writing, which aligns with HUD's FOIA regulations, and provides that 
such requests may be made using the OIG public website. The regulations 
also reflect the requirement that the requestor, when requesting 
records on themselves, may be required to identify themselves when 
making a request or such a request may be found insufficient and 
closed. Lastly, the OIG also clarifies that for purposes of reasonably 
describing a record, a more specific FOIA request will likely result in 
the OIG locating the records requested. The OIG notes that a request 
for ``any and all'' records over an

[[Page 7389]]

extended period of time may be rejected for not reasonably describing 
the record.

Section 2002.7 OIG Processing of Requests, Multi-Tracking, and 
Expedited Processing

    This rule provides the tracking process for requests that qualify 
as unusual circumstance under the definition at 5 U.S.C. 
552(a)(6)(B)(iii). In adding the definition, the OIG adds an example of 
audit work papers under the definition of ``unusual circumstances'' to 
clarify that requests for audit work papers usually qualify as unusual 
circumstances and take longer than 20 working days to process because 
work papers related to an audit, if it is accepted for processing as a 
proper request, generally take weeks or months to process.

Section 2002.9 Proactive Disclosures of Records

    The 2016 Act requires agencies to ``make available for public 
inspection in an electronic format'' records that, because of their 
subject matter, the agency determines ``have become or are likely to 
become the subject of subsequent requests for substantially the same 
records,'' or that have been requested 3 or more times. The 2016 Act 
also adds new reporting requirements for agencies by requiring that 
agencies submit an Annual FOIA Report, which covers the preceding 
fiscal year, to be submitted to the Director of the Office of 
Government Information Services.\1\ The raw statistical data used in 
each report must be made available without charge, license, or 
registration requirement; in an aggregated, searchable format, and in a 
format that may be downloaded in bulk. Both the report and the raw 
statistical data used in the report must be made available for public 
inspection in an electronic format. In response, the OIG is amending 
Sec.  2002.9 to comply with these requirements.

    \1\ Under FOIA, agencies are also required to submit an Annual 
FOIA Report to the Attorney General of the United States (5 U.S.C. 

Section 2002.13 Fee Schedule, Advance Payment, Interest Charges, and 
Waiving or Reducing Fees

    This rule amends Sec.  2002.13 to adopt HUD's fee schedule and 
policies in their entirety through cross-reference to HUD's FOIA 
regulation at Sec.  15.106. Incorporated in HUD's regulations are the 
2016 Act new provisions regarding agencies' ability to assess search 
and duplication fees. First, the 2016 Act provides that an agency shall 
not assess any search fees, or in some cases, duplication fees, if the 
agency has failed to comply with any time limit described at 5 U.S.C. 
552(a)(6), which are set out in OIG's FOIA regulations at Sec.  
2002.15, with limited exceptions. Second, if an agency determines that 
unusual circumstances apply to the processing of a FOIA request, and 
the agency has provided timely written notice to the requester, then a 
delayed response time is excused for an additional 10 days; however, if 
the agency fails to comply with the extended time limit, it may not 
charge search fees, or, in some cases, duplication fees, with limited 
exceptions. Third, the 2016 Act provides an exception allowing agencies 
to charge search fees, or in some cases, duplication fees, if unusual 
circumstances apply, more than 5,000 pages are necessary to respond to 
the request, timely written notice has been made to the requester, and 
the agency has discussed with the requester via written mail, 
electronic mail, or telephone (or made not less than three good-faith 
attempts to do so) how the requester could effectively limit the scope 
of the request. Fourth, the 2016 Act maintains that if a court 
determines that ``exceptional circumstances'' exist, as defined in 5 
U.S.C. 552(a)(6)(C), the agency's failure to comply with a time limit 
``shall be excused for the length of time provided by the court 
    As for the definition of ``commercial requesters'' adopted from 
HUD's regulation, the OIG clarifies that as a policy, it will treat 
owners of websites that contain advertisements, or that charge fees in 
any way, to be ``commercial requesters,'' if they do not use editorial 
skills to turn the posted materials into a distinct work, or provide 
significant editorial comments. Owners of websites that do not contain 
advertisements, but that post requested documents without altering such 
documents or providing editorial comments, will be considered ``other 
requesters,'' unless the websites are used to advertise or publicize 
the skills or expertise of the owners.
    This rule also removes OIG's existing FOIA regulations at Sec.  
2002.13 because the collecting of interest charges on any unpaid bills 
is consistent with HUD's FOIA regulations at Sec.  15.106(g).

Section 2002.15 Time Limitations

    When a FOIA request involves ``unusual circumstances,'' agencies 
have long been required to provide written notice to the requester, and 
in those instances where an extension of time of more than 10 working 
days is specified, agencies have been required to provide the requester 
with an opportunity to limit the scope of the request so that it can be 
processed more quickly or to arrange an alternative time to respond. 
The 2016 Act adds an additional requirement that when unusual 
circumstances exist and an agency extends the time limits by more than 
10 additional working days, in the written notice to the requester they 
must notify the requester of their right to seek dispute resolution 
services from the FOIA Public Liaison of the agency or the Office of 
Government Information Services. To address this requirement, the OIG 
is revising Sec.  2002.15 to incorporate the change enacted by the 2016 
    The OIG is also using this final rule to update several specific 
provisions of Sec.  2002.15 to more accurately reflect the statutory 
language in 5 U.S.C. 552(a)(6)(A)(i). First, the OIG is amending Sec.  
2002.15(a) to state that OIG will generally ``make a determination 
whether to comply with a FOIA request within 20 working days.'' Second, 
the OIG is amending the provision that addresses when OIG may extend 
the time periods for processing a FOIA request, to remove the sentence 
that limits extensions to 10 working days. The OIG is removing this 
language as inconsistent with the plain reading of the statute, the 
logic of the rest of the language in Sec.  2002.15, and Department of 
Justice guidance.\2\ Finally, in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 
552(a)(6)(B)(ii), the OIG is updating Sec.  2002.15 to include the 
provision that the OIG shall make available its FOIA Public Liaison, 
who shall assist in the resolution of any disputes between the 
requester and the OIG.

    \2\ See Department of Justice Guide to the Freedom of 
Information Act, https://www.justice.gov/oip/doj-guide-freedom-information-act-0.

    When an agency makes a determination regarding whether to comply 
with a FOIA request, the 2016 Act provides that the agency is required 
to immediately notify the requester of such determination and the 
reasons therefore, and notify the requester that they have a right to 
seek assistance from the agency's FOIA Public Liaison. For adverse 
determinations, the 2016 Act requires that agencies afford the 
requester no less than 90 days from the date of the adverse 
determination on the request to file an appeal. In addition, the 2016 
Act requires that agencies notify the requester that they may seek 
dispute resolution services from the FOIA Public Liaison or from the 
Office of Government Information Services. Consistent with this 
requirement, the OIG has revised Sec.  2002.15 to provide that, once 
OIG makes a determination regarding compliance, the OIG will

[[Page 7390]]

immediately notify the requester of such determination, the reasons 
therefore, and their right to seek assistance from the FOIA Public 

Section 2002.19 Authority To Deny Requests for Records and Form of 
Denial, Exemptions, and Exclusions

    The 2016 Act requires that agencies withhold information under FOIA 
``only if the agency reasonably foresees that disclosure would harm an 
interest protected by an exemption'' or if disclosure is prohibited by 
law. The 2016 Act further directs agencies to consider whether partial 
disclosure of information is possible whenever the agency determines 
that a full disclosure of a requested record is not possible, and to 
take reasonable steps necessary to segregate and release nonexempt 
information. The 2016 Act does not require disclosure of information 
that is otherwise prohibited from disclosure by law or otherwise 
exempted from disclosure under Exemption 3.
    Consistent with these changes, the OIG is amending Sec.  2002.19 to 
provide that the OIG shall withhold information only if it is 
reasonably foreseeable that disclosure would harm an interest protected 
by an exemption, or if disclosure is prohibited by law. The OIG will 
also consider whether partial disclosure of information is possible if 
it determines that a full disclosure of a requested record is not 
possible and will take reasonable steps necessary to segregate and 
release nonexempt information.
    In addition, the 2016 Act amends Exemption 5 of FOIA to provide 
that the deliberative process privilege does not apply to records 
created 25 years or more before the date on which the records were 
requested. In accordance with the 2016 Act, the OIG is revising Sec.  
2002.19 to state that the deliberative process privilege ``shall not 
apply to records created 25 years or more before the date on which the 
records were requested.''
    For adverse determinations, the OIG is amending Sec.  2002.19 to 
provide that the OIG will notify the requester of their right to file 
an appeal no less than 90 days after the date of receiving the adverse 
determination. Finally, the OIG is amending Sec.  2002.19 to provide 
that the OIG will notify the requester of their right to seek dispute 
resolution services from the FOIA Public Liaison or from the Office of 
Government Information Services.

Section 2002.23 Administrative Review

    The OIG amends Sec.  2002.23, consistent with the 2016 Act to 
provide that the OIG will notify requesters of dispute resolution 
services in its FOIA appeal determination response letter and that they 
have 90 days to seek an appeal. The OIG is also amending Sec.  2002.23 
to clarify that appeals may be submitted electronically and lists the 
items that a requestor should include in an appeal, such as a copy of 
the original request and the written denial.

III. Justification for Final Rulemaking

    In general, OIG publishes a rule for public comment before issuing 
a rule for effect, in accordance with OIG's regulations on rulemaking 
at 24 CFR part 10. Section 10.1, however, provides an exception from 
that general rule where OIG finds good cause to omit advance notice and 
public participation. The good cause requirement is satisfied when the 
prior public procedure is ``impracticable, unnecessary or contrary to 
the public interest.''
    The OIG finds that good cause exists to publish this rule for 
effect without first soliciting public comment because prior public 
comment is unnecessary. This final rule follows the statutory directive 
in section 3 of the 2016 Act, which requires agencies to review and 
issue updated regulations on procedures for the disclosure of records 
under FOIA, in accordance with the amendments made by the 2016 Act. The 
2016 Act codifies a number of transparency and openness principles and 
enacts a number of procedural requirements, including requiring that 
agencies establish a minimum of 90 days for requesters to file an 
administrative appeal and that they provide dispute resolution services 
at various times throughout FOIA process. This final rule reflects the 
changes required by the 2016 Act. Additionally, this final rule makes 
technical amendments to align the OIG's FOIA regulation with HUD's FOIA 
regulation at 24 CFR part 15 and clarifies current OIG FOIA procedures 
to streamline and simplify the process of filing FOIA requests.

IV. Findings and Certifications

Executive Order 12866 and Executive Order 13563

    Executive Orders 12866 and 13563 direct agencies to assess all 
costs and benefits of available regulatory alternatives and, if the 
regulation is necessary, to select the regulatory approach that 
maximizes net benefits. This final rule incorporates changes enacted by 
the 2016 Act and makes other minor procedural changes that align this 
OIG regulation to HUD's FOIA regulation at 24 CFR part 15. As a result, 
this rule was determined to not be a significant regulatory action 
under section 3(f) of Executive Order 12866, Regulatory Planning and 
Review, and therefore was not reviewed by OMB.

Environmental Review

    This final rule is categorically excluded from environmental review 
under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321). 
The revision of the FOIA-related provisions of 24 CFR part 2002 falls 
within the exclusion provided by 24 CFR 50.19(c)(1), in that it does 
not direct, provide for assistance or loan and mortgage insurance for, 
or otherwise govern or regulate real property acquisition, disposition, 
leasing, rehabilitation, alteration, demolition, or new construction; 
or establish, revise, or provide for standards for construction or 
construction materials, manufactured housing, or occupancy.

Regulatory Flexibility Act

    The Secretary, in accordance with the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 
U.S.C. 605(b)), has reviewed this final rule before publication and by 
approving it certifies that this rule does not have a significant 
economic impact on a substantial number of small entities. This final 
rule contains no anti-competitive discriminatory aspects with regard to 
small entities nor are there any unusual procedures that would need to 
be complied with by small entities.

Executive Order 13132, Federalism

    Executive Order 13132 (entitled ``Federalism'') prohibits an 
agency, to the extent practicable and permitted by law, from 
promulgating a regulation that has federalism implications and either 
imposes substantial direct compliance costs on State and local 
governments and is not required by statute, or preempts State law, 
unless the agency meets the relevant requirements of section 6 of the 
Executive Order. This final rule does not have federalism implications 
and does not impose substantial direct compliance costs on State and 
local governments or preempt State law within the meaning of the 
Executive order.

Unfunded Mandates Reform Act

    Title II of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (2 U.S.C. 
1531-1538) establishes requirements for Federal agencies to assess the 
effects of their regulatory actions on State, local, and tribal 
governments and the private sector. This final rule does not impose any 
Federal mandates on any State, local, or tribal governments or the 
private sector within the meaning of the

[[Page 7391]]

Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995.

List of Subjects in 24 CFR Part 2002

    Release of information under the Freedom of Information Act.

Accordingly, for the reasons stated above, OIG revises 24 CFR part 2002 
to read as follows:


2002.1 Scope of this part and applicability of other HUD 
2002.3 OIG's overall policy concerning disclosable records and 
requests for OIG records.
2002.5 How to make a request for OIG records; records produced.
2002.7 OIG processing of requests, multi-tracking, and expedited 
2002.9 Proactive disclosures of records.
2002.11 Agency review of records and aggregating requests.
2002.13 Fee schedule, advance payment, and waiving or reducing fees.
2002.15 Time limitations.
2002.17 Authority to release records or duplications.
2002.19 Authority to deny requests for records and form of denial, 
exemptions, and exclusions.
2002.21 Effect of denial of request.
2002.23 Administrative review.

    Authority:  5 U.S.C. 552; 5 U.S.C. App. 3; 42 U.S.C. 3535(d); 
Delegation of Authority, 46 FR 2389.

Sec.  2002.1  Scope of this part and applicability of other HUD 

    (a) General. This part contains the regulations of the Office of 
Inspector General (OIG) that implement the Freedom of Information Act 
(FOIA) (5 U.S.C. 552). It informs the public how to request records and 
information from the OIG and explains the procedure to use if a request 
is denied. Requests made by individuals for records about themselves 
under the Privacy Act of 1974, 5 U.S.C. 552a, are processed in 
accordance with 24 CFR part 2003 as well as this part. Requests for 
documents made by subpoena or other demands of courts or other 
authorities are governed by procedures contained in part 2004 of this 
chapter. These rules should be read in conjunction with the text of the 
FOIA and the Uniform Freedom of Information Fee Schedule and Guidelines 
published by the Office of Management and Budget. This policy does not 
create any right enforceable in court.
    (b) Applicability of HUD's FOIA regulations. In addition to the 
regulations in this part, Sec. Sec.  15.2 and 15.106 of this title 
apply to the production or disclosure of information in the possession 
of the OIG, except as limited in paragraph (c) of this section or 
otherwise expressly stated in this part.
    (c) Limited applicability of Sec. Sec.  15.2 and 15.106 of this 
title. The OIG has different people and entities involved in the FOIA 
process than those defined in Sec.  15.2 and these people and entities 
are specifically identified in this part. For purposes of this part, 
when the words ``HUD'' or ``Department'' are used in Sec.  15.2 or 
Sec.  15.106, the term means the OIG. The OIG will follow the fee 
schedule at Sec.  15.106 except as otherwise provided in this part. 
Where Sec.  15.106 references Sec.  15.103, the OIG reference in this 
part is Sec.  2002.15.

Sec.  2002.3  OIG's overall policy concerning disclosable records.

    (a) The OIG will administer its FOIA program with a presumption of 
openness. This policy does not create any right enforceable in court. 
The OIG will fully and responsibly disclose its identifiable records 
and information consistent with competing public interests, such as 
national security, personal privacy, grand jury and investigative 
secrecy, complainant confidentiality, and agency deliberative process, 
as are recognized by FOIA and other Federal statutes. The OIG will 
apply the FOIA exemptions if release could foreseeably harm an interest 
protected by a FOIA exemption. Release of records will be made as 
promptly as possible.
    (b) The OIG FOIA Public Liaison is the Deputy Counsel to the 
Inspector General. Requesters who have questions or comments concerning 
their FOIA request may contact the FOIA Public Liaison at 202-708-1613, 
or through the FOIA email at [email protected].

Sec.  2002.5  How to make a request for OIG records; records produced.

    (a) Any request for OIG records must be made in writing. The 
easiest way to make a FOIA request is electronically through our public 
website at www.hudoig.gov. A request may also be made by submitting the 
written request to The Office of Inspector General; Department of 
Housing and Urban Development; 451 Seventh Street SW, Suite 8260, 
Washington, DC 20410. The envelope should indicate it is a FOIA 
request. A request for OIG records may also be made in person during 
normal business hours at any office where OIG employees are permanently 
    (b) Each request must reasonably describe the desired record, 
including the title or name, author, subject matter, and number or 
date, where possible, so that the record may be identified and located. 
The more specific the FOIA request for records, the more likely OIG 
officials will be able to locate the records requested. The request 
should also include the name, address and telephone number of the 
requester, the fee category that the requester believes applies to the 
request, and the form or format in which the requester would like the 
desired record to be reproduced, if the requester has a preference. In 
order to enable the OIG to comply with the time limitations set forth 
in Sec.  2002.15, both the envelope containing a written request and 
the letter itself should clearly indicate that the subject is a Freedom 
of Information Act request.
    (c) The request must be accompanied by the fee or an offer to pay 
the fee as determined in Sec.  15.106 of this title and Sec.  2002.13.
    (d) The OIG may require information verifying the requester's 
identity, if the requester requests agency records pertaining to the 
requester, a minor, or an individual who is legally incompetent. 
Failure to provide the information when requested will result in the 
request being found insufficient and closed. It will not prevent the 
future refiling of the request.
    (e) Duplication of available records will be made as promptly as 
possible. Such duplication can take the form of paper copy, audiovisual 
materials, or machine-readable documentation (e.g., electronic 
documents on CD, DVD, flash drive, etc.). Records that are published or 
available for sale will not be reproduced.
    (f) The OIG shall honor a requester's specified preference of form 
or format of disclosure if the record is readily reproducible with 
reasonable efforts in the requested form or format by the office 
responding to the request.
    (g) If the requester makes a request for expedited processing, the 
request must provide a detailed explanation of the basis for the 
request. The requester should also include a statement certifying the 
truth of the circumstances supporting the requester's compelling need. 
Requests for expedited processing that simply recite the statutory 
language are generally not granted.

Sec.  2002.7  OIG processing of requests, multi-tracking, and expedited 

    (a) Tracking number. FOIA requests will be logged in the order that 
they are received and be assigned a tracking number, except as provided 
in paragraph (c) of this section. A requester should use the tracking 
number to identify his or her request when contacting the FOIA office 
for any reason. An acknowledgement of receipt of the request, with the 

[[Page 7392]]

tracking number, will be sent to the requester by the FOIA office.
    (b) Multi-track processing--(1) Types of tracks. For requests that 
do not qualify for expedited processing, the OIG places each request in 
one of two tracks, simple or complex, based on the amount of work and 
time involved in processing the request. In doing so, the OIG will 
consider whether the request involves the processing of voluminous 
documents or responsive documents from more than one organizational 
unit. Within each track, the OIG processes requests in the order in 
which they are received.
    (2) Unusual circumstances. Requests for audit work papers are 
considered complex requests and generally qualify as an unusual 
circumstance under 5 U.S.C. 552(a)(6)(B)(iii), taking longer than 20 
working days to process. Requests for ``all'' specified records over a 
span of time, if they are accepted as reasonably describing a specific 
group of records, are considered complex requests and usually qualify 
as an unusual circumstance under 5 U.S.C. 552(a)(6)(B)(iii), taking 
longer than 20 working days to process. Requesters who make requests 
qualifying as unusual circumstances will be offered an opportunity to 
narrow the scope of their request or arrange for an alternative time 
    (3) Misdirected requests. For requests that have been sent to the 
wrong office, the OIG will assign the request within each track using 
the earlier of either:
    (i) The date on which the request was referred to the appropriate 
office; or
    (ii) The end of the 10 working-day period in which the request 
should have been referred to the appropriate office.
    (c) Expedited processing. (1) The OIG may take your request or 
appeal out of normal order if the OIG determines that you have a 
compelling need for the records or in other cases as determined by the 
OIG. Any requester may ask for expedited processing at any time. If 
expedited processing is requested, the OIG will notify the requester 
within 10 working days whether it will grant expedited processing.
    (2) The OIG will grant requests for expedited processing if it 
finds a compelling need under 5 U.S.C. 552(a)(6)(E). Evidence of a 
compelling need by a person making a request for expedited processing 
must be made in a statement certified by such person to be true and 
correct to the best of such person's knowledge and belief. A compelling 
need exists if:
    (i) Your failure to obtain the requested records on an expedited 
basis could reasonably be expected to pose an imminent threat to the 
life or physical safety of an individual;
    (ii) You are primarily engaged in disseminating information and 
there is an urgency to inform the public concerning actual or alleged 
Federal Government activity; or
    (iii) Your failure to obtain the requested records on an expedited 
basis could result in the loss of substantial due process rights.
    (3) If the OIG grants the request for expedited processing, the OIG 
will give the request priority and will process it as soon as 

Sec.  2002.9  Proactive disclosures of records.

    (a) You may review records that section 552(a)(2) of FOIA requires 
the OIG to make available to the public in the electronic reading rooms 
identified in paragraph (b) of this section. That is the preferable 
method; however, you may also ask to review those documents that are in 
hardcopy at the Headquarters offices at HUD's Library, 451 Seventh 
Street SW, Suite 8141, Washington, DC 20410. This request should be 
coordinated through Office of Legal Counsel, Office of Inspector 
General, Suite 8254. Local offices may coordinate local requests for 
hardcopy reviews.
    (b) As required by 5 U.S.C. 552(a)(2), the OIG makes records 
created on or after November 1, 1996, available through its Electronic 
FOIA Reading Room, located at https://www.hudoig.gov/foia. These 
records include:
    (1) Copies of all records, regardless of form or format that have 
been released to any person under this part: and
    (i) Because of the nature of their subject matter, the agency 
determines that the records have become or are likely to become the 
subject of subsequent requests for substantially the same records; or
    (ii) Have been requested three or more times.
    (2) Report for the preceding fiscal year submitted to the U.S. 
Attorney General and the Director of the Office of Government 
Information Services as required by 5 U.S.C. 552(e) and the raw 
statistical data used in each report. This report will be made 
    (i) Without charge, license, or registration requirement;
    (ii) In an aggregated, searchable format; and
    (iii) In a format that may be downloaded in bulk.
    (c) The OIG also makes other documents, such as audits and 
semiannual reports, available to the public at https://www.hudoig.gov/.

Sec.  2002.11  Agency review of records and aggregating requests.

    (a) Review of records. Only requesters who are seeking documents 
for commercial use may be charged for the time the OIG spends reviewing 
records to determine whether the records are exempt from mandatory 
disclosure. Charges will be assessed only for the initial review; i.e., 
the review undertaken the first time the OIG reviews a particular 
record or portion of a record to apply an exemption. The OIG will not 
charge for review at the administrative appeal level of an exemption 
already applied. However, records or portions of records withheld under 
an exemption that is subsequently determined not to apply may be 
reviewed again to determine the applicability of other exemptions not 
previously considered. The costs for such a subsequent review would be 
properly assessable. Review time will be assessed at the same rates 
established for search time in Sec. Sec.  2002.13 and 15.106 of this 
    (b) Aggregating requests. (1) The OIG may aggregate multiple 
requests in cases where unusual circumstances exist and the OIG 
determines that:
    (i) Certain requests from the same requester or from a group of 
requesters acting in concert actually constitute a single request; and
    (ii) The requests involve clearly related matters.
    (2) Aggregation of requests for this purpose will be conducted 
independent of aggregation of requests for fee purposes under Sec.  
15.106(h) of this title.

Sec.  2002.13   Fee schedule, advance payment, interest charges, and 
waiving or reducing fees.

    The OIG will charge for processing requests under the FOIA in 
accordance with Sec.  15.106 of this title, except where those 
provisions conflict with provisions of this part; more specifically, 
where Sec.  15.106 references Sec.  15.103 of this title replace such 
reference with Sec.  2002.15.

Sec.  2002.15  Time limitations.

    (a) General. Upon receipt of a request for records, the appropriate 
Assistant Inspector General or an appointed designee will generally 
make a determination whether to comply with a FOIA request within 20 
working days. The Assistant Inspector General or designee will 
immediately notify the requestor in writing of the determination and 
the reason(s) for such determination and the right of the person to 
request assistance from the FOIA Public Liaison. The 20-day period will 
begin on the day the request is

[[Page 7393]]

received by the OIG, but in any event not later than 10 working days 
after the request is received by any component designated to receive 
FOIA requests, and after any fees or advance payment of fees under 
Sec.  2002.13 has been made.
    (b) Scope of responsive records. In determining which records are 
responsive to a request, an agency ordinarily will include only records 
in its possession as of the date that it begins its search. If any 
other date is used, the agency must inform the requester of that date. 
A record that is excluded from the requirements of the FOIA pursuant to 
5 U.S.C. 552(c) is not considered responsive to a request.
    (c) Unusual circumstances. Under unusual circumstances, as 
specified in this paragraph (c), the OIG may extend the time period for 
processing a FOIA request. In such circumstances, the OIG will provide 
the requester with written notice setting forth the unusual 
circumstances for the extension and the date on which a determination 
is expected to be made. This date will not exceed 10 working days 
beyond the general time established in paragraph (a) of this section. 
If processing a request would require more than 10 working days beyond 
the general time limit established in paragraph (a) of this section, 
the OIG will offer the requester an opportunity to reduce or limit the 
scope of the request in order to allow the OIG to process it within the 
extra 10-day working period or arrange an alternative time period 
within which the FOIA request will be processed. To aid the requester, 
the OIG shall make available its FOIA Public Liaison, who shall assist 
in the resolution of any disputes between the requester and the OIG, 
and notify the requester of the right of the requester to seek dispute 
resolution services from the Office of Government Information Services. 
Unusual circumstances mean that there is a need:
    (1) To search for and collect the requested records from field 
facilities or other establishments that are separate from the office 
processing the request;
    (2) To search for, collect, and appropriately examine a voluminous 
amount of separate and distinct records that are demanded in a single 
request (e.g. audit work papers); or
    (3) For consultation, which shall be conducted with all practicable 
speed, with another agency having a substantial interest in the 
determination of the request or among two or more offices of the Office 
of Inspector General having a substantial interest in the subject 
matter of the request.

Sec.  2002.17  Authority to release records or duplications.

    Any Assistant Inspector General or an appointed designee is 
authorized to release any record (or duplication) pertaining to 
activities for which he or she has primary responsibility, unless 
disclosure is clearly inappropriate under this part. No authorized 
person may release records for which another officer has primary 
responsibility without the consent of the officer or his or her 

Sec.  2002.19  Authority to deny requests for records and form of 
denial, exemptions, and exclusions.

    (a) Process for denying requests. An Assistant Inspector General or 
the Counsel to the Inspector General, or their designees, may deny a 
request for a record. Any denial will:
    (1) Be in writing;
    (2) State simply the reasons for the denial;
    (3) Provide an estimate of the volume of records or information 
withheld, when appropriate, in number of pages or in some other 
reasonable form of estimation. This estimate does not need to be 
provided if the volume is otherwise indicated through deletions on 
records disclosed in part, or if providing an estimate would harm an 
interest protected by an applicable exemption;
    (4) Identify the person(s) responsible for the denial by name and 
    (5) Provide notice of the right of the requester to appeal to the 
Deputy Inspector General, within a period determined by the head of the 
agency that is not less than 90 days after the date of such adverse 
determination, consistent with Sec.  2002.23; and
    (6) Provide notice of the right of the requester to seek dispute 
resolution services from the FOIA Public Liaison of the agency or the 
Office of Government Information Services.
    (b) Denying requests generally. The OIG shall withhold information 
only if the OIG reasonably foresees that disclosure would harm an 
interest protected by an exemption as provided in this section, or 
disclosure is prohibited by law. The OIG will consider whether partial 
disclosure of information is possible whenever the OIG determines that 
a full disclosure of a requested record is not possible and will take 
reasonable steps necessary to segregate and release nonexempt 
information. Nothing in this section requires disclosure of information 
that is otherwise prohibited from disclosure by law or otherwise 
exempted from disclosure as provided in this section.
    (c) FOIA exemptions. The FOIA contains nine exemptions (5 U.S.C. 
552(b)) that authorize agencies to withhold various records from 
disclosure, and two exclusions to the statute that may be used by the 
OIG. With regard to the records normally requested, the OIG generally 
applies the exemptions and exclusions as follows:
    (1) Classified documents. Exemption 1 (5 U.S.C. 552(b)(1)) protects 
classified national defense and foreign relations information. The OIG 
seldom relies on this exception to withhold documents. However, where 
applicable, the OIG will refer a request for records classified under 
Executive Order 13526 and the pertinent records to the originating 
agency for processing. The OIG may refuse to confirm or deny the 
existence of the requested information if the originating agency 
determines that the fact of the existence of the information itself is 
    (2) Internal agency rules and practices. Exemption 2 (5 U.S.C. 
552(b)(2)) protects records relating to internal personnel rules and 
    (3) Information prohibited from disclosure by another statute. 
Exemption 3 (5 U.S.C. 552(b)(3)) protects information that is 
prohibited from disclosure by another Federal law. Some investigative 
records contain information that could reveal grand jury proceedings, 
which are protected from disclosure by Federal Rule of Criminal 
Procedure 6(e). Section 7 of the Inspector General Act of 1978 
prohibits the OIG from disclosing the identity of employees who make 
protected disclosures. The OIG generally will not disclose competitive 
proposals prior to contract award, competitive proposals that are not 
set forth or incorporated by reference into the awarded contract, (see 
41 U.S.C. 4702), or, during the selection process, any covered 
selection information regarding such selection, either directly or 
indirectly (see 42 U.S.C. 3537a).
    (4) Commercial or financial information. Exemption 4 (5 U.S.C. 
552(b)(4)) protects trade secrets and commercial or financial 
information obtained from a person that is privileged and confidential. 
The OIG frequently obtains this information through its audits. The OIG 
will process the release of this category of information pursuant to 
Executive Order 12600 and give notice to the affected business and an 
opportunity for the business to present evidence of its confidentiality 
claim. If the OIG is sued by a requester under the FOIA for 
nondisclosure of confidential business information, the OIG expects the 
affected business to cooperate to the

[[Page 7394]]

fullest extent possible in defending such a decision.
    (5) Certain interagency or intra-agency communications. Exemption 5 
(5 U.S.C. 552(b)(5)) protects interagency or intra-agency 
communications that are protected by legal privileges, such as the 
attorney-client privilege, attorney work-product privilege, or 
communications reflecting the agency's deliberative process. These 
communications may include communications with the Department of 
Justice and with HUD. The deliberative process privilege shall not 
apply to records created 25 years or more before the date on which the 
records were requested.
    (6) Personal privacy. Exemption 6 (5 U.S.C. 552(b)(6)) protects 
information involving matters of personal privacy. This information may 
be found in personnel, medical, and similar files the disclosure of 
which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal 
privacy. Names, addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses of 
persons identified in audits or complaints generally will not be 
disclosed. The OIG has learned through experience that some of its 
employees (i.e. Hotline employees) will be harassed if their identities 
are known, and the OIG will protect the identities of these employees. 
As a law enforcement agency, the OIG finds individuals generally have a 
heightened privacy interest for not having their identities associated 
with the OIG.
    (7) Law enforcement records. Exemption 7 (5 U.S.C. 552(b)(7)) 
protects certain records or information compiled for law enforcement 
purposes. This exemption protects records where the production could 
reasonably be expected to interfere with enforcement proceedings. The 
protection of this exemption also encompasses, but is not limited to, 
information in law enforcement files that could reasonably be expected 
to constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy; the names of 
confidential informants; and techniques and procedures for law 
enforcement investigations, or guidelines for law enforcement 
investigations if such disclosure could reasonably be expected to risk 
circumvention of the law. It is the policy of the OIG in responding to 
all FOIA requests for investigative records pertaining to specifically 
named individuals to refuse to confirm or deny the existence of such 
records. Lacking the subject individuals consent, proof of death, an 
official acknowledgement of an investigation, or an overriding public 
interest, even to acknowledge the existence of such records could 
reasonably be expected to constitute an unwarranted invasion of 
personal privacy.
    (8) Supervision of financial institutions. Exemption 8 (5 U.S.C. 
552(b)(8)) protects information relating to the supervision of 
financial institutions. It is unlikely that the OIG will have these 
    (9) Wells. Exemption 9 (5 U.S.C. 552(b)(9)) protects geological 
information on wells. It is unlikely that the OIG will have these 
    (d) FOIA exclusion. Some law enforcement records are excluded from 
the FOIA. 5 U.S.C. 552(c)(1) permits a law enforcement agency to 
exclude a document from the FOIA if there is reason to believe that:
    (1) The subject of the investigation or proceeding is not aware of 
its pendency; and
    (2) Disclosure of the existence of the records could reasonably be 
expected to interfere with enforcement proceedings, in which case the 
agency may, during only such time as that circumstance continues, treat 
the records as not subject to the requirements of the FOIA. Section 
552(c)(2) of FOIA allows the exclusion of informant records, unless the 
existence of the informant has been officially confirmed.

Sec.  2002.21  Effect of denial of request.

    Denial of a request shall terminate the authority of the Assistant 
Inspector General or his or her designee to release or disclose the 
requested record, which thereafter may not be made publicly available 
except with express authorization of the Inspector General, Deputy 
Inspector General, or Counsel to the Inspector General.

Sec.  2002.23  Administrative review.

    (a) Review is available only from a written determination denying a 
request for a record and only if a written request for review is filed 
within 90 days after issuance of the written determination. If mailed, 
the requester's letter of appeal must be postmarked within 90 calendar 
days of the date of the letter of determination. If the letter of 
appeal is transmitted electronically or by a means other than the 
United States Postal Service, it must be received in the appropriate 
office by the close of business on the 90th calendar day after the date 
of the letter of determination. Before seeking court review of an 
adverse determination, a requester must exhaust their administrative 
remedies under this section.
    (b) A review may be initiated by sending a request for review to 
the Office of Inspector General; Department of Housing and Urban 
Development; 451 Seventh Street SW, Room 8256, Washington, DC 20410 or 
to [email protected] In order to enable the OIG to comply with 
the time limitations set forth in Sec.  2002.17, both the envelope 
containing the request for review and the letter itself should clearly 
indicate that the subject is a Freedom of Information Act request for 
review. Each request for review must contain the following:
    (1) A copy of the original request;
    (2) A copy of the written denial; and
    (3) A statement of the circumstances, reasons, or arguments 
advanced in support of disclosure of the original records requested.
    (c) Review will be made promptly by the Deputy Inspector General, 
or designee, on the basis of the written record. The OIG will decide an 
appeal of a denial of a request to expedite processing of a FOIA 
request within 10 working days of receipt of the appeal. The OIG will 
make a determination on all other appeals within 20 working days of 
receipt, unless unusual circumstances require the OIG to extend the 
time for an additional 10 working days.
    (d) The time of receipt for processing of a request is the time it 
is received by the Inspector General. If a request is misdirected by 
the requester and is received by one other than the Inspector General, 
the OIG official who receives the request will forward it promptly to 
the Inspector General and will advise the requester about the delayed 
time of receipt.
    (e) The decision after review will be in writing, will constitute 
final agency action on the request, and, if the denial of the request 
for records is in full or in part upheld, the Inspector General will 
notify the person making the request of his or her right to seek 
judicial review under 5 U.S.C. 552(a)(4).
    (f) Adverse decisions will include the name and contact information 
of dispute resolution services that offer mediation services to resolve 
disputes between FOIA requesters and Federal agencies as a nonexclusive 
alternative to litigation.

    Dated: January 18, 2018.
Helen M. Albert,
Acting Inspector General.
[FR Doc. 2018-03400 Filed 2-20-18; 8:45 am]

                                             7388             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 35 / Wednesday, February 21, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                             ■ 12. Section 814.46 is amended by                       DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND                             has affected some of the regulations
                                             revising paragraph (a)(4) to read as                     URBAN DEVELOPMENT                                     referenced in part 2002 (80 FR 49140).
                                             follows:                                                                                                          On June 30, 2016, the President
                                                                                                      24 CFR Part 2002                                      signed into law the FOIA Improvement
                                             § 814.46    Withdrawal of approval of a PMA.                                                                   Act of 2016 (2016 Act) (Pub. L. 114–
                                                                                                      [Docket No. FR–6048–F–01]
                                               (a) * * *                                                                                                    185). The 2016 Act addresses a range of
                                                                                                      Streamlining the Office of Inspector                  procedural issues, including
                                               (4) Any clinical investigation                                                                               requirements that agencies establish a
                                                                                                      General’s Freedom of Information Act
                                             involving human subjects described in                                                                          minimum of 90 days for requesters to
                                                                                                      Regulations and Implementing the
                                             the PMA, subject to the institutional                                                                          file an administrative appeal and that
                                                                                                      FOIA Improvement Act of 2016
                                             review board regulations in part 56 of                                                                         agencies provide dispute resolution
                                             this chapter or informed consent                         AGENCY:    Office of Inspector General,               services at various times throughout the
                                             regulations in part 50 of this chapter or                HUD.                                                  FOIA process. The 2016 Act also
                                             GCP referenced in § 814.15(a) and                        ACTION:   Final rule.                                 codifies a ‘‘foreseeable harm’’ standard,
                                             described in § 812.28(a) of this chapter,                                                                      amends a FOIA disclosure exemption,
                                             was not conducted in compliance with                     SUMMARY:   This final rule amends the                 creates a new Chief FOIA Officer
                                             those regulations such that the rights or                Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)                     Council within the Executive Branch,
                                             safety of human subjects were not                        regulations for the U.S. Department of                and adds two new elements to agency
                                                                                                      Housing and Urban Development (HUD)                   Annual FOIA Reports. The amendments
                                             adequately protected or the supporting
                                                                                                      Office of Inspector General (OIG) to                  apply to any request made after the date
                                             data were determined to be otherwise
                                                                                                      align with HUD’s FOIA regulations, to                 of enactment. The 2016 Act also
                                                                                                      implement the FOIA Improvement Act                    requires agencies to review and issue
                                             *     *     *     *    *                                 of 2016, and to explain current OIG                   updated regulations on procedures for
                                             ■ 13. Section 814.104 is amended by                      policies and practices with respect to                the disclosure of records under FOIA, in
                                             revising paragraph (b)(4)(i) to read as                  FOIA.                                                 accordance with the amendments made
                                             follows:                                                 DATES:   Effective: March 23, 2018.                   by the 2016 Act. On January 12, 2017,
                                                                                                      FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                      HUD issued a direct final rule amending
                                             § 814.104    Original applications.                                                                            its FOIA regulation to reflect the 2016
                                                                                                      Maura Malone; Deputy Counsel to the
                                             *       *     *     *    *                               Inspector General; Department of                      Act amendments (82 FR 3619).
                                                (b) * * *                                             Housing and Urban Development; 451                    II. Changes Made in This Final Rule
                                                                                                      Seventh Street SW, Room 8260,
                                                (4) * * *                                                                                                      In this final rule, the HUD OIG seeks
                                                                                                      Washington, DC 20410; 202–708–1613
                                                (i) In lieu of the summaries,                                                                               to amend its FOIA regulations to
                                                                                                      (this is not a toll-free number). Persons
                                             conclusions, and results from clinical                                                                         address the 2016 Act changes, conform
                                                                                                      with hearing or speech impairments
                                             investigations required under                                                                                  its regulations with HUD’s, and simplify
                                                                                                      may access this number through TTY by
                                             § 814.20(b)(3)(v)(B), (b)(3)(vi), and the                                                                      its regulations to make the process
                                                                                                      calling the Federal Relay Service at 800–
                                                                                                                                                            clearer to the requesting public. The
                                             introductory text of (b)(6)(ii), the                     877–8339 (this is a toll-free number).
                                                                                                                                                            following is an overview of
                                             applicant shall include the summaries,                   SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                            nontechnical changes made in this final
                                             conclusions, and results of all clinical                                                                       rule:
                                             experience or investigations (whether                    I. Background
                                             adverse or supportive) reasonably                           In July 1967, HUD issued regulations               Section 2002.3 OIG’s Overall Policy
                                             obtainable by the applicant that are                     at 24 CFR part 15 containing the                      Concerning Disclosable Records
                                             relevant to an assessment of the risks                   policies and procedures governing                       The OIG adds the title and contact
                                             and probable benefits of the device and                  public access to HUD records under the                information for the FOIA Public Liaison
                                             to the extent the applicant includes data                Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) (5                  that is available to answer questions for
                                             from clinical investigations, the                        U.S.C. 552) (Pub. L. 89–487, approved                 FOIA requesters, as required by the
                                             applicant shall include the statements                   July 4, 1966). The Inspector General Act              2016 Act.
                                             described in § 814.20(b)(6)(ii)(A) and (B)               of 1978 (5 U.S.C. App. 3) was enacted
                                                                                                      to ‘‘create independent and objective                 Section 2002.5 How To Make a
                                             with respect to clinical investigations                                                                        Request for OIG Records; Records
                                             conducted in the United States and the                   units’’ to perform investigative and
                                                                                                      monitoring functions within Executive                 Produced
                                             information described in
                                                                                                      agencies of the Federal Government,                      This section is updated to provide for
                                             § 814.20(b)(6)(ii)(C) with respect to
                                                                                                      including HUD. HUD’s regulations                      requests to be made in writing, which
                                             clinical investigations conducted
                                                                                                      regarding public access to HUD records                aligns with HUD’s FOIA regulations,
                                             outside the United States; and                           under the FOIA are at 24 CFR part 15.                 and provides that such requests may be
                                             *       *     *     *    *                               To further its independence, OIG                      made using the OIG public website. The
                                               Dated: February 13, 2018.                              officials, as opposed to HUD officials,               regulations also reflect the requirement
                                             Leslie Kux,
                                                                                                      make determinations concerning the                    that the requestor, when requesting
                                                                                                      release of OIG records. In 1984, the HUD              records on themselves, may be required
                                             Associate Commissioner for Policy.
                                                                                                      OIG published 24 CFR part 2002, which                 to identify themselves when making a
                                             [FR Doc. 2018–03244 Filed 2–20–18; 8:45 am]              explains the procedures for requesting                request or such a request may be found
                                                                                                      information from the OIG under the                    insufficient and closed. Lastly, the OIG
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with RULES

                                             BILLING CODE 4164–01–P
                                                                                                      FOIA. Part 2002 cross referenced several              also clarifies that for purposes of
                                                                                                      of HUD’s regulations at 24 CFR part 15.               reasonably describing a record, a more
                                                                                                      The OIG last amended its FOIA                         specific FOIA request will likely result
                                                                                                      regulations in July 2002 (67 FR 47216).               in the OIG locating the records
                                                                                                      Subsequently, HUD made several                        requested. The OIG notes that a request
                                                                                                      changes to its FOIA regulation, which                 for ‘‘any and all’’ records over an

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                                                              Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 35 / Wednesday, February 21, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                                  7389

                                             extended period of time may be rejected                   duplication fees, if the agency has failed            can be processed more quickly or to
                                             for not reasonably describing the record.                 to comply with any time limit described               arrange an alternative time to respond.
                                                                                                       at 5 U.S.C. 552(a)(6), which are set out              The 2016 Act adds an additional
                                             Section 2002.7 OIG Processing of
                                                                                                       in OIG’s FOIA regulations at § 2002.15,               requirement that when unusual
                                             Requests, Multi-Tracking, and
                                                                                                       with limited exceptions. Second, if an                circumstances exist and an agency
                                             Expedited Processing                                      agency determines that unusual                        extends the time limits by more than 10
                                               This rule provides the tracking                         circumstances apply to the processing of              additional working days, in the written
                                             process for requests that qualify as                      a FOIA request, and the agency has                    notice to the requester they must notify
                                             unusual circumstance under the                            provided timely written notice to the                 the requester of their right to seek
                                             definition at 5 U.S.C. 552(a)(6)(B)(iii). In              requester, then a delayed response time               dispute resolution services from the
                                             adding the definition, the OIG adds an                    is excused for an additional 10 days;                 FOIA Public Liaison of the agency or the
                                             example of audit work papers under the                    however, if the agency fails to comply                Office of Government Information
                                             definition of ‘‘unusual circumstances’’                   with the extended time limit, it may not              Services. To address this requirement,
                                             to clarify that requests for audit work                   charge search fees, or, in some cases,                the OIG is revising § 2002.15 to
                                             papers usually qualify as unusual                         duplication fees, with limited                        incorporate the change enacted by the
                                             circumstances and take longer than 20                     exceptions. Third, the 2016 Act                       2016 Act.
                                             working days to process because work                      provides an exception allowing agencies                 The OIG is also using this final rule
                                             papers related to an audit, if it is                      to charge search fees, or in some cases,              to update several specific provisions of
                                             accepted for processing as a proper                       duplication fees, if unusual                          § 2002.15 to more accurately reflect the
                                             request, generally take weeks or months                   circumstances apply, more than 5,000                  statutory language in 5 U.S.C.
                                             to process.                                               pages are necessary to respond to the                 552(a)(6)(A)(i). First, the OIG is
                                                                                                       request, timely written notice has been               amending § 2002.15(a) to state that OIG
                                             Section 2002.9        Proactive Disclosures               made to the requester, and the agency                 will generally ‘‘make a determination
                                             of Records                                                has discussed with the requester via                  whether to comply with a FOIA request
                                                The 2016 Act requires agencies to                      written mail, electronic mail, or                     within 20 working days.’’ Second, the
                                             ‘‘make available for public inspection in                 telephone (or made not less than three                OIG is amending the provision that
                                             an electronic format’’ records that,                      good-faith attempts to do so) how the                 addresses when OIG may extend the
                                             because of their subject matter, the                      requester could effectively limit the                 time periods for processing a FOIA
                                             agency determines ‘‘have become or are                    scope of the request. Fourth, the 2016                request, to remove the sentence that
                                             likely to become the subject of                           Act maintains that if a court determines              limits extensions to 10 working days.
                                             subsequent requests for substantially the                 that ‘‘exceptional circumstances’’ exist,             The OIG is removing this language as
                                             same records,’’ or that have been                         as defined in 5 U.S.C. 552(a)(6)(C), the              inconsistent with the plain reading of
                                             requested 3 or more times. The 2016 Act                   agency’s failure to comply with a time                the statute, the logic of the rest of the
                                             also adds new reporting requirements                      limit ‘‘shall be excused for the length of            language in § 2002.15, and Department
                                             for agencies by requiring that agencies                   time provided by the court order.’’                   of Justice guidance.2 Finally, in
                                             submit an Annual FOIA Report, which                          As for the definition of ‘‘commercial              accordance with 5 U.S.C.
                                             covers the preceding fiscal year, to be                   requesters’’ adopted from HUD’s                       552(a)(6)(B)(ii), the OIG is updating
                                             submitted to the Director of the Office                   regulation, the OIG clarifies that as a               § 2002.15 to include the provision that
                                             of Government Information Services.1                      policy, it will treat owners of websites              the OIG shall make available its FOIA
                                             The raw statistical data used in each                     that contain advertisements, or that                  Public Liaison, who shall assist in the
                                             report must be made available without                     charge fees in any way, to be                         resolution of any disputes between the
                                             charge, license, or registration                          ‘‘commercial requesters,’’ if they do not             requester and the OIG.
                                             requirement; in an aggregated,                            use editorial skills to turn the posted                 When an agency makes a
                                             searchable format, and in a format that                   materials into a distinct work, or                    determination regarding whether to
                                             may be downloaded in bulk. Both the                       provide significant editorial comments.               comply with a FOIA request, the 2016
                                             report and the raw statistical data used                  Owners of websites that do not contain                Act provides that the agency is required
                                             in the report must be made available for                  advertisements, but that post requested               to immediately notify the requester of
                                             public inspection in an electronic                        documents without altering such                       such determination and the reasons
                                             format. In response, the OIG is                           documents or providing editorial                      therefore, and notify the requester that
                                             amending § 2002.9 to comply with these                    comments, will be considered ‘‘other                  they have a right to seek assistance from
                                             requirements.                                             requesters,’’ unless the websites are                 the agency’s FOIA Public Liaison. For
                                                                                                       used to advertise or publicize the skills             adverse determinations, the 2016 Act
                                             Section 2002.13 Fee Schedule,                             or expertise of the owners.                           requires that agencies afford the
                                             Advance Payment, Interest Charges, and                       This rule also removes OIG’s existing              requester no less than 90 days from the
                                             Waiving or Reducing Fees                                  FOIA regulations at § 2002.13 because                 date of the adverse determination on the
                                               This rule amends § 2002.13 to adopt                     the collecting of interest charges on any             request to file an appeal. In addition, the
                                             HUD’s fee schedule and policies in their                  unpaid bills is consistent with HUD’s                 2016 Act requires that agencies notify
                                             entirety through cross-reference to                       FOIA regulations at § 15.106(g).                      the requester that they may seek dispute
                                             HUD’s FOIA regulation at § 15.106.                        Section 2002.15 Time Limitations                      resolution services from the FOIA
                                             Incorporated in HUD’s regulations are                                                                           Public Liaison or from the Office of
                                                                                                          When a FOIA request involves
                                             the 2016 Act new provisions regarding                                                                           Government Information Services.
                                                                                                       ‘‘unusual circumstances,’’ agencies have
                                             agencies’ ability to assess search and                                                                          Consistent with this requirement, the
                                                                                                       long been required to provide written
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with RULES

                                             duplication fees. First, the 2016 Act                                                                           OIG has revised § 2002.15 to provide
                                                                                                       notice to the requester, and in those
                                             provides that an agency shall not assess                                                                        that, once OIG makes a determination
                                                                                                       instances where an extension of time of
                                             any search fees, or in some cases,                                                                              regarding compliance, the OIG will
                                                                                                       more than 10 working days is specified,
                                               1 Under FOIA, agencies are also required to             agencies have been required to provide                  2 See Department of Justice Guide to the Freedom

                                             submit an Annual FOIA Report to the Attorney              the requester with an opportunity to                  of Information Act, https://www.justice.gov/oip/doj-
                                             General of the United States (5 U.S.C. 552(e)(1)).        limit the scope of the request so that it             guide-freedom-information-act-0.

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                                             immediately notify the requester of such                 OIG will notify requesters of dispute                 this rule was determined to not be a
                                             determination, the reasons therefore,                    resolution services in its FOIA appeal                significant regulatory action under
                                             and their right to seek assistance from                  determination response letter and that                section 3(f) of Executive Order 12866,
                                             the FOIA Public Liaison.                                 they have 90 days to seek an appeal.                  Regulatory Planning and Review, and
                                                                                                      The OIG is also amending § 2002.23 to                 therefore was not reviewed by OMB.
                                             Section 2002.19 Authority To Deny
                                             Requests for Records and Form of                         clarify that appeals may be submitted
                                                                                                                                                            Environmental Review
                                             Denial, Exemptions, and Exclusions                       electronically and lists the items that a
                                                                                                      requestor should include in an appeal,                  This final rule is categorically
                                                The 2016 Act requires that agencies                   such as a copy of the original request                excluded from environmental review
                                             withhold information under FOIA ‘‘only                   and the written denial.                               under the National Environmental
                                             if the agency reasonably foresees that                                                                         Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321). The
                                             disclosure would harm an interest                        III. Justification for Final Rulemaking               revision of the FOIA-related provisions
                                             protected by an exemption’’ or if                           In general, OIG publishes a rule for               of 24 CFR part 2002 falls within the
                                             disclosure is prohibited by law. The                     public comment before issuing a rule for              exclusion provided by 24 CFR
                                             2016 Act further directs agencies to                     effect, in accordance with OIG’s                      50.19(c)(1), in that it does not direct,
                                             consider whether partial disclosure of                   regulations on rulemaking at 24 CFR                   provide for assistance or loan and
                                             information is possible whenever the                     part 10. Section 10.1, however, provides              mortgage insurance for, or otherwise
                                             agency determines that a full disclosure                 an exception from that general rule                   govern or regulate real property
                                             of a requested record is not possible,                   where OIG finds good cause to omit                    acquisition, disposition, leasing,
                                             and to take reasonable steps necessary                   advance notice and public participation.              rehabilitation, alteration, demolition, or
                                             to segregate and release nonexempt                       The good cause requirement is satisfied               new construction; or establish, revise, or
                                             information. The 2016 Act does not                       when the prior public procedure is                    provide for standards for construction or
                                             require disclosure of information that is                ‘‘impracticable, unnecessary or contrary              construction materials, manufactured
                                             otherwise prohibited from disclosure by                  to the public interest.’’                             housing, or occupancy.
                                             law or otherwise exempted from                              The OIG finds that good cause exists
                                             disclosure under Exemption 3.                                                                                  Regulatory Flexibility Act
                                                                                                      to publish this rule for effect without
                                                Consistent with these changes, the                    first soliciting public comment because                 The Secretary, in accordance with the
                                             OIG is amending § 2002.19 to provide                     prior public comment is unnecessary.                  Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C.
                                             that the OIG shall withhold information                  This final rule follows the statutory                 605(b)), has reviewed this final rule
                                             only if it is reasonably foreseeable that                directive in section 3 of the 2016 Act,               before publication and by approving it
                                             disclosure would harm an interest                        which requires agencies to review and                 certifies that this rule does not have a
                                             protected by an exemption, or if                         issue updated regulations on procedures               significant economic impact on a
                                             disclosure is prohibited by law. The OIG                 for the disclosure of records under                   substantial number of small entities.
                                             will also consider whether partial                       FOIA, in accordance with the                          This final rule contains no anti-
                                             disclosure of information is possible if                 amendments made by the 2016 Act. The                  competitive discriminatory aspects with
                                             it determines that a full disclosure of a                2016 Act codifies a number of                         regard to small entities nor are there any
                                             requested record is not possible and will                transparency and openness principles                  unusual procedures that would need to
                                             take reasonable steps necessary to                       and enacts a number of procedural                     be complied with by small entities.
                                             segregate and release nonexempt                          requirements, including requiring that                Executive Order 13132, Federalism
                                             information.                                             agencies establish a minimum of 90
                                                In addition, the 2016 Act amends                      days for requesters to file an                           Executive Order 13132 (entitled
                                             Exemption 5 of FOIA to provide that the                  administrative appeal and that they                   ‘‘Federalism’’) prohibits an agency, to
                                             deliberative process privilege does not                  provide dispute resolution services at                the extent practicable and permitted by
                                             apply to records created 25 years or                     various times throughout FOIA process.                law, from promulgating a regulation that
                                             more before the date on which the                        This final rule reflects the changes                  has federalism implications and either
                                             records were requested. In accordance                    required by the 2016 Act. Additionally,               imposes substantial direct compliance
                                             with the 2016 Act, the OIG is revising                   this final rule makes technical                       costs on State and local governments
                                             § 2002.19 to state that the deliberative                 amendments to align the OIG’s FOIA                    and is not required by statute, or
                                             process privilege ‘‘shall not apply to                   regulation with HUD’s FOIA regulation                 preempts State law, unless the agency
                                             records created 25 years or more before                  at 24 CFR part 15 and clarifies current               meets the relevant requirements of
                                             the date on which the records were                       OIG FOIA procedures to streamline and                 section 6 of the Executive Order. This
                                             requested.’’                                             simplify the process of filing FOIA                   final rule does not have federalism
                                                For adverse determinations, the OIG                   requests.                                             implications and does not impose
                                             is amending § 2002.19 to provide that                                                                          substantial direct compliance costs on
                                             the OIG will notify the requester of their               IV. Findings and Certifications                       State and local governments or preempt
                                             right to file an appeal no less than 90                  Executive Order 12866 and Executive                   State law within the meaning of the
                                             days after the date of receiving the                     Order 13563                                           Executive order.
                                             adverse determination. Finally, the OIG
                                                                                                         Executive Orders 12866 and 13563                   Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
                                             is amending § 2002.19 to provide that
                                             the OIG will notify the requester of their               direct agencies to assess all costs and                 Title II of the Unfunded Mandates
                                             right to seek dispute resolution services                benefits of available regulatory                      Reform Act of 1995 (2 U.S.C. 1531–
                                             from the FOIA Public Liaison or from                     alternatives and, if the regulation is                1538) establishes requirements for
                                                                                                      necessary, to select the regulatory                   Federal agencies to assess the effects of
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                                             the Office of Government Information
                                             Services.                                                approach that maximizes net benefits.                 their regulatory actions on State, local,
                                                                                                      This final rule incorporates changes                  and tribal governments and the private
                                             Section 2002.23 Administrative                           enacted by the 2016 Act and makes                     sector. This final rule does not impose
                                             Review                                                   other minor procedural changes that                   any Federal mandates on any State,
                                               The OIG amends § 2002.23, consistent                   align this OIG regulation to HUD’s FOIA               local, or tribal governments or the
                                             with the 2016 Act to provide that the                    regulation at 24 CFR part 15. As a result,            private sector within the meaning of the

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                                             Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of                          limited in paragraph (c) of this section              located. The more specific the FOIA
                                             1995.                                                    or otherwise expressly stated in this                 request for records, the more likely OIG
                                                                                                      part.                                                 officials will be able to locate the
                                             List of Subjects in 24 CFR Part 2002
                                                                                                         (c) Limited applicability of §§ 15.2               records requested. The request should
                                               Release of information under the                       and 15.106 of this title. The OIG has                 also include the name, address and
                                             Freedom of Information Act.                              different people and entities involved in             telephone number of the requester, the
                                             ■ Accordingly, for the reasons stated                    the FOIA process than those defined in                fee category that the requester believes
                                             above, OIG revises 24 CFR part 2002 to                   § 15.2 and these people and entities are              applies to the request, and the form or
                                             read as follows:                                         specifically identified in this part. For             format in which the requester would
                                                                                                      purposes of this part, when the words                 like the desired record to be reproduced,
                                             PART 2002—AVAILABILITY OF                                ‘‘HUD’’ or ‘‘Department’’ are used in                 if the requester has a preference. In
                                             INFORMATION TO THE PUBLIC                                § 15.2 or § 15.106, the term means the                order to enable the OIG to comply with
                                             Sec.                                                     OIG. The OIG will follow the fee                      the time limitations set forth in
                                             2002.1 Scope of this part and applicability              schedule at § 15.106 except as otherwise              § 2002.15, both the envelope containing
                                                  of other HUD regulations.                           provided in this part. Where § 15.106                 a written request and the letter itself
                                             2002.3 OIG’s overall policy concerning                   references § 15.103, the OIG reference in             should clearly indicate that the subject
                                                  disclosable records and requests for OIG            this part is § 2002.15.                               is a Freedom of Information Act request.
                                                  records.                                                                                                     (c) The request must be accompanied
                                             2002.5 How to make a request for OIG                     § 2002.3 OIG’s overall policy concerning              by the fee or an offer to pay the fee as
                                                  records; records produced.                          disclosable records.
                                             2002.7 OIG processing of requests, multi-
                                                                                                                                                            determined in § 15.106 of this title and
                                                                                                        (a) The OIG will administer its FOIA                § 2002.13.
                                                  tracking, and expedited processing.
                                                                                                      program with a presumption of                            (d) The OIG may require information
                                             2002.9 Proactive disclosures of records.
                                             2002.11 Agency review of records and                     openness. This policy does not create                 verifying the requester’s identity, if the
                                                  aggregating requests.                               any right enforceable in court. The OIG               requester requests agency records
                                             2002.13 Fee schedule, advance payment,                   will fully and responsibly disclose its               pertaining to the requester, a minor, or
                                                  and waiving or reducing fees.                       identifiable records and information                  an individual who is legally
                                             2002.15 Time limitations.                                consistent with competing public                      incompetent. Failure to provide the
                                             2002.17 Authority to release records or                  interests, such as national security,
                                                                                                                                                            information when requested will result
                                                                                                      personal privacy, grand jury and                      in the request being found insufficient
                                             2002.19 Authority to deny requests for
                                                  records and form of denial, exemptions,             investigative secrecy, complainant                    and closed. It will not prevent the future
                                                  and exclusions.                                     confidentiality, and agency deliberative              refiling of the request.
                                             2002.21 Effect of denial of request.                     process, as are recognized by FOIA and                   (e) Duplication of available records
                                             2002.23 Administrative review.                           other Federal statutes. The OIG will                  will be made as promptly as possible.
                                               Authority: 5 U.S.C. 552; 5 U.S.C. App. 3;              apply the FOIA exemptions if release                  Such duplication can take the form of
                                             42 U.S.C. 3535(d); Delegation of Authority,              could foreseeably harm an interest                    paper copy, audiovisual materials, or
                                             46 FR 2389.                                              protected by a FOIA exemption. Release                machine-readable documentation (e.g.,
                                                                                                      of records will be made as promptly as                electronic documents on CD, DVD, flash
                                             § 2002.1 Scope of this part and                          possible.
                                             applicability of other HUD regulations.
                                                                                                                                                            drive, etc.). Records that are published
                                                                                                        (b) The OIG FOIA Public Liaison is                  or available for sale will not be
                                               (a) General. This part contains the                    the Deputy Counsel to the Inspector                   reproduced.
                                             regulations of the Office of Inspector                   General. Requesters who have questions                   (f) The OIG shall honor a requester’s
                                             General (OIG) that implement the                         or comments concerning their FOIA                     specified preference of form or format of
                                             Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) (5                     request may contact the FOIA Public                   disclosure if the record is readily
                                             U.S.C. 552). It informs the public how                   Liaison at 202–708–1613, or through the               reproducible with reasonable efforts in
                                             to request records and information from                  FOIA email at FOIARequests@                           the requested form or format by the
                                             the OIG and explains the procedure to                    hudoig.gov.                                           office responding to the request.
                                             use if a request is denied. Requests                                                                              (g) If the requester makes a request for
                                             made by individuals for records about                    § 2002.5 How to make a request for OIG
                                                                                                                                                            expedited processing, the request must
                                             themselves under the Privacy Act of                      records; records produced.
                                                                                                                                                            provide a detailed explanation of the
                                             1974, 5 U.S.C. 552a, are processed in                      (a) Any request for OIG records must                basis for the request. The requester
                                             accordance with 24 CFR part 2003 as                      be made in writing. The easiest way to                should also include a statement
                                             well as this part. Requests for                          make a FOIA request is electronically                 certifying the truth of the circumstances
                                             documents made by subpoena or other                      through our public website at                         supporting the requester’s compelling
                                             demands of courts or other authorities                   www.hudoig.gov. A request may also be                 need. Requests for expedited processing
                                             are governed by procedures contained                     made by submitting the written request                that simply recite the statutory language
                                             in part 2004 of this chapter. These rules                to The Office of Inspector General;                   are generally not granted.
                                             should be read in conjunction with the                   Department of Housing and Urban
                                             text of the FOIA and the Uniform                         Development; 451 Seventh Street SW,                   § 2002.7 OIG processing of requests,
                                             Freedom of Information Fee Schedule                      Suite 8260, Washington, DC 20410. The                 multi-tracking, and expedited processing.
                                             and Guidelines published by the Office                   envelope should indicate it is a FOIA                   (a) Tracking number. FOIA requests
                                             of Management and Budget. This policy                    request. A request for OIG records may                will be logged in the order that they are
                                             does not create any right enforceable in                 also be made in person during normal                  received and be assigned a tracking
                                                                                                                                                            number, except as provided in
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                                             court.                                                   business hours at any office where OIG
                                               (b) Applicability of HUD’s FOIA                        employees are permanently stationed.                  paragraph (c) of this section. A requester
                                             regulations. In addition to the                            (b) Each request must reasonably                    should use the tracking number to
                                             regulations in this part, §§ 15.2 and                    describe the desired record, including                identify his or her request when
                                             15.106 of this title apply to the                        the title or name, author, subject matter,            contacting the FOIA office for any
                                             production or disclosure of information                  and number or date, where possible, so                reason. An acknowledgement of receipt
                                             in the possession of the OIG, except as                  that the record may be identified and                 of the request, with the assigned

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                                             tracking number, will be sent to the                     imminent threat to the life or physical               § 2002.11 Agency review of records and
                                             requester by the FOIA office.                            safety of an individual;                              aggregating requests.
                                                (b) Multi-track processing—(1) Types                    (ii) You are primarily engaged in                      (a) Review of records. Only requesters
                                             of tracks. For requests that do not                      disseminating information and there is                who are seeking documents for
                                             qualify for expedited processing, the                    an urgency to inform the public                       commercial use may be charged for the
                                             OIG places each request in one of two                    concerning actual or alleged Federal                  time the OIG spends reviewing records
                                             tracks, simple or complex, based on the                  Government activity; or                               to determine whether the records are
                                             amount of work and time involved in                        (iii) Your failure to obtain the                    exempt from mandatory disclosure.
                                             processing the request. In doing so, the                 requested records on an expedited basis               Charges will be assessed only for the
                                             OIG will consider whether the request                    could result in the loss of substantial               initial review; i.e., the review
                                             involves the processing of voluminous                    due process rights.                                   undertaken the first time the OIG
                                             documents or responsive documents                          (3) If the OIG grants the request for               reviews a particular record or portion of
                                             from more than one organizational unit.                  expedited processing, the OIG will give               a record to apply an exemption. The
                                             Within each track, the OIG processes                     the request priority and will process it              OIG will not charge for review at the
                                             requests in the order in which they are                  as soon as practicable.                               administrative appeal level of an
                                             received.                                                                                                      exemption already applied. However,
                                                (2) Unusual circumstances. Requests                   § 2002.9    Proactive disclosures of records.         records or portions of records withheld
                                             for audit work papers are considered                        (a) You may review records that                    under an exemption that is
                                             complex requests and generally qualify                   section 552(a)(2) of FOIA requires the                subsequently determined not to apply
                                             as an unusual circumstance under 5                       OIG to make available to the public in                may be reviewed again to determine the
                                             U.S.C. 552(a)(6)(B)(iii), taking longer                  the electronic reading rooms identified               applicability of other exemptions not
                                             than 20 working days to process.                         in paragraph (b) of this section. That is             previously considered. The costs for
                                             Requests for ‘‘all’’ specified records over              the preferable method; however, you                   such a subsequent review would be
                                             a span of time, if they are accepted as                  may also ask to review those documents                properly assessable. Review time will be
                                             reasonably describing a specific group                   that are in hardcopy at the Headquarters              assessed at the same rates established
                                             of records, are considered complex                       offices at HUD’s Library, 451 Seventh                 for search time in §§ 2002.13 and 15.106
                                             requests and usually qualify as an                       Street SW, Suite 8141, Washington, DC                 of this title.
                                             unusual circumstance under 5 U.S.C.                      20410. This request should be                            (b) Aggregating requests. (1) The OIG
                                             552(a)(6)(B)(iii), taking longer than 20                 coordinated through Office of Legal                   may aggregate multiple requests in cases
                                             working days to process. Requesters                      Counsel, Office of Inspector General,                 where unusual circumstances exist and
                                             who make requests qualifying as                          Suite 8254. Local offices may coordinate              the OIG determines that:
                                             unusual circumstances will be offered                    local requests for hardcopy reviews.                     (i) Certain requests from the same
                                             an opportunity to narrow the scope of                       (b) As required by 5 U.S.C. 552(a)(2),             requester or from a group of requesters
                                             their request or arrange for an                          the OIG makes records created on or                   acting in concert actually constitute a
                                             alternative time period.                                 after November 1, 1996, available                     single request; and
                                                (3) Misdirected requests. For requests                                                                         (ii) The requests involve clearly
                                                                                                      through its Electronic FOIA Reading
                                             that have been sent to the wrong office,                                                                       related matters.
                                                                                                      Room, located at https://
                                             the OIG will assign the request within                                                                            (2) Aggregation of requests for this
                                                                                                      www.hudoig.gov/foia. These records
                                             each track using the earlier of either:                                                                        purpose will be conducted independent
                                                (i) The date on which the request was                                                                       of aggregation of requests for fee
                                                                                                         (1) Copies of all records, regardless of           purposes under § 15.106(h) of this title.
                                             referred to the appropriate office; or                   form or format that have been released
                                                (ii) The end of the 10 working-day                    to any person under this part: and                    § 2002.13 Fee schedule, advance payment,
                                             period in which the request should have                     (i) Because of the nature of their                 interest charges, and waiving or reducing
                                             been referred to the appropriate office.                 subject matter, the agency determines                 fees.
                                                (c) Expedited processing. (1) The OIG                 that the records have become or are                     The OIG will charge for processing
                                             may take your request or appeal out of                   likely to become the subject of                       requests under the FOIA in accordance
                                             normal order if the OIG determines that                  subsequent requests for substantially the             with § 15.106 of this title, except where
                                             you have a compelling need for the                       same records; or                                      those provisions conflict with
                                             records or in other cases as determined                                                                        provisions of this part; more
                                                                                                         (ii) Have been requested three or more
                                             by the OIG. Any requester may ask for                                                                          specifically, where § 15.106 references
                                             expedited processing at any time. If                                                                           § 15.103 of this title replace such
                                             expedited processing is requested, the                      (2) Report for the preceding fiscal year
                                                                                                      submitted to the U.S. Attorney General                reference with § 2002.15.
                                             OIG will notify the requester within 10
                                             working days whether it will grant                       and the Director of the Office of                     § 2002.15    Time limitations.
                                             expedited processing.                                    Government Information Services as                      (a) General. Upon receipt of a request
                                                (2) The OIG will grant requests for                   required by 5 U.S.C. 552(e) and the raw               for records, the appropriate Assistant
                                             expedited processing if it finds a                       statistical data used in each report. This            Inspector General or an appointed
                                             compelling need under 5 U.S.C.                           report will be made available:                        designee will generally make a
                                             552(a)(6)(E). Evidence of a compelling                      (i) Without charge, license, or                    determination whether to comply with
                                             need by a person making a request for                    registration requirement;                             a FOIA request within 20 working days.
                                             expedited processing must be made in                        (ii) In an aggregated, searchable                  The Assistant Inspector General or
                                             a statement certified by such person to                  format; and                                           designee will immediately notify the
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                                             be true and correct to the best of such                     (iii) In a format that may be                      requestor in writing of the
                                             person’s knowledge and belief. A                         downloaded in bulk.                                   determination and the reason(s) for such
                                             compelling need exists if:                                  (c) The OIG also makes other                       determination and the right of the
                                                (i) Your failure to obtain the requested              documents, such as audits and                         person to request assistance from the
                                             records on an expedited basis could                      semiannual reports, available to the                  FOIA Public Liaison. The 20-day period
                                             reasonably be expected to pose an                        public at https://www.hudoig.gov/.                    will begin on the day the request is

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                                             received by the OIG, but in any event                    § 2002.17 Authority to release records or                (c) FOIA exemptions. The FOIA
                                             not later than 10 working days after the                 duplications.                                         contains nine exemptions (5 U.S.C.
                                             request is received by any component                       Any Assistant Inspector General or an               552(b)) that authorize agencies to
                                             designated to receive FOIA requests,                     appointed designee is authorized to                   withhold various records from
                                             and after any fees or advance payment                    release any record (or duplication)                   disclosure, and two exclusions to the
                                             of fees under § 2002.13 has been made.                   pertaining to activities for which he or              statute that may be used by the OIG.
                                                (b) Scope of responsive records. In                   she has primary responsibility, unless                With regard to the records normally
                                             determining which records are                            disclosure is clearly inappropriate                   requested, the OIG generally applies the
                                             responsive to a request, an agency                       under this part. No authorized person                 exemptions and exclusions as follows:
                                             ordinarily will include only records in                  may release records for which another                    (1) Classified documents. Exemption
                                             its possession as of the date that it                    officer has primary responsibility                    1 (5 U.S.C. 552(b)(1)) protects classified
                                             begins its search. If any other date is                  without the consent of the officer or his             national defense and foreign relations
                                             used, the agency must inform the                         or her designee.                                      information. The OIG seldom relies on
                                             requester of that date. A record that is                                                                       this exception to withhold documents.
                                                                                                      § 2002.19 Authority to deny requests for              However, where applicable, the OIG
                                             excluded from the requirements of the                    records and form of denial, exemptions,
                                             FOIA pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552(c) is not                  and exclusions.
                                                                                                                                                            will refer a request for records classified
                                             considered responsive to a request.                                                                            under Executive Order 13526 and the
                                                                                                         (a) Process for denying requests. An               pertinent records to the originating
                                                (c) Unusual circumstances. Under                      Assistant Inspector General or the
                                             unusual circumstances, as specified in                                                                         agency for processing. The OIG may
                                                                                                      Counsel to the Inspector General, or                  refuse to confirm or deny the existence
                                             this paragraph (c), the OIG may extend                   their designees, may deny a request for
                                             the time period for processing a FOIA                                                                          of the requested information if the
                                                                                                      a record. Any denial will:                            originating agency determines that the
                                             request. In such circumstances, the OIG                     (1) Be in writing;
                                             will provide the requester with written                                                                        fact of the existence of the information
                                                                                                         (2) State simply the reasons for the               itself is classified.
                                             notice setting forth the unusual                         denial;
                                             circumstances for the extension and the                                                                           (2) Internal agency rules and
                                                                                                         (3) Provide an estimate of the volume              practices. Exemption 2 (5 U.S.C.
                                             date on which a determination is
                                                                                                      of records or information withheld,                   552(b)(2)) protects records relating to
                                             expected to be made. This date will not
                                                                                                      when appropriate, in number of pages                  internal personnel rules and practices.
                                             exceed 10 working days beyond the
                                                                                                      or in some other reasonable form of                      (3) Information prohibited from
                                             general time established in paragraph (a)
                                                                                                      estimation. This estimate does not need               disclosure by another statute.
                                             of this section. If processing a request
                                                                                                      to be provided if the volume is                       Exemption 3 (5 U.S.C. 552(b)(3))
                                             would require more than 10 working
                                                                                                      otherwise indicated through deletions                 protects information that is prohibited
                                             days beyond the general time limit
                                                                                                      on records disclosed in part, or if                   from disclosure by another Federal law.
                                             established in paragraph (a) of this
                                                                                                      providing an estimate would harm an                   Some investigative records contain
                                             section, the OIG will offer the requester
                                                                                                      interest protected by an applicable                   information that could reveal grand jury
                                             an opportunity to reduce or limit the
                                                                                                      exemption;                                            proceedings, which are protected from
                                             scope of the request in order to allow
                                                                                                         (4) Identify the person(s) responsible             disclosure by Federal Rule of Criminal
                                             the OIG to process it within the extra
                                                                                                      for the denial by name and title;                     Procedure 6(e). Section 7 of the
                                             10-day working period or arrange an
                                             alternative time period within which                        (5) Provide notice of the right of the             Inspector General Act of 1978 prohibits
                                             the FOIA request will be processed. To                   requester to appeal to the Deputy                     the OIG from disclosing the identity of
                                             aid the requester, the OIG shall make                    Inspector General, within a period                    employees who make protected
                                             available its FOIA Public Liaison, who                   determined by the head of the agency                  disclosures. The OIG generally will not
                                             shall assist in the resolution of any                    that is not less than 90 days after the               disclose competitive proposals prior to
                                             disputes between the requester and the                   date of such adverse determination,                   contract award, competitive proposals
                                             OIG, and notify the requester of the right               consistent with § 2002.23; and                        that are not set forth or incorporated by
                                             of the requester to seek dispute                            (6) Provide notice of the right of the             reference into the awarded contract, (see
                                             resolution services from the Office of                   requester to seek dispute resolution                  41 U.S.C. 4702), or, during the selection
                                             Government Information Services.                         services from the FOIA Public Liaison of              process, any covered selection
                                             Unusual circumstances mean that there                    the agency or the Office of Government                information regarding such selection,
                                             is a need:                                               Information Services.                                 either directly or indirectly (see 42
                                                                                                         (b) Denying requests generally. The                U.S.C. 3537a).
                                                (1) To search for and collect the
                                                                                                      OIG shall withhold information only if                   (4) Commercial or financial
                                             requested records from field facilities or
                                                                                                      the OIG reasonably foresees that                      information. Exemption 4 (5 U.S.C.
                                             other establishments that are separate
                                                                                                      disclosure would harm an interest                     552(b)(4)) protects trade secrets and
                                             from the office processing the request;
                                                                                                      protected by an exemption as provided                 commercial or financial information
                                                (2) To search for, collect, and                       in this section, or disclosure is                     obtained from a person that is privileged
                                             appropriately examine a voluminous                       prohibited by law. The OIG will                       and confidential. The OIG frequently
                                             amount of separate and distinct records                  consider whether partial disclosure of                obtains this information through its
                                             that are demanded in a single request                    information is possible whenever the                  audits. The OIG will process the release
                                             (e.g. audit work papers); or                             OIG determines that a full disclosure of              of this category of information pursuant
                                                (3) For consultation, which shall be                  a requested record is not possible and                to Executive Order 12600 and give
                                             conducted with all practicable speed,                    will take reasonable steps necessary to               notice to the affected business and an
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                                             with another agency having a                             segregate and release nonexempt                       opportunity for the business to present
                                             substantial interest in the determination                information. Nothing in this section                  evidence of its confidentiality claim. If
                                             of the request or among two or more                      requires disclosure of information that               the OIG is sued by a requester under the
                                             offices of the Office of Inspector General               is otherwise prohibited from disclosure               FOIA for nondisclosure of confidential
                                             having a substantial interest in the                     by law or otherwise exempted from                     business information, the OIG expects
                                             subject matter of the request.                           disclosure as provided in this section.               the affected business to cooperate to the

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                                             7394             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 35 / Wednesday, February 21, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                             fullest extent possible in defending such                unwarranted invasion of personal                      Washington, DC 20410 or to
                                             a decision.                                              privacy.                                              FOIArequests@hudoig.gov. In order to
                                                (5) Certain interagency or intra-                       (8) Supervision of financial                        enable the OIG to comply with the time
                                             agency communications. Exemption 5                       institutions. Exemption 8 (5 U.S.C.                   limitations set forth in § 2002.17, both
                                             (5 U.S.C. 552(b)(5)) protects interagency                552(b)(8)) protects information relating              the envelope containing the request for
                                             or intra-agency communications that are                  to the supervision of financial                       review and the letter itself should
                                             protected by legal privileges, such as the               institutions. It is unlikely that the OIG             clearly indicate that the subject is a
                                             attorney-client privilege, attorney work-                will have these documents.                            Freedom of Information Act request for
                                             product privilege, or communications                       (9) Wells. Exemption 9 (5 U.S.C.                    review. Each request for review must
                                             reflecting the agency’s deliberative                     552(b)(9)) protects geological
                                                                                                                                                            contain the following:
                                             process. These communications may                        information on wells. It is unlikely that
                                             include communications with the                          the OIG will have these documents.                       (1) A copy of the original request;
                                             Department of Justice and with HUD.                        (d) FOIA exclusion. Some law                           (2) A copy of the written denial; and
                                             The deliberative process privilege shall                 enforcement records are excluded from
                                                                                                                                                               (3) A statement of the circumstances,
                                             not apply to records created 25 years or                 the FOIA. 5 U.S.C. 552(c)(1) permits a
                                             more before the date on which the                                                                              reasons, or arguments advanced in
                                                                                                      law enforcement agency to exclude a
                                             records were requested.                                  document from the FOIA if there is                    support of disclosure of the original
                                                (6) Personal privacy. Exemption 6 (5                  reason to believe that:                               records requested.
                                             U.S.C. 552(b)(6)) protects information                     (1) The subject of the investigation or                (c) Review will be made promptly by
                                             involving matters of personal privacy.                   proceeding is not aware of its pendency;              the Deputy Inspector General, or
                                             This information may be found in                         and                                                   designee, on the basis of the written
                                             personnel, medical, and similar files the                  (2) Disclosure of the existence of the              record. The OIG will decide an appeal
                                             disclosure of which would constitute a                   records could reasonably be expected to               of a denial of a request to expedite
                                             clearly unwarranted invasion of                          interfere with enforcement proceedings,               processing of a FOIA request within 10
                                             personal privacy. Names, addresses,                      in which case the agency may, during                  working days of receipt of the appeal.
                                             telephone numbers, and email addresses                   only such time as that circumstance                   The OIG will make a determination on
                                             of persons identified in audits or                       continues, treat the records as not                   all other appeals within 20 working
                                             complaints generally will not be                         subject to the requirements of the FOIA.              days of receipt, unless unusual
                                             disclosed. The OIG has learned through                   Section 552(c)(2) of FOIA allows the
                                             experience that some of its employees                                                                          circumstances require the OIG to extend
                                                                                                      exclusion of informant records, unless
                                             (i.e. Hotline employees) will be harassed                                                                      the time for an additional 10 working
                                                                                                      the existence of the informant has been
                                             if their identities are known, and the                                                                         days.
                                                                                                      officially confirmed.
                                             OIG will protect the identities of these                                                                          (d) The time of receipt for processing
                                             employees. As a law enforcement                          § 2002.21    Effect of denial of request.             of a request is the time it is received by
                                             agency, the OIG finds individuals                          Denial of a request shall terminate the             the Inspector General. If a request is
                                             generally have a heightened privacy                      authority of the Assistant Inspector                  misdirected by the requester and is
                                             interest for not having their identities                 General or his or her designee to release             received by one other than the Inspector
                                             associated with the OIG.                                 or disclose the requested record, which               General, the OIG official who receives
                                                (7) Law enforcement records.                          thereafter may not be made publicly                   the request will forward it promptly to
                                             Exemption 7 (5 U.S.C. 552(b)(7))                         available except with express                         the Inspector General and will advise
                                             protects certain records or information                  authorization of the Inspector General,               the requester about the delayed time of
                                             compiled for law enforcement purposes.                   Deputy Inspector General, or Counsel to
                                             This exemption protects records where                                                                          receipt.
                                                                                                      the Inspector General.
                                             the production could reasonably be                                                                                (e) The decision after review will be
                                             expected to interfere with enforcement                   § 2002.23    Administrative review.                   in writing, will constitute final agency
                                             proceedings. The protection of this                         (a) Review is available only from a                action on the request, and, if the denial
                                             exemption also encompasses, but is not                   written determination denying a request               of the request for records is in full or in
                                             limited to, information in law                           for a record and only if a written request            part upheld, the Inspector General will
                                             enforcement files that could reasonably                  for review is filed within 90 days after              notify the person making the request of
                                             be expected to constitute an                             issuance of the written determination. If             his or her right to seek judicial review
                                             unwarranted invasion of personal                         mailed, the requester’s letter of appeal              under 5 U.S.C. 552(a)(4).
                                             privacy; the names of confidential                       must be postmarked within 90 calendar
                                             informants; and techniques and                           days of the date of the letter of                        (f) Adverse decisions will include the
                                             procedures for law enforcement                           determination. If the letter of appeal is             name and contact information of
                                             investigations, or guidelines for law                    transmitted electronically or by a means              dispute resolution services that offer
                                             enforcement investigations if such                       other than the United States Postal                   mediation services to resolve disputes
                                             disclosure could reasonably be expected                  Service, it must be received in the                   between FOIA requesters and Federal
                                             to risk circumvention of the law. It is                  appropriate office by the close of                    agencies as a nonexclusive alternative to
                                             the policy of the OIG in responding to                   business on the 90th calendar day after               litigation.
                                             all FOIA requests for investigative                      the date of the letter of determination.               Dated: January 18, 2018.
                                             records pertaining to specifically named                 Before seeking court review of an                     Helen M. Albert,
                                             individuals to refuse to confirm or deny                 adverse determination, a requester must
                                             the existence of such records. Lacking                                                                         Acting Inspector General.
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with RULES

                                                                                                      exhaust their administrative remedies
                                             the subject individuals consent, proof of                under this section.                                   [FR Doc. 2018–03400 Filed 2–20–18; 8:45 am]
                                             death, an official acknowledgement of                       (b) A review may be initiated by                   BILLING CODE 4210–67–P
                                             an investigation, or an overriding public                sending a request for review to the
                                             interest, even to acknowledge the                        Office of Inspector General; Department
                                             existence of such records could                          of Housing and Urban Development;
                                             reasonably be expected to constitute an                  451 Seventh Street SW, Room 8256,

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Document Created: 2018-02-21 01:48:44
Document Modified: 2018-02-21 01:48:44
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionRules and Regulations
ActionFinal rule.
DatesEffective: March 23, 2018.
ContactMaura Malone; Deputy Counsel to the Inspector General; Department of Housing and Urban Development; 451 Seventh Street SW, Room 8260, Washington, DC 20410; 202-708-1613 (this is not a toll-free number). Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the Federal Relay Service at 800-877-8339 (this is a toll-free number).
FR Citation83 FR 7388 

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