83_FR_7482 83 FR 7447 - Fisheries of the Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, and South Atlantic; Reef Fish Fishery of the Gulf of Mexico; Amendment 36A

83 FR 7447 - Fisheries of the Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, and South Atlantic; Reef Fish Fishery of the Gulf of Mexico; Amendment 36A

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 35 (February 21, 2018)

Page Range7447-7449
FR Document2018-03463

The Gulf of Mexico (Gulf) Fishery Management Council (Council) has submitted Amendment 36A to the Fishery Management Plan for the Reef Fish Resources of the Gulf of Mexico (Reef Fish FMP) for review, approval, and implementation by NMFS. Amendment 36A would require owners or operators of federally permitted commercial Gulf reef fish vessels landing any commercially caught, federally managed reef fish from the Gulf to provide notification prior to landing and to land at approved locations; require shares of red snapper individual fishing quota (IFQ) (RS-IFQ) program and groupers and tilefishes IFQ (GT-IFQ) program from non-activated accounts to be returned to NMFS for redistribution; and allow NMFS to hold back a portion of IFQ allocation at the start of the fishing year in anticipation of a commercial quota reduction. The purpose of Amendment 36A is to improve compliance and increase management flexibility in the RS-IFQ and GT-IFQ programs, and increase the likelihood of achieving optimum yield (OY) for reef fish stocks managed under these programs.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 35 (Wednesday, February 21, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 35 (Wednesday, February 21, 2018)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 7447-7449]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-03463]



National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

50 CFR Part 622

RIN 0648-BG83

Fisheries of the Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, and South Atlantic; 
Reef Fish Fishery of the Gulf of Mexico; Amendment 36A

AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and 
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.

ACTION: Notification of availability; request for comments.


SUMMARY: The Gulf of Mexico (Gulf) Fishery Management Council (Council) 
has submitted Amendment 36A to the Fishery Management Plan for the Reef 
Fish Resources of the Gulf of Mexico (Reef Fish FMP) for review, 
approval, and implementation by NMFS. Amendment 36A would require 
owners or operators of federally permitted commercial Gulf reef fish 
vessels landing any commercially caught, federally managed reef fish 
from the Gulf to provide notification prior to landing and to land at 
approved locations; require shares of red snapper individual fishing 
quota (IFQ) (RS-IFQ) program and groupers and tilefishes IFQ (GT-IFQ) 
program from non-activated accounts to be returned to NMFS for 
redistribution; and allow NMFS to hold back a portion of IFQ allocation 
at the start of the fishing year in anticipation of a commercial quota 
reduction. The purpose of Amendment 36A is to improve compliance and 
increase management flexibility in the RS-IFQ and GT-IFQ programs, and 
increase the likelihood of achieving optimum yield (OY) for reef fish 
stocks managed under these programs.

DATES: Written comments on Amendment 36A must be received by April 23, 

ADDRESSES: You may submit comments on the amendment identified by 
``NOAA-NMFS-2017-0060'' by either of the following methods:
     Electronic Submission: Submit all electronic public 
comments via the Federal e-Rulemaking Portal. Go to 
www.regulations.gov/#!docketDetail;D=NOAA-NMFS-2017-0060, click the 
``Comment Now!'' icon, complete the required fields, and enter or 
attach your comments.
     Mail: Submit written comments to Peter Hood, NMFS 
Southeast Regional Office, 263 13th Avenue South, St. Petersburg, FL 
    Instructions: Comments sent by any other method, to any other 
address or individual, or received after the end of the comment period, 
may not be considered by NMFS. All comments received are a part of the 
public record and will generally be posted for public viewing on 
www.regulations.gov without change. All personal identifying 
information (e.g., name, address, etc.), confidential business 
information, or otherwise sensitive information submitted voluntarily 
by the sender will be publicly accessible. NMFS will accept anonymous 
comments (enter ``N/A'' in the required fields if you wish to remain 
    Electronic copies of Amendment 36A may be obtained from 
www.regulations.gov or the Southeast Regional Office website at http://sero.nmfs.noaa.gov/sustainable_fisheries/gulf_fisheries/reef_fish/2017/A36A_comm_IFQ/am36Aindex.html. Amendment 36A includes an environmental 
assessment, fishery impact statement, regulatory impact review, and 
Regulatory Flexibility Act analysis.

Office, telephone: 727-824-5305, or email: [email protected].

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation 
and Management Act (Magnuson-Stevens Act) requires each regional 
fishery management council to submit any FMP or amendment to NMFS for 
review and approval, partial approval, or disapproval. The Magnuson-
Stevens Act also requires that NMFS, upon receiving a plan or 
amendment, publish an announcement in the Federal Register notifying 
the public that the FMP or amendment is available for review and 
    Amendment 36A to the Reef Fish FMP was prepared by the Council and, 
if approved, would be implemented by NMFS through regulations at 50 CFR

[[Page 7448]]

part 622 under the authority of the Magnuson-Stevens Act.


    There are two commercial IFQ programs in the Gulf. Amendment 26 to 
the Reef Fish FMP established the RS-IFQ program, and Amendment 29 to 
the Reef Fish FMP established the GT-IFQ program. The RS-IFQ program 
manages commercial harvest of red snapper and was implemented on 
January 1, 2007 (71 FR 67447, November 22, 2006). The GT-IFQ program 
manages commercial harvest of multiple species of groupers and 
tilefishes, and was implemented on January 1, 2010 (74 FR 44732, August 
31, 2009). Both IFQ programs share a single Web-based accounting and 
reporting system.
    The Council began the development of Amendment 36 to the Reef Fish 
FMP in response to a 5-year review of the RS-IFQ Program completed in 
2013. This review evaluated the progress of the RS-IFQ program towards 
achieving the stated goals of reducing overcapacity in the fishery and 
eliminating problems associated with race-to-fish (derby) fishing. The 
Council also received input on the program from some of their advisory 
panels as well as from the public. As a result, the suggested 
modifications to the RS-IFQ program became complex, and the Council 
split the numerous potential actions into two FMP amendments, 
Amendments 36A and 36B. The scope of the actions was also expanded to 
include revisions to the GT-IFQ program because management, as well as 
the goals and objectives, of this program are similar to the RS-IFQ 
program. Amendment 36A addresses compliance and program flexibility 
issues, while Amendment 36B addresses program participation and the 
distribution of IFQ shares and allocation in the programs.

Actions Contained in Amendment 36A

    Amendment 36A includes actions to expand the requirement for 
vessels with a commercial Gulf reef fish permit to notify NMFS in 
advance of landing any reef fish species not managed under the IFQ 
programs and to land at approved locations, and addresses IFQ shares 
held in shareholder accounts that have not been activated, since the 
current Web-based system was put in place on January 1, 2010. Amendment 
36A would return shares held in non-activated accounts to NMFS for 
future redistribution. In addition, Amendment 36A provides NMFS the 
authority to withhold annual allocation before distribution at the 
beginning of a year in which a commercial quota reduction is expected 
to occur.

Landing Notification

    Currently, to improve compliance with the IFQ programs, vessel 
owners or operators with commercial Gulf reef fish permits are required 
to notify NMFS between 3 and 24 hours in advance of landing any 
commercially harvested reef fish species managed under the IFQ programs 
(IFQ species). In addition, vessels must land IFQ species at an 
approved landing location. Although the advance landing notifications 
help with the enforcement of the IFQ programs, one of the conclusions 
from a 5-year review of the RS-IFQ Program was additional enforcement 
efforts may be necessary to deter IFQ landing violations.
    Amendment 36A would expand the requirement for an advance landing 
notification to all commercial trips that land Gulf reef fish species 
or Florida Keys/East Florida hogfish harvested in the Gulf even if no 
IFQ species are on board. Note that the single hogfish stock in the 
Gulf was recently split into a West Florida stock and a Florida Keys/
East Florida stock, separated at 25[deg]09' N lat. in Gulf Federal 
waters off the west coast of Florida (82 FR 34574 and 82 FR 34584, July 
25, 2017). The management measures for the Florida Keys/East Florida 
stock are developed by the South Atlantic Fishery Management Council, 
but commercial vessels fishing for this stock in Gulf Federal waters 
are required to have a Federal commercial permit for Gulf reef fish and 
are required to follow the reporting requirements associated with this 
    The vessel owner or operator would notify NMFS at least 3 hours, 
but no more than 24 hours, in advance of landing on each trip. 
Amendment 36A would also require owners and operators on such trips to 
land at approved landing locations. Requiring notification in advance 
of landing any federally managed reef fish from the Gulf and requiring 
landings at approved locations is expected to help deter fishermen from 
illegally landing IFQ species or reporting IFQ species as another 
species (e.g., red snapper reported as vermilion snapper), because law 
enforcement and port agents would be informed in advance of all reef 
fish trips returning to port and can meet vessels to inspect landings. 
If any IFQ species are to be landed, all regulations under the 
applicable IFQ program must be followed, including the more extensive 
advance notice of landing. Only one IFQ landing notification covering 
both IFQ and non-IFQ Gulf reef fish species or Florida Keys/East 
Florida hogfish harvested in the Gulf would be required on such a trip.

Non-Activated IFQ Shareholder Accounts

    Amendment 36A also addresses RS-IFQ and GT-IFQ shareholder accounts 
that received shares through the initial apportionment when each IFQ 
program began, but the accounts have never been accessed by the 
shareholder since January 1, 2010, the initiation of the current IFQ 
system. NMFS and the Council have attempted to notify account holders 
with these non-activated IFQ accounts through phone calls, certified 
letters, and discussion at public meetings. Although shares in the non-
activated accounts represent a small fraction of the total shares, 
annual allocation assigned to these non-activated IFQ accounts is not 
landed, and therefore, may prevent achieving OY if not made available 
for use. Amendment 36A would return RS-IFQ and GT-IFQ shares in these 
non-activated accounts to NMFS for redistribution. The Council intends 
to redistribute these shares to IFQ program participants through a 
mechanism determined in Amendment 36B.


    Amendment 36A also addresses how to distribute allocation to IFQ 
shareholders in a fishing year where there is an anticipated reduction 
of the commercial quota. Under the IFQ programs, annual allocation is 
distributed to IFQ shareholders on January 1, and most IFQ program 
participants begin to use or transfer their allocation early in the 
fishing year. After shareholders begin transferring or landing 
allocation, NMFS cannot retroactively withdraw allocation from 
shareholder accounts if a quota decrease became effective after the 
beginning of the fishing year. Amendment 36A would allow NMFS to 
anticipate a decrease in the quota of any IFQ species or multi-species 
share categories after the start of a fishing year and withhold 
distribution of quota equal to the amount of the expected decrease in 
commercial quota. NMFS would distribute the remaining portion of the 
annual allocation to shareholders on January 1. If the rulemaking 
associated with the commercial quota reduction is not effective by June 
1 in the same fishing year, then NMFS would distribute the withheld 
quota back to the current shareholders.

Proposed Rule for Amendment 36A

    A proposed rule that would implement Amendment 36A has been 
drafted. In accordance with the

[[Page 7449]]

Magnuson-Stevens Act, NMFS is evaluating the proposed rule to determine 
whether it is consistent with the Reef Fish FMP, the Magnuson-Stevens 
Act, and other applicable laws. If that determination is affirmative, 
NMFS will publish the proposed rule in the Federal Register for public 
review and comment.

Consideration of Public Comments

    The Council has submitted Amendment 36A for Secretarial review, 
approval, and implementation. Comments on Amendment 36A must be 
received by April 23, 2018. Comments received during the respective 
comment periods, whether specifically directed to Amendment 36A or the 
proposed rule, will be considered by NMFS in its decision to approve, 
partially approve, or disapprove Amendment 36A. Comments received after 
the comment periods will not be considered by NMFS in this decision. 
All comments received by NMFS on Amendment 36A or the proposed rule 
during their respective comment periods will be addressed in the final 

    Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.

    Dated: February 15, 2018.
Emily H. Menashes,
Acting Director, Office of Sustainable Fisheries, National Marine 
Fisheries Service.
[FR Doc. 2018-03463 Filed 2-20-18; 8:45 am]

                                                                     Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 35 / Wednesday, February 21, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                           7447

                                                 ESSENTIAL COVERAGE’’. IF YOU DON’T                      § 148.102    Scope and applicability date.            ADDRESSES:   You may submit comments
                                                 HAVE MINIMUM ESSENTIAL COVERAGE                         *      *    *     *    *                              on the amendment identified by
                                                 FOR ANY MONTH IN 2018, YOU MAY                             (b) * * * Notwithstanding the                      ‘‘NOAA–NMFS–2017–0060’’ by either
                                                 HAVE TO MAKE A PAYMENT WHEN YOU                                                                               of the following methods:
                                                 FILE YOUR TAX RETURN UNLESS YOU
                                                                                                         previous sentence, the definition of
                                                 QUALIFY FOR AN EXEMPTION FROM THE                       ‘‘short-term, limited-duration                           • Electronic Submission: Submit all
                                                 REQUIREMENT THAT YOU HAVE HEALTH                        insurance’’ in § 144.103 of this                      electronic public comments via the
                                                 COVERAGE FOR THAT MONTH.;                               subchapter is applicable [DATE 60                     Federal e-Rulemaking Portal. Go to
                                                                                                         DAYS AFTER DATE OF PUBLICATION                        www.regulations.gov/
                                                                                                         OF THE FINAL RULE IN THE                              #!docketDetail;D=NOAA-NMFS-2017-
                                                   (3) With respect to policies having a                 FEDERAL REGISTER].                                    0060, click the ‘‘Comment Now!’’ icon,
                                                 coverage start date on or after January 1,              [FR Doc. 2018–03208 Filed 2–20–18; 8:45 am]           complete the required fields, and enter
                                                 2019, displays prominently in the                                                                             or attach your comments.
                                                                                                         BILLING CODE 4150–28–P; 4510–29–P; 6325–64–P
                                                 contract and in any application                                                                                  • Mail: Submit written comments to
                                                 materials provided in connection with                                                                         Peter Hood, NMFS Southeast Regional
                                                 enrollment in such coverage in at least                                                                       Office, 263 13th Avenue South, St.
                                                 14 point type the following:                            DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE                                Petersburg, FL 33701.
                                                 THIS COVERAGE IS NOT REQUIRED TO                                                                                 Instructions: Comments sent by any
                                                 COMPLY WITH FEDERAL REQUIREMENTS                        National Oceanic and Atmospheric
                                                                                                                                                               other method, to any other address or
                                                 FOR HEALTH INSURANCE, PRINCIPALLY                       Administration
                                                                                                                                                               individual, or received after the end of
                                                 THOSE CONTAINED IN THE AFFORDABLE                                                                             the comment period, may not be
                                                 CARE ACT. BE SURE TO CHECK YOUR                         50 CFR Part 622
                                                 POLICY CAREFULLY TO MAKE SURE YOU
                                                                                                                                                               considered by NMFS. All comments
                                                 UNDERSTAND WHAT THE POLICY DOES                         RIN 0648–BG83
                                                                                                                                                               received are a part of the public record
                                                 AND DOESN’T COVER. IF THIS COVERAGE                                                                           and will generally be posted for public
                                                 EXPIRES OR YOU LOSE ELIGIBILITY FOR                     Fisheries of the Caribbean, Gulf of                   viewing on www.regulations.gov
                                                 THIS COVERAGE, YOU MIGHT HAVE TO                        Mexico, and South Atlantic; Reef Fish                 without change. All personal identifying
                                                 WAIT UNTIL AN OPEN ENROLLMENT                           Fishery of the Gulf of Mexico;                        information (e.g., name, address, etc.),
                                                 PERIOD TO GET OTHER HEALTH                              Amendment 36A                                         confidential business information, or
                                                 INSURANCE COVERAGE.                                                                                           otherwise sensitive information
                                                 *      *     *       *      *                           AGENCY:  National Marine Fisheries                    submitted voluntarily by the sender will
                                                                                                         Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and                  be publicly accessible. NMFS will
                                                 PART 146—REQUIREMENTS FOR THE                           Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),                    accept anonymous comments (enter ‘‘N/
                                                 GROUP HEALTH INSURANCE                                  Commerce.                                             A’’ in the required fields if you wish to
                                                 MARKET                                                  ACTION: Notification of availability;                 remain anonymous).
                                                                                                         request for comments.                                    Electronic copies of Amendment 36A
                                                 ■  9. The authority citation for part 146
                                                 is revised to read as follows:                                                                                may be obtained from
                                                                                                         SUMMARY:    The Gulf of Mexico (Gulf)                 www.regulations.gov or the Southeast
                                                   Authority: Secs. 2702 through 2705, 2711              Fishery Management Council (Council)                  Regional Office website at http://
                                                 through 2723, 2791, and 2792 of the Public              has submitted Amendment 36A to the                    sero.nmfs.noaa.gov/sustainable_
                                                 Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 300gg–1                   Fishery Management Plan for the Reef
                                                 through 300gg–5, 300gg–11 through 300gg–                                                                      fisheries/gulf_fisheries/reef_fish/2017/
                                                                                                         Fish Resources of the Gulf of Mexico                  A36A_comm_IFQ/am36Aindex.html.
                                                 23, 300gg–91, and 300gg–92).                            (Reef Fish FMP) for review, approval,                 Amendment 36A includes an
                                                 ■ 10. Section 146.125 is amended by                     and implementation by NMFS.                           environmental assessment, fishery
                                                 revising the last sentence to read as                   Amendment 36A would require owners                    impact statement, regulatory impact
                                                 follows.                                                or operators of federally permitted                   review, and Regulatory Flexibility Act
                                                                                                         commercial Gulf reef fish vessels                     analysis.
                                                 § 146.125   Applicability dates.                        landing any commercially caught,
                                                   * * * Notwithstanding the previous                    federally managed reef fish from the                  FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                 sentence, the definition of ‘‘short-term,               Gulf to provide notification prior to                 Peter Hood, NMFS Southeast Regional
                                                 limited-duration insurance’’ in                         landing and to land at approved                       Office, telephone: 727–824–5305, or
                                                 § 144.103 of this subchapter applies                    locations; require shares of red snapper              email: peter.hood@noaa.gov.
                                                 [DATE 60 DAYS AFTER DATE OF                             individual fishing quota (IFQ) (RS–IFQ)               SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The
                                                 PUBLICATION OF THE FINAL RULE                           program and groupers and tilefishes IFQ               Magnuson-Stevens Fishery
                                                 IN THE FEDERAL REGISTER].                               (GT–IFQ) program from non-activated                   Conservation and Management Act
                                                                                                         accounts to be returned to NMFS for                   (Magnuson-Stevens Act) requires each
                                                 PART 148—REQUIREMENTS FOR THE                           redistribution; and allow NMFS to hold                regional fishery management council to
                                                 INDIVIDUAL HEALTH INSURANCE                             back a portion of IFQ allocation at the               submit any FMP or amendment to
                                                 MARKET                                                  start of the fishing year in anticipation             NMFS for review and approval, partial
                                                                                                         of a commercial quota reduction. The                  approval, or disapproval. The
                                                 ■ 11. The authority citation for part 148               purpose of Amendment 36A is to                        Magnuson-Stevens Act also requires
                                                 continues to read as follows:                           improve compliance and increase                       that NMFS, upon receiving a plan or

                                                   Authority: Secs. 2701 through 2763, 2791,             management flexibility in the RS–IFQ                  amendment, publish an announcement
                                                 and 2792 of the Public Health Service Act (42           and GT–IFQ programs, and increase the                 in the Federal Register notifying the
                                                 U.S.C. 300gg through 300gg–63, 300gg–91,                likelihood of achieving optimum yield                 public that the FMP or amendment is
                                                 and 300gg–92), as amended.                              (OY) for reef fish stocks managed under               available for review and comment.
                                                 ■ 12. Section 148.102 is amended by                     these programs.                                          Amendment 36A to the Reef Fish
                                                 revising the section heading and the last               DATES: Written comments on                            FMP was prepared by the Council and,
                                                 sentence of paragraph (b) to read as                    Amendment 36A must be received by                     if approved, would be implemented by
                                                 follows:                                                April 23, 2018.                                       NMFS through regulations at 50 CFR

                                            VerDate Sep<11>2014   17:45 Feb 20, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00037   Fmt 4702   Sfmt 4702   E:\FR\FM\21FEP1.SGM   21FEP1

                                                 7448                Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 35 / Wednesday, February 21, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                 part 622 under the authority of the                     Landing Notification                                  hogfish harvested in the Gulf would be
                                                 Magnuson-Stevens Act.                                                                                         required on such a trip.
                                                                                                            Currently, to improve compliance
                                                 Background                                              with the IFQ programs, vessel owners or               Non-Activated IFQ Shareholder
                                                    There are two commercial IFQ                         operators with commercial Gulf reef fish              Accounts
                                                 programs in the Gulf. Amendment 26 to                   permits are required to notify NMFS                      Amendment 36A also addresses RS–
                                                 the Reef Fish FMP established the RS–                   between 3 and 24 hours in advance of                  IFQ and GT–IFQ shareholder accounts
                                                 IFQ program, and Amendment 29 to the                    landing any commercially harvested                    that received shares through the initial
                                                 Reef Fish FMP established the GT–IFQ                    reef fish species managed under the IFQ               apportionment when each IFQ program
                                                 program. The RS–IFQ program manages                     programs (IFQ species). In addition,                  began, but the accounts have never been
                                                 commercial harvest of red snapper and                   vessels must land IFQ species at an                   accessed by the shareholder since
                                                 was implemented on January 1, 2007                      approved landing location. Although                   January 1, 2010, the initiation of the
                                                 (71 FR 67447, November 22, 2006). The                   the advance landing notifications help                current IFQ system. NMFS and the
                                                 GT–IFQ program manages commercial                       with the enforcement of the IFQ                       Council have attempted to notify
                                                 harvest of multiple species of groupers                 programs, one of the conclusions from                 account holders with these non-
                                                 and tilefishes, and was implemented on                  a 5-year review of the RS–IFQ Program                 activated IFQ accounts through phone
                                                 January 1, 2010 (74 FR 44732, August                    was additional enforcement efforts may                calls, certified letters, and discussion at
                                                 31, 2009). Both IFQ programs share a                    be necessary to deter IFQ landing                     public meetings. Although shares in the
                                                 single Web-based accounting and                         violations.                                           non-activated accounts represent a
                                                 reporting system.                                          Amendment 36A would expand the                     small fraction of the total shares, annual
                                                    The Council began the development                    requirement for an advance landing                    allocation assigned to these non-
                                                 of Amendment 36 to the Reef Fish FMP                    notification to all commercial trips that             activated IFQ accounts is not landed,
                                                 in response to a 5-year review of the                   land Gulf reef fish species or Florida                and therefore, may prevent achieving
                                                 RS–IFQ Program completed in 2013.                       Keys/East Florida hogfish harvested in                OY if not made available for use.
                                                 This review evaluated the progress of                   the Gulf even if no IFQ species are on                Amendment 36A would return RS–IFQ
                                                 the RS–IFQ program towards achieving                    board. Note that the single hogfish stock             and GT–IFQ shares in these non-
                                                 the stated goals of reducing overcapacity               in the Gulf was recently split into a                 activated accounts to NMFS for
                                                 in the fishery and eliminating problems                 West Florida stock and a Florida Keys/                redistribution. The Council intends to
                                                 associated with race-to-fish (derby)                                                                          redistribute these shares to IFQ program
                                                                                                         East Florida stock, separated at 25°09′ N
                                                 fishing. The Council also received input                                                                      participants through a mechanism
                                                                                                         lat. in Gulf Federal waters off the west
                                                 on the program from some of their                                                                             determined in Amendment 36B.
                                                                                                         coast of Florida (82 FR 34574 and 82 FR
                                                 advisory panels as well as from the
                                                                                                         34584, July 25, 2017). The management                 Allocation
                                                 public. As a result, the suggested
                                                                                                         measures for the Florida Keys/East
                                                 modifications to the RS–IFQ program                                                                              Amendment 36A also addresses how
                                                                                                         Florida stock are developed by the
                                                 became complex, and the Council split                                                                         to distribute allocation to IFQ
                                                                                                         South Atlantic Fishery Management
                                                 the numerous potential actions into two                                                                       shareholders in a fishing year where
                                                                                                         Council, but commercial vessels fishing
                                                 FMP amendments, Amendments 36A                                                                                there is an anticipated reduction of the
                                                                                                         for this stock in Gulf Federal waters are
                                                 and 36B. The scope of the actions was                                                                         commercial quota. Under the IFQ
                                                                                                         required to have a Federal commercial
                                                 also expanded to include revisions to                                                                         programs, annual allocation is
                                                                                                         permit for Gulf reef fish and are
                                                 the GT–IFQ program because                                                                                    distributed to IFQ shareholders on
                                                                                                         required to follow the reporting
                                                 management, as well as the goals and                                                                          January 1, and most IFQ program
                                                                                                         requirements associated with this
                                                 objectives, of this program are similar to                                                                    participants begin to use or transfer
                                                 the RS–IFQ program. Amendment 36A                                                                             their allocation early in the fishing year.
                                                 addresses compliance and program                           The vessel owner or operator would                 After shareholders begin transferring or
                                                 flexibility issues, while Amendment                     notify NMFS at least 3 hours, but no                  landing allocation, NMFS cannot
                                                 36B addresses program participation                     more than 24 hours, in advance of                     retroactively withdraw allocation from
                                                 and the distribution of IFQ shares and                  landing on each trip. Amendment 36A                   shareholder accounts if a quota decrease
                                                 allocation in the programs.                             would also require owners and                         became effective after the beginning of
                                                                                                         operators on such trips to land at                    the fishing year. Amendment 36A
                                                 Actions Contained in Amendment 36A                      approved landing locations. Requiring                 would allow NMFS to anticipate a
                                                   Amendment 36A includes actions to                     notification in advance of landing any                decrease in the quota of any IFQ species
                                                 expand the requirement for vessels with                 federally managed reef fish from the                  or multi-species share categories after
                                                 a commercial Gulf reef fish permit to                   Gulf and requiring landings at approved               the start of a fishing year and withhold
                                                 notify NMFS in advance of landing any                   locations is expected to help deter                   distribution of quota equal to the
                                                 reef fish species not managed under the                 fishermen from illegally landing IFQ                  amount of the expected decrease in
                                                 IFQ programs and to land at approved                    species or reporting IFQ species as                   commercial quota. NMFS would
                                                 locations, and addresses IFQ shares held                another species (e.g., red snapper                    distribute the remaining portion of the
                                                 in shareholder accounts that have not                   reported as vermilion snapper), because               annual allocation to shareholders on
                                                 been activated, since the current Web-                  law enforcement and port agents would                 January 1. If the rulemaking associated
                                                 based system was put in place on                        be informed in advance of all reef fish               with the commercial quota reduction is
                                                 January 1, 2010. Amendment 36A                          trips returning to port and can meet                  not effective by June 1 in the same

                                                 would return shares held in non-                        vessels to inspect landings. If any IFQ               fishing year, then NMFS would
                                                 activated accounts to NMFS for future                   species are to be landed, all regulations             distribute the withheld quota back to
                                                 redistribution. In addition, Amendment                  under the applicable IFQ program must                 the current shareholders.
                                                 36A provides NMFS the authority to                      be followed, including the more
                                                 withhold annual allocation before                       extensive advance notice of landing.                  Proposed Rule for Amendment 36A
                                                 distribution at the beginning of a year in              Only one IFQ landing notification                       A proposed rule that would
                                                 which a commercial quota reduction is                   covering both IFQ and non-IFQ Gulf reef               implement Amendment 36A has been
                                                 expected to occur.                                      fish species or Florida Keys/East Florida             drafted. In accordance with the

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                                                                     Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 35 / Wednesday, February 21, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                                 7449

                                                 Magnuson-Stevens Act, NMFS is                           approval, and implementation.                         by NMFS on Amendment 36A or the
                                                 evaluating the proposed rule to                         Comments on Amendment 36A must be                     proposed rule during their respective
                                                 determine whether it is consistent with                 received by April 23, 2018. Comments                  comment periods will be addressed in
                                                 the Reef Fish FMP, the Magnuson-                        received during the respective comment                the final rule.
                                                 Stevens Act, and other applicable laws.                 periods, whether specifically directed to                Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.
                                                 If that determination is affirmative,                   Amendment 36A or the proposed rule,
                                                 NMFS will publish the proposed rule in                  will be considered by NMFS in its                       Dated: February 15, 2018.
                                                 the Federal Register for public review                  decision to approve, partially approve,               Emily H. Menashes,
                                                 and comment.                                            or disapprove Amendment 36A.                          Acting Director, Office of Sustainable
                                                 Consideration of Public Comments                        Comments received after the comment                   Fisheries, National Marine Fisheries Service.
                                                   The Council has submitted                             periods will not be considered by NMFS                [FR Doc. 2018–03463 Filed 2–20–18; 8:45 am]

                                                 Amendment 36A for Secretarial review,                   in this decision. All comments received               BILLING CODE 3510–22–P

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Document Created: 2018-02-21 01:48:46
Document Modified: 2018-02-21 01:48:46
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionProposed Rules
ActionNotification of availability; request for comments.
DatesWritten comments on Amendment 36A must be received by April 23, 2018.
ContactPeter Hood, NMFS Southeast Regional Office, telephone: 727-824-5305, or email: [email protected]
FR Citation83 FR 7447 
RIN Number0648-BG83

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