83_FR_7686 83 FR 7650 - Fisheries Off West Coast States; West Coast Salmon Fisheries; Management Measures To Limit Fishery Impacts on Sacramento River Winter Chinook Salmon

83 FR 7650 - Fisheries Off West Coast States; West Coast Salmon Fisheries; Management Measures To Limit Fishery Impacts on Sacramento River Winter Chinook Salmon

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 36 (February 22, 2018)

Page Range7650-7653
FR Document2018-03596

NMFS proposes to approve new fishery management measures to limit incidental catch of endangered Sacramento River winter Chinook salmon (SRWC) in fisheries managed under the Pacific Fishery Management Council's (Council) Pacific Salmon Fishery Management Plan (FMP). These new management measures replace existing measures, which have been in place since 2012, with updated salmon abundance modeling methods that utilize the best available science and address concerns that the existing measures were overly conservative.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 36 (Thursday, February 22, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 36 (Thursday, February 22, 2018)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 7650-7653]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-03596]



National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

50 CFR Part 660

[Docket No. 171031999-8160-01]
RIN 0648-BH40

Fisheries Off West Coast States; West Coast Salmon Fisheries; 
Management Measures To Limit Fishery Impacts on Sacramento River Winter 
Chinook Salmon

AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and 
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.

ACTION: Proposed rule; request for comments.


SUMMARY: NMFS proposes to approve new fishery management measures to 
limit incidental catch of endangered Sacramento River winter Chinook 
salmon (SRWC) in fisheries managed under the Pacific Fishery Management 
Council's (Council) Pacific Salmon Fishery Management Plan (FMP). These 
new management measures replace existing measures, which have been in 
place since 2012, with updated salmon abundance modeling methods that 
utilize the best available science and address concerns that the 
existing measures were overly conservative.

DATES: Comments on this proposed rule must be received on or before 
March 9, 2018.

ADDRESSES: You may submit comments, identified by NOAA-NMFS-2017-0139, 
by any one of the following methods:
     Electronic Submissions: Submit all electronic public 
comments via the Federal e-Rulemaking Portal. Go to 
www.regulations.gov/#!docketDetail;D=NOAA-NMFS-2017-0139, click the 
``Comment Now!'' icon, complete the required fields, and enter or 
attach your comments.
     Mail: Barry A. Thom, Regional Administrator, West Coast 
Region, NMFS, 7600 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle, WA 98115-0070.
    Instructions: Comments must be submitted by one of the above 
methods to ensure that the comments are received, documented, and 
considered by NMFS. Comments sent by any other method, to any other 
address or individual, or received after the end of the comment period, 
may not be considered. All comments received are a part of the public 
record and will generally be posted for public viewing on http://www.regulations.gov without change. All personal identifying 
information (e.g., name, address, etc.) submitted voluntarily by the 
sender will be publicly accessible. Do not submit confidential business 
information or otherwise sensitive or protected information. NMFS will 
accept anonymous comments (enter N/A in the required fields if you wish 
to remain anonymous).

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Peggy Mundy at 206-526-4323.



    Ocean salmon fisheries off the coasts of Washington, Oregon, and 
California are managed by the Council according to the FMP. The FMP 
includes harvest controls that are used to manage salmon stocks 
sustainably. The FMP also requires that the Council manage fisheries 
consistent with ``consultation standards'' for stocks listed as

[[Page 7651]]

endangered or threatened under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) for 
which NMFS has issued biological opinions. NMFS has issued biological 
opinions for every ESA listed salmon species impacted by the fisheries 
governed by the FMP, and reminds the Council of requirements to 
maintain consistency with those opinions (``consultation standards'') 
in its annual guidance letter to the Council regarding development of 
the annual ocean salmon management measures.
    SRWC has been listed as endangered under the ESA since 1990 (55 FR 
46515, November 5, 1990). These fish are impacted by ocean salmon 
fisheries south of Point Arena, California; thus NMFS has consulted on 
these impacts under section 7 of the ESA. Since the original 
consultation, NMFS has periodically reinitiated consultation on the 
impacts of ocean salmon fisheries on SRWC, most recently in 2010. In 
its 2010 biological opinion, NMFS determined that ocean salmon 
fisheries were likely to jeopardize the continued existence of SRWC, 
but not modify or destroy critical habitat. To address this jeopardy 
conclusion, NMFS issued and implemented an interim reasonable and 
prudent alternative (RPA) for fisheries in 2010 and 2011, and required 
development of an abundance-based framework for limiting impacts on 
SRWC during this interim period. In 2012, NMFS issued and implemented 
the current RPA to limit impacts of fisheries on SRWC. The RPA consists 
of two parts: Part one includes fishing season and size limit 
restrictions (see Table 1, below); part two specifies an abundance-
based harvest control rule. The harvest control rule uses a forecast 
abundance that is based on the 3-year geometric mean of prior spawning 
escapement. At 3-year geometric mean abundance greater than 5,000, no 
impact rate cap is imposed. At 3-year geometric mean abundance between 
5,000 and 4,000, the impact rate cap is 20 percent. At 3-year geometric 
mean abundance between 4,000 and 500, the impact rate cap declines 
linearly from 20 percent at 4,000 abundance to 10 percent at 500 
abundance. At 3-year geometric mean abundance below 500, the impact 
rate cap is zero percent.

     Table 1--Fishing Season and Size Restrictions for Ocean Chinook Salmon Fisheries, South of Point Arena,
                                               Shall open no      Shall close no     Minimum size limit (total
        Fishery               Location          earlier than        later than          length \1\) shall be
Recreational...........  Between Point       1st Saturday in    2nd Sunday in      20 inches.
                          Arena and Pigeon    April.             November.
                         Between Pigeon      1st Saturday in    1st Sunday in      .............................
                          Point and the       April.             October.
Commercial.............  Between Point       May 1............  September 30       26 inches.
                          Arena and the                          [dagger].
                          border [dagger].
                           [dagger] Exception: Between Point Reyes and Point San Pedro, there may be an October
                              commercial fishery conducted Monday through Friday, but shall end no later than
                                                                October 15.
\1\ Total length of salmon means the shortest distance between the tip of the snout or jaw (whichever extends
  furthest while the mouth is closed) and the tip of the longest lobe of the tail, without resort to any force
  or mutilation of the salmon other than fanning or swinging the tail (50 CFR 660.402).

    Since implementation of the RPA, two issues with the control rule 
have arisen from Council discussion. First, the control rule does not 
allow for any fishery impacts when the most recent 3-year geometric 
mean of spawning escapement for SRWC falls below 500. This would result 
in closure of all salmon fisheries south of Point Arena, CA, which the 
Council felt was unnecessarily restrictive. Second, because the control 
rule is based on spawning escapement, it is not responsive to more 
forward looking indicators of stock productivity, e.g., poor juvenile 
salmon survival during the prolonged California drought. The Council 
did not raise any issues with respect to the fishing season and size 
limit restrictions that formed the first part of the 2012 RPA; and 
continues to consider this part of the applicable ESA ``consultation 
standard.'' Thus NMFS includes maintaining those restrictions as part 
of this action.
    In 2015, the Council created an ad hoc SRWC Workgroup to develop a 
new harvest control rule that would address the two issues mentioned 
above; the SRWC workgroup comprised staff from NMFS, California 
Department of Fish and Wildlife, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife 
Service. The SRWC Workgroup's meetings to develop and analyze 
alternative harvest control rules were open to the public. 
Additionally, the SRWC Workgroup presented their reports to the Council 
at regularly scheduled Council meetings in 2016 and 2017. These 
workgroup and Council meetings were noticed in the Federal Register, 
public input was invited, and the meetings were open to the public 
through either in-person attendance, webinar, conference call, or live 
streaming on the internet. At the Council's September 2017 meeting, the 
Council selected four of the alternatives developed by the Workgroup 
for final analysis. The Council then selected a final preferred 
alternative at their November 2017 meeting. Documents considered by the 
Council are available on the Council website: (https://www.pcouncil.org/resources/archives/briefing-books/november-2017-briefing-book/#salNov2017). The Council transmitted their 
recommendation to NMFS on December 6, 2017.

Council's Recommended Harvest Control Rule

    The new harvest control rule recommended by the Council uses 
juvenile survival (i.e., fry to the end of age-2 in the ocean) to model 
a forecast of age-3 escapement absent fishing (E\0\3). The 
model used is a modification of Winship et al. (2014) and is detailed 
in O'Farrell et al. (2016). The recommended control rule will provide a 
forward-looking forecast rather than the current hind-cast methodology.
    The new harvest control rule sets the maximum allowable age-three 
impact rate based on the forecast age-three escapement in the absence 
of fisheries (E\0\3). At E\0\3 above 3,000, the 
allowable impact rate is fixed at 20 percent. At E\0\3 
between 3,000 and 500, the allowable impact rate declines linearly from 
20 percent to 10 percent. At E\0\3 between 500 and 0, the 
allowable impact rate declines linearly from 10 percent to 0

[[Page 7652]]

percent, thus providing fishing opportunity at all levels of SRWC 
abundance. See Figure 1.

    The SRWC Workgroup compared the alternative harvest control rules 
with respect to extinction risk to SRWC and how the alternatives would 
affect fishing opportunity. With respect to extinction risk, the 
workgroup found little contrast among the alternatives in their 
simulation analyses. With respect to fishing opportunity, the workgroup 
did find differences among the alternatives, and concluded that the 
Council's recommended alternative was intermediate in constraining the 
fishery compared to the other alternatives under consideration. 
Fisheries south of Point Arena, where SRWC are contacted, impact 
several salmon stocks. In the six years that the current harvest 
control rule has been in place, these fisheries have been constrained 
by impacts to SRWC as well as California Coastal Chinook (ESA-listed as 
threatened), Sacramento River fall Chinook (not ESA-listed), and 
Klamath River fall Chinook (not ESA-listed). However, in recent years, 
the only closures of the fishery south of Point Arena were due to 
Sacramento River fall Chinook (2008, 2009). Under the new control rule 
for SRWC, fishing impacts would be allowed at all non-zero forecast 
abundance of SRWC; therefore, the new control rule would not, in 
itself, result in a fishery closure.
    The harvest control rule recommended by the Council would address 
the issues raised by the current harvest control rule. The new harvest 
control rule would allow for fishing opportunity in the affected area 
at all levels of abundance of SRWC, and uses juvenile productivity and 
survival to develop a responsive, forward-looking abundance forecast. 
The new harvest control rule is expected to accomplish these goals 
without appreciably increasing the extinction risk to SRWC over the 
current harvest control rule. The new harvest control rule was 
developed in a public process with opportunity for the States, Tribes, 
and the public to provide input. The Council recommended and NMFS 
proposes to implement this new harvest control rule, together with the 
size and fishing season limits described above, beginning with the 2018 
ocean salmon fishing season that will begin May 1, 2018.

References Cited

O'Farrell, M., N. Hendrix, and M. Mohr. 2016. An evaluation of 
preseason abundance forecasts for Sacramento River winter Chinook 
salmon. Pacific Fishery Management Council Briefing Book for 
November 2016, 35p.
SRWC Workgroup. 2017. Further evaluation of Sacramento River winter 
Chinook control rules, dated October 18, 2017. Pacific Fishery 
Management Council Briefing Book for November 2017, 9 p.
Winship, A.J., M.R. O'Farrell, and M.S. Mohr. 2014. Fishery and 
hatchery effects on an endangered salmon population with low 
productivity. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 143, 


    Pursuant to section 304(b)(1)(A) of the MSA, the NMFS Assistant 
Administrator has determined that this proposed rule is consistent with 
the Pacific Salmon Fishery Management Plan, the MSA, and other 
applicable law, subject to further consideration after public comment.
    The West Coast Regional Administrator has determined that the 
actions of this proposed rule will be analyzed in an environmental 
assessment under the National Environmental Policy Act.
    This proposed rule has been determined to be not significant for 
purposes of Executive Order 12866.
    As required by section 603 of the Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA), 
an Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis (IRFA) was prepared. The 
IRFA describes the economic impact this proposed rule, if adopted, 
would have on small entities. A summary of the analysis follows. A copy 
of this analysis is available from NMFS.
    Provision is made under SBA's regulations for an agency to develop 
its own industry-specific size standards after consultation with 
Advocacy and an opportunity for public comment (see 13 CFR 121.903(c)). 
NMFS has established

[[Page 7653]]

a small business size standard for businesses, including their 
affiliates, whose primary industry is commercial fishing (80 FR 81194, 
December 29, 2015). This standard is only for use by NMFS and only for 
the purpose of conducting an analysis of economic effects in 
fulfillment of the agency's obligations under the RFA.
    NMFS' small business size standard for businesses, including their 
affiliates, whose primary industry is commercial fishing is $11 million 
in annual gross receipts. This standard applies to all businesses 
classified under North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 
code 11411 for commercial fishing, including all businesses classified 
as commercial finfish fishing (NAICS 114111), commercial shellfish 
fishing (NAICS 114112), and other commercial marine fishing (NAICS 
114119) businesses. (50 CFR 200.2; 13 CFR 121.201).
    The proposed rule would specify the annual amount of fishery impact 
that will be allowed on ESA-listed SRWC and, thereby, affect the 
fishing opportunity available in the area south of Point Arena, CA. 
This would affect commercial and recreational fisheries. Using the high 
from the last 3 years, 153 commercial trollers are likely to be 
impacted by this rule, all of whom would be considered small 
businesses. The 16-25 commercial vessels who have greater than 75 
percent of their annual revenue from Chinook salmon south of Point 
Arena would be most impacted by this rule. Charter license holders 
operating south of Point Arena will be directly regulated under the 
updated harvest control rule. The number of license holders has 
fluctuated with harvest levels, varying from 70 in 2010 to 93 in 2014. 
Of these, 20-50 vessels could be considered ``active'', landing more 
than 100 salmon in the year. The proposed rule would impact about 90 
charter boat entities, about 50 of whom were ``active'' in peak years 
(2013-2014). In summary, this rule will directly impact about 250 
entities made up of commercial and charter vessels, with about 75 of 
these highly active in the fishery and likely to experience the largest 
impacts, in proportion to their total participation.
    The proposed action includes a de minimis provision and would allow 
impacts at all non-zero forecast abundance. Because of this feature, 
this proposed action is unlikely to result in fishery closure in the 
analysis area. The alternative would also provide increased certainty 
to operators over the status quo, in which the Council has elected 
lower impact rates than specified by the current control rule. 
Therefore, this action would be expected to have a positive impact of 
low magnitude on economic benefits to fishery-dependent communities 
that would vary year-to-year, but not likely to be significant.
    Commercial trollers and charter operators face a variety of 
constraining stocks. In no year has SWRC been the only constraining 
stock. Entities are constrained by both ESA-listed and non-listed 
species; the years that had the most constrained fisheries in the last 
decade were 2008 and 2009, when fisheries in the analysis area were 
closed to limit impacts to Sacramento River fall Chinook, not an ESA-
listed species, rather than the ESA-listed species SRWC. Thus, while 
entities will likely continue to face constraints relative to fishing 
opportunities, because the proposed action is expected to provide low-
positive benefits to both commercial and charter operators, NMFS does 
not expect the rule to impose significant negative economic effects.
    This proposed rule would not establish any new reporting or 
recordkeeping requirements. This proposed rule does not include a 
collection of information. No Federal rules have been identified that 
duplicate, overlap, or conflict with this action.
    This action is the subject of a consultation under section 7 of the 
ESA. NMFS is currently preparing a biological opinion on the effects of 
this action on SRWC, which will be completed prior to publishing a 
final rule. This action is not expected to have adverse effects on any 
other species listed under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) or 
designated critical habitat. This action implements a new harvest 
control rule to limit impacts on SRWC from the ocean salmon fishery and 
would be used in the setting of annual management measures for West 
Coast salmon fisheries. NMFS has current ESA biological opinions that 
cover fishing under annual regulations adopted under the FMP on all 
listed salmon species. NMFS reiterates what is required for consistency 
with these opinions for all ESA-listed salmon and steelhead species in 
their annual guidance letter to the Council. Some of NMFS past 
biological opinions have found no jeopardy, and others have found 
jeopardy, but provided reasonable and prudent alternatives to avoid 
jeopardy. The annual management measures are designed to be consistent 
with the biological opinions that found no jeopardy, and with the 
reasonable and prudent alternatives in the jeopardy biological 
    This proposed rule was developed after meaningful collaboration 
with West Coast tribes, through the Council process. Under the MSA at 
16 U.S.C. 1852(b)(5), one of the voting members of the Council must be 
a representative of an Indian Tribe with Federally recognized fishing 
rights from the area of the Council's jurisdiction. No tribes with 
Federally recognized fishing rights are expected to be affected by this 

    Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.

    Dated: February 15, 2018.
Samuel D. Rauch, III,
Deputy Assistant Administrator for Regulatory Programs, National Marine 
Fisheries Service.
[FR Doc. 2018-03596 Filed 2-21-18; 8:45 am]

                                                 7650                     Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 36 / Thursday, February 22, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                                                                                 TABLE 165.943—Continued
                                                                                                                            [Datum NAD 1983]

                                                                  Event                                                                 Location                                          Event date

                                                 (3) City of Bayfield 4th of July          All waters of the Lake Superior North Channel in Bayfield, WI within the arc of a        On or around July 4th.
                                                   Fireworks Display.                         circle with a radius of no more than 1,120 feet from the launch site at position
                                                                                              46°48′40″ N, 090°48′32″ W.
                                                 (4) Cornucopia 4th of July Fire-          All waters of Siskiwit Bay in Cornucopia, WI within the arc of a circle with a radius    On or around July 4th.
                                                   works Display.                             of no more than 1,120 feet from the launch site at position 46°51′35″ N,
                                                                                              091°06′15″ W.
                                                 (5) Duluth 4th Fest Fireworks             All waters of the Duluth Harbor Basin, Northern Section in Duluth, MN within the         On or around July 4th.
                                                   Display.                                   arc of a circle with a radius of no more than 1,120 feet from the launch site at
                                                                                              position 46°46′14″ N, 092°06′16″ W.
                                                 (6) LaPointe 4th of July Fire-            All waters of Lake Superior in LaPointe, WI within the arc of a circle with a radius     On or around July 4th.
                                                   works Display.                             of no more than 1,120 feet from the launch site at position 46°46′40″ N,
                                                                                              090°47′22″ W.
                                                 (7) Two Harbors 4th of July Fire-         All waters of Agate Bay in Two Harbors, MN within the arc of a circle with a radius      On or around July 4th.
                                                   works Display.                             of no more than 1,120 feet from the launch site at position 47°00′54″ N,
                                                                                              091°40′04″ W.
                                                 (8) Superior 4th of July Fireworks        All waters of Superior Bay in Superior, WI within the arc of a circle with a radius of   On or around July 4th.
                                                   Display.                                   no more than 1,120 feet from the launch site at position 46°43′28″ N,
                                                                                              092°03′38″ W.
                                                 (9) Point to LaPointe Swim .........      All waters of the Lake Superior North Channel between Bayfield and LaPointe, WI          Early August.
                                                                                              within an imaginary line created by the following coordinates: 46°48′50″ N,
                                                                                              090°48′44″ W, moving southeast to 46°46′44″ N, 090°47′33″ W, then moving
                                                                                              northeast to 46°46′52″ N, 090°47′17″ W, then moving northwest to 46°49′03″ N,
                                                                                              090°48′25″ W, and finally returning to the starting position.
                                                 (10) Lake Superior Dragon Boat            All waters of Superior Bay in Superior, WI within the arc of a circle with a radius of   Late August.
                                                   Festival Fireworks Display.                no more than 1,120 feet from the launch site at position 46°43′28″ N,
                                                                                              092°03′47″ W.
                                                 (11) Superior Man Triathlon ........      All waters of the Duluth Harbor Basin, Northern Section in Duluth, MN within an          Late August.
                                                                                              imaginary line created by the following coordinates: 46°46′36″ N, 092°06′06″ W,
                                                                                              moving southeast to 46°46′32″ N, 092°06′01″ W, then moving northeast to
                                                                                              46°46′45″ N, 092°05′45″ W, then moving northwest to 46°46′49″ N, 092°05′49″
                                                                                              W, and finally returning to the starting position.

                                                   Dated: February 14, 2018.                              Sacramento River winter Chinook                        received, documented, and considered
                                                 E.E. Williams,                                           salmon (SRWC) in fisheries managed                     by NMFS. Comments sent by any other
                                                 Commander, U.S. Coast Guard, Captain of                  under the Pacific Fishery Management                   method, to any other address or
                                                 the Port Duluth.                                         Council’s (Council) Pacific Salmon                     individual, or received after the end of
                                                 [FR Doc. 2018–03624 Filed 2–21–18; 8:45 am]              Fishery Management Plan (FMP). These                   the comment period, may not be
                                                 BILLING CODE 9110–04–P                                   new management measures replace                        considered. All comments received are
                                                                                                          existing measures, which have been in                  a part of the public record and will
                                                                                                          place since 2012, with updated salmon                  generally be posted for public viewing
                                                 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE                                   abundance modeling methods that                        on http://www.regulations.gov without
                                                                                                          utilize the best available science and                 change. All personal identifying
                                                 National Oceanic and Atmospheric                         address concerns that the existing                     information (e.g., name, address, etc.)
                                                 Administration                                           measures were overly conservative.                     submitted voluntarily by the sender will
                                                                                                          DATES: Comments on this proposed rule                  be publicly accessible. Do not submit
                                                 50 CFR Part 660                                          must be received on or before March 9,                 confidential business information or
                                                                                                          2018.                                                  otherwise sensitive or protected
                                                 [Docket No. 171031999–8160–01]                                                                                  information. NMFS will accept
                                                                                                          ADDRESSES: You may submit comments,
                                                 RIN 0648–BH40                                            identified by NOAA–NMFS–2017–0139,                     anonymous comments (enter N/A in the
                                                                                                          by any one of the following methods:                   required fields if you wish to remain
                                                 Fisheries Off West Coast States; West                      • Electronic Submissions: Submit all                 anonymous).
                                                 Coast Salmon Fisheries; Management                       electronic public comments via the                     FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                 Measures To Limit Fishery Impacts on                     Federal e-Rulemaking Portal. Go to                     Peggy Mundy at 206–526–4323.
                                                 Sacramento River Winter Chinook                          www.regulations.gov/                                   SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                 Salmon                                                   #!docketDetail;D=NOAA-NMFS-2017-
                                                                                                          0139, click the ‘‘Comment Now!’’ icon,                 Background
                                                 AGENCY:  National Marine Fisheries
                                                 Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and                     complete the required fields, and enter                   Ocean salmon fisheries off the coasts

                                                 Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),                       or attach your comments.                               of Washington, Oregon, and California
                                                 Commerce.                                                  • Mail: Barry A. Thom, Regional                      are managed by the Council according
                                                 ACTION: Proposed rule; request for                       Administrator, West Coast Region,                      to the FMP. The FMP includes harvest
                                                 comments.                                                NMFS, 7600 Sand Point Way NE,                          controls that are used to manage salmon
                                                                                                          Seattle, WA 98115–0070.                                stocks sustainably. The FMP also
                                                 SUMMARY:   NMFS proposes to approve                        Instructions: Comments must be                       requires that the Council manage
                                                 new fishery management measures to                       submitted by one of the above methods                  fisheries consistent with ‘‘consultation
                                                 limit incidental catch of endangered                     to ensure that the comments are                        standards’’ for stocks listed as

                                            VerDate Sep<11>2014    18:10 Feb 21, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00013    Fmt 4702   Sfmt 4702   E:\FR\FM\22FEP1.SGM   22FEP1

                                                                       Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 36 / Thursday, February 22, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                                         7651

                                                 endangered or threatened under the                      original consultation, NMFS has                              two parts: Part one includes fishing
                                                 Endangered Species Act (ESA) for                        periodically reinitiated consultation on                     season and size limit restrictions (see
                                                 which NMFS has issued biological                        the impacts of ocean salmon fisheries on                     Table 1, below); part two specifies an
                                                 opinions. NMFS has issued biological                    SRWC, most recently in 2010. In its                          abundance-based harvest control rule.
                                                 opinions for every ESA listed salmon                    2010 biological opinion, NMFS                                The harvest control rule uses a forecast
                                                 species impacted by the fisheries                       determined that ocean salmon fisheries                       abundance that is based on the 3-year
                                                 governed by the FMP, and reminds the                    were likely to jeopardize the continued                      geometric mean of prior spawning
                                                 Council of requirements to maintain                     existence of SRWC, but not modify or                         escapement. At 3-year geometric mean
                                                 consistency with those opinions                         destroy critical habitat. To address this                    abundance greater than 5,000, no impact
                                                 (‘‘consultation standards’’) in its annual
                                                                                                         jeopardy conclusion, NMFS issued and                         rate cap is imposed. At 3-year geometric
                                                 guidance letter to the Council regarding
                                                                                                         implemented an interim reasonable and                        mean abundance between 5,000 and
                                                 development of the annual ocean
                                                 salmon management measures.                             prudent alternative (RPA) for fisheries                      4,000, the impact rate cap is 20 percent.
                                                    SRWC has been listed as endangered                   in 2010 and 2011, and required                               At 3-year geometric mean abundance
                                                 under the ESA since 1990 (55 FR 46515,                  development of an abundance-based                            between 4,000 and 500, the impact rate
                                                 November 5, 1990). These fish are                       framework for limiting impacts on                            cap declines linearly from 20 percent at
                                                 impacted by ocean salmon fisheries                      SRWC during this interim period. In                          4,000 abundance to 10 percent at 500
                                                 south of Point Arena, California; thus                  2012, NMFS issued and implemented                            abundance. At 3-year geometric mean
                                                 NMFS has consulted on these impacts                     the current RPA to limit impacts of                          abundance below 500, the impact rate
                                                 under section 7 of the ESA. Since the                   fisheries on SRWC. The RPA consists of                       cap is zero percent.

                                                                                                                                                                                                    Minimum size limit
                                                                                                                                        Shall open                         Shall close
                                                      Fishery                                 Location                                                                                                (total length 1)
                                                                                                                                      no earlier than                     no later than                   shall be

                                                 Recreational ......   Between Point Arena and Pigeon Point .............       1st Saturday in April ....          2nd Sunday in Novem-          20 inches.
                                                                       Between Pigeon Point and the U.S./Mexico bor-            1st Saturday in April ....          1st Sunday in October
                                                 Commercial .......    Between Point Arena and the U.S./Mexico bor-             May 1 ...........................   September 30 † ............   26 inches.
                                                                         der †.

                                                                         † Exception: Between Point Reyes and Point San Pedro, there may be an October commercial fishery conducted Monday
                                                                                                        through Friday, but shall end no later than October 15.
                                                   1 Total length of salmon means the shortest distance between the tip of the snout or jaw (whichever extends furthest while the mouth is closed)
                                                 and the tip of the longest lobe of the tail, without resort to any force or mutilation of the salmon other than fanning or swinging the tail (50 CFR

                                                    Since implementation of the RPA, two                 the two issues mentioned above; the                          book/#salNov2017). The Council
                                                 issues with the control rule have arisen                SRWC workgroup comprised staff from                          transmitted their recommendation to
                                                 from Council discussion. First, the                     NMFS, California Department of Fish                          NMFS on December 6, 2017.
                                                 control rule does not allow for any                     and Wildlife, and the U.S. Fish and                          Council’s Recommended Harvest
                                                 fishery impacts when the most recent 3-                 Wildlife Service. The SRWC                                   Control Rule
                                                 year geometric mean of spawning                         Workgroup’s meetings to develop and
                                                 escapement for SRWC falls below 500.                    analyze alternative harvest control rules                       The new harvest control rule
                                                 This would result in closure of all                     were open to the public. Additionally,                       recommended by the Council uses
                                                 salmon fisheries south of Point Arena,                  the SRWC Workgroup presented their                           juvenile survival (i.e., fry to the end of
                                                 CA, which the Council felt was                          reports to the Council at regularly                          age-2 in the ocean) to model a forecast
                                                 unnecessarily restrictive. Second,                      scheduled Council meetings in 2016                           of age-3 escapement absent fishing (E03).
                                                 because the control rule is based on                    and 2017. These workgroup and Council                        The model used is a modification of
                                                 spawning escapement, it is not                          meetings were noticed in the Federal                         Winship et al. (2014) and is detailed in
                                                 responsive to more forward looking                      Register, public input was invited, and                      O’Farrell et al. (2016). The
                                                 indicators of stock productivity, e.g.,                 the meetings were open to the public                         recommended control rule will provide
                                                 poor juvenile salmon survival during                    through either in-person attendance,                         a forward-looking forecast rather than
                                                 the prolonged California drought. The                   webinar, conference call, or live                            the current hind-cast methodology.
                                                 Council did not raise any issues with                   streaming on the internet. At the                               The new harvest control rule sets the
                                                 respect to the fishing season and size                  Council’s September 2017 meeting, the                        maximum allowable age-three impact
                                                 limit restrictions that formed the first                Council selected four of the alternatives                    rate based on the forecast age-three

                                                 part of the 2012 RPA; and continues to                  developed by the Workgroup for final                         escapement in the absence of fisheries
                                                 consider this part of the applicable ESA                analysis. The Council then selected a                        (E03). At E03 above 3,000, the allowable
                                                 ‘‘consultation standard.’’ Thus NMFS                    final preferred alternative at their                         impact rate is fixed at 20 percent. At E03
                                                 includes maintaining those restrictions                 November 2017 meeting. Documents                             between 3,000 and 500, the allowable
                                                 as part of this action.                                 considered by the Council are available                      impact rate declines linearly from 20
                                                    In 2015, the Council created an ad hoc               on the Council website: (https://                            percent to 10 percent. At E03 between
                                                 SRWC Workgroup to develop a new                         www.pcouncil.org/resources/archives/                         500 and 0, the allowable impact rate
                                                 harvest control rule that would address                 briefing-books/november-2017-briefing-                       declines linearly from 10 percent to 0

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                                                 7652                  Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 36 / Thursday, February 22, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                 percent, thus providing fishing                         opportunity at all levels of SRWC
                                                                                                         abundance. See Figure 1.

                                                    The SRWC Workgroup compared the                      harvest control rule. The new harvest                      productivity. Transactions of the
                                                 alternative harvest control rules with                  control rule would allow for fishing                       American Fisheries Society 143, 957–
                                                 respect to extinction risk to SRWC and                  opportunity in the affected area at all                    971.
                                                 how the alternatives would affect                       levels of abundance of SRWC, and uses                 Classification
                                                 fishing opportunity. With respect to                    juvenile productivity and survival to
                                                 extinction risk, the workgroup found                    develop a responsive, forward-looking                    Pursuant to section 304(b)(1)(A) of the
                                                 little contrast among the alternatives in               abundance forecast. The new harvest                   MSA, the NMFS Assistant
                                                 their simulation analyses. With respect                 control rule is expected to accomplish                Administrator has determined that this
                                                 to fishing opportunity, the workgroup                   these goals without appreciably                       proposed rule is consistent with the
                                                 did find differences among the                          increasing the extinction risk to SRWC                Pacific Salmon Fishery Management
                                                 alternatives, and concluded that the                    over the current harvest control rule.                Plan, the MSA, and other applicable
                                                 Council’s recommended alternative was                   The new harvest control rule was                      law, subject to further consideration
                                                 intermediate in constraining the fishery                developed in a public process with                    after public comment.
                                                 compared to the other alternatives                      opportunity for the States, Tribes, and                  The West Coast Regional
                                                 under consideration. Fisheries south of                 the public to provide input. The Council              Administrator has determined that the
                                                 Point Arena, where SRWC are                             recommended and NMFS proposes to                      actions of this proposed rule will be
                                                 contacted, impact several salmon stocks.                implement this new harvest control                    analyzed in an environmental
                                                 In the six years that the current harvest               rule, together with the size and fishing              assessment under the National
                                                 control rule has been in place, these                   season limits described above,                        Environmental Policy Act.
                                                 fisheries have been constrained by                      beginning with the 2018 ocean salmon                     This proposed rule has been
                                                 impacts to SRWC as well as California                   fishing season that will begin May 1,                 determined to be not significant for
                                                 Coastal Chinook (ESA-listed as                          2018.                                                 purposes of Executive Order 12866.
                                                 threatened), Sacramento River fall                                                                               As required by section 603 of the
                                                 Chinook (not ESA-listed), and Klamath                   References Cited                                      Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA), an
                                                 River fall Chinook (not ESA-listed).                    O’Farrell, M., N. Hendrix, and M. Mohr.               Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
                                                 However, in recent years, the only                          2016. An evaluation of preseason                  (IRFA) was prepared. The IRFA
                                                 closures of the fishery south of Point                      abundance forecasts for Sacramento                describes the economic impact this
                                                 Arena were due to Sacramento River fall                     River winter Chinook salmon. Pacific              proposed rule, if adopted, would have
                                                 Chinook (2008, 2009). Under the new                         Fishery Management Council Briefing               on small entities. A summary of the

                                                 control rule for SRWC, fishing impacts                      Book for November 2016, 35p.                      analysis follows. A copy of this analysis
                                                                                                         SRWC Workgroup. 2017. Further evaluation              is available from NMFS.
                                                 would be allowed at all non-zero
                                                                                                             of Sacramento River winter Chinook                   Provision is made under SBA’s
                                                 forecast abundance of SRWC; therefore,                      control rules, dated October 18, 2017.
                                                 the new control rule would not, in itself,                  Pacific Fishery Management Council
                                                                                                                                                               regulations for an agency to develop its
                                                 result in a fishery closure.                                Briefing Book for November 2017, 9 p.             own industry-specific size standards
                                                    The harvest control rule                             Winship, A.J., M.R. O’Farrell, and M.S. Mohr.         after consultation with Advocacy and an
                                                 recommended by the Council would                            2014. Fishery and hatchery effects on an          opportunity for public comment (see 13
                                                 address the issues raised by the current                                                                      CFR 121.903(c)). NMFS has established

                                                                                                             endangered salmon population with low

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                                                                       Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 36 / Thursday, February 22, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                                7653

                                                 a small business size standard for                      entities made up of commercial and                    NMFS is currently preparing a
                                                 businesses, including their affiliates,                 charter vessels, with about 75 of these               biological opinion on the effects of this
                                                 whose primary industry is commercial                    highly active in the fishery and likely to            action on SRWC, which will be
                                                 fishing (80 FR 81194, December 29,                      experience the largest impacts, in                    completed prior to publishing a final
                                                 2015). This standard is only for use by                 proportion to their total participation.              rule. This action is not expected to have
                                                 NMFS and only for the purpose of                           The proposed action includes a de                  adverse effects on any other species
                                                 conducting an analysis of economic                      minimis provision and would allow                     listed under the Endangered Species Act
                                                 effects in fulfillment of the agency’s                  impacts at all non-zero forecast                      (ESA) or designated critical habitat. This
                                                 obligations under the RFA.                              abundance. Because of this feature, this              action implements a new harvest
                                                    NMFS’ small business size standard                   proposed action is unlikely to result in              control rule to limit impacts on SRWC
                                                 for businesses, including their affiliates,             fishery closure in the analysis area. The             from the ocean salmon fishery and
                                                 whose primary industry is commercial                    alternative would also provide                        would be used in the setting of annual
                                                 fishing is $11 million in annual gross                  increased certainty to operators over the             management measures for West Coast
                                                 receipts. This standard applies to all                  status quo, in which the Council has                  salmon fisheries. NMFS has current
                                                 businesses classified under North                       elected lower impact rates than                       ESA biological opinions that cover
                                                 American Industry Classification                        specified by the current control rule.                fishing under annual regulations
                                                 System (NAICS) code 11411 for                           Therefore, this action would be                       adopted under the FMP on all listed
                                                 commercial fishing, including all                       expected to have a positive impact of                 salmon species. NMFS reiterates what is
                                                 businesses classified as commercial                     low magnitude on economic benefits to                 required for consistency with these
                                                 finfish fishing (NAICS 114111),                         fishery-dependent communities that                    opinions for all ESA-listed salmon and
                                                 commercial shellfish fishing (NAICS                     would vary year-to-year, but not likely               steelhead species in their annual
                                                 114112), and other commercial marine                    to be significant.                                    guidance letter to the Council. Some of
                                                 fishing (NAICS 114119) businesses. (50                     Commercial trollers and charter                    NMFS past biological opinions have
                                                 CFR 200.2; 13 CFR 121.201).                             operators face a variety of constraining              found no jeopardy, and others have
                                                    The proposed rule would specify the                  stocks. In no year has SWRC been the                  found jeopardy, but provided reasonable
                                                 annual amount of fishery impact that                    only constraining stock. Entities are                 and prudent alternatives to avoid
                                                 will be allowed on ESA-listed SRWC                      constrained by both ESA-listed and non-               jeopardy. The annual management
                                                 and, thereby, affect the fishing                        listed species; the years that had the                measures are designed to be consistent
                                                 opportunity available in the area south                 most constrained fisheries in the last                with the biological opinions that found
                                                 of Point Arena, CA. This would affect                   decade were 2008 and 2009, when                       no jeopardy, and with the reasonable
                                                 commercial and recreational fisheries.                  fisheries in the analysis area were                   and prudent alternatives in the jeopardy
                                                 Using the high from the last 3 years, 153               closed to limit impacts to Sacramento                 biological opinions.
                                                 commercial trollers are likely to be                    River fall Chinook, not an ESA-listed
                                                 impacted by this rule, all of whom                      species, rather than the ESA-listed                      This proposed rule was developed
                                                 would be considered small businesses.                   species SRWC. Thus, while entities will               after meaningful collaboration with
                                                 The 16–25 commercial vessels who                        likely continue to face constraints                   West Coast tribes, through the Council
                                                 have greater than 75 percent of their                   relative to fishing opportunities,                    process. Under the MSA at 16 U.S.C.
                                                 annual revenue from Chinook salmon                      because the proposed action is expected               1852(b)(5), one of the voting members of
                                                 south of Point Arena would be most                      to provide low-positive benefits to both              the Council must be a representative of
                                                 impacted by this rule. Charter license                  commercial and charter operators,                     an Indian Tribe with Federally
                                                 holders operating south of Point Arena                  NMFS does not expect the rule to                      recognized fishing rights from the area
                                                 will be directly regulated under the                    impose significant negative economic                  of the Council’s jurisdiction. No tribes
                                                 updated harvest control rule. The                       effects.                                              with Federally recognized fishing rights
                                                 number of license holders has                              This proposed rule would not                       are expected to be affected by this rule.
                                                 fluctuated with harvest levels, varying                 establish any new reporting or                           Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.
                                                 from 70 in 2010 to 93 in 2014. Of these,                recordkeeping requirements. This
                                                                                                                                                                 Dated: February 15, 2018.
                                                 20–50 vessels could be considered                       proposed rule does not include a
                                                 ‘‘active’’, landing more than 100 salmon                collection of information. No Federal                 Samuel D. Rauch, III,
                                                 in the year. The proposed rule would                    rules have been identified that                       Deputy Assistant Administrator for
                                                 impact about 90 charter boat entities,                  duplicate, overlap, or conflict with this             Regulatory Programs, National Marine
                                                 about 50 of whom were ‘‘active’’ in peak                action.                                               Fisheries Service.
                                                 years (2013–2014). In summary, this                        This action is the subject of a                    [FR Doc. 2018–03596 Filed 2–21–18; 8:45 am]
                                                 rule will directly impact about 250                     consultation under section 7 of the ESA.              BILLING CODE 3510–22–P

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Document Created: 2018-02-22 02:51:04
Document Modified: 2018-02-22 02:51:04
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionProposed Rules
ActionProposed rule; request for comments.
DatesComments on this proposed rule must be received on or before March 9, 2018.
ContactPeggy Mundy at 206-526-4323.
FR Citation83 FR 7650 
RIN Number0648-BH40

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