83_FR_8204 83 FR 8166 - Commission Statement and Guidance on Public Company Cybersecurity Disclosures

83 FR 8166 - Commission Statement and Guidance on Public Company Cybersecurity Disclosures


Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 38 (February 26, 2018)

Page Range8166-8172
FR Document2018-03858

The Securities and Exchange Commission (the ``Commission'') is publishing interpretive guidance to assist public companies in preparing disclosures about cybersecurity risks and incidents.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 38 (Monday, February 26, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 38 (Monday, February 26, 2018)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 8166-8172]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-03858]



17 CFR Parts 229 and 249

[Release Nos. 33-10459; 34-82746]

Commission Statement and Guidance on Public Company Cybersecurity 

AGENCY: Securities and Exchange Commission.

ACTION: Interpretation.


SUMMARY: The Securities and Exchange Commission (the ``Commission'') is 
publishing interpretive guidance to assist public companies in 
preparing disclosures about cybersecurity risks and incidents.

DATES: Applicable February 26, 2018.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Questions about specific filings 
should be directed to staff members responsible for reviewing the 
documents the company files with the Commission. For general questions 
about this release, contact the Office of the Chief Counsel at (202) 
551-3500 in the Division of Corporation Finance, U.S. Securities and 
Exchange Commission, 100 F Street NE, Washington, DC 20549.


I. Introduction

A. Cybersecurity

    Cybersecurity risks pose grave threats to investors, our capital 
markets, and our country.\1\ Whether it is the companies in which 
investors invest, their accounts with financial services firms, the 
markets through which they trade, or the infrastructure they count on 
daily, the investing public and the U.S. economy depend on the security 
and reliability of information and communications technology, systems, 
and networks. Companies today rely on digital technology to conduct 
their business operations and engage with their customers, business 
partners, and other constituencies. In a digitally connected world, 
cybersecurity presents ongoing risks and threats to our capital markets 
and to companies operating in all industries, including public 
companies regulated by the Commission.

    \1\ The U.S. Computer Emergency Readiness Team defines 
cybersecurity as ``[t]he activity or process, ability or capability, 
or state whereby information and communications systems and the 
information contained therein are protected from and/or defended 
against damage, unauthorized use or modification, or exploitation.'' 
U.S. Computer Emergency Readiness Team website, available at https://niccs.us-cert.gov/glossary#C (Adapted from: CNSSI 4009, NIST SP 
800-53 Rev 4, NIPP, DHS National Preparedness Goal; White House 
Cyberspace Policy Review, May 2009).

    As companies' exposure to and reliance on networked systems and the 
internet have increased, the attendant risks and frequency of 
cybersecurity incidents also have increased.\2\ Today, the importance 
of data management and technology to business is analogous to the 
importance of electricity and other forms of power in the past century. 
Cybersecurity incidents \3\ can result from unintentional events or 
deliberate attacks by insiders or third parties, including 
cybercriminals, competitors, nation-states, and ``hacktivists.'' \4\ 
Companies face an evolving landscape of cybersecurity threats in which 
hackers use a complex array of means to perpetrate cyber-attacks, 
including the use of stolen access credentials, malware, ransomware, 
phishing, structured query language injection attacks, and distributed 
denial-of-service attacks, among other means. The objectives of cyber-
attacks vary widely and may include the theft or destruction of 
financial assets, intellectual property, or other sensitive information 
belonging to companies, their customers, or their business partners. 
Cyber-attacks may also be directed at disrupting the operations of 
public companies or their business partners. This includes targeting 
companies that operate in industries responsible for critical 

    \2\ See World Economic Forum, Global Risks Report 2017, 12th Ed. 
(Jan. 2017), available at https://www.weforum.org/reports/the-global-risks-report-2017 (concluding that ``greater interdependence 
among different infrastructure networks is increasing the scope for 
systemic failures--whether from cyber-attacks, software glitches, 
natural disasters or other causes--to cascade across networks and 
affect society in unanticipated ways.''). See also PwC, ``Turnaround 
and Transformation in Cybersecurity: Key Findings from the Global 
State of Information Security Survey 2016'' (Oct. 2015), available 
at https://www.pwccn.com/en/retail-and-consumer/rcs-info-security-2016.pdf. (finding that in 2015 there was a reported 38% increase in 
detected information security incidents from 2014).
    \3\ A ``cybersecurity incident'' is ``[a]n occurrence that 
actually or potentially results in adverse consequences to . . . an 
information system or the information that the system processes, 
stores, or transmits and that may require a response action to 
mitigate the consequences.'' U.S. Computer Emergency Readiness Team 
website, available at https://niccs.us-cert.gov/glossary#I.
    \4\ One study using a sample of 419 companies in 13 countries 
and regions noted that 47 percent of data breach incidents in 2016 
involved a malicious or criminal attack, 25 percent were due to 
negligent employees or contractors (human factor) and 28 percent 
involved system glitches, including both IT and business process 
failures. See Ponemon Institute and IBM Security, 2017 Cost of Data 
Breach Study: Global Overview (Jun. 2017), available at https://www.ponemon.org/library/2017-cost-of-data-breach-study-united-states.

    Companies that fall victim to successful cyber-attacks or 

[[Page 8167]]

other cybersecurity incidents may incur substantial costs \5\ and 
suffer other negative consequences, which may include:

    \5\ The average organizational cost of a data breach in the 
United States in 2016 was $7.35 million based on the sample in the 
study. Id. However, the total costs a company may incur in 
connection with a particular cyber-attack or incident could be much 

     Remediation costs, such as liability for stolen assets or 
information, repairs of system damage, and incentives to customers or 
business partners in an effort to maintain relationships after an 
attack; \6\

    \6\ A company's costs may also include payments to perpetrators 
of ransomware attacks in order to attempt to restore operations or 
protect customer data or other proprietary information. But see 
Federal Bureau of Investigation, ``How To Protect your Network from 
Ransomware,'' Ransomware Prevention and Response for CISOs, 
available at https://www.justice.gov/criminal-ccips/file/872771/download.

     increased cybersecurity protection costs, which may 
include the costs of making organizational changes, deploying 
additional personnel and protection technologies, training employees, 
and engaging third party experts and consultants;
     lost revenues resulting from the unauthorized use of 
proprietary information or the failure to retain or attract customers 
following an attack;
     litigation and legal risks, including regulatory actions 
by state and federal governmental authorities and non-U.S. authorities; 

    \7\ See, e.g., New York State Department of Financial Services, 
23 NYCRR 500, Cybersecurity Requirements for Financial Services 
Companies; European Union General Data Protection Regulation, 
Council Regulation 2016/679, 2016 O.J. (L 119) 1.

     increased insurance premiums;
     reputational damage that adversely affects customer or 
investor confidence; and
     damage to the company's competitiveness, stock price, and 
long-term shareholder value.
    Given the frequency, magnitude and cost of cybersecurity incidents, 
the Commission believes that it is critical that public companies take 
all required actions to inform investors about material cybersecurity 
risks and incidents in a timely fashion, including those companies that 
are subject to material cybersecurity risks but may not yet have been 
the target of a cyber-attack. Crucial to a public company's ability to 
make any required disclosure of cybersecurity risks and incidents in 
the appropriate timeframe are disclosure controls and procedures that 
provide an appropriate method of discerning the impact that such 
matters may have on the company and its business, financial condition, 
and results of operations, as well as a protocol to determine the 
potential materiality of such risks and incidents.\8\ In addition, the 
Commission believes that the development of effective disclosure 
controls and procedures is best achieved when a company's directors, 
officers, and other persons responsible for developing and overseeing 
such controls and procedures are informed about the cybersecurity risks 
and incidents that the company has faced or is likely to face.

    \8\ See Section II.B.1 below for further discussion of 
disclosure controls and procedures.

    Additionally, directors, officers, and other corporate insiders 
must not trade a public company's securities while in possession of 
material nonpublic information, which may include knowledge regarding a 
significant cybersecurity incident experienced by the company. Public 
companies should have policies and procedures in place to (1) guard 
against directors, officers, and other corporate insiders taking 
advantage of the period between the company's discovery of a 
cybersecurity incident and public disclosure of the incident to trade 
on material nonpublic information about the incident, and (2) help 
ensure that the company makes timely disclosure of any related material 
nonpublic information.\9\ In addition, we believe that companies are 
well served by considering the ramifications of directors, officers, 
and other corporate insiders trading in advance of disclosures 
regarding cyber incidents that prove to be material. We recognize that 
many companies have adopted preventative measures to address the 
appearance of improper trading and we encourage companies to consider 
such preventative measures in the context of a cyber event.

    \9\ See Section II.B.2 below for further discussion of insider 

B. CF Disclosure Guidance: Topic No. 2

    In October 2011, the Division of Corporation Finance (the 
``Division'') issued guidance that provided the Division's views 
regarding disclosure obligations relating to cybersecurity risks and 
incidents.\10\ The guidance explains that, although no existing 
disclosure requirement explicitly refers to cybersecurity risks and 
cyber incidents, companies nonetheless may be obligated to disclose 
such risks and incidents.\11\ After the issuance of the guidance, many 
companies included additional cybersecurity disclosure, typically in 
the form of risk factors.\12\

    \10\ See CF Disclosure Guidance: Topic No. 2--Cybersecurity 
(Oct. 13, 2011), available at https://www.sec.gov/divisions/corpfin/guidance/cfguidance-topic2.htm.
    \11\ Id.
    \12\ For example, Willis North America released a 2013 report 
that found that approximately 88% of the public Fortune 500 
companies and about 78% of the Fortune 501-1000 companies included 
risk factor disclosure regarding cybersecurity in their annual 
reports filed in 2012. See Willis Fortune 1000 Cyber Disclosure 
Report (Aug. 2013), available at http://blog.willis.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/Willis-Fortune-1000-Cyber-Report_09-13.pdf. In 2015, 
over 88% of Russell 3000 companies disclosed cybersecurity as a 
risk. See Audit Analytics, ``Cybersecurity Disclosure in Risk 
Factors,'' (Jan. 14, 2016), available at http://www.auditanalytics.com/blog/cybersecurity-disclosures-in-risk-factors/.

C. Purpose of Release

    In light of the increasing significance of cybersecurity incidents, 
the Commission believes it is necessary to provide further Commission 
guidance. This interpretive release outlines the Commission's views 
with respect to cybersecurity disclosure requirements under the federal 
securities laws as they apply to public operating companies.\13\ While 
the Commission continues to consider other means of promoting 
appropriate disclosure of cyber incidents, we are reinforcing and 
expanding upon the staff's 2011 guidance. In addition, we address two 
topics not developed in the staff's 2011 guidance, namely the 
importance of cybersecurity policies and procedures and the application 
of insider trading prohibitions in the cybersecurity context.

    \13\ This release does not address the specific implications of 
cybersecurity to other regulated entities under the federal 
securities laws, such as registered investment companies, investment 
advisers, brokers, dealers, exchanges, and self-regulatory 
organizations. For example, in 2014 the Commission adopted 
Regulation Systems Compliance and Integrity, applicable to certain 
self-regulatory organizations, to strengthen the technology 
infrastructure of the U.S. securities markets. Final Rule: 
Regulation Systems Compliance and Integrity, Release No. 34-73639 
(Nov. 19, 2014) [79 FR. 72252 (Dec. 5, 2014)], available at https://www.sec.gov/rules/final/2014/34-73639.pdf. For additional 
cybersecurity regulations and resources, see the Commission's 
website page devoted to cybersecurity issues, available at https://www.sec.gov/spotlight/cybersecurity; see also Cybersecurity 
Guidance; IM Guidance Update (April 2015), available at https://www.sec.gov/investment/im-guidance-2015-02.pdf (staff guidance on 
cybersecurity measures for registered investment companies and 
investment advisers).

    First, this release stresses the importance of maintaining 
comprehensive policies and procedures related to cybersecurity risks 
and incidents. Companies are required to establish and maintain 
appropriate and effective disclosure controls and procedures that 
enable them to make accurate and timely disclosures of material events, 
including those related to cybersecurity. Such robust disclosure

[[Page 8168]]

controls and procedures assist companies in satisfying their disclosure 
obligations under the federal securities laws.
    Second, we also remind companies and their directors, officers, and 
other corporate insiders of the applicable insider trading prohibitions 
under the general antifraud provisions of the federal securities laws 
and also of their obligation to refrain from making selective 
disclosures of material nonpublic information about cybersecurity risks 
or incidents.\14\

    \14\ See Final Rule: Selective Disclosure and Insider Trading, 
Release No. 33-7881 (Aug. 15, 2000) [65 FR 51715 (Aug. 24, 2000)], 
available at https://www.sec.gov/rules/final/3-7881.htm.

    The Commission, and the staff through its filing review process, 
continues to monitor cybersecurity disclosures carefully.

II. Commission Guidance

A. Overview of Rules Requiring Disclosure of Cybersecurity Issues

1. Disclosure Obligations Generally; Materiality
    Companies should consider the materiality of cybersecurity risks 
and incidents when preparing the disclosure that is required in 
registration statements under the Securities Act of 1933 (``Securities 
Act'') and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (``Exchange Act''), and 
periodic and current reports under the Exchange Act.\15\ When a company 
is required to file a disclosure document with the Commission, the 
requisite form generally refers to the disclosure requirements of 
Regulation S-K \16\ and Regulation S-X.\17\ Although these disclosure 
requirements do not specifically refer to cybersecurity risks and 
incidents, a number of the requirements impose an obligation to 
disclose such risks and incidents depending on a company's particular 
circumstances. For example:

    \15\ Listed companies also should consider any obligations that 
may be imposed by exchange listing requirements. For example, the 
NYSE requires listed companies to ``release quickly to the public 
any news or information which might reasonably be expected to 
materially affect the market for its securities.'' See NYSE Listed 
Company Manual Rule 202.05--Timely Disclosure of Material News 
Developments. In addition, in 2015, the NYSE, in partnership with 
Palo Alto Networks, published a summary of information about legal 
and regulatory aspects of cybersecurity governance for directors and 
officers of public companies. See Navigating the Digital Age: The 
Definitive Cybersecurity Guide for Directors and Officers. Chicago: 
Caxton Business & Legal, Inc., 2015, available at https://www.securityroundtable.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Cybersecurity-9780996498203-no_marks.pdf. Similarly, Nasdaq requires listed 
companies to ``make prompt disclosure to the public of any material 
information that would reasonably be expected to affect the value of 
its securities or influence investors' decisions.'' See Nasdaq 
Listing Rule 5250(b)(1).
    \16\ 17 CFR part 229.
    \17\ 17 CFR part 210.

     Periodic Reports: Companies are required to file periodic 
reports \18\ to disclose specified information on a regular and ongoing 
basis.\19\ These periodic reports include annual reports on Form 10-
K,\20\ which require companies to make disclosure regarding their 
business and operations, risk factors, legal proceedings, management's 
discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of 
operations (``MD&A''), financial statements, disclosure controls and 
procedures, and corporate governance.\21\ Periodic reports also include 
quarterly reports on Form 10-Q,\22\ which require companies to make 
disclosure regarding their financial statements, MD&A, and updated risk 
factors.\23\ Likewise, foreign private issuers are required to make 
many of these same disclosures in their periodic reports on Form 20-
F.\24\ Companies must provide timely and ongoing information in these 
periodic reports regarding material cybersecurity risks and incidents 
that trigger disclosure obligations.

    \18\ An issuer with a class of securities registered under 
Section 12 or subject to Section 15(d) of the Exchange Act is 
subject to the periodic and current reporting requirements of 
Section 13 and 15(d), respectively, of the Exchange Act.
    \19\ ``Congress recognized that the ongoing dissemination of 
accurate information by companies about themselves and their 
securities is essential to effective operation of the trading 
markets. The Exchange Act rules require public companies to make 
periodic disclosures at annual and quarterly intervals, with other 
important information reported on a more current basis. The Exchange 
Act specifically provides for current disclosure to maintain the 
currency and adequacy of information disclosed by companies.'' 
Proposed Rule: Additional Form 8-K Disclosure Requirements and 
Acceleration of Filing Date, Release No. 33-8106, 3-4 (Jun. 17, 
2002) [67 FR 42914 (Jun. 25, 2002)].
    \20\ 17 CFR 249.310.
    \21\ See Part I, Items 1, 1A and 3 of Form 10-K; Part II, Items 
7, 8 and 9A of Form 10-K; and Part III, Item 10 of Form 10-K [17 CFR 
    \22\ 17 CFR 249.308a.
    \23\ See Part I, Items 1 and 2 of Form 10-Q; Part II, Item 1A of 
Form 10-Q [17 CFR 249.308a].
    \24\ See Part I, Items 3.D, 4, 5 and 8 of Form 20-F; Part II, 
Items 15 and 16G of Form 20-F; Part III, Items 17 and 18 of Form 20-
F [17 CFR 249.220f].

     Securities Act and Exchange Act Obligations: Securities 
Act and Exchange Act registration statements must disclose all material 
facts required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements 
therein not misleading. Companies should consider the adequacy of their 
cybersecurity-related disclosure, among other things, in the context of 
Sections 11, 12, and 17 of the Securities Act, as well as Section 10(b) 
and Rule 10b-5 of the Exchange Act.\25\

    \25\ 15 U.S.C. 77k; 15 U.S.C. 77l; 15 U.S.C. 77q; 15 U.S.C 
78j(b); 17 CFR 240.10b-5.

     Current Reports: In order to maintain the accuracy and 
completeness of effective shelf registration statements with respect to 
the costs and other consequences of material cybersecurity 
incidents,\26\ companies can provide current reports on Form 8-K \27\ 
or Form 6-K.\28\ Companies also frequently provide current reports on 
Form 8-K or Form 6-K to report the occurrence and consequences of 
cybersecurity incidents.\29\ The Commission encourages companies to 
continue to use Form 8-K or Form 6-K to disclose material information 
promptly, including disclosure pertaining to cybersecurity matters. 
This practice reduces the risk of selective disclosure, as well as the 
risk that trading in their securities on the basis of material non-
public information may occur.\30\

    \26\ See Item 11(a) of Form S-3 [17 CFR 239.13] and Item 5(a) of 
Form F-3 [17 CFR 239.33].
    \27\ 17 CFR 249.308.
    \28\ 17 CFR 249.306.
    \29\ ``The registrant may, at its option, disclose under this 
Item 8.01 [of Form 8-K] any events, with respect to which 
information is not otherwise called for by this form, that the 
registrant deems of importance to security holders.'' 17 CFR 308.
    \30\ See Sections II.B.2 and II.B.3 below for further discussion 
of insider trading and Regulation FD.

    In addition to the information expressly required by Commission 
regulation, a company is required to disclose ``such further material 
information, if any, as may be necessary to make the required 
statements, in light of the circumstances under which they are made, 
not misleading.'' \31\ The Commission considers omitted information to 
be material if there is a substantial likelihood that a reasonable 
investor would consider the information important in making an 
investment decision or that disclosure of the omitted information would 
have been viewed by the reasonable investor as having significantly 
altered the total mix of information available.\32\

    \31\ Rule 408 of the Securities Act [17 CFR 230.408]; Rule 12b-
20 of the Exchange Act [17 CFR 240.12b-20]; and Rule 14a-9 of the 
Exchange Act [17 CFR 240.14a-9].
    \32\ This approach is consistent with the standard of 
materiality articulated by the U.S. Supreme Court in TSC Industries 
v. Northway, 426 U.S. 438, 449 (1976) (a fact is material ``if there 
is a substantial likelihood that a reasonable shareholder would 
consider it important'' in making an investment decision or if it 
``would have been viewed by the reasonable investor as having 
significantly altered the `total mix' of information made 
available'' to the shareholder).

    In determining their disclosure obligations regarding cybersecurity 
risks and incidents, companies generally weigh, among other things, the 

[[Page 8169]]

materiality of any identified risk and, in the case of incidents, the 
importance of any compromised information and of the impact of the 
incident on the company's operations. The materiality of cybersecurity 
risks or incidents depends upon their nature, extent, and potential 
magnitude, particularly as they relate to any compromised information 
or the business and scope of company operations.\33\ The materiality of 
cybersecurity risks and incidents also depends on the range of harm 
that such incidents could cause.\34\ This includes harm to a company's 
reputation, financial performance, and customer and vendor 
relationships, as well as the possibility of litigation or regulatory 
investigations or actions, including regulatory actions by state and 
federal governmental authorities and non-U.S. authorities.

    \33\ For example, the compromised information might include 
personally identifiable information, trade secrets or other 
confidential business information, the materiality of which may 
depend on the nature of the company's business, as well as the scope 
of the compromised information.
    \34\ As part of a materiality analysis, a company should 
consider the indicated probability that an event will occur and the 
anticipated magnitude of the event in light of the totality of 
company activity. Basic v. Levinson, 485 U.S. 224, 238 (1988) 
(citing SEC v. Texas Gulf Sulphur Co., 401 F. 2d 833, 849 (2d Cir. 
1968)). Moreover, no ``single fact or occurrence'' is determinative 
as to materiality, which requires an inherently fact-specific 
inquiry. Basic, 485 U.S. at 236.

    This guidance is not intended to suggest that a company should make 
detailed disclosures that could compromise its cybersecurity efforts--
for example, by providing a ``roadmap'' for those who seek to penetrate 
a company's security protections. We do not expect companies to 
publicly disclose specific, technical information about their 
cybersecurity systems, the related networks and devices, or potential 
system vulnerabilities in such detail as would make such systems, 
networks, and devices more susceptible to a cybersecurity incident. 
Nevertheless, we expect companies to disclose cybersecurity risks and 
incidents that are material to investors, including the concomitant 
financial, legal, or reputational consequences. Where a company has 
become aware of a cybersecurity incident or risk that would be material 
to its investors, we would expect it to make appropriate disclosure 
timely and sufficiently prior to the offer and sale of securities and 
to take steps to prevent directors and officers (and other corporate 
insiders who were aware of these matters) from trading its securities 
until investors have been appropriately informed about the incident or 

    \35\ See Sections 7 and 10 of the Securities Act; Sections 
10(b), 13(a) and 15(d) of the Exchange Act; and Rule 10b-5 under the 
Exchange Act [15 U.S.C 78j(b); 15 U.S.C. 78m(a); 15. U.S.C. 78o(d); 
17 CFR 240.10b-5].

    Understanding that some material facts may be not available at the 
time of the initial disclosure, we recognize that a company may require 
time to discern the implications of a cybersecurity incident. We also 
recognize that it may be necessary to cooperate with law enforcement 
and that ongoing investigation of a cybersecurity incident may affect 
the scope of disclosure regarding the incident. However, an ongoing 
internal or external investigation--which often can be lengthy--would 
not on its own provide a basis for avoiding disclosures of a material 
cybersecurity incident.
    We remind companies that they may have a duty to correct prior 
disclosure that the company determines was untrue (or omitted a 
material fact necessary to make the disclosure not misleading) at the 
time it was made \36\ (for example, if the company subsequently 
discovers contradictory information that existed at the time of the 
initial disclosure), or a duty to update disclosure that becomes 
materially inaccurate after it is made \37\ (for example, when the 
original statement is still being relied on by reasonable investors). 
Companies should consider whether they need to revisit or refresh 
previous disclosure, including during the process of investigating a 
cybersecurity incident.

    \36\ See Backman v. Polaroid Corp., 910 F.2d 10, 16-17 (1st Cir. 
1990) (en banc) (finding that the duty to correct applies ``if a 
disclosure is in fact misleading when made, and the speaker 
thereafter learns of this.'').
    \37\ See id. at 17 (describing the duty to update as potentially 
applying ``if a prior disclosure `becomes materially misleading in 
light of subsequent events''' (quoting Greenfield v. Heublein, Inc., 
742 F.2d 751, 758 (3d Cir. 1984))). But see Higginbotham v. Baxter 
Intern., Inc., 495 F.3d 753, 760 (7th Cir. 2007) (rejecting duty to 
update before next quarterly report); Gallagher v. Abbott 
Laboratories, 269 F.3d 806, 808-11 (7th Cir. 2001) (explaining that 
securities laws do not require continuous disclosure).

    We expect companies to provide disclosure that is tailored to their 
particular cybersecurity risks and incidents. As the Commission has 
previously stated, we ``emphasize a company-by-company approach [to 
disclosure] that allows relevant and material information to be 
disseminated to investors without boilerplate language or static 
requirements while preserving completeness and comparability of 
information across companies.'' \38\ Companies should avoid generic 
cybersecurity-related disclosure and provide specific information that 
is useful to investors.

    \38\ See Business and Financial Disclosure Required by 
Regulation S-K, Release No. 33-10064 (Apr. 13, 2016) [81 FR 23915 
(Apr. 22, 2016)]. See also Plain English Disclosure, Release No. 33-
7497 (Jan. 28, 1998) [63 FR 6370 (Feb. 6, 1998)]; and Updated Staff 
Legal Bulletin No. 7: Plain English Disclosure (Jun. 7, 1999) 
available at https://www.sec.gov/interps/legal/cfslb7a.htm.

2. Risk Factors
    Item 503(c) of Regulation S-K and Item 3.D of Form 20-F require 
companies to disclose the most significant factors that make 
investments in the company's securities speculative or risky.\39\ 
Companies should disclose the risks associated with cybersecurity and 
cybersecurity incidents if these risks are among such factors, 
including risks that arise in connection with acquisitions.\40\

    \39\ 17 CFR 229.503(c); 17 CFR 249.220f.
    \40\ See Final Rule: Business Combination Transactions, Release 
No. 33-6578 (Apr. 23, 1985) [50 FR 18990 (May 6, 1985)].

    It would be helpful for companies to consider the following issues, 
among others, in evaluating cybersecurity risk factor disclosure:
     The occurrence of prior cybersecurity incidents, including 
their severity and frequency;
     the probability of the occurrence and potential magnitude 
of cybersecurity incidents;
     the adequacy of preventative actions taken to reduce 
cybersecurity risks and the associated costs, including, if 
appropriate, discussing the limits of the company's ability to prevent 
or mitigate certain cybersecurity risks;
     the aspects of the company's business and operations that 
give rise to material cybersecurity risks and the potential costs and 
consequences of such risks, including industry-specific risks and third 
party supplier and service provider risks;
     the costs associated with maintaining cybersecurity 
protections, including, if applicable, insurance coverage relating to 
cybersecurity incidents or payments to service providers;
     the potential for reputational harm;
     existing or pending laws and regulations that may affect 
the requirements to which companies are subject relating to 
cybersecurity and the associated costs to companies; and
     litigation, regulatory investigation, and remediation 
costs associated with cybersecurity incidents.
    In meeting their disclosure obligations, companies may need to

[[Page 8170]]

disclose previous or ongoing cybersecurity incidents or other past 
events in order to place discussions of these risks in the appropriate 
context. For example, if a company previously experienced a material 
cybersecurity incident involving denial-of-service, it likely would not 
be sufficient for the company to disclose that there is a risk that a 
denial-of-service incident may occur. Instead, the company may need to 
discuss the occurrence of that cybersecurity incident and its 
consequences as part of a broader discussion of the types of potential 
cybersecurity incidents that pose particular risks to the company's 
business and operations. Past incidents involving suppliers, customers, 
competitors, and others may be relevant when crafting risk factor 
disclosure. In certain circumstances, this type of contextual 
disclosure may be necessary to effectively communicate cybersecurity 
risks to investors.
3. MD&A of Financial Condition and Results of Operations
    Item 303 of Regulation S-K and Item 5 of Form 20-F require a 
company to discuss its financial condition, changes in financial 
condition, and results of operations. These items require a discussion 
of events, trends, or uncertainties that are reasonably likely to have 
a material effect on its results of operations, liquidity, or financial 
condition, or that would cause reported financial information not to be 
necessarily indicative of future operating results or financial 
condition and such other information that the company believes to be 
necessary to an understanding of its financial condition, changes in 
financial condition, and results of operations.\41\ In this context, 
the cost of ongoing cybersecurity efforts (including enhancements to 
existing efforts), the costs and other consequences of cybersecurity 
incidents, and the risks of potential cybersecurity incidents, among 
other matters, could inform a company's analysis. In addition, 
companies may consider the array of costs associated with cybersecurity 
issues, including, but not limited to, loss of intellectual property, 
the immediate costs of the incident, as well as the costs associated 
with implementing preventative measures, maintaining insurance, 
responding to litigation and regulatory investigations, preparing for 
and complying with proposed or current legislation, engaging in 
remediation efforts, addressing harm to reputation, and the loss of 
competitive advantage that may result.\42\ Finally, the Commission 
expects companies to consider the impact of such incidents on each of 
their reportable segments.\43\

    \41\ 17 CFR 229.303; 17 CFR 249.220f.
    \42\ A number of past Commission releases provide general 
interpretive guidance on these disclosure requirements. See, e.g., 
Commission Guidance Regarding Management's Discussion and Analysis 
of Financial Condition and Results of Operations, Release No. 33-
8350 (Dec. 19, 2003) [68 FR 75056 (Dec. 29, 2003)]; Commission 
Statement About Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial 
Condition and Results of Operations, Release No. 33-8056 (Jan. 22, 
2002) [67 FR 3746 (Jan. 25, 2002)]; Management's Discussion and 
Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations; Certain 
Investment Company Disclosures, Release No. 33-6835 (May 18, 1989) 
[54 FR 22427 (May 24, 1989)].
    \43\ 17 CFR 229.303(a).

4. Description of Business
    Item 101 of Regulation S-K and Item 4.B of Form 20-F require 
companies to discuss their products, services, relationships with 
customers and suppliers, and competitive conditions.\44\ If 
cybersecurity incidents or risks materially affect a company's 
products, services, relationships with customers or suppliers, or 
competitive conditions, the company must provide appropriate 

    \44\ 17 CFR 229.101; 17 CFR 249.220f.

5. Legal Proceedings
    Item 103 of Regulation S-K requires companies to disclose 
information relating to material pending legal proceedings to which 
they or their subsidiaries are a party.\45\ Companies should note that 
this requirement includes any such proceedings that relate to 
cybersecurity issues. For example, if a company experiences a 
cybersecurity incident involving the theft of customer information and 
the incident results in material litigation by customers against the 
company, the company should describe the litigation, including the name 
of the court in which the proceedings are pending, the date the 
proceedings are instituted, the principal parties thereto, a 
description of the factual basis alleged to underlie the litigation, 
and the relief sought.

    \45\ 17 CFR 229.103.

6. Financial Statement Disclosures
    Cybersecurity incidents and the risks that result therefrom may 
affect a company's financial statements. For example, cybersecurity 
incidents may result in:
     Expenses related to investigation, breach notification, 
remediation and litigation, including the costs of legal and other 
professional services;
     loss of revenue, providing customers with incentives or a 
loss of customer relationship assets value;
     claims related to warranties, breach of contract, product 
recall/replacement, indemnification of counterparties, and insurance 
premium increases; and
     diminished future cash flows, impairment of intellectual, 
intangible or other assets; recognition of liabilities; or increased 
financing costs.
    The Commission expects that a company's financial reporting and 
control systems would be designed to provide reasonable assurance that 
information about the range and magnitude of the financial impacts of a 
cybersecurity incident would be incorporated into its financial 
statements on a timely basis as the information becomes available.\46\

    \46\ See Section 13(b)(2)(B) of the Exchange Act [15 

7. Board Risk Oversight
    Item 407(h) of Regulation S-K and Item 7 of Schedule 14A require a 
company to disclose the extent of its board of directors' role in the 
risk oversight of the company, such as how the board administers its 
oversight function and the effect this has on the board's leadership 
structure.\47\ The Commission has previously said that ``disclosure 
about the board's involvement in the oversight of the risk management 
process should provide important information to investors about how a 
company perceives the role of its board and the relationship between 
the board and senior management in managing the material risks facing 
the company.'' \48\ A company must include a description of how the 
board administers its risk oversight function.\49\ To the extent 
cybersecurity risks are material to a company's business, we believe 
this discussion should include the nature of the board's role in 
overseeing the management of that risk.

    \47\ 17 CFR 229.407(h); 17 CFR 240.14a-101--Schedule 14A.
    \48\ Final Rule: Proxy Disclosure Enhancements, Release No. 33-
9089 (Dec. 16, 2009) [74 FR 68334 (Dec. 23, 2009)], available at 
    \49\ See Item 407(h) of Regulation S-K [17 CFR 229.407(h)].

    In addition, we believe disclosures regarding a company's 
cybersecurity risk management program and how the board of directors 
engages with management on cybersecurity issues allow investors to 
assess how a board of directors is discharging its risk oversight 
responsibility in this increasingly important area.

[[Page 8171]]

B. Policies and Procedures

1. Disclosure Controls and Procedures
    Cybersecurity risk management policies and procedures are key 
elements of enterprise-wide risk management, including as it relates to 
compliance with the federal securities laws. We encourage companies to 
adopt comprehensive policies and procedures related to cybersecurity 
and to assess their compliance regularly, including the sufficiency of 
their disclosure controls and procedures as they relate to 
cybersecurity disclosure. Companies should assess whether they have 
sufficient disclosure controls and procedures in place to ensure that 
relevant information about cybersecurity risks and incidents is 
processed and reported to the appropriate personnel, including up the 
corporate ladder, to enable senior management to make disclosure 
decisions and certifications and to facilitate policies and procedures 
designed to prohibit directors, officers, and other corporate insiders 
from trading on the basis of material nonpublic information about 
cybersecurity risks and incidents.\50\

    \50\ See Final Rule: Certification of Disclosure in Companies' 
Quarterly and Annual Reports, Release No. 33-8124 (Aug. 28, 2002) 
[67 FR 57276 (Sept. 9, 2002)], available at https://www.sec.gov/rules/final/33-8124.htm (``We believe that, to assist principal 
executive and financial officers in the discharge of their 
responsibilities in making the required certifications, as well as 
to discharge their responsibilities in providing accurate and 
complete information to security holders, it is necessary for 
companies to ensure that their internal communications and other 
procedures operate so that important information flows to the 
appropriate collection and disclosure points in a timely manner.''); 
see also Section 10(b) of the Exchange Act and Rule 10b-5 thereunder 
[15 U.S.C. 78j(b); 17 CFR 240.10b-5].

    Pursuant to Exchange Act Rules 13a-15 and 15d-15, companies must 
maintain disclosure controls and procedures, and management must 
evaluate their effectiveness.\51\ These rules define ``disclosure 
controls and procedures'' as those controls and other procedures 
designed to ensure that information required to be disclosed by the 
company in the reports that it files or submits under the Exchange Act 
is (1) ``recorded, processed, summarized and reported, within the time 
periods specified in the Commission's rules and forms,'' and (2) 
``accumulated and communicated to the company's management . . . as 
appropriate to allow timely decisions regarding required disclosure.'' 

    \51\ 17 CFR 240.13a-15; 17 CFR 240.15d-15.
    \52\ Id.

    A company's disclosure controls and procedures should not be 
limited to disclosure specifically required, but should also ensure 
timely collection and evaluation of information potentially subject to 
required disclosure, or relevant to an assessment of the need to 
disclose developments and risks that pertain to the company's 
businesses.\53\ Information also must be evaluated in the context of 
the disclosure requirement of Exchange Act Rule 12b-20.\54\ When 
designing and evaluating disclosure controls and procedures, companies 
should consider whether such controls and procedures will appropriately 
record, process, summarize, and report the information related to 
cybersecurity risks and incidents that is required to be disclosed in 
filings. Controls and procedures should enable companies to identify 
cybersecurity risks and incidents, assess and analyze their impact on a 
company's business, evaluate the significance associated with such 
risks and incidents, provide for open communications between technical 
experts and disclosure advisors, and make timely disclosures regarding 
such risks and incidents.

    \53\ See Final Rule: Certification of Disclosure in Companies' 
Quarterly and Annual Reports, Release No. 33-8124 (Aug. 28, 2002) 
[67 FR 57276 (Sept. 9, 2002)], available at https://www.sec.gov/rules/final/33-8124.htm (``We believe that the new rules will help 
to ensure that an issuer's systems grow and evolve with its business 
and are capable of producing Exchange Act reports that are timely, 
accurate and reliable.'').
    \54\ 17 CFR 240.12b-20.

    Exchange Act Rules 13a-14 and 15d-14 \55\ require a company's 
principal executive officer and principal financial officer to make 
certifications regarding the design and effectiveness of disclosure 
controls and procedures,\56\ and Item 307 of Regulation S-K and Item 
15(a) of Exchange Act Form 20-F require companies to disclose 
conclusions on the effectiveness of disclosure controls and 
procedures.\57\ These certifications and disclosures should take into 
account the adequacy of controls and procedures for identifying 
cybersecurity risks and incidents and for assessing and analyzing their 
impact. In addition, to the extent cybersecurity risks or incidents 
pose a risk to a company's ability to record, process, summarize, and 
report information that is required to be disclosed in filings, 
management should consider whether there are deficiencies in disclosure 
controls and procedures that would render them ineffective.

    \55\ 17 CFR 240.13a-14; 17 CFR 240.15d-14.
    \56\ Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 required the 
Commission to adopt final rules under which the principal executive 
officer or officers and the principal financial officer or officers, 
or persons providing similar functions, of an issuer each must 
certify the information contained in the issuer's quarterly and 
annual reports. Public Law 107-204, 116 Stat. 745 (2002).
    \57\ 17 CFR 229.307; 17 CFR 249.220f.

2. Insider Trading
    Companies and their directors, officers, and other corporate 
insiders should be mindful of complying with the laws related to 
insider trading in connection with information about cybersecurity 
risks and incidents, including vulnerabilities and breaches.\58\ It is 
illegal to trade a security ``on the basis of material nonpublic 
information about that security or issuer, in breach of a duty of trust 
or confidence that is owed directly, indirectly, or derivatively, to 
the issuer of that security or the shareholders of that issuer, or to 
any other person who is the source of the material nonpublic 
information.'' \59\ As noted above, information about a company's 
cybersecurity risks and incidents may be material nonpublic 
information, and directors, officers, and other corporate insiders 
would violate the antifraud provisions if they trade the company's 
securities in breach of their duty of trust or confidence while in 
possession of that material nonpublic information.\60\

    \58\ In addition to promoting full and fair disclosure, the 
antifraud provisions of the federal securities laws prohibit insider 
trading, which harms not only individual investors but also the very 
foundations of our markets by undermining investor confidence in the 
integrity of those markets. 17 CFR 243.100. Final Rule: Selective 
Disclosure and Insider Trading, Release No. 34-43154 (Aug. 15, 2000) 
[65 FR 51716 (Aug. 24, 2000)].
    \59\ Rule 10b5-1(a) of the Exchange Act [17 CFR 240.10b-5-1(a)].
    \60\ This would not preclude directors, officers, and other 
corporate insiders from relying on Exchange Act Rule 10b5-1 if all 
conditions of that rule are met.

    Beyond the antifraud provisions of the federal securities laws, 
companies and their directors, officers, and other corporate insiders 
must comply with all other applicable insider trading related rules. 
Many exchanges require listed companies to adopt codes of conduct and 
policies that promote compliance with applicable laws, rules, and 
regulations, including those prohibiting insider trading.\61\ We 
encourage companies to consider how their codes of ethics \62\ and 
insider trading policies take into account and prevent trading on

[[Page 8172]]

the basis of material nonpublic information related to cybersecurity 
risks and incidents. The Commission believes that it is important to 
have well designed policies and procedures to prevent trading on the 
basis of all types of material non-public information, including 
information relating to cybersecurity risks and incidents.

    \61\ See e.g., NYSE Listed Company Manual Section 303A.10, which 
states in relevant part that every NYSE ``listed company should 
proactively promote compliance with laws, rules and regulations, 
including insider trading laws. Insider trading is both unethical 
and illegal, and should be dealt with decisively.'' See also NASDAQ 
Listing Rule 5610 and Section 406(c) of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 
    \62\ Item 406 of Regulation S-K [17 CFR 229.406].

    In addition, while companies are investigating and assessing 
significant cybersecurity incidents, and determining the underlying 
facts, ramifications and materiality of these incidents, they should 
consider whether and when it may be appropriate to implement 
restrictions on insider trading in their securities. Company insider 
trading policies and procedures that include prophylactic measures can 
protect against directors, officers, and other corporate insiders 
trading on the basis of material nonpublic information before public 
disclosure of the cybersecurity incident. As noted above, we believe 
that companies would be well served by considering how to avoid the 
appearance of improper trading during the period following an incident 
and prior to the dissemination of disclosure.
3. Regulation FD and Selective Disclosure
    Companies also may have disclosure obligations under Regulation FD 
in connection with cybersecurity matters. Under Regulation FD, ``when 
an issuer, or person acting on its behalf, discloses material nonpublic 
information to certain enumerated persons it must make public 
disclosure of that information.'' \63\ The Commission adopted 
Regulation FD owing to concerns about companies making selective 
disclosure of material nonpublic information to certain persons before 
making full disclosure of that same information to the general 

    \63\ 17 CFR 243.100. Final Rule: Selective Disclosure and 
Insider Trading, Release No. 34-43154 (Aug. 15, 2000) [65 FR 51716 
(Aug. 24, 2000)].
    \64\ Id.

    In cases of selective disclosure of material nonpublic information 
related to cybersecurity, companies should ensure compliance with 
Regulation FD. Companies and persons acting on their behalf should not 
selectively disclose material, nonpublic information regarding 
cybersecurity risks and incidents to Regulation FD enumerated persons 
\65\ before disclosing that same information to the public.\66\ We 
expect companies to have policies and procedures to ensure that any 
disclosures of material nonpublic information related to cybersecurity 
risks and incidents are not made selectively, and that any Regulation 
FD required public disclosure is made simultaneously (in the case of an 
intentional disclosure as defined in the rule) or promptly (in the case 
of a non-intentional disclosure) and is otherwise compliant with the 
requirements of that regulation.\67\

    \65\ Regulation FD applies generally to selective disclosures 
made to persons outside the issuer who are (1) a broker or dealer or 
persons associated with a broker or dealer; (2) an investment 
advisor or persons associated with an investment advisor; (3) an 
investment company or persons affiliated with an investment company; 
or (4) a holder of the issuer's securities under circumstances in 
which it is reasonably foreseeable that the person will trade in the 
issuer's securities on the basis of the information. 17 CFR 
    \66\ Final Rule: Selective Disclosure and Insider Trading, 
Release No. 34-43154 (Aug. 15, 2000) [65 FR 51716 (Aug. 24, 2000)].
    \67\ ``Under the regulation, the required public disclosure may 
be made by filing or furnishing a Form 8-K, or by another method or 
combination of methods that is reasonably designed to effect broad, 
non-exclusionary distribution of the information to the public.'' 
Id. at 3.

    By the Commission.

    Dated: February 21, 2018.
Brent J. Fields,
[FR Doc. 2018-03858 Filed 2-23-18; 8:45 am]

                                                8166                Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 38 / Monday, February 26, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                                Order 1050.1F, ‘‘Environmental                             SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE                                 companies regulated by the
                                                Impacts: Policies and Procedures,’’                        COMMISSION                                              Commission.
                                                paragraph 5–6.5a. This airspace action                                                                                As companies’ exposure to and
                                                is not expected to cause any potentially                   17 CFR Parts 229 and 249                                reliance on networked systems and the
                                                significant environmental impacts, and                                                                             internet have increased, the attendant
                                                no extraordinary circumstances exist                       [Release Nos. 33–10459; 34–82746]                       risks and frequency of cybersecurity
                                                that warrant preparation of an                                                                                     incidents also have increased.2 Today,
                                                environmental assessment.                                  Commission Statement and Guidance                       the importance of data management and
                                                                                                           on Public Company Cybersecurity                         technology to business is analogous to
                                                Lists of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 71                        Disclosures                                             the importance of electricity and other
                                                 Airspace, Incorporation by reference,                                                                             forms of power in the past century.
                                                                                                           AGENCY:  Securities and Exchange
                                                Navigation (air).                                                                                                  Cybersecurity incidents 3 can result
                                                                                                           Commission.                                             from unintentional events or deliberate
                                                Adoption of the Amendment                                  ACTION: Interpretation.                                 attacks by insiders or third parties,
                                                  In consideration of the foregoing, the                                                                           including cybercriminals, competitors,
                                                                                                           SUMMARY:   The Securities and Exchange
                                                Federal Aviation Administration                                                                                    nation-states, and ‘‘hacktivists.’’ 4
                                                                                                           Commission (the ‘‘Commission’’) is
                                                amends 14 CFR part 71 as follows:                                                                                  Companies face an evolving landscape
                                                                                                           publishing interpretive guidance to
                                                                                                                                                                   of cybersecurity threats in which
                                                                                                           assist public companies in preparing
                                                PART 71—DESIGNATION OF CLASS A,                                                                                    hackers use a complex array of means to
                                                                                                           disclosures about cybersecurity risks                   perpetrate cyber-attacks, including the
                                                B, C, D, AND E AIRSPACE AREAS; AIR
                                                                                                           and incidents.                                          use of stolen access credentials,
                                                TRAFFIC SERVICE ROUTES; AND
                                                REPORTING POINTS                                           DATES: Applicable February 26, 2018.                    malware, ransomware, phishing,
                                                                                                           FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                        structured query language injection
                                                ■ 1. The authority citation for part 71                    Questions about specific filings should                 attacks, and distributed denial-of-
                                                continues to read as follows:                              be directed to staff members responsible                service attacks, among other means. The
                                                  Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(f), 106(g); 40103,              for reviewing the documents the                         objectives of cyber-attacks vary widely
                                                40113, 40120, E.O. 10854, 24 FR 9565, 3 CFR,               company files with the Commission. For                  and may include the theft or destruction
                                                1959–1963 Comp., p. 389.                                   general questions about this release,                   of financial assets, intellectual property,
                                                                                                           contact the Office of the Chief Counsel                 or other sensitive information belonging
                                                § 71.1       [Amended]                                     at (202) 551–3500 in the Division of                    to companies, their customers, or their
                                                ■ 2. The incorporation by reference in                     Corporation Finance, U.S. Securities                    business partners. Cyber-attacks may
                                                14 CFR 71.1 of FAA Order 7400.11B,                         and Exchange Commission, 100 F Street                   also be directed at disrupting the
                                                Airspace Designations and Reporting                        NE, Washington, DC 20549.                               operations of public companies or their
                                                Points, dated August 3, 2017, effective                    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                              business partners. This includes
                                                September 15, 2017, is amended as                                                                                  targeting companies that operate in
                                                                                                           I. Introduction                                         industries responsible for critical
                                                                                                           A. Cybersecurity                                        infrastructure.
                                                Paragraph 6002         Class E Surface Area                                                                           Companies that fall victim to
                                                Airspace.                                                     Cybersecurity risks pose grave threats               successful cyber-attacks or experience
                                                *        *      *       *      *                           to investors, our capital markets, and
                                                                                                           our country.1 Whether it is the                            2 See World Economic Forum, Global Risks
                                                ASO NC E2 Greenville, NC [Amended]                         companies in which investors invest,                    Report 2017, 12th Ed. (Jan. 2017), available at
                                                Pitt-Greenville Airport, NC                                their accounts with financial services                  https://www.weforum.org/reports/the-global-risks-
                                                                                                                                                                   report-2017 (concluding that ‘‘greater
                                                  (Lat. 35°38′09″ N, long. 77°23′03″ W)                    firms, the markets through which they                   interdependence among different infrastructure
                                                  Within a 4.4-mile radius of Pitt-Greenville              trade, or the infrastructure they count                 networks is increasing the scope for systemic
                                                Airport. This Class E airspace area is effective           on daily, the investing public and the                  failures—whether from cyber-attacks, software
                                                during the specific dates and times                                                                                glitches, natural disasters or other causes—to
                                                                                                           U.S. economy depend on the security                     cascade across networks and affect society in
                                                established in advance by a Notice to                      and reliability of information and                      unanticipated ways.’’). See also PwC, ‘‘Turnaround
                                                Airmen. The effective date and time will                   communications technology, systems,                     and Transformation in Cybersecurity: Key Findings
                                                thereafter be continuously published in the                                                                        from the Global State of Information Security
                                                Chart Supplement.
                                                                                                           and networks. Companies today rely on
                                                                                                                                                                   Survey 2016’’ (Oct. 2015), available at https://
                                                                                                           digital technology to conduct their                     www.pwccn.com/en/retail-and-consumer/rcs-info-
                                                Paragraph 6005 Class E Airspace Areas                      business operations and engage with                     security-2016.pdf. (finding that in 2015 there was a
                                                Extending Upward From 700 Feet or More                     their customers, business partners, and                 reported 38% increase in detected information
                                                Above the Surface of the Earth.                            other constituencies. In a digitally                    security incidents from 2014).
                                                                                                                                                                      3 A ‘‘cybersecurity incident’’ is ‘‘[a]n occurrence
                                                *        *      *       *      *                           connected world, cybersecurity presents                 that actually or potentially results in adverse
                                                ASO NC E5 Greenville, NC [Amended]                         ongoing risks and threats to our capital                consequences to . . . an information system or the
                                                Pitt-Greenville Airport, NC
                                                                                                           markets and to companies operating in                   information that the system processes, stores, or
                                                                                                           all industries, including public                        transmits and that may require a response action to
                                                  (Lat. 35°38′09″ N, long. 77°23′03″ W)                                                                            mitigate the consequences.’’ U.S. Computer
                                                  That airspace extending upward from 700                                                                          Emergency Readiness Team website, available at
                                                                                                             1 The U.S. Computer Emergency Readiness Team          https://niccs.us-cert.gov/glossary#I.
                                                feet above the surface within a 6.4-mile
                                                radius of Pitt-Greenville Airport.                         defines cybersecurity as ‘‘[t]he activity or process,      4 One study using a sample of 419 companies in
                                                                                                           ability or capability, or state whereby information     13 countries and regions noted that 47 percent of
jstallworth on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with RULES

                                                  Issued in College Park, Georgia, on                      and communications systems and the information          data breach incidents in 2016 involved a malicious
                                                February 14, 2018.                                         contained therein are protected from and/or             or criminal attack, 25 percent were due to negligent
                                                                                                           defended against damage, unauthorized use or            employees or contractors (human factor) and 28
                                                Ryan W. Almasy,                                            modification, or exploitation.’’ U.S. Computer          percent involved system glitches, including both IT
                                                Manager, Operations Support Group, Eastern                 Emergency Readiness Team website, available at          and business process failures. See Ponemon
                                                Service Center, Air Traffic Organization.                  https://niccs.us-cert.gov/glossary#C (Adapted from:     Institute and IBM Security, 2017 Cost of Data
                                                                                                           CNSSI 4009, NIST SP 800–53 Rev 4, NIPP, DHS             Breach Study: Global Overview (Jun. 2017),
                                                [FR Doc. 2018–03657 Filed 2–23–18; 8:45 am]                National Preparedness Goal; White House                 available at https://www.ponemon.org/library/2017-
                                                BILLING CODE 4910–13–P                                     Cyberspace Policy Review, May 2009).                    cost-of-data-breach-study-united-states.

                                           VerDate Sep<11>2014      14:55 Feb 23, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00002   Fmt 4700   Sfmt 4700   E:\FR\FM\26FER1.SGM    26FER1

                                                                  Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 38 / Monday, February 26, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                                    8167

                                                other cybersecurity incidents may incur                 well as a protocol to determine the                    additional cybersecurity disclosure,
                                                substantial costs 5 and suffer other                    potential materiality of such risks and                typically in the form of risk factors.12
                                                negative consequences, which may                        incidents.8 In addition, the Commission
                                                                                                                                                               C. Purpose of Release
                                                include:                                                believes that the development of
                                                   • Remediation costs, such as liability               effective disclosure controls and                        In light of the increasing significance
                                                for stolen assets or information, repairs               procedures is best achieved when a                     of cybersecurity incidents, the
                                                of system damage, and incentives to                     company’s directors, officers, and other               Commission believes it is necessary to
                                                customers or business partners in an                    persons responsible for developing and                 provide further Commission guidance.
                                                effort to maintain relationships after an               overseeing such controls and                           This interpretive release outlines the
                                                attack; 6                                               procedures are informed about the                      Commission’s views with respect to
                                                   • increased cybersecurity protection                 cybersecurity risks and incidents that                 cybersecurity disclosure requirements
                                                costs, which may include the costs of                   the company has faced or is likely to                  under the federal securities laws as they
                                                making organizational changes,                          face.                                                  apply to public operating companies.13
                                                deploying additional personnel and                                                                             While the Commission continues to
                                                                                                           Additionally, directors, officers, and
                                                protection technologies, training                                                                              consider other means of promoting
                                                                                                        other corporate insiders must not trade
                                                employees, and engaging third party                                                                            appropriate disclosure of cyber
                                                                                                        a public company’s securities while in
                                                experts and consultants;                                                                                       incidents, we are reinforcing and
                                                   • lost revenues resulting from the                   possession of material nonpublic
                                                                                                        information, which may include                         expanding upon the staff’s 2011
                                                unauthorized use of proprietary                                                                                guidance. In addition, we address two
                                                information or the failure to retain or                 knowledge regarding a significant
                                                                                                        cybersecurity incident experienced by                  topics not developed in the staff’s 2011
                                                attract customers following an attack;                                                                         guidance, namely the importance of
                                                   • litigation and legal risks, including              the company. Public companies should
                                                                                                        have policies and procedures in place to               cybersecurity policies and procedures
                                                regulatory actions by state and federal                                                                        and the application of insider trading
                                                governmental authorities and non-U.S.                   (1) guard against directors, officers, and
                                                                                                        other corporate insiders taking                        prohibitions in the cybersecurity
                                                authorities; 7                                                                                                 context.
                                                   • increased insurance premiums;                      advantage of the period between the
                                                                                                                                                                  First, this release stresses the
                                                   • reputational damage that adversely                 company’s discovery of a cybersecurity
                                                                                                                                                               importance of maintaining
                                                affects customer or investor confidence;                incident and public disclosure of the
                                                                                                                                                               comprehensive policies and procedures
                                                and                                                     incident to trade on material nonpublic
                                                                                                                                                               related to cybersecurity risks and
                                                   • damage to the company’s                            information about the incident, and (2)
                                                                                                                                                               incidents. Companies are required to
                                                competitiveness, stock price, and long-                 help ensure that the company makes
                                                                                                                                                               establish and maintain appropriate and
                                                term shareholder value.                                 timely disclosure of any related material
                                                   Given the frequency, magnitude and                                                                          effective disclosure controls and
                                                                                                        nonpublic information.9 In addition, we
                                                cost of cybersecurity incidents, the                                                                           procedures that enable them to make
                                                                                                        believe that companies are well served
                                                Commission believes that it is critical                                                                        accurate and timely disclosures of
                                                                                                        by considering the ramifications of
                                                that public companies take all required                                                                        material events, including those related
                                                                                                        directors, officers, and other corporate
                                                actions to inform investors about                                                                              to cybersecurity. Such robust disclosure
                                                                                                        insiders trading in advance of
                                                material cybersecurity risks and                        disclosures regarding cyber incidents                     12 For example, Willis North America released a
                                                incidents in a timely fashion, including                that prove to be material. We recognize                2013 report that found that approximately 88% of
                                                those companies that are subject to                     that many companies have adopted                       the public Fortune 500 companies and about 78%
                                                material cybersecurity risks but may not                preventative measures to address the                   of the Fortune 501–1000 companies included risk
                                                yet have been the target of a cyber-                                                                           factor disclosure regarding cybersecurity in their
                                                                                                        appearance of improper trading and we                  annual reports filed in 2012. See Willis Fortune
                                                attack. Crucial to a public company’s                   encourage companies to consider such                   1000 Cyber Disclosure Report (Aug. 2013), available
                                                ability to make any required disclosure                 preventative measures in the context of                at http://blog.willis.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/
                                                of cybersecurity risks and incidents in                 a cyber event.                                         08/Willis-Fortune-1000-Cyber-Report_09–13.pdf. In
                                                the appropriate timeframe are disclosure                                                                       2015, over 88% of Russell 3000 companies
                                                controls and procedures that provide an                 B. CF Disclosure Guidance: Topic No. 2                 disclosed cybersecurity as a risk. See Audit
                                                                                                                                                               Analytics, ‘‘Cybersecurity Disclosure in Risk
                                                appropriate method of discerning the                       In October 2011, the Division of                    Factors,’’ (Jan. 14, 2016), available at http://
                                                impact that such matters may have on                    Corporation Finance (the ‘‘Division’’)                 www.auditanalytics.com/blog/cybersecurity-
                                                the company and its business, financial                                                                        disclosures-in-risk-factors/.
                                                                                                        issued guidance that provided the                         13 This release does not address the specific
                                                condition, and results of operations, as                Division’s views regarding disclosure                  implications of cybersecurity to other regulated
                                                   5 The average organizational cost of a data breach
                                                                                                        obligations relating to cybersecurity                  entities under the federal securities laws, such as
                                                                                                        risks and incidents.10 The guidance                    registered investment companies, investment
                                                in the United States in 2016 was $7.35 million                                                                 advisers, brokers, dealers, exchanges, and self-
                                                based on the sample in the study. Id. However, the      explains that, although no existing                    regulatory organizations. For example, in 2014 the
                                                total costs a company may incur in connection with      disclosure requirement explicitly refers               Commission adopted Regulation Systems
                                                a particular cyber-attack or incident could be much     to cybersecurity risks and cyber                       Compliance and Integrity, applicable to certain self-
                                                higher.                                                                                                        regulatory organizations, to strengthen the
                                                   6 A company’s costs may also include payments
                                                                                                        incidents, companies nonetheless may
                                                                                                                                                               technology infrastructure of the U.S. securities
                                                to perpetrators of ransomware attacks in order to       be obligated to disclose such risks and                markets. Final Rule: Regulation Systems
                                                attempt to restore operations or protect customer       incidents.11 After the issuance of the                 Compliance and Integrity, Release No. 34–73639
                                                data or other proprietary information. But see          guidance, many companies included                      (Nov. 19, 2014) [79 FR. 72252 (Dec. 5, 2014)],
                                                Federal Bureau of Investigation, ‘‘How To Protect                                                              available at https://www.sec.gov/rules/final/2014/
                                                your Network from Ransomware,’’ Ransomware                                                                     34–73639.pdf. For additional cybersecurity
                                                                                                          8 See Section II.B.1 below for further discussion
jstallworth on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with RULES

                                                Prevention and Response for CISOs, available at                                                                regulations and resources, see the Commission’s
                                                https://www.justice.gov/criminal-ccips/file/872771/     of disclosure controls and procedures.                 website page devoted to cybersecurity issues,
                                                                                                          9 See Section II.B.2 below for further discussion
                                                download.                                                                                                      available at https://www.sec.gov/spotlight/
                                                   7 See, e.g., New York State Department of            of insider trading.                                    cybersecurity; see also Cybersecurity Guidance; IM
                                                                                                          10 See CF Disclosure Guidance: Topic No. 2—
                                                Financial Services, 23 NYCRR 500, Cybersecurity                                                                Guidance Update (April 2015), available at https://
                                                Requirements for Financial Services Companies;          Cybersecurity (Oct. 13, 2011), available at https://   www.sec.gov/investment/im-guidance-2015–02.pdf
                                                European Union General Data Protection                  www.sec.gov/divisions/corpfin/guidance/                (staff guidance on cybersecurity measures for
                                                Regulation, Council Regulation 2016/679, 2016 O.J.      cfguidance-topic2.htm.                                 registered investment companies and investment
                                                (L 119) 1.                                                11 Id.                                               advisers).

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                                                8168              Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 38 / Monday, February 26, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                                controls and procedures assist                           requirements impose an obligation to                     Securities Act, as well as Section 10(b)
                                                companies in satisfying their disclosure                 disclose such risks and incidents                        and Rule 10b–5 of the Exchange Act.25
                                                obligations under the federal securities                 depending on a company’s particular                        • Current Reports: In order to
                                                laws.                                                    circumstances. For example:                              maintain the accuracy and completeness
                                                  Second, we also remind companies                                                                                of effective shelf registration statements
                                                                                                            • Periodic Reports: Companies are
                                                and their directors, officers, and other                                                                          with respect to the costs and other
                                                                                                         required to file periodic reports 18 to
                                                corporate insiders of the applicable                                                                              consequences of material cybersecurity
                                                                                                         disclose specified information on a
                                                insider trading prohibitions under the                                                                            incidents,26 companies can provide
                                                                                                         regular and ongoing basis.19 These
                                                general antifraud provisions of the                                                                               current reports on Form 8–K 27 or Form
                                                                                                         periodic reports include annual reports
                                                federal securities laws and also of their                                                                         6–K.28 Companies also frequently
                                                                                                         on Form 10–K,20 which require                            provide current reports on Form 8–K or
                                                obligation to refrain from making
                                                selective disclosures of material                        companies to make disclosure regarding                   Form 6–K to report the occurrence and
                                                nonpublic information about                              their business and operations, risk                      consequences of cybersecurity
                                                cybersecurity risks or incidents.14                      factors, legal proceedings,                              incidents.29 The Commission
                                                  The Commission, and the staff                          management’s discussion and analysis                     encourages companies to continue to
                                                through its filing review process,                       of financial condition and results of                    use Form 8–K or Form 6–K to disclose
                                                continues to monitor cybersecurity                       operations (‘‘MD&A’’), financial                         material information promptly,
                                                disclosures carefully.                                   statements, disclosure controls and                      including disclosure pertaining to
                                                                                                         procedures, and corporate governance.21                  cybersecurity matters. This practice
                                                II. Commission Guidance                                  Periodic reports also include quarterly                  reduces the risk of selective disclosure,
                                                A. Overview of Rules Requiring                           reports on Form 10–Q,22 which require                    as well as the risk that trading in their
                                                Disclosure of Cybersecurity Issues                       companies to make disclosure regarding                   securities on the basis of material non-
                                                                                                         their financial statements, MD&A, and                    public information may occur.30
                                                1. Disclosure Obligations Generally;                     updated risk factors.23 Likewise, foreign                  In addition to the information
                                                Materiality                                              private issuers are required to make                     expressly required by Commission
                                                   Companies should consider the                         many of these same disclosures in their                  regulation, a company is required to
                                                materiality of cybersecurity risks and                   periodic reports on Form 20–F.24                         disclose ‘‘such further material
                                                incidents when preparing the disclosure                  Companies must provide timely and                        information, if any, as may be necessary
                                                that is required in registration                         ongoing information in these periodic                    to make the required statements, in light
                                                statements under the Securities Act of                   reports regarding material cybersecurity                 of the circumstances under which they
                                                1933 (‘‘Securities Act’’) and the                        risks and incidents that trigger                         are made, not misleading.’’ 31 The
                                                Securities Exchange Act of 1934                          disclosure obligations.                                  Commission considers omitted
                                                (‘‘Exchange Act’’), and periodic and                                                                              information to be material if there is a
                                                                                                            • Securities Act and Exchange Act
                                                current reports under the Exchange                                                                                substantial likelihood that a reasonable
                                                                                                         Obligations: Securities Act and
                                                Act.15 When a company is required to                                                                              investor would consider the information
                                                                                                         Exchange Act registration statements
                                                file a disclosure document with the                                                                               important in making an investment
                                                                                                         must disclose all material facts required
                                                Commission, the requisite form                                                                                    decision or that disclosure of the
                                                                                                         to be stated therein or necessary to make
                                                generally refers to the disclosure                                                                                omitted information would have been
                                                                                                         the statements therein not misleading.
                                                requirements of Regulation S–K 16 and                                                                             viewed by the reasonable investor as
                                                                                                         Companies should consider the
                                                Regulation S–X.17 Although these                                                                                  having significantly altered the total mix
                                                                                                         adequacy of their cybersecurity-related
                                                disclosure requirements do not                                                                                    of information available.32
                                                                                                         disclosure, among other things, in the
                                                specifically refer to cybersecurity risks                                                                           In determining their disclosure
                                                                                                         context of Sections 11, 12, and 17 of the
                                                and incidents, a number of the                                                                                    obligations regarding cybersecurity risks
                                                                                                                                                                  and incidents, companies generally
                                                                                                            18 An issuer with a class of securities registered
                                                   14 See Final Rule: Selective Disclosure and Insider
                                                                                                         under Section 12 or subject to Section 15(d) of the
                                                                                                                                                                  weigh, among other things, the potential
                                                Trading, Release No. 33–7881 (Aug. 15, 2000) [65
                                                FR 51715 (Aug. 24, 2000)], available at https://         Exchange Act is subject to the periodic and current
                                                                                                                                                                     25 15 U.S.C. 77k; 15 U.S.C. 77l; 15 U.S.C. 77q; 15
                                                www.sec.gov/rules/final/3-7881.htm.                      reporting requirements of Section 13 and 15(d),
                                                   15 Listed companies also should consider any          respectively, of the Exchange Act.                       U.S.C 78j(b); 17 CFR 240.10b–5.
                                                                                                            19 ‘‘Congress recognized that the ongoing                26 See Item 11(a) of Form S–3 [17 CFR 239.13] and
                                                obligations that may be imposed by exchange listing
                                                                                                         dissemination of accurate information by                 Item 5(a) of Form F–3 [17 CFR 239.33].
                                                requirements. For example, the NYSE requires
                                                listed companies to ‘‘release quickly to the public      companies about themselves and their securities is          27 17 CFR 249.308.

                                                any news or information which might reasonably be        essential to effective operation of the trading             28 17 CFR 249.306.

                                                expected to materially affect the market for its         markets. The Exchange Act rules require public              29 ‘‘The registrant may, at its option, disclose

                                                securities.’’ See NYSE Listed Company Manual             companies to make periodic disclosures at annual         under this Item 8.01 [of Form 8–K] any events, with
                                                Rule 202.05—Timely Disclosure of Material News           and quarterly intervals, with other important            respect to which information is not otherwise called
                                                Developments. In addition, in 2015, the NYSE, in         information reported on a more current basis. The        for by this form, that the registrant deems of
                                                partnership with Palo Alto Networks, published a         Exchange Act specifically provides for current           importance to security holders.’’ 17 CFR 308.
                                                summary of information about legal and regulatory        disclosure to maintain the currency and adequacy            30 See Sections II.B.2 and II.B.3 below for further

                                                aspects of cybersecurity governance for directors        of information disclosed by companies.’’ Proposed        discussion of insider trading and Regulation FD.
                                                and officers of public companies. See Navigating         Rule: Additional Form 8–K Disclosure                        31 Rule 408 of the Securities Act [17 CFR
                                                the Digital Age: The Definitive Cybersecurity Guide      Requirements and Acceleration of Filing Date,
                                                                                                                                                                  230.408]; Rule 12b–20 of the Exchange Act [17 CFR
                                                for Directors and Officers. Chicago: Caxton Business     Release No. 33–8106, 3–4 (Jun. 17, 2002) [67 FR
                                                                                                                                                                  240.12b–20]; and Rule 14a–9 of the Exchange Act
                                                & Legal, Inc., 2015, available at https://               42914 (Jun. 25, 2002)].
                                                                                                            20 17 CFR 249.310.
                                                                                                                                                                  [17 CFR 240.14a–9].
                                                www.securityroundtable.org/wp-content/uploads/                                                                       32 This approach is consistent with the standard
                                                                                                            21 See Part I, Items 1, 1A and 3 of Form 10–K; Part
jstallworth on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with RULES

                                                                                                                                                                  of materiality articulated by the U.S. Supreme Court
                                                marks.pdf. Similarly, Nasdaq requires listed             II, Items 7, 8 and 9A of Form 10–K; and Part III,        in TSC Industries v. Northway, 426 U.S. 438, 449
                                                companies to ‘‘make prompt disclosure to the             Item 10 of Form 10–K [17 CFR 249.310].                   (1976) (a fact is material ‘‘if there is a substantial
                                                public of any material information that would               22 17 CFR 249.308a.
                                                                                                                                                                  likelihood that a reasonable shareholder would
                                                reasonably be expected to affect the value of its           23 See Part I, Items 1 and 2 of Form 10–Q; Part
                                                                                                                                                                  consider it important’’ in making an investment
                                                securities or influence investors’ decisions.’’ See      II, Item 1A of Form 10–Q [17 CFR 249.308a].              decision or if it ‘‘would have been viewed by the
                                                Nasdaq Listing Rule 5250(b)(1).                             24 See Part I, Items 3.D, 4, 5 and 8 of Form 20–      reasonable investor as having significantly altered
                                                   16 17 CFR part 229.
                                                                                                         F; Part II, Items 15 and 16G of Form 20–F; Part III,     the ‘total mix’ of information made available’’ to the
                                                   17 17 CFR part 210.                                   Items 17 and 18 of Form 20–F [17 CFR 249.220f].          shareholder).

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                                                                  Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 38 / Monday, February 26, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                                     8169

                                                materiality of any identified risk and, in                have been appropriately informed about                  companies.’’ 38 Companies should avoid
                                                the case of incidents, the importance of                  the incident or risk.35                                 generic cybersecurity-related disclosure
                                                any compromised information and of                           Understanding that some material                     and provide specific information that is
                                                the impact of the incident on the                         facts may be not available at the time of               useful to investors.
                                                company’s operations. The materiality                     the initial disclosure, we recognize that               2. Risk Factors
                                                of cybersecurity risks or incidents                       a company may require time to discern
                                                depends upon their nature, extent, and                                                                               Item 503(c) of Regulation S–K and
                                                                                                          the implications of a cybersecurity
                                                potential magnitude, particularly as                                                                              Item 3.D of Form 20–F require
                                                                                                          incident. We also recognize that it may
                                                                                                                                                                  companies to disclose the most
                                                they relate to any compromised                            be necessary to cooperate with law
                                                                                                                                                                  significant factors that make
                                                information or the business and scope of                  enforcement and that ongoing
                                                                                                                                                                  investments in the company’s securities
                                                company operations.33 The materiality                     investigation of a cybersecurity incident
                                                                                                                                                                  speculative or risky.39 Companies
                                                of cybersecurity risks and incidents also                 may affect the scope of disclosure
                                                                                                                                                                  should disclose the risks associated
                                                depends on the range of harm that such                    regarding the incident. However, an
                                                                                                                                                                  with cybersecurity and cybersecurity
                                                incidents could cause.34 This includes                    ongoing internal or external
                                                                                                                                                                  incidents if these risks are among such
                                                harm to a company’s reputation,                           investigation—which often can be
                                                                                                                                                                  factors, including risks that arise in
                                                financial performance, and customer                       lengthy—would not on its own provide
                                                                                                                                                                  connection with acquisitions.40
                                                and vendor relationships, as well as the                  a basis for avoiding disclosures of a
                                                                                                                                                                     It would be helpful for companies to
                                                possibility of litigation or regulatory                   material cybersecurity incident.
                                                                                                                                                                  consider the following issues, among
                                                investigations or actions, including                         We remind companies that they may                    others, in evaluating cybersecurity risk
                                                regulatory actions by state and federal                   have a duty to correct prior disclosure                 factor disclosure:
                                                governmental authorities and non-U.S.                     that the company determines was                            • The occurrence of prior
                                                authorities.                                              untrue (or omitted a material fact                      cybersecurity incidents, including their
                                                                                                          necessary to make the disclosure not                    severity and frequency;
                                                   This guidance is not intended to
                                                                                                          misleading) at the time it was made 36                     • the probability of the occurrence
                                                suggest that a company should make                        (for example, if the company                            and potential magnitude of
                                                detailed disclosures that could                           subsequently discovers contradictory                    cybersecurity incidents;
                                                compromise its cybersecurity efforts—                     information that existed at the time of                    • the adequacy of preventative
                                                for example, by providing a ‘‘roadmap’’                   the initial disclosure), or a duty to                   actions taken to reduce cybersecurity
                                                for those who seek to penetrate a                         update disclosure that becomes                          risks and the associated costs,
                                                company’s security protections. We do                     materially inaccurate after it is made 37               including, if appropriate, discussing the
                                                not expect companies to publicly                          (for example, when the original                         limits of the company’s ability to
                                                disclose specific, technical information                  statement is still being relied on by                   prevent or mitigate certain cybersecurity
                                                about their cybersecurity systems, the                    reasonable investors). Companies                        risks;
                                                related networks and devices, or                          should consider whether they need to                       • the aspects of the company’s
                                                potential system vulnerabilities in such                  revisit or refresh previous disclosure,                 business and operations that give rise to
                                                detail as would make such systems,                        including during the process of                         material cybersecurity risks and the
                                                networks, and devices more susceptible                    investigating a cybersecurity incident.                 potential costs and consequences of
                                                to a cybersecurity incident.                                 We expect companies to provide                       such risks, including industry-specific
                                                Nevertheless, we expect companies to                      disclosure that is tailored to their                    risks and third party supplier and
                                                disclose cybersecurity risks and                          particular cybersecurity risks and                      service provider risks;
                                                incidents that are material to investors,                 incidents. As the Commission has                           • the costs associated with
                                                including the concomitant financial,                      previously stated, we ‘‘emphasize a                     maintaining cybersecurity protections,
                                                legal, or reputational consequences.                      company-by-company approach [to                         including, if applicable, insurance
                                                Where a company has become aware of                       disclosure] that allows relevant and                    coverage relating to cybersecurity
                                                a cybersecurity incident or risk that                     material information to be disseminated                 incidents or payments to service
                                                would be material to its investors, we                    to investors without boilerplate                        providers;
                                                would expect it to make appropriate                                                                                  • the potential for reputational harm;
                                                                                                          language or static requirements while
                                                                                                                                                                     • existing or pending laws and
                                                disclosure timely and sufficiently prior                  preserving completeness and
                                                                                                                                                                  regulations that may affect the
                                                to the offer and sale of securities and to                comparability of information across
                                                                                                                                                                  requirements to which companies are
                                                take steps to prevent directors and
                                                                                                                                                                  subject relating to cybersecurity and the
                                                officers (and other corporate insiders                      35 See Sections 7 and 10 of the Securities Act;
                                                                                                                                                                  associated costs to companies; and
                                                who were aware of these matters) from                     Sections 10(b), 13(a) and 15(d) of the Exchange Act;
                                                                                                          and Rule 10b–5 under the Exchange Act [15 U.S.C            • litigation, regulatory investigation,
                                                trading its securities until investors                    78j(b); 15 U.S.C. 78m(a); 15. U.S.C. 78o(d); 17 CFR     and remediation costs associated with
                                                                                                          240.10b–5].                                             cybersecurity incidents.
                                                   33 For example, the compromised information              36 See Backman v. Polaroid Corp., 910 F.2d 10,
                                                                                                                                                                     In meeting their disclosure
                                                might include personally identifiable information,        16–17 (1st Cir. 1990) (en banc) (finding that the
                                                trade secrets or other confidential business              duty to correct applies ‘‘if a disclosure is in fact
                                                                                                                                                                  obligations, companies may need to
                                                information, the materiality of which may depend          misleading when made, and the speaker thereafter
                                                                                                                                                                     38 See Business and Financial Disclosure
                                                on the nature of the company’s business, as well as       learns of this.’’).
                                                the scope of the compromised information.                   37 See id. at 17 (describing the duty to update as    Required by Regulation S–K, Release No. 33–10064
                                                   34 As part of a materiality analysis, a company        potentially applying ‘‘if a prior disclosure ‘becomes   (Apr. 13, 2016) [81 FR 23915 (Apr. 22, 2016)]. See
                                                                                                                                                                  also Plain English Disclosure, Release No. 33–7497
jstallworth on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with RULES

                                                should consider the indicated probability that an         materially misleading in light of subsequent
                                                event will occur and the anticipated magnitude of         events’’’ (quoting Greenfield v. Heublein, Inc., 742    (Jan. 28, 1998) [63 FR 6370 (Feb. 6, 1998)]; and
                                                the event in light of the totality of company activity.   F.2d 751, 758 (3d Cir. 1984))). But see                 Updated Staff Legal Bulletin No. 7: Plain English
                                                Basic v. Levinson, 485 U.S. 224, 238 (1988) (citing       Higginbotham v. Baxter Intern., Inc., 495 F.3d 753,     Disclosure (Jun. 7, 1999) available at https://
                                                SEC v. Texas Gulf Sulphur Co., 401 F. 2d 833, 849         760 (7th Cir. 2007) (rejecting duty to update before    www.sec.gov/interps/legal/cfslb7a.htm.
                                                                                                                                                                     39 17 CFR 229.503(c); 17 CFR 249.220f.
                                                (2d Cir. 1968)). Moreover, no ‘‘single fact or            next quarterly report); Gallagher v. Abbott
                                                occurrence’’ is determinative as to materiality,          Laboratories, 269 F.3d 806, 808–11 (7th Cir. 2001)         40 See Final Rule: Business Combination

                                                which requires an inherently fact-specific inquiry.       (explaining that securities laws do not require         Transactions, Release No. 33–6578 (Apr. 23, 1985)
                                                Basic, 485 U.S. at 236.                                   continuous disclosure).                                 [50 FR 18990 (May 6, 1985)].

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                                                8170               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 38 / Monday, February 26, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                                disclose previous or ongoing                              that may result.42 Finally, the                           • claims related to warranties, breach
                                                cybersecurity incidents or other past                     Commission expects companies to                         of contract, product recall/replacement,
                                                events in order to place discussions of                   consider the impact of such incidents                   indemnification of counterparties, and
                                                these risks in the appropriate context.                   on each of their reportable segments.43                 insurance premium increases; and
                                                For example, if a company previously
                                                                                                          4. Description of Business                                • diminished future cash flows,
                                                experienced a material cybersecurity
                                                                                                                                                                  impairment of intellectual, intangible or
                                                incident involving denial-of-service, it                     Item 101 of Regulation S–K and Item
                                                likely would not be sufficient for the                    4.B of Form 20–F require companies to                   other assets; recognition of liabilities; or
                                                company to disclose that there is a risk                  discuss their products, services,                       increased financing costs.
                                                that a denial-of-service incident may                     relationships with customers and                          The Commission expects that a
                                                occur. Instead, the company may need                      suppliers, and competitive conditions.44                company’s financial reporting and
                                                to discuss the occurrence of that                         If cybersecurity incidents or risks                     control systems would be designed to
                                                cybersecurity incident and its                            materially affect a company’s products,                 provide reasonable assurance that
                                                consequences as part of a broader                         services, relationships with customers                  information about the range and
                                                discussion of the types of potential                      or suppliers, or competitive conditions,                magnitude of the financial impacts of a
                                                cybersecurity incidents that pose                         the company must provide appropriate                    cybersecurity incident would be
                                                particular risks to the company’s                         disclosure.                                             incorporated into its financial
                                                business and operations. Past incidents                                                                           statements on a timely basis as the
                                                involving suppliers, customers,                           5. Legal Proceedings
                                                                                                                                                                  information becomes available.46
                                                competitors, and others may be relevant                     Item 103 of Regulation S–K requires
                                                when crafting risk factor disclosure. In                  companies to disclose information                       7. Board Risk Oversight
                                                certain circumstances, this type of                       relating to material pending legal
                                                contextual disclosure may be necessary                    proceedings to which they or their                         Item 407(h) of Regulation S–K and
                                                to effectively communicate                                subsidiaries are a party.45 Companies                   Item 7 of Schedule 14A require a
                                                cybersecurity risks to investors.                         should note that this requirement                       company to disclose the extent of its
                                                                                                          includes any such proceedings that                      board of directors’ role in the risk
                                                3. MD&A of Financial Condition and
                                                                                                          relate to cybersecurity issues. For                     oversight of the company, such as how
                                                Results of Operations
                                                                                                          example, if a company experiences a                     the board administers its oversight
                                                   Item 303 of Regulation S–K and Item                    cybersecurity incident involving the                    function and the effect this has on the
                                                5 of Form 20–F require a company to                       theft of customer information and the                   board’s leadership structure.47 The
                                                discuss its financial condition, changes                  incident results in material litigation by              Commission has previously said that
                                                in financial condition, and results of                    customers against the company, the                      ‘‘disclosure about the board’s
                                                operations. These items require a                         company should describe the litigation,                 involvement in the oversight of the risk
                                                discussion of events, trends, or                          including the name of the court in                      management process should provide
                                                uncertainties that are reasonably likely                  which the proceedings are pending, the                  important information to investors
                                                to have a material effect on its results of               date the proceedings are instituted, the
                                                operations, liquidity, or financial                                                                               about how a company perceives the role
                                                                                                          principal parties thereto, a description                of its board and the relationship
                                                condition, or that would cause reported
                                                                                                          of the factual basis alleged to underlie                between the board and senior
                                                financial information not to be
                                                                                                          the litigation, and the relief sought.                  management in managing the material
                                                necessarily indicative of future
                                                operating results or financial condition                  6. Financial Statement Disclosures                      risks facing the company.’’ 48 A
                                                and such other information that the                                                                               company must include a description of
                                                                                                             Cybersecurity incidents and the risks                how the board administers its risk
                                                company believes to be necessary to an
                                                                                                          that result therefrom may affect a
                                                understanding of its financial condition,                                                                         oversight function.49 To the extent
                                                                                                          company’s financial statements. For
                                                changes in financial condition, and                                                                               cybersecurity risks are material to a
                                                                                                          example, cybersecurity incidents may
                                                results of operations.41 In this context,                                                                         company’s business, we believe this
                                                                                                          result in:
                                                the cost of ongoing cybersecurity efforts                                                                         discussion should include the nature of
                                                (including enhancements to existing                          • Expenses related to investigation,
                                                                                                          breach notification, remediation and                    the board’s role in overseeing the
                                                efforts), the costs and other                                                                                     management of that risk.
                                                consequences of cybersecurity                             litigation, including the costs of legal
                                                                                                          and other professional services;                           In addition, we believe disclosures
                                                incidents, and the risks of potential
                                                cybersecurity incidents, among other                         • loss of revenue, providing                         regarding a company’s cybersecurity
                                                matters, could inform a company’s                         customers with incentives or a loss of                  risk management program and how the
                                                analysis. In addition, companies may                      customer relationship assets value;                     board of directors engages with
                                                consider the array of costs associated                                                                            management on cybersecurity issues
                                                with cybersecurity issues, including, but                   42 A number of past Commission releases provide       allow investors to assess how a board of
                                                                                                          general interpretive guidance on these disclosure       directors is discharging its risk oversight
                                                not limited to, loss of intellectual                      requirements. See, e.g., Commission Guidance
                                                property, the immediate costs of the                      Regarding Management’s Discussion and Analysis          responsibility in this increasingly
                                                incident, as well as the costs associated                 of Financial Condition and Results of Operations,       important area.
                                                with implementing preventative                            Release No. 33–8350 (Dec. 19, 2003) [68 FR 75056
                                                                                                          (Dec. 29, 2003)]; Commission Statement About
                                                measures, maintaining insurance,                          Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial
                                                                                                                                                                    46 See Section 13(b)(2)(B) of the Exchange Act [15

                                                responding to litigation and regulatory                   Condition and Results of Operations, Release No.
jstallworth on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with RULES

                                                                                                                                                                    47 17 CFR 229.407(h); 17 CFR 240.14a–101—
                                                investigations, preparing for and                         33–8056 (Jan. 22, 2002) [67 FR 3746 (Jan. 25, 2002)];
                                                complying with proposed or current                        Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial       Schedule 14A.
                                                                                                          Condition and Results of Operations; Certain              48 Final Rule: Proxy Disclosure Enhancements,
                                                legislation, engaging in remediation                      Investment Company Disclosures, Release No. 33–         Release No. 33–9089 (Dec. 16, 2009) [74 FR 68334
                                                efforts, addressing harm to reputation,                   6835 (May 18, 1989) [54 FR 22427 (May 24, 1989)].       (Dec. 23, 2009)], available at http://www.sec.gov/
                                                and the loss of competitive advantage                       43 17 CFR 229.303(a).                                 rules/final/2009/33-9089.pdf.
                                                                                                            44 17 CFR 229.101; 17 CFR 249.220f.                     49 See Item 407(h) of Regulation S–K [17 CFR
                                                  41 17   CFR 229.303; 17 CFR 249.220f.                     45 17 CFR 229.103.                                    229.407(h)].

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                                                                  Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 38 / Monday, February 26, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                                        8171

                                                B. Policies and Procedures                               disclosure specifically required, but                     should consider whether there are
                                                                                                         should also ensure timely collection and                  deficiencies in disclosure controls and
                                                1. Disclosure Controls and Procedures
                                                                                                         evaluation of information potentially                     procedures that would render them
                                                   Cybersecurity risk management                         subject to required disclosure, or                        ineffective.
                                                policies and procedures are key                          relevant to an assessment of the need to
                                                elements of enterprise-wide risk                                                                                   2. Insider Trading
                                                                                                         disclose developments and risks that
                                                management, including as it relates to                   pertain to the company’s businesses.53                       Companies and their directors,
                                                compliance with the federal securities                   Information also must be evaluated in                     officers, and other corporate insiders
                                                laws. We encourage companies to adopt                    the context of the disclosure                             should be mindful of complying with
                                                comprehensive policies and procedures                    requirement of Exchange Act Rule 12b–                     the laws related to insider trading in
                                                related to cybersecurity and to assess                   20.54 When designing and evaluating                       connection with information about
                                                their compliance regularly, including                    disclosure controls and procedures,                       cybersecurity risks and incidents,
                                                the sufficiency of their disclosure                      companies should consider whether                         including vulnerabilities and
                                                controls and procedures as they relate to                such controls and procedures will                         breaches.58 It is illegal to trade a
                                                cybersecurity disclosure. Companies                      appropriately record, process,                            security ‘‘on the basis of material
                                                should assess whether they have                          summarize, and report the information                     nonpublic information about that
                                                sufficient disclosure controls and                       related to cybersecurity risks and                        security or issuer, in breach of a duty of
                                                procedures in place to ensure that                       incidents that is required to be disclosed                trust or confidence that is owed directly,
                                                relevant information about                               in filings. Controls and procedures                       indirectly, or derivatively, to the issuer
                                                cybersecurity risks and incidents is                     should enable companies to identify                       of that security or the shareholders of
                                                processed and reported to the                            cybersecurity risks and incidents, assess                 that issuer, or to any other person who
                                                appropriate personnel, including up the                  and analyze their impact on a                             is the source of the material nonpublic
                                                corporate ladder, to enable senior                       company’s business, evaluate the                          information.’’ 59 As noted above,
                                                management to make disclosure                            significance associated with such risks                   information about a company’s
                                                decisions and certifications and to                      and incidents, provide for open                           cybersecurity risks and incidents may
                                                facilitate policies and procedures                       communications between technical                          be material nonpublic information, and
                                                designed to prohibit directors, officers,                experts and disclosure advisors, and                      directors, officers, and other corporate
                                                and other corporate insiders from                        make timely disclosures regarding such                    insiders would violate the antifraud
                                                trading on the basis of material                         risks and incidents.                                      provisions if they trade the company’s
                                                nonpublic information about                                 Exchange Act Rules 13a–14 and 15d–                     securities in breach of their duty of trust
                                                cybersecurity risks and incidents.50                     14 55 require a company’s principal                       or confidence while in possession of
                                                   Pursuant to Exchange Act Rules 13a–                   executive officer and principal financial                 that material nonpublic information.60
                                                15 and 15d–15, companies must                            officer to make certifications regarding                     Beyond the antifraud provisions of
                                                maintain disclosure controls and                         the design and effectiveness of                           the federal securities laws, companies
                                                procedures, and management must                          disclosure controls and procedures,56                     and their directors, officers, and other
                                                evaluate their effectiveness.51 These                    and Item 307 of Regulation S–K and                        corporate insiders must comply with all
                                                rules define ‘‘disclosure controls and                   Item 15(a) of Exchange Act Form 20–F                      other applicable insider trading related
                                                procedures’’ as those controls and other                 require companies to disclose                             rules. Many exchanges require listed
                                                procedures designed to ensure that                       conclusions on the effectiveness of                       companies to adopt codes of conduct
                                                information required to be disclosed by                  disclosure controls and procedures.57                     and policies that promote compliance
                                                the company in the reports that it files                 These certifications and disclosures                      with applicable laws, rules, and
                                                or submits under the Exchange Act is (1)                 should take into account the adequacy                     regulations, including those prohibiting
                                                ‘‘recorded, processed, summarized and                    of controls and procedures for                            insider trading.61 We encourage
                                                reported, within the time periods                        identifying cybersecurity risks and                       companies to consider how their codes
                                                specified in the Commission’s rules and                  incidents and for assessing and                           of ethics 62 and insider trading policies
                                                forms,’’ and (2) ‘‘accumulated and                       analyzing their impact. In addition, to                   take into account and prevent trading on
                                                communicated to the company’s                            the extent cybersecurity risks or
                                                management . . . as appropriate to                       incidents pose a risk to a company’s                        58 In addition to promoting full and fair

                                                allow timely decisions regarding                         ability to record, process, summarize,                    disclosure, the antifraud provisions of the federal
                                                required disclosure.’’ 52                                and report information that is required                   securities laws prohibit insider trading, which
                                                                                                                                                                   harms not only individual investors but also the
                                                   A company’s disclosure controls and                   to be disclosed in filings, management                    very foundations of our markets by undermining
                                                procedures should not be limited to                                                                                investor confidence in the integrity of those
                                                                                                            53 See Final Rule: Certification of Disclosure in      markets. 17 CFR 243.100. Final Rule: Selective
                                                  50 See  Final Rule: Certification of Disclosure in     Companies’ Quarterly and Annual Reports, Release          Disclosure and Insider Trading, Release No. 34–
                                                Companies’ Quarterly and Annual Reports, Release         No. 33–8124 (Aug. 28, 2002) [67 FR 57276 (Sept.           43154 (Aug. 15, 2000) [65 FR 51716 (Aug. 24,
                                                No. 33–8124 (Aug. 28, 2002) [67 FR 57276 (Sept.          9, 2002)], available at https://www.sec.gov/rules/        2000)].
                                                9, 2002)], available at https://www.sec.gov/rules/       final/33-8124.htm (‘‘We believe that the new rules          59 Rule 10b5–1(a) of the Exchange Act [17 CFR

                                                final/33-8124.htm (‘‘We believe that, to assist          will help to ensure that an issuer’s systems grow         240.10b–5–1(a)].
                                                principal executive and financial officers in the        and evolve with its business and are capable of             60 This would not preclude directors, officers, and

                                                discharge of their responsibilities in making the        producing Exchange Act reports that are timely,           other corporate insiders from relying on Exchange
                                                required certifications, as well as to discharge their   accurate and reliable.’’).                                Act Rule 10b5–1 if all conditions of that rule are
                                                                                                            54 17 CFR 240.12b–20.
                                                responsibilities in providing accurate and complete                                                                met.
                                                information to security holders, it is necessary for        55 17 CFR 240.13a–14; 17 CFR 240.15d–14.                 61 See e.g., NYSE Listed Company Manual Section
                                                companies to ensure that their internal
jstallworth on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with RULES

                                                                                                            56 Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002       303A.10, which states in relevant part that every
                                                communications and other procedures operate so           required the Commission to adopt final rules under        NYSE ‘‘listed company should proactively promote
                                                that important information flows to the appropriate      which the principal executive officer or officers and     compliance with laws, rules and regulations,
                                                collection and disclosure points in a timely             the principal financial officer or officers, or persons   including insider trading laws. Insider trading is
                                                manner.’’); see also Section 10(b) of the Exchange       providing similar functions, of an issuer each must       both unethical and illegal, and should be dealt with
                                                Act and Rule 10b–5 thereunder [15 U.S.C. 78j(b); 17      certify the information contained in the issuer’s         decisively.’’ See also NASDAQ Listing Rule 5610
                                                CFR 240.10b–5].                                          quarterly and annual reports. Public Law 107–204,         and Section 406(c) of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of
                                                   51 17 CFR 240.13a–15; 17 CFR 240.15d–15.              116 Stat. 745 (2002).                                     2002.
                                                   52 Id.                                                   57 17 CFR 229.307; 17 CFR 249.220f.                      62 Item 406 of Regulation S–K [17 CFR 229.406].

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                                                8172              Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 38 / Monday, February 26, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                                the basis of material nonpublic                         information to the public.66 We expect                 Office Box mailing address for filing
                                                information related to cybersecurity                    companies to have policies and                         notices of appeal with the Board. 62 FR
                                                risks and incidents. The Commission                     procedures to ensure that any                          10666. The Department added the P.O.
                                                believes that it is important to have well              disclosures of material nonpublic                      Box to augment timely receipt of
                                                designed policies and procedures to                     information related to cybersecurity                   incoming mail. Over time, the
                                                prevent trading on the basis of all types               risks and incidents are not made                       Department has found this
                                                of material non-public information,                     selectively, and that any Regulation FD                supplemental process is not needed to
                                                including information relating to                       required public disclosure is made                     ensure the timely receipt of mail.
                                                cybersecurity risks and incidents.                      simultaneously (in the case of an                      Therefore, to save costs, the Department
                                                   In addition, while companies are                     intentional disclosure as defined in the               is eliminating the P.O. Box and
                                                investigating and assessing significant                 rule) or promptly (in the case of a non-               amending its regulations to direct that
                                                cybersecurity incidents, and                            intentional disclosure) and is otherwise               all notices of appeal and
                                                determining the underlying facts,                       compliant with the requirements of that                correspondence filed by mail be sent
                                                ramifications and materiality of these                  regulation.67                                          directly to the Board’s offices in the
                                                incidents, they should consider whether                   By the Commission.                                   Frances Perkins Department of Labor
                                                and when it may be appropriate to                                                                              Building in Washington, DC. This
                                                                                                          Dated: February 21, 2018.
                                                implement restrictions on insider                                                                              document amends the relevant section
                                                                                                        Brent J. Fields,
                                                trading in their securities. Company                                                                           in the Code of Federal Regulations
                                                insider trading policies and procedures                 Secretary.                                             governing the procedural rules of the
                                                that include prophylactic measures can                  [FR Doc. 2018–03858 Filed 2–23–18; 8:45 am]            Board in order to present the new
                                                protect against directors, officers, and                BILLING CODE 8011–01–P                                 mailing address.
                                                other corporate insiders trading on the
                                                basis of material nonpublic information                                                                        II. Statutory Authority
                                                before public disclosure of the                         DEPARTMENT OF LABOR                                      This rule is promulgated by the
                                                cybersecurity incident. As noted above,                                                                        Secretary of Labor under the authority
                                                we believe that companies would be                      Benefits Review Board                                  of 5 U.S.C. 301, as well as the Black
                                                well served by considering how to avoid                                                                        Lung Benefits Act, 30 U.S.C. 901 et seq.,
                                                the appearance of improper trading                      20 CFR Part 802                                        and the Longshore and Harbor Workers’
                                                during the period following an incident                 RIN 1290–AA32                                          Compensation Act, 33 U.S.C. 901 et seq.
                                                and prior to the dissemination of
                                                                                                                                                               III. Rulemaking Analyses
                                                disclosure.                                             Change of Mailing Address for the
                                                                                                        Benefits Review Board                                  A. Administrative Procedure Act
                                                3. Regulation FD and Selective
                                                Disclosure                                              AGENCY:  Benefits Review Board, Labor.                    Section 553(b)(3) of the
                                                                                                                                                               Administrative Procedure Act (APA), 5
                                                   Companies also may have disclosure                   ACTION: Final rule; technical
                                                                                                                                                               U.S.C. 553(b)(3), provides that an
                                                obligations under Regulation FD in                      amendment.
                                                                                                                                                               agency is not required to publish a
                                                connection with cybersecurity matters.
                                                                                                        SUMMARY:  This rule amends one section                 notice of proposed rulemaking in the
                                                Under Regulation FD, ‘‘when an issuer,
                                                                                                        of the Benefits Review Board’s                         Federal Register for ‘‘rules of agency
                                                or person acting on its behalf, discloses
                                                                                                        regulations in order to change the                     organization, procedure, or practice.’’ 5
                                                material nonpublic information to
                                                                                                        mailing address for notices of appeal                  U.S.C. 553(b)(3)(A). Rules are also
                                                certain enumerated persons it must
                                                                                                        and correspondence sent to the Board.                  exempt when an agency finds ‘‘good
                                                make public disclosure of that
                                                                                                                                                               cause’’ that notice and comment
                                                information.’’ 63 The Commission                        DATES: This rule is effective March 28,
                                                                                                                                                               rulemaking procedures would be
                                                adopted Regulation FD owing to                          2018.
                                                                                                                                                               ‘‘impracticable, unnecessary, or contrary
                                                concerns about companies making                         FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr.                   to the public interest.’’ 5 U.S.C.
                                                selective disclosure of material                        Thomas Shepherd, Clerk of the                          553(b)(3)(B). The Department has
                                                nonpublic information to certain                        Appellate Boards, at 202–693–6319 or                   determined that this rulemaking meets
                                                persons before making full disclosure of                Shepherd.Thomas@dol.gov.                               the notice and comment exemption
                                                that same information to the general                    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                             requirements in 5 U.S.C. 553(b)(3)(A)
                                                   In cases of selective disclosure of                  I. Background                                          and (B). The Department’s revision
                                                material nonpublic information related                                                                         makes a technical and non-substantive
                                                                                                           On March 7, 1997, the Department                    change to the rules of procedure before
                                                to cybersecurity, companies should                      issued a technical amendment to 20
                                                ensure compliance with Regulation FD.                                                                          the Benefits Review Board and does not
                                                                                                        CFR 802.204 to include a U.S. Post                     alter any substantive standard. The
                                                Companies and persons acting on their
                                                behalf should not selectively disclose                                                                         Department does not believe that public
                                                                                                        persons associated with an investment advisor; (3)     comment is necessary for this minor
                                                material, nonpublic information                         an investment company or persons affiliated with
                                                regarding cybersecurity risks and                       an investment company; or (4) a holder of the          revision.
                                                incidents to Regulation FD enumerated                   issuer’s securities under circumstances in which it
                                                                                                        is reasonably foreseeable that the person will trade
                                                                                                                                                               B. Regulatory Flexibility Act, Unfunded
                                                persons 65 before disclosing that same                  in the issuer’s securities on the basis of the         Mandates Reform Act, and Small
                                                                                                        information. 17 CFR 243.100(b)(1).                     Business Regulatory Enforcement
                                                  63 17 CFR 243.100. Final Rule: Selective
jstallworth on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with RULES

                                                                                                           66 Final Rule: Selective Disclosure and Insider
                                                                                                                                                               Fairness Act
                                                Disclosure and Insider Trading, Release No. 34–         Trading, Release No. 34–43154 (Aug. 15, 2000) [65
                                                43154 (Aug. 15, 2000) [65 FR 51716 (Aug. 24,            FR 51716 (Aug. 24, 2000)].                               Because no notice of proposed
                                                2000)].                                                    67 ‘‘Under the regulation, the required public      rulemaking is required for this rule
                                                  64 Id.
                                                                                                        disclosure may be made by filing or furnishing a       under section 553(b) of the APA, the
                                                  65 Regulation FD applies generally to selective       Form 8–K, or by another method or combination of
                                                disclosures made to persons outside the issuer who      methods that is reasonably designed to effect broad,
                                                                                                                                                               requirements of the Regulatory
                                                are (1) a broker or dealer or persons associated with   non-exclusionary distribution of the information to    Flexibility Act at 5 U.S.C. 601(2) do not
                                                a broker or dealer; (2) an investment advisor or        the public.’’ Id. at 3.                                apply to this rule, and the rule is not

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Document Created: 2018-02-24 01:00:21
Document Modified: 2018-02-24 01:00:21
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionRules and Regulations
DatesApplicable February 26, 2018.
ContactQuestions about specific filings should be directed to staff members responsible for reviewing the documents the company files with the Commission. For general questions about this release, contact the Office of the Chief Counsel at (202) 551-3500 in the Division of Corporation Finance, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, 100 F Street NE, Washington, DC 20549.
FR Citation83 FR 8166 
CFR Citation17 CFR 229
17 CFR 249

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