83_FR_918 83 FR 913 - Self-Regulatory Organizations; The Depository Trust Company; Notice of Filing of a Proposed Rule Change To Amend the Loss Allocation Rules and Make Other Changes

83 FR 913 - Self-Regulatory Organizations; The Depository Trust Company; Notice of Filing of a Proposed Rule Change To Amend the Loss Allocation Rules and Make Other Changes


Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 5 (January 8, 2018)

Page Range913-926
FR Document2018-00074

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 5 (Monday, January 8, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 5 (Monday, January 8, 2018)]
[Pages 913-926]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-00074]



[Release No. 34-82426; File No. SR-DTC-2017-022]

Self-Regulatory Organizations; The Depository Trust Company; 
Notice of Filing of a Proposed Rule Change To Amend the Loss Allocation 
Rules and Make Other Changes

January 2, 2018.
    Pursuant to Section 19(b)(1) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 
(``Act'') \1\ and Rule 19b-4 thereunder,\2\ notice is hereby given that 
on December 18, 2017, The Depository Trust Company (``DTC'') filed with 
the Securities and Exchange Commission (``Commission'') the proposed 
rule change as described in Items I, II and III below, which Items have 
been prepared by the clearing agency.\3\ The Commission is publishing 
this notice to solicit comments on the proposed rule change from 
interested persons.

    \1\ 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).
    \2\ 17 CFR 240.19b-4.
    \3\ On December 18, 2017, DTC filed this proposed rule change as 
an advance notice (SR-DTC-2017-804) with the Commission pursuant to 
Section 806(e)(1) of Title VIII of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform 
and Consumer Protection Act entitled the Payment, Clearing, and 
Settlement Supervision Act of 2010, 12 U.S.C. 5465(e)(1), and Rule 
19b-4(n)(1)(i) of the Act, 17 CFR 240.19b-4(n)(1)(i). A copy of the 
advance notice is available at http://www.dtcc.com/legal/sec-rule-filings.aspx.

I. Clearing Agency's Statement of the Terms of Substance of the 
Proposed Rule Change

    The proposed rule change would revise Rule 4 (Participants Fund and 
Participants Investment) to (i) provide separate sections for (x) the 
use of the Participants Fund as a liquidity resource for settlement and 
(y) loss allocation among Participants of losses and liabilities 
arising out of Participant defaults or due to non-default events; and 
(ii) enhance the resiliency of DTC's loss allocation process so that 
DTC can take timely action to contain multiple loss events that occur 
in succession during a short period of time.\4\ In connection 
therewith, the proposed rule change would (i) align the loss allocation 
rules of the three clearing agencies of The Depository Trust & Clearing 
Corporation (``DTCC''), namely DTC, National Securities Clearing 
Corporation (``NSCC''), and Fixed Income Clearing Corporation 
(``FICC'') (collectively, the ``DTCC Clearing Agencies''),\5\ so as to 
provide consistent treatment, to the extent practicable and 
appropriate, especially for firms that are participants of two or more 
DTCC Clearing Agencies, (ii) increase transparency and accessibility of 
the provisions relating to the use of the Participants Fund as a 
liquidity resource for settlement and the loss allocation provisions, 
by enhancing their readability and clarity, (iii) require a defined 
corporate contribution to losses and liabilities that are incurred by 
DTC prior to any allocation among Participants, whether such losses and 
liabilities arise out of Participant defaults or due to non-default 
events, (iv) reduce the time within which DTC is required to return a 
former Participant's Actual Participants Fund Deposit, and (v) make 
conforming and technical changes. The proposed rule change would also 
amend Rule 1 (Definitions; Governing Law) to add cross-references to 
terms that would be defined in proposed Rule 4, as discussed below.

    \4\ Each capitalized term not otherwise defined herein has its 
respective meaning as set forth in the Rules, By-Laws and 
Organization Certificate of DTC (the ``Rules''), available at http://www.dtcc.com/legal/rules-and-procedures.aspx.
    \5\ On December 18, 2017, NSCC and FICC submitted proposed rule 
changes and advance notices to enhance their rules regarding 
allocation of losses. See SR-NSCC-2017-018, SR-FICC-2017-022 and SR-
NSCC-2017-806, SR-FICC-2017-806, which were filed with the 
Commission and the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 
respectively, available at http://www.dtcc.com/legal/sec-rule-filings.aspx.

II. Clearing Agency's Statement of the Purpose of, and Statutory Basis 
for, the Proposed Rule Change

    In its filing with the Commission, the clearing agency included 
statements concerning the purpose of and basis for the proposed rule 
change and discussed any comments it received on the proposed rule 
change. The text of these statements may be examined at the places 
specified in Item IV below. The clearing agency has prepared summaries, 
set forth in sections A, B, and C below, of the most significant 
aspects of such statements.

(A) Clearing Agency's Statement of the Purpose of, and Statutory Basis 
for, the Proposed Rule Change

    The proposed rule change would revise Rule 4 (Participants Fund and 
Participants Investment) to (i) provide separate sections for (x) the 
use of the Participants Fund as a liquidity resource for settlement and 
(y) loss allocation among Participants of losses and liabilities 
arising out of Participant defaults or due to non-default events; and 
(ii) enhance the resiliency of DTC's loss allocation process so that 
DTC can take timely action to contain multiple loss events that occur 
in succession during a short period of time. In connection therewith, 
the proposed rule change would (i) align the loss allocation rules of 
the DTCC Clearing Agencies, so as to provide consistent treatment, to 
the extent practicable and appropriate, especially for firms that are 
participants of two or more DTCC Clearing Agencies, (ii) increase 
transparency and accessibility of the provisions relating to the use of 
the Participants Fund as a liquidity resource for settlement and the 
loss allocation provisions, by enhancing their readability and clarity, 
(iii) require a defined corporate contribution to losses and 
liabilities that are incurred by DTC prior to any allocation among 
Participants, whether such losses and liabilities arise out of 
Participant defaults or due to non-default events, (iv) reduce the time 
within which DTC is required to return a former Participant's Actual 
Participants Fund Deposit, and (v) make conforming and technical 
changes. The proposed rule change would also amend Rule 1 (Definitions; 
Governing Law) to add cross-references to terms that would be defined 
in proposed Rule 4, as discussed below.
(i) Background
    Current Rule 4 provides a single set of tools and a common process 
for the use of the Participants Fund for both liquidity purposes to 
complete settlement among non-defaulting Participants, if one or more 
Participants fails to settle,\6\ and for the satisfaction of losses and 
liabilities due to Participant

[[Page 914]]

defaults or certain other losses or liabilities incident to the 
business of DTC.\7\ The proposed rule change would amend and add 
provisions to separate use of the Participants Fund as a liquidity 
resource to complete settlement, reflected in proposed Section 4 of 
Rule 4, and for loss allocation, reflected in proposed Section 5 of 
Rule 4.

    \6\ DTC's primary objective is to complete settlement on each 
Business Day in reliance on liquidity resources comprised of, 
primarily, the Participants Fund and a committed secured line of 
credit from a syndicate of lenders. Settlement obligations of each 
Participant are limited by the amount of these liquidity resources 
through its Net Debit Cap and fully secured by Collateral of the 
Participant measured by its Collateral Monitor. These risk 
management controls are designed so that DTC may complete settlement 
notwithstanding the failure to settle of a Participant or Affiliated 
Family of Participants with the largest settlement obligation on any 
Business Day. The proposed rule change clarifies the use of the 
Participants Fund in this respect. The Actual Participants Fund 
Deposits of defaulting Participants would be applied to satisfy 
their settlement obligations and, should those be insufficient, the 
balance of the Participants Fund is also available as a liquidity 
resource. Collateral of defaulting Participants may be pledged to 
secure a borrowing under the committed line of credit.
    \7\ It may be noted that absent extreme circumstances, DTC 
believes that it is unlikely that DTC would need to act under 
proposed Sections 4 or 5 of Rule 4.

    The proposed rule change would retain the core principles of 
current Rule 4 for both application of the Participants Fund as a 
liquidity resource to complete settlement and for loss allocation, 
while clarifying or refining certain provisions and introducing certain 
new concepts relating to loss allocation. In connection with the use of 
the Participants Fund as a liquidity resource to complete settlement 
when a Participant fails to settle, the proposed rule would introduce 
the term ``pro rata settlement charge,'' for the use of the 
Participants Fund to complete settlement as apportioned among non-
defaulting Participants. The existing term generically applied to such 
a use or to a loss allocation is simply a ``pro rata charge.'' \8\

    \8\ See Rule 4, Section 5, supra note 4.

    For loss allocation, the proposed rule change, like current Rule 4, 
would continue to apply to both default and non-default losses and 
liabilities, and, to the extent allocated among Participants, would be 
charged ratably in accordance with their Required Participants Fund 
Deposits.\9\ A new provision would require DTC to contribute to a loss 
or liability, either arising from a Participant default or non-default 
event, prior to any allocation among Participants. The proposed rule 
change would also introduce the new concepts of an ``Event Period'' and 
a ``round'' to address the allocation of losses arising from multiple 
events that occur in succession during a short period of time. These 
proposed rule changes would be substantially similar in these respects 
to analogous proposed rule changes for NSCC and FICC.

    \9\ It may be noted that for NSCC and FICC, the proposed rule 
changes for loss allocation include a ``look-back'' period to 
calculate a member's pro rata share and cap. The concept of a look-
back or average is already built into DTC's calculation of 
Participants Fund requirements, which are based on a rolling sixty 
(60) day average of a Participant's six highest intraday net debit 

Current Rule 4 Provides for Application of the Participants Fund 
Through Pro Rata Charges
    Current Rule 4 addresses the Participants Fund and Participants 
Investment requirements and, among other things, the permitted uses of 
the Participants Fund and Participants Investment.\10\ Pursuant to 
current Rule 4, DTC maintains a cash Participants Fund. The Required 
Participants Fund Deposit for any Participant is based on the liquidity 
risk it poses to DTC relative to other Participants.\11\

    \10\ Each Participant is required to invest in DTC Series A 
Preferred Stock, ratably on a basis calculated in substantially the 
same manner as the Required Participants Fund Deposit. The Preferred 
Stock constitutes capital of DTC and is also available for use as 
provided in current and proposed Section 3 of Rule 4. This proposed 
rule change does not alter the Required Preferred Stock Investment.
    \11\ Supra note 6.

    Default of a Participant. Under Section 3 of current Rule 4, if a 
Participant is obligated to DTC and fails to satisfy any obligation, 
DTC may, in such order and in such amounts as DTC shall determine in 
its sole discretion: (a) Apply some or all of the Actual Participants 
Fund Deposit of such Participant to such obligation; (b) Pledge some or 
all of the shares of Preferred Stock of such Participant to its lenders 
as collateral security for a loan under the End-of-Day Credit Facility; 
\12\ and/or (c) sell some or all of the shares of Preferred Stock of 
such Participant to other Participants (who shall be required to 
purchase such shares pro rata their Required Preferred Stock 
Investments at the time of such purchase), and apply the proceeds of 
such sale to satisfy such obligation.

    \12\ As part of its liquidity risk management regime, DTC 
maintains a 364-day committed revolving line of credit with a 
syndicate of commercial lenders, renewed every year. The committed 
aggregate amount of the End-of-Day Credit Facility (currently $1.9 
billion) together with the Participants Fund constitute DTC's 
liquidity resources for settlement. Based on these amounts, DTC sets 
Net Debit Caps that limit settlement obligations.

    Application of the Participants Fund. Section 4 of current Rule 4 
addresses the application of the Participants Fund if DTC incurs a loss 
or liability, which would include application of the Participants Fund 
to complete settlement or the allocation of losses once determined, 
including non-default losses. For both liquidity and loss scenarios, 
Section 4 of current Rule 4 provides that an application of the 
Participants Fund would be apportioned among Participants ratably in 
accordance with their Required Participants Fund Deposits, less any 
additional amount that a Participant was required to Deposit to the 
Participants Fund pursuant to Section 2 of Rule 9(A).\13\ It also 
provides for the optional use of an amount of DTC's retained earnings 
and undivided profits.

    \13\ Section 2 of Rule 9(A) provides, in part, ``At the request 
of the Corporation, a Participant or Pledgee shall immediately 
furnish the Corporation with such assurances as the Corporation 
shall require of the financial ability of the Participant or Pledgee 
to fulfill its commitments and shall conform to any conditions which 
the Corporation deems necessary for the protection of the 
Corporation, other Participants or Pledgees, including deposits to 
the Participants Fund . . .'' Pursuant to the proposed rule change, 
the additional amount that a Participant is required to Deposit to 
the Participants Fund pursuant to Section 2 of Rule 9(A) would be 
defined as an ``Additional Participants Fund Deposit.'' This is not 
a new concept, only the addition of a defined term for greater 
clarity. In the proposed rule change, this amount continues to be 
included or excluded as provided in current Rule 4, as noted below.

    After the Participants Fund is applied pursuant to current Section 
4, DTC must promptly notify each Participant and the Commission of the 
amount applied and the reasons therefor.
    Current Rule 4 further requires Participants whose Actual 
Participants Fund Deposits have been ratably charged to restore their 
Required Participants Fund Deposits, if such charges create a 
deficiency. Such payments are due upon demand. Iterative pro rata 
charges relating to the same loss or liability are permitted in order 
to satisfy the loss or liability.
    Rule 4 currently provides that a Participant may, within ten (10) 
Business Days after receipt of notice of any pro rata charge, notify 
DTC of its election to terminate its business with DTC, and the 
exposure of the terminating Participant for pro rata charges would be 
capped at the greater of (a) the amount of its Aggregate Required 
Deposit and Investment, as fixed immediately prior to the time of the 
first pro rata charge, plus 100% of the amount thereof, or (b) the 
amount of all prior pro rata charges attributable to the same loss or 
liability with respect to which the Participant has not timely 
exercised its right to terminate.

Overview of the Proposed Rule Changes

A. Application of Participants Fund To Participant Default and for 

    Proposed Section 3 of Rule 4 would retain the concept that when a 
Participant is obligated to DTC and fails to satisfy such obligation, 
which would be defined as a ``Participant Default,'' DTC may apply the 
Actual Participants Fund Deposit of the Participant to such obligation 
to satisfy the Participant Default. The proposed definition of 
``Participant Default'' is for drafting clarity and use in related 

[[Page 915]]

    Proposed Section 4 would address the situation of a Participant 
failure to settle (which is one type of Participant Default) if the 
application of the Actual Participants Fund Deposit of that 
Participant, pursuant to proposed Section 3, is not sufficient to 
complete settlement among non-defaulting Participants.
    Proposed Section 4 would expressly state that the Participants Fund 
may be applied by DTC, in such amounts as it may determine, in its sole 
discretion, to fund settlement among non-defaulting Participants in the 
event of the failure of a Participant to satisfy its settlement 
obligation on any Business Day. Such an application of the Participants 
Fund would be charged ratably to the Actual Participants Fund Deposits 
of the non-defaulting Participants on that Business Day. The pro rata 
charge per non-defaulting Participant would be based on the ratio of 
its Required Participants Fund Deposit to the sum of the Required 
Participants Fund Deposits of all such Participants on that Business 
Day (excluding any Additional Participants Fund Deposits in both the 
numerator and denominator of such ratio). The proposed rule change 
would identify this as a ``pro rata settlement charge,'' in order to 
distinguish application of the Participants Fund to fund settlement 
from pro rata loss allocation charges that would be established in 
proposed Section 5 of Rule 4.
    The calculation of each non-defaulting Participant's pro rata 
settlement charge would be similar to the current Section 4 calculation 
of a pro rata charge except that, for greater simplicity, it would not 
include the current distinction for common members of another clearing 
agency pursuant to a Clearing Agency Agreement.\14\ For enhanced 
clarity as to the date of determination of the ratio, it would be based 
on the Required Participants Fund Deposits as fixed on the Business Day 
of the application of the Participants Fund, as opposed to the current 
language ``at the time the loss or liability was discovered.'' \15\

    \14\ Rule 4, Section 4(a)(1), supra note 4. DTC has determined 
that this option is unnecessary because, in practice, DTC would 
never have liability under a Clearing Agency Agreement that exceeds 
the excess assets of the Participant that defaulted.
    \15\ DTC believes that this change would provide an objective 
date that is more appropriate for the application of the 
Participants Fund to complete settlement, because the ``time the 
loss or liability was discovered'' would necessarily have to be the 
day the Participants Fund was applied to complete settlement.

    The proposed rule change would retain the concept that requires 
DTC, following the application of the Participants Fund to complete 
settlement, to notify each Participant and the Commission of the charge 
and the reasons therefor (``Settlement Charge Notice'').
    The proposed rule change also would retain the concept of providing 
each non-defaulting Participant an opportunity to elect to terminate 
its business with DTC and thereby cap its exposure to further pro rata 
settlement charges. The proposed rule change would shorten the 
notification period for the election to terminate from ten (10) 
Business Days to five (5) Business Days,\16\ and would also change the 
beginning date of such notification period from the receipt of the 
notice to the date of the issuance of the Settlement Charge Notice.\17\ 
A Participant that elects to terminate its business with DTC would, 
subject to its cap, remain responsible for (i) its pro rata settlement 
charge that was the subject of the Settlement Charge Notice and (ii) 
all other pro rata settlement charges until the Participant Termination 
Date (as defined below and in the proposed rule change). The proposed 
cap on pro rata settlement charges of a Participant that has timely 
notified DTC of its election to terminate its business with DTC would 
be the amount of its Aggregate Required Deposit and Investment, as 
fixed on the day of the pro rata settlement charge that was the subject 
of the Settlement Charge Notice, plus 100% of the amount thereof. The 
proposed cap would be no greater than the current cap.\18\

    \16\ DTC believes this shorter period would be sufficient for a 
Participant to decide whether to give notice to terminate its 
business with DTC in response to a settlement charge. In addition, a 
five (5) Business Day pro rata settlement charge notification period 
would conform to the proposed loss allocation notification period in 
this proposed rule change and in the proposed rule changes for NSCC 
and FICC. See infra note 31. See also supra note 5.
    \17\ DTC believes that setting the start date of the 
notification period to an objective date would enhance transparency 
and provide a common timeframe to all affected Participants.
    \18\ Section 8 of current Rule 4 provides for a cap that is 
equal to the greater of (a) the amount of its Aggregate Required 
Deposit and Investment, as fixed immediately prior to the time of 
the first pro rata charge, plus 100% of the amount thereof, or (b) 
the amount of all prior pro rata charges attributable to the same 
loss or liability with respect to which the Participant has not 
timely exercised its right to limit its obligation as provided 
above. Supra note 4. The alternative limit in clause (b) would be 
eliminated in proposed Section 8(a) in favor of a single defined 

    The pro rata application of the Actual Participants Fund Deposits 
of non-defaulting Participants to complete settlement when there is a 
Participant Default is not the allocation of a loss. A pro rata 
settlement charge would relate solely to the completion of settlement. 
New proposed loss allocation concepts described below, including, but 
not limited to, a ``round,'' ``Event Period,'' and ``Corporate 
Contribution,'' would not apply to pro rata settlement charges.\19\

    \19\ Proposed Sections 3, 4 and 5 of Rule 4 together relate, in 
whole or in part, to what may happen when there is a Participant 
Default. Proposed Section 3 is the basic provision of remedies if a 
Participant fails to satisfy an obligation to DTC. Proposed Section 
4 is a specific remedy for a failure to settle, i.e., a specific 
type of Participant Default. Proposed Section 5 is also a remedial 
provision for a Participant Default when, additionally, DTC ceases 
to act for the Participant and there are remaining losses or 
liabilities. If a Participant Default occurs, the application of 
proposed Section 3 would be required, the application of proposed 
Section 4 would be at the discretion of DTC and the application of 
proposed Section 5 would only be triggered by the determination of 
DTC to cease to act for the defaulting Participant coupled with 
losses or liabilities incurred by DTC. Whether or not proposed 
Section 4 has been applied, once there is a loss due to a 
Participant Default and DTC ceases to act for the defaulting 
Participant, proposed Section 5 would apply.
    A principal type of Participant Default is a failure to settle. 
A Participant's obligation to pay any amount due in settlement is 
secured by Collateral of the Participant. When the Participant fails 
to pay its settlement obligation, under Rule 9(B), Section 2, DTC 
has the right to Pledge or sell such Collateral to satisfy the 
obligation. Supra note 4. (It is more likely that DTC would borrow 
against the Collateral to complete settlement on the Business Day, 
because it is unlikely to be able to liquidate Collateral for same 
day funds in time to settle on that Business Day.) If DTC Pledges 
the Collateral to secure a loan to fund settlement (e.g., under the 
End-of-Day Credit Facility), the Collateral would have to be sold to 
obtain funds to repay the loan. In any such sale of the Collateral, 
there is a risk, heightened in times of market stress, that the 
proceeds of the sale would be insufficient to repay the loan. That 
deficiency would be a liability or loss to which proposed Section 5 
of Rule 4 would apply, i.e., a Default Loss Event.

B. Changes To Enhance Resiliency of DTC's Loss Allocation Process
    In order to enhance the resiliency of DTC's loss allocation process 
and to align, to the extent practicable and appropriate, its loss 
allocation approach to that of the other DTCC Clearing Agencies, DTC 
proposes to introduce certain new concepts and to modify other aspects 
of its loss allocation waterfall. The proposed rule change would adopt 
an enhanced allocation approach for losses, whether arising from 
Default Loss Events or Declared Non-Default Loss Events (as defined 
below). In addition, the proposed rule change would clarify the loss 
allocation process as it relates to losses arising from or relating to 
multiple default or non-default events in a short period of time.
    Accordingly, DTC is proposing four (4) key changes to enhance DTC's 
loss allocation process:
(1) Mandatory Corporate Contribution
    Section 4 of current Rule 4 provides that if there is an 
unsatisfied loss or

[[Page 916]]

liability, DTC may, in its sole discretion and in such amount as DTC 
would determine, ``charge the existing retained earnings and undivided 
profits'' of DTC.
    Under the proposed rule change, DTC would replace the discretionary 
application of an unspecified amount of retained earnings and undivided 
profits with a mandatory, defined Corporate Contribution (as defined 
below and in the proposed rule change). The Corporate Contribution 
would be used for losses and liabilities that are incurred by DTC with 
respect to an Event Period (as defined below and in the proposed rule 
change), whether arising from a Default Loss Event or Declared Non-
Default Loss Event, before the allocation of losses to Participants.
    The proposed ``Corporate Contribution'' would be defined to be an 
amount equal to fifty percent (50%) of DTC's General Business Risk 
Capital Requirement as of the end of the calendar quarter immediately 
preceding the Event Period.\20\ DTC's General Business Risk Capital 
Requirement, as defined in DTC's Clearing Agency Policy on Capital 
Requirements,\21\ is, at a minimum, equal to the regulatory capital 
that DTC is required to maintain in compliance with Rule 17Ad-22(e)(15) 
under the Act.\22\ The Corporate Contribution would be held in addition 
to DTC's General Business Risk Capital Requirement.

    \20\ DTC calculates its General Business Risk Capital 
Requirement as the amount equal to the greatest of (i) an amount 
determined based on its general business profile, (ii) an amount 
determined based on the time estimated to execute a recovery or 
orderly wind-down of DTC's critical operations, and (iii) an amount 
determined based on an analysis of DTC's estimated operating 
expenses for a six (6) month period.
    \21\ See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 81105 (July 7, 
2017), 82 FR 32399 (July 13, 2017) (SR-DTC-2017-003).
    \22\ 17 CFR 240.17Ad-22(e)(15).

    The proposed Corporate Contribution would apply to losses arising 
from Default Loss Events and Declared Non-Default Loss Events, and 
would be a mandatory contribution of DTC prior to any allocation among 
Participants.\23\ As proposed, if the proposed Corporate Contribution 
is fully or partially used against a loss or liability relating to an 
Event Period, the Corporate Contribution would be reduced to the 
remaining unused amount, if any, during the following two hundred fifty 
(250) Business Days in order to permit DTC to replenish the Corporate 
Contribution.\24\ To ensure transparency, Participants would receive 
notice of any such reduction to the Corporate Contribution.

    \23\ The proposed rule change would not require a Corporate 
Contribution with respect to a pro rata settlement charge. However, 
as discussed above, if, after a Participant Default, the proceeds of 
the sale of the Collateral of the Participant are insufficient to 
replenish the Participants Fund and/or repay the lenders under the 
End-of-Day Credit Facility, and DTC has ceased to act for the 
Participant, the shortfall would be a loss arising from a Default 
Loss Event, subject to the Corporate Contribution.
    \24\ DTC believes that two hundred fifty (250) Business Days 
would be a reasonable estimate of the time frame that DTC would 
require to replenish the Corporate Contribution by equity in 
accordance with DTC's Clearing Agency Policy on Capital 
Requirements, including a conservative additional period to account 
for any potential delays and/or unknown exigencies in times of 

    By requiring a defined contribution of DTC corporate funds towards 
losses and liabilities arising from Default Loss Events and Declared 
Non-Default Loss Events, the proposed rule change would limit 
Participant obligations to the extent of such Corporate Contribution 
and thereby provide greater clarity and transparency to Participants as 
to the calculation of their exposure to losses and liabilities.
    Proposed Rule 4 would also further clarify that DTC can voluntarily 
apply amounts greater than the Corporate Contribution against any loss 
or liability (including non-default losses) of DTC, if the Board of 
Directors, in its sole discretion, believes such to be appropriate 
under the factual situation existing at the time.
    The proposed rule changes relating to the calculation and mandatory 
application of the Corporate Contribution are set forth in proposed 
Section 5 of Rule 4.
(2) Introducing an Event Period
    The proposed rule change would clearly define the obligations of 
DTC and its Participants regarding the allocation of losses or 
liabilities (i) relating to or arising out of a Participant Default 
which is not satisfied pursuant to proposed Section 3 of Rule 4 and DTC 
has ceased to act for such Participant (a ``Default Loss Event'') and/
or (ii) otherwise incident to the business of DTC,\25\ as determined in 
proposed Rule 4 (a ``Declared Non-Default Loss Event''). In order to 
balance the need to manage the risk of sequential loss events against 
Participants' need for certainty concerning maximum loss allocation 
exposures, DTC is proposing to introduce the concept of an ``Event 
Period'' to address the losses and liabilities that may arise from or 
relate to multiple Default Loss Events and/or Declared Non-Default Loss 
Events that arise in quick succession. Specifically, the proposal would 
group Default Loss Events and Declared Non-Default Loss Events 
occurring in a period of ten (10) Business Days (``Event Period'') for 
purposes of allocating losses to Participants in one or more rounds, 
subject to the limits of loss allocation set forth in the proposed rule 
change and as explained below.\26\ In the case of a loss or liability 
arising from or relating to a Default Loss Event, an Event Period would 
begin on the day on which DTC notifies Participants that it has ceased 
to act for a Participant (or the next Business Day, if such day is not 
a Business Day). In the case of a Declared Non-Default Loss Event, the 
Event Period would begin on the day that DTC notifies Participants of 
the determination by the Board of Directors that the applicable loss or 
liability incident to the business of DTC may be a significant and 
substantial loss or liability that may materially impair the ability of 
DTC to provide clearance and settlement services in an orderly manner 
and will potentially generate losses to be mutualized among 
Participants in order to ensure that DTC may continue to offer 
clearance and settlement services in an orderly manner. If a subsequent 
Default Loss Event or Declared Non-Default Loss Event occurs within the 
Event Period, any losses or liabilities arising out of or relating to 
any such subsequent event would be resolved as losses or liabilities 
that are part of the same Event Period, without extending the duration 
of such Event Period. An Event Period may include both Default Loss 
Events and Declared Non-Default Loss Events, and there would not be 
separate Event Periods for Default Loss Events or Declared Non-Default 
Loss Events occurring within overlapping ten (10) Business Day periods.

    \25\ Section 1(f) of Rule 4 defines the term ``business'' with 
respect to DTC as ``the doing of all things in connection with or 
relating to the Corporation's performance of the services specified 
in the first and second paragraphs of Rule 6 or the cessation of 
such services.'' Supra note 4.
    \26\ DTC believes that having a ten (10) Business Day Event 
Period would provide a reasonable period of time to encompass 
potential sequential Default Loss Events and/or Declared Non-Default 
Loss Events that are likely to be closely linked to an initial event 
and/or a severe market dislocation episode, while still providing 
appropriate certainty for Participants concerning their maximum 
exposure to allocated losses with respect to such events.

    The amount of losses that may be allocated by DTC, subject to the 
required Corporate Contribution, and to which a Loss Allocation Cap (as 
defined below and in the proposed rule change) would apply for any 
terminating Participant, would include any and all losses from any 
Default Loss Events and any Declared Non-Default Loss Events during the 
Event Period, regardless of the amount of time, during or after the

[[Page 917]]

Event Period, required for such losses to be crystallized and 
    The proposed rule changes relating to the implementation of an 
Event Period are set forth in proposed Section 5 of Rule 4.
(3) Introducing the Concept of ``Rounds'' and Loss Allocation Notice
    Pursuant to the proposed rule change, a loss allocation ``round'' 
would mean a series of loss allocations relating to an Event Period, 
the aggregate amount of which is limited by the sum of the Loss 
Allocation Caps of affected Participants (a ``round cap''). When the 
aggregate amount of losses allocated in a round equals the round cap, 
any additional losses relating to the applicable Event Period would be 
allocated in one or more subsequent rounds, in each case subject to a 
round cap for that round. DTC would continue the loss allocation 
process in successive rounds until all losses from the Event Period are 
allocated among Participants that have not submitted a Termination 
Notice (as defined below and in the proposed rule change) in accordance 
with proposed Section 6(b) of Rule 4.
    The calculation of each Participant's pro rata allocation charge 
would be similar to the current Section 4 calculation of a pro rata 
charge except that, for greater simplicity, it would not include the 
current distinction for common members of another clearing agency 
pursuant to a Clearing Agency Agreement.\27\ In addition, for enhanced 
clarity as to the date of determination of the ratio, it would be based 
on the Required Participants Fund Deposits as fixed on the first day of 
the Event Period, as opposed to the current language ``at the time the 
loss or liability was discovered.'' \28\

    \27\ See supra note 14.
    \28\ DTC believes that this change would provide an objective 
date that is appropriate for the new proposed loss allocation 
process, which would be designed to allocate aggregate losses 
relating to an Event Period, rather than one loss at a time.

    DTC would notify Participants subject to loss allocation of the 
amounts being allocated to them (``Loss Allocation Notice'') in 
successive rounds of loss allocations. Each Loss Allocation Notice 
would specify the relevant Event Period and the round to which it 
relates. Participants would receive two (2) Business Days' notice of a 
loss allocation,\29\ and Participants would be required to pay the 
requisite amount no later than the second Business Day following the 
issuance of such notice.\30\ Multiple Loss Allocation Notices may be 
issued with respect to each round, up to the round cap.

    \29\ DTC believes allowing Participants two (2) Business Days to 
satisfy their loss allocation obligations would provide Participants 
sufficient notice to arrange funding, if necessary, while allowing 
DTC to address losses in a timely manner.
    \30\ Section 4 of current Rule 4 provides that if the 
Participants Fund is applied to a loss or liability, DTC must notify 
each Participant of the charge and the reasons therefor. Proposed 
Section 5 would modify this process to (i) require DTC to give prior 
notice; and (ii) require Participants to pay loss allocation 
charges, rather than directly charging their Required Participants 
Fund Deposits. DTC believes that shifting from the two-step 
methodology of applying the Participants Fund and then requiring 
Participants to immediately replenish it to requiring direct payment 
would increase efficiency, while preserving the right to charge the 
Settlement Account of the Participant in the event the Participant 
doesn't timely pay. Such a failure to pay would be, self-evidently, 
a Participant Default, triggering recourse to the Actual 
Participants Fund Deposit of the Participant under proposed Section 
3 of Rule 4. In addition, this change would provide greater 
stability for DTC in times of stress by allowing DTC to retain the 
Participants Fund, its critical pre-funded resource, while charging 
loss allocations.

    The first Loss Allocation Notice in any first, second, or 
subsequent round would expressly state that such Loss Allocation Notice 
reflects the beginning of the first, second, or subsequent round, as 
the case may be, and that each Participant in that round has five (5) 
Business Days \31\ from the issuance \32\ of such first Loss Allocation 
Notice for the round (such period, a ``Loss Allocation Termination 
Notification Period'') to notify DTC of its election to terminate its 
business with DTC pursuant to proposed Section 8(b) of Rule 4, and 
thereby benefit from its Loss Allocation Cap.

    \31\ Section 8 of current Rule 4 provides that the time period 
for a Participant to give notice of its election to terminate its 
business with DTC in respect of a pro rata charge is ten (10) 
Business Days after receiving notice of a pro rata charge. DTC 
believes that it is appropriate to shorten such time period from ten 
(10) Business Days to five (5) Business Days because DTC needs 
timely notice of which Participants would not be terminating their 
business with DTC for the purpose of calculating the loss allocation 
for any subsequent round. DTC believes that five (5) Business Days 
would provide Participants with sufficient time to decide whether to 
cap their loss allocation obligations by terminating their business 
with DTC.
    \32\ See supra note 17.

    The round cap of any second or subsequent round may differ from the 
first or preceding round cap because there may be fewer Participants in 
a second or subsequent round if Participants elect to terminate their 
business with DTC as provided in proposed Section 8(b) of Rule 4 
following the first Loss Allocation Notice in any round.
    For example, for illustrative purposes only, after the required 
Corporate Contribution, if DTC has a $4 billion loss determined with 
respect to an Event Period and the sum of Loss Allocation Caps for all 
Participants subject to the loss allocation is $3 billion, the first 
round would begin when DTC issues the first Loss Allocation Notice for 
that Event Period. DTC could issue one or more Loss Allocation Notices 
for the first round until the sum of losses allocated equals $3 
billion. Once the $3 billion is allocated, the first round would end 
and DTC would need a second round in order to allocate the remaining $1 
billion of loss. DTC would then issue a Loss Allocation Notice for the 
$1 billion and this notice would be the first Loss Allocation Notice 
for the second round. The issuance of the Loss Allocation Notice for 
the $1 billion would begin the second round.
    The proposed rule change would link the Loss Allocation Cap to a 
round in order to provide Participants the option to limit their loss 
allocation exposure at the beginning of each round. As proposed, a 
Participant could limit its loss allocation exposure to its Loss 
Allocation Cap by providing notice of its election to terminate its 
business with DTC within five (5) Business Days after the issuance of 
the first Loss Allocation Notice in any round.
    The proposed rule changes relating to the implementation of 
``rounds'' and Loss Allocation Notices are set forth in proposed 
Section 5 of Rule 4.
(4) Capping Terminating Participants' Loss Allocation Exposure and 
Related Changes
    As discussed above, the proposed rule change would continue to 
provide Participants the opportunity to limit their loss allocation 
exposure by offering a termination option; however, the associated 
withdrawal process would be modified.
    As proposed, if a Participant provides notice of its election to 
terminate its business with DTC as provided in proposed Section 8(b) of 
Rule 4, its maximum payment obligation with respect to any loss 
allocation round would be the amount of its Aggregate Required Deposit 
and Investment, as fixed on the first day of the Event Period, plus 
100% of the amount thereof (``Loss Allocation Cap''),\33\ provided that 
the Participant complies with the requirements of the termination 
process in proposed Section 6 of Rule 4. DTC may retain the entire 
Actual Participants Fund Deposit of a Participant subject to loss 
allocation, up to the Participant's Loss Allocation Cap. If a 
Participant's Loss Allocation Cap exceeds the Participant's then-
current Required

[[Page 918]]

Participants Fund Deposit, it must still pay the excess amount.

    \33\ See supra note 18. The alternative limit in clause (b) 
would be eliminated in proposed Section 8(b) in favor of a single 
defined standard.

    As proposed, Participants would have five (5) Business Days from 
the issuance of the first Loss Allocation Notice in any round to decide 
whether to terminate its business with DTC, and thereby benefit from 
its Loss Allocation Cap. The start of each round \34\ would allow a 
Participant the opportunity to notify DTC of its election to terminate 
its business with DTC after satisfaction of the losses allocated in 
such round.

    \34\ I.e., a Participant will only have the opportunity to 
terminate after the first Loss Allocation Notice in any round, and 
not after each Loss Allocation Notice in any round.

    Specifically, the first round and each subsequent round of loss 
allocation would allocate losses up to a round cap of the aggregate of 
all Loss Allocation Caps of those Participants included in the round. 
If a Participant provides notice of its election to terminate its 
business with DTC, it would be subject to loss allocation in that 
round, up to its Loss Allocation Cap. If the first round of loss 
allocation does not fully cover DTC's losses, a second round will be 
noticed to those Participants that did not elect to terminate in the 
previous round. As noted above, the amount of any second or subsequent 
round cap may differ from the first or preceding round cap because 
there may be fewer Participants in a second or subsequent round if 
Participants elect to terminate their business with DTC as provided in 
proposed Section 8(b) of Rule 4 following the first Loss Allocation 
Notice in any round.
    Pursuant to the proposed rule change, in order to avail itself of 
its Loss Allocation Cap, the Participant would need to follow the 
requirements in proposed Section 6 of Rule 4. In addition to retaining 
the substance of the existing requirements for any termination that are 
set forth in Section 6 of current Rule 4, proposed Section 6 also would 
provide that a Participant that provides a termination notice in 
connection with a loss allocation must: (1) Specify in the termination 
notice an effective date of termination (``Participant Termination 
Date''), which date shall be no later than ten (10) Business Days 
following the last day of the applicable Loss Allocation Termination 
Notification Period; (2) cease all activity that would result in 
transactions being submitted to DTC for clearance and settlement after 
the Participant Termination Date; and (3) ensure that all activities 
and use of DTC services for which such Participant may have any 
obligation to DTC cease prior to the Participant Termination Date.
    The proposed rule changes are designed to enable DTC to continue 
the loss allocation process in successive rounds until all of DTC's 
losses are allocated. Until all losses related to an Event Period are 
allocated and paid, DTC may retain the entire Actual Participants Fund 
Deposit of a Participant subject to loss allocation, up to the 
Participant's Loss Allocation Cap.
    The proposed rule changes relating to capping terminating 
Participants' loss allocation exposure and related changes to the 
termination process are set forth in proposed Sections 5, 6, and 8 of 
Rule 4.
C. Clarifying Changes Relating to Loss Allocation for Non-Default 
    The proposed rule changes are intended to make the provisions in 
the Rules governing loss allocation more transparent and accessible to 
Participants. In particular, DTC is proposing the following change 
relating to loss allocation to provide clarity around the governance 
for the allocation of losses arising from a non-default event.\35\

    \35\ Non-default losses may arise from events such as damage to 
physical assets, a cyber-attack, or custody and investment losses.

    Currently, DTC can use the Participants Fund to satisfy losses and 
liabilities arising from a Participant Default or arising from an event 
that is not due to a Participant Default (i.e., a non-default loss), 
provided that such loss or liability is incident to the business of 

    \36\ See supra note 25.

    DTC is proposing to clarify the governance around non-default 
losses that would trigger loss allocation to Participants by specifying 
that the Board of Directors would have to determine that there is a 
non-default loss that may be a significant and substantial loss or 
liability that may materially impair the ability of DTC to provide 
clearance and settlement services in an orderly manner and will 
potentially generate losses to be mutualized among the Participants in 
order to ensure that DTC may continue to offer clearance and settlement 
services in an orderly manner. The proposed rule change would provide 
that DTC would then be required to promptly notify Participants of this 
determination, which is referred to in the proposed rule as a Declared 
Non-Default Loss Event, as discussed above.
    Finally, as previously discussed, pursuant to the proposed rule 
change, proposed Rule 4 would include language to clarify that (i) the 
Corporate Contribution would apply to losses or liabilities arising 
from a Default Loss Event or a Declared Non-Default Loss Event, and 
(ii) the loss allocation waterfall would be applied in the same manner 
regardless of whether a loss arises from a Default Loss Event or a 
Declared Non-Default Loss Event.
    The proposed rule changes relating to Declared Non-Default Loss 
Events and Participants' obligations for such events are set forth in 
proposed Section 5 of Rule 4.
D. Changes to the Retention Time for the Actual Participants Fund 
Deposit of a Former Participant
    Current Rule 4 provides that after three months from when a Person 
has ceased to be a Participant, DTC shall return to such Person (or its 
successor in interest or legal representative) the amount of the Actual 
Participants Fund Deposit of the former Participant plus accrued and 
unpaid interest to the date of such payment (including any amount added 
to the Actual Participants Fund Deposit of the former Participant 
through the sale of the Participant's Preferred Stock), provided that 
DTC receives such indemnities and guarantees as DTC deems satisfactory 
with respect to the matured and contingent obligations of the former 
Participant to DTC. Otherwise, within four years after a Person has 
ceased to be a Participant, DTC shall return to such Person (or its 
successor in interest or legal representative) the amount of the Actual 
Participants Fund Deposit of the former Participant plus accrued and 
unpaid interest to the date of such payment, except that DTC may offset 
against such payment the amount of any known loss or liability to DTC 
arising out of or related to the obligations of the former Participant 
to DTC.
    DTC is proposing to reduce the time, after a Participant ceases to 
be a Participant, at which DTC would be required to return the amount 
of the Actual Participants Fund Deposit of the former Participant plus 
accrued and unpaid interest, whether the Participant ceases to be such 
because it elected to terminate its business with DTC in response to a 
Settlement Charge Notice or Loss Allocation Notice or otherwise. 
Pursuant to the proposed rule change, the time period would be reduced 
from four (4) years to two (2) years. All other requirements relating 
to the return of the Actual Participants Fund Deposit would remain the 
    The four (4) year retention period was implemented at a time when 
there were more deposits and processing of physical certificates, as 
well as added risks related to manual processing, and related claims 
could surface many years

[[Page 919]]

after an alleged event. DTC believes that the change to two (2) years 
is appropriate because, currently, as DTC and the industry continue to 
move toward automation and dematerialization, claims typically surface 
more quickly. Therefore, DTC believes that a shorter retention period 
of two (2) years would be sufficient to maintain a reasonable level of 
coverage for possible claims arising in connection with the activities 
of a former Participant, while allowing DTC to provide some relief to 
former Participants by returning their Actual Participants Fund 
Deposits more quickly.
(ii) Proposed Rule Changes
    The foregoing changes as well as other changes (including a number 
of technical and conforming changes) that DTC is proposing in order to 
improve the transparency and accessibility of Rule 4 are described in 
detail below.
A. Changes Relating to the Retention of the Actual Participants Fund 
Deposit of a Former Participant
Section 1(h) (Proposed Section 1(g))
    As discussed above, DTC is proposing to replace ``four'' years with 
``two'' years, in order to reduce the time within which DTC would be 
required to return the Actual Participants Fund Deposit of a former 
Participant. In addition, DTC is proposing to (i) add the heading 
``Return of Participants Fund Deposits to Participants'' to proposed 
Section 1(g), (ii) update a cross reference, and (iii) correct two 
typographical errors.
B. Changes Relating to Participant Default, Pro Rata Settlement Charges 
and Loss Allocation
Section 3
    As discussed above, Section 3 of current Rule 4 provides that, if a 
Participant fails to satisfy an obligation to DTC, DTC may, in such 
order and in such amounts as DTC determines, apply the Actual 
Participants Fund Deposit of the defaulting Participant, Pledge the 
shares of Preferred Stock of the defaulting Participant to its lenders 
as collateral security for a loan, and/or sell the shares of Preferred 
Stock of the defaulting Participant to other Participants. Pursuant to 
the proposed rule change, Section 3 would retain most of these 
provisions, with the following modifications:
    DTC proposes to add the term ``Participant Default'' in proposed 
Section 3 as a defined term for the failure of a Participant to satisfy 
an obligation to DTC, for drafting clarity and use in related 
provisions. In addition, the proposed rule change clarifies that, in 
the case of a Participant Default, DTC would first apply the Actual 
Participants Fund Deposit of the Participant to any unsatisfied 
obligations, before taking any other actions. This proposed 
clarification would reflect the current practice of DTC, and would 
provide Participants with enhanced transparency into the actions DTC 
would take with respect to the Participants Fund deposits and 
Participants Investment of a Participant that has failed to satisfy its 
obligations to DTC.
    DTC proposes to correct the term ``End-of-Day Facility,'' to the 
existing defined term ``End-of-Day Credit Facility.'' DTC further 
proposes to clarify that, if DTC Pledges some or all of the shares of 
Preferred Stock of a Participant to its lenders as collateral security 
for a loan under the End-of-Day Credit Facility, DTC would apply the 
proceeds of such loan to the obligation the Participant had failed to 
satisfy, which is not expressly stated in Section 3 of current Rule 4.
    In addition, DTC is proposing to make three ministerial changes to 
enhance readability by: (i) Removing the duplicative ``in,'' in the 
phrase ``in such order and in such amounts,'' (ii) replacing the word 
``eliminate'' with ``satisfy,'' and (iii) to conform to proposed 
changes, renumbering the list of actions that DTC may take when there 
is a Participant Default.
    DTC is also proposing to add the heading ``Application of 
Participants Fund Deposits and Preferred Stock Investments to 
Participant Default'' to Section 3.
Section 4 and Section 5
    As noted above, Section 4 of current Rule 4 provides that if DTC 
incurs a loss or liability which is not satisfied by charging the 
Participant responsible for the loss pursuant to Section 3 of Rule 4, 
then DTC may, in any order and in any amount as DTC may determine, in 
its sole discretion, to the extent necessary to satisfy such loss or 
liability, ratably apply some or all of the Actual Participants Fund 
Deposits of all other Participants to such loss or liability and/or 
charge the existing retained earnings and undivided profits of DTC. 
This provision relates to losses and liabilities that may be due to the 
failure of a Participant to satisfy obligations to DTC, if the Actual 
Participants Fund Deposit of that Participant does not fully satisfy 
the obligation, or to losses and liabilities for which no single 
Participant is obligated, i.e., a ``non-default loss.''
    As discussed above, current Rule 4 currently provides a single set 
of tools and common processes for using the Participants Fund as both a 
liquidity resource and for the satisfaction of other losses and 
liabilities. The proposed rule change would provide separate liquidity 
and loss allocation provisions. More specifically, proposed Section 4 
of Rule 4 would reflect the process for a ``pro rata settlement 
charge,'' the application of the Actual Participants Fund Deposits of 
non-defaulting Participants for liquidity purposes in order to complete 
settlement, when a Participant fails to satisfy its settlement 
obligation and the amount charged to its Actual Participants Fund 
Deposit by DTC pursuant to Section 3 of Rule 4 is insufficient to 
complete settlement. Proposed Section 5 of Rule 4 would contain the 
proposed loss allocation provisions.
Proposed Section 4
    Pursuant to the proposed rule change, current Section 4 would be 
replaced in its entirety by proposed Section 4, and titled 
``Application of Participants Fund Deposits of Non-Defaulting 
Participants.'' First, for clarity, proposed Section 4 would expressly 
state that ``The Participants Fund shall constitute a liquidity 
resource which may be applied by the Corporation in such amounts as the 
Corporation shall determine, in its sole discretion, to fund settlement 
among non-defaulting Participants in the event of the failure of a 
Participant to satisfy its settlement obligation on any Business Day. 
If the amount charged to the Actual Participants Fund Deposit of a 
Participant pursuant to Section 3 of this Rule is not sufficient to 
complete settlement among non-defaulting Participants on that Business 
Day, the Corporation may apply the Actual Participants Fund Deposits of 
non-defaulting Participants as provided in this Section and/or apply 
such other liquidity resources as may be available to the Corporation 
from time to time, including the End-of-Day Credit Facility.''
    Proposed Section 4 would retain the current principle that DTC must 
notify Participants and the Commission when it applies the Participants 
Fund deposits of non-defaulting Participants, by stating that if the 
Actual Participants Fund Deposits of non-defaulting Participants are 
applied to complete settlement, DTC must promptly notify each 
Participant and the Commission of the amount of the charge and the 
reasons therefor, and would define such notice as a Settlement Charge 
    Proposed Section 4 would retain the current calculation of pro rata 
charges by providing that each non-defaulting

[[Page 920]]

Participant's \37\ pro rata share of any such application of the 
Participants Fund, defined as a ``pro rata settlement charge,'' shall 
be equal to (i) its Required Participants Fund Deposit, as such 
Required Participants Fund Deposit was fixed on the Business Day of 
such application \38\ less its Additional Participants Fund Deposit, if 
any, on that day, divided by (ii) the sum of the Required Participants 
Fund Deposits of all non-defaulting Participants, as such Required 
Participants Fund Deposits were fixed on that day, less the sum of the 
Additional Participants Fund Deposits, if any, of such non-defaulting 
Participants on that day.

    \37\ See supra note 14.
    \38\ See supra note 15.

    Proposed Section 4 would also provide a period of time within which 
a Participant could notify DTC of its election to terminate its 
business with DTC and thereby cap its liability, by providing that a 
Participant shall have a period of five (5) Business Days following the 
issuance of a Settlement Charge Notice (``Settlement Charge Termination 
Notification Period'') to notify DTC of its election to terminate its 
business with DTC pursuant to proposed Section 8(a), and thereby 
benefit from its Settlement Charge Cap, as set forth in proposed 
Section 8(a).\39\ Proposed Section 4 would also require that any 
Participant that gives DTC notice of its election to terminate its 
business with DTC must comply with proposed Section 6 of Rule 4,\40\ 
and if it does not, its election to terminate shall be deemed void.

    \39\ See supra note 16.
    \40\ Proposed Section 6 is discussed below.

    Proposed Section 4 would further provide that DTC may retain the 
entire amount of the Actual Participants Fund Deposit of a Participant 
subject to a pro rata settlement charge, up to the amount of the 
Participant's Settlement Charge Cap in accordance with proposed Section 
8(a) of Rule 4.
    Section 5 of current Rule 4 provides that ``Except as provided in 
Section 8 of this Rule, if a pro rata charge is made pursuant to 
Section 4 of the current Rule against the Required Participants Fund 
Deposit of a Participant, and, as a consequence, the Actual 
Participants Fund Deposit of such Participant is less than its Required 
Participants Fund Deposit, the Participant shall, upon the demand of 
the Corporation, within such time as the Corporation shall require, 
Deposit to the Participants Fund the amount in cash needed to eliminate 
any resulting deficiency in its Required Participants Fund Deposit. If 
the Participant shall fail to make such deposit to the Participants 
Fund, the Corporation may take disciplinary action against the 
Participant pursuant to these Rules. Any disciplinary action which the 
Corporation takes pursuant to these Rules, or the voluntary or 
involuntary cessation of participation by the Participant, shall not 
affect the obligations of the Participant to the Corporation or any 
remedy to which the Corporation may be entitled under applicable law.''
    Proposed Section 4 would incorporate Section 5 of current Rule 4, 
modified as follows: (i) Conformed to reflect the consolidation of 
Section 5 into proposed Section 4, (ii) replacement of ``Except as 
provided in'' with ``Subject to,'' to harmonize with language used 
elsewhere in proposed Rule 4, and (iii) corrections of two 
typographical errors, in order to accurately reflect that the Actual 
Participants Fund Deposit of a Participant would be applied, and not 
the Required Participants Fund Deposit, and to capitalize the word 
``deposit'' because it is a defined term.
Proposed Section 5
    Proposed Section 5 of Rule 4 would address the substantially new 
and revised proposed loss allocation, which would apply to losses and 
liabilities relating to or arising out of a Default Loss Event or a 
Declared Non-Default Loss Event. Pursuant to the proposed rule change, 
DTC would restructure and modify its existing loss allocation waterfall 
as described below. The heading ``Loss Allocation Waterfall'' would be 
added to proposed Section 5.
    Proposed Section 5 would establish the concept of an ``Event 
Period'' to provide for a clear and transparent way of handling 
multiple loss events occurring in a period of ten (10) Business Days, 
which would be grouped into an Event Period. As stated above, both 
Default Loss Events and Declared Non-Default Loss Events could occur 
within the same Event Period.
    The Event Period with respect to a Default Loss Event would begin 
on the day on which DTC notifies Participants that it has ceased to act 
for the Participant (or the next Business Day, if such day is not a 
Business Day). In the case of a Declared Non-Default Loss Event, the 
Event Period would begin on the day that DTC notifies Participants of 
the determination by the Board of Directors that the applicable loss or 
liability incident to the business of DTC may be a significant and 
substantial loss or liability that may materially impair the ability of 
DTC to provide clearance and settlement services in an orderly manner 
and will potentially generate losses to be mutualized among 
Participants in order to ensure that DTC may continue to offer 
clearance and settlement services in an orderly manner. Proposed 
Section 5 would provide that if a subsequent Default Loss Event or 
Declared Non-Default Loss Event occurs during an Event Period, any 
losses or liabilities arising out of or relating to any such subsequent 
event would be resolved as losses or liabilities that are part of the 
same Event Period, without extending the duration of such Event Period.
    Under proposed Section 5, the loss allocation waterfall would begin 
with a new mandatory Corporate Contribution from DTC. Rule 4 currently 
provides that the use of any retained earnings and undivided profits by 
DTC is a voluntary contribution of a discretionary amount of its 
retained earnings. Proposed Section 5 of Rule 4 would, instead, require 
a defined corporate contribution to losses and liabilities that are 
incurred by DTC with respect to an Event Period. As proposed, the 
Corporate Contribution to losses or liabilities that are incurred by 
DTC with respect to an Event Period would be defined as an amount that 
is equal to fifty percent (50%) of the amount calculated by DTC in 
respect of its General Business Risk Capital Requirement as of the end 
of the calendar quarter immediately preceding the Event Period.\41\ 
DTC's General Business Risk Capital Requirement, as defined in DTC's 
Clearing Agency Policy on Capital Requirements,\42\ is, at a minimum, 
equal to the regulatory capital that DTC is required to maintain in 
compliance with Rule 17Ad-22(e)(15) under the Act.\43\

    \41\ See supra note 20.
    \42\ See supra note 21.
    \43\ 17 CFR 240.17Ad-22(e)(15).

    If DTC applies the Corporate Contribution to a loss or liability 
arising out of or relating to one or more Default Loss Events or 
Declared Non-Default Loss Events relating to an Event Period, then for 
any subsequent Event Periods that occur during the next two hundred 
fifty (250) Business Days, the Corporate Contribution would be reduced 
to the remaining unused portion of the Corporate Contribution amount 
that was applied for the first Event Period.\44\ Proposed Section 5 
would require DTC to notify Participants of any such reduction to the 
Corporate Contribution.

    \44\ See supra note 24.

    Proposed Section 5 of Rule 4 would provide that nothing in the 
Rules would prevent DTC from voluntarily applying amounts greater than 
the Corporate Contribution against any DTC loss or liability, if the 
Board of Directors, in its sole discretion, believes such to be

[[Page 921]]

appropriate under the factual situation existing at the time.
    Proposed Section 5 of Rule 4 would provide that DTC shall apply the 
Corporate Contribution to losses and liabilities that arise out of or 
relate to one or more Default Loss Events and/or Declared Non-Default 
Loss Events that occur within an Event Period. The proposed rule change 
also provides that if losses and liabilities with respect to such Event 
Period remain unsatisfied following application of the Corporate 
Contribution, DTC would allocate such losses and liabilities to 
Participants, as described below.
    Proposed Section 5 of Rule 4 would state that all Participants 
would be subject to loss allocation for losses and liabilities arising 
out of or relating to a Declared Non-Default Loss Event; however, in 
the case of losses and liabilities arising out of or relating to a 
Default Loss Event, only non-defaulting Participants would be subject 
to loss allocation. In addition, DTC is proposing to clarify that after 
a first round of loss allocations with respect to an Event Period, only 
Participants that have not submitted a Termination Notice in accordance 
with proposed Section 6(b) of Rule 4 would be subject to loss 
allocations with respect to subsequent rounds relating to that Event 
Period. The proposed change would also provide that DTC may retain the 
entire Actual Participants Fund Deposit of a Participant subject to 
loss allocation, up to the Participant's Loss Allocation Cap in 
accordance with proposed Section 8(b) of Rule 4.
    Pursuant to the proposed rule change, DTC would notify Participants 
subject to loss allocation of the amounts being allocated to them by a 
Loss Allocation Notice in successive rounds of loss allocations. 
Proposed Section 5 would state that a loss allocation ``round'' would 
mean a series of loss allocations relating to an Event Period, the 
aggregate amount of which is limited by the sum of the Loss Allocation 
Caps of affected Participants (a ``round cap''). When the aggregate 
amount of losses allocated in a round equals the round cap, any 
additional losses relating to the applicable Event Period would be 
allocated in one or more subsequent rounds, in each case subject to a 
round cap for that round. DTC may continue the loss allocation process 
in successive rounds until all losses from the Event Period are 
allocated among Participants that have not submitted a Termination 
Notice in accordance with proposed Section 6(b) of Rule 4.
    Each loss allocation would be communicated to Participants by 
issuance of a Loss Allocation Notice. Each Loss Allocation Notice would 
specify the relevant Event Period and the round to which it relates. 
The first Loss Allocation Notice in any first, second, or subsequent 
round would expressly state that such Loss Allocation Notice reflects 
the beginning of the first, second, or subsequent round, as the case 
may be, and that each Participant in that round has five (5) Business 
Days from the issuance of such first Loss Allocation Notice for the 
round \45\ to notify DTC of its election to terminate its business with 
DTC pursuant to proposed Section 8(b) of Rule 4, and thereby benefit 
from its Loss Allocation Cap.\46\

    \45\ i.e., the Loss Allocation Termination Notification Period 
for that round.
    \46\ See supra note 31.

    Loss allocation obligations would continue to be calculated based 
upon a Participant's pro rata share of the loss.\47\ As proposed, each 
Participant's pro rata share of losses and liabilities to be allocated 
in any round shall be equal to (i) (A) its Required Participants Fund 
Deposit, as such Required Participants Fund Deposit was fixed on the 
first day of the Event Period,\48\ less (B) its Additional Participants 
Fund Deposit, if any, on such day, divided by (ii) (A) the sum of the 
Required Participants Fund Deposits of all Participants subject to loss 
allocation in such round, as such Required Participants Fund Deposits 
were fixed on such day, less (B) the sum of any Additional Participants 
Fund Deposits, if any, of all Participants subject to loss allocation 
in such round on such day.\49\

    \47\ See supra note 27.
    \48\ Supra note 15.
    \49\ Supra note 9.

    As proposed, Participants would have two (2) Business Days after 
DTC issues a first round Loss Allocation Notice to pay the amount 
specified in any such notice. In contrast to the current Section 4, 
under which DTC may apply the Actual Participants Fund Deposits of 
Participants directly to the satisfaction of loss allocation amounts, 
under proposed Section 5, DTC would require Participants to pay their 
loss allocation amounts (leaving their Actual Participants Fund 
Deposits intact).\50\ On a subsequent round (i.e., if the first round 
did not cover the entire loss of the Event Period because DTC was only 
able to allocate up to the sum of the Loss Allocation Caps of those 
Participants included in the round), Participants would also have two 
(2) Business Days after notice by DTC to pay their loss allocation 
amounts (again subject to their Loss Allocation Caps), unless a 
Participant timely notified (or will timely notify) DTC of its election 
to terminate its business with DTC with respect to a prior loss 
allocation round.

    \50\ See supra note 30.

    Under the proposal, if a Participant fails to make its required 
payment in respect of a Loss Allocation Notice by the time such payment 
is due, DTC would have the right to proceed against such Participant as 
a Participant that has failed to satisfy an obligation in accordance 
with proposed Section 3 of Rule 4 described above. Participants who 
wish to terminate their business with DTC would be required to comply 
with the requirements in proposed Section 6 of Rule 4, described 
further below. Specifically, proposed Section 5 would provide that if, 
after notifying DTC of its election to terminate its business with DTC 
pursuant to proposed Section 8(b) of Rule 4, the Participant fails to 
comply with the provisions of proposed Section 6 of Rule 4, its notice 
of termination would be deemed void and any further losses resulting 
from the applicable Event Period may be allocated against it as if it 
had not given such notice.
Section 6
    Section 6 of Rule 4 currently provides that whenever a Participant 
ceases to be such, it continues to be obligated (a) to satisfy any 
deficiency in the amount of its Required Participants Fund Deposit and/
or Required Preferred Stock Investment that it did not satisfy prior to 
such time, including (i) any deficiency resulting from a pro rata 
charge with respect to which the Participant has given notice to DTC of 
its election to terminate its business with DTC pursuant to Section 8 
of Rule 4 and (ii) any deficiency the Participant is required to 
satisfy pursuant to Sections 3 (an obligation that a Participant failed 
to satisfy) or 5 (the requirement of a Participant to eliminate the 
deficiency in its Required Participants Fund Deposit) of Rule 4 and (b) 
to discharge any liability of the Participant to DTC resulting from the 
transactions of the Participant open at the time it ceases to be a 
Participant or on account of transactions occurring while it was a 
    Proposed Section 6 of Rule 4, titled ``Obligations of Participant 
Upon Termination,'' would consolidate the termination requirements from 
Section 6 of current Rule 4 into proposed Section 6(a), titled ``Upon 
Any Termination,'' and would modify them to conform to other proposed 
rule changes. Specifically, proposed Section 6(a) would state that, 
subject to proposed Section 8 of the Rule, whenever a Participant 
ceases to be

[[Page 922]]

such, it shall continue to be obligated (i) to satisfy any deficiency 
in the amounts of its Required Participants Fund Deposit and/or 
Required Preferred Stock Investment that it did not satisfy prior to 
such time, including any deficiency the Participant is required to 
satisfy pursuant to proposed Sections 3 or 4 of the Rule, and (ii) to 
discharge any liability of the Participant to DTC resulting from the 
transactions of the Participant open at the time it ceases to be a 
Participant or on account of transactions occurring while it was a 
    Proposed Section 6(b), titled ``Upon Termination Following 
Settlement Charge or Loss Allocation,'' would state that if a 
Participant timely notifies DTC of its election to terminate its 
business with DTC in respect of a pro rata settlement charge as set 
forth in proposed Section 4 of Rule 4 or a loss allocation as set forth 
in proposed Section 5 of Rule 4 (``Termination Notice''), the 
Participant would be required to: (1) Specify in the Termination Notice 
a Participant Termination Date, which date shall be no later than ten 
Business Days following the last day of the applicable Settlement 
Charge Termination Notification Period or Loss Allocation Termination 
Notification Period; (2) cease all activity that would result in 
transactions being submitted to DTC for clearance and settlement after 
the Participant Termination Date; and (3) ensure that all activities 
and use of DTC services for which such Participant may have any 
obligation to DTC cease prior to the Participant Termination Date.
    DTC is proposing to include a sentence in proposed Section 6(b) to 
make it clear that if the Participant fails to comply with the 
requirements set forth in this section, its Termination Notice will be 
deemed void, and the Participant will remain subject to further pro 
rata settlement charges pursuant to proposed Section 4 of Rule 4 or 
loss allocations pursuant to proposed Section 5 of Rule 4, as 
applicable, as if it had not given such notice.
Section 8
    Pursuant to the proposed rule change, Section 8 would be titled 
``Termination; Obligation for Pro Rata Settlement Charges and Loss 
Allocations,'' and would be divided among proposed Section 8(a) 
``Settlement Charges,'' proposed Section 8(b) ``Loss Allocations,'' 
proposed Section 8(c) ``Maximum Obligation,'' and proposed Section 8(d) 
``Obligation to Replenish Deposit.''
    Pursuant to proposed Section 8(a), if a Participant, within five 
(5) Business Days after issuance of a Settlement Charge Notice pursuant 
to proposed Section 4 of Rule 4, gives notice to DTC of its election to 
terminate its business with DTC, the Participant would remain obligated 
for (i) its pro rata settlement charge that was the subject of such 
Settlement Charge Notice and (ii) all other pro rata settlement charges 
made by DTC until the Participant Termination Date. Proposed Section 
8(a) would provide that the terminating Participant's obligation would 
be limited to the amount of its Aggregate Required Deposit and 
Investment, as fixed on the day of the pro rata settlement charge that 
was the subject of the Settlement Charge Notice, plus 100% of the 
amount thereof, which is substantively the same limitation as provided 
for pro rata charges in Section 8 of current Rule 4.\51\

    \51\ See supra note 18.

    Pursuant to proposed Section 8(b), if a Participant, within five 
(5) Business Days after the issuance of a first Loss Allocation Notice 
for any round pursuant to proposed Section 5 of Rule 4 gives notice to 
DTC of its election to terminate its business with DTC, the Participant 
shall remain liable for (i) the loss allocation that was the subject of 
such notice and (ii) all other loss allocations made by DTC with 
respect to the same Event Period. The obligation of a Participant which 
elects to terminate its business with DTC would be limited to the 
amount of its Aggregate Required Deposit and Investment, as fixed on 
the first day of the Event Period, plus 100% of the amount thereof, 
which is substantively the same limitation as provided for pro rata 
charges in Section 8 of current Rule 4.\52\

    \52\ See supra note 33.

    Proposed Section 8(c) would provide that under no circumstances 
would the aggregate obligation of a Participant under proposed Section 
8(a) and proposed Section 8(b) exceed the amount of its Aggregate 
Required Deposit and Investment, as fixed on the earlier of the (i) day 
of the pro rata settlement charge that was the subject of the 
Settlement Charge Notice giving rise to a Termination Notice, and (ii) 
first day of the Event Period that was the subject of the first Loss 
Allocation Notice in a round giving rise to a Termination Notice, plus 
100% of the amount thereof. The purpose of proposed Section 8(c) is to 
address a situation where a Participant could otherwise be subject to 
both a Settlement Charge Cap and Loss Allocation Cap.
    Proposed Section 8(d) would retain the last paragraph in Section 8 
of current Rule 4, replacing ``pro rata charge'' with ``pro rata 
settlement charge'' and'' loss allocation.'' \53\ Proposed Section 8(d) 
would provide that if the amount of the Actual Participants Fund 
Deposit of a Participant is insufficient to satisfy a pro rata 
settlement charge pursuant to proposed Section 4 and proposed Section 
8(a) or a loss allocation pursuant to proposed Section 5 and proposed 
Section 8(b), the Participant would be obligated to Deposit the amount 
of any such deficiency to the Participants Fund notwithstanding the 
fact that the Participant subsequently ceases to be a Participant.

    \53\ This is a ministerial change because this paragraph 
currently applies to Section 4 of current Rule 4, which includes 
charges to complete settlement and for loss allocation, as would be 
provided in proposed Section 4 and proposed Section 5 of Rule 4.

Section 9
    Pursuant to the proposed rule change, proposed Section 9 of Rule 4 
would provide that the recovery and repayment provisions in current 
Rule 4 apply to both pro rata settlement charges and loss 
allocations.\54\ Specifically, proposed Section 9 would provide that if 
an amount is charged ratably pursuant to proposed Section 4 or 
allocated ratably pursuant to proposed Section 5 and such amount is 
recovered by DTC, in whole or in part, the net amount of the recovery 
shall be repaid ratably (on the same basis that it was originally 
charged or allocated) to the Persons against which the amount was 
originally charged or allocated by (i) crediting the appropriate 
amounts to the Actual Participants Fund Deposits of Persons which are 
still Participants and (ii) paying the appropriate amounts in cash to 
Persons which are not still Participants.

    \54\ This is a ministerial change because Section 9 currently 
applies to Section 4 of current Rule 4, which includes charges to 
complete settlement and for loss allocation, as would be provided in 
proposed Section 4 and proposed Section 5 of Rule 4.

    DTC further proposes to add the heading ``Recovery and Repayment'' 
to proposed Section 9.
C. Other Proposed Clarifying, Conforming and Technical Changes to Rule 
Section 1
    Section 1(a) and Section 1(b). Section 1(a) addresses, among other 
things, the formula for determining the Required Participants Fund 
Deposits of Participants. DTC is proposing to insert the words ``or 
wind-down'' to make it

[[Page 923]]

clear that the formulas for determining the Required Participants Fund 
Deposits of Participants and the amount of the minimum Required 
Participants Fund Deposit would be fixed by DTC so as to assure that 
the aggregate amount of Required Participants Fund Deposits of 
Participants will be increased to provide for the costs and expenses 
incurred by it incidental to the wind-down of DTC, in addition to the 
voluntary liquidation of DTC.\55\ Further, DTC proposes to delete the 
extraneous phrase ``if any.'' For increased clarity and readability, 
DTC is proposing to consolidate Section 1(b) into Section 1(a), and to 
relocate the sentences ``The Corporation may require a Participant to 
Deposit an additional amount to the Participants Fund pursuant to 
Section 2 of Rule 9(A). Any such additional amount shall be part of the 
Required Participants Fund Deposit of such Participant.'' from Section 
1(a) to a new proposed Section 1(b). In addition to the relocation, DTC 
would add a defined term for such additional amount, as ``Additional 
Participants Fund Deposit,'' for drafting convenience and transparency 
throughout proposed Rule 4. Further, DTC proposes to add the headings 
``Required Participants Fund Deposits'' and ``Additional Participants 
Fund Deposits'' to Section 1(a) and proposed Section 1(b), 

    \55\ On December 18, 2017, DTC submitted a proposed rule change 
and advance notice to adopt the Recovery & Wind-down Plan of DTC, 
and amend the Rules in order to adopt Rule 32(A) (Wind-down of the 
Corporation) and Rule 38 (Market Disruption and Force Majeure). See 
SR-DTC-2017-021 and SR-DTC-2017-803, which were filed with the 
Commission and the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 
respectively, available at http://www.dtcc.com/legal/sec-rule-filings.aspx.

    Section 1(c). For enhanced readability, DTC is proposing to add the 
heading ``Voluntary Participants Fund Deposits'' to Section 1(c) of 
Rule 4, and to replace the word ``as'' with ``in the manner.''
    Section 1(d). For enhanced clarity, DTC is proposing to modify 
Section 1(d) to make it clear that any Additional Participants Fund 
Deposit is required to be in cash. DTC is also proposing to delete the 
extraneous phrase ``pursuant to this Section'' and to replace language 
regarding Section 2 of Rule 9(A) with the proposed defined term 
``Additional Participants Fund Deposit.'' Further, DTC proposes to add 
the heading ``Cash Participants Fund'' to Section 1(d) of Rule 4.
    Section 1(e). For enhanced clarity, DTC is proposing to add the 
language ``among Account Families'' to clarify the scope of the 
allocation described in Section 1(e). In addition, DTC proposes to add 
the heading ``Allocation of Participants Fund Deposits Among Account 
Families'' to Section 1(e) of Rule 4.
    Section 1(f). Section 1(f) addresses, among other things, the 
permitted use of the Participants Fund. For consistency with the 
balance of Section 1(f), the first paragraph would be amended to state 
that the Actual Participants Fund Deposits of Participants ``may be 
used or invested'' instead of stating ``shall be applied.'' Section 
1(f) provides, in part, that the Participants Fund is limited to the 
satisfaction of losses or liabilities of DTC incident to the business 
of DTC. Section 1(f) currently defines ``business'' with respect to DTC 
as ``the doing of all things in connection with or relating to [DTC's] 
performance of the services specified in the first and second 
paragraphs of Rule 6 or the cessation of such services.'' For enhanced 
transparency of the permitted uses of the Participants Fund, proposed 
Section 1(f) would be amended to explicitly state that the Actual 
Participants Fund Deposits of Participants may be used (i) to satisfy 
the obligations of Participants to DTC, as provided in proposed Section 
3, (ii) to fund settlement among non-defaulting Participants, as 
provided in proposed Section 4 and (iii) to satisfy losses and 
liabilities of DTC incident to the business of DTC, as provided in 
proposed Section 5. Section 1(f) would also be amended to make the 
definition of ``business'' applicable to the entirety of Rule 4, 
instead of just Section 1(f), as the term would appear elsewhere in the 
rule pursuant to the proposed rule change. In addition, DTC proposes to 
add the heading ``Maintenance, Permitted Use and Investment of 
Participants Fund'' to Section 1(f) of Rule 4.
    Section 1(g) (consolidated into proposed Section 1(f)). Pursuant to 
the proposed rule change, DTC would consolidate current Section 1(g) 
into proposed Section 1(f), and modify language to make it clear that 
DTC may invest cash in the Participants Fund in accordance with the 
Clearing Agency Investment Policy adopted by DTC.\56\ Further, language 
would be streamlined by replacing ``securities, repurchase agreements 
or deposits'' with ``financial assets,'' and ``securities and 
repurchase agreements in which such cash is invested'' with ``its 
investment of such cash.''

    \56\ See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 79528 (December 12, 
2016), 81 FR 91232 (December 16, 2016) (SR-DTC-2016-007).

Section 2
    Pursuant to the proposed rule change, Section 2 of Rule 4 would be 
titled ``Participants Investment.''
    Section 2(a)-2(d) (Proposed Section 2(a)). For clarity, DTC is 
proposing to consolidate Sections 2(b)-2(d) into proposed Section 2(a) 
and would add the heading ``Required Preferred Stock Investments'' to 
proposed Section 2(a). In addition, DTC proposes to modify certain 
language to update references and cross-references to specific 
subsections to reflect the proposed changes to the numbering of the 
subsections in proposed Section 2 of Rule 4.
    Section 2(e) (Proposed Section 2(b)). For enhanced clarity, DTC is 
proposing to add the language ``among Account Families'' to clarify the 
scope of the allocation described in proposed Section 2(b). In 
addition, DTC proposes to add the heading ``Allocation of Preferred 
Stock Investments Among Account Families'' to proposed Section 2(b) of 
Rule 4.
    Section 2(f) (Proposed Section 2(c)). DTC is proposing to add 
language to clarify that when any Pledge of a Preferred Stock Security 
Interest pursuant to proposed Section 2(c) of Rule 4 is made by 
appropriate entries on the books of DTC, the Rules, in addition to such 
entries, shall be deemed to be a security agreement for purposes of the 
New York Uniform Commercial Code. In addition, DTC proposes to update a 
cross-reference to proposed Section 2(c). In addition, DTC proposes to 
add the heading ``Security Interest in Preferred Stock Investments of 
Participants'' to proposed Section 2(c).
    Sections 2(g)-2(i) (Proposed Sections 2(d)-2(f)). DTC proposes to 
add the headings ``Dividends on Preferred Stock Investments of 
Participants,'' ``Sale of Preferred Stock Investments of 
Participants,'' and ``Permitted Transfers of Preferred Stock 
Investments of Participants'' to proposed Sections 2(d), 2(e), and 
2(f), respectively. Proposed Sections 2(e) and 2(f) would be modified 
to update cross-references to certain subsections. In addition, 
proposed Section 2(f) would be modified to renumber paragraphs and 
internal lists for consistency with the numbering schemes in Rule 4.
    Section 7. For clarity, DTC is proposing to amend Section 7 of Rule 
4 to (i) replace language referencing Additional Participants Fund 
Deposits with the proposed defined term, (ii) update cross-references 
to reflect proposed renumbering, and (iii) add the headings ``Increased 
Participants Fund Deposits and Preferred Stock

[[Page 924]]

Investments,'' ``Required Participants Fund Deposits,'' and ``Required 
Preferred Stock Investments'' to proposed Sections 7, 7(a) and 7(b) of 
Rule 4, respectively.
D. Proposed Changes to Rule 1
    DTC is proposing to amend Rule 1 (Definitions; Governing Law) to 
add cross-references to proposed terms that would be defined in Rule 4, 
and to delete one defined term. The defined terms to be added are: 
``Additional Participants Fund Deposit,'' ``Corporate Contribution,'' 
``Declared Non-Default Loss Event,'' ``Default Loss Event,'' ``Event 
Period,'' ``Loss Allocation Cap,'' ``Loss Allocation Notice,'' ``Loss 
Allocation Termination Notification Period,'' ``Participant Default,'' 
``Participant Termination Date,'' ``Settlement Charge Cap,'' 
``Settlement Charge Notice,'' ``Settlement Charge Termination 
Notification Period,'' and ``Termination Notice''. The term ``Section 8 
Pro Rata Charge'' would be deleted from Rule 1, because it would be 
deleted from proposed Rule 4 as no longer necessary.
Participant Outreach
    Beginning in August 2017, DTC has conducted outreach to 
Participants in order to provide them with advance notice of the 
proposed changes. As of the date of this filing, no written comments 
relating to the proposed changes have been received in response to this 
outreach. The Commission will be notified of any written comments 
Implementation Timeframe
    Pending Commission approval, DTC expects to implement this proposal 
promptly. Participants would be advised of the implementation date of 
this proposal through issuance of a DTC Important Notice.
2. Statutory Basis
    DTC believes that the proposed rule change is consistent with the 
requirements of the Act and the rules and regulations thereunder 
applicable to a registered clearing agency. Specifically, DTC believes 
that the proposed rule change is consistent with Section 17A(b)(3)(F) 
of the Act \57\ and Rules 17Ad-22(e)(7)(i), 17Ad-22(e)(13) and 
(e)(23)(i),\58\ each as promulgated under the Act, for the reasons 
described below.

    \57\ 15 U.S.C. 78q-1(b)(3)(F).
    \58\ 17 CFR 240.17Ad-22(e)(7)(i), (e)(13) and (e)(23)(i).

    Section 17A(b)(3)(F) of the Act requires that the Rules be designed 
to promote the prompt and accurate clearance and settlement of 
securities transactions and to assure the safeguarding of securities 
and funds which are in the custody or control of DTC or for which it is 
responsible.\59\ The proposed rule changes to (1) require a Corporate 
Contribution to a loss, (2) introduce an Event Period, and (3) 
introduce the concept of ``rounds'' (and accompanying Loss Allocation 
Notices) and apply this concept to the timing of loss allocation 
payments and the Participant termination process in connection with the 
loss allocation process, taken together, are intended to enhance the 
overall resiliency of DTC's loss allocation process

    \59\ 15 U.S.C. 78q-1(b)(3)(F).

    By replacing the discretionary application of DTC retained earnings 
to losses and liabilities with a mandatory and defined amount of the 
Corporate Contribution, the proposed rule change is designed to provide 
enhanced transparency and accessibility to Participants as to how much 
DTC would contribute in the event of a loss or liability. The proposed 
rule change also clarifies that the Corporate Contribution applies to 
both Default Loss Events and Declared Non-Default Loss Events. The 
proposed rule change would provide greater transparency as to the 
proposed replenishment period for the Corporate Contribution, which 
would allow Participants to better assess the adequacy of DTC's loss 
allocation process. Taken together, the proposed rule changes with 
respect to the Corporate Contribution would enhance the overall 
resiliency of DTC's loss allocation process by specifying the 
calculation and application of DTC's Corporate Contribution, including 
the proposed replenishment period, and would allow Participants to 
better assess the adequacy of DTC's loss allocation process.
    By introducing the concept of an Event Period, DTC would be able to 
group Default Loss Events and Declared Non-Default Loss Events 
occurring within a period of ten (10) Business Days for purposes of 
allocating losses to Participants. DTC believes that the Event Period 
would provide a defined structure for the loss allocation process to 
encompass potential sequential Default Loss Events or Declared Non-
Default Loss Events that may or may not be closely linked to an initial 
event and/or a market dislocation episode. Having this structure would 
enhance the overall resiliency of DTC's loss allocation process because 
the proposed rule would expressly address losses that may arise from 
multiple Default Loss Events and/or Declared Non-Default Loss Events 
that arise in quick succession. Moreover, the proposed Event Period 
structure would provide certainty for Participants concerning their 
maximum exposure to mutualized loss allocation with respect to such 
    By introducing the concept of ``rounds'' (and accompanying Loss 
Allocation Notices) and applying this concept to the timing of loss 
allocation payments and the Participant termination process in 
connection with the loss allocation process, DTC would (i) set forth a 
defined amount that it would allocate to Participants during each round 
(i.e., the round cap), (ii) advise Participants of loss allocation 
obligation information as well as round information through the 
issuance of Loss Allocation Notices, and (iii) provide Participants 
with the option to limit their loss allocation exposure after the 
issuance of the first Loss Allocation Notice in each round. These 
proposed rule changes would enhance the overall resiliency of DTC's 
loss allocation process because they would expressly permit DTC to 
continue the loss allocation process in successive rounds until all of 
DTC's losses are allocated and enable DTC to identify continuing 
Participants for purposes of calculating subsequent loss allocation 
obligations in successive rounds. Moreover, the proposed rule changes 
would define for Participants a clear manner and process in which they 
could cap their loss allocation exposure to DTC.
    Taken together, the foregoing proposed rule changes would establish 
a stronger (for all the reasons discussed above) and clearer loss 
allocation process for DTC, which DTC believes would allow it to take 
timely action to address losses. The ability to timely address losses 
would allow DTC to continue to meet its clearance and settlement 
obligations, especially in circumstances that may involve a series of 
substantially contemporaneous loss events. Therefore, DTC believes that 
these proposed rule changes would promote the prompt and accurate 
clearance and settlement of securities transactions, consistent with 
Section 17A(b)(3)(F) of the Act.
    By reducing the time within which DTC is required to return the 
Actual Participants Fund Deposit of a former Participant, DTC would 
enable firms that have exited DTC to have access to their funds sooner 
than under current Rule 4 while maintaining the protection of DTC and 
its provision of clearance and settlement services. DTC would continue 
to be protected under the proposed rule change, which will maintain the 
provision that DTC may

[[Page 925]]

offset the return of funds against the amount of any loss or liability 
of DTC arising out of or relating to the obligations of the former 
Participant to DTC, and would provide that DTC could retain the funds 
for up to two (2) years. As such, DTC would maintain a necessary level 
of coverage for possible claims arising in connection with the DTC 
activities of a former Participant. Therefore, DTC believes that this 
proposed rule change would promote the prompt and accurate clearance 
and settlement of securities transactions, consistent with Section 
17A(b)(3)(F) of the Act.
    Rule 17Ad-22(e)(7)(i) under the Act requires, in part, that DTC 
establish, implement, maintain and enforce written policies and 
procedures reasonably designed to effectively measure, monitor, and 
manage the liquidity risk that arises in or is borne by DTC, including 
measuring, monitoring, and managing its settlement and funding flows on 
an ongoing and timely basis, and its use of intraday liquidity, by 
maintaining sufficient liquid resources to effect same-day settlement 
of payment obligations with a high degree of confidence under a wide 
range of foreseeable stress scenarios.\60\ By clarifying the remedies 
available to DTC with respect to a Participant Default, including the 
application of the Participants Fund as a liquidity resource, and by 
clarifying and providing the related processes, the proposed rule 
change is designed so that DTC may manage its settlement and funding 
flows on a timely basis and apply the Participants Fund as a liquid 
resource in order to effect same day settlement of payment obligations 
with a high degree of confidence. Therefore, DTC believes that the 
proposed rule changes with respect to the application of the Actual 
Participants Fund Deposits of non-defaulting Participants to complete 
settlement are consistent with Rule 17Ad-22(e)(7)(i) under the Act.

    \60\ 17 CFR 240.17Ad-22(e)(7)(i).

    Rule 17Ad-22(e)(13) under the Act requires, in part, that DTC 
establish, implement, maintain and enforce written policies and 
procedures reasonably designed to ensure DTC has the authority and 
operational capacity to take timely action to contain losses and 
liquidity demands and continue to meet its obligations.\61\ The 
proposed rule changes to (1) require a defined Corporate Contribution 
to a loss, (2) introduce an Event Period, (3) introduce the concept of 
``rounds'' (and accompanying Loss Allocation Notices) and apply this 
concept to the timing of loss allocation payments and the Participant 
termination process in connection with the loss allocation process, 
taken together, are designed to enhance the resiliency of DTC's loss 
allocation process. Having a resilient loss allocation process would 
help ensure that DTC can effectively and timely address losses relating 
to or arising out of Default Loss Events and/or Declared Non-Default 
Loss Events, which in turn would help DTC contain losses and continue 
to conduct its clearance and settlement business. In addition, by 
providing clarity as to the application of the Participants Fund to 
fund settlement in the event of a Participant Default, the proposed 
rule change is designed to clarify that DTC is authorized to use the 
Participants Fund to fund settlement. Therefore, DTC believes that the 
proposed rule changes to enhance the resiliency of DTC's loss 
allocation process, and to provide clarity as to the application of the 
Participants Fund to fund settlement, are consistent with Rule 17Ad-
22(e)(13) under the Act.

    \61\ Id. at 240.17Ad-22(e)(13).

    Rule 17Ad-22(e)(23)(i) under the Act requires DTC to establish, 
implement, maintain and enforce written policies and procedures 
reasonably designed to publicly disclose all relevant rules and 
material procedures, including key aspects of DTC's default rules and 
procedures.\62\ The proposed rule changes to (i) separate the 
provisions for the use of the Participants Fund for settlement and for 
loss allocation, (ii) make clarifying changes to the provisions 
regarding the application of the Participants Fund to complete 
settlement and for the allocation of losses, (iii) further align the 
loss allocation rules of the DTCC Clearing Agencies, (iv) improve the 
overall transparency and accessibility of the provisions in the Rules 
governing loss allocation, and (v) make technical and conforming 
changes, would not only ensure that DTC's loss allocation rules are, to 
the extent practicable and appropriate, consistent with the loss 
allocation rules of the other DTCC Clearing Agencies, but also would 
help to ensure that DTC's loss allocation rules are transparent and 
clear to Participants. Aligning the loss allocation rules of the DTCC 
Clearing Agencies would provide consistent treatment, to the extent 
practicable and appropriate, especially for firms that are participants 
of two or more DTCC Clearing Agencies. Having transparent and clear 
loss allocation rules would enable Participants to better understand 
the key aspects of DTC's Rules and Procedures relating to Participant 
Default, as well as non-default events, and provide Participants with 
increased predictability and certainty regarding their exposures and 
obligations. As such, DTC believes that the proposed rule changes with 
respect to pro rata settlement charges, and to align the loss 
allocation rules across the DTCC Clearing Agencies and to improve the 
overall transparency and accessibility of DTC's loss allocation rules 
are consistent with Rule 17Ad-22(e)(23)(i) under the Act.

    \62\ Id. at 240.17Ad-22(e)(23)(i).

(B) Clearing Agency's Statement on Burden on Competition

    DTC does not believe that the proposed rule changes to clarify the 
remedies available to DTC with respect to a Participant Default, 
including the application of the Participants Fund as a liquidity 
resource, and to clarify and provide the related processes, would 
impact competition.\63\ The proposed rule changes retain the existing 
core concepts of the pro rata use of the Participants Fund deposits of 
non-defaulting Participants to complete settlement when a Participant 
fails to settle, and does not materially change their rights to elect 
to terminate their business with DTC and limit their exposure to 
settlement charges. Based on the foregoing, DTC believes that the 
proposed rule changes relating to pro rata settlement charges would not 
have any impact on competition.

    \63\ 15 U.S.C. 78q-1(b)(3)(I).

    DTC believes that the proposed rule change to replace the 
discretionary application of DTC retained earnings to losses and 
liabilities with a mandatory and defined Corporate Contribution would 
impact competition, but would not impose a burden on competition.\64\ 
By requiring a defined corporate contribution to losses and liabilities 
that are incurred by DTC before the allocation of losses to 
Participants, the proposed rule change would relieve Participants of a 
defined amount of potential obligations, which would allow them to 
apply those resources elsewhere. Based on the foregoing, DTC believes 
that the proposed rule changes relating to the Corporate Contribution 
would not impose a burden on competition, but may promote competition.

    \64\ Id.

    DTC does not believe that the proposed rule changes to enhance the 
resiliency of DTC's loss allocation process would impact 
competition.\65\ As described above, the proposed rule changes to (1) 
introduce an Event

[[Page 926]]

Period, and (2) introduce the concept of ``rounds'' (and accompanying 
Loss Allocation Notices) and apply this concept to the timing of loss 
allocation payments and the Participant termination process in 
connection with the loss allocation process, taken together, are 
intended to enhance the overall resiliency of DTC's loss allocation 
process, and would apply equally to all Participants. Moreover, the 
proposed changes with respect to loss allocation retain the core 
concept of the allocation of losses and liabilities among Participants 
proportionally to the amount of risk that their activities present to 
DTC as measured by their Required Participants Fund Deposits.\66\ Since 
there would not be a change to the mutualized obligations with respect 
to a loss arising from a Default Loss Event or Declared Non-Default 
Loss Event, the proposed rule changes with respect to loss allocation 
would not substantively affect the rights and obligations of 

    \65\ Id.
    \66\ Supra note 9.

    DTC believes that the proposed rule change to reduce the time after 
a Participant ceases to be a Participant within which DTC would be 
required to return the amount of the Actual Participants Fund Deposit 
of the former Participant may have an impact on competition, but would 
not impose a burden on competition.\67\ This proposed rule change is 
intended to enable firms who have exited DTC to have use of their funds 
sooner, while at the same time retaining the existing requirements 
around the return. The reduction of the applicable timeframe from four 
(4) years to two (2) years would improve systemic efficiency by 
releasing the resources of the former Participant sooner, allowing them 
to allocate those resources where needed. Based on the foregoing, DTC 
believes the proposed rule change to reduce the time within which DTC 
is required to return the Actual Participants Fund Deposit of a former 
Participant would not impose a burden on competition, but may promote 

    \67\ 15 U.S.C. 78q-1(b)(3)(I).

    DTC also does not believe that the proposed rule changes to (i) 
further align the loss allocation rules of the DTCC Clearing Agencies, 
(ii) increase the transparency and accessibility of provisions in the 
Rules governing loss allocation, and (iii) make technical and 
conforming changes, would impact competition.\68\ These changes would 
apply equally to all Participants. Further alignment of the loss 
allocation rules of the DTCC Clearing Agencies are intended to increase 
the consistency of the Rules with the rules of other DTCC Clearing 
Agencies in order to provide consistent treatment, to the extent 
practicable and appropriate, especially for firms that are participants 
of two or more DTCC Clearing Agencies. Having transparent and 
accessible provisions in the Rules governing loss allocation are 
intended to improve the readability and clarity of the Rules regarding 
the loss allocation process. Making technical and conforming changes to 
ensure the Rules remain clear and accurate would facilitate 
Participants' understanding of the Rules and their obligations 
thereunder. As such, DTC believes that these proposed rule changes 
would not have any impact on competition.

    \68\ Id.

(C) Clearing Agency's Statement on Comments on the Proposed Rule Change 
Received From Members, Participants, or Others

    Written comments relating to this proposed rule change have not 
been solicited or received. DTC will notify the Commission of any 
written comments received by DTC.

III. Date of Effectiveness of the Proposed Rule Change and Timing for 
Commission Action

    Within 45 days of the date of publication of this notice in the 
Federal Register or within such longer period up to 90 days (i) as the 
Commission may designate if it finds such longer period to be 
appropriate and publishes its reasons for so finding or (ii) as to 
which the self-regulatory organization consents, the Commission will:
    (A) By order approve or disapprove such proposed rule change, or
    (B) institute proceedings to determine whether the proposed rule 
change should be disapproved.
    The proposal shall not take effect until all regulatory actions 
required with respect to the proposal are completed.

IV. Solicitation of Comments

    Interested persons are invited to submit written data, views and 
arguments concerning the foregoing, including whether the proposed rule 
change is consistent with the Act. Comments may be submitted by any of 
the following methods:

Electronic Comments

     Use the Commission's internet comment form (http://www.sec.gov/rules/sro.shtml); or
     Send an email to rule-comments@sec.gov. Please include 
File Number SR-DTC-2017-022 on the subject line.

Paper Comments

     Send paper comments in triplicate to Secretary, Securities 
and Exchange Commission, 100 F Street NE, Washington, DC 20549-1090.

All submissions should refer to File Number SR-DTC-2017-022. This file 
number should be included on the subject line if email is used. To help 
the Commission process and review your comments more efficiently, 
please use only one method. The Commission will post all comments on 
the Commission's internet website (http://www.sec.gov/rules/sro.shtml). 
Copies of the submission, all subsequent amendments, all written 
statements with respect to the proposed rule change that are filed with 
the Commission, and all written communications relating to the proposed 
rule change between the Commission and any person, other than those 
that may be withheld from the public in accordance with the provisions 
of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be available for website viewing and printing in 
the Commission's Public Reference Room, 100 F Street NE, Washington, DC 
20549 on official business days between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 
3:00 p.m. Copies of the filing also will be available for inspection 
and copying at the principal office of DTC and on DTCC's website 
(http://dtcc.com/legal/sec-rule-filings.aspx). All comments received 
will be posted without change. Persons submitting comments are 
cautioned that we do not redact or edit personal identifying 
information from comment submissions. You should submit only 
information that you wish to make available publicly. All submissions 
should refer to File Number SR-DTC-2017-022 and should be submitted on 
or before January 29, 2018.

    For the Commission, by the Division of Trading and Markets, 
pursuant to delegated authority.\69\

    \69\ 17 CFR 200.30-3(a)(12).

Eduardo A. Aleman,
Assistant Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2018-00074 Filed 1-5-18; 8:45 am]

                                                                                Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 5 / Monday, January 8, 2018 / Notices                                                          913

                                                  For the Commission, by the Division of                connection therewith, the proposed rule                for settlement and (y) loss allocation
                                                Trading and Markets, pursuant to delegated              change would (i) align the loss                        among Participants of losses and
                                                authority.60                                            allocation rules of the three clearing                 liabilities arising out of Participant
                                                Eduardo A. Aleman,                                      agencies of The Depository Trust &                     defaults or due to non-default events;
                                                Assistant Secretary.                                    Clearing Corporation (‘‘DTCC’’), namely                and (ii) enhance the resiliency of DTC’s
                                                [FR Doc. 2018–00076 Filed 1–5–18; 8:45 am]              DTC, National Securities Clearing                      loss allocation process so that DTC can
                                                BILLING CODE 8011–01–P                                  Corporation (‘‘NSCC’’), and Fixed                      take timely action to contain multiple
                                                                                                        Income Clearing Corporation (‘‘FICC’’)                 loss events that occur in succession
                                                                                                        (collectively, the ‘‘DTCC Clearing                     during a short period of time. In
                                                SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE                                 Agencies’’),5 so as to provide consistent              connection therewith, the proposed rule
                                                COMMISSION                                              treatment, to the extent practicable and               change would (i) align the loss
                                                [Release No. 34–82426; File No. SR–DTC–                 appropriate, especially for firms that are             allocation rules of the DTCC Clearing
                                                2017–022]                                               participants of two or more DTCC                       Agencies, so as to provide consistent
                                                                                                        Clearing Agencies, (ii) increase                       treatment, to the extent practicable and
                                                Self-Regulatory Organizations; The                      transparency and accessibility of the                  appropriate, especially for firms that are
                                                Depository Trust Company; Notice of                     provisions relating to the use of the                  participants of two or more DTCC
                                                Filing of a Proposed Rule Change To                     Participants Fund as a liquidity resource              Clearing Agencies, (ii) increase
                                                Amend the Loss Allocation Rules and                     for settlement and the loss allocation                 transparency and accessibility of the
                                                Make Other Changes                                      provisions, by enhancing their                         provisions relating to the use of the
                                                                                                        readability and clarity, (iii) require a               Participants Fund as a liquidity resource
                                                January 2, 2018.                                        defined corporate contribution to losses               for settlement and the loss allocation
                                                   Pursuant to Section 19(b)(1) of the                  and liabilities that are incurred by DTC               provisions, by enhancing their
                                                Securities Exchange Act of 1934                         prior to any allocation among                          readability and clarity, (iii) require a
                                                (‘‘Act’’) 1 and Rule 19b–4 thereunder,2                 Participants, whether such losses and                  defined corporate contribution to losses
                                                notice is hereby given that on December                 liabilities arise out of Participant                   and liabilities that are incurred by DTC
                                                18, 2017, The Depository Trust                          defaults or due to non-default events,                 prior to any allocation among
                                                Company (‘‘DTC’’) filed with the                        (iv) reduce the time within which DTC                  Participants, whether such losses and
                                                Securities and Exchange Commission                      is required to return a former                         liabilities arise out of Participant
                                                (‘‘Commission’’) the proposed rule                      Participant’s Actual Participants Fund                 defaults or due to non-default events,
                                                change as described in Items I, II and III              Deposit, and (v) make conforming and                   (iv) reduce the time within which DTC
                                                below, which Items have been prepared                   technical changes. The proposed rule                   is required to return a former
                                                by the clearing agency.3 The                            change would also amend Rule 1                         Participant’s Actual Participants Fund
                                                Commission is publishing this notice to                 (Definitions; Governing Law) to add                    Deposit, and (v) make conforming and
                                                solicit comments on the proposed rule                   cross-references to terms that would be                technical changes. The proposed rule
                                                change from interested persons.                         defined in proposed Rule 4, as                         change would also amend Rule 1
                                                I. Clearing Agency’s Statement of the                   discussed below.                                       (Definitions; Governing Law) to add
                                                Terms of Substance of the Proposed                      II. Clearing Agency’s Statement of the                 cross-references to terms that would be
                                                Rule Change                                             Purpose of, and Statutory Basis for, the               defined in proposed Rule 4, as
                                                   The proposed rule change would                       Proposed Rule Change                                   discussed below.
                                                revise Rule 4 (Participants Fund and                       In its filing with the Commission, the              (i) Background
                                                Participants Investment) to (i) provide                 clearing agency included statements                       Current Rule 4 provides a single set of
                                                separate sections for (x) the use of the                concerning the purpose of and basis for                tools and a common process for the use
                                                Participants Fund as a liquidity resource               the proposed rule change and discussed                 of the Participants Fund for both
                                                for settlement and (y) loss allocation                  any comments it received on the                        liquidity purposes to complete
                                                among Participants of losses and                        proposed rule change. The text of these                settlement among non-defaulting
                                                liabilities arising out of Participant                  statements may be examined at the                      Participants, if one or more Participants
                                                defaults or due to non-default events;                  places specified in Item IV below. The                 fails to settle,6 and for the satisfaction of
                                                and (ii) enhance the resiliency of DTC’s                clearing agency has prepared                           losses and liabilities due to Participant
                                                loss allocation process so that DTC can                 summaries, set forth in sections A, B,
                                                take timely action to contain multiple                  and C below, of the most significant                      6 DTC’s primary objective is to complete
                                                loss events that occur in succession                    aspects of such statements.                            settlement on each Business Day in reliance on
                                                during a short period of time.4 In                                                                             liquidity resources comprised of, primarily, the
                                                                                                        (A) Clearing Agency’s Statement of the                 Participants Fund and a committed secured line of
                                                  60 17  CFR 200.30–3(a)(12).
                                                                                                        Purpose of, and Statutory Basis for, the               credit from a syndicate of lenders. Settlement
                                                   1 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).                               Proposed Rule Change                                   obligations of each Participant are limited by the
                                                                                                                                                               amount of these liquidity resources through its Net
                                                   2 17 CFR 240.19b–4.
                                                                                                          The proposed rule change would                       Debit Cap and fully secured by Collateral of the
                                                   3 On December 18, 2017, DTC filed this proposed
                                                                                                        revise Rule 4 (Participants Fund and                   Participant measured by its Collateral Monitor.
                                                rule change as an advance notice (SR–DTC–2017–                                                                 These risk management controls are designed so
                                                804) with the Commission pursuant to Section
                                                                                                        Participants Investment) to (i) provide
                                                                                                                                                               that DTC may complete settlement notwithstanding
                                                806(e)(1) of Title VIII of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street   separate sections for (x) the use of the               the failure to settle of a Participant or Affiliated
                                                Reform and Consumer Protection Act entitled the         Participants Fund as a liquidity resource              Family of Participants with the largest settlement
                                                Payment, Clearing, and Settlement Supervision Act                                                              obligation on any Business Day. The proposed rule
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                of 2010, 12 U.S.C. 5465(e)(1), and Rule 19b–              5 On December 18, 2017, NSCC and FICC                change clarifies the use of the Participants Fund in
                                                4(n)(1)(i) of the Act, 17 CFR 240.19b–4(n)(1)(i). A     submitted proposed rule changes and advance            this respect. The Actual Participants Fund Deposits
                                                copy of the advance notice is available at http://      notices to enhance their rules regarding allocation    of defaulting Participants would be applied to
                                                www.dtcc.com/legal/sec-rule-filings.aspx.               of losses. See SR–NSCC–2017–018, SR–FICC–2017–         satisfy their settlement obligations and, should
                                                   4 Each capitalized term not otherwise defined                                                               those be insufficient, the balance of the Participants
                                                                                                        022 and SR–NSCC–2017–806, SR–FICC–2017–806,
                                                herein has its respective meaning as set forth in the   which were filed with the Commission and the           Fund is also available as a liquidity resource.
                                                Rules, By-Laws and Organization Certificate of DTC      Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System,      Collateral of defaulting Participants may be pledged
                                                (the ‘‘Rules’’), available at http://www.dtcc.com/      respectively, available at http://www.dtcc.com/        to secure a borrowing under the committed line of
                                                legal/rules-and-procedures.aspx.                        legal/sec-rule-filings.aspx.                           credit.

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                                                914                              Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 5 / Monday, January 8, 2018 / Notices

                                                defaults or certain other losses or                       Current Rule 4 Provides for Application                 Participants Fund pursuant to Section 2
                                                liabilities incident to the business of                   of the Participants Fund Through Pro                    of Rule 9(A).13 It also provides for the
                                                DTC.7 The proposed rule change would                      Rata Charges                                            optional use of an amount of DTC’s
                                                amend and add provisions to separate                         Current Rule 4 addresses the                         retained earnings and undivided profits.
                                                use of the Participants Fund as a                         Participants Fund and Participants                         After the Participants Fund is applied
                                                liquidity resource to complete                            Investment requirements and, among                      pursuant to current Section 4, DTC must
                                                settlement, reflected in proposed                         other things, the permitted uses of the                 promptly notify each Participant and
                                                Section 4 of Rule 4, and for loss                         Participants Fund and Participants                      the Commission of the amount applied
                                                allocation, reflected in proposed Section                 Investment.10 Pursuant to current Rule                  and the reasons therefor.
                                                5 of Rule 4.                                              4, DTC maintains a cash Participants                       Current Rule 4 further requires
                                                                                                          Fund. The Required Participants Fund                    Participants whose Actual Participants
                                                   The proposed rule change would
                                                                                                          Deposit for any Participant is based on                 Fund Deposits have been ratably
                                                retain the core principles of current                                                                             charged to restore their Required
                                                                                                          the liquidity risk it poses to DTC
                                                Rule 4 for both application of the                        relative to other Participants.11                       Participants Fund Deposits, if such
                                                Participants Fund as a liquidity resource                    Default of a Participant. Under                      charges create a deficiency. Such
                                                to complete settlement and for loss                       Section 3 of current Rule 4, if a                       payments are due upon demand.
                                                allocation, while clarifying or refining                  Participant is obligated to DTC and fails               Iterative pro rata charges relating to the
                                                certain provisions and introducing                        to satisfy any obligation, DTC may, in                  same loss or liability are permitted in
                                                certain new concepts relating to loss                     such order and in such amounts as DTC                   order to satisfy the loss or liability.
                                                allocation. In connection with the use of                 shall determine in its sole discretion: (a)                Rule 4 currently provides that a
                                                the Participants Fund as a liquidity                      Apply some or all of the Actual                         Participant may, within ten (10)
                                                resource to complete settlement when a                    Participants Fund Deposit of such                       Business Days after receipt of notice of
                                                Participant fails to settle, the proposed                 Participant to such obligation; (b) Pledge              any pro rata charge, notify DTC of its
                                                rule would introduce the term ‘‘pro rata                  some or all of the shares of Preferred                  election to terminate its business with
                                                settlement charge,’’ for the use of the                   Stock of such Participant to its lenders                DTC, and the exposure of the
                                                Participants Fund to complete                             as collateral security for a loan under                 terminating Participant for pro rata
                                                settlement as apportioned among non-                      the End-of-Day Credit Facility; 12 and/or               charges would be capped at the greater
                                                defaulting Participants. The existing                     (c) sell some or all of the shares of                   of (a) the amount of its Aggregate
                                                term generically applied to such a use                    Preferred Stock of such Participant to                  Required Deposit and Investment, as
                                                or to a loss allocation is simply a ‘‘pro                 other Participants (who shall be                        fixed immediately prior to the time of
                                                                                                          required to purchase such shares pro                    the first pro rata charge, plus 100% of
                                                rata charge.’’ 8
                                                                                                          rata their Required Preferred Stock                     the amount thereof, or (b) the amount of
                                                   For loss allocation, the proposed rule                 Investments at the time of such                         all prior pro rata charges attributable to
                                                change, like current Rule 4, would                        purchase), and apply the proceeds of                    the same loss or liability with respect to
                                                continue to apply to both default and                     such sale to satisfy such obligation.                   which the Participant has not timely
                                                non-default losses and liabilities, and, to                  Application of the Participants Fund.                exercised its right to terminate.
                                                the extent allocated among Participants,                  Section 4 of current Rule 4 addresses
                                                would be charged ratably in accordance                    the application of the Participants Fund                Overview of the Proposed Rule Changes
                                                with their Required Participants Fund                     if DTC incurs a loss or liability, which                A. Application of Participants Fund To
                                                Deposits.9 A new provision would                          would include application of the                        Participant Default and for Settlement
                                                require DTC to contribute to a loss or                    Participants Fund to complete
                                                liability, either arising from a                          settlement or the allocation of losses                     Proposed Section 3 of Rule 4 would
                                                                                                          once determined, including non-default                  retain the concept that when a
                                                Participant default or non-default event,
                                                                                                          losses. For both liquidity and loss                     Participant is obligated to DTC and fails
                                                prior to any allocation among
                                                                                                          scenarios, Section 4 of current Rule 4                  to satisfy such obligation, which would
                                                Participants. The proposed rule change
                                                                                                          provides that an application of the                     be defined as a ‘‘Participant Default,’’
                                                would also introduce the new concepts                     Participants Fund would be apportioned                  DTC may apply the Actual Participants
                                                of an ‘‘Event Period’’ and a ‘‘round’’ to                 among Participants ratably in                           Fund Deposit of the Participant to such
                                                address the allocation of losses arising                  accordance with their Required                          obligation to satisfy the Participant
                                                from multiple events that occur in                        Participants Fund Deposits, less any                    Default. The proposed definition of
                                                succession during a short period of                       additional amount that a Participant                    ‘‘Participant Default’’ is for drafting
                                                time. These proposed rule changes                         was required to Deposit to the                          clarity and use in related provisions.
                                                would be substantially similar in these
                                                respects to analogous proposed rule                         10 Each Participant is required to invest in DTC         13 Section 2 of Rule 9(A) provides, in part, ‘‘At the

                                                changes for NSCC and FICC.                                Series A Preferred Stock, ratably on a basis            request of the Corporation, a Participant or Pledgee
                                                                                                          calculated in substantially the same manner as the      shall immediately furnish the Corporation with
                                                                                                          Required Participants Fund Deposit. The Preferred       such assurances as the Corporation shall require of
                                                                                                          Stock constitutes capital of DTC and is also            the financial ability of the Participant or Pledgee to
                                                   7 It may be noted that absent extreme
                                                                                                          available for use as provided in current and            fulfill its commitments and shall conform to any
                                                circumstances, DTC believes that it is unlikely that      proposed Section 3 of Rule 4. This proposed rule        conditions which the Corporation deems necessary
                                                DTC would need to act under proposed Sections 4           change does not alter the Required Preferred Stock      for the protection of the Corporation, other
                                                or 5 of Rule 4.                                           Investment.                                             Participants or Pledgees, including deposits to the
                                                                                                            11 Supra note 6.
                                                   8 See Rule 4, Section 5, supra note 4.                                                                         Participants Fund . . .’’ Pursuant to the proposed
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                            12 As part of its liquidity risk management regime,   rule change, the additional amount that a
                                                   9 It may be noted that for NSCC and FICC, the

                                                proposed rule changes for loss allocation include a       DTC maintains a 364-day committed revolving line        Participant is required to Deposit to the Participants
                                                                                                          of credit with a syndicate of commercial lenders,       Fund pursuant to Section 2 of Rule 9(A) would be
                                                ‘‘look-back’’ period to calculate a member’s pro rata
                                                                                                          renewed every year. The committed aggregate             defined as an ‘‘Additional Participants Fund
                                                share and cap. The concept of a look-back or              amount of the End-of-Day Credit Facility (currently     Deposit.’’ This is not a new concept, only the
                                                average is already built into DTC’s calculation of        $1.9 billion) together with the Participants Fund       addition of a defined term for greater clarity. In the
                                                Participants Fund requirements, which are based on        constitute DTC’s liquidity resources for settlement.    proposed rule change, this amount continues to be
                                                a rolling sixty (60) day average of a Participant’s six   Based on these amounts, DTC sets Net Debit Caps         included or excluded as provided in current Rule
                                                highest intraday net debit peaks.                         that limit settlement obligations.                      4, as noted below.

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                                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 5 / Monday, January 8, 2018 / Notices                                                              915

                                                   Proposed Section 4 would address the                 settlement, to notify each Participant                   described below, including, but not
                                                situation of a Participant failure to settle            and the Commission of the charge and                     limited to, a ‘‘round,’’ ‘‘Event Period,’’
                                                (which is one type of Participant                       the reasons therefor (‘‘Settlement Charge                and ‘‘Corporate Contribution,’’ would
                                                Default) if the application of the Actual               Notice’’).                                               not apply to pro rata settlement
                                                Participants Fund Deposit of that                          The proposed rule change also would                   charges.19
                                                Participant, pursuant to proposed                       retain the concept of providing each
                                                                                                        non-defaulting Participant an                            B. Changes To Enhance Resiliency of
                                                Section 3, is not sufficient to complete
                                                                                                        opportunity to elect to terminate its                    DTC’s Loss Allocation Process
                                                settlement among non-defaulting
                                                Participants.                                           business with DTC and thereby cap its                       In order to enhance the resiliency of
                                                   Proposed Section 4 would expressly                   exposure to further pro rata settlement                  DTC’s loss allocation process and to
                                                state that the Participants Fund may be                 charges. The proposed rule change                        align, to the extent practicable and
                                                applied by DTC, in such amounts as it                   would shorten the notification period                    appropriate, its loss allocation approach
                                                may determine, in its sole discretion, to               for the election to terminate from ten                   to that of the other DTCC Clearing
                                                fund settlement among non-defaulting                    (10) Business Days to five (5) Business                  Agencies, DTC proposes to introduce
                                                Participants in the event of the failure                Days,16 and would also change the                        certain new concepts and to modify
                                                of a Participant to satisfy its settlement              beginning date of such notification                      other aspects of its loss allocation
                                                obligation on any Business Day. Such an                 period from the receipt of the notice to                 waterfall. The proposed rule change
                                                application of the Participants Fund                    the date of the issuance of the                          would adopt an enhanced allocation
                                                would be charged ratably to the Actual                  Settlement Charge Notice.17 A                            approach for losses, whether arising
                                                Participants Fund Deposits of the non-                  Participant that elects to terminate its                 from Default Loss Events or Declared
                                                defaulting Participants on that Business                business with DTC would, subject to its                  Non-Default Loss Events (as defined
                                                Day. The pro rata charge per non-                       cap, remain responsible for (i) its pro                  below). In addition, the proposed rule
                                                defaulting Participant would be based                   rata settlement charge that was the                      change would clarify the loss allocation
                                                on the ratio of its Required Participants               subject of the Settlement Charge Notice                  process as it relates to losses arising
                                                Fund Deposit to the sum of the Required                 and (ii) all other pro rata settlement                   from or relating to multiple default or
                                                Participants Fund Deposits of all such                  charges until the Participant                            non-default events in a short period of
                                                Participants on that Business Day                       Termination Date (as defined below and                   time.
                                                (excluding any Additional Participants                  in the proposed rule change). The                           Accordingly, DTC is proposing four
                                                Fund Deposits in both the numerator                     proposed cap on pro rata settlement                      (4) key changes to enhance DTC’s loss
                                                and denominator of such ratio). The                     charges of a Participant that has timely                 allocation process:
                                                proposed rule change would identify                     notified DTC of its election to terminate                (1) Mandatory Corporate Contribution
                                                this as a ‘‘pro rata settlement charge,’’ in            its business with DTC would be the
                                                order to distinguish application of the                 amount of its Aggregate Required                           Section 4 of current Rule 4 provides
                                                Participants Fund to fund settlement                    Deposit and Investment, as fixed on the                  that if there is an unsatisfied loss or
                                                from pro rata loss allocation charges that              day of the pro rata settlement charge                       19 Proposed Sections 3, 4 and 5 of Rule 4 together
                                                would be established in proposed                        that was the subject of the Settlement                   relate, in whole or in part, to what may happen
                                                Section 5 of Rule 4.                                    Charge Notice, plus 100% of the amount                   when there is a Participant Default. Proposed
                                                   The calculation of each non-                         thereof. The proposed cap would be no                    Section 3 is the basic provision of remedies if a
                                                defaulting Participant’s pro rata                       greater than the current cap.18                          Participant fails to satisfy an obligation to DTC.
                                                                                                                                                                 Proposed Section 4 is a specific remedy for a failure
                                                settlement charge would be similar to                      The pro rata application of the Actual                to settle, i.e., a specific type of Participant Default.
                                                the current Section 4 calculation of a                  Participants Fund Deposits of non-                       Proposed Section 5 is also a remedial provision for
                                                pro rata charge except that, for greater                defaulting Participants to complete                      a Participant Default when, additionally, DTC
                                                simplicity, it would not include the                    settlement when there is a Participant                   ceases to act for the Participant and there are
                                                                                                                                                                 remaining losses or liabilities. If a Participant
                                                current distinction for common                          Default is not the allocation of a loss. A               Default occurs, the application of proposed Section
                                                members of another clearing agency                      pro rata settlement charge would relate                  3 would be required, the application of proposed
                                                pursuant to a Clearing Agency                           solely to the completion of settlement.                  Section 4 would be at the discretion of DTC and the
                                                Agreement.14 For enhanced clarity as to                 New proposed loss allocation concepts                    application of proposed Section 5 would only be
                                                                                                                                                                 triggered by the determination of DTC to cease to
                                                the date of determination of the ratio, it                                                                       act for the defaulting Participant coupled with
                                                would be based on the Required                             16 DTC believes this shorter period would be
                                                                                                                                                                 losses or liabilities incurred by DTC. Whether or not
                                                Participants Fund Deposits as fixed on                  sufficient for a Participant to decide whether to give   proposed Section 4 has been applied, once there is
                                                                                                        notice to terminate its business with DTC in             a loss due to a Participant Default and DTC ceases
                                                the Business Day of the application of                  response to a settlement charge. In addition, a five     to act for the defaulting Participant, proposed
                                                the Participants Fund, as opposed to the                (5) Business Day pro rata settlement charge              Section 5 would apply.
                                                current language ‘‘at the time the loss or              notification period would conform to the proposed           A principal type of Participant Default is a failure
                                                                                                        loss allocation notification period in this proposed     to settle. A Participant’s obligation to pay any
                                                liability was discovered.’’ 15                          rule change and in the proposed rule changes for
                                                   The proposed rule change would                                                                                amount due in settlement is secured by Collateral
                                                                                                        NSCC and FICC. See infra note 31. See also supra         of the Participant. When the Participant fails to pay
                                                retain the concept that requires DTC,                   note 5.                                                  its settlement obligation, under Rule 9(B), Section
                                                following the application of the                           17 DTC believes that setting the start date of the
                                                                                                                                                                 2, DTC has the right to Pledge or sell such Collateral
                                                Participants Fund to complete                           notification period to an objective date would           to satisfy the obligation. Supra note 4. (It is more
                                                                                                        enhance transparency and provide a common                likely that DTC would borrow against the Collateral
                                                                                                        timeframe to all affected Participants.                  to complete settlement on the Business Day,
                                                  14 Rule 4, Section 4(a)(1), supra note 4. DTC has        18 Section 8 of current Rule 4 provides for a cap     because it is unlikely to be able to liquidate
                                                determined that this option is unnecessary because,     that is equal to the greater of (a) the amount of its    Collateral for same day funds in time to settle on
                                                in practice, DTC would never have liability under                                                                that Business Day.) If DTC Pledges the Collateral to
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                                                                                                        Aggregate Required Deposit and Investment, as
                                                a Clearing Agency Agreement that exceeds the            fixed immediately prior to the time of the first pro     secure a loan to fund settlement (e.g., under the
                                                excess assets of the Participant that defaulted.        rata charge, plus 100% of the amount thereof, or (b)     End-of-Day Credit Facility), the Collateral would
                                                  15 DTC believes that this change would provide
                                                                                                        the amount of all prior pro rata charges attributable    have to be sold to obtain funds to repay the loan.
                                                an objective date that is more appropriate for the      to the same loss or liability with respect to which      In any such sale of the Collateral, there is a risk,
                                                application of the Participants Fund to complete        the Participant has not timely exercised its right to    heightened in times of market stress, that the
                                                settlement, because the ‘‘time the loss or liability    limit its obligation as provided above. Supra note       proceeds of the sale would be insufficient to repay
                                                was discovered’’ would necessarily have to be the       4. The alternative limit in clause (b) would be          the loan. That deficiency would be a liability or loss
                                                day the Participants Fund was applied to complete       eliminated in proposed Section 8(a) in favor of a        to which proposed Section 5 of Rule 4 would apply,
                                                settlement.                                             single defined standard.                                 i.e., a Default Loss Event.

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                                                916                             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 5 / Monday, January 8, 2018 / Notices

                                                liability, DTC may, in its sole discretion              (250) Business Days in order to permit                   arise in quick succession. Specifically,
                                                and in such amount as DTC would                         DTC to replenish the Corporate                           the proposal would group Default Loss
                                                determine, ‘‘charge the existing retained               Contribution.24 To ensure transparency,                  Events and Declared Non-Default Loss
                                                earnings and undivided profits’’ of DTC.                Participants would receive notice of any                 Events occurring in a period of ten (10)
                                                   Under the proposed rule change, DTC                  such reduction to the Corporate                          Business Days (‘‘Event Period’’) for
                                                would replace the discretionary                         Contribution.                                            purposes of allocating losses to
                                                application of an unspecified amount of                    By requiring a defined contribution of                Participants in one or more rounds,
                                                retained earnings and undivided profits                 DTC corporate funds towards losses and                   subject to the limits of loss allocation set
                                                with a mandatory, defined Corporate                     liabilities arising from Default Loss                    forth in the proposed rule change and as
                                                Contribution (as defined below and in                   Events and Declared Non-Default Loss                     explained below.26 In the case of a loss
                                                the proposed rule change). The                          Events, the proposed rule change would                   or liability arising from or relating to a
                                                Corporate Contribution would be used                    limit Participant obligations to the                     Default Loss Event, an Event Period
                                                for losses and liabilities that are                     extent of such Corporate Contribution                    would begin on the day on which DTC
                                                incurred by DTC with respect to an                      and thereby provide greater clarity and                  notifies Participants that it has ceased to
                                                Event Period (as defined below and in                   transparency to Participants as to the                   act for a Participant (or the next
                                                the proposed rule change), whether                      calculation of their exposure to losses                  Business Day, if such day is not a
                                                arising from a Default Loss Event or                    and liabilities.                                         Business Day). In the case of a Declared
                                                Declared Non-Default Loss Event, before                    Proposed Rule 4 would also further                    Non-Default Loss Event, the Event
                                                the allocation of losses to Participants.               clarify that DTC can voluntarily apply                   Period would begin on the day that DTC
                                                   The proposed ‘‘Corporate                             amounts greater than the Corporate                       notifies Participants of the
                                                Contribution’’ would be defined to be an                Contribution against any loss or liability               determination by the Board of Directors
                                                amount equal to fifty percent (50%) of                  (including non-default losses) of DTC, if                that the applicable loss or liability
                                                DTC’s General Business Risk Capital                     the Board of Directors, in its sole                      incident to the business of DTC may be
                                                Requirement as of the end of the                        discretion, believes such to be                          a significant and substantial loss or
                                                calendar quarter immediately preceding                  appropriate under the factual situation                  liability that may materially impair the
                                                the Event Period.20 DTC’s General                       existing at the time.                                    ability of DTC to provide clearance and
                                                Business Risk Capital Requirement, as                      The proposed rule changes relating to                 settlement services in an orderly
                                                defined in DTC’s Clearing Agency                        the calculation and mandatory                            manner and will potentially generate
                                                Policy on Capital Requirements,21 is, at                application of the Corporate                             losses to be mutualized among
                                                a minimum, equal to the regulatory                      Contribution are set forth in proposed                   Participants in order to ensure that DTC
                                                capital that DTC is required to maintain                Section 5 of Rule 4.                                     may continue to offer clearance and
                                                in compliance with Rule 17Ad–                                                                                    settlement services in an orderly
                                                22(e)(15) under the Act.22 The Corporate                (2) Introducing an Event Period
                                                                                                                                                                 manner. If a subsequent Default Loss
                                                Contribution would be held in addition                     The proposed rule change would                        Event or Declared Non-Default Loss
                                                to DTC’s General Business Risk Capital                  clearly define the obligations of DTC                    Event occurs within the Event Period,
                                                Requirement.                                            and its Participants regarding the
                                                   The proposed Corporate Contribution                                                                           any losses or liabilities arising out of or
                                                                                                        allocation of losses or liabilities (i)                  relating to any such subsequent event
                                                would apply to losses arising from                      relating to or arising out of a Participant
                                                Default Loss Events and Declared Non-                                                                            would be resolved as losses or liabilities
                                                                                                        Default which is not satisfied pursuant                  that are part of the same Event Period,
                                                Default Loss Events, and would be a                     to proposed Section 3 of Rule 4 and
                                                mandatory contribution of DTC prior to                                                                           without extending the duration of such
                                                                                                        DTC has ceased to act for such                           Event Period. An Event Period may
                                                any allocation among Participants.23 As                 Participant (a ‘‘Default Loss Event’’)
                                                proposed, if the proposed Corporate                                                                              include both Default Loss Events and
                                                                                                        and/or (ii) otherwise incident to the                    Declared Non-Default Loss Events, and
                                                Contribution is fully or partially used                 business of DTC,25 as determined in
                                                against a loss or liability relating to an                                                                       there would not be separate Event
                                                                                                        proposed Rule 4 (a ‘‘Declared Non-                       Periods for Default Loss Events or
                                                Event Period, the Corporate                             Default Loss Event’’). In order to balance
                                                Contribution would be reduced to the                                                                             Declared Non-Default Loss Events
                                                                                                        the need to manage the risk of                           occurring within overlapping ten (10)
                                                remaining unused amount, if any,                        sequential loss events against
                                                during the following two hundred fifty                                                                           Business Day periods.
                                                                                                        Participants’ need for certainty                            The amount of losses that may be
                                                   20 DTC calculates its General Business Risk
                                                                                                        concerning maximum loss allocation                       allocated by DTC, subject to the
                                                Capital Requirement as the amount equal to the          exposures, DTC is proposing to                           required Corporate Contribution, and to
                                                greatest of (i) an amount determined based on its       introduce the concept of an ‘‘Event                      which a Loss Allocation Cap (as defined
                                                general business profile, (ii) an amount determined     Period’’ to address the losses and                       below and in the proposed rule change)
                                                based on the time estimated to execute a recovery       liabilities that may arise from or relate
                                                or orderly wind-down of DTC’s critical operations,                                                               would apply for any terminating
                                                and (iii) an amount determined based on an              to multiple Default Loss Events and/or                   Participant, would include any and all
                                                analysis of DTC’s estimated operating expenses for      Declared Non-Default Loss Events that                    losses from any Default Loss Events and
                                                a six (6) month period.                                                                                          any Declared Non-Default Loss Events
                                                   21 See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 81105        24 DTC believes that two hundred fifty (250)
                                                (July 7, 2017), 82 FR 32399 (July 13, 2017) (SR–
                                                                                                                                                                 during the Event Period, regardless of
                                                                                                        Business Days would be a reasonable estimate of
                                                DTC–2017–003).                                          the time frame that DTC would require to replenish       the amount of time, during or after the
                                                   22 17 CFR 240.17Ad–22(e)(15).                        the Corporate Contribution by equity in accordance
                                                   23 The proposed rule change would not require a      with DTC’s Clearing Agency Policy on Capital               26 DTC believes that having a ten (10) Business
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                                                Corporate Contribution with respect to a pro rata       Requirements, including a conservative additional        Day Event Period would provide a reasonable
                                                settlement charge. However, as discussed above, if,     period to account for any potential delays and/or        period of time to encompass potential sequential
                                                after a Participant Default, the proceeds of the sale   unknown exigencies in times of distress.                 Default Loss Events and/or Declared Non-Default
                                                of the Collateral of the Participant are insufficient      25 Section 1(f) of Rule 4 defines the term            Loss Events that are likely to be closely linked to
                                                to replenish the Participants Fund and/or repay the     ‘‘business’’ with respect to DTC as ‘‘the doing of all   an initial event and/or a severe market dislocation
                                                lenders under the End-of-Day Credit Facility, and       things in connection with or relating to the             episode, while still providing appropriate certainty
                                                DTC has ceased to act for the Participant, the          Corporation’s performance of the services specified      for Participants concerning their maximum
                                                shortfall would be a loss arising from a Default Loss   in the first and second paragraphs of Rule 6 or the      exposure to allocated losses with respect to such
                                                Event, subject to the Corporate Contribution.           cessation of such services.’’ Supra note 4.              events.

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                                                Event Period, required for such losses to               following the issuance of such notice.30                 subject to the loss allocation is $3
                                                be crystallized and allocated.                          Multiple Loss Allocation Notices may                     billion, the first round would begin
                                                  The proposed rule changes relating to                 be issued with respect to each round, up                 when DTC issues the first Loss
                                                the implementation of an Event Period                   to the round cap.                                        Allocation Notice for that Event Period.
                                                are set forth in proposed Section 5 of                     The first Loss Allocation Notice in                   DTC could issue one or more Loss
                                                Rule 4.                                                 any first, second, or subsequent round                   Allocation Notices for the first round
                                                                                                        would expressly state that such Loss                     until the sum of losses allocated equals
                                                (3) Introducing the Concept of                          Allocation Notice reflects the beginning                 $3 billion. Once the $3 billion is
                                                ‘‘Rounds’’ and Loss Allocation Notice                   of the first, second, or subsequent                      allocated, the first round would end and
                                                   Pursuant to the proposed rule change,                round, as the case may be, and that each                 DTC would need a second round in
                                                a loss allocation ‘‘round’’ would mean a                Participant in that round has five (5)                   order to allocate the remaining $1
                                                series of loss allocations relating to an               Business Days 31 from the issuance 32 of                 billion of loss. DTC would then issue a
                                                Event Period, the aggregate amount of                   such first Loss Allocation Notice for the                Loss Allocation Notice for the $1 billion
                                                which is limited by the sum of the Loss                 round (such period, a ‘‘Loss Allocation                  and this notice would be the first Loss
                                                Allocation Caps of affected Participants                Termination Notification Period’’) to                    Allocation Notice for the second round.
                                                (a ‘‘round cap’’). When the aggregate                   notify DTC of its election to terminate                  The issuance of the Loss Allocation
                                                amount of losses allocated in a round                   its business with DTC pursuant to                        Notice for the $1 billion would begin
                                                equals the round cap, any additional                    proposed Section 8(b) of Rule 4, and                     the second round.
                                                losses relating to the applicable Event                 thereby benefit from its Loss Allocation                    The proposed rule change would link
                                                Period would be allocated in one or                     Cap.                                                     the Loss Allocation Cap to a round in
                                                more subsequent rounds, in each case                       The round cap of any second or                        order to provide Participants the option
                                                subject to a round cap for that round.                  subsequent round may differ from the                     to limit their loss allocation exposure at
                                                DTC would continue the loss allocation                  first or preceding round cap because                     the beginning of each round. As
                                                process in successive rounds until all                  there may be fewer Participants in a                     proposed, a Participant could limit its
                                                losses from the Event Period are                        second or subsequent round if                            loss allocation exposure to its Loss
                                                allocated among Participants that have                  Participants elect to terminate their                    Allocation Cap by providing notice of
                                                not submitted a Termination Notice (as                  business with DTC as provided in                         its election to terminate its business
                                                defined below and in the proposed rule                  proposed Section 8(b) of Rule 4                          with DTC within five (5) Business Days
                                                change) in accordance with proposed                     following the first Loss Allocation                      after the issuance of the first Loss
                                                Section 6(b) of Rule 4.                                 Notice in any round.                                     Allocation Notice in any round.
                                                   The calculation of each Participant’s                   For example, for illustrative purposes                   The proposed rule changes relating to
                                                pro rata allocation charge would be                     only, after the required Corporate                       the implementation of ‘‘rounds’’ and
                                                similar to the current Section 4                        Contribution, if DTC has a $4 billion                    Loss Allocation Notices are set forth in
                                                calculation of a pro rata charge except                 loss determined with respect to an                       proposed Section 5 of Rule 4.
                                                that, for greater simplicity, it would not              Event Period and the sum of Loss
                                                                                                        Allocation Caps for all Participants                     (4) Capping Terminating Participants’
                                                include the current distinction for
                                                                                                                                                                 Loss Allocation Exposure and Related
                                                common members of another clearing
                                                                                                           30 Section 4 of current Rule 4 provides that if the   Changes
                                                agency pursuant to a Clearing Agency
                                                                                                        Participants Fund is applied to a loss or liability,        As discussed above, the proposed rule
                                                Agreement.27 In addition, for enhanced                  DTC must notify each Participant of the charge and
                                                clarity as to the date of determination of              the reasons therefor. Proposed Section 5 would           change would continue to provide
                                                the ratio, it would be based on the                     modify this process to (i) require DTC to give prior     Participants the opportunity to limit
                                                Required Participants Fund Deposits as                  notice; and (ii) require Participants to pay loss        their loss allocation exposure by
                                                                                                        allocation charges, rather than directly charging        offering a termination option; however,
                                                fixed on the first day of the Event                     their Required Participants Fund Deposits. DTC
                                                Period, as opposed to the current                       believes that shifting from the two-step                 the associated withdrawal process
                                                language ‘‘at the time the loss or liability            methodology of applying the Participants Fund and        would be modified.
                                                was discovered.’’ 28                                    then requiring Participants to immediately                  As proposed, if a Participant provides
                                                                                                        replenish it to requiring direct payment would           notice of its election to terminate its
                                                   DTC would notify Participants subject                increase efficiency, while preserving the right to
                                                to loss allocation of the amounts being                 charge the Settlement Account of the Participant in      business with DTC as provided in
                                                allocated to them (‘‘Loss Allocation                    the event the Participant doesn’t timely pay. Such       proposed Section 8(b) of Rule 4, its
                                                Notice’’) in successive rounds of loss                  a failure to pay would be, self-evidently, a             maximum payment obligation with
                                                                                                        Participant Default, triggering recourse to the Actual   respect to any loss allocation round
                                                allocations. Each Loss Allocation Notice                Participants Fund Deposit of the Participant under
                                                would specify the relevant Event Period                 proposed Section 3 of Rule 4. In addition, this          would be the amount of its Aggregate
                                                and the round to which it relates.                      change would provide greater stability for DTC in        Required Deposit and Investment, as
                                                Participants would receive two (2)                      times of stress by allowing DTC to retain the            fixed on the first day of the Event
                                                                                                        Participants Fund, its critical pre-funded resource,     Period, plus 100% of the amount thereof
                                                Business Days’ notice of a loss                         while charging loss allocations.
                                                allocation,29 and Participants would be                    31 Section 8 of current Rule 4 provides that the
                                                                                                                                                                 (‘‘Loss Allocation Cap’’),33 provided that
                                                required to pay the requisite amount no                 time period for a Participant to give notice of its      the Participant complies with the
                                                later than the second Business Day                      election to terminate its business with DTC in           requirements of the termination process
                                                                                                        respect of a pro rata charge is ten (10) Business Days   in proposed Section 6 of Rule 4. DTC
                                                                                                        after receiving notice of a pro rata charge. DTC
                                                  27 See supra note 14.                                 believes that it is appropriate to shorten such time
                                                                                                                                                                 may retain the entire Actual Participants
                                                  28 DTC  believes that this change would provide       period from ten (10) Business Days to five (5)           Fund Deposit of a Participant subject to
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                                                an objective date that is appropriate for the new       Business Days because DTC needs timely notice of         loss allocation, up to the Participant’s
                                                proposed loss allocation process, which would be        which Participants would not be terminating their        Loss Allocation Cap. If a Participant’s
                                                designed to allocate aggregate losses relating to an    business with DTC for the purpose of calculating
                                                Event Period, rather than one loss at a time.           the loss allocation for any subsequent round. DTC
                                                                                                                                                                 Loss Allocation Cap exceeds the
                                                   29 DTC believes allowing Participants two (2)        believes that five (5) Business Days would provide       Participant’s then-current Required
                                                Business Days to satisfy their loss allocation          Participants with sufficient time to decide whether
                                                obligations would provide Participants sufficient       to cap their loss allocation obligations by                33 See supra note 18. The alternative limit in

                                                notice to arrange funding, if necessary, while          terminating their business with DTC.                     clause (b) would be eliminated in proposed Section
                                                allowing DTC to address losses in a timely manner.         32 See supra note 17.                                 8(b) in favor of a single defined standard.

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                                                Participants Fund Deposit, it must still                   The proposed rule changes are                       liabilities arising from a Default Loss
                                                pay the excess amount.                                  designed to enable DTC to continue the                 Event or a Declared Non-Default Loss
                                                   As proposed, Participants would have                 loss allocation process in successive                  Event, and (ii) the loss allocation
                                                five (5) Business Days from the issuance                rounds until all of DTC’s losses are                   waterfall would be applied in the same
                                                of the first Loss Allocation Notice in any              allocated. Until all losses related to an              manner regardless of whether a loss
                                                round to decide whether to terminate its                Event Period are allocated and paid,                   arises from a Default Loss Event or a
                                                business with DTC, and thereby benefit                  DTC may retain the entire Actual                       Declared Non-Default Loss Event.
                                                from its Loss Allocation Cap. The start                 Participants Fund Deposit of a                            The proposed rule changes relating to
                                                of each round 34 would allow a                          Participant subject to loss allocation, up             Declared Non-Default Loss Events and
                                                Participant the opportunity to notify                   to the Participant’s Loss Allocation Cap.              Participants’ obligations for such events
                                                DTC of its election to terminate its                       The proposed rule changes relating to               are set forth in proposed Section 5 of
                                                business with DTC after satisfaction of                 capping terminating Participants’ loss                 Rule 4.
                                                the losses allocated in such round.                     allocation exposure and related changes                D. Changes to the Retention Time for the
                                                   Specifically, the first round and each               to the termination process are set forth               Actual Participants Fund Deposit of a
                                                subsequent round of loss allocation                     in proposed Sections 5, 6, and 8 of Rule               Former Participant
                                                would allocate losses up to a round cap                 4.
                                                of the aggregate of all Loss Allocation                                                                           Current Rule 4 provides that after
                                                Caps of those Participants included in                  C. Clarifying Changes Relating to Loss                 three months from when a Person has
                                                the round. If a Participant provides                    Allocation for Non-Default Events                      ceased to be a Participant, DTC shall
                                                notice of its election to terminate its                    The proposed rule changes are                       return to such Person (or its successor
                                                business with DTC, it would be subject                  intended to make the provisions in the                 in interest or legal representative) the
                                                to loss allocation in that round, up to its             Rules governing loss allocation more                   amount of the Actual Participants Fund
                                                Loss Allocation Cap. If the first round of              transparent and accessible to                          Deposit of the former Participant plus
                                                loss allocation does not fully cover                    Participants. In particular, DTC is                    accrued and unpaid interest to the date
                                                DTC’s losses, a second round will be                    proposing the following change relating                of such payment (including any amount
                                                noticed to those Participants that did                  to loss allocation to provide clarity                  added to the Actual Participants Fund
                                                not elect to terminate in the previous                  around the governance for the allocation               Deposit of the former Participant
                                                round. As noted above, the amount of                    of losses arising from a non-default                   through the sale of the Participant’s
                                                any second or subsequent round cap                      event.35                                               Preferred Stock), provided that DTC
                                                may differ from the first or preceding                     Currently, DTC can use the                          receives such indemnities and
                                                round cap because there may be fewer                    Participants Fund to satisfy losses and                guarantees as DTC deems satisfactory
                                                                                                        liabilities arising from a Participant                 with respect to the matured and
                                                Participants in a second or subsequent
                                                                                                        Default or arising from an event that is               contingent obligations of the former
                                                round if Participants elect to terminate
                                                                                                        not due to a Participant Default (i.e., a              Participant to DTC. Otherwise, within
                                                their business with DTC as provided in
                                                                                                        non-default loss), provided that such                  four years after a Person has ceased to
                                                proposed Section 8(b) of Rule 4
                                                                                                        loss or liability is incident to the                   be a Participant, DTC shall return to
                                                following the first Loss Allocation
                                                                                                        business of DTC.36                                     such Person (or its successor in interest
                                                Notice in any round.
                                                                                                           DTC is proposing to clarify the                     or legal representative) the amount of
                                                   Pursuant to the proposed rule change,
                                                                                                        governance around non-default losses                   the Actual Participants Fund Deposit of
                                                in order to avail itself of its Loss
                                                                                                        that would trigger loss allocation to                  the former Participant plus accrued and
                                                Allocation Cap, the Participant would
                                                                                                        Participants by specifying that the Board              unpaid interest to the date of such
                                                need to follow the requirements in
                                                                                                        of Directors would have to determine                   payment, except that DTC may offset
                                                proposed Section 6 of Rule 4. In
                                                                                                        that there is a non-default loss that may              against such payment the amount of any
                                                addition to retaining the substance of
                                                                                                        be a significant and substantial loss or               known loss or liability to DTC arising
                                                the existing requirements for any
                                                                                                        liability that may materially impair the               out of or related to the obligations of the
                                                termination that are set forth in Section
                                                                                                        ability of DTC to provide clearance and                former Participant to DTC.
                                                6 of current Rule 4, proposed Section 6                                                                           DTC is proposing to reduce the time,
                                                also would provide that a Participant                   settlement services in an orderly
                                                                                                                                                               after a Participant ceases to be a
                                                that provides a termination notice in                   manner and will potentially generate
                                                                                                                                                               Participant, at which DTC would be
                                                connection with a loss allocation must:                 losses to be mutualized among the
                                                                                                                                                               required to return the amount of the
                                                (1) Specify in the termination notice an                Participants in order to ensure that DTC
                                                                                                                                                               Actual Participants Fund Deposit of the
                                                effective date of termination                           may continue to offer clearance and
                                                                                                                                                               former Participant plus accrued and
                                                (‘‘Participant Termination Date’’), which               settlement services in an orderly
                                                                                                                                                               unpaid interest, whether the Participant
                                                date shall be no later than ten (10)                    manner. The proposed rule change
                                                                                                                                                               ceases to be such because it elected to
                                                Business Days following the last day of                 would provide that DTC would then be
                                                                                                                                                               terminate its business with DTC in
                                                the applicable Loss Allocation                          required to promptly notify Participants
                                                                                                                                                               response to a Settlement Charge Notice
                                                Termination Notification Period; (2)                    of this determination, which is referred
                                                                                                                                                               or Loss Allocation Notice or otherwise.
                                                cease all activity that would result in                 to in the proposed rule as a Declared
                                                                                                                                                               Pursuant to the proposed rule change,
                                                transactions being submitted to DTC for                 Non-Default Loss Event, as discussed
                                                                                                                                                               the time period would be reduced from
                                                clearance and settlement after the                      above.
                                                                                                                                                               four (4) years to two (2) years. All other
                                                Participant Termination Date; and (3)                      Finally, as previously discussed,
                                                                                                                                                               requirements relating to the return of
                                                ensure that all activities and use of DTC               pursuant to the proposed rule change,
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                                                                                                                                                               the Actual Participants Fund Deposit
                                                services for which such Participant may                 proposed Rule 4 would include
                                                                                                                                                               would remain the same.
                                                have any obligation to DTC cease prior                  language to clarify that (i) the Corporate                The four (4) year retention period was
                                                to the Participant Termination Date.                    Contribution would apply to losses or                  implemented at a time when there were
                                                  34 I.e., a Participant will only have the               35 Non-default losses may arise from events such
                                                                                                                                                               more deposits and processing of
                                                opportunity to terminate after the first Loss           as damage to physical assets, a cyber-attack, or       physical certificates, as well as added
                                                Allocation Notice in any round, and not after each      custody and investment losses.                         risks related to manual processing, and
                                                Loss Allocation Notice in any round.                      36 See supra note 25.                                related claims could surface many years

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                                                after an alleged event. DTC believes that               addition, the proposed rule change                     and common processes for using the
                                                the change to two (2) years is                          clarifies that, in the case of a Participant           Participants Fund as both a liquidity
                                                appropriate because, currently, as DTC                  Default, DTC would first apply the                     resource and for the satisfaction of other
                                                and the industry continue to move                       Actual Participants Fund Deposit of the                losses and liabilities. The proposed rule
                                                toward automation and                                   Participant to any unsatisfied                         change would provide separate liquidity
                                                dematerialization, claims typically                     obligations, before taking any other                   and loss allocation provisions. More
                                                surface more quickly. Therefore, DTC                    actions. This proposed clarification                   specifically, proposed Section 4 of Rule
                                                believes that a shorter retention period                would reflect the current practice of                  4 would reflect the process for a ‘‘pro
                                                of two (2) years would be sufficient to                 DTC, and would provide Participants                    rata settlement charge,’’ the application
                                                maintain a reasonable level of coverage                 with enhanced transparency into the                    of the Actual Participants Fund Deposits
                                                for possible claims arising in connection               actions DTC would take with respect to                 of non-defaulting Participants for
                                                with the activities of a former                         the Participants Fund deposits and                     liquidity purposes in order to complete
                                                Participant, while allowing DTC to                      Participants Investment of a Participant               settlement, when a Participant fails to
                                                provide some relief to former                           that has failed to satisfy its obligations             satisfy its settlement obligation and the
                                                Participants by returning their Actual                  to DTC.                                                amount charged to its Actual
                                                Participants Fund Deposits more                            DTC proposes to correct the term                    Participants Fund Deposit by DTC
                                                quickly.                                                ‘‘End-of-Day Facility,’’ to the existing               pursuant to Section 3 of Rule 4 is
                                                                                                        defined term ‘‘End-of-Day Credit                       insufficient to complete settlement.
                                                (ii) Proposed Rule Changes                              Facility.’’ DTC further proposes to                    Proposed Section 5 of Rule 4 would
                                                   The foregoing changes as well as other               clarify that, if DTC Pledges some or all               contain the proposed loss allocation
                                                changes (including a number of                          of the shares of Preferred Stock of a                  provisions.
                                                technical and conforming changes) that                  Participant to its lenders as collateral
                                                                                                        security for a loan under the End-of-Day               Proposed Section 4
                                                DTC is proposing in order to improve
                                                the transparency and accessibility of                   Credit Facility, DTC would apply the                      Pursuant to the proposed rule change,
                                                Rule 4 are described in detail below.                   proceeds of such loan to the obligation                current Section 4 would be replaced in
                                                                                                        the Participant had failed to satisfy,                 its entirety by proposed Section 4, and
                                                A. Changes Relating to the Retention of                 which is not expressly stated in Section               titled ‘‘Application of Participants Fund
                                                the Actual Participants Fund Deposit of                 3 of current Rule 4.                                   Deposits of Non-Defaulting
                                                a Former Participant                                       In addition, DTC is proposing to make               Participants.’’ First, for clarity, proposed
                                                Section 1(h) (Proposed Section 1(g))                    three ministerial changes to enhance                   Section 4 would expressly state that
                                                                                                        readability by: (i) Removing the                       ‘‘The Participants Fund shall constitute
                                                   As discussed above, DTC is proposing
                                                                                                        duplicative ‘‘in,’’ in the phrase ‘‘in such            a liquidity resource which may be
                                                to replace ‘‘four’’ years with ‘‘two’’
                                                                                                        order and in such amounts,’’ (ii)                      applied by the Corporation in such
                                                years, in order to reduce the time within
                                                                                                        replacing the word ‘‘eliminate’’ with                  amounts as the Corporation shall
                                                which DTC would be required to return                                                                          determine, in its sole discretion, to fund
                                                                                                        ‘‘satisfy,’’ and (iii) to conform to
                                                the Actual Participants Fund Deposit of                                                                        settlement among non-defaulting
                                                                                                        proposed changes, renumbering the list
                                                a former Participant. In addition, DTC is                                                                      Participants in the event of the failure
                                                                                                        of actions that DTC may take when there
                                                proposing to (i) add the heading ‘‘Return                                                                      of a Participant to satisfy its settlement
                                                                                                        is a Participant Default.
                                                of Participants Fund Deposits to                           DTC is also proposing to add the                    obligation on any Business Day. If the
                                                Participants’’ to proposed Section 1(g),                heading ‘‘Application of Participants                  amount charged to the Actual
                                                (ii) update a cross reference, and (iii)                Fund Deposits and Preferred Stock                      Participants Fund Deposit of a
                                                correct two typographical errors.                       Investments to Participant Default’’ to                Participant pursuant to Section 3 of this
                                                B. Changes Relating to Participant                      Section 3.                                             Rule is not sufficient to complete
                                                Default, Pro Rata Settlement Charges                                                                           settlement among non-defaulting
                                                                                                        Section 4 and Section 5                                Participants on that Business Day, the
                                                and Loss Allocation
                                                                                                           As noted above, Section 4 of current                Corporation may apply the Actual
                                                Section 3                                               Rule 4 provides that if DTC incurs a loss              Participants Fund Deposits of non-
                                                   As discussed above, Section 3 of                     or liability which is not satisfied by                 defaulting Participants as provided in
                                                current Rule 4 provides that, if a                      charging the Participant responsible for               this Section and/or apply such other
                                                Participant fails to satisfy an obligation              the loss pursuant to Section 3 of Rule 4,              liquidity resources as may be available
                                                to DTC, DTC may, in such order and in                   then DTC may, in any order and in any                  to the Corporation from time to time,
                                                such amounts as DTC determines, apply                   amount as DTC may determine, in its                    including the End-of-Day Credit
                                                the Actual Participants Fund Deposit of                 sole discretion, to the extent necessary               Facility.’’
                                                the defaulting Participant, Pledge the                  to satisfy such loss or liability, ratably                Proposed Section 4 would retain the
                                                shares of Preferred Stock of the                        apply some or all of the Actual                        current principle that DTC must notify
                                                defaulting Participant to its lenders as                Participants Fund Deposits of all other                Participants and the Commission when
                                                collateral security for a loan, and/or sell             Participants to such loss or liability and/            it applies the Participants Fund deposits
                                                the shares of Preferred Stock of the                    or charge the existing retained earnings               of non-defaulting Participants, by
                                                defaulting Participant to other                         and undivided profits of DTC. This                     stating that if the Actual Participants
                                                Participants. Pursuant to the proposed                  provision relates to losses and liabilities            Fund Deposits of non-defaulting
                                                rule change, Section 3 would retain                     that may be due to the failure of a                    Participants are applied to complete
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                                                most of these provisions, with the                      Participant to satisfy obligations to DTC,             settlement, DTC must promptly notify
                                                following modifications:                                if the Actual Participants Fund Deposit                each Participant and the Commission of
                                                   DTC proposes to add the term                         of that Participant does not fully satisfy             the amount of the charge and the
                                                ‘‘Participant Default’’ in proposed                     the obligation, or to losses and liabilities           reasons therefor, and would define such
                                                Section 3 as a defined term for the                     for which no single Participant is                     notice as a Settlement Charge Notice.
                                                failure of a Participant to satisfy an                  obligated, i.e., a ‘‘non-default loss.’’                  Proposed Section 4 would retain the
                                                obligation to DTC, for drafting clarity                    As discussed above, current Rule 4                  current calculation of pro rata charges
                                                and use in related provisions. In                       currently provides a single set of tools               by providing that each non-defaulting

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                                                Participant’s 37 pro rata share of any                  deposit to the Participants Fund, the                  Participants in order to ensure that DTC
                                                such application of the Participants                    Corporation may take disciplinary                      may continue to offer clearance and
                                                Fund, defined as a ‘‘pro rata settlement                action against the Participant pursuant                settlement services in an orderly
                                                charge,’’ shall be equal to (i) its                     to these Rules. Any disciplinary action                manner. Proposed Section 5 would
                                                Required Participants Fund Deposit, as                  which the Corporation takes pursuant to                provide that if a subsequent Default
                                                such Required Participants Fund                         these Rules, or the voluntary or                       Loss Event or Declared Non-Default
                                                Deposit was fixed on the Business Day                   involuntary cessation of participation by              Loss Event occurs during an Event
                                                of such application 38 less its Additional              the Participant, shall not affect the                  Period, any losses or liabilities arising
                                                Participants Fund Deposit, if any, on                   obligations of the Participant to the                  out of or relating to any such subsequent
                                                that day, divided by (ii) the sum of the                Corporation or any remedy to which the                 event would be resolved as losses or
                                                Required Participants Fund Deposits of                  Corporation may be entitled under                      liabilities that are part of the same Event
                                                all non-defaulting Participants, as such                applicable law.’’                                      Period, without extending the duration
                                                Required Participants Fund Deposits                       Proposed Section 4 would incorporate                 of such Event Period.
                                                were fixed on that day, less the sum of                 Section 5 of current Rule 4, modified as                  Under proposed Section 5, the loss
                                                the Additional Participants Fund                        follows: (i) Conformed to reflect the                  allocation waterfall would begin with a
                                                Deposits, if any, of such non-defaulting                consolidation of Section 5 into proposed               new mandatory Corporate Contribution
                                                Participants on that day.                               Section 4, (ii) replacement of ‘‘Except as             from DTC. Rule 4 currently provides
                                                   Proposed Section 4 would also                        provided in’’ with ‘‘Subject to,’’ to                  that the use of any retained earnings and
                                                provide a period of time within which                   harmonize with language used                           undivided profits by DTC is a voluntary
                                                a Participant could notify DTC of its                   elsewhere in proposed Rule 4, and (iii)                contribution of a discretionary amount
                                                election to terminate its business with                 corrections of two typographical errors,               of its retained earnings. Proposed
                                                DTC and thereby cap its liability, by                   in order to accurately reflect that the                Section 5 of Rule 4 would, instead,
                                                providing that a Participant shall have                 Actual Participants Fund Deposit of a                  require a defined corporate contribution
                                                a period of five (5) Business Days                      Participant would be applied, and not                  to losses and liabilities that are incurred
                                                following the issuance of a Settlement                  the Required Participants Fund Deposit,                by DTC with respect to an Event Period.
                                                Charge Notice (‘‘Settlement Charge                      and to capitalize the word ‘‘deposit’’                 As proposed, the Corporate
                                                Termination Notification Period’’) to                   because it is a defined term.                          Contribution to losses or liabilities that
                                                notify DTC of its election to terminate                 Proposed Section 5                                     are incurred by DTC with respect to an
                                                its business with DTC pursuant to                                                                              Event Period would be defined as an
                                                proposed Section 8(a), and thereby                         Proposed Section 5 of Rule 4 would                  amount that is equal to fifty percent
                                                benefit from its Settlement Charge Cap,                 address the substantially new and                      (50%) of the amount calculated by DTC
                                                as set forth in proposed Section 8(a).39                revised proposed loss allocation, which                in respect of its General Business Risk
                                                Proposed Section 4 would also require                   would apply to losses and liabilities                  Capital Requirement as of the end of the
                                                that any Participant that gives DTC                     relating to or arising out of a Default                calendar quarter immediately preceding
                                                notice of its election to terminate its                 Loss Event or a Declared Non-Default                   the Event Period.41 DTC’s General
                                                business with DTC must comply with                      Loss Event. Pursuant to the proposed                   Business Risk Capital Requirement, as
                                                proposed Section 6 of Rule 4,40 and if                  rule change, DTC would restructure and                 defined in DTC’s Clearing Agency
                                                it does not, its election to terminate                  modify its existing loss allocation                    Policy on Capital Requirements,42 is, at
                                                shall be deemed void.                                   waterfall as described below. The                      a minimum, equal to the regulatory
                                                   Proposed Section 4 would further                     heading ‘‘Loss Allocation Waterfall’’                  capital that DTC is required to maintain
                                                provide that DTC may retain the entire                  would be added to proposed Section 5.                  in compliance with Rule 17Ad–
                                                amount of the Actual Participants Fund                     Proposed Section 5 would establish                  22(e)(15) under the Act.43
                                                Deposit of a Participant subject to a pro               the concept of an ‘‘Event Period’’ to                     If DTC applies the Corporate
                                                rata settlement charge, up to the amount                provide for a clear and transparent way                Contribution to a loss or liability arising
                                                of the Participant’s Settlement Charge                  of handling multiple loss events                       out of or relating to one or more Default
                                                Cap in accordance with proposed                         occurring in a period of ten (10)                      Loss Events or Declared Non-Default
                                                Section 8(a) of Rule 4.                                 Business Days, which would be grouped                  Loss Events relating to an Event Period,
                                                   Section 5 of current Rule 4 provides                 into an Event Period. As stated above,                 then for any subsequent Event Periods
                                                that ‘‘Except as provided in Section 8 of               both Default Loss Events and Declared                  that occur during the next two hundred
                                                this Rule, if a pro rata charge is made                 Non-Default Loss Events could occur                    fifty (250) Business Days, the Corporate
                                                pursuant to Section 4 of the current                    within the same Event Period.                          Contribution would be reduced to the
                                                Rule against the Required Participants                     The Event Period with respect to a                  remaining unused portion of the
                                                Fund Deposit of a Participant, and, as a                Default Loss Event would begin on the                  Corporate Contribution amount that was
                                                consequence, the Actual Participants                    day on which DTC notifies Participants                 applied for the first Event Period.44
                                                Fund Deposit of such Participant is less                that it has ceased to act for the                      Proposed Section 5 would require DTC
                                                than its Required Participants Fund                     Participant (or the next Business Day, if              to notify Participants of any such
                                                Deposit, the Participant shall, upon the                such day is not a Business Day). In the                reduction to the Corporate Contribution.
                                                demand of the Corporation, within such                  case of a Declared Non-Default Loss                       Proposed Section 5 of Rule 4 would
                                                time as the Corporation shall require,                  Event, the Event Period would begin on                 provide that nothing in the Rules would
                                                Deposit to the Participants Fund the                    the day that DTC notifies Participants of              prevent DTC from voluntarily applying
                                                amount in cash needed to eliminate any                  the determination by the Board of                      amounts greater than the Corporate
                                                                                                        Directors that the applicable loss or
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                                                resulting deficiency in its Required                                                                           Contribution against any DTC loss or
                                                Participants Fund Deposit. If the                       liability incident to the business of DTC              liability, if the Board of Directors, in its
                                                Participant shall fail to make such                     may be a significant and substantial loss              sole discretion, believes such to be
                                                                                                        or liability that may materially impair
                                                  37 See supra note 14.                                 the ability of DTC to provide clearance                  41 See supra note 20.
                                                  38 See supra note 15.                                 and settlement services in an orderly                    42 See supra note 21.
                                                  39 See supra note 16.                                 manner and will potentially generate                     43 17 CFR 240.17Ad–22(e)(15).
                                                  40 Proposed Section 6 is discussed below.             losses to be mutualized among                            44 See supra note 24.

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                                                appropriate under the factual situation                 Each Loss Allocation Notice would                      unless a Participant timely notified (or
                                                existing at the time.                                   specify the relevant Event Period and                  will timely notify) DTC of its election to
                                                   Proposed Section 5 of Rule 4 would                   the round to which it relates. The first               terminate its business with DTC with
                                                provide that DTC shall apply the                        Loss Allocation Notice in any first,                   respect to a prior loss allocation round.
                                                Corporate Contribution to losses and                    second, or subsequent round would                         Under the proposal, if a Participant
                                                liabilities that arise out of or relate to              expressly state that such Loss Allocation              fails to make its required payment in
                                                one or more Default Loss Events and/or                  Notice reflects the beginning of the first,            respect of a Loss Allocation Notice by
                                                Declared Non-Default Loss Events that                   second, or subsequent round, as the case               the time such payment is due, DTC
                                                occur within an Event Period. The                       may be, and that each Participant in that              would have the right to proceed against
                                                proposed rule change also provides that                 round has five (5) Business Days from                  such Participant as a Participant that
                                                if losses and liabilities with respect to               the issuance of such first Loss                        has failed to satisfy an obligation in
                                                such Event Period remain unsatisfied                    Allocation Notice for the round 45 to                  accordance with proposed Section 3 of
                                                following application of the Corporate                  notify DTC of its election to terminate                Rule 4 described above. Participants
                                                Contribution, DTC would allocate such                   its business with DTC pursuant to                      who wish to terminate their business
                                                losses and liabilities to Participants, as              proposed Section 8(b) of Rule 4, and                   with DTC would be required to comply
                                                described below.                                        thereby benefit from its Loss Allocation               with the requirements in proposed
                                                   Proposed Section 5 of Rule 4 would                   Cap.46                                                 Section 6 of Rule 4, described further
                                                state that all Participants would be                       Loss allocation obligations would                   below. Specifically, proposed Section 5
                                                subject to loss allocation for losses and               continue to be calculated based upon a                 would provide that if, after notifying
                                                liabilities arising out of or relating to a             Participant’s pro rata share of the loss.47            DTC of its election to terminate its
                                                Declared Non-Default Loss Event;                        As proposed, each Participant’s pro rata               business with DTC pursuant to
                                                however, in the case of losses and                      share of losses and liabilities to be                  proposed Section 8(b) of Rule 4, the
                                                liabilities arising out of or relating to a             allocated in any round shall be equal to               Participant fails to comply with the
                                                Default Loss Event, only non-defaulting                 (i) (A) its Required Participants Fund                 provisions of proposed Section 6 of Rule
                                                Participants would be subject to loss                   Deposit, as such Required Participants                 4, its notice of termination would be
                                                allocation. In addition, DTC is                         Fund Deposit was fixed on the first day                deemed void and any further losses
                                                proposing to clarify that after a first                 of the Event Period,48 less (B) its                    resulting from the applicable Event
                                                round of loss allocations with respect to               Additional Participants Fund Deposit, if               Period may be allocated against it as if
                                                an Event Period, only Participants that                 any, on such day, divided by (ii) (A) the              it had not given such notice.
                                                have not submitted a Termination                        sum of the Required Participants Fund
                                                Notice in accordance with proposed                                                                             Section 6
                                                                                                        Deposits of all Participants subject to                   Section 6 of Rule 4 currently provides
                                                Section 6(b) of Rule 4 would be subject                 loss allocation in such round, as such
                                                to loss allocations with respect to                                                                            that whenever a Participant ceases to be
                                                                                                        Required Participants Fund Deposits                    such, it continues to be obligated (a) to
                                                subsequent rounds relating to that Event
                                                                                                        were fixed on such day, less (B) the sum               satisfy any deficiency in the amount of
                                                Period. The proposed change would
                                                                                                        of any Additional Participants Fund                    its Required Participants Fund Deposit
                                                also provide that DTC may retain the
                                                                                                        Deposits, if any, of all Participants                  and/or Required Preferred Stock
                                                entire Actual Participants Fund Deposit
                                                                                                        subject to loss allocation in such round               Investment that it did not satisfy prior
                                                of a Participant subject to loss
                                                                                                        on such day.49                                         to such time, including (i) any
                                                allocation, up to the Participant’s Loss
                                                                                                           As proposed, Participants would have                deficiency resulting from a pro rata
                                                Allocation Cap in accordance with
                                                                                                        two (2) Business Days after DTC issues                 charge with respect to which the
                                                proposed Section 8(b) of Rule 4.
                                                   Pursuant to the proposed rule change,                a first round Loss Allocation Notice to                Participant has given notice to DTC of
                                                DTC would notify Participants subject                   pay the amount specified in any such                   its election to terminate its business
                                                to loss allocation of the amounts being                 notice. In contrast to the current Section             with DTC pursuant to Section 8 of Rule
                                                allocated to them by a Loss Allocation                  4, under which DTC may apply the                       4 and (ii) any deficiency the Participant
                                                Notice in successive rounds of loss                     Actual Participants Fund Deposits of                   is required to satisfy pursuant to
                                                allocations. Proposed Section 5 would                   Participants directly to the satisfaction              Sections 3 (an obligation that a
                                                state that a loss allocation ‘‘round’’                  of loss allocation amounts, under                      Participant failed to satisfy) or 5 (the
                                                would mean a series of loss allocations                 proposed Section 5, DTC would require                  requirement of a Participant to eliminate
                                                relating to an Event Period, the                        Participants to pay their loss allocation              the deficiency in its Required
                                                aggregate amount of which is limited by                 amounts (leaving their Actual                          Participants Fund Deposit) of Rule 4
                                                the sum of the Loss Allocation Caps of                  Participants Fund Deposits intact).50 On               and (b) to discharge any liability of the
                                                affected Participants (a ‘‘round cap’’).                a subsequent round (i.e., if the first                 Participant to DTC resulting from the
                                                When the aggregate amount of losses                     round did not cover the entire loss of                 transactions of the Participant open at
                                                allocated in a round equals the round                   the Event Period because DTC was only                  the time it ceases to be a Participant or
                                                cap, any additional losses relating to the              able to allocate up to the sum of the                  on account of transactions occurring
                                                applicable Event Period would be                        Loss Allocation Caps of those                          while it was a Participant.
                                                allocated in one or more subsequent                     Participants included in the round),                      Proposed Section 6 of Rule 4, titled
                                                rounds, in each case subject to a round                 Participants would also have two (2)                   ‘‘Obligations of Participant Upon
                                                cap for that round. DTC may continue                    Business Days after notice by DTC to                   Termination,’’ would consolidate the
                                                the loss allocation process in successive               pay their loss allocation amounts (again               termination requirements from Section
                                                                                                        subject to their Loss Allocation Caps),                6 of current Rule 4 into proposed
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                                                rounds until all losses from the Event
                                                Period are allocated among Participants                                                                        Section 6(a), titled ‘‘Upon Any
                                                                                                         45 i.e., the Loss Allocation Termination
                                                that have not submitted a Termination                                                                          Termination,’’ and would modify them
                                                                                                        Notification Period for that round.
                                                Notice in accordance with proposed                       46 See supra note 31.                                 to conform to other proposed rule
                                                Section 6(b) of Rule 4.                                  47 See supra note 27.                                 changes. Specifically, proposed Section
                                                   Each loss allocation would be                         48 Supra note 15.                                     6(a) would state that, subject to
                                                communicated to Participants by                          49 Supra note 9.                                      proposed Section 8 of the Rule,
                                                issuance of a Loss Allocation Notice.                    50 See supra note 30.                                 whenever a Participant ceases to be

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                                                such, it shall continue to be obligated (i)                Pursuant to proposed Section 8(a), if                  Proposed Section 8(d) would retain
                                                to satisfy any deficiency in the amounts                a Participant, within five (5) Business                 the last paragraph in Section 8 of
                                                of its Required Participants Fund                       Days after issuance of a Settlement                     current Rule 4, replacing ‘‘pro rata
                                                Deposit and/or Required Preferred Stock                 Charge Notice pursuant to proposed                      charge’’ with ‘‘pro rata settlement
                                                Investment that it did not satisfy prior                Section 4 of Rule 4, gives notice to DTC                charge’’ and’’ loss allocation.’’ 53
                                                to such time, including any deficiency                  of its election to terminate its business               Proposed Section 8(d) would provide
                                                the Participant is required to satisfy                  with DTC, the Participant would remain                  that if the amount of the Actual
                                                pursuant to proposed Sections 3 or 4 of                 obligated for (i) its pro rata settlement               Participants Fund Deposit of a
                                                the Rule, and (ii) to discharge any                     charge that was the subject of such                     Participant is insufficient to satisfy a pro
                                                liability of the Participant to DTC                     Settlement Charge Notice and (ii) all                   rata settlement charge pursuant to
                                                resulting from the transactions of the                  other pro rata settlement charges made                  proposed Section 4 and proposed
                                                Participant open at the time it ceases to               by DTC until the Participant                            Section 8(a) or a loss allocation
                                                be a Participant or on account of                       Termination Date. Proposed Section 8(a)                 pursuant to proposed Section 5 and
                                                transactions occurring while it was a                   would provide that the terminating                      proposed Section 8(b), the Participant
                                                Participant.                                            Participant’s obligation would be                       would be obligated to Deposit the
                                                   Proposed Section 6(b), titled ‘‘Upon                 limited to the amount of its Aggregate                  amount of any such deficiency to the
                                                Termination Following Settlement                        Required Deposit and Investment, as                     Participants Fund notwithstanding the
                                                Charge or Loss Allocation,’’ would state                fixed on the day of the pro rata                        fact that the Participant subsequently
                                                that if a Participant timely notifies DTC               settlement charge that was the subject of               ceases to be a Participant.
                                                of its election to terminate its business               the Settlement Charge Notice, plus
                                                                                                                                                                Section 9
                                                with DTC in respect of a pro rata                       100% of the amount thereof, which is
                                                                                                        substantively the same limitation as                       Pursuant to the proposed rule change,
                                                settlement charge as set forth in
                                                                                                        provided for pro rata charges in Section                proposed Section 9 of Rule 4 would
                                                proposed Section 4 of Rule 4 or a loss
                                                                                                        8 of current Rule 4.51                                  provide that the recovery and
                                                allocation as set forth in proposed
                                                                                                           Pursuant to proposed Section 8(b), if                repayment provisions in current Rule 4
                                                Section 5 of Rule 4 (‘‘Termination
                                                                                                        a Participant, within five (5) Business                 apply to both pro rata settlement
                                                Notice’’), the Participant would be
                                                                                                        Days after the issuance of a first Loss                 charges and loss allocations.54
                                                required to: (1) Specify in the
                                                                                                        Allocation Notice for any round                         Specifically, proposed Section 9 would
                                                Termination Notice a Participant
                                                                                                        pursuant to proposed Section 5 of Rule                  provide that if an amount is charged
                                                Termination Date, which date shall be                                                                           ratably pursuant to proposed Section 4
                                                                                                        4 gives notice to DTC of its election to
                                                no later than ten Business Days                                                                                 or allocated ratably pursuant to
                                                                                                        terminate its business with DTC, the
                                                following the last day of the applicable                                                                        proposed Section 5 and such amount is
                                                                                                        Participant shall remain liable for (i) the
                                                Settlement Charge Termination                                                                                   recovered by DTC, in whole or in part,
                                                                                                        loss allocation that was the subject of
                                                Notification Period or Loss Allocation                                                                          the net amount of the recovery shall be
                                                                                                        such notice and (ii) all other loss
                                                Termination Notification Period; (2)                                                                            repaid ratably (on the same basis that it
                                                                                                        allocations made by DTC with respect to
                                                cease all activity that would result in                                                                         was originally charged or allocated) to
                                                                                                        the same Event Period. The obligation of
                                                transactions being submitted to DTC for                                                                         the Persons against which the amount
                                                                                                        a Participant which elects to terminate
                                                clearance and settlement after the                                                                              was originally charged or allocated by
                                                                                                        its business with DTC would be limited
                                                Participant Termination Date; and (3)                                                                           (i) crediting the appropriate amounts to
                                                                                                        to the amount of its Aggregate Required
                                                ensure that all activities and use of DTC               Deposit and Investment, as fixed on the                 the Actual Participants Fund Deposits of
                                                services for which such Participant may                 first day of the Event Period, plus 100%                Persons which are still Participants and
                                                have any obligation to DTC cease prior                  of the amount thereof, which is                         (ii) paying the appropriate amounts in
                                                to the Participant Termination Date.                    substantively the same limitation as                    cash to Persons which are not still
                                                   DTC is proposing to include a                        provided for pro rata charges in Section                Participants.
                                                sentence in proposed Section 6(b) to                    8 of current Rule 4.52                                     DTC further proposes to add the
                                                make it clear that if the Participant fails                Proposed Section 8(c) would provide                  heading ‘‘Recovery and Repayment’’ to
                                                to comply with the requirements set                     that under no circumstances would the                   proposed Section 9.
                                                forth in this section, its Termination                  aggregate obligation of a Participant
                                                Notice will be deemed void, and the                                                                             C. Other Proposed Clarifying,
                                                                                                        under proposed Section 8(a) and                         Conforming and Technical Changes to
                                                Participant will remain subject to                      proposed Section 8(b) exceed the
                                                further pro rata settlement charges                                                                             Rule 4
                                                                                                        amount of its Aggregate Required
                                                pursuant to proposed Section 4 of Rule                  Deposit and Investment, as fixed on the                 Section 1
                                                4 or loss allocations pursuant to                       earlier of the (i) day of the pro rata                    Section 1(a) and Section 1(b). Section
                                                proposed Section 5 of Rule 4, as                        settlement charge that was the subject of               1(a) addresses, among other things, the
                                                applicable, as if it had not given such                 the Settlement Charge Notice giving rise                formula for determining the Required
                                                notice.                                                 to a Termination Notice, and (ii) first                 Participants Fund Deposits of
                                                Section 8                                               day of the Event Period that was the                    Participants. DTC is proposing to insert
                                                                                                        subject of the first Loss Allocation                    the words ‘‘or wind-down’’ to make it
                                                  Pursuant to the proposed rule change,                 Notice in a round giving rise to a
                                                Section 8 would be titled ‘‘Termination;                Termination Notice, plus 100% of the                       53 This is a ministerial change because this

                                                Obligation for Pro Rata Settlement                      amount thereof. The purpose of                          paragraph currently applies to Section 4 of current
                                                Charges and Loss Allocations,’’ and                                                                             Rule 4, which includes charges to complete
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                                                                                                        proposed Section 8(c) is to address a                   settlement and for loss allocation, as would be
                                                would be divided among proposed                         situation where a Participant could                     provided in proposed Section 4 and proposed
                                                Section 8(a) ‘‘Settlement Charges,’’                    otherwise be subject to both a                          Section 5 of Rule 4.
                                                proposed Section 8(b) ‘‘Loss                            Settlement Charge Cap and Loss                             54 This is a ministerial change because Section 9

                                                Allocations,’’ proposed Section 8(c)                                                                            currently applies to Section 4 of current Rule 4,
                                                                                                        Allocation Cap.                                         which includes charges to complete settlement and
                                                ‘‘Maximum Obligation,’’ and proposed                                                                            for loss allocation, as would be provided in
                                                Section 8(d) ‘‘Obligation to Replenish                    51 See   supra note 18.                               proposed Section 4 and proposed Section 5 of Rule
                                                Deposit.’’                                                52 See   supra note 33.                               4.

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                                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 5 / Monday, January 8, 2018 / Notices                                               923

                                                clear that the formulas for determining                 to add the heading ‘‘Allocation of                     Section 2
                                                the Required Participants Fund Deposits                 Participants Fund Deposits Among                          Pursuant to the proposed rule change,
                                                of Participants and the amount of the                   Account Families’’ to Section 1(e) of                  Section 2 of Rule 4 would be titled
                                                minimum Required Participants Fund                      Rule 4.                                                ‘‘Participants Investment.’’
                                                Deposit would be fixed by DTC so as to                                                                            Section 2(a)–2(d) (Proposed Section
                                                                                                           Section 1(f). Section 1(f) addresses,
                                                assure that the aggregate amount of                                                                            2(a)). For clarity, DTC is proposing to
                                                                                                        among other things, the permitted use of
                                                Required Participants Fund Deposits of                                                                         consolidate Sections 2(b)–2(d) into
                                                Participants will be increased to provide               the Participants Fund. For consistency
                                                                                                        with the balance of Section 1(f), the first            proposed Section 2(a) and would add
                                                for the costs and expenses incurred by                                                                         the heading ‘‘Required Preferred Stock
                                                it incidental to the wind-down of DTC,                  paragraph would be amended to state
                                                                                                        that the Actual Participants Fund                      Investments’’ to proposed Section 2(a).
                                                in addition to the voluntary liquidation                                                                       In addition, DTC proposes to modify
                                                of DTC.55 Further, DTC proposes to                      Deposits of Participants ‘‘may be used or
                                                                                                        invested’’ instead of stating ‘‘shall be               certain language to update references
                                                delete the extraneous phrase ‘‘if any.’’                                                                       and cross-references to specific
                                                For increased clarity and readability,                  applied.’’ Section 1(f) provides, in part,
                                                                                                        that the Participants Fund is limited to               subsections to reflect the proposed
                                                DTC is proposing to consolidate Section
                                                                                                                                                               changes to the numbering of the
                                                1(b) into Section 1(a), and to relocate the             the satisfaction of losses or liabilities of
                                                                                                                                                               subsections in proposed Section 2 of
                                                sentences ‘‘The Corporation may require                 DTC incident to the business of DTC.
                                                                                                                                                               Rule 4.
                                                a Participant to Deposit an additional                  Section 1(f) currently defines                            Section 2(e) (Proposed Section 2(b)).
                                                amount to the Participants Fund                         ‘‘business’’ with respect to DTC as ‘‘the              For enhanced clarity, DTC is proposing
                                                pursuant to Section 2 of Rule 9(A). Any                 doing of all things in connection with or              to add the language ‘‘among Account
                                                such additional amount shall be part of                 relating to [DTC’s] performance of the                 Families’’ to clarify the scope of the
                                                the Required Participants Fund Deposit                  services specified in the first and second             allocation described in proposed
                                                of such Participant.’’ from Section 1(a)                paragraphs of Rule 6 or the cessation of               Section 2(b). In addition, DTC proposes
                                                to a new proposed Section 1(b). In                      such services.’’ For enhanced                          to add the heading ‘‘Allocation of
                                                addition to the relocation, DTC would                   transparency of the permitted uses of                  Preferred Stock Investments Among
                                                add a defined term for such additional                  the Participants Fund, proposed Section                Account Families’’ to proposed Section
                                                amount, as ‘‘Additional Participants                    1(f) would be amended to explicitly
                                                Fund Deposit,’’ for drafting convenience                                                                       2(b) of Rule 4.
                                                                                                        state that the Actual Participants Fund                   Section 2(f) (Proposed Section 2(c)).
                                                and transparency throughout proposed
                                                                                                        Deposits of Participants may be used (i)               DTC is proposing to add language to
                                                Rule 4. Further, DTC proposes to add
                                                                                                        to satisfy the obligations of Participants             clarify that when any Pledge of a
                                                the headings ‘‘Required Participants
                                                Fund Deposits’’ and ‘‘Additional                        to DTC, as provided in proposed Section                Preferred Stock Security Interest
                                                Participants Fund Deposits’’ to Section                 3, (ii) to fund settlement among non-                  pursuant to proposed Section 2(c) of
                                                1(a) and proposed Section 1(b),                         defaulting Participants, as provided in                Rule 4 is made by appropriate entries on
                                                respectively.                                           proposed Section 4 and (iii) to satisfy                the books of DTC, the Rules, in addition
                                                   Section 1(c). For enhanced                           losses and liabilities of DTC incident to              to such entries, shall be deemed to be
                                                readability, DTC is proposing to add the                the business of DTC, as provided in                    a security agreement for purposes of the
                                                heading ‘‘Voluntary Participants Fund                   proposed Section 5. Section 1(f) would                 New York Uniform Commercial Code.
                                                Deposits’’ to Section 1(c) of Rule 4, and               also be amended to make the definition                 In addition, DTC proposes to update a
                                                to replace the word ‘‘as’’ with ‘‘in the                of ‘‘business’’ applicable to the entirety             cross-reference to proposed Section 2(c).
                                                manner.’’                                               of Rule 4, instead of just Section 1(f), as            In addition, DTC proposes to add the
                                                   Section 1(d). For enhanced clarity,                  the term would appear elsewhere in the                 heading ‘‘Security Interest in Preferred
                                                DTC is proposing to modify Section 1(d)                 rule pursuant to the proposed rule                     Stock Investments of Participants’’ to
                                                to make it clear that any Additional                    change. In addition, DTC proposes to                   proposed Section 2(c).
                                                Participants Fund Deposit is required to                add the heading ‘‘Maintenance,                            Sections 2(g)–2(i) (Proposed Sections
                                                be in cash. DTC is also proposing to                    Permitted Use and Investment of                        2(d)–2(f)). DTC proposes to add the
                                                delete the extraneous phrase ‘‘pursuant                                                                        headings ‘‘Dividends on Preferred Stock
                                                                                                        Participants Fund’’ to Section 1(f) of
                                                to this Section’’ and to replace language                                                                      Investments of Participants,’’ ‘‘Sale of
                                                                                                        Rule 4.
                                                regarding Section 2 of Rule 9(A) with                                                                          Preferred Stock Investments of
                                                the proposed defined term ‘‘Additional                     Section 1(g) (consolidated into                     Participants,’’ and ‘‘Permitted Transfers
                                                Participants Fund Deposit.’’ Further,                   proposed Section 1(f)). Pursuant to the                of Preferred Stock Investments of
                                                DTC proposes to add the heading ‘‘Cash                  proposed rule change, DTC would                        Participants’’ to proposed Sections 2(d),
                                                Participants Fund’’ to Section 1(d) of                  consolidate current Section 1(g) into                  2(e), and 2(f), respectively. Proposed
                                                Rule 4.                                                 proposed Section 1(f), and modify                      Sections 2(e) and 2(f) would be
                                                   Section 1(e). For enhanced clarity,                  language to make it clear that DTC may                 modified to update cross-references to
                                                DTC is proposing to add the language                    invest cash in the Participants Fund in                certain subsections. In addition,
                                                ‘‘among Account Families’’ to clarify the               accordance with the Clearing Agency                    proposed Section 2(f) would be
                                                scope of the allocation described in                    Investment Policy adopted by DTC.56                    modified to renumber paragraphs and
                                                Section 1(e). In addition, DTC proposes                 Further, language would be streamlined                 internal lists for consistency with the
                                                                                                        by replacing ‘‘securities, repurchase                  numbering schemes in Rule 4.
                                                  55 On December 18, 2017, DTC submitted a
                                                                                                        agreements or deposits’’ with ‘‘financial                 Section 7. For clarity, DTC is
                                                proposed rule change and advance notice to adopt                                                               proposing to amend Section 7 of Rule 4
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                the Recovery & Wind-down Plan of DTC, and
                                                                                                        assets,’’ and ‘‘securities and repurchase
                                                amend the Rules in order to adopt Rule 32(A)            agreements in which such cash is                       to (i) replace language referencing
                                                (Wind-down of the Corporation) and Rule 38              invested’’ with ‘‘its investment of such               Additional Participants Fund Deposits
                                                (Market Disruption and Force Majeure). See SR–          cash.’’                                                with the proposed defined term, (ii)
                                                DTC–2017–021 and SR–DTC–2017–803, which                                                                        update cross-references to reflect
                                                were filed with the Commission and the Board of
                                                Governors of the Federal Reserve System,                  56 See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 79528     proposed renumbering, and (iii) add the
                                                respectively, available at http://www.dtcc.com/         (December 12, 2016), 81 FR 91232 (December 16,         headings ‘‘Increased Participants Fund
                                                legal/sec-rule-filings.aspx.                            2016) (SR–DTC–2016–007).                               Deposits and Preferred Stock

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                                                924                            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 5 / Monday, January 8, 2018 / Notices

                                                Investments,’’ ‘‘Required Participants                  promote the prompt and accurate                         and/or Declared Non-Default Loss
                                                Fund Deposits,’’ and ‘‘Required                         clearance and settlement of securities                  Events that arise in quick succession.
                                                Preferred Stock Investments’’ to                        transactions and to assure the                          Moreover, the proposed Event Period
                                                proposed Sections 7, 7(a) and 7(b) of                   safeguarding of securities and funds                    structure would provide certainty for
                                                Rule 4, respectively.                                   which are in the custody or control of                  Participants concerning their maximum
                                                                                                        DTC or for which it is responsible.59                   exposure to mutualized loss allocation
                                                D. Proposed Changes to Rule 1                           The proposed rule changes to (1) require                with respect to such events.
                                                   DTC is proposing to amend Rule 1                     a Corporate Contribution to a loss, (2)                    By introducing the concept of
                                                (Definitions; Governing Law) to add                     introduce an Event Period, and (3)                      ‘‘rounds’’ (and accompanying Loss
                                                cross-references to proposed terms that                 introduce the concept of ‘‘rounds’’ (and                Allocation Notices) and applying this
                                                would be defined in Rule 4, and to                      accompanying Loss Allocation Notices)                   concept to the timing of loss allocation
                                                delete one defined term. The defined                    and apply this concept to the timing of                 payments and the Participant
                                                terms to be added are: ‘‘Additional                     loss allocation payments and the                        termination process in connection with
                                                Participants Fund Deposit,’’ ‘‘Corporate                Participant termination process in                      the loss allocation process, DTC would
                                                Contribution,’’ ‘‘Declared Non-Default                  connection with the loss allocation                     (i) set forth a defined amount that it
                                                Loss Event,’’ ‘‘Default Loss Event,’’                   process, taken together, are intended to                would allocate to Participants during
                                                ‘‘Event Period,’’ ‘‘Loss Allocation Cap,’’              enhance the overall resiliency of DTC’s                 each round (i.e., the round cap), (ii)
                                                ‘‘Loss Allocation Notice,’’ ‘‘Loss                      loss allocation process                                 advise Participants of loss allocation
                                                Allocation Termination Notification                        By replacing the discretionary                       obligation information as well as round
                                                Period,’’ ‘‘Participant Default,’’                      application of DTC retained earnings to                 information through the issuance of
                                                ‘‘Participant Termination Date,’’                       losses and liabilities with a mandatory                 Loss Allocation Notices, and (iii)
                                                ‘‘Settlement Charge Cap,’’ ‘‘Settlement                 and defined amount of the Corporate                     provide Participants with the option to
                                                Charge Notice,’’ ‘‘Settlement Charge                    Contribution, the proposed rule change                  limit their loss allocation exposure after
                                                Termination Notification Period,’’ and                  is designed to provide enhanced                         the issuance of the first Loss Allocation
                                                ‘‘Termination Notice’’. The term                        transparency and accessibility to                       Notice in each round. These proposed
                                                ‘‘Section 8 Pro Rata Charge’’ would be                  Participants as to how much DTC would                   rule changes would enhance the overall
                                                deleted from Rule 1, because it would                   contribute in the event of a loss or                    resiliency of DTC’s loss allocation
                                                be deleted from proposed Rule 4 as no                   liability. The proposed rule change also                process because they would expressly
                                                longer necessary.                                       clarifies that the Corporate Contribution               permit DTC to continue the loss
                                                                                                        applies to both Default Loss Events and                 allocation process in successive rounds
                                                Participant Outreach                                    Declared Non-Default Loss Events. The                   until all of DTC’s losses are allocated
                                                  Beginning in August 2017, DTC has                     proposed rule change would provide                      and enable DTC to identify continuing
                                                conducted outreach to Participants in                   greater transparency as to the proposed                 Participants for purposes of calculating
                                                order to provide them with advance                      replenishment period for the Corporate                  subsequent loss allocation obligations in
                                                notice of the proposed changes. As of                   Contribution, which would allow                         successive rounds. Moreover, the
                                                the date of this filing, no written                     Participants to better assess the                       proposed rule changes would define for
                                                comments relating to the proposed                       adequacy of DTC’s loss allocation                       Participants a clear manner and process
                                                changes have been received in response                  process. Taken together, the proposed                   in which they could cap their loss
                                                to this outreach. The Commission will                   rule changes with respect to the                        allocation exposure to DTC.
                                                be notified of any written comments                     Corporate Contribution would enhance                       Taken together, the foregoing
                                                received.                                               the overall resiliency of DTC’s loss                    proposed rule changes would establish
                                                                                                        allocation process by specifying the                    a stronger (for all the reasons discussed
                                                Implementation Timeframe                                calculation and application of DTC’s                    above) and clearer loss allocation
                                                  Pending Commission approval, DTC                      Corporate Contribution, including the                   process for DTC, which DTC believes
                                                expects to implement this proposal                      proposed replenishment period, and                      would allow it to take timely action to
                                                promptly. Participants would be                         would allow Participants to better assess               address losses. The ability to timely
                                                advised of the implementation date of                   the adequacy of DTC’s loss allocation                   address losses would allow DTC to
                                                this proposal through issuance of a DTC                 process.                                                continue to meet its clearance and
                                                Important Notice.                                          By introducing the concept of an                     settlement obligations, especially in
                                                                                                        Event Period, DTC would be able to                      circumstances that may involve a series
                                                2. Statutory Basis                                      group Default Loss Events and Declared                  of substantially contemporaneous loss
                                                   DTC believes that the proposed rule                  Non-Default Loss Events occurring                       events. Therefore, DTC believes that
                                                change is consistent with the                           within a period of ten (10) Business                    these proposed rule changes would
                                                requirements of the Act and the rules                   Days for purposes of allocating losses to               promote the prompt and accurate
                                                and regulations thereunder applicable to                Participants. DTC believes that the                     clearance and settlement of securities
                                                a registered clearing agency.                           Event Period would provide a defined                    transactions, consistent with Section
                                                Specifically, DTC believes that the                     structure for the loss allocation process               17A(b)(3)(F) of the Act.
                                                proposed rule change is consistent with                 to encompass potential sequential                          By reducing the time within which
                                                Section 17A(b)(3)(F) of the Act 57 and                  Default Loss Events or Declared Non-                    DTC is required to return the Actual
                                                Rules 17Ad–22(e)(7)(i), 17Ad–22(e)(13)                  Default Loss Events that may or may not                 Participants Fund Deposit of a former
                                                and (e)(23)(i),58 each as promulgated                   be closely linked to an initial event and/              Participant, DTC would enable firms
                                                                                                                                                                that have exited DTC to have access to
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                under the Act, for the reasons described                or a market dislocation episode. Having
                                                below.                                                  this structure would enhance the overall                their funds sooner than under current
                                                   Section 17A(b)(3)(F) of the Act                      resiliency of DTC’s loss allocation                     Rule 4 while maintaining the protection
                                                requires that the Rules be designed to                  process because the proposed rule                       of DTC and its provision of clearance
                                                                                                        would expressly address losses that may                 and settlement services. DTC would
                                                  57 15 U.S.C. 78q–1(b)(3)(F).                          arise from multiple Default Loss Events                 continue to be protected under the
                                                  58 17 CFR 240.17Ad–22(e)(7)(i), (e)(13) and                                                                   proposed rule change, which will
                                                (e)(23)(i).                                               59 15   U.S.C. 78q–1(b)(3)(F).                        maintain the provision that DTC may

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                                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 5 / Monday, January 8, 2018 / Notices                                                   925

                                                offset the return of funds against the                  loss allocation payments and the                         relating to Participant Default, as well as
                                                amount of any loss or liability of DTC                  Participant termination process in                       non-default events, and provide
                                                arising out of or relating to the                       connection with the loss allocation                      Participants with increased
                                                obligations of the former Participant to                process, taken together, are designed to                 predictability and certainty regarding
                                                DTC, and would provide that DTC could                   enhance the resiliency of DTC’s loss                     their exposures and obligations. As
                                                retain the funds for up to two (2) years.               allocation process. Having a resilient                   such, DTC believes that the proposed
                                                As such, DTC would maintain a                           loss allocation process would help                       rule changes with respect to pro rata
                                                necessary level of coverage for possible                ensure that DTC can effectively and                      settlement charges, and to align the loss
                                                claims arising in connection with the                   timely address losses relating to or                     allocation rules across the DTCC
                                                DTC activities of a former Participant.                 arising out of Default Loss Events                       Clearing Agencies and to improve the
                                                Therefore, DTC believes that this                       and/or Declared Non-Default Loss                         overall transparency and accessibility of
                                                proposed rule change would promote                      Events, which in turn would help DTC                     DTC’s loss allocation rules are
                                                the prompt and accurate clearance and                   contain losses and continue to conduct                   consistent with Rule 17Ad–22(e)(23)(i)
                                                settlement of securities transactions,                  its clearance and settlement business. In                under the Act.
                                                consistent with Section 17A(b)(3)(F) of                 addition, by providing clarity as to the
                                                                                                                                                                 (B) Clearing Agency’s Statement on
                                                the Act.                                                application of the Participants Fund to
                                                   Rule 17Ad–22(e)(7)(i) under the Act                                                                           Burden on Competition
                                                                                                        fund settlement in the event of a
                                                requires, in part, that DTC establish,                  Participant Default, the proposed rule                      DTC does not believe that the
                                                implement, maintain and enforce                         change is designed to clarify that DTC                   proposed rule changes to clarify the
                                                written policies and procedures                         is authorized to use the Participants                    remedies available to DTC with respect
                                                reasonably designed to effectively                      Fund to fund settlement. Therefore,                      to a Participant Default, including the
                                                measure, monitor, and manage the                        DTC believes that the proposed rule                      application of the Participants Fund as
                                                liquidity risk that arises in or is borne               changes to enhance the resiliency of                     a liquidity resource, and to clarify and
                                                by DTC, including measuring,                            DTC’s loss allocation process, and to                    provide the related processes, would
                                                monitoring, and managing its settlement                 provide clarity as to the application of                 impact competition.63 The proposed
                                                and funding flows on an ongoing and                     the Participants Fund to fund                            rule changes retain the existing core
                                                timely basis, and its use of intraday                   settlement, are consistent with Rule                     concepts of the pro rata use of the
                                                liquidity, by maintaining sufficient                    17Ad–22(e)(13) under the Act.                            Participants Fund deposits of non-
                                                liquid resources to effect same-day                        Rule 17Ad–22(e)(23)(i) under the Act                  defaulting Participants to complete
                                                settlement of payment obligations with                  requires DTC to establish, implement,                    settlement when a Participant fails to
                                                a high degree of confidence under a                     maintain and enforce written policies                    settle, and does not materially change
                                                wide range of foreseeable stress                        and procedures reasonably designed to                    their rights to elect to terminate their
                                                scenarios.60 By clarifying the remedies                 publicly disclose all relevant rules and                 business with DTC and limit their
                                                available to DTC with respect to a                      material procedures, including key                       exposure to settlement charges. Based
                                                Participant Default, including the                      aspects of DTC’s default rules and                       on the foregoing, DTC believes that the
                                                application of the Participants Fund as                 procedures.62 The proposed rule                          proposed rule changes relating to pro
                                                a liquidity resource, and by clarifying                 changes to (i) separate the provisions for               rata settlement charges would not have
                                                and providing the related processes, the                the use of the Participants Fund for                     any impact on competition.
                                                proposed rule change is designed so that                settlement and for loss allocation, (ii)                    DTC believes that the proposed rule
                                                DTC may manage its settlement and                       make clarifying changes to the                           change to replace the discretionary
                                                funding flows on a timely basis and                     provisions regarding the application of                  application of DTC retained earnings to
                                                apply the Participants Fund as a liquid                 the Participants Fund to complete                        losses and liabilities with a mandatory
                                                resource in order to effect same day                    settlement and for the allocation of                     and defined Corporate Contribution
                                                settlement of payment obligations with                  losses, (iii) further align the loss                     would impact competition, but would
                                                a high degree of confidence. Therefore,                 allocation rules of the DTCC Clearing                    not impose a burden on competition.64
                                                DTC believes that the proposed rule                     Agencies, (iv) improve the overall                       By requiring a defined corporate
                                                changes with respect to the application                 transparency and accessibility of the                    contribution to losses and liabilities that
                                                of the Actual Participants Fund Deposits                provisions in the Rules governing loss                   are incurred by DTC before the
                                                of non-defaulting Participants to                       allocation, and (v) make technical and                   allocation of losses to Participants, the
                                                complete settlement are consistent with                 conforming changes, would not only                       proposed rule change would relieve
                                                Rule 17Ad–22(e)(7)(i) under the Act.                    ensure that DTC’s loss allocation rules                  Participants of a defined amount of
                                                   Rule 17Ad–22(e)(13) under the Act                    are, to the extent practicable and                       potential obligations, which would
                                                requires, in part, that DTC establish,                  appropriate, consistent with the loss                    allow them to apply those resources
                                                implement, maintain and enforce                         allocation rules of the other DTCC                       elsewhere. Based on the foregoing, DTC
                                                written policies and procedures                         Clearing Agencies, but also would help                   believes that the proposed rule changes
                                                reasonably designed to ensure DTC has                   to ensure that DTC’s loss allocation                     relating to the Corporate Contribution
                                                the authority and operational capacity                  rules are transparent and clear to                       would not impose a burden on
                                                to take timely action to contain losses                 Participants. Aligning the loss allocation               competition, but may promote
                                                and liquidity demands and continue to                   rules of the DTCC Clearing Agencies                      competition.
                                                meet its obligations.61 The proposed                    would provide consistent treatment, to                      DTC does not believe that the
                                                rule changes to (1) require a defined                   the extent practicable and appropriate,                  proposed rule changes to enhance the
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                Corporate Contribution to a loss, (2)                   especially for firms that are participants               resiliency of DTC’s loss allocation
                                                introduce an Event Period, (3) introduce                of two or more DTCC Clearing Agencies.                   process would impact competition.65 As
                                                the concept of ‘‘rounds’’ (and                          Having transparent and clear loss                        described above, the proposed rule
                                                accompanying Loss Allocation Notices)                   allocation rules would enable                            changes to (1) introduce an Event
                                                and apply this concept to the timing of                 Participants to better understand the key
                                                                                                        aspects of DTC’s Rules and Procedures                      63 15    U.S.C. 78q–1(b)(3)(I).
                                                  60 17  CFR 240.17Ad–22(e)(7)(i).                                                                                 64 Id.
                                                  61 Id. at 240.17Ad–22(e)(13).                           62 Id.   at 240.17Ad–22(e)(23)(i).                       65 Id.

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                                                926                                 Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 5 / Monday, January 8, 2018 / Notices

                                                Period, and (2) introduce the concept of                    intended to increase the consistency of                Paper Comments
                                                ‘‘rounds’’ (and accompanying Loss                           the Rules with the rules of other DTCC
                                                Allocation Notices) and apply this                          Clearing Agencies in order to provide                    • Send paper comments in triplicate
                                                concept to the timing of loss allocation                    consistent treatment, to the extent                    to Secretary, Securities and Exchange
                                                payments and the Participant                                practicable and appropriate, especially                Commission, 100 F Street NE,
                                                termination process in connection with                      for firms that are participants of two or              Washington, DC 20549–1090.
                                                the loss allocation process, taken                          more DTCC Clearing Agencies. Having                    All submissions should refer to File
                                                together, are intended to enhance the                       transparent and accessible provisions in               Number SR–DTC–2017–022. This file
                                                overall resiliency of DTC’s loss                            the Rules governing loss allocation are                number should be included on the
                                                allocation process, and would apply                         intended to improve the readability and
                                                equally to all Participants. Moreover,                                                                             subject line if email is used. To help the
                                                                                                            clarity of the Rules regarding the loss
                                                the proposed changes with respect to                                                                               Commission process and review your
                                                                                                            allocation process. Making technical
                                                loss allocation retain the core concept of                  and conforming changes to ensure the                   comments more efficiently, please use
                                                the allocation of losses and liabilities                    Rules remain clear and accurate would                  only one method. The Commission will
                                                among Participants proportionally to the                    facilitate Participants’ understanding of              post all comments on the Commission’s
                                                amount of risk that their activities                        the Rules and their obligations                        internet website (http://www.sec.gov/
                                                present to DTC as measured by their                         thereunder. As such, DTC believes that                 rules/sro.shtml). Copies of the
                                                Required Participants Fund Deposits.66                      these proposed rule changes would not                  submission, all subsequent
                                                Since there would not be a change to the                    have any impact on competition.                        amendments, all written statements
                                                mutualized obligations with respect to a                                                                           with respect to the proposed rule
                                                loss arising from a Default Loss Event or                   (C) Clearing Agency’s Statement on                     change that are filed with the
                                                Declared Non-Default Loss Event, the                        Comments on the Proposed Rule                          Commission, and all written
                                                proposed rule changes with respect to                       Change Received From Members,
                                                                                                                                                                   communications relating to the
                                                loss allocation would not substantively                     Participants, or Others
                                                                                                                                                                   proposed rule change between the
                                                affect the rights and obligations of                          Written comments relating to this                    Commission and any person, other than
                                                Participants.                                               proposed rule change have not been                     those that may be withheld from the
                                                   DTC believes that the proposed rule                      solicited or received. DTC will notify                 public in accordance with the
                                                change to reduce the time after a                           the Commission of any written                          provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be
                                                Participant ceases to be a Participant                      comments received by DTC.
                                                within which DTC would be required to                                                                              available for website viewing and
                                                return the amount of the Actual                             III. Date of Effectiveness of the                      printing in the Commission’s Public
                                                Participants Fund Deposit of the former                     Proposed Rule Change and Timing for                    Reference Room, 100 F Street NE,
                                                Participant may have an impact on                           Commission Action                                      Washington, DC 20549 on official
                                                competition, but would not impose a                                                                                business days between the hours of
                                                                                                              Within 45 days of the date of                        10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Copies of the
                                                burden on competition.67 This proposed                      publication of this notice in the Federal
                                                rule change is intended to enable firms                                                                            filing also will be available for
                                                                                                            Register or within such longer period
                                                who have exited DTC to have use of                                                                                 inspection and copying at the principal
                                                                                                            up to 90 days (i) as the Commission may
                                                their funds sooner, while at the same                       designate if it finds such longer period               office of DTC and on DTCC’s website
                                                time retaining the existing requirements                    to be appropriate and publishes its                    (http://dtcc.com/legal/sec-rule-
                                                around the return. The reduction of the                     reasons for so finding or (ii) as to which             filings.aspx). All comments received
                                                applicable timeframe from four (4) years                    the self-regulatory organization                       will be posted without change. Persons
                                                to two (2) years would improve systemic                     consents, the Commission will:                         submitting comments are cautioned that
                                                efficiency by releasing the resources of                                                                           we do not redact or edit personal
                                                                                                              (A) By order approve or disapprove
                                                the former Participant sooner, allowing                                                                            identifying information from comment
                                                                                                            such proposed rule change, or
                                                them to allocate those resources where                                                                             submissions. You should submit only
                                                needed. Based on the foregoing, DTC                           (B) institute proceedings to determine
                                                                                                            whether the proposed rule change                       information that you wish to make
                                                believes the proposed rule change to                                                                               available publicly. All submissions
                                                reduce the time within which DTC is                         should be disapproved.
                                                                                                              The proposal shall not take effect                   should refer to File Number SR–DTC–
                                                required to return the Actual                                                                                      2017–022 and should be submitted on
                                                Participants Fund Deposit of a former                       until all regulatory actions required
                                                                                                            with respect to the proposal are                       or before January 29, 2018.
                                                Participant would not impose a burden
                                                on competition, but may promote                             completed.                                               For the Commission, by the Division of
                                                competition.                                                IV. Solicitation of Comments                           Trading and Markets, pursuant to delegated
                                                   DTC also does not believe that the                                                                              authority.69
                                                proposed rule changes to (i) further                          Interested persons are invited to                    Eduardo A. Aleman,
                                                align the loss allocation rules of the                      submit written data, views and
                                                                                                                                                                   Assistant Secretary.
                                                DTCC Clearing Agencies, (ii) increase                       arguments concerning the foregoing,
                                                                                                                                                                   [FR Doc. 2018–00074 Filed 1–5–18; 8:45 am]
                                                the transparency and accessibility of                       including whether the proposed rule
                                                provisions in the Rules governing loss                      change is consistent with the Act.                     BILLING CODE 8011–01–P

                                                allocation, and (iii) make technical and                    Comments may be submitted by any of
                                                conforming changes, would impact                            the following methods:
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                competition.68 These changes would                          Electronic Comments
                                                apply equally to all Participants. Further
                                                alignment of the loss allocation rules of                     • Use the Commission’s internet
                                                the DTCC Clearing Agencies are                              comment form (http://www.sec.gov/
                                                                                                            rules/sro.shtml); or
                                                  66 Supra    note 9.                                         • Send an email to rule-comments@
                                                  67 15    U.S.C. 78q–1(b)(3)(I).                           sec.gov. Please include File Number SR–
                                                  68 Id.                                                    DTC–2017–022 on the subject line.                        69 17   CFR 200.30–3(a)(12).

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Document Created: 2018-01-06 02:31:58
Document Modified: 2018-01-06 02:31:58
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
FR Citation83 FR 913 

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