83_FR_944 83 FR 939 - Agency Information Collection Activities: Submission for OMB Review; Joint Comment Request

83 FR 939 - Agency Information Collection Activities: Submission for OMB Review; Joint Comment Request

Office of the Comptroller of the Currency

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 5 (January 8, 2018)

Page Range939-966
FR Document2018-00122

In accordance with the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) of 1995, the OCC, the Board, and the FDIC (the ``agencies'') may not conduct or sponsor, and the respondent is not required to respond to, an information collection unless it displays a currently valid Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control number. On June 27, 2017, the agencies, under the auspices of the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC), requested public comment for 60 days on a proposal to revise the Consolidated Reports of Condition and Income for a Bank with Domestic and Foreign Offices (FFIEC 031), the Consolidated Reports of Condition and Income for a Bank with Domestic Offices Only (FFIEC 041), and the Consolidated Reports of Condition and Income for a Bank with Domestic Offices Only and Total Assets Less than $1 Billion (FFIEC 051), which are currently approved collections of information. The Consolidated Reports of Condition and Income are commonly referred to as the Call Report. The proposed revisions to the FFIEC 031, FFIEC 041, and FFIEC 051 Call Reports would result in an overall reduction in burden. The comment period for the June 2017 notice ended on August 28, 2017. As described in the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section, after considering the comments received on the proposal, the FFIEC and the agencies will proceed with the proposed reporting revisions to the FFIEC 031, FFIEC 041, and FFIEC 051. These reporting revisions relate to the deletion or consolidation of a large number of items, the raising of certain reporting thresholds, and a reduction in reporting frequency for a number of items. For small institutions filing the FFIEC 051 report, these changes affect approximately seven percent of the data items collected. The agencies will also proceed with the scope revision to the FFIEC 031 and FFIEC 041 reports to require all institutions with consolidated total assets of $100 billion or more, regardless of whether an institution has any foreign offices, to file the FFIEC 031. However, the agencies will delay the effective date of these reporting revisions and scope revision until the June 30, 2018, report date, rather than implementing them as of the March 31, 2018, report date, as originally proposed. In addition, the agencies will proceed with the revisions to address the changes in the accounting for equity investments, with some modifications to the proposal in response to comments received. The effective date for these revisions would be the March 31, 2018, report date, as originally proposed, to coincide with the first reporting period in which the accounting changes will be adopted under U.S. generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) by certain reporting institutions. Finally, because of concerns raised by commenters regarding the proposed revisions to the definition of ``past due'' assets for regulatory reporting purposes, the agencies are giving further consideration to this proposal, including its effect on and relationship to other regulatory reporting requirements, and are not proceeding with this proposed revision at this time. The agencies are giving notice that they have sent the collection to OMB for review.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 5 (Monday, January 8, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 5 (Monday, January 8, 2018)]
[Pages 939-966]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-00122]



Office of the Comptroller of the Currency



Agency Information Collection Activities: Submission for OMB 
Review; Joint Comment Request

AGENCY: Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), Treasury; 
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (Board); and Federal 
Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC).

ACTION: Joint notice and request for comment.


SUMMARY: In accordance with the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction 
Act (PRA) of 1995, the OCC, the Board, and the FDIC (the ``agencies'') 
may not conduct or sponsor, and the respondent is not required to 
respond to, an information collection unless it displays a currently 
valid Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control number. On June 27, 
2017, the agencies, under the auspices of the Federal Financial 
Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC), requested public comment for 
60 days on a proposal to revise the Consolidated Reports of Condition 
and Income for a Bank with Domestic and Foreign Offices (FFIEC 031), 
the Consolidated Reports of Condition and Income for a Bank with 
Domestic Offices Only (FFIEC 041), and the Consolidated Reports of 
Condition and Income for a Bank with Domestic Offices Only and Total 
Assets Less than $1 Billion (FFIEC 051), which are currently approved 
collections of information. The Consolidated Reports of Condition and 
Income are commonly referred to as the Call Report. The proposed 
revisions to the FFIEC 031, FFIEC 041, and FFIEC 051 Call Reports would 
result in an overall reduction in burden.
    The comment period for the June 2017 notice ended on August 28, 
2017. As described in the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section, after 
considering the comments received on the proposal, the FFIEC and the 
agencies will proceed with the proposed reporting revisions to the 
FFIEC 031, FFIEC 041, and FFIEC 051. These reporting revisions relate 
to the deletion or consolidation of a large number of items, the 
raising of certain reporting thresholds, and a reduction in reporting 
frequency for a number of items. For small institutions filing the 
FFIEC 051 report, these changes affect approximately seven percent of 
the data items collected. The agencies will also proceed with the scope 
revision to the FFIEC 031 and FFIEC 041 reports to require all 
institutions with consolidated total assets of $100 billion or more, 
regardless of whether an institution has any foreign offices, to file 
the FFIEC 031. However, the agencies will delay the effective date of 
these reporting revisions and scope revision until the June 30, 2018, 
report date, rather than implementing them as of the March 31, 2018, 
report date, as originally proposed.
    In addition, the agencies will proceed with the revisions to 
address the changes in the accounting for equity investments, with some 
modifications to the proposal in response to comments received. The 
effective date for these revisions would be the March 31, 2018, report 
date, as originally proposed, to coincide with the first reporting 
period in which the accounting changes will be adopted under U.S. 
generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) by certain reporting 
institutions. Finally, because of concerns raised by commenters 
regarding the proposed revisions to the definition of ``past due'' 
assets for regulatory reporting purposes, the agencies are giving 
further consideration to this proposal, including its effect on and 
relationship to other regulatory reporting requirements, and are not 
proceeding with this proposed revision at this time.
    The agencies are giving notice that they have sent the collection 
to OMB for review.

DATES: Comments must be submitted on or before February 7, 2018.

ADDRESSES: Interested parties are invited to submit written comments to 
any or all of the agencies. All comments,

[[Page 940]]

which should refer to the OMB control number(s), will be shared among 
the agencies.
    OCC: You may submit comments, which should refer to ``FFIEC 031, 
FFIEC 041, and FFIEC 051,'' by any of the following methods:
     Email: [email protected].
     Fax: (571) 465-4326.
     Mail: Legislative and Regulatory Activities Division, 
Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, 400 7th Street SW, Suite 3E-
218, Washington, DC 20219.
    All comments received, including attachments and other supporting 
materials, are part of the public record and subject to public 
disclosure. Do not include any information in your comment or 
supporting materials that you consider confidential or inappropriate 
for public disclosure.
    You may personally inspect and photocopy comments at the OCC, 400 
7th Street SW, Washington, DC 20219. For security reasons, the OCC 
requires that visitors make an appointment to inspect comments. You may 
do so by calling (202) 649-6700 or, for persons who are deaf or hearing 
impaired, TTY, (202) 649-5597. Upon arrival, visitors will be required 
to present valid government-issued photo identification and submit to 
security screening in order to inspect and photocopy comments.
    Board: You may submit comments, which should refer to ``FFIEC 031, 
FFIEC 041, and FFIEC 051,'' by any of the following methods:
     Agency website: http://www.federalreserve.gov. Follow the 
instructions for submitting comments at: http://www.federalreserve.gov/generalinfo/foia/ProposedRegs.cfm.
     Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://www.regulations.gov. 
Follow the instructions for submitting comments.
     Email: [email protected]. Include the 
reporting form numbers in the subject line of the message.
     Fax: (202) 452-3819 or (202) 452-3102.
     Mail: Ann E. Misback, Secretary, Board of Governors of the 
Federal Reserve System, 20th Street and Constitution Avenue NW, 
Washington, DC 20551.
    All public comments are available from the Board's website at 
www.federalreserve.gov/generalinfo/foia/ProposedRegs.cfm as submitted, 
unless modified for technical reasons. Accordingly, your comments will 
not be edited to remove any identifying or contact information. Public 
comments may also be viewed electronically or in paper form in Room 
3515, 1801 K Street NW (between 18th and 19th Streets NW), Washington, 
DC 20006 between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on weekdays.
    FDIC: You may submit comments, which should refer to ``FFIEC 031, 
FFIEC 041, and FFIEC 051,'' by any of the following methods:
     Agency website: https://www.fdic.gov/regulations/laws/federal/. Follow the instructions for submitting comments on the FDIC's 
     Federal eRulemaking Portal: https://www.regulations.gov. 
Follow the instructions for submitting comments.
     Email: [email protected]. Include ``FFIEC 031, FFIEC 041, 
and FFIEC 051'' in the subject line of the message.
     Mail: Manuel E. Cabeza, Counsel, Attn: Comments, Room MB-
3007, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, 550 17th Street NW, 
Washington, DC 20429.
     Hand Delivery: Comments may be hand delivered to the guard 
station at the rear of the 550 17th Street Building (located on F 
Street) on business days between 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
    Public Inspection: All comments received will be posted without 
change to https://www.fdic.gov/regulations/laws/federal/ including any 
personal information provided. Paper copies of public comments may be 
requested from the FDIC Public Information Center by telephone at (877) 
275-3342 or (703) 562-2200.
    Additionally, commenters may send a copy of their comments to the 
OMB desk officer for the agencies by mail to the Office of Information 
and Regulatory Affairs, U.S. Office of Management and Budget, New 
Executive Office Building, Room 10235, 725 17th Street NW, Washington, 
DC 20503; by fax to (202) 395-6974; or by email to 
[email protected].

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For further information about the 
proposed revisions to the Call Report discussed in this notice, please 
contact any of the agency staff whose names appear below. In addition, 
copies of the Call Report forms can be obtained at the FFIEC's website 
    OCC: Kevin Korzeniewski, Counsel, (202) 649-5490, or for persons 
who are deaf or hearing impaired, TTY, (202) 649-5597, Legislative and 
Regulatory Activities Division, Office of the Comptroller of the 
Currency, 400 7th Street SW, Washington, DC 20219.
    Board: Nuha Elmaghrabi, Federal Reserve Board Clearance Officer, 
(202) 452-3884, Office of the Chief Data Officer, Board of Governors of 
the Federal Reserve System, 20th and C Streets NW, Washington, DC 
20551. Telecommunications Device for the Deaf (TDD) users may call 
(202) 263-4869.
    FDIC: Manuel E. Cabeza, Counsel, (202) 898-3767, Legal Division, 
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, 550 17th Street NW, Washington, 
DC 20429.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The agencies propose revisions to data items 
reported on the FFIEC 031, FFIEC 041, and FFIEC 051 Call Reports.
    Report Title: Consolidated Reports of Condition and Income (Call 
    Form Numbers: FFIEC 031 (for banks and savings associations with 
domestic and foreign offices), FFIEC 041 (for banks and savings 
associations with domestic offices only), and FFIEC 051 (for banks and 
savings associations with domestic offices only and total assets less 
than $1 billion).
    Frequency of Response: Quarterly.
    Affected Public: Business or other for-profit.


    OMB Control No.: 1557-0081.
    Estimated Number of Respondents: 1,297 national banks and federal 
savings associations.
    Estimated Average Burden per Response: 47.70 burden hours per 
quarter to file.
    Estimated Total Annual Burden: 247,468 burden hours to file.


    OMB Control No.: 7100-0036.
    Estimated Number of Respondents: 823 state member banks.
    Estimated Average Burden per Response: 51.85 burden hours per 
quarter to file.
    Estimated Total Annual Burden: 170,690 burden hours to file.


    OMB Control No.: 3064-0052.
    Estimated Number of Respondents: 3,668 insured state nonmember 
banks and state savings associations.
    Estimated Average Burden per Response: 45.62 burden hours per 
quarter to file.
    Estimated Total Annual Burden: 669,337 burden hours to file.
    The proposed burden-reducing revisions to the Call Reports are the 
result of an ongoing effort by the agencies to reduce the burden 
associated with their preparation and filing and, as detailed in 
Appendices B, C, and D, achieve burden reductions by the removal or 
consolidation of numerous items, the raising of certain reporting 
thresholds, and a reduction in reporting frequency for certain items. 
The proposed revisions to the reporting of equity investments are 
consistent with changes in the accounting

[[Page 941]]

standards applicable to such investments.
    The estimated average burden hours collectively reflect the 
estimates for the FFIEC 031, the FFIEC 041, and the FFIEC 051 reports. 
When the estimates are calculated by type of report across the 
agencies, the estimated average burden hours per quarter are 123.06 
(FFIEC 031), 57.71 (FFIEC 041), and 39.38 (FFIEC 051). The burden hours 
for the currently approved reports are 128.05 (FFIEC 031), 74.88 (FFIEC 
041), and 44.94 (FFIEC 051),\1\ so the revisions in this notice would 
represent a reduction in estimated average burden hours per quarter by 
4.99 (FFIEC 031), 17.17 (FFIEC 041), and 5.56 (FFIEC 051). The 
estimated burden per response for the quarterly filings of the Call 
Report is an average that varies by agency because of differences in 
the composition of the institutions under each agency's supervision 
(e.g., size distribution of institutions, types of activities in which 
they are engaged, and existence of foreign offices).

    \1\ See 82 FR 2444.

    Type of Review: Revision and extension of currently approved 

General Description of Reports

    These information collections are mandatory pursuant to 12 U.S.C. 
161 (for national banks), 12 U.S.C. 324 (for state member banks), 12 
U.S.C. 1817 (for insured state nonmember commercial and savings banks), 
and 12 U.S.C. 1464 (for federal and state savings associations). At 
present, except for selected data items and text, these information 
collections are not given confidential treatment.


    Institutions submit Call Report data to the agencies each quarter 
for the agencies' use in monitoring the condition, performance, and 
risk profile of individual institutions and the industry as a whole. 
Call Report data serve a regulatory or public policy purpose by 
assisting the agencies in fulfilling their missions of ensuring the 
safety and soundness of financial institutions and the financial system 
and the protection of consumer financial rights, as well as agency-
specific missions affecting federal and state-chartered institutions, 
e.g., monetary policy, financial stability, and deposit insurance. Call 
Reports are the source of the most current statistical data available 
for identifying areas of focus for on-site and off-site examinations. 
The agencies use Call Report data in evaluating institutions' corporate 
applications, including, in particular, interstate merger and 
acquisition applications for which, as required by law, the agencies 
must determine whether the resulting institution would control more 
than 10 percent of the total amount of deposits of insured depository 
institutions in the United States. Call Report data also are used to 
calculate institutions' deposit insurance and Financing Corporation 
assessments and national banks' and federal savings associations' 
semiannual assessment fees.

Current Actions

I. Introduction

    On June 27, 2017, the agencies requested comment for 60 days on a 
proposal to revise the existing Call Report requirements (FFIEC 031, 
FFIEC 041, and FFIEC 051).\2\ The June 2017 proposal, as well as the 
creation of the FFIEC 051 and other recent revisions to the FFIEC 031 
and FFIEC 041, are the result of a formal initiative launched by the 
FFIEC in December 2014 to identify potential opportunities to reduce 
burden associated with Call Report requirements for community 
institutions. The most significant actions under this initiative are 
community institution outreach efforts, internal surveys of users of 
Call Report data at FFIEC member entities, and the implementation of a 
streamlined Call Report for small institutions. A summary of the FFIEC 
member entities' uses of the data items retained in the Call Report 
schedules subject to the reporting revisions in this proposal is 
included in Appendix A, which is repeated from the June 2017 notice 
with nonsubstantive technical corrections. Additional information about 
the initiative can be found in the June 2017 notice and in four earlier 
notices related to actions taken under this initiative.\3\

    \2\ See 82 FR 29147 (June 27, 2017).
    \3\ See 80 FR 56539 (September 18, 2015), 81 FR 45357 (July 13, 
2016), 81 FR 54190 (August 15, 2016), and 82 FR 2444 (January 9, 

    The comment period for the June 2017 notice ended on August 28, 
2017. General comments on the notice are summarized in Section II. In 
Section III, the agencies provide more details on the comments received 
and any changes the agencies are making in response to those comments. 
Section IV discusses the timing for implementing the proposed revisions 
to the Call Report.

II. General Comments on the Proposed Call Report Revisions

    The agencies collectively received comments on the proposal from 13 
entities, including banking organizations, bankers' associations, and a 
government entity. General comments and recommendations on the FFIEC 
031, FFIEC 041, and FFIEC 051 Call Reports are included in this 
section. The agencies provide information regarding comments on 
specific aspects of the proposed revisions to the Call Reports in more 
detail in Section III.

A. Comments on the Overall Proposal and the Burden-Reduction Initiative

    Commenters expressed mixed opinions on the June 2017 notice and the 
agencies' Call Report burden-reduction initiatives to date. Seven 
commenters representing banking organizations and bankers' associations 
supported the effort put forth by the agencies. One bankers' 
association stated that it ``appreciates the time and effort the FFIEC 
has devoted to identifying opportunities to reduce the burdens 
associated with the Call Report requirements.'' The commenter went on 
to say that the removal or change in reporting frequency of line items 
or increase to reporting thresholds ``serves as needed clean-up of the 
Call Report.'' Three banking organizations also ``appreciate'' the 
agencies' initiatives focused on reducing the burden associated with 
the Call Reports. The government entity stated it uses certain data 
items in the Call Report in preparing national economic reports, and 
encouraged the agencies to continue collecting those items.
    On the other hand, the majority of the comment letters asserted 
that the proposed revisions to the Call Reports would provide no real 
savings in effort or cost for smaller institutions and that the overall 
reduction in burden is of limited value to such institutions. One of 
the banking organizations and two of the bankers' associations further 
indicated that reducing reporting frequency would provide only 
``limited relief.'' These commenters noted that regardless of whether 
cumulative data is reported every quarter or every six months, 
institutions would still need to gather the data on a quarterly basis 
in order to produce the reported data on a semiannual basis. Two 
bankers' associations responded that combining data items also would 
not provide any relief to institutions, because processes are already 
in place to gather the information separately. One banking organization 
and one bankers' association stated that the proposed revisions would 
increase burden due to the system changes that would be necessary to 
modify the processes currently in place, such as deactivating or 
reactivating each quarter the reporting of data items that would

[[Page 942]]

change from a quarterly to a semiannual or annual reporting frequency.
    The agencies recognize that not all institutions would see an 
immediate and large reduction in burden from the proposed revisions in 
the June 2017 notice. However, reducing the frequency of collection for 
certain data items or consolidating existing data items into fewer data 
items would result in institutions spending less time completing the 
Call Report since there would be fewer items to review prior to each 
quarterly submission. Also, an institution would have fewer 
instructions to review to determine whether it has reportable (nonzero) 
amounts. To the extent that an institution currently tracks granular 
data items that are proposed to be consolidated, there may be limited 
burden relief from consolidating the items. However, institutions that 
currently track data at an aggregate level and then must allocate that 
amount to the existing subcategories every quarter would see additional 
burden relief. Accordingly, these changes represent meaningful Call 
Report burden relief to institutions that do not engage in complex 
    Furthermore, as previously mentioned, internal surveys of users of 
Call Report data at FFIEC member entities, including staff of the 
agencies, were one of the significant actions under the FFIEC's 
community bank Call Report burden-reduction initiative. The survey 
responses have been the foundation for the statutorily mandated review 
of the existing Call Report data items \4\ that the agencies have been 
conducting over the course of the burden-reduction initiative. After 
completing this review, the statute directs the agencies to ``reduce or 
eliminate any requirement to file information or schedules . . . (other 
than information or schedules that are otherwise required by law)'' if 
the agencies determine that ``the continued collection of such 
information or schedules is no longer necessary or appropriate.'' The 
findings from the agencies' review revealed that certain information is 
no longer needed from some or all institutions, either on a quarterly 
basis or at all, and that the current level of detail is no longer 
needed from some or all institutions in certain Call Report schedules. 
Accordingly, for those Call Report data items for which the results of 
the statutorily mandated review have triggered these conclusions, the 
agencies are removing, consolidating, or reducing the reporting 
frequency of, or creating a new or increased reporting threshold for, 
the affected Call Report data items notwithstanding any system changes 
that institutions would need to make in response to these reporting 

    \4\ This review is mandated by section 604 of the Financial 
Services Regulatory Relief Act of 2006 (12 U.S.C. 1817(a)(11)).

    Finally, in an effort to address the concerns of institutions 
relating to the proposed reductions in frequency from quarterly to 
semiannual, the agencies note that the FFIEC's Central Data Repository 
(CDR) \5\ allows institutions to submit data quarterly, even if the 
data items are only required to be reported semiannually or annually. 
This will permit institutions to choose to avoid any perceived burden 
needed to reduce the reporting frequency from the quarterly frequency 
required in the existing Call Report.

    \5\ The CDR is a secure, shared application for collecting, 
managing, validating, and distributing data reported in the Call 
Report and the FDIC's annual Summary of Deposits survey (OMB No. 
3064-0061). The CDR also processes and distributes the Uniform Bank 
Performance Report.

B. General Recommendations From Commenters

    Three commenters suggested the agencies adopt a ``short-form'' Call 
Report to be filed for at least two quarters of the year. The short-
form Call Report recommended by two of these commenters would consist 
only of an institution's balance sheet, income statement, and statement 
of changes in equity capital. The institution would file a full Call 
Report including all supporting schedules in the second and fourth 
quarters, and the short-form Call Report in the first and third 
quarters. The third commenter recommended including a limited number of 
additional schedules in the first and third quarters to report more 
detailed information on loans and regulatory capital, with additional 
schedules filed in the second and fourth quarters.
    While the agencies understand the commenters' desire for a short-
form Call Report, the agencies did not adopt this suggestion for the 
reasons noted in response to the comment letters received on the August 
2016 proposal for a streamlined Call Report for small institutions.\6\ 
Most notably, in addition to the basic financial statements, the most 
streamlined quarterly report possible must also include data items 
required by law or regulation, along with quarterly data necessary for 
adequate supervision by the agencies. Furthermore, the agencies 
leverage a significant amount of the data reported quarterly in the 
more detailed general and supplemental Call Report schedules when 
conducting off-site monitoring and determining the scope and frequency 
of on-site examinations. Limiting the information collected on these 
schedules to semiannual could significantly impair the agencies' 
supervisory planning and review processes and potentially lead to a 
less efficient use of supervisory resources.

    \6\ See 82 FR 2444 (January 9, 2017).

    One commenter recommended that the FFIEC establish an industry 
advisory committee to develop advice and guidance on the Call Report 
and establish a regular forum to address technical questions and new 
changes to the Call Report. In response, the agencies plan to continue 
to offer outreach in connection with significant revisions to the Call 
Report, as they did with the adoption of the revised Schedule RC-R, 
Regulatory Capital, and with the implementation of the FFIEC 051. The 
agencies also receive and respond to a number of questions from 
individual institutions each quarter. Issues that could affect multiple 
institutions are often addressed through the Call Report Supplemental 
Instructions published quarterly or updates to the Call Report 
instruction book published as needed. Consistent with the PRA, the 
agencies also offer an opportunity for members of the banking industry 
to comment on proposed changes to the Call Report or to make any 
additional suggestions for improving, streamlining, or clarifying the 
Call Report.
    One commenter recommended that the agencies align the proposed 
revisions in the Call Report with revisions to the FR Y-9C report for 
holding companies.\7\ The commenter stated that having differences in 
reporting between the Call Report and FR Y-9C can create burden for 
reporting firms. The agencies agree that aligning proposed revisions in 
the Call Report with proposed revisions to comparable data items 
collected in the consolidated FR Y-9C report would reduce burden for 
reporting holding companies. The Board will take this comment into 
consideration when it develops proposed revisions to the FR Y-9C 

    \7\ Consolidated Financial Statements for Holding Companies, OMB 
No. 7100-0128.

    One commenter recommended that the agencies increase the asset-size 
threshold for filing the FFIEC 051 Call Report from the current $1 
billion to at least $10 billion, indexed for inflation. Raising the 
threshold to $10 billion or higher at this time could result in a 
significant loss of data necessary for supervisory or other purposes 
from institutions with assets above $1 billion.

[[Page 943]]

Therefore, while the agencies are not adopting this recommendation at 
this time, the agencies are continuing to evaluate the appropriate 
scope and criteria for expanding the number of institutions eligible to 
file the FFIEC 051.
    The agencies received three comment letters from banking 
organizations that highlighted the burden required for their 
institutions to prepare Schedule RC-R, Regulatory Capital. Reporting on 
Schedule RC-R is directly tied to the requirements in the agencies' 
regulatory capital rules.\8\

    \8\ 12 CFR part 3 (OCC); 12 CFR part 217 (Board); 12 CFR part 
324 (FDIC).

    The agencies recently issued a proposal for modifications to 
simplify the regulatory capital rules.\9\ To the extent changes 
contained in that proposal are adopted in a final rule, the agencies 
would incorporate those simplifications into Schedule RC-R.

    \9\ 82 FR 49984 (October 27, 2017).

    One commenter stated that Schedule RC-C, Part II, is particularly 
burdensome to complete and should be eliminated. The agencies 
previously reduced the frequency of this schedule from quarterly to 
semiannual for institutions filing the FFIEC 051.\10\ However, the 
agencies cannot eliminate this schedule because the submission of 
information on small business and small farm loans is specifically 
required by statute.\11\ Appendix A to the agencies' January 2017 
Federal Register notice (82 FR 2444) provides information about how the 
agencies use the data reported in Schedule RC-C, Part II.

    \10\ See 82 FR 2444 (January 9, 2017).
    \11\ See section 122 of the Federal Deposit Insurance 
Corporation Improvement Act of 1991, Public Law 102-242.

III. Specific Comments on the Proposed Call Report Revisions

A. Scope Revision

    The agencies proposed to revise the scope of the FFIEC 031 Call 
Report to require all institutions with consolidated total assets of 
$100 billion or more to file this form, regardless of whether an 
institution has any foreign offices. The agencies proposed this change 
because institutions with consolidated total assets of $100 billion or 
more without foreign offices are considered to have a similar degree of 
complexity in their activities as institutions of this size with 
foreign offices that currently file the FFIEC 031.
    The agencies received two comments opposing the proposed scope 
revision. One bankers' association stated that the proposal could be 
viewed as creating three Call Reports for larger banks, which could 
create a problem if the reports evolve and do not remain aligned in the 
future. Another bankers' association opposed the agencies' use of a 
size-based threshold alone (i.e., $100 billion or more in assets) to 
revise the scope of the FFIEC 031, rather than looking at the business 
model and risk profile of an institution.
    The agencies are proceeding with the proposed scope revision of the 
FFIEC 031 to include all institutions with foreign offices and all 
institutions with consolidated total assets of $100 billion or more. 
The agencies note that this revision would affect only five 
institutions, as the majority of institutions with assets of $100 
billion or more also have foreign offices and currently file the FFIEC 
031. Currently, the FFIEC 031 and FFIEC 041 collect the same 
information on an institution's domestic office activities. When 
preparing the FFIEC 031, institutions with no foreign offices would not 
need to report items that request information on foreign offices, 
including the entirety of Schedules RI-D; RC-E, Part II; and RC-I; nor 
would they need to complete Schedule RC-H, which collects certain 
domestic office data. These institutions also would report the same 
amounts for ``domestic offices'' and ``consolidated bank'' in other 
schedules that request this breakout, which would not require these 
institutions to compile additional information. In addition, there is 
currently a single set of Call Report instructions for both the FFIEC 
031 and FFIEC 041, which helps promote consistency in reporting between 
those versions of the Call Report and should reduce the burden of a 
transition for the affected institutions. As noted in the June 2017 
notice, the agencies consider all institutions with $100 billion or 
more in total assets to be of similar complexity. Institutions of this 
size typically have similar business activities and risk profiles for 
their domestic operations, and the agencies' examiners review these 
domestic operations in a similar manner. Receiving information from all 
institutions in this size category on the same Call Report form will 
improve the agencies' ability to perform comparisons among these 
institutions' domestic operations. This proposed scope revision also 
has enabled the agencies to propose removing items from, or 
consolidating a significant number of items in, the FFIEC 041 form,\12\ 
as the agencies believe these items are no longer necessary based on 
the business activities and risk profiles of institutions with domestic 
offices only and consolidated total assets less than $100 billion.

    \12\ See 82 FR 51908 (November 8, 2017).

B. Burden-Reducing Revisions

    The agencies received two comments from banking organizations on 
the proposed revisions to Schedule RI-E to reduce the reporting 
frequency of the data items for significant components of ``other 
noninterest income'' and ``other noninterest expense'' from quarterly 
to annual in the FFIEC 051 and increase the percentage threshold for 
reporting individual components in all three versions of the Call 
Report. One commenter noted this revision would actually reduce burden 
in preparing the reports. The other commenter stated that his 
organization does not meet the existing thresholds to separately report 
noninterest income and expense components on that schedule, so the 
reporting burden would not change.
    After considering these specific comments, as well as the comments 
received on the overall proposal and the burden-reduction initiative 
that were discussed in Section II.A. above, the agencies will proceed 
with the proposed burden-reducing changes to Schedule RI-E, along with 
all other burden-reducing changes to Call Report schedules proposed in 
the June 2017 notice. The agencies recognize that not every proposed 
change will reduce burden for every institution. However, the agencies 
believe that the proposed changes will reduce burden in the Call 
Reports as a whole, which is also reflected in a reduction in the 
estimated burden hours per quarter for the Call Reports.

C. Instructional Revision for the Reporting of Assets as ``Past Due''

    Under the current Call Report instructions, closed-end installment 
loans, amortizing loans secured by real estate, and other loans and 
lease financing receivables with payments scheduled monthly are to be 
reported as past due in Schedule RC-N, Past Due and Nonaccrual Loans, 
Leases, and Other Assets, when the borrower is in arrears two or more 
monthly payments. This means that a loan is to be reported as past due 
if two monthly payments have not been received by the close of business 
on the due date of the second monthly payment. Similarly, the Call 
Report instructions provide that open-end credit such as credit cards, 
check credit, and other revolving credit plans are to be reported as 
past due when the customer has not made the minimum payment for two or 
more billing cycles. The instructions also provide that, at an 
institution's option, loans and leases with payments scheduled monthly 

[[Page 944]]

be reported as past due when one scheduled payment is due and unpaid 
for 30 days or more.
    The agencies note there is an existing widely used industry 
standard, known as the Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) method, which 
provides that loans with payments scheduled monthly become 30 days past 
due if a monthly payment is not received by the end of the day 
immediately preceding the loan's next due date. The agencies understand 
that the MBA method is used by most major mortgage data repositories, 
including the three major credit bureaus and two major mortgage loan 
data processing service bureaus used by institutions. The MBA method is 
also used by reporting forums such as the MBA, McDash Analytics, and 
the OCC Mortgage Metrics Reports.
    Therefore, to promote the use of a consistent standard in the 
industry and reduce the burden for certain institutions calculating 
past-due loans under two methods (i.e., one method for Call Report 
purposes and a different method for other reporting purposes), the 
agencies proposed in the June 2017 notice to modify the definition of 
``past due'' for regulatory reporting purposes that is currently 
contained in the general instructions of Schedule RC-N to align with 
the MBA method. Specifically, under that proposal, closed-end 
installment loans, amortizing loans secured by real estate, and other 
loans and lease financing receivables with payments scheduled monthly, 
as well as open-end credit such as credit cards, check credit, and 
other revolving credit plans with payments scheduled monthly, would be 
reported as past due in Schedule RC-N if a payment is not received by 
the end of the day immediately preceding the loan's next payment due 
    The agencies received comments from two bankers' associations and 
three banking organizations regarding the proposed instructional 
revision to the definition of ``past due.'' These commenters generally 
opposed the proposed revision. All commenters cited increased burden 
related to operational difficulties to implement the change as well as 
concerns about how this definitional change would flow through to or 
affect other reporting requirements. Operational challenges cited by 
commenters include substantial processing system changes; the need to 
modify contracts with third-party vendors, loan securitization 
agreements, and other legal agreements; communication issues with loan 
servicing customers; and coordination issues with third-party vendors 
to implement the proposed revision. Other related reporting concerns 
include possible restatements of audited financial statements and 
filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission; the effect on the 
calculation of the allowance for loan and lease losses; the impact on 
the risk weighting associated with delinquent and nonaccrual loans as 
reported on Schedule RC-R, Regulatory Capital; the use of performing 
loans as inputs for stress testing and recovery and resolution planning 
purposes; the impact on liquidity reporting; and the impact on the 
calculation of surcharge scores assessed to global systemically 
important banks (G-SIBs). Additionally, one bankers' association stated 
that the proposed instructional change would remove the current 
reporting flexibility for institutions to use a combination of actual-
day count, the MBA method, and the current Call Report method based on 
the institutions' particular portfolios.
    Based on the issues raised in the comments received on the proposed 
instructional revision to the definition of past due, the agencies are 
giving further consideration to this proposal, including its effect on 
and relationship to other regulatory reporting requirements. 
Accordingly, the agencies are not proceeding with this proposed 
instructional revision and the existing instructions for the definition 
of past due will remain in effect.

D. Proposed Call Report Revisions To Address Changes in Accounting for 
Equity Investments

    In January 2016, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) 
issued Accounting Standards Update (ASU) No. 2016-01, ``Recognition and 
Measurement of Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities.'' As one of 
its main provisions, the ASU requires certain investments in equity 
securities (including other ownership interests, such as interests in 
partnerships, unincorporated joint ventures, and limited liability 
companies) to be measured at fair value with changes in fair value 
recognized in net income (fair value through net income).
    Section 37(a) of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 
1831n(a)) states that, in general, the accounting principles applicable 
to the Call Report ``shall be uniform and consistent with generally 
accepted accounting principles.'' The agencies are maintaining 
consistency with U.S. GAAP by implementing the provisions of ASU 2016-
01 in the Call Report in accordance with the effective dates set forth 
in the ASU. For institutions that are public business entities, as 
defined in U.S. GAAP, ASU 2016-01 is effective for fiscal years 
beginning after December 15, 2017, including interim periods within 
those fiscal years. For all other institutions, the ASU is effective 
for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2018, and interim periods 
within fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2019.
    Based on their consideration of the changes in the accounting for 
equity investments under ASU 2016-01 and the effect of these changes on 
the manner in which data on equity securities and other equity 
investments are currently reported in the Call Report, the agencies 
proposed to revise the reporting of information on equity securities 
and other equity investments in Call Report Schedules RI, Income 
Statement; RI-D, Income from Foreign Offices (on the FFIEC 031); RC, 
Balance Sheet; RC-B, Securities; RC-F, Other Assets; RC-H, Selected 
Balance Sheet Items for Domestic Offices (on the FFIEC 031); RC-K, 
Quarterly Averages; RC-Q, Assets and Liabilities Measured at Fair Value 
on a Recurring Basis (on the FFIEC 041 and FFIEC 031); and RC-R, 
Regulatory Capital.\13\

    \13\ See 82 FR 29158-29159 (June 27, 2017) for complete 
descriptions of the proposed revisions to these schedules.

    In developing the proposed revisions to these Call Report 
schedules, the agencies sought to limit the number of data items being 
added to the Call Report to address the changes in accounting for 
equity securities and other equity investments.
    Furthermore, because of the different effective dates for ASU 2016-
01 for public business entities and all other entities, as well as the 
varying fiscal years across the population of institutions that file 
Call Reports, the period over which institutions will be implementing 
this ASU ranges from the first quarter of 2018 through the fourth 
quarter of 2020. As a result, the agencies proposed to introduce the 
revisions to the reporting of information on equity securities and 
other equity investments in response to the ASU in the Call Report 
effective March 31, 2018.
    The agencies received comments from two banking organizations and 
two bankers' associations addressing the proposed Call Report revisions 
related to equity securities. Both bankers' associations expressed 
general support for the proposed changes to reporting of information on 
equity securities and other equity investments. However, for an 
institution that has adopted the new accounting standard, the 
associations sought clarification of the appropriate categorization on 
the proposed revised Call Report balance sheet (Schedule RC)

[[Page 945]]

of equity securities with readily determinable fair values that are 
bought and sold on a regular basis, but are not held with the intention 
of trading as this term is defined in the agencies' market risk 
rules.\14\ The agencies note that, for purposes of categorizing assets 
and liabilities on the Call Report balance sheet, they do not apply the 
trading definition in the market risk rules. Rather, the Call Report 
instructions state that:

    \14\ The market risk rules define a ``trading position'' as a 
position held ``for the purpose of short-term resale or with the 
intent of benefiting from actual or expected short-term price 
movements, or to lock in arbitrage profits.'' See 12 CFR 3.202 
(OCC), 12 CFR 217.202 (Board), and 12 CFR 324.202 (FDIC).

    Trading activities typically include (a) regularly underwriting 
or dealing in securities; interest rate, foreign exchange rate, 
commodity, equity, and credit derivative contracts; other financial 
instruments; and other assets for resale, (b) acquiring or taking 
positions in such items principally for the purpose of selling in 
the near term or otherwise with the intent to resell in order to 
profit from short-term price movements, and (c) acquiring or taking 
positions in such items as an accommodation to customers or for 
other trading purposes.\15\

    \15\ See the instructions for Schedule RC, item 5, ``Trading 
assets,'' the General Instructions for Schedule RC-D, Trading Assets 
and Liabilities, and the Glossary entry for ``Trading Account'' in 
the Call Report instructions.

    Thus, when an institution's holdings of equity securities with 
readily determinable fair values fall within the scope of the preceding 
description of trading activities, the equity securities should be 
reported as trading assets in Schedule RC, item 5. Otherwise, the 
equity securities should be reported in new item 2.c, ``Equity 
securities with readily determinable fair values not held for 
trading.'' The agencies will modify the Call Report instructions to 
make this distinction more clear.
    One banking organization noted that the proposal aligns the Call 
Report with the new accounting standard for equity investments, but it 
requested clarification of the balance sheet categorization of money 
market mutual funds following the adoption of the accounting standard. 
This organization observed that the Securities and Exchange 
Commission's rules permit such funds to be categorized as cash 
equivalents in financial statements filed with the Commission if 
appropriate criteria are met. The organization asked whether the 
agencies intended to permit a similar categorization for Call Report 
purposes. The Call Report does not recognize cash equivalents as part 
of ``Cash and balances due from depository institutions,'' as described 
in the instructions for Schedule RC, item 1. Thus, for Call Report 
purposes, an institution that has adopted ASU 2016-01 should report its 
investments in money market mutual funds with readily determinable fair 
values, which are considered equity securities for accounting 
purposes,\16\ in new Schedule RC, item 2.c, provided these investments 
are not held for trading (as discussed above). The agencies also will 
revise the Call Report instructions to clarify the reporting of money 
market mutual funds as equity securities, not as cash.

    \16\ See FASB Accounting Standards Codification paragraph 321-

    The other banking organization supported the proposed changes to 
the income statement for reporting unrealized holding gains (losses) on 
equity securities not held for trading, but recommended excluding 
unrealized gains on equity securities from tier 1 capital for 
regulatory capital purposes as is currently the case under today's 
accounting standards. The manner in which unrealized gains on equity 
securities are reported for regulatory capital purposes in Call Report 
Schedule RC-R depends entirely on how these unrealized gains are 
treated under the agencies' regulatory capital rules. After an 
institution adopts ASU 2016-01, unrealized gains on the institution's 
investments in equity securities with readily determinable fair values 
not held for trading will be recognized in net income and, hence, 
retained earnings. Because retained earnings is a common equity tier 1 
(CET1) capital element under the agencies' regulatory capital rules, 
the operation of these rules will automatically result in the inclusion 
of all unrealized gains on such equity securities in CET1 capital after 
an institution's adoption of ASU 2016-01. Continuing to exclude 
unrealized gains on equity securities with readily determinable fair 
values not held for trading from CET1 capital after the adoption of ASU 
2016-01 would require revisions to the agencies' regulatory capital 
rules and is outside the scope of the proposed equity securities 
reporting changes in the Call Report.
    This banking organization also recommended retaining the existing 
regulatory framework governing investments in stock set forth in 
section 362.3 of the FDIC's regulations (12 CFR 362.3) and the related 
information on equity securities currently reported in Call Report 
Schedule RC-B, Securities. More specifically, under section 362.3(a) of 
the FDIC's regulations, an insured state bank may not ``directly or 
indirectly acquire or retain as principal any equity investment of a 
type that is not permissible for a national bank.'' However, this 
regulation provides for the grandfathering of certain investments in 
equity securities by insured state banks if certain conditions are met, 
including approval by the FDIC. The equity investments that are 
authorized to be grandfathered are common and preferred stock listed on 
a national securities exchange and shares of an investment company 
registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940.\17\ However, the 
FDIC's regulations provide that an insured state bank's aggregate 
investment in these authorized investments ``shall in no event exceed, 
when made, 100 percent of the bank's tier one capital'' and that 
``[t]he lower of the bank's cost as determined in accordance with call 
report instructions or the market value'' of the authorized investments 
``shall be used to determine compliance.'' \18\ At present, the cost 
basis and fair value of an insured state bank's grandfathered equity 
investments are included in the amounts reported in available-for-sale 
columns C and D, respectively, of Call Report Schedule RC-B, item 7, 
``Investments in mutual funds and other equity securities with readily 
determinable fair values.'' These two Schedule RC-B items currently 
serve as the starting point for assessing compliance with the limit on 
grandfathered equity investments at those insured state banks that have 
received FDIC approval to hold such investments. However, in their June 
2017 proposal, the agencies proposed to remove item 7, columns C and D, 
from Schedule RC-B effective December 31, 2020. From March 31, 2018, 
through September 30, 2020, institutions that have adopted ASU 2016-01 
would leave Schedule RC-B, item 7, columns C and D, blank.\19\ The fair 
value of the ``Investments in mutual funds and other equity securities 
with readily determinable fair values'' that these institutions had 
reported in Schedule RC-B, item 7, column D, before adopting ASU 2016-
01 would instead be reported in new item 2.c, ``Equity securities with 
readily determinable fair values not held for trading,'' on Schedule 
RC, Balance Sheet. However, under the June 2017 proposal, the cost of 
the equity securities reported in Schedule RC-B, item 7, column C, 
until an institution's adoption of ASU 2016-

[[Page 946]]

01 would no longer be reported after the institution's adoption of this 
new accounting standard because the standard eliminates the existing 
concept of available-for-sale equity securities. Thus, the banking 
organization that commented on the issue of grandfathered equity 
investments recommended the retention of the Call Report data items 
used to measure compliance with the aggregate investment limit in these 
authorized investments.

    \17\ 12 CFR 362.3(a)(2)(iii)(A).
    \18\ 12 CFR 362.3(a)(2)(iii)(C).
    \19\ During this period, only those institutions that have not 
yet adopted ASU 2016-01 would complete Schedule RC-B, item 7, 
columns C and D.

    After considering this banking organization's recommendation as 
well as the provisions of section 362.3(a) of the FDIC's regulations, 
the agencies agree that, after its adoption of ASU 2016-01, an insured 
state bank that has been approved to hold authorized investments should 
continue to report the cost of their holdings of equity securities with 
readily determinable fair values not held for trading, which such an 
institution currently reports as available-for-sale securities in 
column C of Schedule RC-B, item 7. The continued collection of this 
cost information from insured state banks with grandfathered equity 
investments serves a long-term regulatory purpose by aiding the 
supervisory staffs of the agencies that supervise these insured state 
banks in performing their ongoing assessments of compliance with the 
aggregate limit on such investments. Accordingly, in place of Schedule 
RC-B, item 7, column C, which would no longer be applicable to 
institutions after their adoption of ASU 2016-01, and which would 
ultimately be removed effective December 31, 2020, the agencies would 
add a new item 4, ``Cost of equity securities with readily determinable 
fair values not held for trading,'' to Schedule RC-M effective March 
31, 2018. The new Schedule RC-M item would be completed only by insured 
state banks that have adopted ASU 2016-01 and have been approved to 
hold grandfathered equity investments. All other institutions would 
leave new Schedule RC-M, item 4, blank. The equity securities for which 
the cost would be reported in Schedule RC-M, item 4, would be the same 
equity securities for which institutions that have adopted ASU 2016-01 
would report the fair value in new Schedule RC, item 2.c.
    In addition, as previously mentioned, the agencies also received 
three comments from banking organizations regarding the burden 
associated with Schedule RC-R, Regulatory Capital, which is one of the 
schedules for which several revisions related to equity securities were 
proposed. In this regard, a proposed change to this schedule was to add 
a new item 2.c, ``Equity securities with readily determinable fair 
values not held for trading,'' to Schedule RC-R, Part II, Risk-Weighted 
Assets, effective March 31, 2018. As proposed, this new item would be 
completed only by institutions that had adopted ASU 2016-01 and, for 
such institutions, Schedule RC-R, Part II, item 2.b, ``Available-for-
sale securities,'' should include only debt securities. Effective 
December 31, 2020, which is the quarter-end report date as of which all 
institutions would be required to have adopted ASU 2016-01, the caption 
for item 2.b would be revised to ``Available-for-sale debt 
securities.'' These proposed revisions correspond to the changes the 
agencies proposed to make to the categories of securities reported on 
Schedule RC, Balance Sheet.
    The commenters who addressed Schedule RC-R recommended simplifying 
and shortening the schedule to reduce burden. After considering the 
concerns expressed by commenters about the burden of Schedule RC-R in 
relation to the proposed revisions to this schedule for equity 
securities, the agencies have decided against adding a new item 2.c to 
Part II of Schedule RC-R. Instead, the agencies would retain the 
existing risk-weighting reporting process under which those equity 
securities with readily determinable fair values and debt securities 
currently categorized as available-for-sale securities are reported 
together in item 2.b of Schedule RC-R, Part II. To clarify the scope of 
item 2.b for institutions that have and have not adopted ASU 2016-01, 
the agencies would change the caption for item 2.b to ``Available-for-
sale debt securities and equity securities with readily determinable 
fair values not held for trading'' effective March 31, 2018.
    All the other revisions to the reporting of information on equity 
securities and other equity investments proposed by the agencies in 
response to the changes in the accounting requirements for these types 
of assets would be implemented as described in Section III.D.2 of the 
June 2017 proposal and would take effect beginning as of March 31, 

    \20\ 82 FR 29147, 29156-29159.

IV. Timing

    Subject to OMB approval, the effective date for the implementation 
of the revisions to the FFIEC 031, FFIEC 041, and FFIEC 051 to address 
the change in accounting for equity investments would be March 31, 
2018. However, the effective date for the implementation of all other 
revisions described in this notice would be June 30, 2018.
    The agencies originally proposed to implement the revisions 
proposed in the June 2017 notice, as well as those they expected to 
propose based on their evaluation of the responses to the third and 
final portion of user surveys, as of March 31, 2018. However, on 
November 8, 2017, the agencies proposed that the effective date for the 
latter set of changes would be the June 30, 2018, report date.\21\ 
Commenters on the June 2017 and prior Call Report notices have 
described the burden associated with implementing frequent revisions to 
the Call Report. Therefore, the agencies are delaying the burden-
reducing revisions in this proposal until June 30, 2018, to align with 
the target implementation of the burden-reducing Call Report revisions 
published on November 8, 2017. This way, institutions will only need to 
adjust their reporting processes for one combined set of revisions 
effective for the June 30, 2018, Call Report rather than separate sets 
of revisions in March and June 2018. However, ASU 2016-01 is effective 
for public business entities for fiscal years beginning after December 
15, 2017, including interim periods within those fiscal years. This 
necessitates that the proposed equity securities reporting revisions be 
implemented in the Call Report in the first quarter of 2018 so that 
institutions required to, or electing to, adopt the new accounting 
standard at that time are able to report in accordance with that 
standard in the March 31, 2018, Call Report.

    \21\ See 82 FR 51908 (November 8, 2017).

    When implementing the burden-reducing Call Report revisions as of 
the June 30, 2018, report date, institutions may provide reasonable 
estimates for any new or revised Call Report data item initially 
required to be reported as of that date for which the requested 
information is not readily available. In addition, as of the March 31, 
2018, report date or a subsequent report date as of which an 
institution is required to, or early elects to, initially report in 
accordance with ASU 2016-01, the institution may provide reasonable 
estimates for any new or revised Call Report data item affected by the 
equity securities reporting changes for which the requested information 
is not readily available. The specific wording of the captions for the 
new or revised Call Report data items discussed in this proposal and 
the numbering of these data items is subject to change.

[[Page 947]]

V. Request for Comment

    Public comment is requested on all aspects of this joint notice. 
Comment is specifically invited on:
    (a) Whether the proposed revisions to the collections of 
information that are the subject of this notice are necessary for the 
proper performance of the agencies' functions, including whether the 
information has practical utility;
    (b) The accuracy of the agencies' estimates of the burden of the 
information collections as they are proposed to be revised, including 
the validity of the methodology and assumptions used;
    (c) Ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the 
information to be collected;
    (d) Ways to minimize the burden of information collections on 
respondents, including through the use of automated collection 
techniques or other forms of information technology; and
    (e) Estimates of capital or start-up costs and costs of operation, 
maintenance, and purchase of services to provide information.
    Comments submitted in response to this joint notice will be shared 
among the agencies. All comments will become a matter of public record.

Appendix A--Summary of the FFIEC Member Entities' Uses of the Data 
Items in the Call Report Schedules in the Portion of the User Surveys 
Evaluated in the Development of This Proposal

Schedule RI-D (Income from Foreign Offices) [FFIEC 031 only]

    Schedule RI-D collects data on income from foreign offices. 
Collectively, the data are used in country and currency risk 
analyses to monitor the level, trend, quality and sustainability of 
the income component of foreign offices. These data help support a 
variety of examination activities that include, but are not limited 
to, earnings and yield analysis, asset securitizations, core 
assessment, price risk, and trading. Quarterly data also improve the 
off-site monitoring of trading and asset management activities. Data 
on investment banking, advisory, brokerage, and underwriting fees 
and commissions are used to track the global asset management 
activities of institutions with foreign offices. The global presence 
of these activities adds to the complexity of the asset management 
business conducted by financial institutions and this information is 
continually monitored to detect potential shifts in business models. 
It also serves as one component of measurement of the degree of 
global interconnectedness and systemic risk.

Schedule RI-E (Explanations)

    Schedule RI-E collects explanations for items that significantly 
contribute to the total amounts reported for other noninterest 
income and other noninterest expense. Since other noninterest income 
makes up almost half of total noninterest income and other 
noninterest expense makes up approximately 40 percent of noninterest 
expense on an aggregate basis for all filers of the Call Report, 
data on the composition of each of these income statement data items 
is essential to understanding what is driving the level of and 
changes over time in these data items at individual institutions. 
The stratification of the information in this schedule allows for 
identification of potential unusual sources of changes in earnings 
that affect trend analyses. This information is particularly 
important for identifying losses of an unusual or nonrecurring 
nature when an institution is in a stressed condition, which was 
evident during the recent financial crisis. This stratified 
noninterest income and expense information continues to be critical 
in understanding the causes of swings in an institution's 
    Schedule RI-E also collects descriptive information on 
discontinued operations, significant adjustments to the allowance 
for loan and lease losses (ALLL), accounting changes and error 
corrections, and certain capital transactions with stockholders. 
These data items provide the agencies and their examiners better 
insight on factors driving changes in net income and the ALLL (due 
to sources other than provisions, charge-offs, and recoveries), 
along with nonrecurring types of changes in institutions' equity 
    The detailed breakdown of components of other noninterest income 
in excess of the Schedule RI-E reporting threshold is essential to 
the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's (CFPB) understanding of 
the viability of institutions' offerings of consumer services 
regulated by the CFPB. This information provides unique insights 
into institutions' reliance on key revenue streams that can impact 
consumer access to and the availability of services. These streams 
include bank and credit card interchange, income and fees from 
automated teller machines, and institution-described components of 
other noninterest income. This information also helps the CFPB 
monitor trends in the consumer marketplace. Similarly, the detailed 
breakdown of other noninterest expense facilitates the CFPB's 
ability to conduct statutorily-required cost analyses for 
rulemakings and other policy endeavors.

Schedule RC-B (Securities)

    Information collected on Schedule RC-B is essential for 
assessment of liquidity risk, market risk, interest rate risk, and 
credit risk. Specifically, information on held-to-maturity, 
available-for-sale, and pledged securities is critical for analysis 
of the institution's ability to manage short-term financial 
obligations without negatively impacting capital or income 
(liquidity risk), and risk of loss due to market movements (market 
risk). Maturity and repricing information on debt securities 
collected in the Memorandum items on Schedule RC-B, together with 
the maturity and repricing information collected in other schedules 
for other types of assets and liabilities, is critical for the 
assessment of the risk to an institution from changes in interest 
rates (interest rate risk), and also contributes to the evaluation 
of liquidity. Thus, the maturity and repricing information collected 
throughout the Call Report also aids in evaluating the strategies 
institutions take to mitigate liquidity and interest rate risks. 
Liquidity and interest rate risk indicators that are calculated by 
agency models from an institution's Call Report data and exceed 
specified parameters or change significantly between examinations 
are red flags that call for timely examiner off-site review.
    In this regard, the reported amount of debt securities with a 
remaining maturity of one year or less is a key input into the 
calculation of an institution's short-term assets that, when 
analyzed in conjunction with non-core funding data, can indicate the 
extent to which the institution is relying on short-term funding to 
fund longer-term assets, which presents an exposure to liquidity 
risk. Further, liquidity risk inputs into agency models that vary by 
type of security provide examiners the ability to customize and 
apply liquidity stress tests. Extensive back testing has shown that 
the liquidity risk inputs for securities contain substantial 
forward-looking information by which to ascertain the likelihood 
that an institution would be able to avoid significant liquidity 
problems in a stressed environment.
    As another example, agency models that consider both the 
amortized cost and fair value of held-to-maturity and available-for-
sale securities reported in Schedule RC-B are used for off-site 
monitoring of interest rate risk to identify individual institutions 
that may be significantly exposed to rising interest rates. 
Individual types of securities from Schedule RC-B are grouped into 
major categories for purposes of performing duration-based analyses 
of potential investment portfolio depreciation for both severe and 
more moderate interest rate increases. The Schedule RC-B data for 
these groupings of securities, together with Call Report data for 
other types of balance sheet assets and liabilities, also serve as 
inputs to quarterly duration-based estimates of potential changes in 
fair values for the overall balance sheet in response to various 
forecasted interest rate changes. Outlier institutions identified by 
these models are the subject of prompt supervisory follow-up to 
address their interest rate risk exposure.
    The institution's risk profile in these areas is considered 
during pre-examination planning to determine the appropriate scoping 
and staffing for examinations. For example, the quarterly reporting 
of the Call Report information on held-to-maturity and available-
for-sale securities also aids in the identification of low-risk 
areas prior to on-site examinations, allowing the agencies to 
improve the allocation of their supervisory resources and increase 
the efficiency of supervisory assessments, which reduces the scope 
of examinations in these areas, thereby reducing regulatory burden.
    Information on the amortized cost and fair value of the 
securities portfolio allows for measurement of depreciation/
appreciation, which is important for assessing the potential impact 
that unrealized gains and losses may have on earnings and liquidity. 
Unrealized gains and losses on available-for-sale equity securities 
and, for certain institutions,

[[Page 948]]

unrealized gains and losses on available-for-sale debt securities 
are an integral input into regulatory capital calculations. 
Furthermore, because the amount of unrealized gains and losses on 
both held-to-maturity and available-for-sale debt securities is an 
indicator of risk in the debt securities portfolio, it also is a key 
factor in examiners' qualitative assessments of capital adequacy.
    Data showing significant depreciation in specific types of 
securities not issued or guaranteed by the U.S. government or its 
agencies can signal an institution's failure to properly evaluate 
the existence of other-than-temporary impairments arising from 
credit losses and other factors. Similarly, data on year-to-date 
sales and transfers of held-to-maturity securities is a basis for 
off-site or on-site follow-up by examiners to determine whether the 
reasons for these transactions are acceptable under U.S. GAAP or 
have resulted in the tainting of this securities portfolio. In 
addition, the reporting of debt securities by security type is 
important to identify concentrations in higher risk types of 
investments, which may have greater liquidity and/or credit risk 
than other types of securities. Information on investments in 
securities issued by states and political subdivisions in the United 
States is used by many state regulatory agencies as a starting point 
for monitoring compliance with certain state municipal investment 
regulations. The amortized cost and fair value of held-to-maturity 
and available-for-sale debt securities, respectively, for certain 
types of securities as well as the fair value of all U.S. Treasury 
and U.S. Government agency securities are used in the risk-based 
premium deposit insurance pricing methodology for large institutions 
and highly complex institutions.

Schedule RC-D (Trading Assets and Liabilities) [FFIEC 031 and FFIEC 
041 only]

    Schedule RC-D collects information on trading activity from 
institutions with more than a limited amount of trading assets in 
recent quarters. Trading assets are segmented into detailed 
securities and loan categories. Trading liabilities separately cover 
liability for short positions and other trading liabilities. The 
schedule's Memorandum items request additional information, 
including the unpaid principal balance of loans and the fair value 
of structured financial products and asset-backed securities held 
for trading purposes.
    The information contained in Schedule RC-D is used to assess the 
overall composition of the institution's trading portfolio and also 
provides detailed information to evaluate the liquidity, credit, and 
interest rate risk within the trading portfolio, which impacts the 
overall risk profile of the institution. Data on the types of 
trading assets held by an institution--such as U.S. Treasury 
securities versus structured financial products versus commercial 
and industrial loans, for example--serve as a barometer of the 
relative levels of these risks in the trading portfolio. Regarding 
liquidity risk, the higher the level of more liquid assets an 
institution has within its trading portfolio, the more financial 
flexibility it has if faced with uncertainties or unfavorable market 
conditions. If an institution has a low level of liquid assets 
within its trading portfolio, this impacts its ability to rapidly 
adjust its holdings in response to adverse market movements. 
Information on the volume and composition of trading assets and how 
it has changed over recent quarters also can provide insight into an 
institution's trading strategies and its views on market trends. The 
assessment of trading portfolio composition and risks enters into 
pre-examination planning to determine the appropriate scoping and 
staffing for examinations of institutions engaged in trading 
    Furthermore, data on securities and loans held for trading are 
combined with data on securities and loans held for investment, as 
reported in Schedule RC-B and Schedule RC-C, Part I, to benchmark 
weekly loan and security data collected by the Board from a sample 
of both small and large institutions. These weekly data are used to 
estimate weekly measures of extension of credit for the banking 
sector as a whole to provide a more timely input for purposes of 
monitoring the macroeconomy.
    Information on mortgage-backed securities and mortgage loans 
held for trading assisted the CFPB's efforts to develop required 
estimates for various Title XIV mortgage reform rulemakings under 
the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Pub. 
L. 111-203). Going forward, data items from this schedule and 
Schedules RC-B and RC-C, Part I, are critical for continuous 
monitoring of the mortgage market. The CFPB uses these items to 
understand the intricacies of the mortgage market that are essential 
to assessing institutional participation in regulated consumer 
financial services markets and to assess regulatory impact 
associated with recent and proposed policies, as required by that 
agency's statutory mandate.

Schedule RC-K (Quarterly Averages)

    Average quarterly asset and liability information is essential 
to the ability of the FFIEC member entities to more appropriately 
evaluate the performance of individual institutions. Quarterly 
average data from Schedule RC-K also provide important information 
at the industry level for policy review at FFIEC member entities.
    The average data reported in Schedule RC-K are used in 
conjunction with income and expense information from Schedule RI to 
calculate yields and costs for the corresponding categories of 
assets and liabilities. These ratios are presented in the Uniform 
Bank Performance Report (UBPR) where they are used as a tool by 
examiners, both on- and off-site, to monitor and evaluate trends 
related to an institution's earnings and capital. These ratios also 
help the agencies identify trends across the banking industry. 
Important ratios derived from quarterly average data include, but 
are not limited to, earnings ratios (e.g., return on average assets, 
overhead ratio, and net interest margin) and the leverage capital 
    The granularity of the data in Schedule RC-K assists in 
analyzing performance within a bank's asset and liability 
portfolios. Quarterly average balances allow for better analyses of 
trends in the composition of an institution's assets and liabilities 
than is possible from comparisons of quarter-end data, which may be 
affected by fluctuations related to seasonality or abnormal levels 
of activity at period-end. The detailed average data used to 
calculate the yield on specific types of interest-earning assets 
helps examination teams understand the impact of credit quality on 
the earnings performance of particular loan portfolios. Where an 
institution's yields on particular types of loans exceed those of 
its peers, this warrants examiner scrutiny to determine whether this 
outcome is a result of the institution's origination or purchase of 
lower credit quality loans. In addition, the data on the cost of 
funds by funding type is important in assessing the funding mix at 
the institution level for oversight purposes. Higher costs for 
particular types of deposits or other liabilities compared to these 
costs at an institution's peers also warrants examiner review to 
determine whether the institution is making greater use of more 
volatile non-core funding sources. The yield on interest-earning 
assets and cost of funds also gives insight into the effectiveness 
of an institution's plans and initiatives related to asset/liability 
mix, liquidity, and interest rate risk strategies and their 
resulting impact on earnings. These performance ratios are essential 
to the consideration of an institution's earnings during pre-
examination planning to determine the appropriate scoping of this 
area, particularly because earnings is evaluated and rated as part 
of the CAMELS rating system.\22\

    \22\ CAMELS is an acronym that represents the ratings from six 
essential components of an institution's financial condition and 
operations: Capital adequacy, asset quality, management, earnings, 
liquidity, and sensitivity to market risk. These components 
represent the primary areas evaluated by examiners during 
examinations of institutions.

Schedule RC-L (Derivatives and Off-Balance-Sheet Items)

    Schedule RC-L provides data on off-balance sheet assets and 
liabilities as well as derivatives contracts. The quarterly 
reporting of all off-balance sheet items in the Call Report is 
required by law (12 U.S.C. 1831n(a)(3)(C)). The most recent 
financial crisis emphasized the importance of identifying and 
monitoring significant exposures arising from any contingent or off-
balance sheet liabilities and the effect of these exposures on an 
institution's overall risk profile. The granular data on components 
of off-balance sheet items, as well as derivatives data, assist the 
banking agencies in ensuring the safety and soundness of financial 
institutions through both off-site and on-site monitoring of a 
variety of potential risks. These risks include, but are not limited 
to, liquidity risk, credit risk, interest rate risk, and foreign 
exchange risk. The data on Schedule RC-L also is essential for the 
examination scoping process, which begins during pre-examination 
planning. The data offer insight into outliers and exceptions, which 
provide information to examiners on areas on which to focus during 
their on-site examinations.
    The data on Schedule RC-L on the FFIEC 031 and FFIEC 041 are 
useful in determining

[[Page 949]]

an institution's potential exposure to losses from derivatives 
activities. It is also useful in identifying the extent to which an 
institution may be engaging in hedging strategies that will affect 
its future earnings prospects. An excessive and/or inappropriate 
credit derivative position could have a substantial and immediate 
detrimental impact to an institution's liquidity, interest rate 
risk, earnings, or capital adequacy. For institutions with material 
volumes of derivatives as reported on Schedule RC-L, examiners can 
assess whether the institution's management has the appropriate 
expertise and policies in place to manage and control the risks 
associated with its derivatives activities and whether the 
institution's capital levels are commensurate with its risk 
exposure. This is particularly true with respect to interest rate 
derivatives, which are the most widely held derivatives, and are 
commonly used in the management of interest rate risk. Schedule RC-L 
provides a granular perspective about the types of interest rate 
contracts an institution has entered into, which helps an examiner 
focus on assessing how effectively management uses the various types 
of interest rate contracts in its derivatives portfolio to hedge its 
exposure to interest rate risk. Also, examiners investigate 
fluctuations in the fair values of an institution's holdings of 
derivatives to determine if there are changes in the institution's 
risk appetite as set by the board of directors and implemented by 
    The unused commitments information on Schedule RC-L is essential 
to examiners, especially during periods of financial distress when 
borrowers rely increasingly on drawing down their lines of credit 
and unused commitments as a source of funding. The unused 
commitments data enable examiners to identify whether growth in 
unused commitments over time is at a manageable level and permit 
assessments of the potential impact, if such commitments are funded, 
on the credit quality of the related loan categories, as well as on 
the liquidity and on the capital position of an institution. Also, 
institutions may have a concentration in a particular loan category, 
which may not be readily apparent from balance sheet data until 
unused commitments to borrowers in this category are actually 
funded, which dictates that examiners consider the reported amounts 
on unused commitments by loan category to ensure they identify and 
assess the concentration risk. Financial and performance standby 
letters of credit also present liquidity and credit risk 
considerations for examiners, which also may be greater during 
periods of financial distress when the counterparties may be more 
likely to fail to perform as required under the terms of the 
underlying contract.
    The derivatives information on Schedule RC-L is also one of the 
primary sources that feeds into a derivatives quarterly report that 
is used to report on bank trading and derivatives activities. This 
public report issued by the OCC helps the banking agencies' on-site 
examiners at the largest banks to continuously evaluate the credit, 
market, operational, reputation, and compliance risks of bank 
derivatives activities.

Schedule RC-M (Memoranda)

    Schedule RC-M collects various types of information. Section 
7(k) of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 1817(k)) 
authorizes the federal banking agencies to require the reporting and 
public disclosure of information concerning extensions of credit by 
an institution to its executive officers and principal shareholders 
and their related interests. The Board's Regulation O (12 CFR 215), 
which has been made applicable to all institutions, imposes an 
aggregate lending limit on extensions of credit to insiders 
(executive officers, directors, principal shareholders, and their 
related interests) and, in general, requires an institution to make 
available the names of its executive officers and principal 
shareholders to whom the institution had outstanding as of the end 
of the latest previous quarter aggregate extensions of credit that, 
when aggregated with all other outstanding extensions of credit to 
such person and their related interests, equaled or exceeded the 
lesser of 5 percent of capital and unimpaired surplus or $500,000. 
The data collected in Schedule RC-M on extensions of credit to the 
reporting institution's insiders generally align with these 
requirements and assist the agencies in monitoring compliance with 
the insider lending regulations between examinations and determining 
whether supervisory follow-up is warranted when material increases 
in insider lending are identified.
    Because identifiable intangible assets are deducted from 
regulatory capital or are subject to regulatory capital limits and 
deducted amounts are not risk weighted, the reporting of these 
amounts aids in validating an institution's regulatory capital 
calculations in Schedule RC-R. In addition to their treatment under 
the regulatory capital rules, mortgage servicing assets in 
particular are complex in nature and present liquidity risk and 
interest rate risk and their value is affected by the credit risk of 
the underlying serviced assets. Mortgage servicing assets also 
contribute to the level of an institution's mortgage prepayment 
exposure. When the level of this exposure rises above a specified 
benchmark at an individual institution, this exposure may warrant 
additional attention by examiners between examinations and 
necessitate greater scrutiny of management's prepayment assumptions 
in its own interest rate risk model during examinations or 
    The components of other real estate owned are needed to monitor 
asset quality trends at individual institutions and industry-wide, 
including when coupled with the past due and nonaccrual data for 
loans secured by the same type of property from Schedule RC-N. The 
component information may provide insight into the market conditions 
affecting the segments of the real estate market in the 
institution's trade area, including possible deteriorating 
    Maturity and repricing information on other borrowed money, 
together with the maturity and repricing information collected in 
other schedules for other types of assets and liabilities, is needed 
to evaluate liquidity and interest rate risk to the institution, and 
to aid in evaluating the strategies institutions take to mitigate 
these risks. Liquidity and interest rate risk indicators that are 
calculated by agency models from an institution's Call Report data 
and exceed specified parameters or change significantly between 
examinations are red flags that call for timely examiner attention. 
Data on certain secured liabilities also are used in the assessment 
of institutions' liquidity positions. Increases in the relative 
volume of secured versus unsecured liabilities may signal that an 
institution is encountering difficulties in rolling over unsecured 
borrowings due to deterioration in its condition, which would call 
for supervisory follow-up when identified between examinations.
    Information on mutual funds and annuities, bank websites with 
transactional capability, certain trustee and custodial activities, 
and captive insurance subsidiaries, is used to identify institutions 
engaged in these activities, some of which are not typical 
activities for community banks. If an institution begins to report 
that it engages in one or more of these activities or reports a 
significant increase in assets tied to an activity between 
examinations, this may indicate the need for examiner follow-up to 
assess the institution's expertise and management of these 
activities. An institution's involvement in these activities may 
also affect the staffing and scoping of examinations, particularly 
for activities for which compliance with applicable laws and 
regulations must be evaluated during examinations. The reporting of 
an institution's internet websites and trade names supports the 
FDIC's ability to serve as an information resource for insured 
institutions by responding to inquiries from the public with the 
most current information concerning the insured status of the 
institution behind an internet website or a physical branch office 
that uses a trade name.
    For Qualified Thrift Lenders (QTL) subject to 12 U.S.C. 
1467a(c), reporting of QTL test information assists the agencies in 
timely identifying thrift institutions that need to take action to 
remain in compliance, or that fail to comply and become subject to 
certain restrictions. International remittance transfers data by 
type are needed annually to monitor compliance with regulatory 
requirements (12 CFR 1005.30, et seq.). Different types of transfers 
pose different consumer protection concerns and information of 
transfer activity aids in the monitoring of the evolution of this 
market, and how institutions diversify remittance offerings beyond 
wire transfers.

Schedule RC-R (Regulatory Capital)

    Schedule RC-R collects information about an institution's 
capital. Part I (Regulatory Capital Components and Ratios) collects 
information about the types and amounts of capital instruments and 
the leverage and risk-based capital ratios. Part II (Risk-Weighted 
Assets) collects additional information about types of assets on an 
institution's balance sheet and certain off-balance sheet items to 
use in computing the risk-based capital ratios.
    Each federal banking agency is required to establish a leverage 
limit and risk-based capital requirement for insured depository

[[Page 950]]

institutions under 12 U.S.C. 1831o and to monitor compliance with 
those requirements. The agencies implemented the capital 
requirements in their regulatory capital rules (12 CFR part 3 for 
OCC; 12 CFR part 217 for the Board; 12 CFR part 324 for the FDIC) 
and the compliance requirements in their prompt corrective action 
rules (12 CFR part 6 for OCC; 12 CFR part 208, subpart D for the 
Board; 12 CFR 324, Subpart H for the FDIC). The capital rules 
recognize three types of capital instruments: CET-1, Additional Tier 
1, and Tier 2 capital. The total of each type on Schedule RC-R, Part 
I, includes all potential adjustments to each component as allowed 
under the capital rules. The capital rules also provide for a 
calculation of risk-weighted assets, which consists of assigning a 
risk-weight to every asset on an institution's balance sheet that is 
not deducted from capital, as well as to certain off-balance sheet 
items. Schedule RC-R, Part II, includes all of the fields necessary 
to properly calculate an institution's risk-weighted asset amount. 
Finally, the results of the calculation of capital instrument 
amounts and risk-weighted assets are used to calculate risk-based 
and leverage capital ratios on Schedule RC-R, Part I. The agencies 
need to be able to monitor compliance with the capital rules and 
prompt corrective action provisions no less frequently than 
    In addition to using the resulting capital ratios to determine 
an institution's status under 12 U.S.C. 1831o and the banking 
agencies' prompt corrective action regulations, the FFIEC member 
entities use the regulatory capital information for other purposes. 
The calculation of Tier 1 capital at quarter-end flows into the 
amount of average tangible equity for the calendar quarter that 
institutions report in Schedule RC-O, which is used in the 
measurement of institutions' assessment bases for deposit insurance 
purposes. The Tier 1 leverage ratio is one of the inputs into the 
calculation of deposit insurance assessment rates for small 
institutions and Tier 1 capital is a commonly used input when 
calculating these rates for large and highly complex institutions. 
Capital adequacy is rated in an institution's on-site examination as 
the C of the CAMELS component ratings, and the information provided 
on Schedule RC-R helps examiners evaluate and rate that component. 
It is also used in the off-site monitoring process, and is important 
in reviewing the risk profile and viability of a financial 
institution. For example, the ratio of risk-weighted assets to 
unweighted assets has been found to provide an informative forward-
looking signal regarding an institution's risk posture. The 
information provided on Schedule RC-R also is used in deciding 
whether to approve an 18-month examination cycle for a specific 
institution and in reviewing merger applications.
    Information on specific sub-components of regulatory capital is 
useful as well. For example, the amounts of unrealized gains and 
losses on securities that flow into regulatory capital provide an 
indication of an institution's interest rate and market risk. 
Information on the risk weighting of assets and off-balance sheet 
items provides insight into management's risk tolerance and the 
institution's risk to the deposit insurance fund. The risk-weighted 
asset composition information and risk-based capital ratios that 
flow into the UBPR are helpful to examiners when reviewing Reports 
of Examination and to establish a peer group average for comparison 
when evaluating changes in these items. The risk-weighted asset 
composition information also assists examiners in evaluating the 
reasons for changes in total risk-weighted assets over time at 
individual institutions. The derivatives exposure items reported in 
the Memoranda section of Schedule RC-R, Part II, provide a key 
insight into the notional principal amounts of both cleared and 
over-the-counter derivatives in the banking system, in addition to 
being inputs into the calculation for risk-weighted assets.

Appendix B--FFIEC 051: To be completed by banks with domestic offices 
only and total assets less than $1 billion

Data Items Removed, Other Impacts to Data Items, Data Items With a 
Reduction in Frequency of Collection, or Data Items with an Increase in 
Reporting Threshold

                                               Data Items Removed
              Schedule                        Item                    Item name                  MDRM No.
RI.................................  5.d.(1)...............  Fees and commissions from    RIADC886.
                                                              securities brokerage.
RI.................................  5.d.(2)...............  Investment banking,          RIADC888.
                                                              advisory, and underwriting
                                                              fees and commissions.
                                                             Note: Items 5.d.(1) and
                                                              5.d.(2) of Schedule RI
                                                              will be combined into one
                                                              data item.
RI.................................  5.d.(3)...............  Fees and commissions from    RIADC887.
                                                              annuity sales.
RI.................................  5.d.(4)...............  Underwriting income from     RIADC386.
                                                              insurance and reinsurance
RI.................................  5.d.(5)...............  Income from other insurance  RIADC387.
                                                             Note: Items 5.d.(3),
                                                              5.d.(4), and 5.d.(5) of
                                                              Schedule RI will be
                                                              combined into one data
RI.................................  5.g...................  Net securitization income..  RIADB493.
RI.................................  M1....................  Interest expense incurred    RIAD4513.
                                                              to carry tax-exempt
                                                              securities, loans, and
                                                              leases acquired after
                                                              August 7, 1986, that is
                                                              not deductible for federal
                                                              income tax purposes.
RI-B, Part II......................  M4....................  Amount of allowance for      RIADC781.
                                                              post-acquisition credit
                                                              losses on purchased credit-
                                                              impaired loans accounted
                                                              for in accordance with
                                                              FASB ASC 310-30 (former
                                                              AICPA Statement of
                                                              Position 03-3).
RI-E...............................  1.f...................  Net change in the fair       RIADF229.
                                                              values of financial
                                                              instruments accounted for
                                                              under a fair value option.
RI-E...............................  1.h...................  Gains on bargain purchases.  RIADJ447.
RC.................................  10.a..................  Goodwill...................  RCON3163.
                                                             Note: Schedule RC, item
                                                              10.a will be moved to
                                                              Schedule RC-M, new item
RC.................................  10.b..................  Other intangible assets
                                                              (from Schedule RC-M).
                                                             Note: Items 10.a and 10.b    RCON0426.
                                                              of Schedule RC will be
                                                              combined into one data
RC-B...............................  2.a...................  U.S. Government agency       RCON1289, RCON1290,
                                                              obligations (exclude         RCON1291, RCON1293.
                                                              securities): Issued by
                                                              U.S. Government agencies
                                                              (Columns A through D).
RC-B...............................  2.b...................  U.S. Government agency       RCON1294, RCON1295,
                                                              obligations (exclude         RCON1297, RCON1298.
                                                              securities): Issued by
                                                              U.S. Government-sponsored
                                                              agencies (Columns A
                                                              through D).
                                                             Note: Items 2.a and 2.b of
                                                              Schedule RC-B will be
                                                              combined into one data
                                                              item (Columns A through

[[Page 951]]

RC-B...............................  5.b.(1)...............  Structured financial         RCONG336, RCONG337,
                                                              products: Cash (Columns A    RCONG338, RCONG339.
                                                              through D).
RC-B...............................  5.b.(2)...............  Structured financial         RCONG340, RCONG341,
                                                              products: Synthetic          RCONG342, RCONG343.
                                                              (Columns A through D).
RC-B...............................  5.b.(3)...............  Structured financial         RCONG344, RCONG345,
                                                              products: Hybrid (Columns    RCONG346, RCONG347.
                                                              A through D).
                                                             Note: Items 5.b.(1),
                                                              5.b.(2), and 5.b.(3) of
                                                              Schedule RC-B will be
                                                              combined into one line
                                                              item (Columns A through
RC-B...............................  M6.a..................  Structured financial         RCONG348, RCONG349,
                                                              products by underlying       RCONG350, RCONG351.
                                                              collateral or reference
                                                              assets: Trust preferred
                                                              securities issued by
                                                              financial institutions
                                                              (Columns A through D).
RC-B...............................  M6.b..................  Structured financial         RCONG352, RCONG353,
                                                              products by underlying       RCONG354, RCONG355.
                                                              collateral or reference
                                                              assets: Trust preferred
                                                              securities issued by real
                                                              estate investment trusts
                                                              (Columns A through D).
RC-B...............................  M6.c..................  Structured financial         RCONG356, RCONG357,
                                                              products by underlying       RCONG358, RCONG359.
                                                              collateral or reference
                                                              assets: Corporate and
                                                              similar loans (Columns A
                                                              through D).
RC-B...............................  M6.d..................  Structured financial         RCONG360, RCONG361,
                                                              products by underlying       RCONG362, RCONG363.
                                                              collateral or reference
                                                              assets: 1-4 family
                                                              residential MBS issued or
                                                              guaranteed by U.S.
                                                              enterprises (GSEs)
                                                              (Columns A through D).
RC-B...............................  M6.e..................  Structured financial         RCONG364, RCONG365,
                                                              products by underlying       RCONG366, RCONG367.
                                                              collateral or reference
                                                              assets: 1-4 family
                                                              residential MBS not issued
                                                              or guaranteed by GSEs
                                                              (Columns A through D).
RC-B...............................  M6.f..................  Structured financial         RCONG368, RCONG369,
                                                              products by underlying       RCONG370, RCONG371.
                                                              collateral or reference
                                                              assets: Diversified
                                                              (mixed) pools of
                                                              structured financial
                                                              products (Columns A
                                                              through D).
RC-B...............................  M6.g..................  Structured financial         RCONG372, RCONG373,
                                                              products by underlying       RCONG374, RCONG375.
                                                              collateral or reference
                                                              assets: Other collateral
                                                              or reference assets
                                                              (Columns A through D).
RC-K...............................  7.....................  Trading assets.............  RCON3401.
RC-L...............................  1.b.(1)...............  Unused consumer credit card  RCONJ455.
RC-L...............................  1.b.(2)...............  Other unused credit card     RCONJ456.
RC-L...............................  1.d...................  Unused commitments:          RCON3817.
                                                              Securities underwriting.
RC-M...............................  2.b...................  Purchased credit card        RCONB026.
                                                              relationships and
                                                              nonmortgage servicing
                                     ......................  Note: Amounts reported in
                                                              item 2.b will be included
                                                              in item 2.c, All other
                                                              identifiable intangible
RC-M...............................  3.f...................  Foreclosed properties from   RCONC979.
                                                              ``GNMA loans''.
                                     ......................  Note: Amounts reported in
                                                              item 3.f will be included
                                                              in item 3.c, Other real
                                                              estate owned: 1-4 family
                                                              residential properties.

                                           Other Impacts to Data Items
              Schedule                        Item                    Item name                  MDRM No.
RI.................................  5.d.(1) (New).........  Fees and commissions from    To be determined
                                                              securities brokerage,        (TBD).
                                                              investment banking,
                                                              advisory, and underwriting
                                                             Note: Items 5.d.(1) and
                                                              5.d.(2) of Schedule RI
                                                              removed above will be
                                                              combined into this data
RI.................................  5.d.(2) (New).........  Income from insurance        TBD.
                                                              activities (includes
                                                              underwriting income from
                                                              insurance and reinsurance
                                                             Note: Items 5.d.(3),
                                                              5.d.(4), and 5.d.(5) of
                                                              Schedule RI removed above
                                                              will be combined into this
                                                              data item.
RC.................................  10 (New)..............  Intangible assets (from      RCON2143.
                                                              Schedule RC-M).
                                                             Note: Items 10.a and 10.b
                                                              of Schedule RC removed
                                                              above will be combined
                                                              into this data item.
RC-B...............................  2 (New)...............  U.S. Government agency and   TBD (4 MDRMs).
                                                              sponsored agency
                                                              obligations (exclude
                                                              mortgage-backed securities
                                                              (Columns A through D).
                                                             Note: Items 2.a and 2.b of
                                                              Schedule RC-B removed
                                                              above will be combined
                                                              into this data item
                                                              (Columns A through D).
RC-B...............................  5.b (New).............  Structured financial         TBD (4 MDRMs).
                                                              products (Columns A
                                                              through D).
                                                             Note: Items 5.b.(1),
                                                              5.b.(2), and 5.b.(3) of
                                                              Schedule RC-B removed
                                                              above will be combined
                                                              into this line item
                                                              (Columns A through D).
RC-M...............................  2.b (Re-mapping)......  Goodwill...................  RCON3163.

[[Page 952]]

                                                             Note: Schedule RC, item
                                                              10.a will be moved to
                                                              Schedule RC-M, new item
                                                              2.b., and the phrase
                                                              ``other than goodwill''
                                                              will be removed from the
                                                              caption for Schedule RC-M,
                                                              item 2.

Data Items With a Reduction in Frequency of Collection

                                              Semiannual Reporting
                                            [June 30 and December 31]
              Schedule                        Item                    Item name                  MDRM No.
RC-B...............................  M3....................  Amortized cost of held-to-   RCON1778.
                                                              maturity securities sold
                                                              or transferred to
                                                              available-for-sale or
                                                              trading securities during
                                                              the calendar year-to-date.
RC-C, Part I.......................  M7.a..................  Purchased credit-impaired    RCONC779.
                                                              loans held for investment
                                                              accounted for in
                                                              accordance with FASB ASC
                                                              310-30: Outstanding
RC-C, Part I.......................  M7.b..................  Purchased credit-impaired    RCONC780.
                                                              loans held for investment
                                                              accounted for in
                                                              accordance with FASB ASC
                                                              310-30: Amount included in
                                                              Schedule RC-C, Part I,
                                                              items 1 through 9.
RC-C, Part I.......................  M8.a..................  Total amount of closed-end   RCONF230.
                                                              loans with negative
                                                              amortization features
                                                              secured by 1-4 family
                                                              residential properties.
RC-C, Part I.......................  M12...................  Loans (not subject to the    RCONGW45, RCONGW46,
                                                              requirements of FASB ASC     RCONGW47.
                                                              310-30 (former AICPA
                                                              Statement of Position 03-
                                                              3)) and leases held for
                                                              investment that were
                                                              acquired in business
                                                              combinations with
                                                              acquisition dates in the
                                                              current calendar year
                                                              (Columns A through C).
RC-L...............................  11.a..................  Year-to-date merchant        RCONC223.
                                                              credit card sales volume:
                                                              Sales for which the
                                                              reporting bank is the
                                                              acquiring bank.
RC-L...............................  11.b..................  Year-to-date merchant        RCONC224.
                                                              credit card sales volume:
                                                              Sales for which the
                                                              reporting bank is the
                                                              agent bank with risk.
RC-N...............................  M7....................  Additions to nonaccrual      RCONC410.
                                                              assets during the quarter.
                                                             Note: This caption would be
                                                              revised to ``Additions to
                                                              nonaccrual assets during
                                                              the last 6 months.''
RC-N...............................  M8....................  Nonaccrual assets sold       RCONC411.
                                                              during the quarter.
                                                             Note: This caption would be
                                                              revised to ``Nonaccrual
                                                              assets sold during the
                                                              last 6 months.''
RC-N...............................  M9.a..................  Purchased credit-impaired    RCONL183, RCONL184,
                                                              loans accounted for in       RCONL185.
                                                              accordance with FASB ASC
                                                              310-30 (former AICPA
                                                              Statement of Position 03-
                                                              3): Outstanding balance
                                                              (Columns A through C).
RC-N...............................  M9.b..................  Purchased credit-impaired    RCONL186, RCONL187,
                                                              loans accounted for in       RCONL188.
                                                              accordance with FASB ASC
                                                              310-30 (former AICPA
                                                              Statement of Position 03-
                                                              3): Amount included in
                                                              Schedule RC-N, items 1
                                                              through 7, above (Columns
                                                              A through C).

                                                Annual Reporting
                                                  [December 31]
              Schedule                        Item                    Item name                  MDRM No.
RI-E...............................  1.a through 1.l.......  Other noninterest income     RIADC013, RIADC014,
                                                              (from Schedule RI, item      RIADC016, RIAD4042,
                                                              5.l).                        RIADC015, RIADF555,
                                                                                           RIADT047, RIAD4461,
                                                                                           RIAD4462, RIAD4463.
RI-E...............................  2.a through 2.p.......  Other noninterest expense    RIADC017, RIAD0497,
                                                              (from Schedule RI, item      RIAD4136, RIADC018,
                                                              7.d).                        RIAD8403, RIAD4141,
                                                                                           RIAD4146, RIADF556,
                                                                                           RIADF557, RIADF558,
                                                                                           RIADF559, RIADY923,
                                                                                           RIADY924, RIAD4464,
                                                                                           RIAD4467, RIAD4468.

[[Page 953]]

                               Data Items With an Increase in Reporting Threshold
   [To be completed by banks with components of other noninterest income in amounts greater than $100,000 that
                                   exceed 7 percent of Schedule RI, item 5.l]
              Schedule                        Item                    Item name                  MDRM No.
RI-E...............................  1.a through 1.l.......  Other noninterest income     RIADC013, RIADC014,
                                                              (from Schedule RI, item      RIADC016, RIAD4042,
                                                              5.l).                        RIADC015, RIADF555,
                                                                                           RIADT047, RIAD4461,
                                                                                           RIAD4462, RIAD4463.

  [To be completed by banks with components of other noninterest expense in amounts greater than $100,000 that
                                   exceed 7 percent of Schedule RI, item 7.d]
              Schedule                        Item                    Item name                  MDRM No.
RI-E...............................  2.a through 2.p.......  Other noninterest expense    RIADC017, RIAD0497,
                                                              (from Schedule RI, item      RIAD4136, RIADC018,
                                                              7.d).                        RIAD8403, RIAD4141,
                                                                                           RIAD4146, RIADF556,
                                                                                           RIADF557, RIADF558,
                                                                                           RIADF559, RIADY923,
                                                                                           RIADY924, RIAD4464,
                                                                                           RIAD4467, RIAD4468.

Appendix C--FFIEC 041: To Be Completed by Banks With Domestic Offices 
Only and Consolidated Total Assets Less Than $100 Billion

Data Items Removed, Other Impacts to Data Items, Data Items With a 
Reduction in Frequency of Collection, or Data Items With an Increase in 
Reporting Threshold

                                               Data Items Removed
              Schedule                        Item                    Item name                  MDRM No.
RI.................................  M8.a..................  Trading revenue from         RIAD8757.
                                                              interest rate exposures.
RI.................................  M8.b..................  Trading revenue from         RIAD8758.
                                                              foreign exchange exposures.
RI.................................  M8.c..................  Trading revenue from equity  RIAD8759.
                                                              security and index
RI.................................  M8.d..................  Trading revenue from         RIAD8760.
                                                              commodity and other
RI.................................  M8.e..................  Trading revenue from credit  RIADF186.
RI.................................  M8.f.(1)..............  Impact on trading revenue    RIADFT36.
                                                              of changes in the
                                                              creditworthiness of the
                                                              bank's derivatives
                                                              counterparties on the
                                                              bank's derivative assets:
                                                              Gross credit valuation
                                                              adjustment (CVA).
RI.................................  M8.f.(2)..............  Impact on trading revenue    RIADFT37.
                                                              of changes in the
                                                              creditworthiness of the
                                                              bank's derivatives
                                                              counterparties on the
                                                              bank's derivative assets:
                                                              CVA hedge.
RI.................................  M8.g.(1)..............  Impact on trading revenue    RIADFT38.
                                                              of changes in the
                                                              creditworthiness of the
                                                              bank on the bank's
                                                              derivative liabilities:
                                                              Gross debit valuation
                                                              adjustment (DVA).
RI.................................  M8.g.(2)..............  Impact on trading revenue    RIADFT39.
                                                              of changes in the
                                                              creditworthiness of the
                                                              bank on the bank's
                                                              derivative liabilities:
                                                              DVA hedge.
RI.................................  M8.h..................  Gross trading revenue        RIADFT40.
                                                              before including positive
                                                              or negative net CVA and
                                                              net DVA.
RI-E...............................  1.f...................  Net change in the fair       RIADF229.
                                                              values of financial
                                                              instruments accounted for
                                                              under a fair value option.
RI-E...............................  1.h...................  Gains on bargain purchases.  RIADJ447.
RC.................................  10.a..................  Goodwill...................  RCON3163.
                                                             Note: Schedule RC, item
                                                              10.a will be moved to
                                                              Schedule RC-M, new item
RC.................................  10.b..................  Other intangible assets      RCON0426.
                                                              (from Schedule RC-M).
                                                             Note: Items 10.a and 10.b
                                                              of Schedule RC will be
                                                              combined into one data

[[Page 954]]

RC-B...............................  2.a...................  U.S. Government agency       RCON1289, RCON1290,
                                                              obligations (exclude         RCON1291, RCON1293.
                                                              securities): Issued by
                                                              U.S. Government agencies
                                                              (Columns A through D).
RC-B...............................  2.b...................  U.S. Government agency       RCON1294, RCON1295,
                                                              obligations (exclude         RCON1297, RCON1298.
                                                              securities): Issued by
                                                              U.S. Government-sponsored
                                                              agencies (Columns A
                                                              through D).
                                                             Note: Items 2.a and 2.b of
                                                              Schedule RC-B will be
                                                              combined into one data
                                                              item (Columns A through D).
RC-B...............................  5.b.(1)...............  Structured financial         RCONG336, RCONG337,
                                                              products: Cash (Columns A    RCONG338, RCONG339.
                                                              through D).
RC-B...............................  5.b.(2)...............  Structured financial         RCONG340, RCONG341,
                                                              products: Synthetic          RCONG342, RCONG343.
                                                              (Columns A through D).
RC-B...............................  5.b.(3)...............  Structured financial         RCONG344, RCONG345,
                                                              products: Hybrid (Columns    RCONG346, RCONG347.
                                                              A through D).
                                                             Note: Items 5.b.(1),
                                                              5.b.(2), and 5.b.(3) of
                                                              Schedule RC-B will be
                                                              combined into one data
RC-D...............................  5.a.(1)...............  Structured financial         RCONG383.
                                                              products: Cash.
RC-D...............................  5.a.(2)...............  Structured financial         RCONG384.
                                                              products: Synthetic.
RC-D...............................  5.a.(3)...............  Structured financial         RCONG385.
                                                              products: Hybrid.
                                                             Note: Items 5.a.(1),
                                                              5.a.(2), and 5.a.(3) of
                                                              Schedule RC-D will be
                                                              combined into one data
RC-D...............................  6.a.(1)...............  Construction, land           RCONF604.
                                                              development, and other
                                                              land loans.
RC-D...............................  6.a.(2)...............  Loans secured by farmland..  RCONF605.
RC-D...............................  6.a.(3)(a)............  Revolving, open-end loans    RCONF606.
                                                              secured by 1-4 family
                                                              residential properties and
                                                              extended under lines of
RC-D...............................  6.a.(3)(b)(1).........  Closed-end loans secured by  RCONF607.
                                                              1-4 family residential
                                                              properties: Secured by
                                                              first liens.
RC-D...............................  6.a.(3)(b)(2).........  Closed-end loans secured by  RCONF611.
                                                              1-4 family residential
                                                              properties: Secured by
                                                              junior liens.
RC-D...............................  6.a.(4)...............  Loans secured by             RCONF612.
                                                              multifamily (5 or more)
                                                              residential properties.
RC-D...............................  6.a.(5)...............  Loans secured by nonfarm     RCONF613.
                                                              nonresidential properties.
                                                             Note: Items 6.a.(1),
                                                              6.a.(2), 6.a.(3)(a),
                                                              6.a.(3)(b)(2), 6.a.(4),
                                                              and 6.a.(5) of Schedule RC-
                                                              D will be replaced by two
                                                              data items: (1) Loans
                                                              secured by 1-4 family
                                                              residential properties,
                                                              and (2) All other loans
                                                              secured by real estate.
RC-D...............................  6.c.(1)...............  Loans to individuals for     RCONF615.
                                                              household, family, and
                                                              other personal
                                                              expenditures: Credit cards.
RC-D...............................  6.c.(2)...............  Loans to individuals for     RCONF616.
                                                              household, family, and
                                                              other personal
                                                              expenditures: Other
                                                              revolving credit plans.
RC-D...............................  6.c.(3)...............  Loans to individuals for     RCONK199.
                                                              household, family, and
                                                              other personal
                                                              expenditures: Automobile
RC-D...............................  6.c.(4)...............  Loans to individuals for     RCONK210.
                                                              household, family, and
                                                              other personal
                                                              expenditures: Other
                                                              consumer loans.
                                                             Note: Items 6.c.(1),
                                                              6.c.(2), 6.c.(3), and
                                                              6.c.(4) of Schedule RC-D
                                                              will be combined into one
                                                              data item.
RC-D...............................  M1.a.(1)..............  Unpaid principal balance of  RCONF625.
                                                              loans measured at fair
                                                              value: Construction, land
                                                              development, and other
                                                              land loans.
RC-D...............................  M1.a.(2)..............  Unpaid principal balance of  RCONF626.
                                                              loans measured at fair
                                                              value: Loans secured by
RC-D...............................  M1.a.(3)(a)...........  Unpaid principal balance of  RCONF627.
                                                              loans measured at fair
                                                              value: Revolving, open-end
                                                              loans secured by 1-4
                                                              family residential
                                                              properties and extended
                                                              under lines of credit.
RC-D...............................  M1.a.(3)(b)(1)........  Unpaid principal balance of  RCONF628.
                                                              loans measured at fair
                                                              value: Closed-end loans
                                                              secured by 1-4 family
                                                              residential properties:
                                                              Secured by first liens.
RC-D...............................  M1.a.(3)(b)(2)........  Unpaid principal balance of  RCONF629.
                                                              loans measured at fair
                                                              value: Closed-end loans
                                                              secured by 1-4 family
                                                              residential properties:
                                                              Secured by junior liens.
RC-D...............................  M1.a.(4)..............  Unpaid principal balance of  RCONF630.
                                                              loans measured at fair
                                                              value: Loans secured by
                                                              multifamily (5 or more)
                                                              residential properties.
RC-D...............................  M1.a.(5)..............  Unpaid principal balance of  RCONF631.
                                                              loans measured at fair
                                                              value: Loans secured by
                                                              nonfarm nonresidential
                                                             Note: Items M1.a.(1),
                                                              M1.a.(2), M1.a.(3)(a),
                                                              M1.a.(3)(b)(2), M1.a.(4),
                                                              and M1.a.(5) of Schedule
                                                              RC-D will be replaced by
                                                              two data items: (1) Unpaid
                                                              principal balance of loans
                                                              measured at fair value:
                                                              Loans secured by 1-4
                                                              family residential
                                                              properties, and (2) Unpaid
                                                              principal balance of loans
                                                              measured at fair value:
                                                              All other loans secured by
                                                              real estate.

[[Page 955]]

RC-D...............................  M1.c.(1)..............  Unpaid principal balance of  RCONF633.
                                                              loans measured at fair
                                                              value: Loans to
                                                              individuals for household,
                                                              family, and other personal
                                                              expenditures: Credit cards.
RC-D...............................  M1.c.(2)..............  Unpaid principal balance of  RCONF634.
                                                              loans measured at fair
                                                              value: Loans to
                                                              individuals for household,
                                                              family, and other personal
                                                              expenditures: Other
                                                              revolving credit plans.
RC-D...............................  M1.c.(3)..............  Unpaid principal balance of  RCONK200.
                                                              loans measured at fair
                                                              value: Loans to
                                                              individuals for household,
                                                              family, and other personal
                                                              expenditures: Automobile
RC-D...............................  M1.c.(4)..............  Unpaid principal balance of  RCONK211.
                                                              loans measured at fair
                                                              value: Loans to
                                                              individuals for household,
                                                              family, and other personal
                                                              expenditures: Other
                                                              consumer loans.
                                                             Note: Items M1.c.(1),
                                                              M1.c.(2), M1.c.(3), and
                                                              M1.c.(4) of Schedule RC-D
                                                              will be combined into one
                                                              data item.
RC-D...............................  M2.a..................  Loans measured at fair       RCONF639.
                                                              value that are past due 90
                                                              days or more: Fair value.
RC-D...............................  M2.b..................  Loans measured at fair       RCONF640.
                                                              value that are past due 90
                                                              days or more: Unpaid
                                                              principal balance.
RC-D...............................  M3.a..................  Structured financial         RCONG299.
                                                              products by underlying
                                                              collateral or reference
                                                              assets: Trust preferred
                                                              securities issued by
                                                              financial institutions.
RC-D...............................  M3.b..................  Structured financial         RCONG332.
                                                              products by underlying
                                                              collateral or reference
                                                              assets: Trust preferred
                                                              securities issued by real
                                                              estate investment trusts.
RC-D...............................  M3.c..................  Structured financial         RCONG333.
                                                              products by underlying
                                                              collateral or reference
                                                              assets: Corporate and
                                                              similar loans.
RC-D...............................  M3.d..................  Structured financial         RCONG334.
                                                              products by underlying
                                                              collateral or reference
                                                              assets: 1-4 family
                                                              residential MBS issued or
                                                              guaranteed by U.S.
                                                              enterprises (GSEs).
RC-D...............................  M3.e..................  Structured financial         RCONG335.
                                                              products by underlying
                                                              collateral or reference
                                                              assets: 1-4 family
                                                              residential MBS not issued
                                                              or guaranteed by GSEs.
RC-D...............................  M3.f..................  Structured financial         RCONG651.
                                                              products by underlying
                                                              collateral or reference
                                                              assets: Diversified
                                                              (mixed) pools of
                                                              structured financial
RC-D...............................  M3.g..................  Structured financial         RCONG652.
                                                              products by underlying
                                                              collateral or reference
                                                              assets: Other collateral
                                                              or reference assets.
RC-D...............................  M4.a..................  Pledged trading assets:      RCONG387.
                                                              Pledged securities.
RC-D...............................  M4.b..................  Pledged trading assets:      RCONG388.
                                                              Pledged loans.
RC-D...............................  M5.a..................  Asset-backed securities:     RCONF643.
                                                              Credit card receivables.
RC-D...............................  M5.b..................  Asset-backed securities:     RCONF644.
                                                              Home equity lines.
RC-D...............................  M5.c..................  Asset-backed securities:     RCONF645.
                                                              Automobile loans.
RC-D...............................  M5.d..................  Asset-backed securities:     RCONF646.
                                                              Other consumer loans.
RC-D...............................  M5.e..................  Asset-backed securities:     RCONF647.
                                                              Commercial and industrial
RC-D...............................  M5.f..................  Asset-backed securities:     RCONF648.
RC-D...............................  M6....................  Retained beneficial          RCONF651.
                                                              interests in
RC-D...............................  M7.a..................  Equity securities: Readily   RCONF652.
                                                              determinable fair values.
RC-D...............................  M7.b..................  Equity securities: Other...  RCONF653.
RC-D...............................  M8....................  Loans pending                RCONF654.
RC-D...............................  M9....................  Other trading assets.......  RCONF655, RCONF656,
RC-D...............................  M10...................  Other trading liabilities..  RCONF658, RCONF659,
RC-L...............................  1.a.(1)...............  Unused commitments for Home  RCONJ477.
                                                              Equity Conversion Mortgage
                                                              (HECM) reverse mortgages
                                                              outstanding that are held
                                                              for investment.
RC-L...............................  1.a.(2)...............  Unused commitments for       RCONJ478.
                                                              proprietary reverse
                                                              mortgages outstanding that
                                                              are held for investment.
                                                             Note: Items 1.a.(1) and
                                                              1.a.(2) of Schedule RC-L
                                                              will be combined into one
                                                              data item.
RC-L...............................  8.....................  Spot foreign exchange        RCON8765.
RC-L...............................  16.a..................  Over-the-counter             RCONG419, RCONG420,
                                                              derivatives: Net current     RCONG421.
                                                              credit exposure (Columns
                                                              B, C, and D).
RC-L...............................  16.b.(1)..............  Over-the-counter             RCONG424, RCONG425,
                                                              derivatives: Fair value of   RCONG426.
                                                              collateral: Cash--U.S.
                                                              dollar (Columns B, C, and
RC-L...............................  16.b.(2)..............  Over-the-counter             RCONG429, RCONG430,
                                                              derivatives: Fair value of   RCONG431.
                                                              collateral: Cash--Other
                                                              currencies (Columns B, C,
                                                              and D).
RC-L...............................  16.b.(3)..............  Over-the-counter             RCONG434, RCONG435,
                                                              derivatives: Fair value of   RCONG436.
                                                              collateral: U.S. Treasury
                                                              securities (Columns B, C,
                                                              and D).

[[Page 956]]

RC-L...............................  16.b.(4)..............  Over-the-counter             RCONG438, RCONG439,
                                                              derivatives: Fair value of   RCONG440, RCONG441,
                                                              collateral: U.S.             RCONG442
                                                              Government agency and U.S.
                                                              agency debt securities
                                                              (Columns A, B, C, D, and
RC-L...............................  16.b.(5)..............  Over-the-counter             RCONG443, RCONG444,
                                                              derivatives: Fair value of   RCONG445, RCONG446,
                                                              collateral: Corporate        RCONG447.
                                                              bonds (Columns A, B, C, D,
                                                              and E).
RC-L...............................  16.b.(6)..............  Over-the-counter             RCONG448, RCONG449,
                                                              derivatives: Fair value of   RCONG450, RCONG451,
                                                              collateral: Equity           RCONG452.
                                                              securities (Columns A, B,
                                                              C, D, and E).
RC-L...............................  16.b.(7)..............  Over-the-counter             RCONG454, RCONG455
                                                              derivatives: Fair value of   RCONG456.
                                                              collateral: All other
                                                              collateral (Columns B, C,
                                                              and D).
                                                             Note: Amounts reported in
                                                              items 16.b.(4), 16.b.(5),
                                                              and 16.b.(6), Columns A
                                                              and E, will be included in
                                                              item 16.b.(7), Columns A
                                                              and E.
RC-L...............................  16.b.(8)..............  Over-the-counter             RCONG459, RCONG460
                                                              derivatives: Fair value of   RCONG461.
                                                              collateral: Total fair
                                                              value of collateral
                                                              (Columns B, C, and D).
                                                             Note: Amounts reported in
                                                              items 16.a, 16.b.(1),
                                                              16.b.(2), 16.b.(3),
                                                              16.b.(4), 16.b.(5),
                                                              16.b.(6), and 16.b.(7),
                                                              Columns B, C, and D, will
                                                              be included in items 16.a,
                                                              16.b.(1), 16.b.(2),
                                                              16.b.(3), and 16.b.(7),
                                                              Column E.
RC-M...............................  2.b...................  Purchased credit card        RCONB026.
                                                              relationships and
                                                              nonmortgage servicing
                                                             Note: Amounts reported in
                                                              item 2.b will be included
                                                              in item 2.c, All other
                                                              identifiable intangible
RC-M...............................  3.f...................  Foreclosed properties from   RCONC979.
                                                              ''GNMA loans''.
                                                             Note: Amounts reported in
                                                              item 3.f will be included
                                                              in item 3.c, Other real
                                                              estate owned: 1-4 family
                                                              residential properties.

                                           Other Impacts to Data Items
              Schedule                        Item                    Item name                  MDRM No.
RC.................................  10 (New)..............  Intangible assets..........  RCON2143.
                                                             Note: Items 10.a and 10.b
                                                              of Schedule RC will be
                                                              combined into this data
RC-B...............................  2 (New)...............  U.S. Government agency and   TBD (4 MDRMs).
                                                              sponsored agency
                                                              obligations (exclude
                                                              mortgage-backed securities
                                                              (Columns A through D).
                                                             Note: Items 2.a and 2.b of
                                                              Schedule RC-B removed
                                                              above will be combined
                                                              into this data item
                                                              (Columns A through D).
RC-B...............................  5.b (New).............  Structured financial         TBD (4 MDRMs).
                                                              products (Columns A
                                                              through D).
                                                             Note: Items 5.b.(1),
                                                              5.b.(2), and 5.b.(3) of
                                                              Schedule RC-B removed
                                                              above will be combined
                                                              into this data item
                                                              (Columns A through D).
RC-D...............................  5.a (New).............  Structured financial         TBD.
                                                             Note: Items 5.a.(1),
                                                              5.a.(2), and 5.a.(3) of
                                                              Schedule RC-D removed
                                                              above will be combined
                                                              into this data item.
RC-D...............................  6.a.(1) (New).........  Loans secured by 1-4 family  TBD.
                                                              residential properties.
                                                             Note: Items 6.a.(3)(a),
                                                              6.a.(3)(b)(1), and
                                                              6.a.(3)(b)(2) of Schedule
                                                              RC-D removed above will be
                                                              combined into this data
RC-D...............................  6.a.(2) (New).........  All other loans secured by   TBD.
                                                              real estate.
                                                             Note: Items 6.a.(1),
                                                              6.a.(2), 6.a.(4), and
                                                              6.a.(5) of Schedule RC-D
                                                              removed above will be
                                                              combined into this data
RC-D...............................  6.c (New).............  Loans to individuals for     TBD.
                                                              household, family and
                                                              other personal
                                                              expenditures (i.e.,
                                                              consumer loans) (includes
                                                              purchased paper).
                                                             Note: Items 6.c.(1),
                                                              6.c.(2), 6.c.(3), and
                                                              6.c.(4) of Schedule RC-D
                                                              removed above will be
                                                              combined into this data
RC-D...............................  M1.a.(1) (New)........  Unpaid principal balance of  TBD.
                                                              loans measured at fair
                                                              value: Loans secured by 1-
                                                              4 family residential
                                                             Note: Items M1.a.(3)(a),
                                                              M1.a.(3)(b)(1), and
                                                              M1.a.(3)(b)(2) of Schedule
                                                              RC-D removed above will be
                                                              combined into this data
RC-D...............................  M1.a.(2) (New)........  Unpaid principal balance of  TBD.
                                                              loans measured at fair
                                                              value: All other loans
                                                              secured by real estate.
                                                             Note: Items M1.a.(1),
                                                              M1.a.(2), M1.a.(4), and
                                                              M1.a.(5) of Schedule RC-D
                                                              removed above will be
                                                              combined into this data

[[Page 957]]

RC-D...............................  M1.c (New)............  Unpaid principal balance of  TBD.
                                                              loans measured at fair
                                                              value: Loans to
                                                              individuals for household,
                                                              family, and other personal
                                                             Note: Items M1.c.(1),
                                                              M1.c.(2), M1.c.(3), and
                                                              M1.c.(4) of Schedule RC-D
                                                              removed above will be
                                                              combined into this data
RC-L...............................  1.a.(1) (New).........  Unused commitments for       TBD.
                                                              reverse mortgages
                                                              outstanding that are held
                                                              for investment.
                                                             Note: Items 1.a.(1) and
                                                              1.a.(2) of Schedule RC-L
                                                              removed above will be
                                                              combined into this data
RC-M...............................  2.b (Re-mapping)......  Goodwill...................  RCON3163.
                                                             Note: Schedule RC, item
                                                              10.a will be moved to
                                                              Schedule RC-M, new item
                                                              2.b., and the phrase
                                                              ``other than goodwill''
                                                              will be removed from the
                                                              caption for Schedule RC-M,
                                                              item 2.

Data Items With a Reduction in Frequency of Collection

                                              Semiannual Reporting
                                            [June 30 and December 31]
              Schedule                        Item                    Item name                  MDRM No.
RI.................................  M12...................  Noncash income from          RIADF228.
                                                              negative amortization on
                                                              closed-end loans secured
                                                              by 1-4 family residential
RC-B...............................  M3....................  Amortized cost of held-to-   RCON1778.
                                                              maturity securities sold
                                                              or transferred to
                                                              available-for-sale or
                                                              trading securities during
                                                              the calendar year-to-date.
RC-C, Part I.......................  M7.a..................  Purchased credit-impaired    RCONC779.
                                                              loans held for investment
                                                              accounted for in
                                                              accordance with FASB ASC
                                                              310-30: Outstanding
RC-C, Part I.......................  M7.b..................  Purchased credit-impaired    RCONC780.
                                                              loans held for investment
                                                              accounted for in
                                                              accordance with FASB ASC
                                                              310-30: Amount included in
                                                              Schedule RC-C, Part I,
                                                              items 1 through 9.
RC-C, Part I.......................  M8.a..................  Total amount of closed-end   RCONF230.
                                                              loans with negative
                                                              amortization features
                                                              secured by 1-4 family
                                                              residential properties.
RC-C, Part I.......................  M8.b..................  Total maximum remaining      RCONF231.
                                                              amount of negative
                                                              amortization contractually
                                                              permitted on closed-end
                                                              loans secured by 1-4
                                                              family residential
RC-C, Part I.......................  M8.c..................  Total amount of negative     RCONF232.
                                                              amortization on closed-end
                                                              loans secured by 1-4
                                                              family residential
                                                              properties included in the
                                                              amount reported in
                                                              Memorandum item 8.a above.
RC-C, Part I.......................  M12.a.................  Loans (not subject to the    RCONG091, RCONG092,
                                                              requirements of FASB ASC     RCONG093.
                                                              310-30 (former AICPA
                                                              Statement of Position 03-
                                                              3)) and leases held for
                                                              investment that were
                                                              acquired in business
                                                              combinations with
                                                              acquisition dates in the
                                                              current calendar year:
                                                              Loans secured by real
                                                              estate (Columns A through
RC-C, Part I.......................  M12.b.................  Loans (not subject to the    RCONG094, RCONG095,
                                                              requirements of FASB ASC     RCONG096.
                                                              310-30 (former AICPA
                                                              Statement of Position 03-
                                                              3)) and leases held for
                                                              investment that were
                                                              acquired in business
                                                              combinations with
                                                              acquisition dates in the
                                                              current calendar year:
                                                              Commercial and industrial
                                                              loans (Columns A through
RC-C, Part I.......................  M12.c.................  Loans (not subject to the    RCONG097, RCONG098,
                                                              requirements of FASB ASC     RCONG099.
                                                              310-30 (former AICPA
                                                              Statement of Position 03-
                                                              3)) and leases held for
                                                              investment that were
                                                              acquired in business
                                                              combinations with
                                                              acquisition dates in the
                                                              current calendar year:
                                                              Loans to individuals for
                                                              household, family, and
                                                              other personal
                                                              expenditures (Columns A
                                                              through C).
RC-C, Part I.......................  M12.d.................  Loans (not subject to the    RCONG100, RCONG101,
                                                              requirements of FASB ASC     RCONG102.
                                                              310-30 (former AICPA
                                                              Statement of Position 03-
                                                              3)) and leases held for
                                                              investment that were
                                                              acquired in business
                                                              combinations with
                                                              acquisition dates in the
                                                              current calendar year: All
                                                              other loans and all leases
                                                              (Columns A through C).
RC-L...............................  1.b.(1)...............  Unused consumer credit card  RCONJ455.
RC-L...............................  1.b.(2)...............  Other unused credit card     RCONJ456.

[[Page 958]]

RC-L...............................  11.a..................  Year-to-date merchant        RCONC223.
                                                              credit card sales volume:
                                                              Sales for which the
                                                              reporting bank is the
                                                              acquiring bank.
RC-L...............................  11.b..................  Year-to-date merchant        RCONC224.
                                                              credit card sales volume:
                                                              Sales for which the
                                                              reporting bank is the
                                                              agent bank with risk.
RC-N...............................  M7....................  Additions to nonaccrual      RCONC410.
                                                              assets during the quarter.
                                                             Note: This caption would be
                                                              revised to ``Additions to
                                                              nonaccrual assets during
                                                              the last 6 months''.
RC-N...............................  M8....................  Nonaccrual assets sold       RCONC411.
                                                              during the quarter.
                                                             Note: This caption would be
                                                              revised to ''Nonaccrual
                                                              assets sold during the
                                                              last 6 months''.
RC-N...............................  M9.a..................  Purchased credit-impaired    RCONL183, RCONL184,
                                                              loans accounted for in       RCONL185.
                                                              accordance with FASB ASC
                                                              310-30 (former AICPA
                                                              Statement of Position 03-
                                                              3): Outstanding balance
                                                              (Columns A through C).
RC-N...............................  M9.b..................  Purchased credit-impaired    RCONL186, RCONL187,
                                                              loans accounted for in       RCONL188.
                                                              accordance with FASB ASC
                                                              310-30 (former AICPA
                                                              Statement of Position 03-
                                                              3): Amount included in
                                                              Schedule RC-N, items 1
                                                              through 7, above (Columns
                                                              A through C).

                                                Annual Reporting
              Schedule                        Item                    Item name                  MDRM No.
RC-M...............................  9.....................  Do any of the bank's         RCON4088.
                                                              internet websites have
                                                              transactional capability,
                                                              i.e., allow the bank's
                                                              customers to execute
                                                              transactions on their
                                                              accounts through the
RC-M...............................  14.a..................  Total assets of captive      RCONK193.
                                                              insurance subsidiaries.
RC-M...............................  14.b..................  Total assets of captive      RCONK194.
                                                              reinsurance subsidiaries.

Data Items With an Increase in Reporting Threshold

    Schedule RC-D is to be completed by banks that reported total 
trading assets of $10 million or more in any of the four preceding 
calendar quarters and all banks meeting the FDIC's definition of a 
large or highly complex institution for deposit insurance assessment 

                        To Be Completed by Banks With $10 Billion or More in Total Assets
              Schedule                        Item                    Item name                  MDRM No.
RC-B...............................  M5.a..................  Asset-backed securities:     RCONB838, RCONB839,
                                                              Credit card receivables      RCONB840, RCONB841.
                                                              (Columns A, B, C, and D).
RC-B...............................  M5.b..................  Asset-backed securities:     RCONB842, RCONB843,
                                                              Home equity lines (Columns   RCONB844, RCONB845.
                                                              A, B, C, and D).
RC-B...............................  M5.c..................  Asset-backed securities:     RCONB846, RCONB847,
                                                              Automobile loans (Columns    RCONB848, RCONB849.
                                                              A, B, C, and D).
RC-B...............................  M5.d..................  Asset-backed securities:     RCONB850, RCONB851,
                                                              Other consumer loans         RCONB852, RCONB853.
                                                              (Columns A, B, C, and D).
RC-B...............................  M5.e..................  Asset-backed securities:     RCONB854, RCONB855,
                                                              Commercial and industrial    RCONB856, RCONB857.
                                                              loans (Columns A, B, C,
                                                              and D).
RC-B...............................  M5.f..................  Asset-backed securities:     RCONB858, RCONB859,
                                                              Other (Columns A, B, C,      RCONB860, RCONB861.
                                                              and D).
RC-B...............................  M6.a..................  Structured financial         RCONG348, RCONG349,
                                                              products by underlying       RCONG350, RCONG351.
                                                              collateral or reference
                                                              assets: Trust preferred
                                                              securities issued by
                                                              financial institutions
                                                              (Columns A through D).
RC-B...............................  M6.b..................  Structured financial         RCONG352, RCONG353,
                                                              products by underlying       RCONG354, RCONG355.
                                                              collateral or reference
                                                              assets: Trust preferred
                                                              securities issued by real
                                                              estate investment trusts
                                                              (Columns A through D).
RC-B...............................  M6.c..................  Structured financial         RCONG356, RCONG357,
                                                              products by underlying       RCONG358, RCONG359.
                                                              collateral or reference
                                                              assets: Corporate and
                                                              similar loans (Columns A
                                                              through D).
RC-B...............................  M6.d..................  Structured financial         RCONG360, RCONG361,
                                                              products by underlying       RCONG362, RCONG363.
                                                              collateral or reference
                                                              assets: 1-4 family
                                                              residential MBS issued or
                                                              guaranteed by U.S.
                                                              enterprises (GSEs)
                                                              (Columns A through D).
RC-B...............................  M6.e..................  Structured financial         RCONG364, RCONG365,
                                                              products by underlying       RCONG366, RCONG367.
                                                              collateral or reference
                                                              assets: 1-4 family
                                                              residential MBS not issued
                                                              or guaranteed by GSEs
                                                              (Columns A through D).

[[Page 959]]

RC-B...............................  M6.f..................  Structured financial         RCONG368, RCONG369,
                                                              products by underlying       RCONG370, RCONG371.
                                                              collateral or reference
                                                              assets: Diversified
                                                              (mixed) pools of
                                                              structured financial
                                                              products (Columns A
                                                              through D).
RC-B...............................  M6.g..................  Structured financial         RCONG372, RCONG373,
                                                              products by underlying       RCONG374, RCONG375.
                                                              collateral or reference
                                                              assets: Other collateral
                                                              or reference assets
                                                              (Columns A through D).

   To Be Completed by Banks With Components of Other Noninterest Income in Amounts Greater Than $100,000 That
                                    Exceed 7 Percent of Schedule RI, item 5.l
              Schedule                        Item                    Item name                  MDRM No.
RI-E...............................  1.a through 1.l.......  Other noninterest income     RIADC013, RIADC014,
                                                              (from Schedule RI, item      RIADC016, RIAD4042,
                                                              5.l).                        RIADC015, RIADF555,
                                                                                           RIADT047, RIAD4461,
                                                                                           RIAD4462, RIAD4463.

   To Be Completed by Banks With Components of Other Noninterest Expense in Amounts Greater Than $100,000 That
                                    Exceed 7 Percent of Schedule RI, item 7.d
              Schedule                        Item                    Item name                  MDRM No.
RI-E...............................  2.a through 2.p.......  Other noninterest expense    RIADC017, RIAD0497,
                                                              (from Schedule RI, item      RIAD4136, RIADC018,
                                                              7.d).                        RIAD8403, RIAD4141,
                                                                                           RIAD4146, RIADF556,
                                                                                           RIADF557, RIADF558,
                                                                                           RIADF559, RIADY923,
                                                                                           RIADY924, RIAD4464,
                                                                                           RIAD4467, RIAD4468.

 To Be Completed by Banks With Total Trading Assets of $10 Million or More in Any of the Four Preceding Calendar
    Quarters and all Banks Meeting the FDIC's Definition of a Large or Highly Complex Institution for Deposit
                                          Insurance Assessment Purposes
              Schedule                        Item                    Item name                  MDRM No.
RC-K...............................  7.....................  Trading assets.............  RCON3401.

Appendix D--FFIEC 031: To Be Completed by Banks With Domestic and 
Foreign Offices and Banks With Domestic Offices Only and Consolidated 
Total Assets of $100 Billion or More

Data Items Removed, Other Impacts to Data Items, Data Items With a 
Reduction in Frequency of Collection, or Data Items with an Increase in 
Reporting Threshold

                                               Data Items Removed
              Schedule                        Item                    Item name                  MDRM No.
RI-E...............................  1.f...................  Net change in the fair       RIADF229.
                                                              values of financial
                                                              instruments accounted for
                                                              under a fair value option.
RI-E...............................  1.h...................  Gains on bargain purchases.  RIADJ447.
RC.................................  10.a..................  Goodwill...................  RCFD3163.
                                                             Note: Schedule RC, item
                                                              10.a will be moved to
                                                              Schedule RC-M, new item
RC.................................  10.b..................  Other intangible assets....  RCFD0426.
                                                             Note: Items 10.a and 10.b
                                                              of Schedule RC will be
                                                              combined into one data

[[Page 960]]

RC-B...............................  2.a...................  U.S. Government agency       RCFD1289, RCFD1290,
                                                              obligations (exclude         RCFD1291, RCFD1293.
                                                              securities): Issued by
                                                              U.S. Government agencies
                                                              (Columns A through D).
RC-B...............................  2.b...................  U.S. Government agency       RCFD1294, RCFD1295,
                                                              obligations (exclude         RCFD1297, RCFD1298.
                                                              securities): Issued by
                                                              U.S. Government-sponsored
                                                              agencies (Columns A
                                                              through D).
                                                             Note: Items 2.a and 2.b of
                                                              Schedule RC-B will be
                                                              combined into one data
RC-B...............................  5.b.(1)...............  Structured financial         RCFDG336, RCFDG337,
                                                              products: Cash (Columns A    RCFDG338, RCFDG339.
                                                              through D).
RC-B...............................  5.b.(2)...............  Structured financial         RCFDG340, RCFDG341,
                                                              products: Synthetic          RCFDG342, RCFDG343.
                                                              (Columns A through D).
RC-B...............................  5.b.(3)...............  Structured financial         RCFDG344, RCFDG345,
                                                              products: Hybrid (Columns    RCFDG346, RCFDG347.
                                                              A through D).
                                                             Note: Items 5.b.(1),
                                                              5.b.(2), and 5.b.(3) of
                                                              Schedule RC-B will be
                                                              combined into one data
RC-D...............................  All data items          Column B, ``Domestic         RCON3531, RCON3532,
                                      reported in Column B,   offices'' Note: Data items   RCON3533, RCONG379,
                                      ``Domestic offices''.   6.a.(1) through 6.a.(5),     RCONG380, RCONG381,
                                                              Column B, will be combined   RCONK197, RCONK198,
                                                              into two data items to be    RCONG383, RCONG384,
                                                              collected for the            RCONG385, RCONG386,
                                                              consolidated bank in         RCONF604, RCONF605,
                                                              Column A, which will         RCONF606, RCONF607,
                                                              replace data item 6.a,       RCONF611, RCONF612,
                                                              Column A. In addition,       RCONF613, RCONF614,
                                                              data items M1.a.(1)          RCONF615, RCONF616,
                                                              through M1.a.(5), Column     RCONK199, RCONK210,
                                                              B, will be combined into     RCONF618, RCON3541,
                                                              two data items to be         RCON3543, RCON3545,
                                                              collected for the            RCON3546, RCONF624,
                                                              consolidated bank in         RCON3547, RCON3548,
                                                              Column A, which will         RCONF625, RCONF626,
                                                              replace data item M.1.a,     RCONF627, RCONF628,
                                                              Column A. Data items 12      RCONF629, RCONF630,
                                                              and 15, Column B, will be    RCONF631, RCONF632,
                                                              moved to Schedule RC-H,      RCONF633, RCONF634,
                                                              new items 19 and 20. Data    RCONK200, RCONK211,
                                                              items 6.a.(1) through 6.d,   RCONF636, RCONF639,
                                                              Column B, will be combined   RCONF640, RCONG299,
                                                              into one data item and       RCONG332, RCONG333,
                                                              moved to Schedule RC-H,      RCONG334, RCONG335,
                                                              new item 21.                 RCONG651, RCONG652,
                                                                                           RCONG387, RCONG388.
RC-D...............................  5.a.(1)...............  Structured financial         RCFDG383.
                                                              products: Cash (Column A).
RC-D...............................  5.a.(2)...............  Structured financial         RCFDG384.
                                                              products: Synthetic
                                                              (Column A).
RC-D...............................  5.a.(3)...............  Structured financial         RCFDG385.
                                                              products: Hybrid (Column
                                                             Note: Items 5.a.(1),
                                                              5.a.(2), and 5.a.(3) of
                                                              Schedule RC-D, Column A,
                                                              will be combined into one
                                                              data item.
RC-D...............................  6.a...................  Loans secured by real        RCFDF610.
                                                              estate (Column A).
RC-D...............................  6.c.(1)...............  Loans to individuals for     RCFDF615.
                                                              household, family, and
                                                              other personal
                                                              expenditures: Credit cards
                                                              (Column A).
RC-D...............................  6.c.(2)...............  Loans to individuals for     RCFDF616.
                                                              household, family, and
                                                              other personal
                                                              expenditures: Other
                                                              revolving credit plans
                                                              (Column A).
RC-D...............................  6.c.(3)...............  Loans to individuals for     RCFDK199.
                                                              household, family, and
                                                              other personal
                                                              expenditures: Automobile
                                                              loans (Column A).
RC-D...............................  6.c.(4)...............  Loans to individuals for     RCFDK210.
                                                              household, family, and
                                                              other personal
                                                              expenditures: Other
                                                              consumer loans.
                                                             Note: Items 6.c.(1),
                                                              6.c.(2), 6.c.(3), and
                                                              6.c.(4) of Schedule RC-D,
                                                              Column A, will be combined
                                                              into one data item.
RC-D...............................  M1.a..................  Unpaid principal balance of  RCFDF790.
                                                              loans measured at fair
                                                              value: Loans secured by
                                                              real estate (Column A).
RC-D...............................  M1.c.(1)..............  Unpaid principal balance of  RCFDF633.
                                                              loans measured at fair
                                                              value: Loans to
                                                              individuals for household,
                                                              family, and other personal
                                                              expenditures: Credit cards
                                                              (Column A).
RC-D...............................  M1.c.(2)..............  Unpaid principal balance of  RCFDF634.
                                                              loans measured at fair
                                                              value: Loans to
                                                              individuals for household,
                                                              family, and other personal
                                                              expenditures: Other
                                                              revolving credit plans
                                                              (Column A).

[[Page 961]]

RC-D...............................  M1.c.(3)..............  Unpaid principal balance of  RCFDK200.
                                                              loans measured at fair
                                                              value: Loans to
                                                              individuals for household,
                                                              family, and other personal
                                                              expenditures: Automobile
                                                              loans (Column A).
RC-D...............................  M1.c.(4)..............  Unpaid principal balance of  RCFDK211.
                                                              loans measured at fair
                                                              value: Loans to
                                                              individuals for household,
                                                              family, and other personal
                                                              expenditures: Other
                                                              consumer loans (Column A).
                                                             Note: Items M1.c.(1),
                                                              M1.c.(2), M1.c.(3), and
                                                              M1.c.(4) of Schedule RC-D,
                                                              Column A, will be combined
                                                              into one data item.
RC-D...............................  M6....................  Retained beneficial          RCFDF651.
                                                              interests in
RC-L...............................  1.a.(1)...............  Unused commitments for Home  RCONJ477.
                                                              Equity Conversion Mortgage
                                                              (HECM) reverse mortgages
                                                              outstanding that are held
                                                              for investment.
RC-L...............................  1.a.(2)...............  Unused commitments for       RCONJ478.
                                                              proprietary reverse
                                                              mortgages outstanding that
                                                              are held for investment.
                                                             Note: Items 1.a.(1) and
                                                              1.a.(2) of Schedule RC-L
                                                              will be combined into one
                                                              data item.
RC-L...............................  16.a..................  Over-the-counter             RCFDG419.
                                                              derivatives: Net current
                                                              credit exposure (Column B).
RC-L...............................  16.b.(1)..............  Over-the-counter             RCFDG424.
                                                              derivatives: Fair value of
                                                              collateral: Cash--U.S.
                                                              dollar (Column B).
RC-L...............................  16.b.(2)..............  Over-the-counter             RCFDG429.
                                                              derivatives: Fair value of
                                                              collateral: Cash--Other
                                                              currencies (Column B).
RC-L...............................  16.b.(3)..............  Over-the-counter             RCFDG434.
                                                              derivatives: Fair value of
                                                              collateral: U.S. Treasury
                                                              securities (Column B).
RC-L...............................  16.b.(4)..............  Over-the-counter             RCFDG439.
                                                              derivatives: Fair value of
                                                              collateral: U.S.
                                                              Government agency and U.S.
                                                              agency debt securities
                                                              (Column B).
RC-L...............................  16.b.(5)..............  Over-the-counter             RCFDG444.
                                                              derivatives: Fair value of
                                                              collateral: Corporate
                                                              bonds (Column B).
RC-L...............................  16.b.(6)..............  Over-the-counter             RCFDG449.
                                                              derivatives: Fair value of
                                                              collateral: Equity
                                                              securities (Column B).
RC-L...............................  16.b.(7)..............  Over-the-counter             RCFDG454.
                                                              derivatives: Fair value of
                                                              collateral: All other
                                                              collateral (Column B).
RC-L...............................  16.b.(8)..............  Over-the-counter             RCFDG459.
                                                              derivatives: Fair value of
                                                              collateral: Total fair
                                                              value of collateral
                                                              (Column B).
                                                             Note: Amounts reported in
                                                              items 16.a, 16.b.(1),
                                                              16.b.(2), 16.b.(3),
                                                              16.b.(4), 16.b.(5),
                                                              16.b.(6), 16.b.(7), and
                                                              16.b.(8), Column B, will
                                                              be included in items 16.a,
                                                              16.b.(1), 16.b.(2),
                                                              16.b.(3), 16.b.(4),
                                                              16.b.(5), 16.b.(6),
                                                              16.b.(7), and 16.b.(8),
                                                              Column E.
RC-M...............................  2.b...................  Purchased credit card        RCFDB026.
                                                              relationships and
                                                              nonmortgage servicing
                                                             Note: Amounts reported in
                                                              item 2.b will be included
                                                              in item 2.c, All other
                                                              identifiable intangible
RC-M...............................  3.f...................  Foreclosed properties from   RCONC979.
                                                              ``GNMA loans''.
                                                             Note: Amounts reported in
                                                              item 3.f will be included
                                                              in item 3.c, Other real
                                                              estate owned: 1-4 family
                                                              residential properties.

                                           Other Impacts to Data Items
              Schedule                        Item                    Item name                  MDRM No.
RC.................................  10 (New)..............  Intangible assets..........  RCFD2143.
                                                             Note: Items 10.a and 10.b
                                                              of Schedule RC will be
                                                              combined into this data
RC-B...............................  2 (New)...............  U.S. Government agency and   TBD (4 MDRMs).
                                                              sponsored agency
                                                              obligations (exclude
                                                              securities) (Columns A
                                                              through D).
                                                             Note: Items 2.a and 2.b of
                                                              Schedule RC-B removed
                                                              above will be combined
                                                              into this data item
                                                              (Columns A through D).
RC-B...............................  5.b (New).............  Structured financial         TBD (4 MDRMs).
                                                              products (Columns A
                                                              through D).
                                                             Note: Items 5.b.(1),
                                                              5.b.(2), and 5.b.(3) of
                                                              Schedule RC-B removed
                                                              above will be combined
                                                              into this data item
                                                              (Columns A through D).
RC-D...............................  5.a (New).............  Structured financial         TBD.
                                                             Note: Items 5.a.(1),
                                                              5.a.(2), and 5.a.(3) of
                                                              Schedule RC-D, Column A,
                                                              removed above will be
                                                              combined into this data

[[Page 962]]

RC-D...............................  6.a.(1) (New).........  Loans secured by 1-4 family  TBD.
                                                              residential properties.
                                                             Note: Items 6.a.(3)(a),
                                                              6.a.(3)(b)(1), and
                                                              6.a.(3)(b)(2) of Schedule
                                                              RC-D, Column B, removed
                                                              above will be combined
                                                              into this data item for
                                                              the consolidated bank in
                                                              Column A, which will
                                                              partially replace item
                                                              6.a, Column A.
RC-D...............................  6.a.(2) (New).........  All other loans secured by   TBD.
                                                              real estate.
                                                             Note: Items 6.a.(1),
                                                              6.a.(2), 6.a.(4), and
                                                              6.a.(5) of Schedule RC-D,
                                                              Column B, removed above
                                                              will be combined into this
                                                              data item for the
                                                              consolidated bank in
                                                              Column A, which will
                                                              partially replace item
                                                              6.a, Column A.
RC-D...............................  6.c (New).............  Loans to individuals for     TBD.
                                                              household, family and
                                                              other personal
                                                              expenditures (i.e.,
                                                              consumer loans) (includes
                                                              purchased paper).
                                                             Note: Items 6.c.(1),
                                                              6.c.(2), 6.c.(3), and
                                                              6.c.(4) of Schedule RC-D
                                                              removed above will be
                                                              combined into this data
RC-D...............................  M1.a.(1) (New)........  Unpaid principal balance of  TBD.
                                                              loans measured at fair
                                                              value: Loans secured by 1-
                                                              4 family residential
                                                             Note: Items M1.a.(3)(a),
                                                              M1.a.(3)(b)(1), and
                                                              M1.a.(3)(b)(2) of Schedule
                                                              RC-D, Column B, removed
                                                              above will be combined
                                                              into this data item for
                                                              the consolidated bank in
                                                              Column A, which will
                                                              partially replace item
                                                              M.1.a, Column A.
RC-D...............................  M1.a.(2) (New)........  Unpaid principal balance of  TBD.
                                                              loans measured at fair
                                                              value: All other loans
                                                              secured by real estate.
                                                             Note: Items M1.a.(1),
                                                              M1.a.(2), M1.a.(4), and
                                                              M1.a.(5) of Schedule RC-D,
                                                              Column B, removed above
                                                              will be combined into this
                                                              data item for the
                                                              consolidated bank in
                                                              Column A, which will
                                                              partially replace item
                                                              M.1.a, Column A.
RC-D...............................  M1.c (New)............  Unpaid principal balance of  TBD.
                                                              loans measured at fair
                                                              value: Loans to
                                                              individuals for household,
                                                              family, and other personal
                                                              expenditures (i.e.,
                                                              consumer loans) (includes
                                                              purchased paper).
                                                             Note: Items M1.c.(1),
                                                              M1.c.(2), M1.c.(3), and
                                                              M1.c.(4) of Schedule RC-D,
                                                              Column A, removed above
                                                              will be combined into this
                                                              data item.
RC-H...............................  19 (Re-mapping).......  Total trading assets.......  RCON3545.
                                                             Note: Schedule RC-D, item
                                                              12, Column B, will be
                                                              moved to Schedule RC-H,
                                                              item 19. The proposed
                                                              threshold change
                                                              applicable to Schedule RC-
                                                              D applies to this item.
RC-H...............................  20 (Re-mapping).......  Total trading liabilities..  RCON3548.
                                                             Note: Schedule RC-D, item
                                                              15, Column B, will be
                                                              moved to Schedule RC-H,
                                                              item 20. The proposed
                                                              threshold change
                                                              applicable to Schedule RC-
                                                              D applies to this item.
RC-H...............................  21 (New)..............  Total loans held for         TBD.
                                                             Note: The proposed
                                                              threshold change
                                                              applicable to Schedule RC-
                                                              D applies to this item.
RC-L...............................  1.a (New).............  Unused commitments for       TBD.
                                                              reverse mortgages
                                                              outstanding that are held
                                                              for investment.
                                                             Note: Items 1.a.(1) and
                                                              1.a.(2) of Schedule RC-L
                                                              removed above will be
                                                              combined into this data
RC-M...............................  2.b (Re-mapping)......  Goodwill...................  RCFD3163.
                                                             Note: Schedule RC, item
                                                              10.a will be moved to
                                                              Schedule RC-M, new item
                                                              2.b., and the phrase
                                                              ``other than goodwill''
                                                              will be removed from the
                                                              caption for Schedule RC-M,
                                                              item 2.

Data Items With a Reduction in Frequency of Collection

                                              Semiannual Reporting
                                            [June 30 and December 31]
              Schedule                        Item                    Item name                  MDRM No.
RI.................................  M12...................  Noncash income from          RIADF228.
                                                              negative amortization on
                                                              closed-end loans secured
                                                              by 1-4 family residential
RC-B...............................  M3....................  Amortized cost of held-to-   RCFD1778.
                                                              maturity securities sold
                                                              or transferred to
                                                              available-for-sale or
                                                              trading securities during
                                                              the calendar year-to-date.

[[Page 963]]

RC-C, Part I.......................  M7.a..................  Purchased credit-impaired    RCFDC779.
                                                              loans held for investment
                                                              accounted for in
                                                              accordance with FASB ASC
                                                              310-30: Outstanding
RC-C, Part I.......................  M7.b..................  Purchased credit-impaired    RCFDC780.
                                                              loans held for investment
                                                              accounted for in
                                                              accordance with FASB ASC
                                                              310-30: Amount included in
                                                              Schedule RC-C, Part I,
                                                              items 1 through 9.
RC-C, Part I.......................  M8.a..................  Total amount of closed-end   RCONF230.
                                                              loans with negative
                                                              amortization features
                                                              secured by 1-4 family
                                                              residential properties.
RC-C, Part I.......................  M8.b..................  Total maximum remaining      RCONF231.
                                                              amount of negative
                                                              amortization contractually
                                                              permitted on closed-end
                                                              loans secured by 1-4
                                                              family residential
RC-C, Part I.......................  M8.c..................  Total amount of negative     RCONF232.
                                                              amortization on closed-end
                                                              loans secured by 1-4
                                                              family residential
                                                              properties included in the
                                                              amount reported in
                                                              Memorandum item 8.a above.
RC-C, Part I.......................  M12.a.................  Loans (not subject to the    RCFDG091, RCFDG092,
                                                              requirements of FASB ASC     RCFDG093.
                                                              310-30 (former AICPA
                                                              Statement of Position 03-
                                                              3)) and leases held for
                                                              investment that were
                                                              acquired in business
                                                              combinations with
                                                              acquisition dates in the
                                                              current calendar year:
                                                              Loans secured by real
                                                              estate (Columns A through
RC-C, Part I.......................  M12.b.................  Loans (not subject to the    RCFDG094, RCFDG095,
                                                              requirements of FASB ASC     RCFDG096.
                                                              310-30 (former AICPA
                                                              Statement of Position 03-
                                                              3)) and leases held for
                                                              investment that were
                                                              acquired in business
                                                              combinations with
                                                              acquisition dates in the
                                                              current calendar year:
                                                              Commercial and industrial
                                                              loans (Columns A through
RC-C, Part I.......................  M12.c.................  Loans (not subject to the    RCFDG097, RCFDG098,
                                                              requirements of FASB ASC     RCFDG099.
                                                              310-30 (former AICPA
                                                              Statement of Position 03-
                                                              3)) and leases held for
                                                              investment that were
                                                              acquired in business
                                                              combinations with
                                                              acquisition dates in the
                                                              current calendar year:
                                                              Loans to individuals for
                                                              household, family, and
                                                              other personal
                                                              expenditures (Columns A
                                                              through C).
RC-C, Part I.......................  M12.d.................  Loans (not subject to the    RCFDG100, RCFDG101,
                                                              requirements of FASB ASC     RCFDG102.
                                                              310-30 (former AICPA
                                                              Statement of Position 03-
                                                              3)) and leases held for
                                                              investment that were
                                                              acquired in business
                                                              combinations with
                                                              acquisition dates in the
                                                              current calendar year: All
                                                              other loans and all leases
                                                              (Columns A through C).
RC-L...............................  1.b.(1)...............  Unused consumer credit card  RCFDJ455.
RC-L...............................  1.b.(2)...............  Other unused credit card     RCFDJ456.
RC-L...............................  11.a..................  Year-to-date merchant        RCFDC223.
                                                              credit card sales volume:
                                                              Sales for which the
                                                              reporting bank is the
                                                              acquiring bank.
RC-L...............................  11.b..................  Year-to-date merchant        RCFDC224.
                                                              credit card sales volume:
                                                              Sales for which the
                                                              reporting bank is the
                                                              agent bank with risk.
RC-N...............................  M7....................  Additions to nonaccrual      RCFDC410.
                                                              assets during the quarter.
                                                             Note: This caption would be
                                                              revised to ``Additions to
                                                              nonaccrual assets during
                                                              the last 6 months.''
RC-N...............................  M8....................  Nonaccrual assets sold       RCFDC411.
                                                              during the quarter.
                                                             Note: This caption would be
                                                              revised to ''Nonaccrual
                                                              assets sold during the
                                                              last 6 months.''.
RC-N...............................  M9.a..................  Purchased credit-impaired    RCFDL183, RCFDL184,
                                                              loans accounted for in       RCFDL185.
                                                              accordance with FASB ASC
                                                              310-30 (former AICPA
                                                              Statement of Position 03-
                                                              3): Outstanding balance
                                                              (Columns A through C).
RC-N...............................  M9.b..................  Purchased credit-impaired    RCFDL186, RCFDL187,
                                                              loans accounted for in       RCFDL188.
                                                              accordance with FASB ASC
                                                              310-30 (former AICPA
                                                              Statement of Position 03-
                                                              3): Amount included in
                                                              Schedule RC-N, items 1
                                                              through 7, above (Columns
                                                              A through C).

                                                Annual Reporting
              Schedule                        Item                    Item name                  MDRM No.
RC-M...............................  9.....................  Do any of the bank's         RCFD4088.
                                                              Internet websites have
                                                              transactional capability,
                                                              i.e., allow the bank's
                                                              customers to execute
                                                              transactions on their
                                                              accounts through the
RC-M...............................  14.a..................  Total assets of captive      RCFDK193.
                                                              insurance subsidiaries.

[[Page 964]]

RC-M...............................  14.b..................  Total assets of captive      RCFDK194.
                                                              reinsurance subsidiaries.

Data Items With an Increase in Reporting Threshold

    Schedule RI-D is to be completed by banks with foreign offices 
(including Edge or Agreement subsidiaries and International Banking 
Facilities) and $10 billion or more in total assets where foreign 
office revenues, assets, or net income exceed 10 percent of 
consolidated total revenues, total assets, or net income.
    Schedule RC-D is to be completed by banks that reported total 
trading assets of $10 million or more in any of the four preceding 
calendar quarters and all banks meeting the FDIC's definition of a 
large or highly complex institution for deposit insurance assessment 

                        To Be Completed by Banks With $10 Billion or More in Total Assets
              Schedule                        Item                    Item name                  MDRM No.
RC-B...............................  M5.a..................  Asset-backed securities:     RCFDB838, RCFDB839,
                                                              Credit card receivables      RCFDB840, RCFDB841.
                                                              (Columns A, B, C, and D).
RC-B...............................  M5.b..................  Asset-backed securities:     RCFDB842, RCFDB843,
                                                              Home equity lines (Columns   RCFDB844, RCFDB845.
                                                              A, B, C, and D).
RC-B...............................  M5.c..................  Asset-backed securities:     RCFDB846, RCFDB847,
                                                              Automobile loans (Columns    RCFDB848, RCFDB849.
                                                              A, B, C, and D).
RC-B...............................  M5.d..................  Asset-backed securities:     RCFDB850, RCFDB851,
                                                              Other consumer loans         RCFDB852, RCFDB853.
                                                              (Columns A, B, C, and D).
RC-B...............................  M5.e..................  Asset-backed securities:     RCFDB854, RCFDB855,
                                                              Commercial and industrial    RCFDB856, RCFDB857.
                                                              loans (Columns A, B, C,
                                                              and D).
RC-B...............................  M5.f..................  Asset-backed securities:     RCFDB858, RCFDB859,
                                                              Other (Columns A, B, C,      RCFDB860, RCFDB861.
                                                              and D).
RC-B...............................  M6.a..................  Structured financial         RCFDG348, RCFDG349,
                                                              products by underlying       RCFDG350, RCFDG351.
                                                              collateral or reference
                                                              assets: Trust preferred
                                                              securities issued by
                                                              financial institutions
                                                              (Columns A through D).
RC-B...............................  M6.b..................  Structured financial         RCFDG352, RCFDG353,
                                                              products by underlying       RCFDG354, RCFDG355.
                                                              collateral or reference
                                                              assets: Trust preferred
                                                              securities issued by real
                                                              estate investment trusts
                                                              (Columns A through D).
RC-B...............................  M6.c..................  Structured financial         RCFDG356, RCFDG357,
                                                              products by underlying       RCFDG358, RCFDG359.
                                                              collateral or reference
                                                              assets: Corporate and
                                                              similar loans (Columns A
                                                              through D).
RC-B...............................  M6.d..................  Structured financial         RCFDG360, RCFDG361,
                                                              products by underlying       RCFDG362, RCFDG363.
                                                              collateral or reference
                                                              assets: 1-4 family
                                                              residential MBS issued or
                                                              guaranteed by U.S.
                                                              enterprises (GSEs)
                                                              (Columns A through D).
RC-B...............................  M6.e..................  Structured financial         RCFDG364, RCFDG365,
                                                              products by underlying       RCFDG366, RCFDG367.
                                                              collateral or reference
                                                              assets: 1-4 family
                                                              residential MBS not issued
                                                              or guaranteed by GSEs
                                                              (Columns A through D).
RC-B...............................  M6.f..................  Structured financial         RCFDG368, RCFDG369,
                                                              products by underlying       RCFDG370, RCFDG371.
                                                              collateral or reference
                                                              assets: Diversified
                                                              (mixed) pools of
                                                              structured financial
                                                              products (Columns A
                                                              through D).
RC-B...............................  M6.g..................  Structured financial         RCFDG372, RCFDG373,
                                                              products by underlying       RCFDG374, RCFDG375.
                                                              collateral or reference
                                                              assets: Other collateral
                                                              or reference assets
                                                              (Columns A through D).

                    To Be Completed by Banks With $10 Billion or More in Total Trading Assets
              Schedule                        Item                    Item name                  MDRM No.
RC-D...............................  M2.a..................  Loans measured at fair       RCFDF639.
                                                              value that are past due 90
                                                              days or more: Fair value
                                                              (Column A).
RC-D...............................  M2.b..................  Loans measured at fair       RCFDF640.
                                                              value that are past due 90
                                                              days or more: Unpaid
                                                              principal balance (Column
RC-D...............................  M3.a..................  Structured financial         RCFDG299.
                                                              products by underlying
                                                              collateral or reference
                                                              assets: Trust preferred
                                                              securities issued by
                                                              financial institutions
                                                              (Column A).
RC-D...............................  M3.b..................  Structured financial         RCFDG332.
                                                              products by underlying
                                                              collateral or reference
                                                              assets: Trust preferred
                                                              securities issued by real
                                                              estate investment trusts
                                                              (Column A).
RC-D...............................  M3.c..................  Structured financial         RCFDG333.
                                                              products by underlying
                                                              collateral or reference
                                                              assets: Corporate and
                                                              similar loans (Column A).

[[Page 965]]

RC-D...............................  M3.d..................  Structured financial         RCFDG334.
                                                              products by underlying
                                                              collateral or reference
                                                              assets: 1-4 family
                                                              residential MBS issued or
                                                              guaranteed by U.S.
                                                              enterprises (GSEs) (Column
RC-D...............................  M3.e..................  Structured financial         RCFDG335.
                                                              products by underlying
                                                              collateral or reference
                                                              assets: 1-4 family
                                                              residential MBS not issued
                                                              or guaranteed by GSEs
                                                              (Column A).
RC-D...............................  M3.f..................  Structured financial         RCFDG651.
                                                              products by underlying
                                                              collateral or reference
                                                              assets: Diversified
                                                              (mixed) pools of
                                                              structured financial
                                                              products (Column A).
RC-D...............................  M3.g..................  Structured financial         RCFDG652.
                                                              products by underlying
                                                              collateral or reference
                                                              assets: Other collateral
                                                              or reference assets
                                                              (Column A).
RC-D...............................  M4.a..................  Pledged trading assets:      RCFDG387.
                                                              Pledged securities (Column
RC-D...............................  M4.b..................  Pledged trading assets:      RCFDG388.
                                                              Pledged loans (Column A).
RC-D...............................  M5.a..................  Asset-backed securities:     RCFDF643.
                                                              Credit card receivables.
RC-D...............................  M5.b..................  Asset-backed securities:     RCFDF644.
                                                              Home equity lines.
RC-D...............................  M5.c..................  Asset-backed securities:     RCFDF645.
                                                              Automobile loans.
RC-D...............................  M5.d..................  Asset-backed securities:     RCFDF646.
                                                              Other consumer loans.
RC-D...............................  M5.e..................  Asset-backed securities:     RCFDF647.
                                                              Commercial and industrial
RC-D...............................  M5.f..................  Asset-backed securities:     RCFDF648.
RC-D...............................  M7.a..................  Equity securities: Readily   RCFDF652.
                                                              determinable fair values.
RC-D...............................  M7.b..................  Equity securities: Other...  RCFDF653.
RC-D...............................  M8....................  Loans pending                RCFDF654.
RC-D...............................  M9....................  Other trading assets.......  RCFDF655, RCFDF656,
RC-D...............................  M10...................  Other trading liabilities..  RCFDF658, RCFDF659,

   To Be Completed by Banks With Total Trading Assets of $10 Million or More for Any Quarter of the Preceding
                                                  Calendar Year
              Schedule                        Item                    Item name                  MDRM No.
RI.................................  M8.a..................  Trading revenue: Interest    RIAD8757.
                                                              rate exposures.
RI.................................  M8.b..................  Trading revenue: Foreign     RIAD8758.
                                                              exchange exposures.
RI.................................  M8.c..................  Trading revenue: Equity      RIAD8759.
                                                              security and index
RI.................................  M8.d..................  Trading revenue: Commodity   RIAD8760.
                                                              and other exposures.
RI.................................  M8.e..................  Trading revenue: Credit      RIADF186.

   To Be Completed by Banks With Components of Other Noninterest Income in Amounts Greater Than $100,000 That
                                    Exceed 7 Percent of Schedule RI, Item 5.l
              Schedule                        Item                    Item name                  MDRM No.
RI-E...............................  1.a through 1.l.......  Other noninterest income     RIADC013, RIADC014,
                                                              (from Schedule RI, item      RIADC016, RIAD4042,
                                                              5.l).                        RIADC015, RIADF555,
                                                                                           RIADT047, RIAD4461,
                                                                                           RIAD4462, RIAD4463.

   To Be Completed by Banks With Components of Other Noninterest Expense in Amounts Greater Than $100,000 That
                                    Exceed 7 Percent of Schedule RI, Item 7.d
              Schedule                        Item                    Item name                  MDRM No.
RI-E...............................  2.a through 2.p.......  Other noninterest expense    RIADC017, RIAD0497,
                                                              (from Schedule RI, item      RIAD4136, RIADC018,
                                                              7.d).                        RIAD8403, RIAD4141,
                                                                                           RIAD4146, RIADF556,
                                                                                           RIADF557, RIADF558,
                                                                                           RIADF559, RIADY923,
                                                                                           RIADY924, RIAD4464,
                                                                                           RIAD4467, RIAD4468.

[[Page 966]]

 To Be Completed by Banks With Total Trading Assets of $10 Million or More in Any of the Four Preceding Calendar
    Quarters and All Banks Meeting the FDIC's Definition of a Large or Highly Complex Institution for Deposit
                                          Insurance Assessment Purposes
              Schedule                        Item                    Item name                  MDRM No.
RC-K...............................  7.....................  Trading assets.............  RCFD3401.

    Dated: January 2, 2018.
Karen Solomon,
Acting Senior Deputy Comptroller and Chief Counsel, Office of the 
Comptroller of the Currency.

    Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, December 27, 
Ann E. Misback,
Secretary of the Board.

    Dated at Washington, DC, on December 27, 2017.

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
Robert E. Feldman,
Executive Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2018-00122 Filed 1-5-18; 8:45 am]
 BILLING CODE 4810-33-P; 6210-01-P; 6714-01-P

                                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 5 / Monday, January 8, 2018 / Notices                                                  939

                                                Summit County Fiscal Office and a                       right of way, subject to all easements                 information. The Consolidated Reports
                                                southeasterly corner of said Akron-                     and right of ways of record or as                      of Condition and Income are commonly
                                                Canton Regional Airport Authority                       otherwise established. This description                referred to as the Call Report. The
                                                parcel;                                                 is based on a field survey performed                   proposed revisions to the FFIEC 031,
                                                   Thence N 01°37′33″ E along the                       under the direction of Adam R. Zearley,                FFIEC 041, and FFIEC 051 Call Reports
                                                easterly line of said Akron-Canton                      P. S. #8594 of Hammontree &                            would result in an overall reduction in
                                                Regional Airport Authority parcel and                   Associates, Limited, Engineers,                        burden.
                                                the westerly line of said Overhead Door                 Planners, and Surveyors of North                          The comment period for the June
                                                Corporation parcel, a distance of 499.21                Canton, Ohio in June, 2016.                            2017 notice ended on August 28, 2017.
                                                feet to a 5⁄8 inch rebar found at the                      The basis of bearings for this                      As described in the SUPPLEMENTARY
                                                northwesterly corner of said Overhead                   description the Ohio State Plane                       INFORMATION section, after considering
                                                Door Corporation parcel (passing over a                 Coordinate System, Ohio North Zone,                    the comments received on the proposal,
                                                5⁄8 inch rebar found on the north right
                                                                                                        NAD83 (2011), Geoid 12A.                               the FFIEC and the agencies will proceed
                                                of way line of said Greensburg Road at                    Issued in Romulus, Michigan, on                      with the proposed reporting revisions to
                                                61.25 feet), and being the True Place Of                November 30, 2017.                                     the FFIEC 031, FFIEC 041, and FFIEC
                                                Beginning for the parcel herein                         John L. Mayfield, Jr.,                                 051. These reporting revisions relate to
                                                described;                                                                                                     the deletion or consolidation of a large
                                                                                                        Manager, Detroit Airports District Office,
                                                   1. Thence N 01°37′33″ E on a new                                                                            number of items, the raising of certain
                                                                                                        FAA, Great Lakes Region.
                                                lease line and along the northerly                                                                             reporting thresholds, and a reduction in
                                                                                                        [FR Doc. 2018–00129 Filed 1–5–18; 8:45 am]
                                                extension of said westerly line of said                                                                        reporting frequency for a number of
                                                                                                        BILLING CODE 4910–13–P
                                                Overhead Door Corporation parcel, a                                                                            items. For small institutions filing the
                                                distance of 489.57 feet to a point on the                                                                      FFIEC 051 report, these changes affect
                                                easterly line of an area designated by                                                                         approximately seven percent of the data
                                                said Akron-Canton Regional Airport                      DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY
                                                                                                                                                               items collected. The agencies will also
                                                Authority as ‘‘RUNWAY 19 APPROACH                                                                              proceed with the scope revision to the
                                                AND PROTECTION ZONE (19 RPZ)’’;                         Office of the Comptroller of the
                                                                                                        Currency                                               FFIEC 031 and FFIEC 041 reports to
                                                   2. Thence N 10°18′22″ E on a new                                                                            require all institutions with
                                                lease line and along the easterly line of                                                                      consolidated total assets of $100 billion
                                                said ‘‘19 RPZ’’, a distance of S 10.67 feet             FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM
                                                                                                                                                               or more, regardless of whether an
                                                to a point on the southwesterly existing
                                                                                                        FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE                              institution has any foreign offices, to file
                                                limited-access right of way line of
                                                                                                        CORPORATION                                            the FFIEC 031. However, the agencies
                                                Interstate 77 and the northeasterly line
                                                                                                                                                               will delay the effective date of these
                                                of said Akron-Canton Regional Airport
                                                                                                        Agency Information Collection                          reporting revisions and scope revision
                                                Authority parcel;
                                                                                                        Activities: Submission for OMB                         until the June 30, 2018, report date,
                                                   3. Thence S 33°57′37″ E along the
                                                northeasterly line of said Akron-Canton                 Review; Joint Comment Request                          rather than implementing them as of the
                                                Regional Airport Authority parcel and                                                                          March 31, 2018, report date, as
                                                                                                        AGENCY:  Office of the Comptroller of the
                                                said limited access right of way line of                                                                       originally proposed.
                                                                                                        Currency (OCC), Treasury; Board of
                                                Interstate 77, a distance of 554.65 feet to                                                                       In addition, the agencies will proceed
                                                                                                        Governors of the Federal Reserve
                                                a 5⁄8 inch iron bar found at the northeast                                                                     with the revisions to address the
                                                                                                        System (Board); and Federal Deposit
                                                corner of said Akron-Canton Regional                                                                           changes in the accounting for equity
                                                                                                        Insurance Corporation (FDIC).
                                                Airport Authority parcel and the                                                                               investments, with some modifications to
                                                                                                        ACTION: Joint notice and request for                   the proposal in response to comments
                                                northwest corner of a 7.706 acre parcel                 comment.
                                                conveyed to Canton Green, LLC by                                                                               received. The effective date for these
                                                Reception Number 55538275 of the                        SUMMARY:   In accordance with the                      revisions would be the March 31, 2018,
                                                Summit County Fiscal Office.                            requirements of the Paperwork                          report date, as originally proposed, to
                                                   4. Thence S 01°37′33″ W along the                    Reduction Act (PRA) of 1995, the OCC,                  coincide with the first reporting period
                                                easterly line of said Akron-Canton                      the Board, and the FDIC (the                           in which the accounting changes will be
                                                Regional Airport Authority parcel the                   ‘‘agencies’’) may not conduct or                       adopted under U.S. generally accepted
                                                westerly line of said Canton Green, LLC                 sponsor, and the respondent is not                     accounting principles (GAAP) by certain
                                                parcel, a distance of 542.51 feet to a 3⁄4              required to respond to, an information                 reporting institutions. Finally, because
                                                inch iron pipe found at a southeast                     collection unless it displays a currently              of concerns raised by commenters
                                                corner of said Akron-Canton Regional                    valid Office of Management and Budget                  regarding the proposed revisions to the
                                                Airport Authority parcel and the                        (OMB) control number. On June 27,                      definition of ‘‘past due’’ assets for
                                                northeast corner of a 1.04 acre parcel                  2017, the agencies, under the auspices                 regulatory reporting purposes, the
                                                conveyed to Akron Canton Regional                       of the Federal Financial Institutions                  agencies are giving further consideration
                                                Airport Authority by Reception Number                   Examination Council (FFIEC), requested                 to this proposal, including its effect on
                                                54282080 of the Summit County Fiscal                    public comment for 60 days on a                        and relationship to other regulatory
                                                Office;                                                 proposal to revise the Consolidated                    reporting requirements, and are not
                                                   5. Thence N 88°29′31″ W along the                    Reports of Condition and Income for a                  proceeding with this proposed revision
                                                northerly line of said 1.04 acre Akron-                 Bank with Domestic and Foreign Offices                 at this time.
                                                Canton Regional Airport Authority                       (FFIEC 031), the Consolidated Reports                     The agencies are giving notice that
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                parcel and the northerly line of said                   of Condition and Income for a Bank                     they have sent the collection to OMB for
                                                Overhead Door Corporation parcel, a                     with Domestic Offices Only (FFIEC                      review.
                                                distance of 399.84 feet (passing over a                 041), and the Consolidated Reports of                  DATES: Comments must be submitted on
                                                3⁄4 inch iron pipe found at 184.77 feet)                Condition and Income for a Bank with                   or before February 7, 2018.
                                                to the True Place of Beginning, and                     Domestic Offices Only and Total Assets                 ADDRESSES: Interested parties are
                                                containing 7.006 acres more or less, of                 Less than $1 Billion (FFIEC 051), which                invited to submit written comments to
                                                which 0.000 acres are within the road                   are currently approved collections of                  any or all of the agencies. All comments,

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                                                940                            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 5 / Monday, January 8, 2018 / Notices

                                                which should refer to the OMB control                   NW (between 18th and 19th Streets                      Streets NW, Washington, DC 20551.
                                                number(s), will be shared among the                     NW), Washington, DC 20006 between                      Telecommunications Device for the Deaf
                                                agencies.                                               9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on weekdays.                   (TDD) users may call (202) 263–4869.
                                                  OCC: You may submit comments,                            FDIC: You may submit comments,                         FDIC: Manuel E. Cabeza, Counsel,
                                                which should refer to ‘‘FFIEC 031,                      which should refer to ‘‘FFIEC 031,                     (202) 898–3767, Legal Division, Federal
                                                FFIEC 041, and FFIEC 051,’’ by any of                   FFIEC 041, and FFIEC 051,’’ by any of                  Deposit Insurance Corporation, 550 17th
                                                the following methods:                                  the following methods:                                 Street NW, Washington, DC 20429.
                                                  • Email: prainfo@occ.treas.gov.                          • Agency website: https://                          SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The
                                                  • Fax: (571) 465–4326.                                www.fdic.gov/regulations/laws/federal/.                agencies propose revisions to data items
                                                  • Mail: Legislative and Regulatory                    Follow the instructions for submitting                 reported on the FFIEC 031, FFIEC 041,
                                                Activities Division, Office of the                      comments on the FDIC’s website.                        and FFIEC 051 Call Reports.
                                                Comptroller of the Currency, 400 7th                       • Federal eRulemaking Portal:                          Report Title: Consolidated Reports of
                                                Street SW, Suite 3E–218, Washington,                    https://www.regulations.gov. Follow the                Condition and Income (Call Report).
                                                DC 20219.                                               instructions for submitting comments.                     Form Numbers: FFIEC 031 (for banks
                                                   All comments received, including                        • Email: comments@FDIC.gov.                         and savings associations with domestic
                                                attachments and other supporting                        Include ‘‘FFIEC 031, FFIEC 041, and                    and foreign offices), FFIEC 041 (for
                                                materials, are part of the public record                FFIEC 051’’ in the subject line of the                 banks and savings associations with
                                                and subject to public disclosure. Do not                message.                                               domestic offices only), and FFIEC 051
                                                include any information in your                            • Mail: Manuel E. Cabeza, Counsel,                  (for banks and savings associations with
                                                comment or supporting materials that                    Attn: Comments, Room MB–3007,                          domestic offices only and total assets
                                                you consider confidential or                            Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation,                 less than $1 billion).
                                                inappropriate for public disclosure.                    550 17th Street NW, Washington, DC                        Frequency of Response: Quarterly.
                                                   You may personally inspect and                       20429.                                                    Affected Public: Business or other for-
                                                photocopy comments at the OCC, 400                         • Hand Delivery: Comments may be                    profit.
                                                7th Street SW, Washington, DC 20219.                    hand delivered to the guard station at
                                                For security reasons, the OCC requires                                                                         OCC:
                                                                                                        the rear of the 550 17th Street Building
                                                that visitors make an appointment to                                                                              OMB Control No.: 1557–0081.
                                                                                                        (located on F Street) on business days
                                                inspect comments. You may do so by                                                                                Estimated Number of Respondents:
                                                                                                        between 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
                                                calling (202) 649–6700 or, for persons                                                                         1,297 national banks and federal savings
                                                                                                           Public Inspection: All comments
                                                who are deaf or hearing impaired, TTY,                                                                         associations.
                                                                                                        received will be posted without change
                                                (202) 649–5597. Upon arrival, visitors                                                                            Estimated Average Burden per
                                                                                                        to https://www.fdic.gov/regulations/
                                                will be required to present valid                                                                              Response: 47.70 burden hours per
                                                                                                        laws/federal/ including any personal
                                                government-issued photo identification                                                                         quarter to file.
                                                                                                        information provided. Paper copies of
                                                and submit to security screening in                                                                               Estimated Total Annual Burden:
                                                                                                        public comments may be requested from
                                                order to inspect and photocopy                                                                                 247,468 burden hours to file.
                                                                                                        the FDIC Public Information Center by
                                                comments.                                               telephone at (877) 275–3342 or (703)                   Board:
                                                   Board: You may submit comments,                      562–2200.                                                 OMB Control No.: 7100–0036.
                                                which should refer to ‘‘FFIEC 031,                         Additionally, commenters may send a                    Estimated Number of Respondents:
                                                FFIEC 041, and FFIEC 051,’’ by any of                   copy of their comments to the OMB                      823 state member banks.
                                                the following methods:                                  desk officer for the agencies by mail to                  Estimated Average Burden per
                                                   • Agency website: http://                                                                                   Response: 51.85 burden hours per
                                                                                                        the Office of Information and Regulatory
                                                www.federalreserve.gov. Follow the                                                                             quarter to file.
                                                                                                        Affairs, U.S. Office of Management and
                                                instructions for submitting comments at:                                                                          Estimated Total Annual Burden:
                                                                                                        Budget, New Executive Office Building,
                                                http://www.federalreserve.gov/general                                                                          170,690 burden hours to file.
                                                                                                        Room 10235, 725 17th Street NW,
                                                   • Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://                Washington, DC 20503; by fax to (202)                  FDIC:
                                                www.regulations.gov. Follow the                         395–6974; or by email to oira_                            OMB Control No.: 3064–0052.
                                                instructions for submitting comments.                   submission@omb.eop.gov.                                   Estimated Number of Respondents:
                                                   • Email: regs.comments@                              FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For                   3,668 insured state nonmember banks
                                                federalreserve.gov. Include the reporting               further information about the proposed                 and state savings associations.
                                                form numbers in the subject line of the                 revisions to the Call Report discussed in                 Estimated Average Burden per
                                                message.                                                this notice, please contact any of the                 Response: 45.62 burden hours per
                                                   • Fax: (202) 452–3819 or (202) 452–                  agency staff whose names appear below.                 quarter to file.
                                                3102.                                                   In addition, copies of the Call Report                    Estimated Total Annual Burden:
                                                   • Mail: Ann E. Misback, Secretary,                   forms can be obtained at the FFIEC’s                   669,337 burden hours to file.
                                                Board of Governors of the Federal                       website (https://www.ffiec.gov/ffiec_                     The proposed burden-reducing
                                                Reserve System, 20th Street and                         report_forms.htm).                                     revisions to the Call Reports are the
                                                Constitution Avenue NW, Washington,                        OCC: Kevin Korzeniewski, Counsel,                   result of an ongoing effort by the
                                                DC 20551.                                               (202) 649–5490, or for persons who are                 agencies to reduce the burden
                                                   All public comments are available                    deaf or hearing impaired, TTY, (202)                   associated with their preparation and
                                                from the Board’s website at                             649–5597, Legislative and Regulatory                   filing and, as detailed in Appendices B,
                                                www.federalreserve.gov/generalinfo/                     Activities Division, Office of the                     C, and D, achieve burden reductions by
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                foia/ProposedRegs.cfm as submitted,                     Comptroller of the Currency, 400 7th                   the removal or consolidation of
                                                unless modified for technical reasons.                  Street SW, Washington, DC 20219.                       numerous items, the raising of certain
                                                Accordingly, your comments will not be                     Board: Nuha Elmaghrabi, Federal                     reporting thresholds, and a reduction in
                                                edited to remove any identifying or                     Reserve Board Clearance Officer, (202)                 reporting frequency for certain items.
                                                contact information. Public comments                    452–3884, Office of the Chief Data                     The proposed revisions to the reporting
                                                may also be viewed electronically or in                 Officer, Board of Governors of the                     of equity investments are consistent
                                                paper form in Room 3515, 1801 K Street                  Federal Reserve System, 20th and C                     with changes in the accounting

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                                                                                Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 5 / Monday, January 8, 2018 / Notices                                               941

                                                standards applicable to such                             corporate applications, including, in                  organizations, bankers’ associations, and
                                                investments.                                             particular, interstate merger and                      a government entity. General comments
                                                  The estimated average burden hours                     acquisition applications for which, as                 and recommendations on the FFIEC
                                                collectively reflect the estimates for the               required by law, the agencies must                     031, FFIEC 041, and FFIEC 051 Call
                                                FFIEC 031, the FFIEC 041, and the                        determine whether the resulting                        Reports are included in this section. The
                                                FFIEC 051 reports. When the estimates                    institution would control more than 10                 agencies provide information regarding
                                                are calculated by type of report across                  percent of the total amount of deposits                comments on specific aspects of the
                                                the agencies, the estimated average                      of insured depository institutions in the              proposed revisions to the Call Reports
                                                burden hours per quarter are 123.06                      United States. Call Report data also are               in more detail in Section III.
                                                (FFIEC 031), 57.71 (FFIEC 041), and                      used to calculate institutions’ deposit
                                                39.38 (FFIEC 051). The burden hours for                                                                         A. Comments on the Overall Proposal
                                                                                                         insurance and Financing Corporation
                                                the currently approved reports are                                                                              and the Burden-Reduction Initiative
                                                                                                         assessments and national banks’ and
                                                128.05 (FFIEC 031), 74.88 (FFIEC 041),                   federal savings associations’ semiannual                  Commenters expressed mixed
                                                and 44.94 (FFIEC 051),1 so the revisions                 assessment fees.                                       opinions on the June 2017 notice and
                                                in this notice would represent a                                                                                the agencies’ Call Report burden-
                                                reduction in estimated average burden                    Current Actions                                        reduction initiatives to date. Seven
                                                hours per quarter by 4.99 (FFIEC 031),                   I. Introduction                                        commenters representing banking
                                                17.17 (FFIEC 041), and 5.56 (FFIEC                          On June 27, 2017, the agencies                      organizations and bankers’ associations
                                                051). The estimated burden per                           requested comment for 60 days on a                     supported the effort put forth by the
                                                response for the quarterly filings of the                proposal to revise the existing Call                   agencies. One bankers’ association
                                                Call Report is an average that varies by                 Report requirements (FFIEC 031, FFIEC                  stated that it ‘‘appreciates the time and
                                                agency because of differences in the                     041, and FFIEC 051).2 The June 2017                    effort the FFIEC has devoted to
                                                composition of the institutions under                    proposal, as well as the creation of the               identifying opportunities to reduce the
                                                each agency’s supervision (e.g., size                    FFIEC 051 and other recent revisions to                burdens associated with the Call Report
                                                distribution of institutions, types of                   the FFIEC 031 and FFIEC 041, are the                   requirements.’’ The commenter went on
                                                activities in which they are engaged,                                                                           to say that the removal or change in
                                                                                                         result of a formal initiative launched by
                                                and existence of foreign offices).                                                                              reporting frequency of line items or
                                                                                                         the FFIEC in December 2014 to identify
                                                  Type of Review: Revision and                                                                                  increase to reporting thresholds ‘‘serves
                                                                                                         potential opportunities to reduce
                                                extension of currently approved                                                                                 as needed clean-up of the Call Report.’’
                                                                                                         burden associated with Call Report
                                                collections.                                                                                                    Three banking organizations also
                                                                                                         requirements for community
                                                                                                                                                                ‘‘appreciate’’ the agencies’ initiatives
                                                General Description of Reports                           institutions. The most significant
                                                                                                                                                                focused on reducing the burden
                                                   These information collections are                     actions under this initiative are
                                                                                                                                                                associated with the Call Reports. The
                                                mandatory pursuant to 12 U.S.C. 161                      community institution outreach efforts,
                                                                                                                                                                government entity stated it uses certain
                                                (for national banks), 12 U.S.C. 324 (for                 internal surveys of users of Call Report
                                                                                                                                                                data items in the Call Report in
                                                state member banks), 12 U.S.C. 1817 (for                 data at FFIEC member entities, and the                 preparing national economic reports,
                                                insured state nonmember commercial                       implementation of a streamlined Call                   and encouraged the agencies to continue
                                                and savings banks), and 12 U.S.C. 1464                   Report for small institutions. A                       collecting those items.
                                                (for federal and state savings                           summary of the FFIEC member entities’                     On the other hand, the majority of the
                                                associations). At present, except for                    uses of the data items retained in the                 comment letters asserted that the
                                                selected data items and text, these                      Call Report schedules subject to the                   proposed revisions to the Call Reports
                                                information collections are not given                    reporting revisions in this proposal is                would provide no real savings in effort
                                                confidential treatment.                                  included in Appendix A, which is                       or cost for smaller institutions and that
                                                                                                         repeated from the June 2017 notice with                the overall reduction in burden is of
                                                Abstract                                                 nonsubstantive technical corrections.                  limited value to such institutions. One
                                                   Institutions submit Call Report data to               Additional information about the                       of the banking organizations and two of
                                                the agencies each quarter for the                        initiative can be found in the June 2017               the bankers’ associations further
                                                agencies’ use in monitoring the                          notice and in four earlier notices related             indicated that reducing reporting
                                                condition, performance, and risk profile                 to actions taken under this initiative.3               frequency would provide only ‘‘limited
                                                of individual institutions and the                          The comment period for the June                     relief.’’ These commenters noted that
                                                industry as a whole. Call Report data                    2017 notice ended on August 28, 2017.                  regardless of whether cumulative data is
                                                serve a regulatory or public policy                      General comments on the notice are                     reported every quarter or every six
                                                purpose by assisting the agencies in                     summarized in Section II. In Section III,              months, institutions would still need to
                                                fulfilling their missions of ensuring the                the agencies provide more details on the               gather the data on a quarterly basis in
                                                safety and soundness of financial                        comments received and any changes the                  order to produce the reported data on a
                                                institutions and the financial system                    agencies are making in response to those               semiannual basis. Two bankers’
                                                and the protection of consumer                           comments. Section IV discusses the                     associations responded that combining
                                                financial rights, as well as agency-                     timing for implementing the proposed                   data items also would not provide any
                                                specific missions affecting federal and                  revisions to the Call Report.                          relief to institutions, because processes
                                                state-chartered institutions, e.g.,                      II. General Comments on the Proposed                   are already in place to gather the
                                                monetary policy, financial stability, and                Call Report Revisions                                  information separately. One banking
                                                                                                                                                                organization and one bankers’
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                deposit insurance. Call Reports are the
                                                                                                            The agencies collectively received                  association stated that the proposed
                                                source of the most current statistical
                                                                                                         comments on the proposal from 13                       revisions would increase burden due to
                                                data available for identifying areas of
                                                                                                         entities, including banking                            the system changes that would be
                                                focus for on-site and off-site
                                                examinations. The agencies use Call                        2 See
                                                                                                                                                                necessary to modify the processes
                                                                                                                 82 FR 29147 (June 27, 2017).
                                                Report data in evaluating institutions’                    3 See 80 FR 56539 (September 18, 2015), 81 FR
                                                                                                                                                                currently in place, such as deactivating
                                                                                                         45357 (July 13, 2016), 81 FR 54190 (August 15,         or reactivating each quarter the
                                                  1 See   82 FR 2444.                                    2016), and 82 FR 2444 (January 9, 2017).               reporting of data items that would

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                                                942                            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 5 / Monday, January 8, 2018 / Notices

                                                change from a quarterly to a semiannual                 are removing, consolidating, or reducing               when conducting off-site monitoring
                                                or annual reporting frequency.                          the reporting frequency of, or creating a              and determining the scope and
                                                   The agencies recognize that not all                  new or increased reporting threshold                   frequency of on-site examinations.
                                                institutions would see an immediate                     for, the affected Call Report data items               Limiting the information collected on
                                                and large reduction in burden from the                  notwithstanding any system changes                     these schedules to semiannual could
                                                proposed revisions in the June 2017                     that institutions would need to make in                significantly impair the agencies’
                                                notice. However, reducing the frequency                 response to these reporting changes.                   supervisory planning and review
                                                of collection for certain data items or                    Finally, in an effort to address the                processes and potentially lead to a less
                                                consolidating existing data items into                  concerns of institutions relating to the               efficient use of supervisory resources.
                                                fewer data items would result in                        proposed reductions in frequency from                     One commenter recommended that
                                                institutions spending less time                         quarterly to semiannual, the agencies                  the FFIEC establish an industry advisory
                                                completing the Call Report since there                  note that the FFIEC’s Central Data                     committee to develop advice and
                                                would be fewer items to review prior to                 Repository (CDR) 5 allows institutions to              guidance on the Call Report and
                                                each quarterly submission. Also, an                     submit data quarterly, even if the data                establish a regular forum to address
                                                institution would have fewer                            items are only required to be reported                 technical questions and new changes to
                                                instructions to review to determine                     semiannually or annually. This will                    the Call Report. In response, the
                                                whether it has reportable (nonzero)                     permit institutions to choose to avoid                 agencies plan to continue to offer
                                                amounts. To the extent that an                          any perceived burden needed to reduce                  outreach in connection with significant
                                                institution currently tracks granular data              the reporting frequency from the                       revisions to the Call Report, as they did
                                                items that are proposed to be                           quarterly frequency required in the                    with the adoption of the revised
                                                consolidated, there may be limited                      existing Call Report.                                  Schedule RC–R, Regulatory Capital, and
                                                burden relief from consolidating the                                                                           with the implementation of the FFIEC
                                                                                                        B. General Recommendations From
                                                items. However, institutions that                                                                              051. The agencies also receive and
                                                currently track data at an aggregate level                                                                     respond to a number of questions from
                                                and then must allocate that amount to                      Three commenters suggested the                      individual institutions each quarter.
                                                the existing subcategories every quarter                agencies adopt a ‘‘short-form’’ Call                   Issues that could affect multiple
                                                would see additional burden relief.                     Report to be filed for at least two                    institutions are often addressed through
                                                Accordingly, these changes represent                    quarters of the year. The short-form Call              the Call Report Supplemental
                                                meaningful Call Report burden relief to                 Report recommended by two of these                     Instructions published quarterly or
                                                institutions that do not engage in                      commenters would consist only of an                    updates to the Call Report instruction
                                                complex activities.                                     institution’s balance sheet, income                    book published as needed. Consistent
                                                   Furthermore, as previously                           statement, and statement of changes in                 with the PRA, the agencies also offer an
                                                mentioned, internal surveys of users of                 equity capital. The institution would                  opportunity for members of the banking
                                                Call Report data at FFIEC member                        file a full Call Report including all                  industry to comment on proposed
                                                entities, including staff of the agencies,              supporting schedules in the second and                 changes to the Call Report or to make
                                                were one of the significant actions                     fourth quarters, and the short-form Call               any additional suggestions for
                                                under the FFIEC’s community bank Call                   Report in the first and third quarters.                improving, streamlining, or clarifying
                                                Report burden-reduction initiative. The                 The third commenter recommended                        the Call Report.
                                                survey responses have been the                          including a limited number of                             One commenter recommended that
                                                foundation for the statutorily mandated                 additional schedules in the first and                  the agencies align the proposed
                                                review of the existing Call Report data                 third quarters to report more detailed                 revisions in the Call Report with
                                                items 4 that the agencies have been                     information on loans and regulatory                    revisions to the FR Y–9C report for
                                                conducting over the course of the                       capital, with additional schedules filed               holding companies.7 The commenter
                                                burden-reduction initiative. After                      in the second and fourth quarters.                     stated that having differences in
                                                completing this review, the statute                        While the agencies understand the                   reporting between the Call Report and
                                                directs the agencies to ‘‘reduce or                     commenters’ desire for a short-form Call               FR Y–9C can create burden for reporting
                                                eliminate any requirement to file                       Report, the agencies did not adopt this                firms. The agencies agree that aligning
                                                information or schedules . . . (other                   suggestion for the reasons noted in                    proposed revisions in the Call Report
                                                than information or schedules that are                  response to the comment letters                        with proposed revisions to comparable
                                                otherwise required by law)’’ if the                     received on the August 2016 proposal                   data items collected in the consolidated
                                                agencies determine that ‘‘the continued                 for a streamlined Call Report for small                FR Y–9C report would reduce burden
                                                collection of such information or                       institutions.6 Most notably, in addition               for reporting holding companies. The
                                                schedules is no longer necessary or                     to the basic financial statements, the                 Board will take this comment into
                                                appropriate.’’ The findings from the                    most streamlined quarterly report                      consideration when it develops
                                                agencies’ review revealed that certain                  possible must also include data items                  proposed revisions to the FR Y–9C
                                                information is no longer needed from                    required by law or regulation, along                   report.
                                                some or all institutions, either on a                   with quarterly data necessary for                         One commenter recommended that
                                                quarterly basis or at all, and that the                 adequate supervision by the agencies.                  the agencies increase the asset-size
                                                current level of detail is no longer                    Furthermore, the agencies leverage a                   threshold for filing the FFIEC 051 Call
                                                needed from some or all institutions in                 significant amount of the data reported                Report from the current $1 billion to at
                                                certain Call Report schedules.                          quarterly in the more detailed general                 least $10 billion, indexed for inflation.
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                Accordingly, for those Call Report data                 and supplemental Call Report schedules                 Raising the threshold to $10 billion or
                                                items for which the results of the                                                                             higher at this time could result in a
                                                                                                          5 The CDR is a secure, shared application for
                                                statutorily mandated review have                                                                               significant loss of data necessary for
                                                                                                        collecting, managing, validating, and distributing
                                                triggered these conclusions, the agencies               data reported in the Call Report and the FDIC’s
                                                                                                                                                               supervisory or other purposes from
                                                                                                        annual Summary of Deposits survey (OMB No.             institutions with assets above $1 billion.
                                                  4 This review is mandated by section 604 of the       3064–0061). The CDR also processes and distributes
                                                Financial Services Regulatory Relief Act of 2006 (12    the Uniform Bank Performance Report.                     7 Consolidated Financial Statements for Holding

                                                U.S.C. 1817(a)(11)).                                      6 See 82 FR 2444 (January 9, 2017).                  Companies, OMB No. 7100–0128.

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                                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 5 / Monday, January 8, 2018 / Notices                                                943

                                                Therefore, while the agencies are not                   which could create a problem if the                    only and consolidated total assets less
                                                adopting this recommendation at this                    reports evolve and do not remain                       than $100 billion.
                                                time, the agencies are continuing to                    aligned in the future. Another bankers’
                                                                                                                                                               B. Burden-Reducing Revisions
                                                evaluate the appropriate scope and                      association opposed the agencies’ use of
                                                criteria for expanding the number of                    a size-based threshold alone (i.e., $100                  The agencies received two comments
                                                institutions eligible to file the FFIEC                 billion or more in assets) to revise the               from banking organizations on the
                                                051.                                                    scope of the FFIEC 031, rather than                    proposed revisions to Schedule RI–E to
                                                   The agencies received three comment                  looking at the business model and risk                 reduce the reporting frequency of the
                                                letters from banking organizations that                 profile of an institution.                             data items for significant components of
                                                highlighted the burden required for                        The agencies are proceeding with the                ‘‘other noninterest income’’ and ‘‘other
                                                their institutions to prepare Schedule                  proposed scope revision of the FFIEC                   noninterest expense’’ from quarterly to
                                                RC–R, Regulatory Capital. Reporting on                  031 to include all institutions with                   annual in the FFIEC 051 and increase
                                                Schedule RC–R is directly tied to the                   foreign offices and all institutions with              the percentage threshold for reporting
                                                requirements in the agencies’ regulatory                consolidated total assets of $100 billion              individual components in all three
                                                capital rules.8                                         or more. The agencies note that this                   versions of the Call Report. One
                                                   The agencies recently issued a                       revision would affect only five                        commenter noted this revision would
                                                proposal for modifications to simplify                  institutions, as the majority of                       actually reduce burden in preparing the
                                                the regulatory capital rules.9 To the                   institutions with assets of $100 billion               reports. The other commenter stated
                                                extent changes contained in that                        or more also have foreign offices and                  that his organization does not meet the
                                                proposal are adopted in a final rule, the                                                                      existing thresholds to separately report
                                                                                                        currently file the FFIEC 031. Currently,
                                                agencies would incorporate those                                                                               noninterest income and expense
                                                                                                        the FFIEC 031 and FFIEC 041 collect the
                                                simplifications into Schedule RC–R.                                                                            components on that schedule, so the
                                                                                                        same information on an institution’s
                                                   One commenter stated that Schedule                                                                          reporting burden would not change.
                                                                                                        domestic office activities. When                          After considering these specific
                                                RC–C, Part II, is particularly                          preparing the FFIEC 031, institutions
                                                burdensome to complete and should be                                                                           comments, as well as the comments
                                                                                                        with no foreign offices would not need                 received on the overall proposal and the
                                                eliminated. The agencies previously                     to report items that request information
                                                reduced the frequency of this schedule                                                                         burden-reduction initiative that were
                                                                                                        on foreign offices, including the entirety             discussed in Section II.A. above, the
                                                from quarterly to semiannual for                        of Schedules RI–D; RC–E, Part II; and
                                                institutions filing the FFIEC 051.10                                                                           agencies will proceed with the proposed
                                                                                                        RC–I; nor would they need to complete                  burden-reducing changes to Schedule
                                                However, the agencies cannot eliminate                  Schedule RC–H, which collects certain
                                                this schedule because the submission of                                                                        RI–E, along with all other burden-
                                                                                                        domestic office data. These institutions               reducing changes to Call Report
                                                information on small business and small                 also would report the same amounts for
                                                farm loans is specifically required by                                                                         schedules proposed in the June 2017
                                                                                                        ‘‘domestic offices’’ and ‘‘consolidated                notice. The agencies recognize that not
                                                statute.11 Appendix A to the agencies’                  bank’’ in other schedules that request
                                                January 2017 Federal Register notice                                                                           every proposed change will reduce
                                                                                                        this breakout, which would not require                 burden for every institution. However,
                                                (82 FR 2444) provides information about                 these institutions to compile additional
                                                how the agencies use the data reported                                                                         the agencies believe that the proposed
                                                                                                        information. In addition, there is                     changes will reduce burden in the Call
                                                in Schedule RC–C, Part II.                              currently a single set of Call Report                  Reports as a whole, which is also
                                                III. Specific Comments on the Proposed                  instructions for both the FFIEC 031 and                reflected in a reduction in the estimated
                                                Call Report Revisions                                   FFIEC 041, which helps promote                         burden hours per quarter for the Call
                                                                                                        consistency in reporting between those                 Reports.
                                                A. Scope Revision                                       versions of the Call Report and should
                                                  The agencies proposed to revise the                   reduce the burden of a transition for the              C. Instructional Revision for the
                                                scope of the FFIEC 031 Call Report to                   affected institutions. As noted in the                 Reporting of Assets as ‘‘Past Due’’
                                                require all institutions with                           June 2017 notice, the agencies consider                   Under the current Call Report
                                                consolidated total assets of $100 billion               all institutions with $100 billion or                  instructions, closed-end installment
                                                or more to file this form, regardless of                more in total assets to be of similar                  loans, amortizing loans secured by real
                                                whether an institution has any foreign                  complexity. Institutions of this size                  estate, and other loans and lease
                                                offices. The agencies proposed this                     typically have similar business activities             financing receivables with payments
                                                change because institutions with                        and risk profiles for their domestic                   scheduled monthly are to be reported as
                                                consolidated total assets of $100 billion               operations, and the agencies’ examiners                past due in Schedule RC–N, Past Due
                                                or more without foreign offices are                     review these domestic operations in a                  and Nonaccrual Loans, Leases, and
                                                considered to have a similar degree of                  similar manner. Receiving information                  Other Assets, when the borrower is in
                                                complexity in their activities as                       from all institutions in this size category            arrears two or more monthly payments.
                                                institutions of this size with foreign                  on the same Call Report form will                      This means that a loan is to be reported
                                                offices that currently file the FFIEC 031.              improve the agencies’ ability to perform               as past due if two monthly payments
                                                  The agencies received two comments                    comparisons among these institutions’                  have not been received by the close of
                                                opposing the proposed scope revision.                   domestic operations. This proposed                     business on the due date of the second
                                                One bankers’ association stated that the                scope revision also has enabled the                    monthly payment. Similarly, the Call
                                                proposal could be viewed as creating                    agencies to propose removing items                     Report instructions provide that open-
                                                three Call Reports for larger banks,                    from, or consolidating a significant                   end credit such as credit cards, check
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                                                                                                        number of items in, the FFIEC 041                      credit, and other revolving credit plans
                                                  8 12 CFR part 3 (OCC); 12 CFR part 217 (Board);       form,12 as the agencies believe these                  are to be reported as past due when the
                                                12 CFR part 324 (FDIC).                                 items are no longer necessary based on                 customer has not made the minimum
                                                  9 82 FR 49984 (October 27, 2017).
                                                  10 See 82 FR 2444 (January 9, 2017).
                                                                                                        the business activities and risk profiles              payment for two or more billing cycles.
                                                  11 See section 122 of the Federal Deposit
                                                                                                        of institutions with domestic offices                  The instructions also provide that, at an
                                                Insurance Corporation Improvement Act of 1991,                                                                 institution’s option, loans and leases
                                                Public Law 102–242.                                       12 See   82 FR 51908 (November 8, 2017).             with payments scheduled monthly may

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                                                944                            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 5 / Monday, January 8, 2018 / Notices

                                                be reported as past due when one                        related reporting concerns include                     for fiscal years beginning after December
                                                scheduled payment is due and unpaid                     possible restatements of audited                       15, 2017, including interim periods
                                                for 30 days or more.                                    financial statements and filings with the              within those fiscal years. For all other
                                                   The agencies note there is an existing               Securities and Exchange Commission;                    institutions, the ASU is effective for
                                                widely used industry standard, known                    the effect on the calculation of the                   fiscal years beginning after December
                                                as the Mortgage Bankers Association                     allowance for loan and lease losses; the               15, 2018, and interim periods within
                                                (MBA) method, which provides that                       impact on the risk weighting associated                fiscal years beginning after December
                                                loans with payments scheduled                           with delinquent and nonaccrual loans                   15, 2019.
                                                monthly become 30 days past due if a                    as reported on Schedule RC–R,                             Based on their consideration of the
                                                monthly payment is not received by the                  Regulatory Capital; the use of                         changes in the accounting for equity
                                                end of the day immediately preceding                    performing loans as inputs for stress                  investments under ASU 2016–01 and
                                                the loan’s next due date. The agencies                  testing and recovery and resolution                    the effect of these changes on the
                                                understand that the MBA method is                       planning purposes; the impact on                       manner in which data on equity
                                                used by most major mortgage data                        liquidity reporting; and the impact on                 securities and other equity investments
                                                repositories, including the three major                 the calculation of surcharge scores                    are currently reported in the Call
                                                credit bureaus and two major mortgage                   assessed to global systemically                        Report, the agencies proposed to revise
                                                loan data processing service bureaus                    important banks (G–SIBs). Additionally,                the reporting of information on equity
                                                used by institutions. The MBA method                    one bankers’ association stated that the               securities and other equity investments
                                                is also used by reporting forums such as                proposed instructional change would                    in Call Report Schedules RI, Income
                                                the MBA, McDash Analytics, and the                      remove the current reporting flexibility               Statement; RI–D, Income from Foreign
                                                OCC Mortgage Metrics Reports.                           for institutions to use a combination of               Offices (on the FFIEC 031); RC, Balance
                                                   Therefore, to promote the use of a                   actual-day count, the MBA method, and                  Sheet; RC–B, Securities; RC–F, Other
                                                consistent standard in the industry and                 the current Call Report method based on                Assets; RC–H, Selected Balance Sheet
                                                reduce the burden for certain                           the institutions’ particular portfolios.               Items for Domestic Offices (on the
                                                institutions calculating past-due loans                    Based on the issues raised in the                   FFIEC 031); RC–K, Quarterly Averages;
                                                under two methods (i.e., one method for                 comments received on the proposed                      RC–Q, Assets and Liabilities Measured
                                                Call Report purposes and a different                    instructional revision to the definition               at Fair Value on a Recurring Basis (on
                                                method for other reporting purposes),                   of past due, the agencies are giving                   the FFIEC 041 and FFIEC 031); and RC–
                                                the agencies proposed in the June 2017                  further consideration to this proposal,                R, Regulatory Capital.13
                                                notice to modify the definition of ‘‘past               including its effect on and relationship                  In developing the proposed revisions
                                                due’’ for regulatory reporting purposes                 to other regulatory reporting                          to these Call Report schedules, the
                                                that is currently contained in the                      requirements. Accordingly, the agencies                agencies sought to limit the number of
                                                general instructions of Schedule RC–N                   are not proceeding with this proposed                  data items being added to the Call
                                                to align with the MBA method.                           instructional revision and the existing                Report to address the changes in
                                                Specifically, under that proposal,                      instructions for the definition of past                accounting for equity securities and
                                                closed-end installment loans,                           due will remain in effect.                             other equity investments.
                                                amortizing loans secured by real estate,                                                                          Furthermore, because of the different
                                                and other loans and lease financing                     D. Proposed Call Report Revisions To
                                                                                                        Address Changes in Accounting for                      effective dates for ASU 2016–01 for
                                                receivables with payments scheduled                                                                            public business entities and all other
                                                monthly, as well as open-end credit                     Equity Investments
                                                                                                                                                               entities, as well as the varying fiscal
                                                such as credit cards, check credit, and                    In January 2016, the Financial                      years across the population of
                                                other revolving credit plans with                       Accounting Standards Board (FASB)                      institutions that file Call Reports, the
                                                payments scheduled monthly, would be                    issued Accounting Standards Update                     period over which institutions will be
                                                reported as past due in Schedule RC–N                   (ASU) No. 2016–01, ‘‘Recognition and                   implementing this ASU ranges from the
                                                if a payment is not received by the end                 Measurement of Financial Assets and                    first quarter of 2018 through the fourth
                                                of the day immediately preceding the                    Financial Liabilities.’’ As one of its main            quarter of 2020. As a result, the agencies
                                                loan’s next payment due date.                           provisions, the ASU requires certain                   proposed to introduce the revisions to
                                                   The agencies received comments from                  investments in equity securities                       the reporting of information on equity
                                                two bankers’ associations and three                     (including other ownership interests,                  securities and other equity investments
                                                banking organizations regarding the                     such as interests in partnerships,                     in response to the ASU in the Call
                                                proposed instructional revision to the                  unincorporated joint ventures, and                     Report effective March 31, 2018.
                                                definition of ‘‘past due.’’ These                       limited liability companies) to be                        The agencies received comments from
                                                commenters generally opposed the                        measured at fair value with changes in                 two banking organizations and two
                                                proposed revision. All commenters                       fair value recognized in net income (fair              bankers’ associations addressing the
                                                cited increased burden related to                       value through net income).                             proposed Call Report revisions related
                                                operational difficulties to implement the                  Section 37(a) of the Federal Deposit                to equity securities. Both bankers’
                                                change as well as concerns about how                    Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 1831n(a))                     associations expressed general support
                                                this definitional change would flow                     states that, in general, the accounting                for the proposed changes to reporting of
                                                through to or affect other reporting                    principles applicable to the Call Report               information on equity securities and
                                                requirements. Operational challenges                    ‘‘shall be uniform and consistent with                 other equity investments. However, for
                                                cited by commenters include substantial                 generally accepted accounting                          an institution that has adopted the new
                                                processing system changes; the need to                  principles.’’ The agencies are
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                                                                                                                                                               accounting standard, the associations
                                                modify contracts with third-party                       maintaining consistency with U.S.                      sought clarification of the appropriate
                                                vendors, loan securitization agreements,                GAAP by implementing the provisions                    categorization on the proposed revised
                                                and other legal agreements;                             of ASU 2016–01 in the Call Report in                   Call Report balance sheet (Schedule RC)
                                                communication issues with loan                          accordance with the effective dates set
                                                servicing customers; and coordination                   forth in the ASU. For institutions that                  13 See 82 FR 29158–29159 (June 27, 2017) for
                                                issues with third-party vendors to                      are public business entities, as defined               complete descriptions of the proposed revisions to
                                                implement the proposed revision. Other                  in U.S. GAAP, ASU 2016–01 is effective                 these schedules.

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                                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 5 / Monday, January 8, 2018 / Notices                                                          945

                                                of equity securities with readily                       instructions for Schedule RC, item 1.                  indirectly acquire or retain as principal
                                                determinable fair values that are bought                Thus, for Call Report purposes, an                     any equity investment of a type that is
                                                and sold on a regular basis, but are not                institution that has adopted ASU 2016–                 not permissible for a national bank.’’
                                                held with the intention of trading as this              01 should report its investments in                    However, this regulation provides for
                                                term is defined in the agencies’ market                 money market mutual funds with                         the grandfathering of certain
                                                risk rules.14 The agencies note that, for               readily determinable fair values, which                investments in equity securities by
                                                purposes of categorizing assets and                     are considered equity securities for                   insured state banks if certain conditions
                                                liabilities on the Call Report balance                  accounting purposes,16 in new Schedule                 are met, including approval by the
                                                sheet, they do not apply the trading                    RC, item 2.c, provided these                           FDIC. The equity investments that are
                                                definition in the market risk rules.                    investments are not held for trading (as               authorized to be grandfathered are
                                                Rather, the Call Report instructions state              discussed above). The agencies also will               common and preferred stock listed on a
                                                that:                                                   revise the Call Report instructions to                 national securities exchange and shares
                                                   Trading activities typically include (a)
                                                                                                        clarify the reporting of money market                  of an investment company registered
                                                regularly underwriting or dealing in                    mutual funds as equity securities, not as              under the Investment Company Act of
                                                securities; interest rate, foreign exchange rate,       cash.                                                  1940.17 However, the FDIC’s regulations
                                                commodity, equity, and credit derivative                   The other banking organization                      provide that an insured state bank’s
                                                contracts; other financial instruments; and             supported the proposed changes to the                  aggregate investment in these
                                                other assets for resale, (b) acquiring or taking        income statement for reporting                         authorized investments ‘‘shall in no
                                                positions in such items principally for the             unrealized holding gains (losses) on                   event exceed, when made, 100 percent
                                                purpose of selling in the near term or                  equity securities not held for trading,                of the bank’s tier one capital’’ and that
                                                otherwise with the intent to resell in order            but recommended excluding unrealized                   ‘‘[t]he lower of the bank’s cost as
                                                to profit from short-term price movements,              gains on equity securities from tier 1                 determined in accordance with call
                                                and (c) acquiring or taking positions in such
                                                                                                        capital for regulatory capital purposes as             report instructions or the market value’’
                                                items as an accommodation to customers or
                                                for other trading purposes.15
                                                                                                        is currently the case under today’s                    of the authorized investments ‘‘shall be
                                                                                                        accounting standards. The manner in                    used to determine compliance.’’ 18 At
                                                   Thus, when an institution’s holdings                 which unrealized gains on equity                       present, the cost basis and fair value of
                                                of equity securities with readily                       securities are reported for regulatory                 an insured state bank’s grandfathered
                                                determinable fair values fall within the                capital purposes in Call Report                        equity investments are included in the
                                                scope of the preceding description of                   Schedule RC–R depends entirely on                      amounts reported in available-for-sale
                                                trading activities, the equity securities               how these unrealized gains are treated                 columns C and D, respectively, of Call
                                                should be reported as trading assets in                 under the agencies’ regulatory capital                 Report Schedule RC–B, item 7,
                                                Schedule RC, item 5. Otherwise, the                     rules. After an institution adopts ASU                 ‘‘Investments in mutual funds and other
                                                equity securities should be reported in                 2016–01, unrealized gains on the                       equity securities with readily
                                                new item 2.c, ‘‘Equity securities with                  institution’s investments in equity                    determinable fair values.’’ These two
                                                readily determinable fair values not                    securities with readily determinable fair              Schedule RC–B items currently serve as
                                                held for trading.’’ The agencies will                   values not held for trading will be                    the starting point for assessing
                                                modify the Call Report instructions to                  recognized in net income and, hence,                   compliance with the limit on
                                                make this distinction more clear.                       retained earnings. Because retained                    grandfathered equity investments at
                                                   One banking organization noted that                  earnings is a common equity tier 1                     those insured state banks that have
                                                the proposal aligns the Call Report with                (CET1) capital element under the                       received FDIC approval to hold such
                                                the new accounting standard for equity                  agencies’ regulatory capital rules, the                investments. However, in their June
                                                investments, but it requested                           operation of these rules will                          2017 proposal, the agencies proposed to
                                                clarification of the balance sheet                      automatically result in the inclusion of               remove item 7, columns C and D, from
                                                categorization of money market mutual                   all unrealized gains on such equity                    Schedule RC–B effective December 31,
                                                funds following the adoption of the                     securities in CET1 capital after an                    2020. From March 31, 2018, through
                                                accounting standard. This organization                  institution’s adoption of ASU 2016–01.                 September 30, 2020, institutions that
                                                observed that the Securities and                        Continuing to exclude unrealized gains                 have adopted ASU 2016–01 would leave
                                                Exchange Commission’s rules permit                      on equity securities with readily                      Schedule RC–B, item 7, columns C and
                                                such funds to be categorized as cash                    determinable fair values not held for                  D, blank.19 The fair value of the
                                                equivalents in financial statements filed               trading from CET1 capital after the                    ‘‘Investments in mutual funds and other
                                                with the Commission if appropriate                      adoption of ASU 2016–01 would require                  equity securities with readily
                                                criteria are met. The organization asked                revisions to the agencies’ regulatory                  determinable fair values’’ that these
                                                whether the agencies intended to permit                 capital rules and is outside the scope of              institutions had reported in Schedule
                                                a similar categorization for Call Report                the proposed equity securities reporting               RC–B, item 7, column D, before
                                                purposes. The Call Report does not                      changes in the Call Report.                            adopting ASU 2016–01 would instead
                                                recognize cash equivalents as part of                      This banking organization also                      be reported in new item 2.c, ‘‘Equity
                                                ‘‘Cash and balances due from depository                 recommended retaining the existing                     securities with readily determinable fair
                                                institutions,’’ as described in the                     regulatory framework governing                         values not held for trading,’’ on
                                                                                                        investments in stock set forth in section              Schedule RC, Balance Sheet. However,
                                                   14 The market risk rules define a ‘‘trading
                                                                                                        362.3 of the FDIC’s regulations (12 CFR                under the June 2017 proposal, the cost
                                                position’’ as a position held ‘‘for the purpose of
                                                short-term resale or with the intent of benefiting
                                                                                                        362.3) and the related information on                  of the equity securities reported in
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                from actual or expected short-term price                equity securities currently reported in                Schedule RC–B, item 7, column C, until
                                                movements, or to lock in arbitrage profits.’’ See 12    Call Report Schedule RC–B, Securities.                 an institution’s adoption of ASU 2016–
                                                CFR 3.202 (OCC), 12 CFR 217.202 (Board), and 12         More specifically, under section
                                                CFR 324.202 (FDIC).
                                                   15 See the instructions for Schedule RC, item 5,
                                                                                                        362.3(a) of the FDIC’s regulations, an                   17 12CFR 362.3(a)(2)(iii)(A).
                                                ‘‘Trading assets,’’ the General Instructions for        insured state bank may not ‘‘directly or                 18 12CFR 362.3(a)(2)(iii)(C).
                                                Schedule RC–D, Trading Assets and Liabilities, and                                                               19 During this period, only those institutions that

                                                the Glossary entry for ‘‘Trading Account’’ in the         16 See FASB Accounting Standards Codification        have not yet adopted ASU 2016–01 would complete
                                                Call Report instructions.                               paragraph 321–10–55–7.                                 Schedule RC–B, item 7, columns C and D.

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                                                946                            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 5 / Monday, January 8, 2018 / Notices

                                                01 would no longer be reported after the                to add a new item 2.c, ‘‘Equity securities             described in this notice would be June
                                                institution’s adoption of this new                      with readily determinable fair values                  30, 2018.
                                                accounting standard because the                         not held for trading,’’ to Schedule RC–                   The agencies originally proposed to
                                                standard eliminates the existing concept                R, Part II, Risk-Weighted Assets,                      implement the revisions proposed in the
                                                of available-for-sale equity securities.                effective March 31, 2018. As proposed,                 June 2017 notice, as well as those they
                                                Thus, the banking organization that                     this new item would be completed only                  expected to propose based on their
                                                commented on the issue of                               by institutions that had adopted ASU
                                                                                                                                                               evaluation of the responses to the third
                                                grandfathered equity investments                        2016–01 and, for such institutions,
                                                recommended the retention of the Call                                                                          and final portion of user surveys, as of
                                                                                                        Schedule RC–R, Part II, item 2.b,
                                                Report data items used to measure                                                                              March 31, 2018. However, on November
                                                                                                        ‘‘Available-for-sale securities,’’ should
                                                compliance with the aggregate                           include only debt securities. Effective                8, 2017, the agencies proposed that the
                                                investment limit in these authorized                    December 31, 2020, which is the                        effective date for the latter set of
                                                investments.                                            quarter-end report date as of which all                changes would be the June 30, 2018,
                                                   After considering this banking                       institutions would be required to have                 report date.21 Commenters on the June
                                                organization’s recommendation as well                   adopted ASU 2016–01, the caption for                   2017 and prior Call Report notices have
                                                as the provisions of section 362.3(a) of                item 2.b would be revised to ‘‘Available-              described the burden associated with
                                                the FDIC’s regulations, the agencies                    for-sale debt securities.’’ These                      implementing frequent revisions to the
                                                agree that, after its adoption of ASU                   proposed revisions correspond to the                   Call Report. Therefore, the agencies are
                                                2016–01, an insured state bank that has                 changes the agencies proposed to make                  delaying the burden-reducing revisions
                                                been approved to hold authorized                        to the categories of securities reported               in this proposal until June 30, 2018, to
                                                investments should continue to report                   on Schedule RC, Balance Sheet.                         align with the target implementation of
                                                the cost of their holdings of equity                       The commenters who addressed                        the burden-reducing Call Report
                                                securities with readily determinable fair               Schedule RC–R recommended                              revisions published on November 8,
                                                values not held for trading, which such                 simplifying and shortening the schedule                2017. This way, institutions will only
                                                an institution currently reports as                     to reduce burden. After considering the                need to adjust their reporting processes
                                                available-for-sale securities in column C               concerns expressed by commenters                       for one combined set of revisions
                                                of Schedule RC–B, item 7. The                           about the burden of Schedule RC–R in                   effective for the June 30, 2018, Call
                                                continued collection of this cost                       relation to the proposed revisions to this             Report rather than separate sets of
                                                information from insured state banks                    schedule for equity securities, the                    revisions in March and June 2018.
                                                with grandfathered equity investments                   agencies have decided against adding a                 However, ASU 2016–01 is effective for
                                                serves a long-term regulatory purpose by                new item 2.c to Part II of Schedule RC–                public business entities for fiscal years
                                                aiding the supervisory staffs of the                    R. Instead, the agencies would retain the              beginning after December 15, 2017,
                                                agencies that supervise these insured
                                                                                                        existing risk-weighting reporting                      including interim periods within those
                                                state banks in performing their ongoing
                                                                                                        process under which those equity                       fiscal years. This necessitates that the
                                                assessments of compliance with the
                                                                                                        securities with readily determinable fair              proposed equity securities reporting
                                                aggregate limit on such investments.
                                                                                                        values and debt securities currently                   revisions be implemented in the Call
                                                Accordingly, in place of Schedule RC–
                                                                                                        categorized as available-for-sale                      Report in the first quarter of 2018 so that
                                                B, item 7, column C, which would no
                                                                                                        securities are reported together in item               institutions required to, or electing to,
                                                longer be applicable to institutions after
                                                                                                        2.b of Schedule RC–R, Part II. To clarify              adopt the new accounting standard at
                                                their adoption of ASU 2016–01, and
                                                                                                        the scope of item 2.b for institutions that            that time are able to report in
                                                which would ultimately be removed
                                                                                                        have and have not adopted ASU 2016–                    accordance with that standard in the
                                                effective December 31, 2020, the
                                                agencies would add a new item 4, ‘‘Cost                 01, the agencies would change the                      March 31, 2018, Call Report.
                                                of equity securities with readily                       caption for item 2.b to ‘‘Available-for-
                                                                                                        sale debt securities and equity securities                When implementing the burden-
                                                determinable fair values not held for                                                                          reducing Call Report revisions as of the
                                                trading,’’ to Schedule RC–M effective                   with readily determinable fair values
                                                                                                        not held for trading’’ effective March 31,             June 30, 2018, report date, institutions
                                                March 31, 2018. The new Schedule RC–                                                                           may provide reasonable estimates for
                                                M item would be completed only by                       2018.
                                                                                                           All the other revisions to the reporting            any new or revised Call Report data
                                                insured state banks that have adopted                                                                          item initially required to be reported as
                                                ASU 2016–01 and have been approved                      of information on equity securities and
                                                                                                        other equity investments proposed by                   of that date for which the requested
                                                to hold grandfathered equity                                                                                   information is not readily available. In
                                                investments. All other institutions                     the agencies in response to the changes
                                                                                                        in the accounting requirements for these               addition, as of the March 31, 2018,
                                                would leave new Schedule RC–M, item                                                                            report date or a subsequent report date
                                                4, blank. The equity securities for which               types of assets would be implemented
                                                                                                        as described in Section III.D.2 of the                 as of which an institution is required to,
                                                the cost would be reported in Schedule
                                                                                                        June 2017 proposal and would take                      or early elects to, initially report in
                                                RC–M, item 4, would be the same equity
                                                                                                        effect beginning as of March 31, 2018.20               accordance with ASU 2016–01, the
                                                securities for which institutions that
                                                                                                                                                               institution may provide reasonable
                                                have adopted ASU 2016–01 would                          IV. Timing
                                                report the fair value in new Schedule                                                                          estimates for any new or revised Call
                                                RC, item 2.c.                                              Subject to OMB approval, the                        Report data item affected by the equity
                                                   In addition, as previously mentioned,                effective date for the implementation of               securities reporting changes for which
                                                                                                        the revisions to the FFIEC 031, FFIEC                  the requested information is not readily
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                the agencies also received three
                                                comments from banking organizations                     041, and FFIEC 051 to address the                      available. The specific wording of the
                                                regarding the burden associated with                    change in accounting for equity                        captions for the new or revised Call
                                                Schedule RC–R, Regulatory Capital,                      investments would be March 31, 2018.                   Report data items discussed in this
                                                which is one of the schedules for which                 However, the effective date for the                    proposal and the numbering of these
                                                several revisions related to equity                     implementation of all other revisions                  data items is subject to change.
                                                securities were proposed. In this regard,
                                                a proposed change to this schedule was                    20 82   FR 29147, 29156–29159.                         21 See   82 FR 51908 (November 8, 2017).

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                                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 5 / Monday, January 8, 2018 / Notices                                                     947

                                                V. Request for Comment                                  half of total noninterest income and other             to the evaluation of liquidity. Thus, the
                                                                                                        noninterest expense makes up approximately             maturity and repricing information collected
                                                  Public comment is requested on all                    40 percent of noninterest expense on an                throughout the Call Report also aids in
                                                aspects of this joint notice. Comment is                aggregate basis for all filers of the Call Report,     evaluating the strategies institutions take to
                                                specifically invited on:                                data on the composition of each of these               mitigate liquidity and interest rate risks.
                                                  (a) Whether the proposed revisions to                 income statement data items is essential to            Liquidity and interest rate risk indicators that
                                                the collections of information that are                 understanding what is driving the level of             are calculated by agency models from an
                                                the subject of this notice are necessary                and changes over time in these data items at           institution’s Call Report data and exceed
                                                for the proper performance of the                       individual institutions. The stratification of         specified parameters or change significantly
                                                                                                        the information in this schedule allows for            between examinations are red flags that call
                                                agencies’ functions, including whether                  identification of potential unusual sources of         for timely examiner off-site review.
                                                the information has practical utility;                  changes in earnings that affect trend                     In this regard, the reported amount of debt
                                                  (b) The accuracy of the agencies’                     analyses. This information is particularly             securities with a remaining maturity of one
                                                estimates of the burden of the                          important for identifying losses of an unusual         year or less is a key input into the calculation
                                                information collections as they are                     or nonrecurring nature when an institution is          of an institution’s short-term assets that,
                                                proposed to be revised, including the                   in a stressed condition, which was evident             when analyzed in conjunction with non-core
                                                validity of the methodology and                         during the recent financial crisis. This               funding data, can indicate the extent to
                                                assumptions used;                                       stratified noninterest income and expense              which the institution is relying on short-term
                                                                                                        information continues to be critical in                funding to fund longer-term assets, which
                                                  (c) Ways to enhance the quality,
                                                                                                        understanding the causes of swings in an               presents an exposure to liquidity risk.
                                                utility, and clarity of the information to                                                                     Further, liquidity risk inputs into agency
                                                                                                        institution’s profitability.
                                                be collected;                                              Schedule RI–E also collects descriptive             models that vary by type of security provide
                                                  (d) Ways to minimize the burden of                    information on discontinued operations,                examiners the ability to customize and apply
                                                information collections on respondents,                 significant adjustments to the allowance for           liquidity stress tests. Extensive back testing
                                                including through the use of automated                  loan and lease losses (ALLL), accounting               has shown that the liquidity risk inputs for
                                                collection techniques or other forms of                 changes and error corrections, and certain             securities contain substantial forward-
                                                information technology; and                             capital transactions with stockholders. These          looking information by which to ascertain the
                                                  (e) Estimates of capital or start-up                  data items provide the agencies and their              likelihood that an institution would be able
                                                                                                        examiners better insight on factors driving            to avoid significant liquidity problems in a
                                                costs and costs of operation,
                                                                                                        changes in net income and the ALLL (due to             stressed environment.
                                                maintenance, and purchase of services                                                                             As another example, agency models that
                                                                                                        sources other than provisions, charge-offs,
                                                to provide information.                                 and recoveries), along with nonrecurring               consider both the amortized cost and fair
                                                  Comments submitted in response to                     types of changes in institutions’ equity               value of held-to-maturity and available-for-
                                                this joint notice will be shared among                  capital.                                               sale securities reported in Schedule RC–B are
                                                the agencies. All comments will become                     The detailed breakdown of components of             used for off-site monitoring of interest rate
                                                a matter of public record.                              other noninterest income in excess of the              risk to identify individual institutions that
                                                                                                        Schedule RI–E reporting threshold is                   may be significantly exposed to rising
                                                Appendix A—Summary of the FFIEC                         essential to the Consumer Financial                    interest rates. Individual types of securities
                                                Member Entities’ Uses of the Data Items                 Protection Bureau’s (CFPB) understanding of            from Schedule RC–B are grouped into major
                                                in the Call Report Schedules in the                     the viability of institutions’ offerings of            categories for purposes of performing
                                                Portion of the User Surveys Evaluated                   consumer services regulated by the CFPB.               duration-based analyses of potential
                                                in the Development of This Proposal                     This information provides unique insights              investment portfolio depreciation for both
                                                                                                        into institutions’ reliance on key revenue             severe and more moderate interest rate
                                                Schedule RI–D (Income from Foreign Offices)             streams that can impact consumer access to             increases. The Schedule RC–B data for these
                                                [FFIEC 031 only]                                        and the availability of services. These                groupings of securities, together with Call
                                                   Schedule RI–D collects data on income                streams include bank and credit card                   Report data for other types of balance sheet
                                                from foreign offices. Collectively, the data are        interchange, income and fees from automated            assets and liabilities, also serve as inputs to
                                                used in country and currency risk analyses              teller machines, and institution-described             quarterly duration-based estimates of
                                                to monitor the level, trend, quality and                components of other noninterest income.                potential changes in fair values for the
                                                sustainability of the income component of               This information also helps the CFPB                   overall balance sheet in response to various
                                                foreign offices. These data help support a              monitor trends in the consumer marketplace.            forecasted interest rate changes. Outlier
                                                variety of examination activities that include,         Similarly, the detailed breakdown of other             institutions identified by these models are
                                                but are not limited to, earnings and yield              noninterest expense facilitates the CFPB’s             the subject of prompt supervisory follow-up
                                                analysis, asset securitizations, core                   ability to conduct statutorily-required cost           to address their interest rate risk exposure.
                                                assessment, price risk, and trading. Quarterly          analyses for rulemakings and other policy                 The institution’s risk profile in these areas
                                                data also improve the off-site monitoring of            endeavors.                                             is considered during pre-examination
                                                trading and asset management activities. Data                                                                  planning to determine the appropriate
                                                                                                        Schedule RC–B (Securities)                             scoping and staffing for examinations. For
                                                on investment banking, advisory, brokerage,
                                                and underwriting fees and commissions are                  Information collected on Schedule RC–B is           example, the quarterly reporting of the Call
                                                used to track the global asset management               essential for assessment of liquidity risk,            Report information on held-to-maturity and
                                                activities of institutions with foreign offices.        market risk, interest rate risk, and credit risk.      available-for-sale securities also aids in the
                                                The global presence of these activities adds            Specifically, information on held-to-maturity,         identification of low-risk areas prior to on-
                                                to the complexity of the asset management               available-for-sale, and pledged securities is          site examinations, allowing the agencies to
                                                business conducted by financial institutions            critical for analysis of the institution’s ability     improve the allocation of their supervisory
                                                and this information is continually                     to manage short-term financial obligations             resources and increase the efficiency of
                                                monitored to detect potential shifts in                 without negatively impacting capital or                supervisory assessments, which reduces the
                                                business models. It also serves as one                  income (liquidity risk), and risk of loss due          scope of examinations in these areas, thereby
                                                component of measurement of the degree of               to market movements (market risk). Maturity            reducing regulatory burden.
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                global interconnectedness and systemic risk.            and repricing information on debt securities              Information on the amortized cost and fair
                                                                                                        collected in the Memorandum items on                   value of the securities portfolio allows for
                                                Schedule RI–E (Explanations)                            Schedule RC–B, together with the maturity              measurement of depreciation/appreciation,
                                                   Schedule RI–E collects explanations for              and repricing information collected in other           which is important for assessing the potential
                                                items that significantly contribute to the total        schedules for other types of assets and                impact that unrealized gains and losses may
                                                amounts reported for other noninterest                  liabilities, is critical for the assessment of the     have on earnings and liquidity. Unrealized
                                                income and other noninterest expense. Since             risk to an institution from changes in interest        gains and losses on available-for-sale equity
                                                other noninterest income makes up almost                rates (interest rate risk), and also contributes       securities and, for certain institutions,

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                                                948                            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 5 / Monday, January 8, 2018 / Notices

                                                unrealized gains and losses on available-for-           conditions. If an institution has a low level          institution’s assets and liabilities than is
                                                sale debt securities are an integral input into         of liquid assets within its trading portfolio,         possible from comparisons of quarter-end
                                                regulatory capital calculations. Furthermore,           this impacts its ability to rapidly adjust its         data, which may be affected by fluctuations
                                                because the amount of unrealized gains and              holdings in response to adverse market                 related to seasonality or abnormal levels of
                                                losses on both held-to-maturity and                     movements. Information on the volume and               activity at period-end. The detailed average
                                                available-for-sale debt securities is an                composition of trading assets and how it has           data used to calculate the yield on specific
                                                indicator of risk in the debt securities                changed over recent quarters also can                  types of interest-earning assets helps
                                                portfolio, it also is a key factor in examiners’        provide insight into an institution’s trading          examination teams understand the impact of
                                                qualitative assessments of capital adequacy.            strategies and its views on market trends. The         credit quality on the earnings performance of
                                                   Data showing significant depreciation in             assessment of trading portfolio composition            particular loan portfolios. Where an
                                                specific types of securities not issued or              and risks enters into pre-examination                  institution’s yields on particular types of
                                                guaranteed by the U.S. government or its                planning to determine the appropriate                  loans exceed those of its peers, this warrants
                                                agencies can signal an institution’s failure to         scoping and staffing for examinations of               examiner scrutiny to determine whether this
                                                properly evaluate the existence of other-than-          institutions engaged in trading activities.            outcome is a result of the institution’s
                                                temporary impairments arising from credit                  Furthermore, data on securities and loans           origination or purchase of lower credit
                                                losses and other factors. Similarly, data on            held for trading are combined with data on             quality loans. In addition, the data on the
                                                year-to-date sales and transfers of held-to-            securities and loans held for investment, as           cost of funds by funding type is important in
                                                maturity securities is a basis for off-site or on-      reported in Schedule RC–B and Schedule                 assessing the funding mix at the institution
                                                site follow-up by examiners to determine                RC–C, Part I, to benchmark weekly loan and             level for oversight purposes. Higher costs for
                                                whether the reasons for these transactions are          security data collected by the Board from a            particular types of deposits or other liabilities
                                                acceptable under U.S. GAAP or have resulted             sample of both small and large institutions.           compared to these costs at an institution’s
                                                in the tainting of this securities portfolio. In        These weekly data are used to estimate                 peers also warrants examiner review to
                                                addition, the reporting of debt securities by           weekly measures of extension of credit for             determine whether the institution is making
                                                security type is important to identify                  the banking sector as a whole to provide a             greater use of more volatile non-core funding
                                                concentrations in higher risk types of                  more timely input for purposes of monitoring           sources. The yield on interest-earning assets
                                                                                                        the macroeconomy.                                      and cost of funds also gives insight into the
                                                investments, which may have greater
                                                                                                                                                               effectiveness of an institution’s plans and
                                                liquidity and/or credit risk than other types              Information on mortgage-backed securities
                                                                                                                                                               initiatives related to asset/liability mix,
                                                of securities. Information on investments in            and mortgage loans held for trading assisted
                                                                                                                                                               liquidity, and interest rate risk strategies and
                                                securities issued by states and political               the CFPB’s efforts to develop required
                                                                                                                                                               their resulting impact on earnings. These
                                                subdivisions in the United States is used by            estimates for various Title XIV mortgage
                                                                                                                                                               performance ratios are essential to the
                                                many state regulatory agencies as a starting            reform rulemakings under the Dodd-Frank                consideration of an institution’s earnings
                                                point for monitoring compliance with certain            Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection             during pre-examination planning to
                                                state municipal investment regulations. The             Act (Pub. L. 111–203). Going forward, data             determine the appropriate scoping of this
                                                amortized cost and fair value of held-to-               items from this schedule and Schedules RC–             area, particularly because earnings is
                                                maturity and available-for-sale debt                    B and RC–C, Part I, are critical for continuous        evaluated and rated as part of the CAMELS
                                                securities, respectively, for certain types of          monitoring of the mortgage market. The                 rating system.22
                                                securities as well as the fair value of all U.S.        CFPB uses these items to understand the
                                                Treasury and U.S. Government agency                     intricacies of the mortgage market that are            Schedule RC–L (Derivatives and Off-Balance-
                                                securities are used in the risk-based premium           essential to assessing institutional                   Sheet Items)
                                                deposit insurance pricing methodology for               participation in regulated consumer financial             Schedule RC–L provides data on off-
                                                large institutions and highly complex                   services markets and to assess regulatory              balance sheet assets and liabilities as well as
                                                institutions.                                           impact associated with recent and proposed             derivatives contracts. The quarterly reporting
                                                                                                        policies, as required by that agency’s                 of all off-balance sheet items in the Call
                                                Schedule RC–D (Trading Assets and                       statutory mandate.                                     Report is required by law (12 U.S.C.
                                                Liabilities) [FFIEC 031 and FFIEC 041 only]
                                                                                                                                                               1831n(a)(3)(C)). The most recent financial
                                                   Schedule RC–D collects information on                Schedule RC–K (Quarterly Averages)
                                                                                                                                                               crisis emphasized the importance of
                                                trading activity from institutions with more               Average quarterly asset and liability               identifying and monitoring significant
                                                than a limited amount of trading assets in              information is essential to the ability of the         exposures arising from any contingent or off-
                                                recent quarters. Trading assets are segmented           FFIEC member entities to more appropriately            balance sheet liabilities and the effect of
                                                into detailed securities and loan categories.           evaluate the performance of individual                 these exposures on an institution’s overall
                                                Trading liabilities separately cover liability          institutions. Quarterly average data from              risk profile. The granular data on
                                                for short positions and other trading                   Schedule RC–K also provide important                   components of off-balance sheet items, as
                                                liabilities. The schedule’s Memorandum                  information at the industry level for policy           well as derivatives data, assist the banking
                                                items request additional information,                   review at FFIEC member entities.                       agencies in ensuring the safety and
                                                including the unpaid principal balance of                  The average data reported in Schedule RC–           soundness of financial institutions through
                                                loans and the fair value of structured                  K are used in conjunction with income and              both off-site and on-site monitoring of a
                                                financial products and asset-backed                     expense information from Schedule RI to                variety of potential risks. These risks include,
                                                securities held for trading purposes.                   calculate yields and costs for the                     but are not limited to, liquidity risk, credit
                                                   The information contained in Schedule                corresponding categories of assets and                 risk, interest rate risk, and foreign exchange
                                                RC–D is used to assess the overall                      liabilities. These ratios are presented in the         risk. The data on Schedule RC–L also is
                                                composition of the institution’s trading                Uniform Bank Performance Report (UBPR)                 essential for the examination scoping
                                                portfolio and also provides detailed                    where they are used as a tool by examiners,            process, which begins during pre-
                                                information to evaluate the liquidity, credit,          both on- and off-site, to monitor and evaluate         examination planning. The data offer insight
                                                and interest rate risk within the trading               trends related to an institution’s earnings and        into outliers and exceptions, which provide
                                                portfolio, which impacts the overall risk               capital. These ratios also help the agencies           information to examiners on areas on which
                                                profile of the institution. Data on the types           identify trends across the banking industry.           to focus during their on-site examinations.
                                                of trading assets held by an institution—such           Important ratios derived from quarterly                   The data on Schedule RC–L on the FFIEC
                                                as U.S. Treasury securities versus structured           average data include, but are not limited to,          031 and FFIEC 041 are useful in determining
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                financial products versus commercial and                earnings ratios (e.g., return on average assets,
                                                                                                                                                                 22 CAMELS is an acronym that represents the
                                                industrial loans, for example—serve as a                overhead ratio, and net interest margin) and
                                                barometer of the relative levels of these risks         the leverage capital ratio.                            ratings from six essential components of an
                                                                                                                                                               institution’s financial condition and operations:
                                                in the trading portfolio. Regarding liquidity              The granularity of the data in Schedule             Capital adequacy, asset quality, management,
                                                risk, the higher the level of more liquid assets        RC–K assists in analyzing performance                  earnings, liquidity, and sensitivity to market risk.
                                                an institution has within its trading portfolio,        within a bank’s asset and liability portfolios.        These components represent the primary areas
                                                the more financial flexibility it has if faced          Quarterly average balances allow for better            evaluated by examiners during examinations of
                                                with uncertainties or unfavorable market                analyses of trends in the composition of an            institutions.

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                                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 5 / Monday, January 8, 2018 / Notices                                                    949

                                                an institution’s potential exposure to losses           Schedule RC–M (Memoranda)                              interest rate risk indicators that are
                                                from derivatives activities. It is also useful in          Schedule RC–M collects various types of             calculated by agency models from an
                                                identifying the extent to which an institution          information. Section 7(k) of the Federal               institution’s Call Report data and exceed
                                                may be engaging in hedging strategies that              Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 1817(k))              specified parameters or change significantly
                                                will affect its future earnings prospects. An           authorizes the federal banking agencies to             between examinations are red flags that call
                                                excessive and/or inappropriate credit                   require the reporting and public disclosure of         for timely examiner attention. Data on certain
                                                derivative position could have a substantial            information concerning extensions of credit            secured liabilities also are used in the
                                                and immediate detrimental impact to an                  by an institution to its executive officers and        assessment of institutions’ liquidity
                                                institution’s liquidity, interest rate risk,            principal shareholders and their related               positions. Increases in the relative volume of
                                                earnings, or capital adequacy. For                      interests. The Board’s Regulation O (12 CFR            secured versus unsecured liabilities may
                                                institutions with material volumes of                   215), which has been made applicable to all            signal that an institution is encountering
                                                derivatives as reported on Schedule RC–L,               institutions, imposes an aggregate lending             difficulties in rolling over unsecured
                                                examiners can assess whether the                        limit on extensions of credit to insiders              borrowings due to deterioration in its
                                                institution’s management has the appropriate                                                                   condition, which would call for supervisory
                                                                                                        (executive officers, directors, principal
                                                expertise and policies in place to manage and                                                                  follow-up when identified between
                                                                                                        shareholders, and their related interests) and,
                                                control the risks associated with its                                                                          examinations.
                                                                                                        in general, requires an institution to make
                                                derivatives activities and whether the                                                                            Information on mutual funds and
                                                                                                        available the names of its executive officers
                                                institution’s capital levels are commensurate                                                                  annuities, bank websites with transactional
                                                                                                        and principal shareholders to whom the
                                                with its risk exposure. This is particularly                                                                   capability, certain trustee and custodial
                                                                                                        institution had outstanding as of the end of
                                                true with respect to interest rate derivatives,                                                                activities, and captive insurance subsidiaries,
                                                                                                        the latest previous quarter aggregate
                                                which are the most widely held derivatives,                                                                    is used to identify institutions engaged in
                                                                                                        extensions of credit that, when aggregated
                                                and are commonly used in the management                                                                        these activities, some of which are not typical
                                                of interest rate risk. Schedule RC–L provides           with all other outstanding extensions of
                                                                                                        credit to such person and their related                activities for community banks. If an
                                                a granular perspective about the types of                                                                      institution begins to report that it engages in
                                                interest rate contracts an institution has              interests, equaled or exceeded the lesser of 5
                                                                                                        percent of capital and unimpaired surplus or           one or more of these activities or reports a
                                                entered into, which helps an examiner focus                                                                    significant increase in assets tied to an
                                                on assessing how effectively management                 $500,000. The data collected in Schedule
                                                                                                        RC–M on extensions of credit to the reporting          activity between examinations, this may
                                                uses the various types of interest rate                                                                        indicate the need for examiner follow-up to
                                                contracts in its derivatives portfolio to hedge         institution’s insiders generally align with
                                                                                                        these requirements and assist the agencies in          assess the institution’s expertise and
                                                its exposure to interest rate risk. Also,
                                                                                                        monitoring compliance with the insider                 management of these activities. An
                                                examiners investigate fluctuations in the fair
                                                                                                        lending regulations between examinations               institution’s involvement in these activities
                                                values of an institution’s holdings of
                                                                                                        and determining whether supervisory follow-            may also affect the staffing and scoping of
                                                derivatives to determine if there are changes
                                                in the institution’s risk appetite as set by the        up is warranted when material increases in             examinations, particularly for activities for
                                                board of directors and implemented by                   insider lending are identified.                        which compliance with applicable laws and
                                                management.                                                Because identifiable intangible assets are          regulations must be evaluated during
                                                   The unused commitments information on                deducted from regulatory capital or are                examinations. The reporting of an
                                                Schedule RC–L is essential to examiners,                subject to regulatory capital limits and               institution’s internet websites and trade
                                                especially during periods of financial distress         deducted amounts are not risk weighted, the            names supports the FDIC’s ability to serve as
                                                when borrowers rely increasingly on drawing             reporting of these amounts aids in validating          an information resource for insured
                                                down their lines of credit and unused                   an institution’s regulatory capital                    institutions by responding to inquiries from
                                                commitments as a source of funding. The                 calculations in Schedule RC–R. In addition to          the public with the most current information
                                                unused commitments data enable examiners                their treatment under the regulatory capital           concerning the insured status of the
                                                to identify whether growth in unused                    rules, mortgage servicing assets in particular         institution behind an internet website or a
                                                commitments over time is at a manageable                are complex in nature and present liquidity            physical branch office that uses a trade name.
                                                level and permit assessments of the potential           risk and interest rate risk and their value is            For Qualified Thrift Lenders (QTL) subject
                                                impact, if such commitments are funded, on              affected by the credit risk of the underlying          to 12 U.S.C. 1467a(c), reporting of QTL test
                                                the credit quality of the related loan                  serviced assets. Mortgage servicing assets             information assists the agencies in timely
                                                categories, as well as on the liquidity and on          also contribute to the level of an institution’s       identifying thrift institutions that need to
                                                the capital position of an institution. Also,           mortgage prepayment exposure. When the                 take action to remain in compliance, or that
                                                institutions may have a concentration in a              level of this exposure rises above a specified         fail to comply and become subject to certain
                                                particular loan category, which may not be              benchmark at an individual institution, this           restrictions. International remittance
                                                readily apparent from balance sheet data                exposure may warrant additional attention by           transfers data by type are needed annually to
                                                until unused commitments to borrowers in                examiners between examinations and                     monitor compliance with regulatory
                                                this category are actually funded, which                necessitate greater scrutiny of management’s           requirements (12 CFR 1005.30, et seq.).
                                                dictates that examiners consider the reported           prepayment assumptions in its own interest             Different types of transfers pose different
                                                amounts on unused commitments by loan                   rate risk model during examinations or                 consumer protection concerns and
                                                category to ensure they identify and assess             visitations.                                           information of transfer activity aids in the
                                                the concentration risk. Financial and                      The components of other real estate owned           monitoring of the evolution of this market,
                                                performance standby letters of credit also              are needed to monitor asset quality trends at          and how institutions diversify remittance
                                                present liquidity and credit risk                       individual institutions and industry-wide,             offerings beyond wire transfers.
                                                considerations for examiners, which also                including when coupled with the past due
                                                                                                        and nonaccrual data for loans secured by the           Schedule RC–R (Regulatory Capital)
                                                may be greater during periods of financial
                                                distress when the counterparties may be                 same type of property from Schedule RC–N.                Schedule RC–R collects information about
                                                more likely to fail to perform as required              The component information may provide                  an institution’s capital. Part I (Regulatory
                                                under the terms of the underlying contract.             insight into the market conditions affecting           Capital Components and Ratios) collects
                                                   The derivatives information on Schedule              the segments of the real estate market in the          information about the types and amounts of
                                                RC–L is also one of the primary sources that            institution’s trade area, including possible           capital instruments and the leverage and risk-
                                                feeds into a derivatives quarterly report that          deteriorating conditions.                              based capital ratios. Part II (Risk-Weighted
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                is used to report on bank trading and                      Maturity and repricing information on               Assets) collects additional information about
                                                derivatives activities. This public report              other borrowed money, together with the                types of assets on an institution’s balance
                                                issued by the OCC helps the banking                     maturity and repricing information collected           sheet and certain off-balance sheet items to
                                                agencies’ on-site examiners at the largest              in other schedules for other types of assets           use in computing the risk-based capital
                                                banks to continuously evaluate the credit,              and liabilities, is needed to evaluate liquidity       ratios.
                                                market, operational, reputation, and                    and interest rate risk to the institution, and           Each federal banking agency is required to
                                                compliance risks of bank derivatives                    to aid in evaluating the strategies institutions       establish a leverage limit and risk-based
                                                activities.                                             take to mitigate these risks. Liquidity and            capital requirement for insured depository

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                                                950                                      Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 5 / Monday, January 8, 2018 / Notices

                                                institutions under 12 U.S.C. 1831o and to                                 agencies’ prompt corrective action                                        and losses on securities that flow into
                                                monitor compliance with those requirements.                               regulations, the FFIEC member entities use                                regulatory capital provide an indication of an
                                                The agencies implemented the capital                                      the regulatory capital information for other                              institution’s interest rate and market risk.
                                                requirements in their regulatory capital rules                            purposes. The calculation of Tier 1 capital at                            Information on the risk weighting of assets
                                                (12 CFR part 3 for OCC; 12 CFR part 217 for                               quarter-end flows into the amount of average                              and off-balance sheet items provides insight
                                                the Board; 12 CFR part 324 for the FDIC) and                              tangible equity for the calendar quarter that                             into management’s risk tolerance and the
                                                the compliance requirements in their prompt                               institutions report in Schedule RC–O, which                               institution’s risk to the deposit insurance
                                                corrective action rules (12 CFR part 6 for                                is used in the measurement of institutions’                               fund. The risk-weighted asset composition
                                                OCC; 12 CFR part 208, subpart D for the                                   assessment bases for deposit insurance                                    information and risk-based capital ratios that
                                                Board; 12 CFR 324, Subpart H for the FDIC).                               purposes. The Tier 1 leverage ratio is one of                             flow into the UBPR are helpful to examiners
                                                The capital rules recognize three types of                                the inputs into the calculation of deposit                                when reviewing Reports of Examination and
                                                capital instruments: CET–1, Additional Tier                               insurance assessment rates for small                                      to establish a peer group average for
                                                1, and Tier 2 capital. The total of each type                             institutions and Tier 1 capital is a commonly                             comparison when evaluating changes in
                                                on Schedule RC–R, Part I, includes all                                    used input when calculating these rates for                               these items. The risk-weighted asset
                                                potential adjustments to each component as                                large and highly complex institutions.                                    composition information also assists
                                                allowed under the capital rules. The capital                              Capital adequacy is rated in an institution’s                             examiners in evaluating the reasons for
                                                rules also provide for a calculation of risk-                             on-site examination as the C of the CAMELS                                changes in total risk-weighted assets over
                                                weighted assets, which consists of assigning                              component ratings, and the information                                    time at individual institutions. The
                                                a risk-weight to every asset on an                                        provided on Schedule RC–R helps examiners                                 derivatives exposure items reported in the
                                                institution’s balance sheet that is not                                   evaluate and rate that component. It is also                              Memoranda section of Schedule RC–R, Part
                                                deducted from capital, as well as to certain                              used in the off-site monitoring process, and                              II, provide a key insight into the notional
                                                off-balance sheet items. Schedule RC–R, Part                              is important in reviewing the risk profile and                            principal amounts of both cleared and over-
                                                II, includes all of the fields necessary to                               viability of a financial institution. For                                 the-counter derivatives in the banking
                                                properly calculate an institution’s risk-                                 example, the ratio of risk-weighted assets to                             system, in addition to being inputs into the
                                                weighted asset amount. Finally, the results of                            unweighted assets has been found to provide                               calculation for risk-weighted assets.
                                                the calculation of capital instrument amounts                             an informative forward-looking signal
                                                and risk-weighted assets are used to calculate                            regarding an institution’s risk posture. The                              Appendix B—FFIEC 051: To be
                                                risk-based and leverage capital ratios on                                 information provided on Schedule RC–R also                                completed by banks with domestic
                                                Schedule RC–R, Part I. The agencies need to                               is used in deciding whether to approve an                                 offices only and total assets less than $1
                                                be able to monitor compliance with the                                    18-month examination cycle for a specific                                 billion
                                                capital rules and prompt corrective action                                institution and in reviewing merger
                                                provisions no less frequently than quarterly.                             applications.                                                             Data Items Removed, Other Impacts to Data
                                                   In addition to using the resulting capital                                Information on specific sub-components of                              Items, Data Items With a Reduction in
                                                ratios to determine an institution’s status                               regulatory capital is useful as well. For                                 Frequency of Collection, or Data Items with
                                                under 12 U.S.C. 1831o and the banking                                     example, the amounts of unrealized gains                                  an Increase in Reporting Threshold

                                                                                                                                         DATA ITEMS REMOVED
                                                     Schedule                                  Item                                                                Item name                                                        MDRM No.

                                                RI .....................   5.d.(1) .....................................      Fees and commissions from securities brokerage .................                               RIADC886.
                                                RI .....................   5.d.(2) .....................................      Investment banking, advisory, and underwriting fees and                                        RIADC888.
                                                                                                                              Note: Items 5.d.(1) and 5.d.(2) of Schedule RI will be com-
                                                                                                                                 bined into one data item.
                                                RI .....................   5.d.(3) .....................................      Fees and commissions from annuity sales .............................                          RIADC887.
                                                RI .....................   5.d.(4) .....................................      Underwriting income from insurance and reinsurance activi-                                     RIADC386.
                                                RI .....................   5.d.(5) .....................................      Income from other insurance activities ...................................                     RIADC387.
                                                                                                                              Note: Items 5.d.(3), 5.d.(4), and 5.d.(5) of Schedule RI will
                                                                                                                                 be combined into one data item.
                                                RI .....................   5.g ...........................................    Net securitization income ........................................................             RIADB493.
                                                RI .....................   M1 ...........................................     Interest expense incurred to carry tax-exempt securities,                                      RIAD4513.
                                                                                                                                 loans, and leases acquired after August 7, 1986, that is
                                                                                                                                 not deductible for federal income tax purposes.
                                                RI–B, Part II .....        M4 ...........................................     Amount of allowance for post-acquisition credit losses on                                      RIADC781.
                                                                                                                                 purchased credit-impaired loans accounted for in accord-
                                                                                                                                 ance with FASB ASC 310–30 (former AICPA Statement of
                                                                                                                                 Position 03–3).
                                                RI–E .................     1.f ............................................   Net change in the fair values of financial instruments ac-                                     RIADF229.
                                                                                                                                 counted for under a fair value option.
                                                RI–E .................     1.h ...........................................    Gains on bargain purchases ...................................................                 RIADJ447.
                                                RC ....................    10.a .........................................     Goodwill ...................................................................................   RCON3163.
                                                                                                                              Note: Schedule RC, item 10.a will be moved to Schedule
                                                                                                                                 RC–M, new item 2.b.
                                                RC ....................    10.b .........................................     Other intangible assets (from Schedule RC–M).
                                                                                                                              Note: Items 10.a and 10.b of Schedule RC will be combined                                      RCON0426.
                                                                                                                                 into one data item.
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                RC–B ...............       2.a ...........................................    U.S. Government agency obligations (exclude mortgage-                                          RCON1289, RCON1290,
                                                                                                                                 backed securities): Issued by U.S. Government agencies                                       RCON1291, RCON1293.
                                                                                                                                 (Columns A through D).
                                                RC–B ...............       2.b ...........................................    U.S. Government agency obligations (exclude mortgage-                                          RCON1294, RCON1295,
                                                                                                                                 backed securities): Issued by U.S. Government-sponsored                                      RCON1297, RCON1298.
                                                                                                                                 agencies (Columns A through D).
                                                                                                                              Note: Items 2.a and 2.b of Schedule RC–B will be combined
                                                                                                                                 into one data item (Columns A through D).

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                                                                                          Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 5 / Monday, January 8, 2018 / Notices                                                                                         951

                                                                                                                               DATA ITEMS REMOVED—Continued
                                                     Schedule                                   Item                                                                Item name                                                         MDRM No.

                                                RC–B ...............       5.b.(1) .....................................       Structured financial products: Cash (Columns A through D).                                     RCONG336, RCONG337,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               RCONG338, RCONG339.
                                                RC–B ...............       5.b.(2) .....................................       Structured financial products: Synthetic (Columns A through                                    RCONG340, RCONG341,
                                                                                                                                 D).                                                                                           RCONG342, RCONG343.
                                                RC–B ...............       5.b.(3) .....................................       Structured financial products: Hybrid (Columns A through D).                                   RCONG344, RCONG345,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               RCONG346, RCONG347.
                                                                                                                               Note: Items 5.b.(1), 5.b.(2), and 5.b.(3) of Schedule RC–B
                                                                                                                                 will be combined into one line item (Columns A through
                                                RC–B ...............       M6.a ........................................       Structured financial products by underlying collateral or ref-                                 RCONG348, RCONG349,
                                                                                                                                 erence assets: Trust preferred securities issued by finan-                                    RCONG350, RCONG351.
                                                                                                                                 cial institutions (Columns A through D).
                                                RC–B ...............       M6.b ........................................       Structured financial products by underlying collateral or ref-                                 RCONG352, RCONG353,
                                                                                                                                 erence assets: Trust preferred securities issued by real                                      RCONG354, RCONG355.
                                                                                                                                 estate investment trusts (Columns A through D).
                                                RC–B ...............       M6.c ........................................       Structured financial products by underlying collateral or ref-                                 RCONG356, RCONG357,
                                                                                                                                 erence assets: Corporate and similar loans (Columns A                                         RCONG358, RCONG359.
                                                                                                                                 through D).
                                                RC–B ...............       M6.d ........................................       Structured financial products by underlying collateral or ref-                                 RCONG360, RCONG361,
                                                                                                                                 erence assets: 1–4 family residential MBS issued or guar-                                     RCONG362, RCONG363.
                                                                                                                                 anteed by U.S. Government-sponsored enterprises
                                                                                                                                 (GSEs) (Columns A through D).
                                                RC–B ...............       M6.e ........................................       Structured financial products by underlying collateral or ref-                                 RCONG364, RCONG365,
                                                                                                                                 erence assets: 1–4 family residential MBS not issued or                                       RCONG366, RCONG367.
                                                                                                                                 guaranteed by GSEs (Columns A through D).
                                                RC–B ...............       M6.f .........................................      Structured financial products by underlying collateral or ref-                                 RCONG368, RCONG369,
                                                                                                                                 erence assets: Diversified (mixed) pools of structured fi-                                    RCONG370, RCONG371.
                                                                                                                                 nancial products (Columns A through D).
                                                RC–B ...............       M6.g ........................................       Structured financial products by underlying collateral or ref-                                 RCONG372, RCONG373,
                                                                                                                                 erence assets: Other collateral or reference assets (Col-                                     RCONG374, RCONG375.
                                                                                                                                 umns A through D).
                                                RC–K ...............       7 ..............................................    Trading assets .........................................................................       RCON3401.
                                                RC–L ................      1.b.(1) .....................................       Unused consumer credit card lines ........................................                     RCONJ455.
                                                RC–L ................      1.b.(2) .....................................       Other unused credit card lines ................................................                RCONJ456.
                                                RC–L ................      1.d ...........................................     Unused commitments: Securities underwriting .......................                            RCON3817.
                                                RC–M ...............       2.b ...........................................     Purchased credit card relationships and nonmortgage serv-                                      RCONB026.
                                                                                                                                 icing assets.
                                                                           .................................................   Note: Amounts reported in item 2.b will be included in item
                                                                                                                                 2.c, All other identifiable intangible assets.
                                                RC–M ...............       3.f ............................................    Foreclosed properties from ‘‘GNMA loans’’ ............................                         RCONC979.
                                                                           .................................................   Note: Amounts reported in item 3.f will be included in item
                                                                                                                                 3.c, Other real estate owned: 1–4 family residential prop-

                                                                                                                                 OTHER IMPACTS TO DATA ITEMS
                                                     Schedule                                   Item                                                                Item name                                                         MDRM No.

                                                RI .....................   5.d.(1) (New) ..........................            Fees and commissions from securities brokerage, invest-                                        To be determined (TBD).
                                                                                                                                  ment banking, advisory, and underwriting activities.
                                                                                                                               Note: Items 5.d.(1) and 5.d.(2) of Schedule RI removed
                                                                                                                                  above will be combined into this data item.
                                                RI .....................   5.d.(2) (New) ..........................            Income from insurance activities (includes underwriting in-                                    TBD.
                                                                                                                                  come from insurance and reinsurance activities).
                                                                                                                               Note: Items 5.d.(3), 5.d.(4), and 5.d.(5) of Schedule RI re-
                                                                                                                                  moved above will be combined into this data item.
                                                RC ....................    10 (New) .................................          Intangible assets (from Schedule RC–M) ...............................                         RCON2143.
                                                                                                                               Note: Items 10.a and 10.b of Schedule RC removed above
                                                                                                                                  will be combined into this data item.
                                                RC–B ...............       2 (New) ...................................         U.S. Government agency and sponsored agency obligations                                        TBD (4 MDRMs).
                                                                                                                                  (exclude mortgage-backed securities (Columns A through
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                                               Note: Items 2.a and 2.b of Schedule RC–B removed above
                                                                                                                                  will be combined into this data item (Columns A through
                                                RC–B ...............       5.b (New) ................................          Structured financial products (Columns A through D) ............                               TBD (4 MDRMs).
                                                                                                                               Note: Items 5.b.(1), 5.b.(2), and 5.b.(3) of Schedule RC–B
                                                                                                                                  removed above will be combined into this line item (Col-
                                                                                                                                  umns A through D).
                                                RC–M ...............       2.b (Re-mapping) ...................                Goodwill ...................................................................................   RCON3163.

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                                                952                                    Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 5 / Monday, January 8, 2018 / Notices

                                                                                                                 OTHER IMPACTS TO DATA ITEMS—Continued
                                                    Schedule                                Item                                                       Item name                                            MDRM No.

                                                                                                                          Note: Schedule RC, item 10.a will be moved to Schedule
                                                                                                                            RC–M, new item 2.b., and the phrase ‘‘other than good-
                                                                                                                            will’’ will be removed from the caption for Schedule RC–M,
                                                                                                                            item 2.

                                                Data Items With a Reduction in Frequency
                                                of Collection

                                                                                                                                 SEMIANNUAL REPORTING
                                                                                                                                  [June 30 and December 31]

                                                    Schedule                                Item                                                       Item name                                            MDRM No.

                                                RC–B ...............     M3 ...........................................   Amortized cost of held-to-maturity securities sold or trans-              RCON1778.
                                                                                                                            ferred to available-for-sale or trading securities during the
                                                                                                                            calendar year-to-date.
                                                RC–C, Part I ....        M7.a ........................................    Purchased credit-impaired loans held for investment ac-                   RCONC779.
                                                                                                                            counted for in accordance with FASB ASC 310–30: Out-
                                                                                                                            standing balance.
                                                RC–C, Part I ....        M7.b ........................................    Purchased credit-impaired loans held for investment ac-                   RCONC780.
                                                                                                                            counted for in accordance with FASB ASC 310–30:
                                                                                                                            Amount included in Schedule RC–C, Part I, items 1
                                                                                                                            through 9.
                                                RC–C, Part I ....        M8.a ........................................    Total amount of closed-end loans with negative amortization               RCONF230.
                                                                                                                            features secured by 1–4 family residential properties.
                                                RC–C, Part I ....        M12 .........................................    Loans (not subject to the requirements of FASB ASC 310–                   RCONGW45, RCONGW46,
                                                                                                                            30 (former AICPA Statement of Position 03–3)) and                        RCONGW47.
                                                                                                                            leases held for investment that were acquired in business
                                                                                                                            combinations with acquisition dates in the current calendar
                                                                                                                            year (Columns A through C).
                                                RC–L ................    11.a .........................................   Year-to-date merchant credit card sales volume: Sales for                 RCONC223.
                                                                                                                            which the reporting bank is the acquiring bank.
                                                RC–L ................    11.b .........................................   Year-to-date merchant credit card sales volume: Sales for                 RCONC224.
                                                                                                                            which the reporting bank is the agent bank with risk.
                                                RC–N ...............     M7 ...........................................   Additions to nonaccrual assets during the quarter .................       RCONC410.
                                                                                                                          Note: This caption would be revised to ‘‘Additions to non-
                                                                                                                            accrual assets during the last 6 months.’’
                                                RC–N ...............     M8 ...........................................   Nonaccrual assets sold during the quarter .............................   RCONC411.
                                                                                                                          Note: This caption would be revised to ‘‘Nonaccrual assets
                                                                                                                            sold during the last 6 months.’’
                                                RC–N ...............     M9.a ........................................    Purchased credit-impaired loans accounted for in accord-                  RCONL183, RCONL184,
                                                                                                                            ance with FASB ASC 310–30 (former AICPA Statement of                     RCONL185.
                                                                                                                            Position 03–3): Outstanding balance (Columns A through
                                                RC–N ...............     M9.b ........................................    Purchased credit-impaired loans accounted for in accord-                  RCONL186, RCONL187,
                                                                                                                            ance with FASB ASC 310–30 (former AICPA Statement of                     RCONL188.
                                                                                                                            Position 03–3): Amount included in Schedule RC–N, items
                                                                                                                            1 through 7, above (Columns A through C).

                                                                                                                                    ANNUAL REPORTING
                                                                                                                                         [December 31]

                                                    Schedule                                Item                                                       Item name                                            MDRM No.

                                                RI–E .................   1.a through 1.l ........................         Other noninterest income (from Schedule RI, item 5.l) ..........          RIADC013, RIADC014,
                                                                                                                                                                                                      RIADC016, RIAD4042,
                                                                                                                                                                                                      RIADC015, RIADF555,
                                                                                                                                                                                                      RIADT047, RIAD4461,
                                                                                                                                                                                                      RIAD4462, RIAD4463.
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                RI–E .................   2.a through 2.p .......................          Other noninterest expense (from Schedule RI, item 7.d) .......            RIADC017, RIAD0497,
                                                                                                                                                                                                      RIAD4136, RIADC018,
                                                                                                                                                                                                      RIAD8403, RIAD4141,
                                                                                                                                                                                                      RIAD4146, RIADF556,
                                                                                                                                                                                                      RIADF557, RIADF558,
                                                                                                                                                                                                      RIADF559, RIADY923,
                                                                                                                                                                                                      RIADY924, RIAD4464,
                                                                                                                                                                                                      RIAD4467, RIAD4468.

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                                                                                           Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 5 / Monday, January 8, 2018 / Notices                                                                                       953

                                                                                    DATA ITEMS WITH AN INCREASE IN REPORTING THRESHOLD
                                                  [To be completed by banks with components of other noninterest income in amounts greater than $100,000 that exceed 7 percent of Schedule
                                                                                                                 RI, item 5.l]

                                                     Schedule                                    Item                                                                Item name                                                         MDRM No.

                                                RI–E .................       1.a through 1.l ........................           Other noninterest income (from Schedule RI, item 5.l) ..........                               RIADC013, RIADC014,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 RIADC016, RIAD4042,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 RIADC015, RIADF555,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 RIADT047, RIAD4461,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 RIAD4462, RIAD4463.

                                                 [To be completed by banks with components of other noninterest expense in amounts greater than $100,000 that exceed 7 percent of Schedule
                                                                                                                RI, item 7.d]

                                                     Schedule                                    Item                                                                Item name                                                         MDRM No.

                                                RI–E .................       2.a through 2.p .......................            Other noninterest expense (from Schedule RI, item 7.d) .......                                 RIADC017, RIAD0497,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 RIAD4136, RIADC018,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 RIAD8403, RIAD4141,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 RIAD4146, RIADF556,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 RIADF557, RIADF558,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 RIADF559, RIADY923,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 RIADY924, RIAD4464,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 RIAD4467, RIAD4468.

                                                Appendix C—FFIEC 041: To Be
                                                Completed by Banks With Domestic
                                                Offices Only and Consolidated Total
                                                Assets Less Than $100 Billion
                                                Data Items Removed, Other Impacts to Data
                                                Items, Data Items With a Reduction in
                                                Frequency of Collection, or Data Items With
                                                an Increase in Reporting Threshold

                                                                                                                                           DATA ITEMS REMOVED
                                                     Schedule                                    Item                                                                Item name                                                         MDRM No.

                                                RI   .....................   M8.a ........................................      Trading revenue from interest rate exposures ........................                          RIAD8757.
                                                RI   .....................   M8.b ........................................      Trading revenue from foreign exchange exposures ...............                                RIAD8758.
                                                RI   .....................   M8.c ........................................      Trading revenue from equity security and index exposures ...                                   RIAD8759.
                                                RI   .....................   M8.d ........................................      Trading revenue from commodity and other exposures .........                                   RIAD8760.
                                                RI   .....................   M8.e ........................................      Trading revenue from credit exposures ..................................                       RIADF186.
                                                RI   .....................   M8.f.(1) ...................................       Impact on trading revenue of changes in the creditworthi-                                      RIADFT36.
                                                                                                                                  ness of the bank’s derivatives counterparties on the
                                                                                                                                  bank’s derivative assets: Gross credit valuation adjust-
                                                                                                                                  ment (CVA).
                                                RI .....................     M8.f.(2) ...................................       Impact on trading revenue of changes in the creditworthi-                                      RIADFT37.
                                                                                                                                  ness of the bank’s derivatives counterparties on the
                                                                                                                                  bank’s derivative assets: CVA hedge.
                                                RI .....................     M8.g.(1) ..................................        Impact on trading revenue of changes in the creditworthi-                                      RIADFT38.
                                                                                                                                  ness of the bank on the bank’s derivative liabilities: Gross
                                                                                                                                  debit valuation adjustment (DVA).
                                                RI .....................     M8.g.(2) ..................................        Impact on trading revenue of changes in the creditworthi-                                      RIADFT39.
                                                                                                                                  ness of the bank on the bank’s derivative liabilities: DVA
                                                RI .....................     M8.h ........................................      Gross trading revenue before including positive or negative                                    RIADFT40.
                                                                                                                                  net CVA and net DVA.
                                                RI–E .................       1.f ............................................   Net change in the fair values of financial instruments ac-                                     RIADF229.
                                                                                                                                  counted for under a fair value option.
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                RI–E .................       1.h ...........................................    Gains on bargain purchases ...................................................                 RIADJ447.
                                                RC ....................      10.a .........................................     Goodwill ...................................................................................   RCON3163.
                                                                                                                                Note: Schedule RC, item 10.a will be moved to Schedule
                                                                                                                                  RC–M, new item 2.b.
                                                RC ....................      10.b .........................................     Other intangible assets (from Schedule RC–M) .....................                             RCON0426.
                                                                                                                                Note: Items 10.a and 10.b of Schedule RC will be combined
                                                                                                                                  into one data item.

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                                                954                                  Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 5 / Monday, January 8, 2018 / Notices

                                                                                                                         DATA ITEMS REMOVED—Continued
                                                    Schedule                               Item                                                          Item name                                                MDRM No.

                                                RC–B ...............   2.a ...........................................   U.S. Government agency obligations (exclude mortgage-                             RCON1289, RCON1290,
                                                                                                                           backed securities): Issued by U.S. Government agencies                           RCON1291, RCON1293.
                                                                                                                           (Columns A through D).
                                                RC–B ...............   2.b ...........................................   U.S. Government agency obligations (exclude mortgage-                             RCON1294, RCON1295,
                                                                                                                           backed securities): Issued by U.S. Government-sponsored                          RCON1297, RCON1298.
                                                                                                                           agencies (Columns A through D).
                                                                                                                         Note: Items 2.a and 2.b of Schedule RC–B will be combined
                                                                                                                           into one data item (Columns A through D).
                                                RC–B ...............   5.b.(1) .....................................     Structured financial products: Cash (Columns A through D).                        RCONG336, RCONG337,
                                                                                                                                                                                                            RCONG338, RCONG339.
                                                RC–B ...............   5.b.(2) .....................................     Structured financial products: Synthetic (Columns A through                       RCONG340, RCONG341,
                                                                                                                           D).                                                                              RCONG342, RCONG343.
                                                RC–B ...............   5.b.(3) .....................................     Structured financial products: Hybrid (Columns A through D).                      RCONG344, RCONG345,
                                                                                                                                                                                                            RCONG346, RCONG347.
                                                                                                                         Note: Items 5.b.(1), 5.b.(2), and 5.b.(3) of Schedule RC–B
                                                                                                                           will be combined into one data item.
                                                RC–D ...............   5.a.(1) .....................................     Structured financial products: Cash ........................................      RCONG383.
                                                RC–D ...............   5.a.(2) .....................................     Structured financial products: Synthetic ..................................       RCONG384.
                                                RC–D ...............   5.a.(3) .....................................     Structured financial products: Hybrid ......................................      RCONG385.
                                                                                                                         Note: Items 5.a.(1), 5.a.(2), and 5.a.(3) of Schedule RC–D
                                                                                                                           will be combined into one data item.
                                                RC–D ...............   6.a.(1) .....................................     Construction, land development, and other land loans ..........                   RCONF604.
                                                RC–D ...............   6.a.(2) .....................................     Loans secured by farmland .....................................................   RCONF605.
                                                RC–D ...............   6.a.(3)(a) .................................      Revolving, open-end loans secured by 1–4 family residential                       RCONF606.
                                                                                                                           properties and extended under lines of credit.
                                                RC–D ...............   6.a.(3)(b)(1) ............................        Closed-end loans secured by 1–4 family residential prop-                          RCONF607.
                                                                                                                           erties: Secured by first liens.
                                                RC–D ...............   6.a.(3)(b)(2) ............................        Closed-end loans secured by 1–4 family residential prop-                          RCONF611.
                                                                                                                           erties: Secured by junior liens.
                                                RC–D ...............   6.a.(4) .....................................     Loans secured by multifamily (5 or more) residential prop-                        RCONF612.
                                                RC–D ...............   6.a.(5) .....................................     Loans secured by nonfarm nonresidential properties .............                  RCONF613.
                                                                                                                         Note: Items 6.a.(1), 6.a.(2), 6.a.(3)(a), 6.a.(3)(b)(1),
                                                                                                                           6.a.(3)(b)(2), 6.a.(4), and 6.a.(5) of Schedule RC–D will be
                                                                                                                           replaced by two data items: (1) Loans secured by 1–4
                                                                                                                           family residential properties, and (2) All other loans se-
                                                                                                                           cured by real estate.
                                                RC–D ...............   6.c.(1) .....................................     Loans to individuals for household, family, and other per-                        RCONF615.
                                                                                                                           sonal expenditures: Credit cards.
                                                RC–D ...............   6.c.(2) .....................................     Loans to individuals for household, family, and other per-                        RCONF616.
                                                                                                                           sonal expenditures: Other revolving credit plans.
                                                RC–D ...............   6.c.(3) .....................................     Loans to individuals for household, family, and other per-                        RCONK199.
                                                                                                                           sonal expenditures: Automobile loans.
                                                RC–D ...............   6.c.(4) .....................................     Loans to individuals for household, family, and other per-                        RCONK210.
                                                                                                                           sonal expenditures: Other consumer loans.
                                                                                                                         Note: Items 6.c.(1), 6.c.(2), 6.c.(3), and 6.c.(4) of Schedule
                                                                                                                           RC–D will be combined into one data item.
                                                RC–D ...............   M1.a.(1) ..................................       Unpaid principal balance of loans measured at fair value:                         RCONF625.
                                                                                                                           Construction, land development, and other land loans.
                                                RC–D ...............   M1.a.(2) ..................................       Unpaid principal balance of loans measured at fair value:                         RCONF626.
                                                                                                                           Loans secured by farmland.
                                                RC–D ...............   M1.a.(3)(a) ..............................        Unpaid principal balance of loans measured at fair value:                         RCONF627.
                                                                                                                           Revolving, open-end loans secured by 1–4 family residen-
                                                                                                                           tial properties and extended under lines of credit.
                                                RC–D ...............   M1.a.(3)(b)(1) .........................          Unpaid principal balance of loans measured at fair value:                         RCONF628.
                                                                                                                           Closed-end loans secured by 1–4 family residential prop-
                                                                                                                           erties: Secured by first liens.
                                                RC–D ...............   M1.a.(3)(b)(2) .........................          Unpaid principal balance of loans measured at fair value:                         RCONF629.
                                                                                                                           Closed-end loans secured by 1–4 family residential prop-
                                                                                                                           erties: Secured by junior liens.
                                                RC–D ...............   M1.a.(4) ..................................       Unpaid principal balance of loans measured at fair value:                         RCONF630.
                                                                                                                           Loans secured by multifamily (5 or more) residential prop-
                                                RC–D ...............   M1.a.(5) ..................................       Unpaid principal balance of loans measured at fair value:                         RCONF631.
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                                           Loans secured by nonfarm nonresidential properties.
                                                                                                                         Note: Items M1.a.(1), M1.a.(2), M1.a.(3)(a), M1.a.(3)(b)(1),
                                                                                                                           M1.a.(3)(b)(2), M1.a.(4), and M1.a.(5) of Schedule RC–D
                                                                                                                           will be replaced by two data items: (1) Unpaid principal
                                                                                                                           balance of loans measured at fair value: Loans secured
                                                                                                                           by 1–4 family residential properties, and (2) Unpaid prin-
                                                                                                                           cipal balance of loans measured at fair value: All other
                                                                                                                           loans secured by real estate.

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                                                                                         Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 5 / Monday, January 8, 2018 / Notices                                                                                955

                                                                                                                              DATA ITEMS REMOVED—Continued
                                                    Schedule                                   Item                                                              Item name                                                     MDRM No.

                                                RC–D ...............       M1.c.(1) ..................................        Unpaid principal balance of loans measured at fair value:                                 RCONF633.
                                                                                                                                Loans to individuals for household, family, and other per-
                                                                                                                                sonal expenditures: Credit cards.
                                                RC–D ...............       M1.c.(2) ..................................        Unpaid principal balance of loans measured at fair value:                                 RCONF634.
                                                                                                                                Loans to individuals for household, family, and other per-
                                                                                                                                sonal expenditures: Other revolving credit plans.
                                                RC–D ...............       M1.c.(3) ..................................        Unpaid principal balance of loans measured at fair value:                                 RCONK200.
                                                                                                                                Loans to individuals for household, family, and other per-
                                                                                                                                sonal expenditures: Automobile loans.
                                                RC–D ...............       M1.c.(4) ..................................        Unpaid principal balance of loans measured at fair value:                                 RCONK211.
                                                                                                                                Loans to individuals for household, family, and other per-
                                                                                                                                sonal expenditures: Other consumer loans.
                                                                                                                              Note: Items M1.c.(1), M1.c.(2), M1.c.(3), and M1.c.(4) of
                                                                                                                                Schedule RC–D will be combined into one data item.
                                                RC–D ...............       M2.a ........................................      Loans measured at fair value that are past due 90 days or                                 RCONF639.
                                                                                                                                more: Fair value.
                                                RC–D ...............       M2.b ........................................      Loans measured at fair value that are past due 90 days or                                 RCONF640.
                                                                                                                                more: Unpaid principal balance.
                                                RC–D ...............       M3.a ........................................      Structured financial products by underlying collateral or ref-                            RCONG299.
                                                                                                                                erence assets: Trust preferred securities issued by finan-
                                                                                                                                cial institutions.
                                                RC–D ...............       M3.b ........................................      Structured financial products by underlying collateral or ref-                            RCONG332.
                                                                                                                                erence assets: Trust preferred securities issued by real
                                                                                                                                estate investment trusts.
                                                RC–D ...............       M3.c ........................................      Structured financial products by underlying collateral or ref-                            RCONG333.
                                                                                                                                erence assets: Corporate and similar loans.
                                                RC–D ...............       M3.d ........................................      Structured financial products by underlying collateral or ref-                            RCONG334.
                                                                                                                                erence assets: 1–4 family residential MBS issued or guar-
                                                                                                                                anteed by U.S. Government-sponsored enterprises
                                                RC–D ...............       M3.e ........................................      Structured financial products by underlying collateral or ref-                            RCONG335.
                                                                                                                                erence assets: 1–4 family residential MBS not issued or
                                                                                                                                guaranteed by GSEs.
                                                RC–D ...............       M3.f .........................................     Structured financial products by underlying collateral or ref-                            RCONG651.
                                                                                                                                erence assets: Diversified (mixed) pools of structured fi-
                                                                                                                                nancial products.
                                                RC–D ...............       M3.g ........................................      Structured financial products by underlying collateral or ref-                            RCONG652.
                                                                                                                                erence assets: Other collateral or reference assets.
                                                RC–D     ...............   M4.a ........................................      Pledged trading assets: Pledged securities ............................                   RCONG387.
                                                RC–D     ...............   M4.b ........................................      Pledged trading assets: Pledged loans ..................................                  RCONG388.
                                                RC–D     ...............   M5.a ........................................      Asset-backed securities: Credit card receivables ...................                      RCONF643.
                                                RC–D     ...............   M5.b ........................................      Asset-backed securities: Home equity lines ...........................                    RCONF644.
                                                RC–D     ...............   M5.c ........................................      Asset-backed securities: Automobile loans ............................                    RCONF645.
                                                RC–D     ...............   M5.d ........................................      Asset-backed securities: Other consumer loans ....................                        RCONF646.
                                                RC–D     ...............   M5.e ........................................      Asset-backed securities: Commercial and industrial loans ....                             RCONF647.
                                                RC–D     ...............   M5.f .........................................     Asset-backed securities: Other ...............................................            RCONF648.
                                                RC–D     ...............   M6 ...........................................     Retained beneficial interests in securitizations .......................                  RCONF651.
                                                RC–D     ...............   M7.a ........................................      Equity securities: Readily determinable fair values ................                      RCONF652.
                                                RC–D     ...............   M7.b ........................................      Equity securities: Other ...........................................................      RCONF653.
                                                RC–D     ...............   M8 ...........................................     Loans pending securitization ...................................................          RCONF654.
                                                RC–D     ...............   M9 ...........................................     Other trading assets ................................................................     RCONF655, RCONF656,
                                                RC–D ...............       M10 .........................................      Other trading liabilities .............................................................   RCONF658, RCONF659,
                                                RC–L ................      1.a.(1) .....................................      Unused commitments for Home Equity Conversion Mortgage                                    RCONJ477.
                                                                                                                                (HECM) reverse mortgages outstanding that are held for
                                                RC–L ................      1.a.(2) .....................................      Unused commitments for proprietary reverse mortgages out-                                 RCONJ478.
                                                                                                                                standing that are held for investment.
                                                                                                                              Note: Items 1.a.(1) and 1.a.(2) of Schedule RC–L will be
                                                                                                                                combined into one data item.
                                                RC–L ................      8 ..............................................   Spot foreign exchange contracts ............................................              RCON8765.
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                RC–L ................      16.a .........................................     Over-the-counter derivatives: Net current credit exposure                                 RCONG419, RCONG420,
                                                                                                                                (Columns B, C, and D).                                                                   RCONG421.
                                                RC–L ................      16.b.(1) ...................................       Over-the-counter derivatives: Fair value of collateral: Cash—                             RCONG424, RCONG425,
                                                                                                                                U.S. dollar (Columns B, C, and D).                                                       RCONG426.
                                                RC–L ................      16.b.(2) ...................................       Over-the-counter derivatives: Fair value of collateral: Cash—                             RCONG429, RCONG430,
                                                                                                                                Other currencies (Columns B, C, and D).                                                  RCONG431.
                                                RC–L ................      16.b.(3) ...................................       Over-the-counter derivatives: Fair value of collateral: U.S.                              RCONG434, RCONG435,
                                                                                                                                Treasury securities (Columns B, C, and D).                                               RCONG436.

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                                                956                                     Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 5 / Monday, January 8, 2018 / Notices

                                                                                                                             DATA ITEMS REMOVED—Continued
                                                    Schedule                                  Item                                                              Item name                                                     MDRM No.

                                                RC–L ................     16.b.(4) ...................................       Over-the-counter derivatives: Fair value of collateral: U.S.                              RCONG438, RCONG439,
                                                                                                                              Government agency and U.S. Government-sponsored                                           RCONG440, RCONG441,
                                                                                                                              agency debt securities (Columns A, B, C, D, and E).                                       RCONG442
                                                RC–L ................     16.b.(5) ...................................       Over-the-counter derivatives: Fair value of collateral: Cor-                              RCONG443, RCONG444,
                                                                                                                              porate bonds (Columns A, B, C, D, and E).                                                 RCONG445, RCONG446,
                                                RC–L ................     16.b.(6) ...................................       Over-the-counter derivatives: Fair value of collateral: Equity                            RCONG448, RCONG449,
                                                                                                                              securities (Columns A, B, C, D, and E).                                                   RCONG450, RCONG451,
                                                RC–L ................     16.b.(7) ...................................       Over-the-counter derivatives: Fair value of collateral: All                               RCONG454, RCONG455
                                                                                                                               other collateral (Columns B, C, and D).                                                  RCONG456.
                                                                                                                             Note: Amounts reported in items 16.b.(4), 16.b.(5), and
                                                                                                                               16.b.(6), Columns A and E, will be included in item
                                                                                                                               16.b.(7), Columns A and E.
                                                RC–L ................     16.b.(8) ...................................       Over-the-counter derivatives: Fair value of collateral: Total                             RCONG459, RCONG460
                                                                                                                               fair value of collateral (Columns B, C, and D).                                          RCONG461.
                                                                                                                             Note: Amounts reported in items 16.a, 16.b.(1), 16.b.(2),
                                                                                                                               16.b.(3), 16.b.(4), 16.b.(5), 16.b.(6), and 16.b.(7), Columns
                                                                                                                               B, C, and D, will be included in items 16.a, 16.b.(1),
                                                                                                                               16.b.(2), 16.b.(3), and 16.b.(7), Column E.
                                                RC–M ...............      2.b ...........................................    Purchased credit card relationships and nonmortgage serv-                                 RCONB026.
                                                                                                                               icing assets.
                                                                                                                             Note: Amounts reported in item 2.b will be included in item
                                                                                                                               2.c, All other identifiable intangible assets.
                                                RC–M ...............      3.f ............................................   Foreclosed properties from ’’GNMA loans’’ ............................                    RCONC979.
                                                                                                                             Note: Amounts reported in item 3.f will be included in item
                                                                                                                               3.c, Other real estate owned: 1–4 family residential prop-

                                                                                                                               OTHER IMPACTS TO DATA ITEMS
                                                    Schedule                                  Item                                                              Item name                                                     MDRM No.

                                                RC ....................   10 (New) .................................         Intangible assets .....................................................................   RCON2143.
                                                                                                                             Note: Items 10.a and 10.b of Schedule RC will be combined
                                                                                                                                into this data item.
                                                RC–B ...............      2 (New) ...................................        U.S. Government agency and sponsored agency obligations                                   TBD (4 MDRMs).
                                                                                                                                (exclude mortgage-backed securities (Columns A through
                                                                                                                             Note: Items 2.a and 2.b of Schedule RC–B removed above
                                                                                                                                will be combined into this data item (Columns A through
                                                RC–B ...............      5.b (New) ................................         Structured financial products (Columns A through D) ............                          TBD (4 MDRMs).
                                                                                                                             Note: Items 5.b.(1), 5.b.(2), and 5.b.(3) of Schedule RC–B
                                                                                                                                removed above will be combined into this data item (Col-
                                                                                                                                umns A through D).
                                                RC–D ...............      5.a (New) ................................         Structured financial products ...................................................         TBD.
                                                                                                                             Note: Items 5.a.(1), 5.a.(2), and 5.a.(3) of Schedule RC–D
                                                                                                                                removed above will be combined into this data item.
                                                RC–D ...............      6.a.(1) (New) ..........................           Loans secured by 1–4 family residential properties ...............                        TBD.
                                                                                                                             Note: Items 6.a.(3)(a), 6.a.(3)(b)(1), and 6.a.(3)(b)(2) of
                                                                                                                                Schedule RC–D removed above will be combined into this
                                                                                                                                data item.
                                                RC–D ...............      6.a.(2) (New) ..........................           All other loans secured by real estate ....................................               TBD.
                                                                                                                             Note: Items 6.a.(1), 6.a.(2), 6.a.(4), and 6.a.(5) of Schedule
                                                                                                                                RC–D removed above will be combined into this data item.
                                                RC–D ...............      6.c (New) ................................         Loans to individuals for household, family and other per-                                 TBD.
                                                                                                                                sonal expenditures (i.e., consumer loans) (includes pur-
                                                                                                                                chased paper).
                                                                                                                             Note: Items 6.c.(1), 6.c.(2), 6.c.(3), and 6.c.(4) of Schedule
                                                                                                                                RC–D removed above will be combined into this data item.
                                                RC–D ...............      M1.a.(1) (New) .......................             Unpaid principal balance of loans measured at fair value:                                 TBD.
                                                                                                                                Loans secured by 1–4 family residential properties.
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                                                                                                                             Note: Items M1.a.(3)(a), M1.a.(3)(b)(1), and M1.a.(3)(b)(2) of
                                                                                                                                Schedule RC–D removed above will be combined into this
                                                                                                                                data item.
                                                RC–D ...............      M1.a.(2) (New) .......................             Unpaid principal balance of loans measured at fair value: All                             TBD.
                                                                                                                                other loans secured by real estate.
                                                                                                                             Note: Items M1.a.(1), M1.a.(2), M1.a.(4), and M1.a.(5) of
                                                                                                                                Schedule RC–D removed above will be combined into this
                                                                                                                                data item.

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                                                                                         Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 5 / Monday, January 8, 2018 / Notices                                                                               957

                                                                                                                   OTHER IMPACTS TO DATA ITEMS—Continued
                                                     Schedule                                 Item                                                               Item name                                                        MDRM No.

                                                RC–D ...............       M1.c (New) .............................         Unpaid principal balance of loans measured at fair value:                                      TBD.
                                                                                                                              Loans to individuals for household, family, and other per-
                                                                                                                              sonal expenditures.
                                                                                                                            Note: Items M1.c.(1), M1.c.(2), M1.c.(3), and M1.c.(4) of
                                                                                                                              Schedule RC–D removed above will be combined into this
                                                                                                                              data item.
                                                RC–L ................      1.a.(1) (New) ..........................         Unused commitments for reverse mortgages outstanding                                           TBD.
                                                                                                                              that are held for investment.
                                                                                                                            Note: Items 1.a.(1) and 1.a.(2) of Schedule RC–L removed
                                                                                                                              above will be combined into this data item.
                                                RC–M ...............       2.b (Re-mapping) ...................             Goodwill ...................................................................................   RCON3163.
                                                                                                                            Note: Schedule RC, item 10.a will be moved to Schedule
                                                                                                                              RC–M, new item 2.b., and the phrase ‘‘other than good-
                                                                                                                              will’’ will be removed from the caption for Schedule RC–M,
                                                                                                                              item 2.

                                                Data Items With a Reduction in Frequency
                                                of Collection

                                                                                                                                     SEMIANNUAL REPORTING
                                                                                                                                      [June 30 and December 31]

                                                     Schedule                                 Item                                                               Item name                                                        MDRM No.

                                                RI .....................   M12 .........................................    Noncash income from negative amortization on closed-end                                        RIADF228.
                                                                                                                              loans secured by 1–4 family residential properties.
                                                RC–B ...............       M3 ...........................................   Amortized cost of held-to-maturity securities sold or trans-                                   RCON1778.
                                                                                                                              ferred to available-for-sale or trading securities during the
                                                                                                                              calendar year-to-date.
                                                RC–C, Part I ....          M7.a ........................................    Purchased credit-impaired loans held for investment ac-                                        RCONC779.
                                                                                                                              counted for in accordance with FASB ASC 310–30: Out-
                                                                                                                              standing balance.
                                                RC–C, Part I ....          M7.b ........................................    Purchased credit-impaired loans held for investment ac-                                        RCONC780.
                                                                                                                              counted for in accordance with FASB ASC 310–30:
                                                                                                                              Amount included in Schedule RC–C, Part I, items 1
                                                                                                                              through 9.
                                                RC–C, Part I ....          M8.a ........................................    Total amount of closed-end loans with negative amortization                                    RCONF230.
                                                                                                                              features secured by 1–4 family residential properties.
                                                RC–C, Part I ....          M8.b ........................................    Total maximum remaining amount of negative amortization                                        RCONF231.
                                                                                                                              contractually permitted on closed-end loans secured by 1–
                                                                                                                              4 family residential properties.
                                                RC–C, Part I ....          M8.c ........................................    Total amount of negative amortization on closed-end loans                                      RCONF232.
                                                                                                                              secured by 1–4 family residential properties included in
                                                                                                                              the amount reported in Memorandum item 8.a above.
                                                RC–C, Part I ....          M12.a ......................................     Loans (not subject to the requirements of FASB ASC 310–                                        RCONG091, RCONG092,
                                                                                                                              30 (former AICPA Statement of Position 03–3)) and                                             RCONG093.
                                                                                                                              leases held for investment that were acquired in business
                                                                                                                              combinations with acquisition dates in the current calendar
                                                                                                                              year: Loans secured by real estate (Columns A through
                                                RC–C, Part I ....          M12.b ......................................     Loans (not subject to the requirements of FASB ASC 310–                                        RCONG094, RCONG095,
                                                                                                                              30 (former AICPA Statement of Position 03–3)) and                                             RCONG096.
                                                                                                                              leases held for investment that were acquired in business
                                                                                                                              combinations with acquisition dates in the current calendar
                                                                                                                              year: Commercial and industrial loans (Columns A through
                                                RC–C, Part I ....          M12.c ......................................     Loans (not subject to the requirements of FASB ASC 310–                                        RCONG097, RCONG098,
                                                                                                                              30 (former AICPA Statement of Position 03–3)) and                                             RCONG099.
                                                                                                                              leases held for investment that were acquired in business
                                                                                                                              combinations with acquisition dates in the current calendar
                                                                                                                              year: Loans to individuals for household, family, and other
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                                              personal expenditures (Columns A through C).
                                                RC–C, Part I ....          M12.d ......................................     Loans (not subject to the requirements of FASB ASC 310–                                        RCONG100, RCONG101,
                                                                                                                              30 (former AICPA Statement of Position 03–3)) and                                             RCONG102.
                                                                                                                              leases held for investment that were acquired in business
                                                                                                                              combinations with acquisition dates in the current calendar
                                                                                                                              year: All other loans and all leases (Columns A through C).
                                                RC–L ................      1.b.(1) .....................................    Unused consumer credit card lines ........................................                     RCONJ455.
                                                RC–L ................      1.b.(2) .....................................    Other unused credit card lines ................................................                RCONJ456.

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                                                958                                   Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 5 / Monday, January 8, 2018 / Notices

                                                                                                                           SEMIANNUAL REPORTING—Continued
                                                                                                                                   [June 30 and December 31]

                                                    Schedule                                Item                                                        Item name                                           MDRM No.

                                                RC–L ................   11.a .........................................     Year-to-date merchant credit card sales volume: Sales for                 RCONC223.
                                                                                                                             which the reporting bank is the acquiring bank.
                                                RC–L ................   11.b .........................................     Year-to-date merchant credit card sales volume: Sales for                 RCONC224.
                                                                                                                             which the reporting bank is the agent bank with risk.
                                                RC–N ...............    M7 ...........................................     Additions to nonaccrual assets during the quarter .................       RCONC410.
                                                                                                                           Note: This caption would be revised to ‘‘Additions to non-
                                                                                                                             accrual assets during the last 6 months’’.
                                                RC–N ...............    M8 ...........................................     Nonaccrual assets sold during the quarter .............................   RCONC411.
                                                                                                                           Note: This caption would be revised to ’’Nonaccrual assets
                                                                                                                             sold during the last 6 months’’.
                                                RC–N ...............    M9.a ........................................      Purchased credit-impaired loans accounted for in accord-                  RCONL183, RCONL184,
                                                                                                                             ance with FASB ASC 310–30 (former AICPA Statement of                     RCONL185.
                                                                                                                             Position 03–3): Outstanding balance (Columns A through
                                                RC–N ...............    M9.b ........................................      Purchased credit-impaired loans accounted for in accord-                  RCONL186, RCONL187,
                                                                                                                             ance with FASB ASC 310–30 (former AICPA Statement of                     RCONL188.
                                                                                                                             Position 03–3): Amount included in Schedule RC–N, items
                                                                                                                             1 through 7, above (Columns A through C).

                                                                                                                                     ANNUAL REPORTING

                                                    Schedule                                Item                                                        Item name                                           MDRM No.

                                                RC–M ...............    9 ..............................................   Do any of the bank’s internet websites have transactional                 RCON4088.
                                                                                                                             capability, i.e., allow the bank’s customers to execute
                                                                                                                             transactions on their accounts through the website?
                                                RC–M ...............    14.a .........................................     Total assets of captive insurance subsidiaries .......................    RCONK193.
                                                RC–M ...............    14.b .........................................     Total assets of captive reinsurance subsidiaries ....................     RCONK194.

                                                Data Items With an Increase in Reporting                               million or more in any of the four preceding              institution for deposit insurance assessment
                                                Threshold                                                              calendar quarters and all banks meeting the               purposes.
                                                  Schedule RC–D is to be completed by                                  FDIC’s definition of a large or highly complex
                                                banks that reported total trading assets of $10

                                                                                    TO BE COMPLETED BY BANKS WITH $10 BILLION OR MORE IN TOTAL ASSETS
                                                    Schedule                                Item                                                        Item name                                           MDRM No.

                                                RC–B ...............    M5.a ........................................      Asset-backed securities: Credit card receivables (Columns                 RCONB838, RCONB839,
                                                                                                                             A, B, C, and D).                                                         RCONB840, RCONB841.
                                                RC–B ...............    M5.b ........................................      Asset-backed securities: Home equity lines (Columns A, B,                 RCONB842, RCONB843,
                                                                                                                             C, and D).                                                               RCONB844, RCONB845.
                                                RC–B ...............    M5.c ........................................      Asset-backed securities: Automobile loans (Columns A, B,                  RCONB846, RCONB847,
                                                                                                                             C, and D).                                                               RCONB848, RCONB849.
                                                RC–B ...............    M5.d ........................................      Asset-backed securities: Other consumer loans (Columns A,                 RCONB850, RCONB851,
                                                                                                                             B, C, and D).                                                            RCONB852, RCONB853.
                                                RC–B ...............    M5.e ........................................      Asset-backed securities: Commercial and industrial loans                  RCONB854, RCONB855,
                                                                                                                             (Columns A, B, C, and D).                                                RCONB856, RCONB857.
                                                RC–B ...............    M5.f .........................................     Asset-backed securities: Other (Columns A, B, C, and D) ....              RCONB858, RCONB859,
                                                                                                                                                                                                      RCONB860, RCONB861.
                                                RC–B ...............    M6.a ........................................      Structured financial products by underlying collateral or ref-            RCONG348, RCONG349,
                                                                                                                             erence assets: Trust preferred securities issued by finan-               RCONG350, RCONG351.
                                                                                                                             cial institutions (Columns A through D).
                                                RC–B ...............    M6.b ........................................      Structured financial products by underlying collateral or ref-            RCONG352, RCONG353,
                                                                                                                             erence assets: Trust preferred securities issued by real                 RCONG354, RCONG355.
                                                                                                                             estate investment trusts (Columns A through D).
                                                RC–B ...............    M6.c ........................................      Structured financial products by underlying collateral or ref-            RCONG356, RCONG357,
                                                                                                                             erence assets: Corporate and similar loans (Columns A                    RCONG358, RCONG359.
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                                                                                                                             through D).
                                                RC–B ...............    M6.d ........................................      Structured financial products by underlying collateral or ref-            RCONG360, RCONG361,
                                                                                                                             erence assets: 1–4 family residential MBS issued or guar-                RCONG362, RCONG363.
                                                                                                                             anteed by U.S. Government-sponsored enterprises
                                                                                                                             (GSEs) (Columns A through D).
                                                RC–B ...............    M6.e ........................................      Structured financial products by underlying collateral or ref-            RCONG364, RCONG365,
                                                                                                                             erence assets: 1–4 family residential MBS not issued or                  RCONG366, RCONG367.
                                                                                                                             guaranteed by GSEs (Columns A through D).

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                                                                                        Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 5 / Monday, January 8, 2018 / Notices                                                                                       959

                                                                          TO BE COMPLETED BY BANKS WITH $10 BILLION OR MORE IN TOTAL ASSETS—Continued
                                                    Schedule                                  Item                                                                Item name                                                         MDRM No.

                                                RC–B ...............      M6.f .........................................     Structured financial products by underlying collateral or ref-                                 RCONG368, RCONG369,
                                                                                                                               erence assets: Diversified (mixed) pools of structured fi-                                    RCONG370, RCONG371.
                                                                                                                               nancial products (Columns A through D).
                                                RC–B ...............      M6.g ........................................      Structured financial products by underlying collateral or ref-                                 RCONG372, RCONG373,
                                                                                                                               erence assets: Other collateral or reference assets (Col-                                     RCONG374, RCONG375.
                                                                                                                               umns A through D).

                                                                          $100,000 THAT EXCEED 7 PERCENT OF SCHEDULE RI, ITEM 5.L
                                                    Schedule                                  Item                                                                Item name                                                         MDRM No.

                                                RI–E .................    1.a through 1.l ........................           Other noninterest income (from Schedule RI, item 5.l) ..........                               RIADC013, RIADC014,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              RIADC016, RIAD4042,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              RIADC015, RIADF555,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              RIADT047, RIAD4461,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              RIAD4462, RIAD4463.

                                                                          $100,000 THAT EXCEED 7 PERCENT OF SCHEDULE RI, ITEM 7.D
                                                    Schedule                                  Item                                                                Item name                                                         MDRM No.

                                                RI–E .................    2.a through 2.p .......................            Other noninterest expense (from Schedule RI, item 7.d) .......                                 RIADC017, RIAD0497,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              RIAD4136, RIADC018,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              RIAD8403, RIAD4141,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              RIAD4146, RIADF556,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              RIADF557, RIADF558,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              RIADF559, RIADY923,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              RIADY924, RIAD4464,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              RIAD4467, RIAD4468.

                                                    TION FOR DEPOSIT INSURANCE ASSESSMENT PURPOSES

                                                    Schedule                                  Item                                                                Item name                                                         MDRM No.

                                                RC–K ...............      7 ..............................................   Trading assets .........................................................................       RCON3401.

                                                Appendix D—FFIEC 031: To Be
                                                Completed by Banks With Domestic
                                                and Foreign Offices and Banks With
                                                Domestic Offices Only and
                                                Consolidated Total Assets of $100
                                                Billion or More
                                                Data Items Removed, Other Impacts to Data
                                                Items, Data Items With a Reduction in
                                                Frequency of Collection, or Data Items with
                                                an Increase in Reporting Threshold

                                                                                                                                        DATA ITEMS REMOVED
                                                    Schedule                                  Item                                                                Item name                                                         MDRM No.

                                                RI–E .................    1.f ............................................   Net change in the fair values of financial instruments ac-                                     RIADF229.
                                                                                                                               counted for under a fair value option.
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                RI–E .................    1.h ...........................................    Gains on bargain purchases ...................................................                 RIADJ447.
                                                RC ....................   10.a .........................................     Goodwill ...................................................................................   RCFD3163.
                                                                                                                             Note: Schedule RC, item 10.a will be moved to Schedule
                                                                                                                               RC–M, new item 2.b.
                                                RC ....................   10.b .........................................     Other intangible assets ...........................................................            RCFD0426.
                                                                                                                             Note: Items 10.a and 10.b of Schedule RC will be combined
                                                                                                                               into one data item.

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                                                960                                  Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 5 / Monday, January 8, 2018 / Notices

                                                                                                                         DATA ITEMS REMOVED—Continued
                                                    Schedule                               Item                                                      Item name                                           MDRM No.

                                                RC–B ...............   2.a ...........................................   U.S. Government agency obligations (exclude mortgage-                    RCFD1289, RCFD1290,
                                                                                                                           backed securities): Issued by U.S. Government agencies                  RCFD1291, RCFD1293.
                                                                                                                           (Columns A through D).
                                                RC–B ...............   2.b ...........................................   U.S. Government agency obligations (exclude mortgage-                    RCFD1294, RCFD1295,
                                                                                                                           backed securities): Issued by U.S. Government-sponsored                 RCFD1297, RCFD1298.
                                                                                                                           agencies (Columns A through D).
                                                                                                                         Note: Items 2.a and 2.b of Schedule RC–B will be combined
                                                                                                                           into one data item.
                                                RC–B ...............   5.b.(1) .....................................     Structured financial products: Cash (Columns A through D).               RCFDG336, RCFDG337,
                                                                                                                                                                                                   RCFDG338, RCFDG339.
                                                RC–B ...............   5.b.(2) .....................................     Structured financial products: Synthetic (Columns A through              RCFDG340, RCFDG341,
                                                                                                                           D).                                                                     RCFDG342, RCFDG343.
                                                RC–B ...............   5.b.(3) .....................................     Structured financial products: Hybrid (Columns A through D).             RCFDG344, RCFDG345,
                                                                                                                                                                                                   RCFDG346, RCFDG347.
                                                                                                                         Note: Items 5.b.(1), 5.b.(2), and 5.b.(3) of Schedule RC–B
                                                                                                                           will be combined into one data item.
                                                RC–D ...............   All data items reported in Col-                   Column B, ‘‘Domestic offices’’ Note: Data items 6.a.(1)                  RCON3531, RCON3532,
                                                                         umn B, ‘‘Domestic offices’’.                      through 6.a.(5), Column B, will be combined into two data               RCON3533, RCONG379,
                                                                                                                           items to be collected for the consolidated bank in Column               RCONG380, RCONG381,
                                                                                                                           A, which will replace data item 6.a, Column A. In addition,             RCONK197, RCONK198,
                                                                                                                           data items M1.a.(1) through M1.a.(5), Column B, will be                 RCONG383, RCONG384,
                                                                                                                           combined into two data items to be collected for the con-               RCONG385, RCONG386,
                                                                                                                           solidated bank in Column A, which will replace data item                RCONF604, RCONF605,
                                                                                                                           M.1.a, Column A. Data items 12 and 15, Column B, will                   RCONF606, RCONF607,
                                                                                                                           be moved to Schedule RC–H, new items 19 and 20. Data                    RCONF611, RCONF612,
                                                                                                                           items 6.a.(1) through 6.d, Column B, will be combined into              RCONF613, RCONF614,
                                                                                                                           one data item and moved to Schedule RC–H, new item                      RCONF615, RCONF616,
                                                                                                                           21.                                                                     RCONK199, RCONK210,
                                                                                                                                                                                                   RCONF618, RCON3541,
                                                                                                                                                                                                   RCON3543, RCON3545,
                                                                                                                                                                                                   RCON3546, RCONF624,
                                                                                                                                                                                                   RCON3547, RCON3548,
                                                                                                                                                                                                   RCONF625, RCONF626,
                                                                                                                                                                                                   RCONF627, RCONF628,
                                                                                                                                                                                                   RCONF629, RCONF630,
                                                                                                                                                                                                   RCONF631, RCONF632,
                                                                                                                                                                                                   RCONF633, RCONF634,
                                                                                                                                                                                                   RCONK200, RCONK211,
                                                                                                                                                                                                   RCONF636, RCONF639,
                                                                                                                                                                                                   RCONF640, RCONG299,
                                                                                                                                                                                                   RCONG332, RCONG333,
                                                                                                                                                                                                   RCONG334, RCONG335,
                                                                                                                                                                                                   RCONG651, RCONG652,
                                                                                                                                                                                                   RCONG387, RCONG388.
                                                RC–D ...............   5.a.(1) .....................................     Structured financial products: Cash (Column A) ....................      RCFDG383.
                                                RC–D ...............   5.a.(2) .....................................     Structured financial products: Synthetic (Column A) ..............       RCFDG384.
                                                RC–D ...............   5.a.(3) .....................................     Structured financial products: Hybrid (Column A) ..................      RCFDG385.
                                                                                                                         Note: Items 5.a.(1), 5.a.(2), and 5.a.(3) of Schedule RC–D,
                                                                                                                           Column A, will be combined into one data item.
                                                RC–D ...............   6.a ...........................................   Loans secured by real estate (Column A) ..............................   RCFDF610.
                                                RC–D ...............   6.c.(1) .....................................     Loans to individuals for household, family, and other per-               RCFDF615.
                                                                                                                           sonal expenditures: Credit cards (Column A).
                                                RC–D ...............   6.c.(2) .....................................     Loans to individuals for household, family, and other per-               RCFDF616.
                                                                                                                           sonal expenditures: Other revolving credit plans (Column
                                                RC–D ...............   6.c.(3) .....................................     Loans to individuals for household, family, and other per-               RCFDK199.
                                                                                                                           sonal expenditures: Automobile loans (Column A).
                                                RC–D ...............   6.c.(4) .....................................     Loans to individuals for household, family, and other per-               RCFDK210.
                                                                                                                           sonal expenditures: Other consumer loans.
                                                                                                                         Note: Items 6.c.(1), 6.c.(2), 6.c.(3), and 6.c.(4) of Schedule
                                                                                                                           RC–D, Column A, will be combined into one data item.
                                                RC–D ...............   M1.a ........................................     Unpaid principal balance of loans measured at fair value:                RCFDF790.
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                                           Loans secured by real estate (Column A).
                                                RC–D ...............   M1.c.(1) ..................................       Unpaid principal balance of loans measured at fair value:                RCFDF633.
                                                                                                                           Loans to individuals for household, family, and other per-
                                                                                                                           sonal expenditures: Credit cards (Column A).
                                                RC–D ...............   M1.c.(2) ..................................       Unpaid principal balance of loans measured at fair value:                RCFDF634.
                                                                                                                           Loans to individuals for household, family, and other per-
                                                                                                                           sonal expenditures: Other revolving credit plans (Column

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                                                                                        Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 5 / Monday, January 8, 2018 / Notices                                                                            961

                                                                                                                             DATA ITEMS REMOVED—Continued
                                                    Schedule                                  Item                                                              Item name                                                     MDRM No.

                                                RC–D ...............      M1.c.(3) ..................................        Unpaid principal balance of loans measured at fair value:                                 RCFDK200.
                                                                                                                               Loans to individuals for household, family, and other per-
                                                                                                                               sonal expenditures: Automobile loans (Column A).
                                                RC–D ...............      M1.c.(4) ..................................        Unpaid principal balance of loans measured at fair value:                                 RCFDK211.
                                                                                                                               Loans to individuals for household, family, and other per-
                                                                                                                               sonal expenditures: Other consumer loans (Column A).
                                                                                                                             Note: Items M1.c.(1), M1.c.(2), M1.c.(3), and M1.c.(4) of
                                                                                                                               Schedule RC–D, Column A, will be combined into one
                                                                                                                               data item.
                                                RC–D ...............      M6 ...........................................     Retained beneficial interests in securitizations .......................                  RCFDF651.
                                                RC–L ................     1.a.(1) .....................................      Unused commitments for Home Equity Conversion Mortgage                                    RCONJ477.
                                                                                                                               (HECM) reverse mortgages outstanding that are held for
                                                RC–L ................     1.a.(2) .....................................      Unused commitments for proprietary reverse mortgages out-                                 RCONJ478.
                                                                                                                               standing that are held for investment.
                                                                                                                             Note: Items 1.a.(1) and 1.a.(2) of Schedule RC–L will be
                                                                                                                               combined into one data item.
                                                RC–L ................     16.a .........................................     Over-the-counter derivatives: Net current credit exposure                                 RCFDG419.
                                                                                                                               (Column B).
                                                RC–L ................     16.b.(1) ...................................       Over-the-counter derivatives: Fair value of collateral: Cash—                             RCFDG424.
                                                                                                                               U.S. dollar (Column B).
                                                RC–L ................     16.b.(2) ...................................       Over-the-counter derivatives: Fair value of collateral: Cash—                             RCFDG429.
                                                                                                                               Other currencies (Column B).
                                                RC–L ................     16.b.(3) ...................................       Over-the-counter derivatives: Fair value of collateral: U.S.                              RCFDG434.
                                                                                                                               Treasury securities (Column B).
                                                RC–L ................     16.b.(4) ...................................       Over-the-counter derivatives: Fair value of collateral: U.S.                              RCFDG439.
                                                                                                                               Government agency and U.S. Government-sponsored
                                                                                                                               agency debt securities (Column B).
                                                RC–L ................     16.b.(5) ...................................       Over-the-counter derivatives: Fair value of collateral: Cor-                              RCFDG444.
                                                                                                                               porate bonds (Column B).
                                                RC–L ................     16.b.(6) ...................................       Over-the-counter derivatives: Fair value of collateral: Equity                            RCFDG449.
                                                                                                                               securities (Column B).
                                                RC–L ................     16.b.(7) ...................................       Over-the-counter derivatives: Fair value of collateral: All                               RCFDG454.
                                                                                                                               other collateral (Column B).
                                                RC–L ................     16.b.(8) ...................................       Over-the-counter derivatives: Fair value of collateral: Total                             RCFDG459.
                                                                                                                               fair value of collateral (Column B).
                                                                                                                             Note: Amounts reported in items 16.a, 16.b.(1), 16.b.(2),
                                                                                                                               16.b.(3), 16.b.(4), 16.b.(5), 16.b.(6), 16.b.(7), and 16.b.(8),
                                                                                                                               Column B, will be included in items 16.a, 16.b.(1),
                                                                                                                               16.b.(2), 16.b.(3), 16.b.(4), 16.b.(5), 16.b.(6), 16.b.(7), and
                                                                                                                               16.b.(8), Column E.
                                                RC–M ...............      2.b ...........................................    Purchased credit card relationships and nonmortgage serv-                                 RCFDB026.
                                                                                                                               icing assets.
                                                                                                                             Note: Amounts reported in item 2.b will be included in item
                                                                                                                               2.c, All other identifiable intangible assets.
                                                RC–M ...............      3.f ............................................   Foreclosed properties from ‘‘GNMA loans’’ ............................                    RCONC979.
                                                                                                                             Note: Amounts reported in item 3.f will be included in item
                                                                                                                               3.c, Other real estate owned: 1–4 family residential prop-

                                                                                                                               OTHER IMPACTS TO DATA ITEMS
                                                    Schedule                                  Item                                                              Item name                                                     MDRM No.

                                                RC ....................   10 (New) .................................         Intangible assets .....................................................................   RCFD2143.
                                                                                                                             Note: Items 10.a and 10.b of Schedule RC will be combined
                                                                                                                                into this data item.
                                                RC–B ...............      2 (New) ...................................        U.S. Government agency and sponsored agency obligations                                   TBD (4 MDRMs).
                                                                                                                                (exclude mortgage-backed securities) (Columns A through
                                                                                                                             Note: Items 2.a and 2.b of Schedule RC–B removed above
                                                                                                                                will be combined into this data item (Columns A through
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                RC–B ...............      5.b (New) ................................         Structured financial products (Columns A through D) ............                          TBD (4 MDRMs).
                                                                                                                             Note: Items 5.b.(1), 5.b.(2), and 5.b.(3) of Schedule RC–B
                                                                                                                                removed above will be combined into this data item (Col-
                                                                                                                                umns A through D).
                                                RC–D ...............      5.a (New) ................................         Structured financial products ...................................................         TBD.
                                                                                                                             Note: Items 5.a.(1), 5.a.(2), and 5.a.(3) of Schedule RC–D,
                                                                                                                                Column A, removed above will be combined into this data

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                                                962                                      Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 5 / Monday, January 8, 2018 / Notices

                                                                                                                   OTHER IMPACTS TO DATA ITEMS—Continued
                                                     Schedule                                 Item                                                               Item name                                                        MDRM No.

                                                RC–D ...............       6.a.(1) (New) ..........................         Loans secured by 1–4 family residential properties ...............                             TBD.
                                                                                                                            Note: Items 6.a.(3)(a), 6.a.(3)(b)(1), and 6.a.(3)(b)(2) of
                                                                                                                               Schedule RC–D, Column B, removed above will be com-
                                                                                                                               bined into this data item for the consolidated bank in Col-
                                                                                                                               umn A, which will partially replace item 6.a, Column A.
                                                RC–D ...............       6.a.(2) (New) ..........................         All other loans secured by real estate ....................................                    TBD.
                                                                                                                            Note: Items 6.a.(1), 6.a.(2), 6.a.(4), and 6.a.(5) of Schedule
                                                                                                                               RC–D, Column B, removed above will be combined into
                                                                                                                               this data item for the consolidated bank in Column A,
                                                                                                                               which will partially replace item 6.a, Column A.
                                                RC–D ...............       6.c (New) ................................       Loans to individuals for household, family and other per-                                      TBD.
                                                                                                                               sonal expenditures (i.e., consumer loans) (includes pur-
                                                                                                                               chased paper).
                                                                                                                            Note: Items 6.c.(1), 6.c.(2), 6.c.(3), and 6.c.(4) of Schedule
                                                                                                                               RC–D removed above will be combined into this data item.
                                                RC–D ...............       M1.a.(1) (New) .......................           Unpaid principal balance of loans measured at fair value:                                      TBD.
                                                                                                                               Loans secured by 1–4 family residential properties.
                                                                                                                            Note: Items M1.a.(3)(a), M1.a.(3)(b)(1), and M1.a.(3)(b)(2) of
                                                                                                                               Schedule RC–D, Column B, removed above will be com-
                                                                                                                               bined into this data item for the consolidated bank in Col-
                                                                                                                               umn A, which will partially replace item M.1.a, Column A.
                                                RC–D ...............       M1.a.(2) (New) .......................           Unpaid principal balance of loans measured at fair value: All                                  TBD.
                                                                                                                               other loans secured by real estate.
                                                                                                                            Note: Items M1.a.(1), M1.a.(2), M1.a.(4), and M1.a.(5) of
                                                                                                                               Schedule RC–D, Column B, removed above will be com-
                                                                                                                               bined into this data item for the consolidated bank in Col-
                                                                                                                               umn A, which will partially replace item M.1.a, Column A.
                                                RC–D ...............       M1.c (New) .............................         Unpaid principal balance of loans measured at fair value:                                      TBD.
                                                                                                                               Loans to individuals for household, family, and other per-
                                                                                                                               sonal expenditures (i.e., consumer loans) (includes pur-
                                                                                                                               chased paper).
                                                                                                                            Note: Items M1.c.(1), M1.c.(2), M1.c.(3), and M1.c.(4) of
                                                                                                                               Schedule RC–D, Column A, removed above will be com-
                                                                                                                               bined into this data item.
                                                RC–H ...............       19 (Re-mapping) ....................             Total trading assets .................................................................         RCON3545.
                                                                                                                            Note: Schedule RC–D, item 12, Column B, will be moved to
                                                                                                                               Schedule RC–H, item 19. The proposed threshold change
                                                                                                                               applicable to Schedule RC–D applies to this item.
                                                RC–H ...............       20 (Re-mapping) ....................             Total trading liabilities ..............................................................       RCON3548.
                                                                                                                            Note: Schedule RC–D, item 15, Column B, will be moved to
                                                                                                                               Schedule RC–H, item 20. The proposed threshold change
                                                                                                                               applicable to Schedule RC–D applies to this item.
                                                RC–H ...............       21 (New) .................................       Total loans held for trading .....................................................             TBD.
                                                                                                                            Note: The proposed threshold change applicable to Sched-
                                                                                                                               ule RC–D applies to this item.
                                                RC–L ................      1.a (New) ................................       Unused commitments for reverse mortgages outstanding                                           TBD.
                                                                                                                               that are held for investment.
                                                                                                                            Note: Items 1.a.(1) and 1.a.(2) of Schedule RC–L removed
                                                                                                                               above will be combined into this data item.
                                                RC–M ...............       2.b (Re-mapping) ...................             Goodwill ...................................................................................   RCFD3163.
                                                                                                                            Note: Schedule RC, item 10.a will be moved to Schedule
                                                                                                                               RC–M, new item 2.b., and the phrase ‘‘other than good-
                                                                                                                               will’’ will be removed from the caption for Schedule RC–M,
                                                                                                                               item 2.

                                                Data Items With a Reduction in Frequency
                                                of Collection

                                                                                                                                     SEMIANNUAL REPORTING
                                                                                                                                      [June 30 and December 31]
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                     Schedule                                 Item                                                               Item name                                                        MDRM No.

                                                RI .....................   M12 .........................................    Noncash income from negative amortization on closed-end                                        RIADF228.
                                                                                                                              loans secured by 1–4 family residential properties.
                                                RC–B ...............       M3 ...........................................   Amortized cost of held-to-maturity securities sold or trans-                                   RCFD1778.
                                                                                                                              ferred to available-for-sale or trading securities during the
                                                                                                                              calendar year-to-date.

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                                                                                      Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 5 / Monday, January 8, 2018 / Notices                                                                        963

                                                                                                                           SEMIANNUAL REPORTING—Continued
                                                                                                                                   [June 30 and December 31]

                                                    Schedule                                Item                                                           Item name                                                MDRM No.

                                                RC–C, Part I ....       M7.a ........................................      Purchased credit-impaired loans held for investment ac-                           RCFDC779.
                                                                                                                             counted for in accordance with FASB ASC 310–30: Out-
                                                                                                                             standing balance.
                                                RC–C, Part I ....       M7.b ........................................      Purchased credit-impaired loans held for investment ac-                           RCFDC780.
                                                                                                                             counted for in accordance with FASB ASC 310–30:
                                                                                                                             Amount included in Schedule RC–C, Part I, items 1
                                                                                                                             through 9.
                                                RC–C, Part I ....       M8.a ........................................      Total amount of closed-end loans with negative amortization                       RCONF230.
                                                                                                                             features secured by 1–4 family residential properties.
                                                RC–C, Part I ....       M8.b ........................................      Total maximum remaining amount of negative amortization                           RCONF231.
                                                                                                                             contractually permitted on closed-end loans secured by 1–
                                                                                                                             4 family residential properties.
                                                RC–C, Part I ....       M8.c ........................................      Total amount of negative amortization on closed-end loans                         RCONF232.
                                                                                                                             secured by 1–4 family residential properties included in
                                                                                                                             the amount reported in Memorandum item 8.a above.
                                                RC–C, Part I ....       M12.a ......................................       Loans (not subject to the requirements of FASB ASC 310–                           RCFDG091, RCFDG092,
                                                                                                                             30 (former AICPA Statement of Position 03–3)) and                                RCFDG093.
                                                                                                                             leases held for investment that were acquired in business
                                                                                                                             combinations with acquisition dates in the current calendar
                                                                                                                             year: Loans secured by real estate (Columns A through
                                                RC–C, Part I ....       M12.b ......................................       Loans (not subject to the requirements of FASB ASC 310–                           RCFDG094, RCFDG095,
                                                                                                                             30 (former AICPA Statement of Position 03–3)) and                                RCFDG096.
                                                                                                                             leases held for investment that were acquired in business
                                                                                                                             combinations with acquisition dates in the current calendar
                                                                                                                             year: Commercial and industrial loans (Columns A through
                                                RC–C, Part I ....       M12.c ......................................       Loans (not subject to the requirements of FASB ASC 310–                           RCFDG097, RCFDG098,
                                                                                                                             30 (former AICPA Statement of Position 03–3)) and                                RCFDG099.
                                                                                                                             leases held for investment that were acquired in business
                                                                                                                             combinations with acquisition dates in the current calendar
                                                                                                                             year: Loans to individuals for household, family, and other
                                                                                                                             personal expenditures (Columns A through C).
                                                RC–C, Part I ....       M12.d ......................................       Loans (not subject to the requirements of FASB ASC 310–                           RCFDG100, RCFDG101,
                                                                                                                             30 (former AICPA Statement of Position 03–3)) and                                RCFDG102.
                                                                                                                             leases held for investment that were acquired in business
                                                                                                                             combinations with acquisition dates in the current calendar
                                                                                                                             year: All other loans and all leases (Columns A through C).
                                                RC–L ................   1.b.(1) .....................................      Unused consumer credit card lines ........................................        RCFDJ455.
                                                RC–L ................   1.b.(2) .....................................      Other unused credit card lines ................................................   RCFDJ456.
                                                RC–L ................   11.a .........................................     Year-to-date merchant credit card sales volume: Sales for                         RCFDC223.
                                                                                                                             which the reporting bank is the acquiring bank.
                                                RC–L ................   11.b .........................................     Year-to-date merchant credit card sales volume: Sales for                         RCFDC224.
                                                                                                                             which the reporting bank is the agent bank with risk.
                                                RC–N ...............    M7 ...........................................     Additions to nonaccrual assets during the quarter .................               RCFDC410.
                                                                                                                           Note: This caption would be revised to ‘‘Additions to non-
                                                                                                                             accrual assets during the last 6 months.’’
                                                RC–N ...............    M8 ...........................................     Nonaccrual assets sold during the quarter .............................           RCFDC411.
                                                                                                                           Note: This caption would be revised to ’’Nonaccrual assets
                                                                                                                             sold during the last 6 months.’’
                                                RC–N ...............    M9.a ........................................      Purchased credit-impaired loans accounted for in accord-                          RCFDL183, RCFDL184,
                                                                                                                             ance with FASB ASC 310–30 (former AICPA Statement of                             RCFDL185.
                                                                                                                             Position 03–3): Outstanding balance (Columns A through
                                                RC–N ...............    M9.b ........................................      Purchased credit-impaired loans accounted for in accord-                          RCFDL186, RCFDL187,
                                                                                                                             ance with FASB ASC 310–30 (former AICPA Statement of                             RCFDL188.
                                                                                                                             Position 03–3): Amount included in Schedule RC–N, items
                                                                                                                             1 through 7, above (Columns A through C).

                                                                                                                                      ANNUAL REPORTING
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES


                                                    Schedule                                Item                                                           Item name                                                MDRM No.

                                                RC–M ...............    9 ..............................................   Do any of the bank’s Internet websites have transactional                         RCFD4088.
                                                                                                                             capability, i.e., allow the bank’s customers to execute
                                                                                                                             transactions on their accounts through the website?
                                                RC–M ...............    14.a .........................................     Total assets of captive insurance subsidiaries .......................            RCFDK193.

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                                                964                                  Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 5 / Monday, January 8, 2018 / Notices

                                                                                                                         ANNUAL REPORTING—Continued

                                                    Schedule                              Item                                                      Item name                                          MDRM No.

                                                RC–M ...............   14.b .........................................   Total assets of captive reinsurance subsidiaries ....................   RCFDK194.

                                                Data Items With an Increase in Reporting                            in total assets where foreign office revenues,           million or more in any of the four preceding
                                                Threshold                                                           assets, or net income exceed 10 percent of               calendar quarters and all banks meeting the
                                                  Schedule RI–D is to be completed by banks                         consolidated total revenues, total assets, or            FDIC’s definition of a large or highly complex
                                                with foreign offices (including Edge or                             net income.                                              institution for deposit insurance assessment
                                                Agreement subsidiaries and International                              Schedule RC–D is to be completed by                    purposes.
                                                Banking Facilities) and $10 billion or more                         banks that reported total trading assets of $10

                                                                                  TO BE COMPLETED BY BANKS WITH $10 BILLION OR MORE IN TOTAL ASSETS
                                                    Schedule                              Item                                                      Item name                                          MDRM No.

                                                RC–B ...............   M5.a ........................................    Asset-backed securities: Credit card receivables (Columns               RCFDB838, RCFDB839,
                                                                                                                          A, B, C, and D).                                                       RCFDB840, RCFDB841.
                                                RC–B ...............   M5.b ........................................    Asset-backed securities: Home equity lines (Columns A, B,               RCFDB842, RCFDB843,
                                                                                                                          C, and D).                                                             RCFDB844, RCFDB845.
                                                RC–B ...............   M5.c ........................................    Asset-backed securities: Automobile loans (Columns A, B,                RCFDB846, RCFDB847,
                                                                                                                          C, and D).                                                             RCFDB848, RCFDB849.
                                                RC–B ...............   M5.d ........................................    Asset-backed securities: Other consumer loans (Columns A,               RCFDB850, RCFDB851,
                                                                                                                          B, C, and D).                                                          RCFDB852, RCFDB853.
                                                RC–B ...............   M5.e ........................................    Asset-backed securities: Commercial and industrial loans                RCFDB854, RCFDB855,
                                                                                                                          (Columns A, B, C, and D).                                              RCFDB856, RCFDB857.
                                                RC–B ...............   M5.f .........................................   Asset-backed securities: Other (Columns A, B, C, and D) ....            RCFDB858, RCFDB859,
                                                                                                                                                                                                 RCFDB860, RCFDB861.
                                                RC–B ...............   M6.a ........................................    Structured financial products by underlying collateral or ref-          RCFDG348, RCFDG349,
                                                                                                                          erence assets: Trust preferred securities issued by finan-             RCFDG350, RCFDG351.
                                                                                                                          cial institutions (Columns A through D).
                                                RC–B ...............   M6.b ........................................    Structured financial products by underlying collateral or ref-          RCFDG352, RCFDG353,
                                                                                                                          erence assets: Trust preferred securities issued by real               RCFDG354, RCFDG355.
                                                                                                                          estate investment trusts (Columns A through D).
                                                RC–B ...............   M6.c ........................................    Structured financial products by underlying collateral or ref-          RCFDG356, RCFDG357,
                                                                                                                          erence assets: Corporate and similar loans (Columns A                  RCFDG358, RCFDG359.
                                                                                                                          through D).
                                                RC–B ...............   M6.d ........................................    Structured financial products by underlying collateral or ref-          RCFDG360, RCFDG361,
                                                                                                                          erence assets: 1–4 family residential MBS issued or guar-              RCFDG362, RCFDG363.
                                                                                                                          anteed by U.S. Government-sponsored enterprises
                                                                                                                          (GSEs) (Columns A through D).
                                                RC–B ...............   M6.e ........................................    Structured financial products by underlying collateral or ref-          RCFDG364, RCFDG365,
                                                                                                                          erence assets: 1–4 family residential MBS not issued or                RCFDG366, RCFDG367.
                                                                                                                          guaranteed by GSEs (Columns A through D).
                                                RC–B ...............   M6.f .........................................   Structured financial products by underlying collateral or ref-          RCFDG368, RCFDG369,
                                                                                                                          erence assets: Diversified (mixed) pools of structured fi-             RCFDG370, RCFDG371.
                                                                                                                          nancial products (Columns A through D).
                                                RC–B ...............   M6.g ........................................    Structured financial products by underlying collateral or ref-          RCFDG372, RCFDG373,
                                                                                                                          erence assets: Other collateral or reference assets (Col-              RCFDG374, RCFDG375.
                                                                                                                          umns A through D).

                                                                          TO BE COMPLETED BY BANKS WITH $10 BILLION OR MORE IN TOTAL TRADING ASSETS
                                                    Schedule                              Item                                                      Item name                                          MDRM No.

                                                RC–D ...............   M2.a ........................................    Loans measured at fair value that are past due 90 days or               RCFDF639.
                                                                                                                          more: Fair value (Column A).
                                                RC–D ...............   M2.b ........................................    Loans measured at fair value that are past due 90 days or               RCFDF640.
                                                                                                                          more: Unpaid principal balance (Column A).
                                                RC–D ...............   M3.a ........................................    Structured financial products by underlying collateral or ref-          RCFDG299.
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                                          erence assets: Trust preferred securities issued by finan-
                                                                                                                          cial institutions (Column A).
                                                RC–D ...............   M3.b ........................................    Structured financial products by underlying collateral or ref-          RCFDG332.
                                                                                                                          erence assets: Trust preferred securities issued by real
                                                                                                                          estate investment trusts (Column A).
                                                RC–D ...............   M3.c ........................................    Structured financial products by underlying collateral or ref-          RCFDG333.
                                                                                                                          erence assets: Corporate and similar loans (Column A).

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                                                                                           Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 5 / Monday, January 8, 2018 / Notices                                                                                  965

                                                                    TO BE COMPLETED BY BANKS WITH $10 BILLION OR MORE IN TOTAL TRADING ASSETS—Continued
                                                     Schedule                                   Item                                                               Item name                                                      MDRM No.

                                                RC–D ...............         M3.d ........................................      Structured financial products by underlying collateral or ref-                            RCFDG334.
                                                                                                                                  erence assets: 1–4 family residential MBS issued or guar-
                                                                                                                                  anteed by U.S. Government-sponsored enterprises
                                                                                                                                  (GSEs) (Column A).
                                                RC–D ...............         M3.e ........................................      Structured financial products by underlying collateral or ref-                            RCFDG335.
                                                                                                                                  erence assets: 1–4 family residential MBS not issued or
                                                                                                                                  guaranteed by GSEs (Column A).
                                                RC–D ...............         M3.f .........................................     Structured financial products by underlying collateral or ref-                            RCFDG651.
                                                                                                                                  erence assets: Diversified (mixed) pools of structured fi-
                                                                                                                                  nancial products (Column A).
                                                RC–D ...............         M3.g ........................................      Structured financial products by underlying collateral or ref-                            RCFDG652.
                                                                                                                                  erence assets: Other collateral or reference assets (Col-
                                                                                                                                  umn A).
                                                RC–D       ...............   M4.a ........................................      Pledged trading assets: Pledged securities (Column A) ........                            RCFDG387.
                                                RC–D       ...............   M4.b ........................................      Pledged trading assets: Pledged loans (Column A) ...............                          RCFDG388.
                                                RC–D       ...............   M5.a ........................................      Asset-backed securities: Credit card receivables ...................                      RCFDF643.
                                                RC–D       ...............   M5.b ........................................      Asset-backed securities: Home equity lines ...........................                    RCFDF644.
                                                RC–D       ...............   M5.c ........................................      Asset-backed securities: Automobile loans ............................                    RCFDF645.
                                                RC–D       ...............   M5.d ........................................      Asset-backed securities: Other consumer loans ....................                        RCFDF646.
                                                RC–D       ...............   M5.e ........................................      Asset-backed securities: Commercial and industrial loans ....                             RCFDF647.
                                                RC–D       ...............   M5.f .........................................     Asset-backed securities: Other ...............................................            RCFDF648.
                                                RC–D       ...............   M7.a ........................................      Equity securities: Readily determinable fair values ................                      RCFDF652.
                                                RC–D       ...............   M7.b ........................................      Equity securities: Other ...........................................................      RCFDF653.
                                                RC–D       ...............   M8 ...........................................     Loans pending securitization ...................................................          RCFDF654.
                                                RC–D       ...............   M9 ...........................................     Other trading assets ................................................................     RCFDF655, RCFDF656,
                                                RC–D ...............         M10 .........................................      Other trading liabilities .............................................................   RCFDF658, RCFDF659,

                                                                                         PRECEDING CALENDAR YEAR
                                                     Schedule                                   Item                                                               Item name                                                      MDRM No.

                                                RI   .....................   M8.a    ........................................   Trading    revenue:      Interest rate exposures ...............................          RIAD8757.
                                                RI   .....................   M8.b    ........................................   Trading    revenue:      Foreign exchange exposures .....................                 RIAD8758.
                                                RI   .....................   M8.c    ........................................   Trading    revenue:      Equity security and index exposures ..........                   RIAD8759.
                                                RI   .....................   M8.d    ........................................   Trading    revenue:      Commodity and other exposures ...............                    RIAD8760.
                                                RI   .....................   M8.e    ........................................   Trading    revenue:      Credit exposures .........................................       RIADF186.

                                                                           $100,000 THAT EXCEED 7 PERCENT OF SCHEDULE RI, ITEM 5.L
                                                     Schedule                                   Item                                                               Item name                                                      MDRM No.

                                                RI–E .................       1.a through 1.l ........................           Other noninterest income (from Schedule RI, item 5.l) ..........                          RIADC013, RIADC014,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            RIADC016, RIAD4042,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            RIADC015, RIADF555,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            RIADT047, RIAD4461,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            RIAD4462, RIAD4463.

                                                                          $100,000 THAT EXCEED 7 PERCENT OF SCHEDULE RI, ITEM 7.D
                                                     Schedule                                   Item                                                               Item name                                                      MDRM No.

                                                RI–E .................       2.a through 2.p .......................            Other noninterest expense (from Schedule RI, item 7.d) .......                            RIADC017, RIAD0497,
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            RIAD4136, RIADC018,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            RIAD8403, RIAD4141,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            RIAD4146, RIADF556,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            RIADF557, RIADF558,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            RIADF559, RIADY923,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            RIADY924, RIAD4464,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            RIAD4467, RIAD4468.

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                                                966                                  Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 5 / Monday, January 8, 2018 / Notices

                                                    TION FOR DEPOSIT INSURANCE ASSESSMENT PURPOSES

                                                    Schedule                               Item                                                               Item name                                                     MDRM No.

                                                RC–K ...............   7 ..............................................   Trading assets .........................................................................   RCFD3401.

                                                  Dated: January 2, 2018.                                             FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                                       DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY
                                                Karen Solomon,                                                        Adam Charlton, Manager, Federal
                                                Acting Senior Deputy Comptroller and Chief                            Borrowings Branch, Office of Public                                    Office of the Secretary
                                                Counsel, Office of the Comptroller of the                             Debt Accounting, Bureau of the Fiscal
                                                Currency.                                                             Service, Parkersburg, West Virginia,                                   List of Countries Requiring
                                                  Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve                           26106–1328, (304) 480–5248; Sam Doak,                                  Cooperation With an International
                                                System, December 27, 2017.                                            Reporting Team Leader, Federal                                         Boycott
                                                Ann E. Misback,                                                       Borrowings Branch, Division of
                                                Secretary of the Board.                                                                                                                         In accordance with section 999(a)(3)
                                                                                                                      Accounting Operations, Office of Public
                                                                                                                                                                                             of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986,
                                                  Dated at Washington, DC, on December 27,                            Debt Accounting, Bureau of the Fiscal
                                                2017.                                                                                                                                        the Department of the Treasury is
                                                                                                                      Service, Parkersburg, West Virginia,
                                                                                                                                                                                             publishing a current list of countries
                                                Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.                                26106–1328, (304) 480–5117.
                                                                                                                                                                                             which require or may require
                                                Robert E. Feldman,
                                                                                                                      SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:       Federal                               participation in, or cooperation with, an
                                                Executive Secretary.
                                                                                                                      law requires that interest payments on                                 international boycott (within the
                                                [FR Doc. 2018–00122 Filed 1–5–18; 8:45 am]                            cash deposited to secure immigration                                   meaning of section 999(b)(3) of the
                                                BILLING CODE 4810–33–P; 6210–01–P; 6714–01–P                          bonds shall be ‘‘at a rate determined by                               Internal Revenue Code of 1986).
                                                                                                                      the Secretary of the Treasury, except                                     On the basis of the best information
                                                                                                                      that in no case shall the interest rate                                currently available to the Department of
                                                DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY
                                                                                                                      exceed 3 per centum per annum.’’ 8
                                                                                                                                                                                             the Treasury, the following countries
                                                Interest Rate Paid on Cash Deposited                                  U.S.C. 1363(a). Related Federal
                                                                                                                                                                                             require or may require participation in,
                                                To Secure U.S. Immigration and                                        regulations state that ‘‘Interest on cash
                                                                                                                                                                                             or cooperation with, an international
                                                Customs Enforcement Immigration                                       deposited to secure immigration bonds
                                                                                                                                                                                             boycott (within the meaning of section
                                                Bonds                                                                 will be at the rate as determined by the
                                                                                                                                                                                             999(b)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code
                                                                                                                      Secretary of the Treasury, but in no case
                                                AGENCY:    Departmental Offices, Treasury.                                                                                                   of 1986).
                                                                                                                      will exceed 3 per centum per annum or
                                                ACTION:    Notice.                                                    be less than zero.’’ 8 CFR 293.2.                                      Iraq
                                                SUMMARY:   For the period beginning                                   Treasury has determined that interest on                               Kuwait
                                                January 1, 2018, and ending on March                                  the bonds will vary quarterly and will                                 Lebanon
                                                31, 2018, the U.S. Immigration and                                    accrue during each calendar quarter at
                                                                                                                      a rate equal to the lesser of the average                              Libya
                                                Customs Enforcement Immigration
                                                Bond interest rate is 1.24 per centum                                 of the bond equivalent rates on 91-day                                 Qatar
                                                per annum.                                                            Treasury bills auctioned during the                                    Saudi Arabia
                                                DATES: Rates are applicable January 1,                                preceding calendar quarter, or 3 per
                                                2018 to March 31, 2018.                                               centum per annum, but in no case less
                                                ADDRESSES: Comments or inquiries may                                  than zero. [FR Doc. 2015–18545] In                                     United Arab Emirates
                                                be mailed to Sam Doak, Reporting Team                                 addition to this Notice, Treasury posts                                Yemen
                                                Leader, Federal Borrowings Branch,                                    the current quarterly rate in Table 2b—                                  Dated: January 2, 2018.
                                                Division of Accounting Operations,                                    Interest Rates for Specific Legislation on
                                                                                                                                                                                             Douglas Poms,
                                                Office of Public Debt Accounting,                                     the TreasuryDirect website.
                                                Bureau of the Fiscal Service,                                                                                                                International Tax Counsel, (Tax Policy).
                                                Parkersburg, West Virginia, 26106–1328.                               Gary Grippo,                                                           [FR Doc. 2018–00123 Filed 1–5–18; 8:45 am]
                                                You can download this notice at the                                   Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public                                  BILLING CODE 4810–25–P
                                                following internet addresses: http://                                 Finance.
                                                www.treasury.gov or http://                                           [FR Doc. 2018–00056 Filed 1–5–18; 8:45 am]
                                                www.federalregister.gov.                                              BILLING CODE 4810–25–P
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Document Created: 2018-01-06 02:31:58
Document Modified: 2018-01-06 02:31:58
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionJoint notice and request for comment.
DatesComments must be submitted on or before February 7, 2018.
ContactFor further information about the proposed revisions to the Call Report discussed in this notice, please contact any of the agency staff whose names appear below. In addition, copies of the Call Report forms can be obtained at the FFIEC's website (https://www.ffiec.gov/ffiec_report_forms.htm).
FR Citation83 FR 939 

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