83_FR_9553 83 FR 9509 - Combined Notice of Filings #1

83 FR 9509 - Combined Notice of Filings #1

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 44 (March 6, 2018)

Page Range9509-9510
FR Document2018-04489

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 44 (Tuesday, March 6, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 44 (Tuesday, March 6, 2018)]
[Pages 9509-9510]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-04489]



Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

Combined Notice of Filings #1

    Take notice that the Commission received the following electric 
corporate filings:

    Docket Numbers: EC18-63-000.
    Applicants: Bayou Cove Peaking Power LLC, Big Cajun I Peaking Power 
LLC, CottonWood Energy Company LP, Louisiana Generating LLC, NRG 
Sterlington Power LLC, NRG Cottonwood Tenant LLC, NRG Power Marketing 
LLC, Cleco Energy LLC, Cleco Corporate Holdings LLC, Cleco Group LLC, 
Cleco Partners L.P.
    Description: Joint Application for Order Authorizing Disposition of 
Jurisdictional Facilities Under Section 203 of the Federal Power Act of 
the Cleco Applicants and NRG Applicants.
    Filed Date: 2/27/18.
    Accession Number: 20180227-5186.
    Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 3/20/18.

    Take notice that the Commission received the following electric 
rate filings:

    Docket Numbers: ER15-1873-008; ER10-2124-018; ER10-2125-019; ER10-
2127-017; ER10-2128-018; ER10-2129-013 ER10-2130-018; ER10-2131-020; 
ER10-2132-018 ER10-2133-019; ER10-2134-012; ER10-2135-013 ER10-2136-
013; ER10-2137-020; ER10-2138-020 ER10-2139-020; ER10-2140-020; ER10-
2141-020 ER10-2764-018; ER11-3872-020; ER11-4044-019 ER11-4046-018; 
ER12-164-017; ER14-2187-014 ER14-2798-012; ER14-2799-012; ER15-103-008 
ER15-1041-008; ER15-1873-008; ER15-2205-008 ER16-1720-005; ER17-2336-
003; ER17-2337-003 ER18-140-003; ER18-471-002; ER18-472-002.
    Applicants: Buckeye Wind Energy LLC, Prairie Breeze Wind Energy II 
LLC, Prairie Breeze Wind Energy III LLC, States Edge Wind I LLC, States 
Edge Wind I Holdings LLC, Invenergy Energy Management LLC, Beech Ridge 
Energy LLC, Beech Ridge Energy II LLC, Beech Ridge Energy Storage LLC, 
Forward Energy LLC, Gratiot County Wind LLC, Gratiot County Wind II 
LLC, Grand Ridge Energy LLC, Grand Ridge Energy II LLC, Grand Ridge 
Energy III LLC, Grand Ridge Energy V LLC, Grand Ridge Energy Storage 
LLC, Grays Harbor Energy LLC, Hardee Power Partners Limited, Invenergy 
Nelson LLC, Invenergy TN LLC, Lackawanna Energy Center LLC, Sheldon 
Energy LLC, Shoreham Solar Commons Holdings LLC, Spindle Hill Energy 
LLC, Stony Creek Energy LLC, Spring Canyon Energy LLC, Shoreham Solar 
Commons LLC, Judith Gap Energy LLC, Invenergy Cannon Falls LLC, Grand 
Ridge Energy IV LLC, Bishop Hill Energy III LLC, Vantage Wind Energy 
LLC, Willow Creek Energy, LLC, Wolverine Creek Energy LLC.
    Description: Notice of Change in Facts under Market-Based Rate 
Authority of Buckeye Wind Energy LLC, et al.
    Filed Date: 2/27/18.
    Accession Number: 20180227-5143.
    Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 3/20/18.

    Docket Numbers: ER17-2323-001.
    Applicants: Midcontinent Independent System Operator, Inc., Ameren 
Illinois Company.
    Description: Tariff Amendment: 2018-02-28 Deficiency Response re 
revisions to Ameren Att O Rate Template to be effective 6/1/2018.
    Filed Date: 2/28/18.
    Accession Number: 20180228-5069.
    Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 3/21/18.

    Docket Numbers: ER18-541-001.
    Applicants: Rausch Creek Generation, LLC.
    Description: Tariff Amendment: Reactive Tariff to be effective 2/
    Filed Date: 2/27/18.
    Accession Number: 20180227-5142.
    Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 3/20/18.

    Docket Numbers: ER18-920-000.
    Applicants: Marco DM Holdings, L.L.C.
    Description: Baseline eTariff Filing: Market-Based Rate Application 
to be effective 4/30/2018.
    Filed Date: 2/28/18.
    Accession Number: 20180228-5019.
    Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 3/21/18.

    Docket Numbers: ER18-921-000.
    Applicants: PJM Interconnection, L.L.C.
    Description: Sec.  205(d) Rate Filing: Original WMPA SA No. 4948; 
Queue No. AD1-053 to be effective 2/15/2018.
    Filed Date: 2/28/18.
    Accession Number: 20180228-5030.
    Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 3/21/18.

    Docket Numbers: ER18-923-000.
    Applicants: New England Power Pool Participants Committee.
    Description: Sec.  205(d) Rate Filing: Mar 2018 Membership Filing 
to be effective 2/1/2018.
    Filed Date: 2/28/18.
    Accession Number: 20180228-5086.
    Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 3/21/18.

    Docket Numbers: ER18-924-000.
    Applicants: Arizona Public Service Company.
    Description: Sec.  205(d) Rate Filing: Rate Schedule No. 224--ATS 
Participation Agreement to be effective 5/1/2018.
    Filed Date: 2/28/18.
    Accession Number: 20180228-5089.

[[Page 9510]]

    Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 3/21/18.

    Docket Numbers: ER18-925-000.
    Applicants: Michigan Electric Transmission Company.
    Description: Sec.  205(d) Rate Filing: Filing of A&R License 
Agreement w LBWL to be effective 4/30/2018.
    Filed Date: 2/28/18.
    Accession Number: 20180228-5090.
    Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 3/21/18.

    Docket Numbers: ER18-926-000.
    Applicants: Southern California Edison Company.
    Description: Sec.  205(d) Rate Filing: GIA & DSA & Notice of 
Cancellation LA Stanton Energy Reliability Center Project to be 
effective 2/8/2018.
    Filed Date: 2/28/18.
    Accession Number: 20180228-5095.
    Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 3/21/18.

    Docket Numbers: ER18-927-000.
    Applicants: PJM Interconnection, L.L.C.
    Description: Tariff Cancellation: Notice of Cancellation of First 
Revised ISA, SA No. 3638; Queue No. AA1-101 to be effective 2/13/2018.
    Filed Date: 2/28/18.
    Accession Number: 20180228-5135.
    Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 3/21/18.

    Docket Numbers: ER18-928-000.
    Applicants: PJM Interconnection, L.L.C.
    Description: Sec.  205(d) Rate Filing: Original WMPA, SA No. 4951; 
PJM Queue No. AD1-054 to be effective 2/20/2018.
    Filed Date: 2/28/18.
    Accession Number: 20180228-5139.
    Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 3/21/18.

    Docket Numbers: ER18-929-000.
    Applicants: Penn Oak Services, LLC.
    Description: Baseline eTariff Filing: Penn Oak Services, LLC MBR 
Application to be effective 3/1/2018.
    Filed Date: 2/28/18.
    Accession Number: 20180228-5144.
    Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 3/21/18.

    Docket Numbers: ER18-930-000.
    Applicants: PJM Interconnection, L.L.C.
    Description: Tariff Cancellation: Notice of Cancellation of ISA, SA 
No. 3413; Queue No. V2-028 to be effective 4/10/2018.
    Filed Date: 2/28/18.
    Accession Number: 20180228-5162.
    Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 3/21/18.

    Docket Numbers: ER18-931-000.
    Applicants: Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation.
    Description: Sec.  205(d) Rate Filing: Revisions to FERC Rate 
Schedule 202 to be effective 2/15/2018.
    Filed Date: 2/28/18.
    Accession Number: 20180228-5165.
    Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 3/21/18.

    Docket Numbers: ER18-932-000.
    Applicants: PJM Interconnection, L.L.C.
    Description: Sec.  205(d) Rate Filing: Revisions to OATT and OA RE: 
FTR Case Performance to be effective 5/1/2018.
    Filed Date: 2/28/18.
    Accession Number: 20180228-5172.
    Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 3/21/18.

    Docket Numbers: ER18-933-000.
    Applicants: Arizona Public Service Company.
    Description: Sec.  205(d) Rate Filing: Rate Schedule No. 152, ANPP 
Westwing Switchyard Interconnection Agreement to be effective 5/1/2018.
    Filed Date: 2/28/18.
    Accession Number: 20180228-5173.
    Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 3/21/18.

    Docket Numbers: ER18-934-000.
    Applicants: PJM Interconnection, L.L.C.
    Description: Sec.  205(d) Rate Filing: Rev to OATT and OA RE: FTR 
Modeling Enhancements Future Transmission Upgrades to be effective 5/1/
    Filed Date: 2/28/18.
    Accession Number: 20180228-5174.
    Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 3/21/18.

    Docket Numbers: ER18-935-000.
    Applicants: Alabama Power Company.
    Description: Sec.  205(d) Rate Filing: SP Butler Solar LGIA 
Amendment Filing to be effective 2/1/2018.
    Filed Date: 2/28/18.
    Accession Number: 20180228-5201.
    Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 3/21/18.

    Take notice that the Commission received the following qualifying 
facility filings:

    Docket Numbers: QF18-645-000.
    Applicants: DTE Marietta, LLC.
    Description: Form 556 of DTE Marietta, LLC.
    Filed Date: 2/21/18.
    Accession Number: 20180221-5168.
    Comments Due: None Applicable.

    The filings are accessible in the Commission's eLibrary system by 
clicking on the links or querying the docket number.
    Any person desiring to intervene or protest in any of the above 
proceedings must file in accordance with Rules 211 and 214 of the 
Commission's Regulations (18 CFR 385.211 and 385.214) on or before 5:00 
p.m. Eastern time on the specified comment date. Protests may be 
considered, but intervention is necessary to become a party to the 
    eFiling is encouraged. More detailed information relating to filing 
requirements, interventions, protests, service, and qualifying 
facilities filings can be found at: http://www.ferc.gov/docs-filing/efiling/filing-req.pdf. For other information, call (866) 208-3676 
(toll free). For TTY, call (202) 502-8659.

    Dated: February 28, 2018.
Nathaniel J. Davis, Sr.,
Deputy Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2018-04489 Filed 3-5-18; 8:45 am]

                                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 44 / Tuesday, March 6, 2018 / Notices                                  9509

                                                season procedures, and proposed joint                   DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY                      Energy LLC, Shoreham Solar Commons
                                                tariff service, for a new, integrated joint                                                       LLC, Judith Gap Energy LLC, Invenergy
                                                crude-oil transportation project                        Federal Energy Regulatory                 Cannon Falls LLC, Grand Ridge Energy
                                                commencing from origin points on                        Commission                                IV LLC, Bishop Hill Energy III LLC,
                                                Delaware Express, a new pipeline                                                                  Vantage Wind Energy LLC, Willow
                                                                                                        Combined Notice of Filings #1             Creek Energy, LLC, Wolverine Creek
                                                system in west Texas, to destination
                                                points on an expanded Medallion crude                      Take notice that the Commission        Energy LLC.
                                                oil pipeline system (the Joint Project),                received the following electric corporate   Description: Notice of Change in Facts
                                                all as more fully explained in the                      filings:                                  under Market-Based Rate Authority of
                                                petition.                                                  Docket Numbers: EC18–63–000.           Buckeye Wind Energy LLC, et al.
                                                                                                           Applicants: Bayou Cove Peaking           Filed Date: 2/27/18.
                                                   Any person desiring to intervene or to                                                           Accession Number: 20180227–5143.
                                                protest this filing must file in                        Power LLC, Big Cajun I Peaking Power
                                                                                                        LLC, CottonWood Energy Company LP,          Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 3/20/18.
                                                accordance with Rules 211 and 214 of                                                                Docket Numbers: ER17–2323–001.
                                                                                                        Louisiana Generating LLC, NRG
                                                the Commission’s Rules of Practice and                                                              Applicants: Midcontinent
                                                                                                        Sterlington Power LLC, NRG
                                                Procedure (18 CFR 385.211, 385.214).                    Cottonwood Tenant LLC, NRG Power          Independent System Operator, Inc.,
                                                Protests will be considered by the                      Marketing LLC, Cleco Energy LLC, Cleco Ameren Illinois Company.
                                                Commission in determining the                           Corporate Holdings LLC, Cleco Group         Description: Tariff Amendment:
                                                appropriate action to be taken, but will                LLC, Cleco Partners L.P.                  2018–02–28 Deficiency Response re
                                                not serve to make protestants parties to                   Description: Joint Application for     revisions to Ameren Att O Rate
                                                the proceeding. Any person wishing to                   Order Authorizing Disposition of          Template to be effective 6/1/2018.
                                                become a party must file a notice of                    Jurisdictional Facilities Under Section     Filed Date: 2/28/18.
                                                intervention or motion to intervene, as                 203 of the Federal Power Act of the         Accession Number: 20180228–5069.
                                                appropriate. Such notices, motions, or                  Cleco Applicants and NRG Applicants.        Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 3/21/18.
                                                protests must be filed on or before the                    Filed Date: 2/27/18.                     Docket Numbers: ER18–541–001.
                                                comment date. Anyone filing a motion                       Accession Number: 20180227–5186.         Applicants: Rausch Creek Generation,
                                                to intervene or protest must serve a copy                  Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 3/20/18.       LLC.
                                                of that document on the Petitioner.                        Take notice that the Commission          Description: Tariff Amendment:
                                                                                                        received the following electric rate      Reactive Tariff to be effective 2/28/2018.
                                                   The Commission encourages
                                                                                                        filings:                                    Filed Date: 2/27/18.
                                                electronic submission of protests and
                                                                                                           Docket Numbers: ER15–1873–008;           Accession Number: 20180227–5142.
                                                interventions in lieu of paper using the
                                                                                                        ER10–2124–018; ER10–2125–019;               Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 3/20/18.
                                                ‘‘eFiling’’ link at http://www.ferc.gov.
                                                                                                        ER10–2127–017; ER10–2128–018;               Docket Numbers: ER18–920–000.
                                                Persons unable to file electronically
                                                                                                        ER10–2129–013 ER10–2130–018; ER10–          Applicants: Marco DM Holdings,
                                                should submit an original and 5 copies                  2131–020; ER10–2132–018 ER10–2133– L.L.C.
                                                of the protest or intervention to the                   019; ER10–2134–012; ER10–2135–013
                                                Federal Energy Regulatory Commission,                                                               Description: Baseline eTariff Filing:
                                                                                                        ER10–2136–013; ER10–2137–020;             Market-Based Rate Application to be
                                                888 First Street NE, Washington, DC                     ER10–2138–020 ER10–2139–020; ER10– effective 4/30/2018.
                                                20426.                                                  2140–020; ER10–2141–020 ER10–2764–          Filed Date: 2/28/18.
                                                   This filing is accessible on-line at                 018; ER11–3872–020; ER11–4044–019           Accession Number: 20180228–5019.
                                                http://www.ferc.gov, using the                          ER11–4046–018; ER12–164–017; ER14–          Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 3/21/18.
                                                ‘‘eLibrary’’ link and is available for                  2187–014 ER14–2798–012; ER14–2799–
                                                                                                                                                    Docket Numbers: ER18–921–000.
                                                review in the Commission’s Public                       012; ER15–103–008 ER15–1041–008;
                                                                                                                                                    Applicants: PJM Interconnection,
                                                Reference Room in Washington, DC.                       ER15–1873–008; ER15–2205–008 ER16–
                                                There is an ‘‘eSubscription’’ link on the               1720–005; ER17–2336–003; ER17–2337–
                                                                                                                                                    Description: § 205(d) Rate Filing:
                                                website that enables subscribers to                     003 ER18–140–003; ER18–471–002;
                                                                                                                                                  Original WMPA SA No. 4948; Queue
                                                receive email notification when a                       ER18–472–002.
                                                                                                           Applicants: Buckeye Wind Energy        No. AD1–053 to be effective 2/15/2018.
                                                document is added to a subscribed                                                                   Filed Date: 2/28/18.
                                                                                                        LLC, Prairie Breeze Wind Energy II LLC,
                                                docket(s). For assistance with any FERC                                                             Accession Number: 20180228–5030.
                                                                                                        Prairie Breeze Wind Energy III LLC,
                                                Online service, please email                                                                        Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 3/21/18.
                                                                                                        States Edge Wind I LLC, States Edge
                                                FERCOnlineSupport@ferc.gov, or call                     Wind I Holdings LLC, Invenergy Energy       Docket Numbers: ER18–923–000.
                                                (866) 208–3676 (toll free). For TTY, call               Management LLC, Beech Ridge Energy          Applicants: New England Power Pool
                                                (202) 502–8659.                                         LLC, Beech Ridge Energy II LLC, Beech     Participants Committee.
                                                   Comment Date: 5:00 p.m. Eastern time                 Ridge Energy Storage LLC, Forward           Description: § 205(d) Rate Filing: Mar
                                                on March 20, 2018.                                      Energy LLC, Gratiot County Wind LLC,      2018 Membership Filing to be effective
                                                                                                        Gratiot County Wind II LLC, Grand         2/1/2018.
                                                  Dated: February 27, 2018.
                                                                                                        Ridge Energy LLC, Grand Ridge Energy        Filed Date: 2/28/18.
                                                Kimberly D. Bose,                                                                                   Accession Number: 20180228–5086.
                                                                                                        II LLC, Grand Ridge Energy III LLC,
                                                Secretary.                                              Grand Ridge Energy V LLC, Grand Ridge       Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 3/21/18.
                                                [FR Doc. 2018–04458 Filed 3–5–18; 8:45 am]              Energy Storage LLC, Grays Harbor            Docket Numbers: ER18–924–000.
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                BILLING CODE 6717–01–P                                  Energy LLC, Hardee Power Partners           Applicants: Arizona Public Service
                                                                                                        Limited, Invenergy Nelson LLC,            Company.
                                                                                                        Invenergy TN LLC, Lackawanna Energy         Description: § 205(d) Rate Filing: Rate
                                                                                                        Center LLC, Sheldon Energy LLC,           Schedule No. 224—ATS Participation
                                                                                                        Shoreham Solar Commons Holdings           Agreement to be effective 5/1/2018.
                                                                                                        LLC, Spindle Hill Energy LLC, Stony         Filed Date: 2/28/18.
                                                                                                        Creek Energy LLC, Spring Canyon             Accession Number: 20180228–5089.

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                                                9510                           Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 44 / Tuesday, March 6, 2018 / Notices

                                                  Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 3/21/18.                         Docket Numbers: ER18–932–000.                      can be found at: http://www.ferc.gov/
                                                  Docket Numbers: ER18–925–000.                            Applicants: PJM Interconnection,                   docs-filing/efiling/filing-req.pdf. For
                                                  Applicants: Michigan Electric                         L.L.C.                                                other information, call (866) 208–3676
                                                Transmission Company.                                      Description: § 205(d) Rate Filing:                 (toll free). For TTY, call (202) 502–8659.
                                                  Description: § 205(d) Rate Filing:                    Revisions to OATT and OA RE: FTR                        Dated: February 28, 2018.
                                                Filing of A&R License Agreement w                       Case Performance to be effective 5/1/                 Nathaniel J. Davis, Sr.,
                                                LBWL to be effective 4/30/2018.                         2018.
                                                                                                                                                              Deputy Secretary.
                                                  Filed Date: 2/28/18.                                     Filed Date: 2/28/18.
                                                                                                                                                              [FR Doc. 2018–04489 Filed 3–5–18; 8:45 am]
                                                  Accession Number: 20180228–5090.                         Accession Number: 20180228–5172.
                                                                                                           Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 3/21/18.                   BILLING CODE 6717–01–P
                                                  Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 3/21/18.
                                                  Docket Numbers: ER18–926–000.                            Docket Numbers: ER18–933–000.
                                                  Applicants: Southern California                          Applicants: Arizona Public Service
                                                Edison Company.                                         Company.                                              ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION
                                                  Description: § 205(d) Rate Filing: GIA                   Description: § 205(d) Rate Filing: Rate            AGENCY
                                                & DSA & Notice of Cancellation LA                       Schedule No. 152, ANPP Westwing
                                                Stanton Energy Reliability Center                       Switchyard Interconnection Agreement
                                                                                                        to be effective 5/1/2018.                             [FRL–9975–06–OA]
                                                Project to be effective 2/8/2018.
                                                  Filed Date: 2/28/18.                                     Filed Date: 2/28/18.                               Notice of Meeting of the EPA
                                                  Accession Number: 20180228–5095.                         Accession Number: 20180228–5173.                   Children’s Health Protection Advisory
                                                  Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 3/21/18.                         Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 3/21/18.                   Committee
                                                  Docket Numbers: ER18–927–000.                            Docket Numbers: ER18–934–000.
                                                  Applicants: PJM Interconnection,                         Applicants: PJM Interconnection,                   AGENCY: Environmental Protection
                                                L.L.C.                                                  L.L.C.                                                Agency (EPA).
                                                  Description: Tariff Cancellation:                        Description: § 205(d) Rate Filing: Rev
                                                                                                                                                              ACTION:   Notice; meeting.
                                                Notice of Cancellation of First Revised                 to OATT and OA RE: FTR Modeling
                                                ISA, SA No. 3638; Queue No. AA1–101                     Enhancements Future Transmission
                                                                                                                                                              SUMMARY:   Pursuant to the provisions of
                                                to be effective 2/13/2018.                              Upgrades to be effective 5/1/2018.
                                                                                                                                                              the Federal Advisory Committee Act,
                                                  Filed Date: 2/28/18.                                     Filed Date: 2/28/18.
                                                                                                                                                              notice is hereby given that the next
                                                  Accession Number: 20180228–5135.                         Accession Number: 20180228–5174.
                                                                                                                                                              meeting of the Children’s Health
                                                  Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 3/21/18.                         Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 3/21/18.
                                                                                                                                                              Protection Advisory Committee
                                                  Docket Numbers: ER18–928–000.                            Docket Numbers: ER18–935–000.                      (CHPAC) will be held April 19 and 20,
                                                  Applicants: PJM Interconnection,                         Applicants: Alabama Power                          2018, at Holiday Inn Washington-
                                                L.L.C.                                                  Company.                                              Capitol 550 C Street SW, Washington,
                                                  Description: § 205(d) Rate Filing:                       Description: § 205(d) Rate Filing: SP              DC 20024.
                                                Original WMPA, SA No. 4951; PJM                         Butler Solar LGIA Amendment Filing to
                                                                                                                                                                The CHPAC advises the
                                                Queue No. AD1–054 to be effective 2/                    be effective 2/1/2018.
                                                                                                                                                              Environmental Protection Agency on
                                                20/2018.                                                   Filed Date: 2/28/18.
                                                                                                                                                              science, regulations, and other issues
                                                  Filed Date: 2/28/18.                                     Accession Number: 20180228–5201.
                                                                                                                                                              relating to children’s environmental
                                                  Accession Number: 20180228–5139.                         Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 3/21/18.
                                                  Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 3/21/18.                         Take notice that the Commission
                                                  Docket Numbers: ER18–929–000.                         received the following qualifying                     DATES: April 19, 2018, from 10 a.m. to
                                                  Applicants: Penn Oak Services, LLC.                   facility filings:                                     6 p.m. and April 20, 2018, from 9 a.m.
                                                  Description: Baseline eTariff Filing:                    Docket Numbers: QF18–645–000.                      to 1 p.m..
                                                Penn Oak Services, LLC MBR                                 Applicants: DTE Marietta, LLC.                     ADDRESSES:550 C Street SW,
                                                Application to be effective 3/1/2018.                      Description: Form 556 of DTE                       Washington, DC 20024.
                                                  Filed Date: 2/28/18.                                  Marietta, LLC.
                                                  Accession Number: 20180228–5144.                         Filed Date: 2/21/18.                               FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                  Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 3/21/18.                         Accession Number: 20180221–5168.                   Angela Hackel, Office of Children’s
                                                  Docket Numbers: ER18–930–000.                            Comments Due: None Applicable.                     Health Protection, U.S. EPA, MC 1107T,
                                                  Applicants: PJM Interconnection,                                                                            1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW,
                                                                                                           The filings are accessible in the                  Washington, DC 20460, (202) 566–2977
                                                L.L.C.                                                  Commission’s eLibrary system by
                                                  Description: Tariff Cancellation:                                                                           or hackel.angela@epa.gov.
                                                                                                        clicking on the links or querying the
                                                Notice of Cancellation of ISA, SA No.                   docket number.                                        SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:   The
                                                3413; Queue No. V2–028 to be effective                     Any person desiring to intervene or                meetings of the CHPAC are open to the
                                                4/10/2018.                                              protest in any of the above proceedings               public. An agenda will be posted to
                                                  Filed Date: 2/28/18.                                  must file in accordance with Rules 211                epa.gov/children.
                                                  Accession Number: 20180228–5162.                      and 214 of the Commission’s                           ACCESS AND ACCOMMODATIONS:      For
                                                  Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 3/21/18.                      Regulations (18 CFR 385.211 and                       information on access or services for
                                                  Docket Numbers: ER18–931–000.                         385.214) on or before 5:00 p.m. Eastern               individuals with disabilities, please
                                                  Applicants: Central Hudson Gas &                      time on the specified comment date.
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                                                                              contact Angela Hackel at 202–566–2977
                                                Electric Corporation.                                   Protests may be considered, but                       or hackel.angela@epa.gov.
                                                  Description: § 205(d) Rate Filing:                    intervention is necessary to become a
                                                Revisions to FERC Rate Schedule 202 to                  party to the proceeding.                                Dated: February 21, 2018.
                                                be effective 2/15/2018.                                    eFiling is encouraged. More detailed               Angela Hackel,
                                                  Filed Date: 2/28/18.                                  information relating to filing                        Designated Federal Official.
                                                  Accession Number: 20180228–5165.                      requirements, interventions, protests,                [FR Doc. 2018–04525 Filed 3–5–18; 8:45 am]
                                                  Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 3/21/18.                      service, and qualifying facilities filings            BILLING CODE 6560–50–P

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Document Created: 2018-11-01 08:49:33
Document Modified: 2018-11-01 08:49:33
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
FR Citation83 FR 9509 

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