83_FR_9589 83 FR 9545 - Notice Pursuant to the National Cooperative Research and Production Act of 1993-Telemanagement Forum

83 FR 9545 - Notice Pursuant to the National Cooperative Research and Production Act of 1993-Telemanagement Forum

Antitrust Division

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 44 (March 6, 2018)

Page Range9545-9546
FR Document2018-04442

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 44 (Tuesday, March 6, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 44 (Tuesday, March 6, 2018)]
[Pages 9545-9546]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-04442]



Antitrust Division

Notice Pursuant to the National Cooperative Research and 
Production Act of 1993--Telemanagement Forum

    Notice is hereby given that, on January 11, 2018, pursuant to 
Section 6(a) of the National Cooperative Research and Production Act of 
1993, 15 U.S.C. 4301 et seq. (``the Act''), TeleManagement Forum (``The 
Forum'') filed written notifications simultaneously with the Attorney 
General and the Federal Trade Commission disclosing changes in its 
membership. The notifications were filed for the purpose of extending 
the Act's provisions limiting the recovery of antitrust plaintiffs to 
actual damages under specified circumstances. Specifically, Agile 
Network Systems Limited, Fareham, UNITED KINGDOM; Alexander Consulting 
Group--ACG Digital, London, UNITED KINGDOM; Antarctic Palmtrees 
Limited, Watford, UNITED KINGDOM; ARGELA Yazilim ve Bilisim 
Teknolojileri Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S., Istanbul, TURKEY; Atilze Digital, 
Petaling Jaya, MALAYSIA; Bahrain Telecommunications Company (Batelco), 
Manama, BAHRAIN; Black Tangent Pte. Ltd., Singapore, SINGAPORE; CanGo 
Networks Private Ltd., Chennai, INDIA; Circa Information Corporation, 
Fergus, CANADA; City of Belfast, Belfast, UNITED KINGDOM; Civimetrix 
Telecom, Magog, CANADA; Cloudstreet, Espoo, FINLAND; Cmind Inc, 
Gatineau, CANADA; Comporium Communications, Rock Hill, SC; Dave Calder, 
Pleasant Hill, CA; Digalance, Dubai, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES; GEMALTO SA, 
Paris, FRANCE; GeoSpock Ltd., Cambridge, UNITED KINGDOM; HCL Hong Kong 
SAR Limited, Wan Chai HONG KONG-CHINA; Hochschule Fresenius f[uuml]r 
Management, Wirtschaft und Medien GmbH, Hamburg, GERMANY; Hutchison 3G 
UK, Maidenhead, UNITED KINGDOM; IPgallery, Ra'anana, ISRAEL; KNOWHAWK 
sprl, Pont-[agrave]-Celles, BELGIUM; Kurrant, Singapore, SINGAPORE; 
LocalSearch Web Pty Ltd, Robina, AUSTRALIA; MayerConsult Inc., Ottawa, 
CANADA; MTN Group Limited, Johannesburg, SOUTH AFRICA; Neustar, 
Sterling, VA; NF CSB d.o.o., Ljubljana, SLOVENIA; Openet, Dublin, 
IRELAND; Orange Luxembourg, Bertrange, LUXEMBOURG; Plintron Global 
Technology Solutions Pvt Ltd., Chennai, INDIA; POSITIVE MOMENTUM 
LIMITED, London, ENGLAND; Progresif Cellular Sdn Bhd, Bandar Seri 
Begawan, BRUNEI; Proximus SA, Brussels, BELGIUM; Reinfer Ltd., London, 
UNITED KINGDOM; ServiceMax from GE Digital, London, UNITED KINGDOM; 
Siminn, Reykjav[iacute]k, ICELAND; SLA Digital, Belfast, UNITED 
KINGDOM; Telesur, Paramaribo, SURINAME; The Institute of Electrical and 
Electronics Engineers Incorporated, New York, NY; Trektel, Miami Lakes, 
FL; twim GmbH, Zug, SWITZERLAND; Vocus Communications, Melbourne, 
AUSTRALIA; and Vodacom Mozambique, Cidade de Maputo, MOZAMBIQUE, have 
been added as parties to this venture.
    Also, the following members have changed their names: Monolith 
Software to Federos, Frisco, TX; Labcities to Antarctic Palmtrees 
Limited, Watford, UNITED KINGDOM; iisy AG to solvatio AG, Rimpar, 
GERMANY; and ForecastCons Ltd. to FORNAX d.o.o., Podgorica, MONTENEGRO.
    In addition, the following parties have withdrawn as parties to 
this venture: AdvOSS, Richmond, CANADA; Alaska Communications Systems 
Holdings, Inc., Anchorage, AK; Bell Integrator, Moscow, RUSSIA; 
Barnstaple, UNITED KINGDOM; Chorus New Zealand Limited, Wellington, NEW 
ZEALAND; City of Atlanta, Atlanta, GA; DigitalRoute, Stockholm, SWEDEN; 
Elite Business, Tunis, TUNISIA; EnterpriseWeb, Glen Falls, NY; Etihad 
Atheeb Telecom Company, Riyadh, SAUDI ARABIA; Fiberhome 
Telecommunication Technologies Co. Ltd., Wuhan, PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF 
CHINA; Fulcrum Technologies Inc., Seattle, WA; HHB SOLUTIONS LIMITED, 
Kowloon, HONG KONG-CHINA; Higher Logic, LLC, Arlington, VA; Hitachi 
Data Systems, Santa Clara, CA; Infonova, Unterpremstatten, AUSTRIA; 
Intellity Consulting, SpA, Lima, PERU; IPvideosys, Sunnyvale, CA; Isle 
of Man--MICTA, Ballasalla, ISLE OF MAN; JBS, Chernihiv, UKRAINE; 
Kiltartan Consulting, Rondebosch, SOUTH AFRICA; MDS Global, Warrington, 
UNITED KINGDOM; Mediaan/abs bv, Heerlen, NETHERLANDS; MITRE, Bedford, 
MA; MSTelcom, Luanda, ANGOLA; Nara Institute of Science and Technology, 
Ikoma, JAPAN; Now New Zealand Limited, Napier, NEW ZEALAND; Ontology 
Systems, London, UNITED KINGDOM; OpenCell, Paris, FRANCE; OPT Nouvelle 
Cal[eacute]donie, Noum[eacute]a, NEW CALEDONIA; PER[Uacute] Connect 
SAC, Miraflores, PERU; Pervazive, Bengaluru, INDIA; Powerlink, 
Virginia, AUSTRALIA; PRESECURE Consulting

[[Page 9546]]

GmbH, Munster, GERMANY; ProCom Consulting, Alpharetta, GA; Redknee 
Inc., Mississauga, CANADA; ServiceMesh, Inc., Los Angeles, CA; SFR, 
Paris, FRANCE; Sistema Turkey, Istanbul, TURKEY; State Information 
Technology Agency (SITA), Pretoria East, SOUTH AFRICA; Sutherland Labs, 
London, UNITED KINGDOM; Suvitech Co. Ltd., Bangkok, THAILAND; T2 
Yazilim Ltd. Sti., Ankara, TURKEY; TECNOCOM, Madrid, SPAIN; Telekom 
Brunei Berhad (TelBru), Berakas, BRUNEI; Telesens IT, Kharkiv, UKRAINE; 
TIERONE, Inc., Reston, VA; Trust5, Dublin, IRELAND; TWINT AG, Bern, 
SWITZERLAND; Uecomm Ltd., Richmond, AUSTRALIA; University Politehnica 
of Bucharest, Bucharest, ROMANIA; Vitis Consultoria, Bras[iacute]lia, 
BRAZIL; Vodafone Hutchison Australia, North Sydney, AUSTRALIA; 
Waterfront Toronto, Toronto, CANADA; Airtel Africa, Nairobi, KENYA; 
Bristol is Open, Bristol, UNITED KINGDOM; Symantec Corporation, 
Mountain View, CA; Symsoft AB, Stockholm, SWEDEN; and True Corporation 
Public Company Limited, Bangkok, THAILAND.
    No other changes have been made in either the membership or planned 
activity of the group research project. Membership in this group 
research project remains open, and The Forum intends to file additional 
written notifications disclosing all changes in membership.
    On October 21, 1988, The Forum filed its original notification 
pursuant to Section 6(a) of the Act. The Department of Justice 
published a notice in the Federal Register pursuant to Section 6(b) of 
the Act on December 8, 1988 (53 FR 49615).
    The last notification was filed with the Department on July 21, 
2017. A notice was published in the Federal Register pursuant to 
Section 6(b) of the Act on August 28, 2017 (82 FR 40806).

Patricia A. Brink,
Director of Civil Enforcement, Antitrust Division.
[FR Doc. 2018-04442 Filed 3-5-18; 8:45 am]

                                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 44 / Tuesday, March 6, 2018 / Notices                                             9545

                                                6(a) of the National Cooperative                        DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE                                 BRUNEI; Proximus SA, Brussels,
                                                Research and Production Act of 1993,                                                                          BELGIUM; Reinfer Ltd., London,
                                                15 U.S.C. 4301 et seq. (‘‘the Act’’),                   Antitrust Division                                    UNITED KINGDOM; ServiceMax from
                                                National Spectrum Consortium (‘‘NSC’’)                                                                        GE Digital, London, UNITED
                                                                                                        Notice Pursuant to the National                       KINGDOM; Siminn, Reykjavı́k,
                                                has filed written notifications
                                                                                                        Cooperative Research and Production                   ICELAND; SLA Digital, Belfast, UNITED
                                                simultaneously with the Attorney
                                                                                                        Act of 1993—Telemanagement Forum                      KINGDOM; Telesur, Paramaribo,
                                                General and the Federal Trade
                                                Commission disclosing changes in its                       Notice is hereby given that, on                    SURINAME; The Institute of Electrical
                                                membership. The notifications were                      January 11, 2018, pursuant to Section                 and Electronics Engineers Incorporated,
                                                                                                        6(a) of the National Cooperative                      New York, NY; Trektel, Miami Lakes,
                                                filed for the purpose of extending the
                                                                                                        Research and Production Act of 1993,                  FL; twim GmbH, Zug, SWITZERLAND;
                                                Act’s provisions limiting the recovery of
                                                                                                        15 U.S.C. 4301 et seq. (‘‘the Act’’),                 Vocus Communications, Melbourne,
                                                antitrust plaintiffs to actual damages                                                                        AUSTRALIA; and Vodacom
                                                under specified circumstances.                          TeleManagement Forum (‘‘The Forum’’)
                                                                                                        filed written notifications                           Mozambique, Cidade de Maputo,
                                                Specifically, Augustine Consulting, Inc.                                                                      MOZAMBIQUE, have been added as
                                                (ACI), Monterey, CA; Knowledge Based                    simultaneously with the Attorney
                                                                                                        General and the Federal Trade                         parties to this venture.
                                                Systems, Inc., College Station, TX;                                                                             Also, the following members have
                                                Cambium Networks, Inc., Rolling                         Commission disclosing changes in its
                                                                                                        membership. The notifications were                    changed their names: Monolith Software
                                                Meadows, IL; Terry Consultants, Inc.,                                                                         to Federos, Frisco, TX; Labcities to
                                                                                                        filed for the purpose of extending the
                                                Annandale, VA; and Verus Research,                                                                            Antarctic Palmtrees Limited, Watford,
                                                                                                        Act’s provisions limiting the recovery of
                                                Albuquerque, NM, have been added as                                                                           UNITED KINGDOM; iisy AG to solvatio
                                                                                                        antitrust plaintiffs to actual damages
                                                parties to this venture.                                                                                      AG, Rimpar, GERMANY; and
                                                                                                        under specified circumstances.
                                                   Welkin Sciences, LLC, Colorado                                                                             ForecastCons Ltd. to FORNAX d.o.o.,
                                                                                                        Specifically, Agile Network Systems
                                                                                                                                                              Podgorica, MONTENEGRO.
                                                Springs, CO; Altagrove LLC, Herndon,                    Limited, Fareham, UNITED KINGDOM;                       In addition, the following parties have
                                                VA; The Research Armadillo, Flower                      Alexander Consulting Group—ACG                        withdrawn as parties to this venture:
                                                Mound, TX; Glover 38th St. Holdings                     Digital, London, UNITED KINGDOM;                      AdvOSS, Richmond, CANADA; Alaska
                                                LLC, Smithfield, VA; SpectrumFi,                        Antarctic Palmtrees Limited, Watford,                 Communications Systems Holdings,
                                                Sunnyvale, CA; Under the Grid, LLC,                     UNITED KINGDOM; ARGELA Yazilim                        Inc., Anchorage, AK; Bell Integrator,
                                                Pacific Grove, CA; System & Technology                  ve Bilisim Teknolojileri Sanayi ve                    Moscow, RUSSIA; Blueline,
                                                Research, Woburn, MA; Rensselaer                        Ticaret A.S., Istanbul, TURKEY; Atilze                Antananarivo, MADAGASCAR;
                                                Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY; Sage                   Digital, Petaling Jaya, MALAYSIA;                     BLUGEM COMMUNICATIONS
                                                Management Enterprise, LLC, Columbia,                   Bahrain Telecommunications Company                    LIMITED, Barnstaple, UNITED
                                                MD; nLight Solutions LLC, Charlotte,                    (Batelco), Manama, BAHRAIN; Black                     KINGDOM; Chorus New Zealand
                                                NC; DRS Signal Solutions, Inc.,                         Tangent Pte. Ltd., Singapore,                         Limited, Wellington, NEW ZEALAND;
                                                Germantown, MD; and DRS                                 SINGAPORE; CanGo Networks Private                     City of Atlanta, Atlanta, GA;
                                                Sustainment Systems, Inc., St. Louis,                   Ltd., Chennai, INDIA; Circa Information               DigitalRoute, Stockholm, SWEDEN;
                                                                                                        Corporation, Fergus, CANADA; City of                  Elite Business, Tunis, TUNISIA;
                                                MO, have withdrawn as parties to this
                                                                                                        Belfast, Belfast, UNITED KINGDOM;                     EnterpriseWeb, Glen Falls, NY; Etihad
                                                                                                        Civimetrix Telecom, Magog, CANADA;                    Atheeb Telecom Company, Riyadh,
                                                   No other changes have been made in                   Cloudstreet, Espoo, FINLAND; Cmind                    SAUDI ARABIA; Fiberhome
                                                either the membership or planned                        Inc, Gatineau, CANADA; Comporium                      Telecommunication Technologies Co.
                                                activity of the group research project.                 Communications, Rock Hill, SC; Dave                   Ltd., Wuhan, PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF
                                                Membership in this group research                       Calder, Pleasant Hill, CA; Digalance,                 CHINA; Fulcrum Technologies Inc.,
                                                project remains open, and NSC intends                   Dubai, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES;                          Seattle, WA; HHB SOLUTIONS
                                                to file additional written notifications                GEMALTO SA, Paris, FRANCE;                            LIMITED, Kowloon, HONG KONG-
                                                disclosing all changes in membership.                   GeoSpock Ltd., Cambridge, UNITED                      CHINA; Higher Logic, LLC, Arlington,
                                                   On September 24, 2014, NSC filed its                 KINGDOM; HCL Hong Kong SAR                            VA; Hitachi Data Systems, Santa Clara,
                                                original notification pursuant to Section               Limited, Wan Chai HONG KONG-                          CA; Infonova, Unterpremstatten,
                                                                                                        CHINA; Hochschule Fresenius für                      AUSTRIA; Intellity Consulting, SpA,
                                                6(a) of the Act. The Department of
                                                                                                        Management, Wirtschaft und Medien                     Lima, PERU; IPvideosys, Sunnyvale,
                                                Justice published a notice in the Federal
                                                                                                        GmbH, Hamburg, GERMANY;                               CA; Isle of Man—MICTA, Ballasalla,
                                                Register pursuant to Section 6(b) of the                Hutchison 3G UK, Maidenhead,                          ISLE OF MAN; JBS, Chernihiv,
                                                Act on November 4, 2014 (79 FR 65424).                  UNITED KINGDOM; IPgallery,                            UKRAINE; Kiltartan Consulting,
                                                   The last notification was filed with                 Ra’anana, ISRAEL; KNOWHAWK sprl,                      Rondebosch, SOUTH AFRICA; MDS
                                                the Department on October 13, 2017. A                   Pont-à-Celles, BELGIUM; Kurrant,                     Global, Warrington, UNITED
                                                notice was published in the Federal                     Singapore, SINGAPORE; LocalSearch                     KINGDOM; Mediaan/abs bv, Heerlen,
                                                Register pursuant to Section 6(b) of the                Web Pty Ltd, Robina, AUSTRALIA;                       NETHERLANDS; MITRE, Bedford, MA;
                                                Act on November 13, 2017 (82 FR                         MayerConsult Inc., Ottawa, CANADA;                    MSTelcom, Luanda, ANGOLA; Nara
                                                52331).                                                 MTN Group Limited, Johannesburg,                      Institute of Science and Technology,
                                                                                                        SOUTH AFRICA; Neustar, Sterling, VA;                  Ikoma, JAPAN; Now New Zealand
                                                Patricia A. Brink,                                      NF CSB d.o.o., Ljubljana, SLOVENIA;
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                                                                              Limited, Napier, NEW ZEALAND;
                                                Director of Civil Enforcement, Antitrust                Openet, Dublin, IRELAND; Orange                       Ontology Systems, London, UNITED
                                                Division.                                               Luxembourg, Bertrange,                                KINGDOM; OpenCell, Paris, FRANCE;
                                                [FR Doc. 2018–04443 Filed 3–5–18; 8:45 am]              LUXEMBOURG; Plintron Global                           OPT Nouvelle Calédonie, Nouméa,
                                                BILLING CODE 4410–11–P                                  Technology Solutions Pvt Ltd., Chennai,               NEW CALEDONIA; PERÚ Connect SAC,
                                                                                                        INDIA; POSITIVE MOMENTUM                              Miraflores, PERU; Pervazive, Bengaluru,
                                                                                                        LIMITED, London, ENGLAND; Progresif                   INDIA; Powerlink, Virginia,
                                                                                                        Cellular Sdn Bhd, Bandar Seri Begawan,                AUSTRALIA; PRESECURE Consulting

                                           VerDate Sep<11>2014   21:39 Mar 05, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00072   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\06MRN1.SGM   06MRN1

                                                9546                           Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 44 / Tuesday, March 6, 2018 / Notices

                                                GmbH, Munster, GERMANY; ProCom                          SUMMARY:   The Department of Labor                    for the existence of internal controls and
                                                Consulting, Alpharetta, GA; Redknee                     (DOL), Employment and Training                        the extraction of small samples of those
                                                Inc., Mississauga, CANADA;                              Administration is soliciting comments                 systems’ transactions, which are then
                                                ServiceMesh, Inc., Los Angeles, CA;                     regarding a proposed extension for the                examined to verify the effectiveness of
                                                SFR, Paris, FRANCE; Sistema Turkey,                     authority to conduct the information                  controls. Section 303(a)(1) of the Social
                                                Istanbul, TURKEY; State Information                     collection request (ICR) titled, ‘‘Tax                Security Act authorizes this information
                                                Technology Agency (SITA), Pretoria                      Performance System.’’ This comment                    collection.
                                                East, SOUTH AFRICA; Sutherland Labs,                    request is part of continuing                           This information collection is subject
                                                London, UNITED KINGDOM; Suvitech                        Departmental efforts to reduce                        to the PRA. A Federal agency generally
                                                Co. Ltd., Bangkok, THAILAND; T2                         paperwork and respondent burden in                    cannot conduct or sponsor a collection
                                                Yazilim Ltd. Sti., Ankara, TURKEY;                      accordance with the Paperwork                         of information, and the public is
                                                TECNOCOM, Madrid, SPAIN; Telekom                        Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA).                          generally not required to respond to an
                                                Brunei Berhad (TelBru), Berakas,                        DATES: Consideration will be given to all             information collection, unless it is
                                                BRUNEI; Telesens IT, Kharkiv,                           written comments received by May 7,                   approved by the OMB under the PRA
                                                UKRAINE; TIERONE, Inc., Reston, VA;                     2018.                                                 and displays a currently valid OMB
                                                Trust5, Dublin, IRELAND; TWINT AG,                                                                            Control Number. In addition,
                                                Bern, SWITZERLAND; Uecomm Ltd.,                         ADDRESSES:    A copy of this ICR with
                                                                                                                                                              notwithstanding any other provisions of
                                                Richmond, AUSTRALIA; University                         applicable supporting documentation;
                                                                                                                                                              law, no person shall generally be subject
                                                Politehnica of Bucharest, Bucharest,                    including a description of the likely
                                                                                                                                                              to penalty for failing to comply with a
                                                ROMANIA; Vitis Consultoria, Brası́lia,                  respondents, proposed frequency of
                                                                                                                                                              collection of information that does not
                                                BRAZIL; Vodafone Hutchison Australia,                   response, and estimated total burden
                                                                                                                                                              display a valid Control Number. See 5
                                                North Sydney, AUSTRALIA; Waterfront                     may be obtained at no cost by contacting
                                                                                                                                                              CFR 1320.5(a) and 1320.6.
                                                Toronto, Toronto, CANADA; Airtel                        Patrick Holmes by telephone at (202)
                                                                                                                                                                Interested parties are encouraged to
                                                Africa, Nairobi, KENYA; Bristol is                      693–3203, TTY1–877–889–5627, (these
                                                                                                                                                              provide comments to the contact shown
                                                Open, Bristol, UNITED KINGDOM;                          are not toll-free numbers) or by email at
                                                                                                                                                              in the ADDRESSES section. Comments
                                                Symantec Corporation, Mountain View,                    Holmes.Patrick.G@dol.gov.
                                                                                                                                                              must be written to receive
                                                                                                          Submit written comments about, or
                                                CA; Symsoft AB, Stockholm, SWEDEN;                                                                            consideration, and they will be
                                                                                                        requests for a copy of, this ICR by mail
                                                and True Corporation Public Company                                                                           summarized and included in the request
                                                                                                        or courier to the U.S. Department of
                                                Limited, Bangkok, THAILAND.                                                                                   for OMB approval of the final ICR. In
                                                   No other changes have been made in                   Labor, Employment and Training
                                                                                                                                                              order to help ensure appropriate
                                                either the membership or planned                        Administration, Office of
                                                                                                                                                              consideration, comments should
                                                activity of the group research project.                 Unemployment Insurance, 200
                                                                                                                                                              mention OMB control number 1205–
                                                Membership in this group research                       Constitution Avenue NW, Room S–
                                                project remains open, and The Forum                     4519, Washington, DC 20210; by email:
                                                                                                                                                                Submitted comments will also be a
                                                intends to file additional written                      Holmes.Patrick.G@dol.gov; or by Fax
                                                                                                                                                              matter of public record for this ICR and
                                                notifications disclosing all changes in                 (202) 693–3975.
                                                                                                                                                              posted on the internet, without
                                                membership.                                               Authority: 44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(2)(A).                 redaction. The DOL encourages
                                                   On October 21, 1988, The Forum filed                 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:      The DOL,              commenters not to include personally
                                                its original notification pursuant to                   as part of continuing efforts to reduce               identifiable information, confidential
                                                Section 6(a) of the Act. The Department                 paperwork and respondent burden,                      business data, or other sensitive
                                                of Justice published a notice in the                    conducts a pre-clearance consultation                 statements/information in any
                                                Federal Register pursuant to Section                    program to provide the general public                 comments.
                                                6(b) of the Act on December 8, 1988 (53                 and Federal agencies an opportunity to                  The DOL is particularly interested in
                                                FR 49615).                                              comment on proposed and/or                            comments that:
                                                   The last notification was filed with                                                                         • Evaluate whether the proposed
                                                                                                        continuing collections of information
                                                the Department on July 21, 2017. A                                                                            collection of information is necessary
                                                                                                        before submitting them to the OMB for
                                                notice was published in the Federal                                                                           for the proper performance of the
                                                                                                        final approval. This program helps to
                                                Register pursuant to Section 6(b) of the                                                                      functions of the agency, including
                                                                                                        ensure requested data can be provided
                                                Act on August 28, 2017 (82 FR 40806).                                                                         whether the information will have
                                                                                                        in the desired format, reporting burden
                                                Patricia A. Brink,                                      (time and financial resources) is                     practical utility;
                                                Director of Civil Enforcement, Antitrust                minimized, collection instruments are                   • Evaluate the accuracy of the
                                                Division.                                               clearly understood, and the impact of                 agency’s estimate of the burden of the
                                                [FR Doc. 2018–04442 Filed 3–5–18; 8:45 am]              collection requirements can be properly               proposed collection of information,
                                                BILLING CODE 4410–11–P                                  assessed.                                             including the validity of the
                                                                                                           Since 1987, states have been required              methodology and assumptions used;
                                                                                                        by regulation at 20 CFR part 602 to                     • Enhance the quality, utility, and
                                                DEPARTMENT OF LABOR                                     operate a program to assess their                     clarity of the information to be
                                                                                                        Unemployment Insurance (UI) tax and                   collected; and
                                                Employment and Training                                 benefit programs. TPS is designed to                    • Minimize the burden of the
                                                Administration                                          assess the major internal UI tax                      collection of information on those who
                                                                                                        functions by utilizing several                        are to respond, including through the
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                Agency Information Collection                           methodologies to examine the accuracy                 use of appropriate automated,
                                                Activities; Comment Request; Tax                        of the ETA 581, Contribution Operations               electronic, mechanical, or other
                                                Performance System (TPS)                                Report, OMB approval number 1205–                     technological collection techniques or
                                                AGENCY: Employment and Training                         0178, expiring June 30, 2018, and its                 other forms of information technology,
                                                Administration, Department of Labor.                    associated Computed Measures. A two-                  e.g., permitting electronic submission of
                                                                                                        fold examination contains ‘‘Systems                   responses.
                                                ACTION: Notice.
                                                                                                        Reviews’’ which examine tax systems                     Agency: DOL–ETA.

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Document Created: 2018-11-01 08:49:18
Document Modified: 2018-11-01 08:49:18
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
FR Citation83 FR 9545 

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