82_FR_13912 82 FR 13863 - Authority and Responsibilities for Implementation of the Chief Financial Officers Act of 1990 and Related Legislation

82 FR 13863 - Authority and Responsibilities for Implementation of the Chief Financial Officers Act of 1990 and Related Legislation


Federal Register Volume 82, Issue 49 (March 15, 2017)

Page Range13863-13867
FR Document2017-05183

Federal Register, Volume 82 Issue 49 (Wednesday, March 15, 2017)
[Federal Register Volume 82, Number 49 (Wednesday, March 15, 2017)]
[Pages 13863-13867]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2017-05183]



[Secretary's Order 02-2017]

Authority and Responsibilities for Implementation of the Chief 
Financial Officers Act of 1990 and Related Legislation

Date: January 18, 2017.

1. Purpose

    To delegate authority and assign responsibilities for 
implementation of the Chief Financial Officers Act of 1990 and related 

2. Authorities and Directives Affected

A. Authorities

    1. Chief Financial Officers Act of 1990, as amended (Pub. L. 101-
    2. Federal Managers' Financial Integrity Act of 1982 (Pub. L. 97-
    3. Government Performance and Results Act of 1993 (Pub. L. 103-62).
    4. Government Management Reform Act of 1994 (Pub. L. 103-356).
    5. Clinger-Cohen Act of 1996 (Pub. L. 104-106, Division E).
    6. Federal Financial Management Improvement Act of 1996 (Pub. L. 
104-208, Title VIII).
    7. Reports Consolidation Act of 2000 (Pub. L. 106-531).
    8. Improper Payments Information Act of 2002 (Pub. L. 107-300).
    9. Accountability of Tax Dollars Act of 2002 (Pub. L. 107-289).
    10. 29 U.S.C. 563, 563a, and 564, authorizing the Working Capital 
Fund at the Department of Labor.
    11. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular No. A-11, 
Preparation, Submission and Execution of the Budget (July 1, 2016).
    12. OMB Circular No. A-123, Management's Responsibility for 
Internal Control (July 15, 2016).
    13. OMB Circular No. A-134, Financial Accounting Principles and 
Standards (May 20, 1993).
    14. OMB Circular No. A-136, Financial Reporting Requirements 
(October 7, 2016).
    15. Budget Enforcement Act of 1990 (Pub. L. 101-508, Title VIII), 
as amended.
    16. Congressional Budget Act of 1974.
    17. Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985.
    18. 31 U.S.C. Chapter 11.

B. Directives Affected

    1. Secretary's Order 04-2009 is superseded and canceled.
    2. This Order does not affect Secretary's Order 14-2006, Internal 
Control Program (June 20, 2006).
    3. All references to the Office of the Comptroller, Office of the 
Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management (OASAM), in 
Secretary's Orders, DLMS Chapters, and other Departmental issuances 
shall be considered to refer to the Office of the Chief Financial 
    4. Directives inconsistent with this Order are rescinded to the 
extent of the inconsistency.

3. Background and Organization

    The Chief Financial Officers Act of 1990, as part of overall 
Federal financial management reforms, mandated the establishment of a 
Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and Deputy Chief Financial Officer in all 
Cabinet-level Federal agencies, including the Department of Labor 
(DOL). The CFO is appointed by the President and confirmed by the 
Senate, and by statute reports directly to the Secretary. The Deputy 
CFO is a career-reserved position in the Senior Executive Service who 
reports directly to the CFO. The CFO heads the Office of the Chief 
Financial Officer (OCFO), which has such component organization units, 
staffing, and funding as are authorized.

4. Delegation of Authority

    As specified in the CFO Act, at 31 U.S.C. 902, and as detailed in 
Paragraph 5 of this Order, the Chief Financial Officer is delegated 
authority to oversee the financial management functions of the 

5. Assignment of Responsibilities to the Chief Financial Officer

    A. As required by the CFO Act, the CFO shall--
    1. Report directly to the Secretary and Deputy Secretary regarding 
financial management matters;
    2. Oversee all financial management activities relating to the 
programs and operations of the Department;
    3. Develop and maintain an integrated Departmental accounting and 

[[Page 13864]]

management system, including financial reporting and internal controls, 
    a. Complies with applicable accounting principles, standards, and 
requirements, and internal control standards;
    b. Complies with such policies and requirements as may be 
prescribed by the Director of the Office of Management and Budget;
    c. Complies with any other requirements applicable to such systems; 
    d. Provides for--
    1. Complete, reliable, consistent, and timely information which is 
prepared on a uniform basis and which is responsive to the financial 
information needs of Departmental management;
    2. The development and reporting of cost information;
    3. The integration of accounting and budgeting information; and
    4. The systematic measurement of financial performance;
    4. Make recommendations to the Secretary regarding the selection of 
the Deputy Chief Financial Officer of the Department, who will have the 
qualifications outlined in the CFO Act at 31 U.S.C. 903;
    5. Direct, manage, and provide policy guidance and oversight of 
Departmental financial management personnel, activities, and 
operations, including--
    a. The preparation and annual revision of a Departmental plan to--
    1. Implement the 5-year financial management plan prepared by the 
Director of the Office of Management and Budget under 31 U.S.C. 
3512(a)(3); and
    2. Comply with the requirements for financial statements and audits 
established under 31 U.S.C. 3515, 3521(e), and 3521(f);
    b. The development of Departmental financial management budgets;
    c. The recruitment, selection, and training of personnel to carry 
out Departmental financial management functions;
    d. The approval and management of Departmental financial management 
systems design or enhancement projects;
    e. The implementation of Departmental asset management systems, 
including systems for cash management, credit management, debt 
collection, and property and inventory management and control;
    f. Prepare and transmit an annual report to the Secretary and the 
Director of the Office of Management and Budget, consistent with the 
requirements of OMB Circular No. A-136, which shall include--
    1. A description and analysis of the status of financial management 
of the Department;
    2. The annual financial statements prepared under 31 U.S.C. 3515;
    3. The audit report transmitted to the Secretary under 31 U.S.C. 
    4. A summary of the reports on internal accounting and 
administrative control systems submitted to the President and the 
Congress under the amendments made by the Federal Managers' Financial 
Integrity Act of 1982 (Pub. L. 97-255); and
    5. Other information the Secretary considers appropriate to fully 
inform the President and the Congress concerning the financial 
management of the Department;
    6. Monitor the financial execution of the budget of the Department 
in relation to actual expenditures and prepare and submit to the 
Secretary timely financial performance reports; and
    7. Review, on a biennial basis, the fees, royalties, rents, and 
other charges imposed by the Department for services and things of 
value it provides, and make recommendations on revising those charges 
to reflect costs incurred by it in providing those services and things 
of value.
    B. The CFO will have the following additional responsibilities:

1. Budget

    a. Issuing policy guidance and instructions to prepare the 
Department's performance budgets for internal decision-making, for OMB, 
and for the Congress.
    b. Reviewing and analyzing agency budget requests to the 
    c. Reviewing, analyzing, consolidating and packaging all 
Departmental budget submissions to the OMB and Congress to ensure 
technical accuracy and conformance with established policy.
    d. Coordinating all information developed in support of budget 
requests to OMB and to Congress.
    e. Providing staff support in preparing lead Departmental 
representations for press briefings and Congressional hearings on the 
Department's budget.
    f. Assisting the Office of Congressional and Intergovernmental 
Affairs in coordinating the preparation of briefing materials for the 
Secretary and Agency heads.
    g. Issuing policy guidance and instructions on the preparation of 
    h. Monitor the financial execution of the budget of the Department 
in relation to actual expenditures, and prepare and submit to the 
Secretary timely financial performance reports.
    i. Provide leadership, direction, coordination, and related 
services concerning budget execution for the Department and its 
component agencies.
    j. Participate with Departmental Agency heads and other staff at a 
policy and decision-making level in the Departmental budget execution 
review process.
    k. Review the budget requests for all Departmental and component 
agency financial management functions; recommend to the Secretary their 
modification as necessary to ensure that appropriate resources are 
requested to effectively and efficiently perform necessary financial 
and related functions.
    l. Promote the development and reporting of cost information in 
support of the systematic measurement of performance in appropriate 
budget documents.
    m. Manage and oversee the Department's administrative control of 
funds from the time funds are allotted to the DOL agencies.

2. Policy Duties

    a. Develop and promulgate accounting and financial management 
policies for DOL and its component agencies, and review and approve 
component agency financial policies, procedures, and structures for 
adherence to the policies of DOL and other Federal agencies.
    b. Ensure compliance throughout DOL, and its component agencies, 
with applicable accounting standards and principles, and financial 
information and system functional standards, including the standards 
promulgated by the Federal Accounting Systems Advisory Board, the 
Federal Government's Standard General Ledger, the core requirements for 
financial systems, and the financial statement form and content 
guidance issued by OMB.
    c. Exercise overall responsibility for the Department's compliance 
with FMFIA and for the Department's fiscal integrity; serve on the 
Department's Internal Control Board; report directly to the Secretary 
on internal control matters; carry out the responsibilities specified 
in Secretary's Order 14-2006, Internal Control Program, for the CFO and 
the Internal Control Principal for financial systems and mixed systems 
that are significantly financial.
    d. Ensure adequate controls are in place over asset management, 
including cash management operations, credit management and debt 
collection operations, and real property, equipment, and inventories.
    e. Participate with Departmental Agency heads and other staff in 
the policy review of proposed legislative

[[Page 13865]]

and program initiatives from a financial management perspective.
    f. Ensure that component agencies gather timely and accurate 
financial information to manage and oversee major procurements.
    g. Develop policies and procedures for investigating potential 
violations of the Anti-Deficiency Act; working under policies 
established by the CFO, and in cooperation with the ASAM and the 
Solicitor of Labor, notify the Secretary of Anti-Deficiency Act 
violations, and transmit agency reports of Anti-Deficiency Act 
violations to the Secretary for transmittal to the President, Congress, 
OMB, and the Government Accountability Office, as applicable.

3. Financial Systems Duties

    . Review and approve the design and operation of component agency 
financial, accounting, and asset systems, specifically including the 
financial aspects of grant management systems, debt collection systems, 
and other systems defined by FFMIA.
    a. Provide oversight of, and issue core requirements and standards 
related to, component agency financial systems, activities, and 
operations, including preparation and revision of agency financial 
management plans and financial performance reports.
    b. In coordination with the ASAM, establish policies, procedures, 
and other guidelines to prescribe the form, content, and frequency of 
accounting information to be reported from component agency systems to 
meet DOL and central Federal agency information requirements.
    c. Participate in the review and approval process of information 
systems that provide, at least in part, financial and/or program 
performance data.
    d. In consultation with the Chief Information Officer (CIO), ensure 
that the accounting, financial, asset management, and other information 
systems of the Department are designed, developed, maintained, and used 
effectively to provide financial or program performance data for 
financial statements of the Department.
    e. Ensure, in consultation with the CIO, that program information 
systems provide financial, budget, and programmatic data on a reliable, 
consistent and timely basis to agency financial management systems.
    f. Recommend to the Secretary any information resource management 
and budget decisions affecting financial management processes, systems, 
and operations.
    g. Consult with the CIO to ensure sufficient oversight and security 
exist to maintain the integrity of information systems that affect the 
preparation and presentation of the Department's financial statements.

4. External Reporting Duties

    . Prepare the financial management components of the annual 
Performance and Accountability Report (PAR) for transmittal to the 
Secretary and the Director of OMB. The PAR will meet the requirements 
of OMB Circular No. A-136, and shall include, in part--
    1. A description and analysis of the status of financial management 
of the Department;
    2. The Department's annual financial statements and accounting 
reports, including, where appropriate, pertinent performance measures;
    3. The audit report transmitted to the Secretary;
    4. The annual report required to be submitted to the President and 
the Congress under the FMFIA;
    5. The report required by the Improper Payments Information Act;
    6. The Management Assurance Statement required by OMB Circular No. 
    7. The annual financial management report required by the Chief 
Financial Officers Act; and
    8. Other information the Secretary considers appropriate to fully 
inform the President and the Congress concerning the financial 
management of the Department.
    a. Prepare the semi-annual audit resolution reports required by the 
Amendments to the Inspector General Act.
    b. Coordinate and manage financial management reporting 
requirements as may be imposed by OMB, the Department of the Treasury, 
other central Federal agencies, and Congress.
    c. In coordination with the ASAM and Agency heads, develop 
reporting mechanisms that integrate program performance and financial 
data, and facilitate the display of such data in budget documents, 
financial statements, and other pertinent communications.
    d. In consultation with the CIO, ensure financial statements 
    1. Assessments and revisions of mission-related and administrative 
processes of the Department; and
    2. Measurement of the performance of investments made by the 
Department in information systems.

5. Financial Management Personnel Duties

    . Provide oversight of, and issue core requirements and standards 
related to, component agency financial management personnel.
    a. Provide policy advice and assistance to DOL executives, 
including component agency heads, on all personnel matters affecting 
financial management personnel throughout the DOL and its component 
agencies, and on budget and staffing levels for component agency 
financial functions.
    b. Review all proposed personnel selections, skill requirements, 
performance standards, and position descriptions for financial 
management personnel at the GS-15 level and above throughout the DOL 
and its component agencies; discuss any problems with the component 
agency head and appeal any unresolved issue to the Secretary through 
the Deputy Secretary.
    c. Manage a comprehensive training and development program for 
budget analysts, accountants, financial managers, and financial 
technicians; ensure that staff skills are commensurate with 
requirements; and implement a Continuing Professional Education (or 
similar) program.

6. Financial Programmatic Duties

    . Manage Departmental programs on audit resolution, travel 
management, cash management, debt collection, asset management, and 
financial management activities.
    a. Manage centralized Departmental accounting functions for fund 
and cost accounting, capitalized assets accounting, grant accounting, 
DOL employee compensation and benefits, and voucher, commercial bill, 
and other payments.
    b. Exercise Departmental approval authority over interagency 
transactions involving component agency program funds, such as for 
investment or transfer.
    c. Establish and chair a CFO Advisory Council within DOL to provide 
a forum for component organizations to advise and support the CFO in 
matters affecting the financial community. The Advisory Council will 
facilitate the dissemination of financial policies established by the 
CFO to component agencies.
    d. Maintain and operate a Working Capital Fund (WCF) and related 
accounts offering, as appropriate and advantageous to the Department, a 
comprehensive program of centralized services funded by customer agency 
reimbursements in advance that:
    1. Ensures customer agencies access to meaningful information on 
the full costs of those centralized services, conditions for usage, and 
the cost allocation formulas employed in the lawful distribution of 
annual charges against the respective agency appropriation accounts; 

[[Page 13866]]

    2. Ensures, through the creation and regular convening of a Working 
Capital Fund Committee, the opportunities for meaningful and informed 
customer agency participation or representation in reviewing WCF 
activities, costs, and charges, and in recommending changes or 
improvements to the CFO.
    3. Is operated on the basis of agency reimbursement agreements 
between customers and service providers and timely cost assessments and 
related adjustments for services provided or offered.
    e. Provide technical reviews of finance offices in the DOL and its 
component agencies, and oversee component agency financial systems as 
defined in the FFMIA.
    f. Appraise centralized and decentralized operations and 
organizations to determine more effective and cost-efficient methods of 
performing required financial functions.
    g. Serve as the Department's Improper Payment Reduction 
Coordinator, with responsibilities including, but not limited to:
    1. Coordinating the establishment of policies and procedures for 
assessing Departmental, component agency, and program risks of improper 
    2. Coordinating Departmental, component agency, and program 
management actions to reduce improper payments. These duties include:
    i. Assigning responsibility for specific areas of improper payment-
related activities to appropriate component agency, program, or 
activity officials;
    ii. Coordinating the development of detailed action plans to 
determine the nature and extent of possible improper payments for all 
DOL programs and activities spending Federal funds;
    iii. Assisting component agency and program management in 
identifying cost-effective control activities to address identified 
risk areas;
    iv. Assisting component agency and program management in 
establishing improper payment reduction goals or targets and measuring 
performance against those goals to determine progress made and areas 
needing additional action;
    v. Developing procedures for working with OMB and the Congress to 
address barriers encountered that inhibit actions to reduce improper 
payments; and
    vi. Coordinating periodic reporting, through publicly available 
documents, to the Secretary, OMB, and the Congress on the progress made 
in achieving improper payment reduction targets and future action plans 
for controlling improper payments; and
    3. Providing a quarterly status report to the Deputy Secretary on 
Departmental activities to identify and reduce improper payments.
    C. In addition to the authority otherwise provided in this Order, 
the CFO--
    1. Shall have access to all records, reports, audits, reviews, 
documents, papers, recommendations, or other material which are the 
property of the Department or which are available to the Department, 
and which relate to programs and operations with respect to which the 
CFO has responsibilities;
    2. May request such information or assistance as may be necessary 
for carrying out the duties and responsibilities provided by this Order 
from any Federal, State, or local governmental entity; and
    3. To the extent and in such amounts as may be provided in advance 
by appropriations Acts, may--
    a. Enter into contracts and other arrangements with public agencies 
and with private persons for the preparation of financial statements, 
studies, analyses, and other services; and
    b. Make such payments as may be necessary to carry out the 
provisions of this Order.

6. Assignment of Responsibilities to Other Individuals

    A. Unless modified by this Order, the heads of component Agencies 
retain previously delegated responsibilities and authority. In the 
context of the Department's financial management program, they are 
specifically charged with the responsibility to--
    1. In consultation with the CFO and the CIO, define program 
information needs and develop strategies, systems, and capabilities to 
meet those needs.
    2. Perform transaction and operational level financial functions in 
accordance with policies, requirements, and procedures established by 
the CFO.
    3. Direct financial staffs and functions in their respective 
component agencies consistent with those policies and procedures 
established by the CFO.
    4. Facilitate the CFO's oversight responsibilities with respect to 
financial operations and component agency program financial systems by 
providing and maintaining system documentation, audit trails, summary 
or detailed transaction data, and such other information as the CFO may 
    5. Fully solicit, consider, and cooperate with the CFO in the 
review of proposed appointment, promotion, and other personnel actions 
affecting financial management staff at the GS-15 level and above.
    6. Manage grants, procurement, property, debt management/accounts 
receivable, and other management systems for their respective component 
agencies, in a manner consistent with the CFO's responsibilities 
prescribed in this Order.
    B. Agency Heads are delegated authority and assigned responsibility 
    1. Budget
    a. In accordance with established policies and guidelines, 
developing agency budget proposals for the budget years for 
consideration during the internal decision process and for the 
Department's submission to OMB based on the Secretary's decisions.
    b. Providing information in support of budget proposals, through 
the ASAM or identified designee, for the OMB submission and Budget 
Justifications for Congress.
    c. Ensuring information provided in the agency budget is consistent 
with the Department's strategic plan and performance requirements.
    d. Meeting with OMB staff and testifying before Congress to expand 
upon and answer questions pertaining to the Department's budget request 
in support of their respective agency programs.
    C. The Inspector General--
    1. Retains full responsibility for previously delegated budget and 
financial management activities pertaining to his or her own office, 
but will participate with the CFO in integrating such delegated 
assignments with the overall financial management program of the 
    2. Will participate, where appropriate, in joint reviews with the 
CFO of selected financial management functions, operations, and 
    3. Will participate with the CFO in the resolution of audit issues, 
findings, and recommendations, including those involved in the annual 
financial statements, consistent with its statutory responsibilities 
for managing an audit program.
    D. The Solicitor of Labor is responsible for providing legal advice 
and assistance to the Secretary, Deputy Secretary, CFO, Working Capital 
Fund Committee established pursuant to paragraph 5 above, and all other 
Department of Labor officials who are assigned responsibilities for 
implementation of this Order, except as provided in Secretary's Order 
4-2006 with respect to the Office of Inspector General.

7. Communications

    In consonance with the assignments of responsibility above, the 
Office of the Chief Financial Officer shall ensure that the Agency 
Administrative Officers are apprised of communications to

[[Page 13867]]

component agency financial staff. Similarly, component agencies shall 
keep the Chief Financial Officer apprised of directives and other 
communications affecting their financial staff.

8. Reservations of Authority

    A. Unless otherwise stated in this Order, the submission of reports 
and recommendations to the President and the Congress concerning the 
administration of statutory or administrative provisions is reserved to 
the Secretary.
    B. Except as provided in Paragraph (5)(D)(1), this Order does not 
provide to the CFO any access greater than permitted under any other 
law to records, reports, audits, reviews, documents, papers, 
recommendations, or other material of the Office of Inspector General.

9. Redelegations and Transfers of Authority

    Unless provided otherwise in this or another Secretary's Order, the 
authority delegated in this Order may be redelegated or transferred, as 
permitted by law or regulation.

10. Effective Date

    This Order is effective immediately.

Edward C. Hugler,
Acting Secretary of Labor.
[FR Doc. 2017-05183 Filed 3-14-17; 8:45 am]

                                                                                 Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 49 / Wednesday, March 15, 2017 / Notices                                            13863

                                                        e. Providing data and information on                 General Act of 1978, as amended, or                     14. OMB Circular No. A–136,
                                                     agency activity for incorporation into                  under Secretary’s Order 4–2006.                       Financial Reporting Requirements
                                                     Departmental reports;                                      10. Re-delegation of Authority. Unless             (October 7, 2016).
                                                        f. Designating facility energy                       identified as non-delegable under this                  15. Budget Enforcement Act of 1990
                                                     supervisors in Department operated                      Order, authorities delegated within this              (Pub. L. 101–508, Title VIII), as
                                                     facilities and ensuring a sufficient                    Order may be re-delegated, provided,                  amended.
                                                     number of trained energy managers                       however, that re-delegation shall in no                 16. Congressional Budget Act of 1974.
                                                     throughout the Department to                            way diminish the delegating official’s                  17. Balanced Budget and Emergency
                                                     implement the provisions of law and                     responsibility.                                       Deficit Control Act of 1985.
                                                     regulation relating to energy and water                    11. Effective Date. This order is                    18. 31 U.S.C. Chapter 11.
                                                     conservation;                                           effective immediately.                                B. Directives Affected
                                                        g. Where programs include a project
                                                     or activity involving construction or                   Edward C. Hugler,                                       1. Secretary’s Order 04–2009 is
                                                     leasing of property, ensuring that the                  Acting Secretary of Labor.                            superseded and canceled.
                                                     responsible program manager conducts                    [FR Doc. 2017–05189 Filed 3–14–17; 8:45 am]             2. This Order does not affect
                                                     an environmental assessment; and,                       BILLING CODE P                                        Secretary’s Order 14–2006, Internal
                                                     analyzes findings of environmental                                                                            Control Program (June 20, 2006).
                                                     assessments and makes final decisions                                                                           3. All references to the Office of the
                                                     regarding the significance of                           DEPARTMENT OF LABOR                                   Comptroller, Office of the Assistant
                                                     environmental consequences;                                                                                   Secretary for Administration and
                                                        7. Voluntary Health and Wellness                     [Secretary’s Order 02–2017]                           Management (OASAM), in Secretary’s
                                                     Programs. Supporting the Department’s                                                                         Orders, DLMS Chapters, and other
                                                                                                             Authority and Responsibilities for                    Departmental issuances shall be
                                                     voluntary health and occupational
                                                                                                             Implementation of the Chief Financial                 considered to refer to the Office of the
                                                     wellness programs and drug-free
                                                                                                             Officers Act of 1990 and Related                      Chief Financial Officer.
                                                     workplace program.
                                                        8. Commercial Services Management                    Legislation                                             4. Directives inconsistent with this
                                                     (formerly Competitive Sourcing).                        Date: January 18, 2017.                               Order are rescinded to the extent of the
                                                        a. Establishing agency procedures                                                                          inconsistency.
                                                     necessary to carry out the provisions of                1. Purpose
                                                     the law, regulation and Departmental                                                                          3. Background and Organization
                                                                                                               To delegate authority and assign
                                                     directives relating to commercial                       responsibilities for implementation of                  The Chief Financial Officers Act of
                                                     services management.                                    the Chief Financial Officers Act of 1990              1990, as part of overall Federal financial
                                                        b. Designating an agency official as                 and related legislation.                              management reforms, mandated the
                                                     the central point of contact for                                                                              establishment of a Chief Financial
                                                     commercial services management and                      2. Authorities and Directives Affected                Officer (CFO) and Deputy Chief
                                                     ensuring the timely and appropriate                     A. Authorities                                        Financial Officer in all Cabinet-level
                                                     completion of required activities and                                                                         Federal agencies, including the
                                                     notices.                                                   1. Chief Financial Officers Act of                 Department of Labor (DOL). The CFO is
                                                        8. The Solicitor of Labor. The Solicitor             1990, as amended (Pub. L. 101–576).                   appointed by the President and
                                                     of Labor is delegated authority and                        2. Federal Managers’ Financial                     confirmed by the Senate, and by statute
                                                     assigned responsibility for providing                   Integrity Act of 1982 (Pub. L. 97–255).               reports directly to the Secretary. The
                                                     legal advice and assistance to all officers                3. Government Performance and                      Deputy CFO is a career-reserved
                                                     of the Department relating to the                       Results Act of 1993 (Pub. L. 103–62).                 position in the Senior Executive Service
                                                     administration of all of the elements of                   4. Government Management Reform                    who reports directly to the CFO. The
                                                     this Order and the statutory provisions,                Act of 1994 (Pub. L. 103–356).                        CFO heads the Office of the Chief
                                                     regulations, and Executive Orders listed                   5. Clinger-Cohen Act of 1996 (Pub. L.              Financial Officer (OCFO), which has
                                                     above. The Solicitor of Labor shall have                104–106, Division E).                                 such component organization units,
                                                     responsibility for legal advice and                        6. Federal Financial Management                    staffing, and funding as are authorized.
                                                     assistance through rulings and                          Improvement Act of 1996 (Pub. L. 104–
                                                     interpretations of applicable laws and                  208, Title VIII).                                     4. Delegation of Authority
                                                     regulations and for drafting services.                     7. Reports Consolidation Act of 2000                 As specified in the CFO Act, at 31
                                                     The bringing of legal proceedings under                 (Pub. L. 106–531).                                    U.S.C. 902, and as detailed in Paragraph
                                                     those authorities, the representation of                   8. Improper Payments Information                   5 of this Order, the Chief Financial
                                                     the Secretary and other officials of the                Act of 2002 (Pub. L. 107–300).                        Officer is delegated authority to oversee
                                                     Department of Labor, and the                               9. Accountability of Tax Dollars Act               the financial management functions of
                                                     determination of whether such                           of 2002 (Pub. L. 107–289).                            the Department.
                                                     proceedings or representations are                         10. 29 U.S.C. 563, 563a, and 564,
                                                                                                             authorizing the Working Capital Fund at               5. Assignment of Responsibilities to the
                                                     appropriate in a given case, are
                                                                                                             the Department of Labor.                              Chief Financial Officer
                                                     delegated exclusively to the Solicitor.
                                                        9. Reservation of Secretary’s Authority                 11. Office of Management and Budget                  A. As required by the CFO Act, the
asabaliauskas on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES2

                                                     and Responsibility.                                     (OMB) Circular No. A–11, Preparation,                 CFO shall—
                                                        A. The submission of reports and                     Submission and Execution of the Budget                  1. Report directly to the Secretary and
                                                     recommendations to the President and                    (July 1, 2016).                                       Deputy Secretary regarding financial
                                                     the Congress is reserved to the                            12. OMB Circular No. A–123,                        management matters;
                                                     Secretary.                                              Management’s Responsibility for                         2. Oversee all financial management
                                                        B. This Secretary’s Order does not                   Internal Control (July 15, 2016).                     activities relating to the programs and
                                                     affect the authorities and                                 13. OMB Circular No. A–134,                        operations of the Department;
                                                     responsibilities of the Office of                       Financial Accounting Principles and                     3. Develop and maintain an integrated
                                                     Inspector General under the Inspector                   Standards (May 20, 1993).                             Departmental accounting and financial

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                                                     13864                       Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 49 / Wednesday, March 15, 2017 / Notices

                                                     management system, including financial                     1. A description and analysis of the               concerning budget execution for the
                                                     reporting and internal controls, which—                 status of financial management of the                 Department and its component agencies.
                                                        a. Complies with applicable                          Department;                                              j. Participate with Departmental
                                                     accounting principles, standards, and                      2. The annual financial statements                 Agency heads and other staff at a policy
                                                     requirements, and internal control                      prepared under 31 U.S.C. 3515;                        and decision-making level in the
                                                     standards;                                                 3. The audit report transmitted to the             Departmental budget execution review
                                                        b. Complies with such policies and                   Secretary under 31 U.S.C. 3521(f);                    process.
                                                     requirements as may be prescribed by                       4. A summary of the reports on                        k. Review the budget requests for all
                                                     the Director of the Office of                           internal accounting and administrative                Departmental and component agency
                                                     Management and Budget;                                  control systems submitted to the                      financial management functions;
                                                        c. Complies with any other                           President and the Congress under the                  recommend to the Secretary their
                                                     requirements applicable to such                         amendments made by the Federal                        modification as necessary to ensure that
                                                     systems; and                                            Managers’ Financial Integrity Act of                  appropriate resources are requested to
                                                        d. Provides for—                                     1982 (Pub. L. 97–255); and                            effectively and efficiently perform
                                                                                                                5. Other information the Secretary
                                                        1. Complete, reliable, consistent, and                                                                     necessary financial and related
                                                                                                             considers appropriate to fully inform
                                                     timely information which is prepared                                                                          functions.
                                                                                                             the President and the Congress
                                                     on a uniform basis and which is                                                                                  l. Promote the development and
                                                                                                             concerning the financial management of
                                                     responsive to the financial information                                                                       reporting of cost information in support
                                                                                                             the Department;
                                                     needs of Departmental management;                          6. Monitor the financial execution of              of the systematic measurement of
                                                        2. The development and reporting of                  the budget of the Department in relation              performance in appropriate budget
                                                     cost information;                                       to actual expenditures and prepare and                documents.
                                                        3. The integration of accounting and                 submit to the Secretary timely financial                 m. Manage and oversee the
                                                     budgeting information; and                              performance reports; and                              Department’s administrative control of
                                                        4. The systematic measurement of                        7. Review, on a biennial basis, the                funds from the time funds are allotted
                                                     financial performance;                                  fees, royalties, rents, and other charges             to the DOL agencies.
                                                        4. Make recommendations to the                       imposed by the Department for services                2. Policy Duties
                                                     Secretary regarding the selection of the                and things of value it provides, and
                                                     Deputy Chief Financial Officer of the                   make recommendations on revising                         a. Develop and promulgate accounting
                                                     Department, who will have the                           those charges to reflect costs incurred by            and financial management policies for
                                                     qualifications outlined in the CFO Act                  it in providing those services and things             DOL and its component agencies, and
                                                     at 31 U.S.C. 903;                                       of value.                                             review and approve component agency
                                                        5. Direct, manage, and provide policy                   B. The CFO will have the following                 financial policies, procedures, and
                                                     guidance and oversight of Departmental                  additional responsibilities:                          structures for adherence to the policies
                                                     financial management personnel,                                                                               of DOL and other Federal agencies.
                                                                                                             1. Budget                                                b. Ensure compliance throughout
                                                     activities, and operations, including—
                                                        a. The preparation and annual                           a. Issuing policy guidance and                     DOL, and its component agencies, with
                                                     revision of a Departmental plan to—                     instructions to prepare the Department’s              applicable accounting standards and
                                                        1. Implement the 5-year financial                    performance budgets for internal                      principles, and financial information
                                                     management plan prepared by the                         decision-making, for OMB, and for the                 and system functional standards,
                                                     Director of the Office of Management                    Congress.                                             including the standards promulgated by
                                                     and Budget under 31 U.S.C. 3512(a)(3);                     b. Reviewing and analyzing agency                  the Federal Accounting Systems
                                                     and                                                     budget requests to the Department.                    Advisory Board, the Federal
                                                        2. Comply with the requirements for                     c. Reviewing, analyzing, consolidating             Government’s Standard General Ledger,
                                                     financial statements and audits                         and packaging all Departmental budget                 the core requirements for financial
                                                     established under 31 U.S.C. 3515,                       submissions to the OMB and Congress                   systems, and the financial statement
                                                     3521(e), and 3521(f);                                   to ensure technical accuracy and                      form and content guidance issued by
                                                        b. The development of Departmental                   conformance with established policy.                  OMB.
                                                                                                                d. Coordinating all information
                                                     financial management budgets;                                                                                    c. Exercise overall responsibility for
                                                                                                             developed in support of budget requests
                                                        c. The recruitment, selection, and                                                                         the Department’s compliance with
                                                                                                             to OMB and to Congress.
                                                     training of personnel to carry out                         e. Providing staff support in preparing            FMFIA and for the Department’s fiscal
                                                     Departmental financial management                       lead Departmental representations for                 integrity; serve on the Department’s
                                                     functions;                                              press briefings and Congressional                     Internal Control Board; report directly to
                                                        d. The approval and management of                    hearings on the Department’s budget.                  the Secretary on internal control
                                                     Departmental financial management                          f. Assisting the Office of                         matters; carry out the responsibilities
                                                     systems design or enhancement                           Congressional and Intergovernmental                   specified in Secretary’s Order 14–2006,
                                                     projects;                                               Affairs in coordinating the preparation               Internal Control Program, for the CFO
                                                        e. The implementation of                             of briefing materials for the Secretary               and the Internal Control Principal for
                                                     Departmental asset management                           and Agency heads.                                     financial systems and mixed systems
                                                     systems, including systems for cash                        g. Issuing policy guidance and                     that are significantly financial.
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                                                     management, credit management, debt                     instructions on the preparation of                       d. Ensure adequate controls are in
                                                     collection, and property and inventory                  apportionments.                                       place over asset management, including
                                                     management and control;                                    h. Monitor the financial execution of              cash management operations, credit
                                                        f. Prepare and transmit an annual                    the budget of the Department in relation              management and debt collection
                                                     report to the Secretary and the Director                to actual expenditures, and prepare and               operations, and real property,
                                                     of the Office of Management and                         submit to the Secretary timely financial              equipment, and inventories.
                                                     Budget, consistent with the                             performance reports.                                     e. Participate with Departmental
                                                     requirements of OMB Circular No. A–                        i. Provide leadership, direction,                  Agency heads and other staff in the
                                                     136, which shall include—                               coordination, and related services                    policy review of proposed legislative

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                                                                                 Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 49 / Wednesday, March 15, 2017 / Notices                                          13865

                                                     and program initiatives from a financial                maintain the integrity of information                   a. Provide policy advice and
                                                     management perspective.                                 systems that affect the preparation and               assistance to DOL executives, including
                                                        f. Ensure that component agencies                    presentation of the Department’s                      component agency heads, on all
                                                     gather timely and accurate financial                    financial statements.                                 personnel matters affecting financial
                                                     information to manage and oversee                                                                             management personnel throughout the
                                                     major procurements.                                     4. External Reporting Duties
                                                                                                                                                                   DOL and its component agencies, and
                                                        g. Develop policies and procedures for                  . Prepare the financial management                 on budget and staffing levels for
                                                     investigating potential violations of the               components of the annual Performance                  component agency financial functions.
                                                     Anti-Deficiency Act; working under                      and Accountability Report (PAR) for                     b. Review all proposed personnel
                                                     policies established by the CFO, and in                 transmittal to the Secretary and the                  selections, skill requirements,
                                                     cooperation with the ASAM and the                       Director of OMB. The PAR will meet the                performance standards, and position
                                                     Solicitor of Labor, notify the Secretary                requirements of OMB Circular No.                      descriptions for financial management
                                                     of Anti-Deficiency Act violations, and                  A–136, and shall include, in part—                    personnel at the GS–15 level and above
                                                     transmit agency reports of Anti-                           1. A description and analysis of the               throughout the DOL and its component
                                                     Deficiency Act violations to the                        status of financial management of the                 agencies; discuss any problems with the
                                                     Secretary for transmittal to the                        Department;                                           component agency head and appeal any
                                                     President, Congress, OMB, and the                          2. The Department’s annual financial               unresolved issue to the Secretary
                                                     Government Accountability Office, as                    statements and accounting reports,                    through the Deputy Secretary.
                                                     applicable.                                             including, where appropriate, pertinent                 c. Manage a comprehensive training
                                                                                                             performance measures;                                 and development program for budget
                                                     3. Financial Systems Duties                                3. The audit report transmitted to the             analysts, accountants, financial
                                                        . Review and approve the design and                  Secretary;                                            managers, and financial technicians;
                                                     operation of component agency                              4. The annual report required to be                ensure that staff skills are
                                                     financial, accounting, and asset systems,               submitted to the President and the                    commensurate with requirements; and
                                                     specifically including the financial                    Congress under the FMFIA;                             implement a Continuing Professional
                                                     aspects of grant management systems,                       5. The report required by the                      Education (or similar) program.
                                                     debt collection systems, and other                      Improper Payments Information Act;
                                                     systems defined by FFMIA.                                  6. The Management Assurance                        6. Financial Programmatic Duties
                                                        a. Provide oversight of, and issue core              Statement required by OMB Circular                       . Manage Departmental programs on
                                                     requirements and standards related to,                  No. A–123;                                            audit resolution, travel management,
                                                     component agency financial systems,                        7. The annual financial management                 cash management, debt collection, asset
                                                     activities, and operations, including                   report required by the Chief Financial                management, and financial management
                                                     preparation and revision of agency                      Officers Act; and                                     activities.
                                                     financial management plans and                             8. Other information the Secretary                    a. Manage centralized Departmental
                                                     financial performance reports.                          considers appropriate to fully inform                 accounting functions for fund and cost
                                                        b. In coordination with the ASAM,                    the President and the Congress                        accounting, capitalized assets
                                                     establish policies, procedures, and other               concerning the financial management of                accounting, grant accounting, DOL
                                                     guidelines to prescribe the form,                       the Department.                                       employee compensation and benefits,
                                                     content, and frequency of accounting                       a. Prepare the semi-annual audit                   and voucher, commercial bill, and other
                                                     information to be reported from                         resolution reports required by the                    payments.
                                                     component agency systems to meet DOL                    Amendments to the Inspector General                      b. Exercise Departmental approval
                                                     and central Federal agency information                  Act.                                                  authority over interagency transactions
                                                     requirements.                                              b. Coordinate and manage financial                 involving component agency program
                                                        c. Participate in the review and                     management reporting requirements as                  funds, such as for investment or
                                                     approval process of information systems                 may be imposed by OMB, the                            transfer.
                                                     that provide, at least in part, financial               Department of the Treasury, other                        c. Establish and chair a CFO Advisory
                                                     and/or program performance data.                        central Federal agencies, and Congress.               Council within DOL to provide a forum
                                                        d. In consultation with the Chief                       c. In coordination with the ASAM and               for component organizations to advise
                                                     Information Officer (CIO), ensure that                  Agency heads, develop reporting                       and support the CFO in matters
                                                     the accounting, financial, asset                        mechanisms that integrate program                     affecting the financial community. The
                                                     management, and other information                       performance and financial data, and                   Advisory Council will facilitate the
                                                     systems of the Department are designed,                 facilitate the display of such data in                dissemination of financial policies
                                                     developed, maintained, and used                         budget documents, financial statements,               established by the CFO to component
                                                     effectively to provide financial or                     and other pertinent communications.                   agencies.
                                                     program performance data for financial                     d. In consultation with the CIO,                      d. Maintain and operate a Working
                                                     statements of the Department.                           ensure financial statements support:                  Capital Fund (WCF) and related
                                                        e. Ensure, in consultation with the                     1. Assessments and revisions of                    accounts offering, as appropriate and
                                                     CIO, that program information systems                   mission-related and administrative                    advantageous to the Department, a
                                                     provide financial, budget, and                          processes of the Department; and                      comprehensive program of centralized
                                                     programmatic data on a reliable,                           2. Measurement of the performance of               services funded by customer agency
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                                                     consistent and timely basis to agency                   investments made by the Department in                 reimbursements in advance that:
                                                     financial management systems.                           information systems.                                     1. Ensures customer agencies access
                                                        f. Recommend to the Secretary any                                                                          to meaningful information on the full
                                                     information resource management and                     5. Financial Management Personnel                     costs of those centralized services,
                                                     budget decisions affecting financial                    Duties                                                conditions for usage, and the cost
                                                     management processes, systems, and                        . Provide oversight of, and issue core              allocation formulas employed in the
                                                     operations.                                             requirements and standards related to,                lawful distribution of annual charges
                                                        g. Consult with the CIO to ensure                    component agency financial                            against the respective agency
                                                     sufficient oversight and security exist to              management personnel.                                 appropriation accounts; and

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                                                     13866                       Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 49 / Wednesday, March 15, 2017 / Notices

                                                        2. Ensures, through the creation and                 Departmental activities to identify and               systems for their respective component
                                                     regular convening of a Working Capital                  reduce improper payments.                             agencies, in a manner consistent with
                                                     Fund Committee, the opportunities for                     C. In addition to the authority                     the CFO’s responsibilities prescribed in
                                                     meaningful and informed customer                        otherwise provided in this Order, the                 this Order.
                                                     agency participation or representation                  CFO—                                                     B. Agency Heads are delegated
                                                     in reviewing WCF activities, costs, and                   1. Shall have access to all records,                authority and assigned responsibility
                                                     charges, and in recommending changes                    reports, audits, reviews, documents,                  for:
                                                     or improvements to the CFO.                             papers, recommendations, or other                        1. Budget
                                                        3. Is operated on the basis of agency                material which are the property of the                   a. In accordance with established
                                                     reimbursement agreements between                        Department or which are available to                  policies and guidelines, developing
                                                     customers and service providers and                     the Department, and which relate to                   agency budget proposals for the budget
                                                     timely cost assessments and related                     programs and operations with respect to               years for consideration during the
                                                     adjustments for services provided or                    which the CFO has responsibilities;                   internal decision process and for the
                                                     offered.                                                  2. May request such information or                  Department’s submission to OMB based
                                                        e. Provide technical reviews of                      assistance as may be necessary for                    on the Secretary’s decisions.
                                                     finance offices in the DOL and its                      carrying out the duties and                              b. Providing information in support of
                                                     component agencies, and oversee                         responsibilities provided by this Order               budget proposals, through the ASAM or
                                                     component agency financial systems as                   from any Federal, State, or local                     identified designee, for the OMB
                                                     defined in the FFMIA.                                   governmental entity; and                              submission and Budget Justifications for
                                                        f. Appraise centralized and                            3. To the extent and in such amounts                Congress.
                                                     decentralized operations and                            as may be provided in advance by                         c. Ensuring information provided in
                                                     organizations to determine more                         appropriations Acts, may—                             the agency budget is consistent with the
                                                     effective and cost-efficient methods of                   a. Enter into contracts and other                   Department’s strategic plan and
                                                     performing required financial functions.                arrangements with public agencies and                 performance requirements.
                                                        g. Serve as the Department’s Improper                with private persons for the preparation                 d. Meeting with OMB staff and
                                                     Payment Reduction Coordinator, with                     of financial statements, studies,                     testifying before Congress to expand
                                                     responsibilities including, but not                     analyses, and other services; and                     upon and answer questions pertaining
                                                     limited to:                                               b. Make such payments as may be                     to the Department’s budget request in
                                                        1. Coordinating the establishment of                 necessary to carry out the provisions of              support of their respective agency
                                                     policies and procedures for assessing                   this Order.                                           programs.
                                                     Departmental, component agency, and                                                                              C. The Inspector General—
                                                                                                             6. Assignment of Responsibilities to                     1. Retains full responsibility for
                                                     program risks of improper payments;
                                                                                                             Other Individuals                                     previously delegated budget and
                                                        2. Coordinating Departmental,
                                                     component agency, and program                              A. Unless modified by this Order, the              financial management activities
                                                     management actions to reduce improper                   heads of component Agencies retain                    pertaining to his or her own office, but
                                                     payments. These duties include:                         previously delegated responsibilities                 will participate with the CFO in
                                                        i. Assigning responsibility for specific             and authority. In the context of the                  integrating such delegated assignments
                                                     areas of improper payment-related                       Department’s financial management                     with the overall financial management
                                                     activities to appropriate component                     program, they are specifically charged                program of the Department.
                                                     agency, program, or activity officials;                 with the responsibility to—                              2. Will participate, where appropriate,
                                                        ii. Coordinating the development of                     1. In consultation with the CFO and                in joint reviews with the CFO of
                                                     detailed action plans to determine the                  the CIO, define program information                   selected financial management
                                                     nature and extent of possible improper                  needs and develop strategies, systems,                functions, operations, and systems.
                                                     payments for all DOL programs and                       and capabilities to meet those needs.                    3. Will participate with the CFO in
                                                     activities spending Federal funds;                         2. Perform transaction and operational             the resolution of audit issues, findings,
                                                        iii. Assisting component agency and                  level financial functions in accordance               and recommendations, including those
                                                     program management in identifying                       with policies, requirements, and                      involved in the annual financial
                                                     cost-effective control activities to                    procedures established by the CFO.                    statements, consistent with its statutory
                                                     address identified risk areas;                             3. Direct financial staffs and functions           responsibilities for managing an audit
                                                        iv. Assisting component agency and                   in their respective component agencies                program.
                                                     program management in establishing                      consistent with those policies and                       D. The Solicitor of Labor is
                                                     improper payment reduction goals or                     procedures established by the CFO.                    responsible for providing legal advice
                                                     targets and measuring performance                          4. Facilitate the CFO’s oversight                  and assistance to the Secretary, Deputy
                                                     against those goals to determine                        responsibilities with respect to financial            Secretary, CFO, Working Capital Fund
                                                     progress made and areas needing                         operations and component agency                       Committee established pursuant to
                                                     additional action;                                      program financial systems by providing                paragraph 5 above, and all other
                                                        v. Developing procedures for working                 and maintaining system documentation,                 Department of Labor officials who are
                                                     with OMB and the Congress to address                    audit trails, summary or detailed                     assigned responsibilities for
                                                     barriers encountered that inhibit actions               transaction data, and such other                      implementation of this Order, except as
                                                     to reduce improper payments; and                        information as the CFO may require.                   provided in Secretary’s Order 4–2006
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                                                        vi. Coordinating periodic reporting,                    5. Fully solicit, consider, and                    with respect to the Office of Inspector
                                                     through publicly available documents,                   cooperate with the CFO in the review of               General.
                                                     to the Secretary, OMB, and the Congress                 proposed appointment, promotion, and
                                                     on the progress made in achieving                       other personnel actions affecting                     7. Communications
                                                     improper payment reduction targets and                  financial management staff at the GS–15                  In consonance with the assignments
                                                     future action plans for controlling                     level and above.                                      of responsibility above, the Office of the
                                                     improper payments; and                                     6. Manage grants, procurement,                     Chief Financial Officer shall ensure that
                                                        3. Providing a quarterly status report               property, debt management/accounts                    the Agency Administrative Officers are
                                                     to the Deputy Secretary on                              receivable, and other management                      apprised of communications to

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                                                                                 Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 49 / Wednesday, March 15, 2017 / Notices                                             13867

                                                     component agency financial staff.                       www.regulations.gov, which is the                     Department of Labor, 200 Constitution
                                                     Similarly, component agencies shall                     Federal eRulemaking Portal. Follow the                Avenue NW., Room N–3655,
                                                     keep the Chief Financial Officer                        instructions online for making                        Washington, DC 20210, or by fax to
                                                     apprised of directives and other                        electronic submissions.                               (202) 693–1644.
                                                     communications affecting their financial                  2. Facsimile: If submissions,                       FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                     staff.                                                  including attachments, are not longer                 Information regarding this notice is
                                                                                                             than 10 pages, commenters may fax                     available from the following sources:
                                                     8. Reservations of Authority                            them to the OSHA Docket Office at (202)                  Press inquiries: Contact Mr. Frank
                                                        A. Unless otherwise stated in this                   693–1648.                                             Meilinger, Director, OSHA Office of
                                                     Order, the submission of reports and                       3. Regular or express mail, hand                   Communications, U.S. Department of
                                                     recommendations to the President and                    delivery, or messenger (courier) service:             Labor, 200 Constitution Avenue NW.,
                                                     the Congress concerning the                             Submit comments, requests, and any                    Room N–3647, Washington, DC 20210;
                                                     administration of statutory or                          attachments to the OSHA Docket Office,                telephone: (202) 693–1999; email:
                                                     administrative provisions is reserved to                Docket No. OSHA–2006–0040,                            meilinger.francis2@dol.gov.
                                                     the Secretary.                                          Technical Data Center, U.S. Department                   General and technical information:
                                                        B. Except as provided in Paragraph                   of Labor, 200 Constitution Avenue NW.,                Contact Mr. Kevin Robinson, Director,
                                                     (5)(D)(1), this Order does not provide to               Room N–3508, Washington, DC 20210;                    Office of Technical Programs and
                                                     the CFO any access greater than                         telephone: (202) 693–2350 (TTY
                                                                                                                                                                   Coordination Activities, Directorate of
                                                     permitted under any other law to                        number: (877) 889–5627). Note that
                                                                                                                                                                   Technical Support and Emergency
                                                     records, reports, audits, reviews,                      security procedures may result in
                                                                                                                                                                   Management, Occupational Safety and
                                                     documents, papers, recommendations,                     significant delays in receiving
                                                                                                                                                                   Health Administration, U.S. Department
                                                     or other material of the Office of                      comments and other written materials
                                                                                                                                                                   of Labor, 200 Constitution Avenue NW.,
                                                     Inspector General.                                      by regular mail. Contact the OSHA
                                                                                                                                                                   Room N–3655, Washington, DC 20210;
                                                                                                             Docket Office for information about
                                                     9. Redelegations and Transfers of                                                                             phone: (202) 693–2110 or email:
                                                                                                             security procedures concerning delivery
                                                     Authority                                                                                                     robinson.kevin@dol.gov.
                                                                                                             of materials by express mail, hand
                                                        Unless provided otherwise in this or                 delivery, or messenger service. The                   SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                     another Secretary’s Order, the authority                hours of operation for the OSHA Docket                I. Notice of the Application for
                                                     delegated in this Order may be                          Office are 10:00 a.m.–2:30 p.m., e.t.                 Expansion
                                                     redelegated or transferred, as permitted                   4. Instructions: All submissions must
                                                     by law or regulation.                                   include the Agency name and the OSHA                    The Occupational Safety and Health
                                                                                                             docket number (OSHA–2006–0040).                       Administration is providing notice that
                                                     10. Effective Date                                                                                            SGS North America, Inc. (SGS), is
                                                                                                             OSHA places comments and other
                                                       This Order is effective immediately.                  materials, including any personal                     applying for expansion of its current
                                                                                                             information, in the public docket                     recognition as an NRTL. SGS requests
                                                     Edward C. Hugler,
                                                                                                             without revision, and these materials                 the addition of two test standards to its
                                                     Acting Secretary of Labor.
                                                                                                             will be available online at http://                   NRTL scope of recognition.
                                                     [FR Doc. 2017–05183 Filed 3–14–17; 8:45 am]                                                                     OSHA recognition of an NRTL
                                                                                                             www.regulations.gov. Therefore, the
                                                     BILLING CODE P                                                                                                signifies that the organization meets the
                                                                                                             Agency cautions commenters about
                                                                                                             submitting statements they do not want                requirements specified in 29 CFR
                                                                                                             made available to the public, or                      1910.7. Recognition is an
                                                     DEPARTMENT OF LABOR                                                                                           acknowledgment that the organization
                                                                                                             submitting comments that contain
                                                     Occupational Safety and Health                          personal information (either about                    can perform independent safety testing
                                                     Administration                                          themselves or others) such as Social                  and certification of the specific products
                                                                                                             Security numbers, birth dates, and                    covered within its scope of recognition.
                                                     [Docket No. OSHA–2006–0040]                             medical data.                                         Each NRTL’s scope of recognition
                                                                                                                5. Docket: To read or download                     includes (1) the type of products the
                                                     SGS North America, Inc.: Application                                                                          NRTL may test, with each type specified
                                                                                                             submissions or other material in the
                                                     for Expansion of Recognition                                                                                  by its applicable test standard; and (2)
                                                                                                             docket, go to http://www.regulations.gov
                                                     AGENCY: Occupational Safety and Health                  or the OSHA Docket Office at the                      the recognized site(s) that has/have the
                                                     Administration (OSHA), Labor.                           address above. All documents in the                   technical capability to perform the
                                                     ACTION: Notice.                                         docket are listed in the http://                      product-testing and product-
                                                                                                             www.regulations.gov index; however,                   certification activities for test standards
                                                     SUMMARY:   In this notice, OSHA                         some information (e.g., copyrighted                   within the NRTL’s scope. Recognition is
                                                     announces the application of SGS North                  material) is not publicly available to                not a delegation or grant of government
                                                     America, Inc., for expansion of its                     read or download through the Web site.                authority; however, recognition enables
                                                     recognition as a Nationally Recognized                  All submissions, including copyrighted                employers to use products approved by
                                                     Testing Laboratory (NRTL) and presents                  material, are available for inspection at             the NRTL to meet OSHA standards that
                                                     the Agency’s preliminary finding to                     the OSHA Docket Office. Contact the                   require product testing and certification.
                                                     grant the application.                                  OSHA Docket Office for assistance in                    The Agency processes applications by
asabaliauskas on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES2

                                                     DATES: Submit comments, information,                    locating docket submissions.                          an NRTL for initial recognition and for
                                                     and documents in response to this                          6. Extension of comment period:                    an expansion or renewal of this
                                                     notice, or requests for an extension of                 Submit requests for an extension of the               recognition, following requirements in
                                                     time to make a submission, on or before                 comment period on or before March 30,                 Appendix A to 29 CFR 1910.7. This
                                                     March 30, 2017.                                         2017 to the Office of Technical                       appendix requires that the Agency
                                                     ADDRESSES: Submit comments by any of                    Programs and Coordination Activities,                 publish two notices in the Federal
                                                     the following methods:                                  Directorate of Technical Support and                  Register in processing an application. In
                                                       1. Electronically: Submit comments                    Emergency Management, Occupational                    the first notice, OSHA announces the
                                                     and attachments electronically at http://               Safety and Health Administration, U.S.                application and provides its preliminary

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Document Created: 2017-03-15 06:04:08
Document Modified: 2017-03-15 06:04:08
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
DatesJanuary 18, 2017.
FR Citation82 FR 13863 

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